The Quran is one thousand and twenty seven thousand letters

 Al-Khoei mentioned it in Al-Bayan, accusing the Sunnis of attacking the Qur’an (Al-Bayan 2.2). However, this is a fabricated narration attributed to Umar, may God be pleased with him (Da’if Al-Jami’ 4137 and Silsilah Al-Da’ifah No. 4.73).

It was narrated by Al-Tabarani in Al-Mu’jam Al-Awsat (6/361) and he said: “Hafs bin Maysarah was the only one to narrate it…” Al-Dhahabi included it in Al-Mizan in the biography of Muhammad bin Ubaid bin Adam bin Abi Iyas Al-Asqalani and said: “He was the only one to narrate a false report” (6/251) and then he cited this. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar approved of this in (Lisan Al-Mizan 5/276).

The Shiites always cite the book Al-Itqan 1/93 and that Al-Suyuti narrated it. However, Al-Suyuti pointed out a defect in the narration, which is Muhammad bin Ubayd bin Adam, the sheikh of Al-Tabarani, about whom Al-Hafiz Al-Dhahabi spoke. This is from the Shiites’ forgery, as they conceal his words.

The Quran is a thousand thousand letters

Al-Mu'jam Al-Awsat by Al-Tabarani (360 AH) Part 6 Page 361
Muhammad bin Ubaid bin Adam bin Abi Iyas Al-Asqalani told us, my father told me, on the authority of my grandfather Adam bin Abi Iyas, Hafs bin Maysarah told us, on the authority of Zaid bin Aslam, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: The Qur’an  is a thousand thousand letters  and seven thousand letters of joy. Whoever recites it patiently and seeking reward will have for every letter a wife from the houris. This hadith is not narrated from Omar, may God be pleased with him, except with this chain of transmission. It is unique to Hafs bin Maysarah.

Mizan al-I'tidal by al-Dhahabi (748 AH) Part 3 Page 639
7918 - Muhammad ibn Ubayd ibn Adam ibn Abi Iyas al-Asqalani.  He is the only one who narrated a false report  . Al-Tabarani said: Muhammad ibn Ubayd told us, my father told us, on the authority of my grandfather, on the authority of Hafs ibn Maysarah, on the authority of Zayd ibn Aslam, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Umar, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: The Qur’an  is one thousand thousand letters  and twenty-seven thousand letters. Whoever recites it patiently and seeking reward will have for each letter a wife from the houris.
Al-Tabarani said in his Mu'jam al-Awsat: It is not narrated from Umar except with this chain of transmission.

Majma’ al-Zawa’id by al-Haythami (807 AH) Part 7 Page 163
On the authority of Umar ibn al-Khattab, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: The Qur’an is one thousand thousand and twenty-seven thousand letters. Whoever recites it patiently and seeking reward will have for every letter a wife from the houris.  Narrated by al-Tabarani in al-Awsat on the authority of his sheikh Muhammad ibn Ubayd ibn Adam ibn Abi Iyas. Al-Dhahabi mentioned it in al-Mizan for this hadith, and I did not find anyone else speaking about it. The rest of its men are trustworthy.

949 (Muhammad) bin Ubaid bin Adam bin Abi Ayyas Al-Asqalani *  He is the only one to narrate a false report * Al-Tabarani said: Muhammad bin Ubaid told us
, he said: My father told us ,  on the authority of my grandfather, on the authority of Hafs bin Maysarah, on the authority of Zaid bin Aslam, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Omar, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, said: The Qur’an is one thousand thousand letters and twenty-seven thousand letters, so whoever recites it patiently and seeking reward will have for each letter a wife from the houris.  Al-Tabarani said in his Mu’jam Al-Awsat: It is not narrated from Omar except with this chain of transmission.

Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Quran by al-Suyuti (911 AH) Part 1, p. 190
971 Al-Tabarani narrated on the authority of Umar ibn al-Khattab,  with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet, that  the Qur’an is one thousand thousand letters and twenty-seven thousand letters. Whoever recites it patiently and seeking reward will have for every letter a wife from the houris.  Its men are trustworthy, except for the sheikh of al-Tabarani, Muhammad ibn Ubayd ibn Adam Abu Iyas, about whom al-Dhahabi spoke out because of this hadith. This was also attributed to what was abrogated from the Qur’an, since what is available now does not reach this number in any way.

Kanz al-Ummal by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi (975 AH) Part 1 Page 517
2308 - The Qur’an is one thousand and twenty-seven thousand letters, so whoever recites it patiently and seeking reward will have for every letter a wife from the houris (Tas on the authority of Omar)

Kanz al-Ummal by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi (975 AH) Part 1 Page 541
2426 - The Qur’an is one thousand and twenty-seven thousand letters, so whoever recites it patiently and seeking reward will have for every letter a wife from the houris (Tas, Ibn Mardawayh, and Abu Nasr al-Sajzi in al-Ibanah on the authority of Omar. Abu Nasr said: Its chain of transmission and text are strange, and it contains an addition to what is between the two covers. It can be interpreted as what was copied from it in recitation with what was confirmed between the two covers today).

The Weak and Fabricated Chain of Narration, Part 9, Page 70,
4073 - (The Qur’an is one thousand thousand letters and twenty-seven thousand letters. Whoever recites it patiently and seeking reward from Allah will have for every letter a wife from the houris)
At-Tabarani said in his “Mu’jam al-Awsat”: Muhammad ibn Ubayd told us: My father told us, on the authority of my grandfather, on the authority of Hafs ibn Maysarah, on the authority of Zayd ibn Aslam, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, with a chain of transmission traceable back to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He said: “It is not narrated from Umar except with this chain of narration.”
This is how it appears in the biography of Muhammad ibn Ubayd Adam ibn Abi Iyas al-Asqalani in “al-Mizan,” and he said: “He is the only one who has transmitted a false report.” Then he cited this, and al-Hafiz confirmed it in “al-Lisan.” Al-Haythami referred to it in “al-Majma’” (7/163) and said: “I did not find anyone else speaking about it, and the rest of its men are trustworthy.”
I said:  The signs of fabrication  in his hadith are clear, so someone like him does not need to have more words transmitted to criticize him than what Al-Hafiz Al-Dhahabi and then Al-Asqalani indicated; of his narration of such a hadith and his being the only one to narrate it!


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