| The philosophy of pornography in the Bible and the response to it! Only for Males
First: This topic is strictly forbidden for Muslim sisters to read .
Second: It pains us that our Christian colleagues are reading this topic. If it were not for the fact that it discusses their holy book that they attribute to the Lord of Glory, we would have forbidden them from reading it, just like their Muslim colleagues.
Third: Muslims who are disciplined by the rulings of the Book and the Sunnah in general, and the guardians of the faith in particular, never aim to spread immorality or to delve into the filth and obscenities that this topic has addressed. Rather, it is a necessity, a necessity to show the truth, eliminate falsehood, and clarify the fabrications that the Jews and Christians have fabricated against the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, which even they themselves were ashamed to admit, so they distorted its translation and concealed its meaning . Then they lied to their followers and the people of their religion who trusted them and made them like saints speaking the word of God, while they are distorters and forgers who lie to them. They distort their religion and invent interpretations and explanations for it from themselves, with which they hide the shame of their perversion and debauchery .. And worse than this, they attribute this perversion and debauchery directly to the Lord of the earth and the heavens .
((The meaning of Sheikh Samuel’s words is that the story of the Song of Songs is true, the Exodus.. meaning that the Prophet Solomon (according to the Torah was sitting with one of them ..... saying it and he saying it!!!!

In the beginning: .....
I confirm my unlimited respect for all my Christian colleagues
and I assure them that the motive for writing this article is to push them to rethink correctly
and not to mock or ridicule or other trivialities
and I assure them that I am providing the most important service in any case!!!!
If my words are true ..... then God will have wanted all the best for you
and if they were (doubts and empty talk) .... and I found a (real and convincing) response to it ..... and if I doubt this ..... then I have provided you with a service as well !!!!!
And I assure you:
What I will provide ..... I will provide it to you with love .....
In the name of God
and with God’s blessing .....
Dialogues and debates often revolve between Muslims and Christians around the Song of Songs Ezekiel 16 and 23 and Proverbs 7 and other books....
and often the summary of the responses of Christian colleagues revolves around:
(the fact that these texts are spiritual metaphorical texts that should not be taken literally....!!!)
and this is what will be discussed in this article, God willing:
I think that the (spiritual) outlet or escapee of such texts faces two main problems:
The first problem :
How to deal with these texts if we assume that they are metaphorical?
Is it necessary to find interpretations for these texts after assuming that they are metaphorical?
Of course:
Let's assume:
Peter said:
I killed the girl with three shots....
If the method is considered real and not metaphorical:
There will be specific data:
Killer: Male
Killed: Female
Murder weapon: Firearm
Number of shots: 3
That is, clear data that is not disputed
and does not need interpretation!!!!
But if we assume that it is metaphorical:
then we must
find an interpretation for the text so that the (non-spiritualists) or (physicalists) as you describe them are convinced that Peter is not a murderer,
Peter will be considered a murderer until proven otherwise!!!!!
This creates a bigger problem:
is going to do the interpretation?????
And this is a very important question.....
You told me:
This text is metaphorical
and you should not understand it at face value .
Listen to my interpretation :
The meaning of your words:
Understanding the word of God or His will in this book has become completely dependent on your interpretation
since..... I cannot deduce anything from the apparent metaphorical text!!!!!
Meaning that the impression that God wanted from His supposed word
has become completely dependent ((totally)) on your interpretation!!!
This opens a very dangerous door:
Are interpreters infallible?
I think they are not infallible!!!!!
And to complete the picture and make my intention clear,
I will give an example:
The most famous example:
Song of Songs .....
Writer: Prophet Solomon (Song 1:1)
Time of writing: Unknown (until one of the Christian brothers comes with ((conclusive)) evidence of the time of writing
Personality of the writer: A great prophet ... with a wise heart
But: ?????
In the last days of his reign:
The First Book of Kings:
11:1 And king Solomon loved many strange women with the daughter of Pharaoh, Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites
11:2 Of the nations about which the Lord had said to the children of Israel, You shall not go in to them, nor shall they come in to you, for they will turn away your hearts after their gods. So Solomon clung to these in love
11:3 And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart
11:4 And it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God
11:5 So Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom
the abomination of the Ammonites . 11:6 And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and did not wholly follow the LORD, as David his father had done.
11:7 Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, on the mountain that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech the abomination of the children of Ammon.
11:8 And so he did for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods
That is, there is an assumption that the Prophet Solomon wrote the Song of Songs after:
he fell into blasphemy!!!!
And I believe that it is impossible for there to be infallibility (in conveying the revelation) for someone who has blasphemed!!!!
And ((((Perhaps))))
the girl of the Song is one of those many Moabite, Ammonite and Sidonian girls mentioned by the writer of the First Kings
and not the Church of Christ or the believers as the commentators insist!!!!!:
That is, the Song became:
Written: By a person whose significance is doubted (at the time of writing the book) (Prophet Solomon, if he wrote it!!)
Understood: By a group of commentators who are definitely not infallible.........!!!!!
I have the right to ask:
What is the Lord’s relationship to this Song after doubts arose about the writer and the proof of the infallibility of the commentator???
I fear that the honorable readers have understood that I completely reject metaphor in religious books:
Of course not,
but I reject it being:
1- of this sexual type
2- of this length (Song of Songs 8 chapters.... Compare for example with the Book of Obadiah 21 verses
He got tired of his traditional way, for example
!!! .....
And despite my strong rejection of Christian interpretations, especially in the Song of Songs
, I will give an example so that the Christian reader does not imagine that it is a lifeline....
Introduction to the interpretation of Tadros Yacoub Al-Malti (one of the most famous interpreters among the Coptic Orthodox):
The Christian Church received this book from the hands of the Jewish Church within the books of the Old Testament, and this book occupied a special place among the books because of its symbolic style that declares the mutual love between God and His Church, or between God and the human soul as a member of the Church.
