a day with God a thousand years or 50 thousand years

 The reply

And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of those which you count .) Al-Hajj 22:47
The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years .) Al-Ma’arij 23:4

From these two verses we can deduce the following scientific facts:

1 - The word (ascend) means to ascend in a spiral, i.e. ascending to heaven can only be done by ascending in a spiral. The verse says that Gabriel and the angels ascend in a spiral manner and not in a straight line.

2 - Scientists today believe that every body in space does not move in a straight line, but rather in a spiral manner in a large orbit.

3- The moon revolves around the earth and moves with it.

4- The earth revolves around the sun and moves with it.

5- The sun revolves around the galaxy and moves with it.

6- The galaxy revolves around itself and moves in a path with a deviated orbit... etc.

7- Before these verses were revealed, no human being on earth understood the difference in the length of the day from one place to another and from one time to another... The verses come to say that there is a day that is equal to this, and a day that is equal to this, and space scientists now only talk about this.

They say that each place has its own calendar, so in space there are no days, neither night nor day alternate, and the astronauts of spaceships deal with the same ground stations, and if the day on earth is equal to about 24 hours, it differs from one planet to another, and this is another fact that God wanted to announce with these verses.

We find from the following table the difference in the length of the day from one planet to another of the discovered planets:

Name of the planet Duration of its rotation around its axis in hours Duration of its rotation around its axis in Earth days

1- Mercury 1382.9 58.7
2- Venus 5725 243
3- Earth 23.56.4 1
4- Mars 24.37 1.034
5- Asteroids ــ? ــ?
6- Jupiter 9.51 0.40
7- Saturn 10.14 0.43
8- Uranus 10.48 0.44
9- Neptune 15.48 0.65
10- Pluto 150.54 6.39
11- Moon 643.18 27.3

That is, if the length of the day on Earth is now about 24 hours, then it is 5725 hours on Venus, meaning that the night is about 2862.5 and the day is the same, and on Jupiter the length of the day is only about 10 hours, meaning that the night is only 5 hours and the day is the same.

That is, the length of the day varies from one place to another.

8- The Holy Verses announce the age of the universe in a wonderful way:
The scientist (Jean-Claude Butler) announced at the College de France: It has become certain that the age of the universe is very close to the number 18.25 billion years.
If we multiply the speed x time, the result will be distance,
i.e. 5000 x 1000 x 365.25 = 262 005 000 18
, i.e. about 18.25 billion years.

9- From a psychological perspective: The verse explains that the days of torment for the tormented person are long and almost endless, and on the contrary, the days of joy pass by their owner as if they were seconds that passed without us noticing them. This length will only be for the disbeliever, but not for the believer. The evidence for that is the Almighty’s saying: (The companions of Paradise, that Day, will be the best settlement and the best resting place) Al-Furqan verse 24.

It was narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri that he said to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): How long is this day? He said: (By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, it will be lightened for the believer until it will be lighter for him than an obligatory prayer that he prays in this world). This is another indication of the difference in the length of the day from one place to another, and from one psychological state to another.

The first verse talks about an ordinary day.
The second verse talks about the Day of Resurrection, as is clear from the context.


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