The Hebrew version of the Torah compiled by Ezra the Scribe in the fifth century BC included this book, and it was translated into Greek within the books of the Septuagint in the third century BC, without any objection or doubt regarding its spiritual meanings.
In the days of Jesus Christ, the Hawfi Kham Shimei tried to exclude it from the Holy Bible because of his desire to interpret the Holy Bible literally in a deadly way... , so the traditional Jewish Hillel School confirmed the legality of the book. The Council of Jamnias[1] (95-100 CE) confirmed its canonical nature.
In 135 CE, Rabbi Akiba confirmed its great importance, saying: “The whole book is holy, but the Song of Songs is the holiest of books. The whole world has not brought anything more important than the day on which this book was given.”
The Jewish Targum[2] states: “The songs and praises which Solomon the prophet, king of Israel, uttered by the Holy Spirit before Jehovah the Lord of the whole world, ten songs were sung, but this song is the best of all.”
The Midrash[3] confirmed: “The Song of Songs is the most sublime of all songs, offered to God who will come upon us by the Holy Spirit. It is the song in which God praises us, and we praise Him!”
Some may ask: Why did the revelation use this symbolic, erotic style to express the mutual love between God and His Church?
1. God used to speak to us during revelation in the same manner that we deal with in our human life. He does not only speak to us in human languages, but also uses our expressions , so that revelation is not strange to us .
He uses our expressions!!!!
And also:
So that the language of revelation is not strange to us????
My dear Christian colleague:
Do you or any of your family or even your relatives use such expressions:
Song of Songs:
1:13 My beloved is like a bag of myrrh between my breasts; he lies in wait.
3:4 And I had not gone beyond them but a little while, until I found him whom my soul loves. So I held him and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, into the chamber of her who conceived me.
7:1 How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O daughter of the noble one ! The circles of your thighs are like ornaments, the work of the hands of a craftsman .
Song of Songs 8:10
I am a wall , and my breasts are like two towers . Then I was in his eyes as if I had found safety.
Of course:
no, you, nor any respectable Christian would accept using these expressions!!!!
I think you didn't use them
And you have not heard of anyone using it ....
Which expressions did the interpreter mean when he said:
He does not only speak to us in human languages, but also uses our expressions,???? .
And he also says:
So that the revelation is not strange to us.
So that it is not strange to whom???
And this language is familiar to whom????
Rabbi Shimmai's attempt to exclude it from the Holy Book!!!!
He certainly doubted it!!!!
Note that he was a rabbi.... meaning he is not an atheist nor one of the group of higher critics!!!!
We are not the only ones who doubt this book!!!!
And Antonius Fikry says... somewhat reasonable words in the introduction to his interpretation of the book:
Patriarch Mor Ignatius Zakka I, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Supreme Head of the Syriac Orthodox Church in the world, says in "Introduction to the Song of Songs":
Since the Song of Songs contains worldly expressions describing the charms of women and flirting with them, which may be a cause of arousing base physical desires, the scholars of the Mosaic Law in the Old Testament advised that a person should not be allowed to read this book before reaching the age of thirty. Also, when our Syriac Orthodox Church designated special chapters from the books of the Holy Bible in both Testaments to be recited to the ears of the faithful before the beginning of the Divine Liturgy on Sundays and holidays, it excluded the Song of Songs and did not designate any reading from it at all.
Christian link:
I will stop here
and say:
The answer is clear from its title!!!!
[FONT=Arial]In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The second problem :
The inappropriateness of the metaphors at all, regardless of their interpretation!!!!
I will give an example from the beginning so that my intention is understood:
the sake of argument:
If a Catholic missionary said about his colleague in the missionary workin 1700:
Truly.... she is like a prostitute in her behavior!!!!
Then after 310 years (and not thousands of years) someone came and said to me:
Do not think ill of the missionary
I said: How????
He said: Because the style is metaphorical.....
I said: How????
[FONT=Traditional Arabic]He said:[COLOR=red] Originally, he meant that she was very active in missionary work to the point that she was like a prostitute in their activity when they pick up customers from the street!!!!
Is this reasooooosonable????
Is this acceptable????
The same situation applies to the Song,
in fact the position of the Song is more embarrassing!!!!
Here is the explanation:
1- The period mentioned in the example, 310 years, is much less than the period between the Prophet Solomon and Origen, the author of the first theological interpretation of the Song, who reached the fifth chapter
(to the best of my knowledge). Note that the long period means that you are far from the culture and circumstances of the author of the text,
which makes the interpretation difficult for you.
2- The Song does not make you doubt a Catholic missionary,
but rather God the Lord.
3- The Song used words that are more offensive than the word “girls of the night”:
such as:
“the ass”!!!!
Yes. Your thigh circles are like jewelry....
brother, we are ashamed to describe immoral women with the word "whores",
so we use a less harsh word like "girls of the night"...
even though the word "girls of the night" in itself does not mean anything...
That is, we describe the meaning that offends modesty (whores) with something (relatively) good...girls of the night.
It is not conceivable that we compare respectable girls or respectable preachers (something good) to being.....whores or girls of the night?????
And here I repeat what my teacher Abu Tasneem said:
We can express what offends modesty with something good
[COLOR=blue]But: The opposite is not conceivable!!!!!
How do we describe the words of the Lord and His relationship with us (which are the purest of things) with such depictions (which are the dirtiest of things)?!?!?!?!
You might say:
Oh Neo, stop deceiving!!!!
If these words were human words,
they would be the words of God.
Do not measure God’s words by human words?!
My dear brother:
The Holy Bible is human words written in human culture.
Here is the evidence:
Introduction to the interpretation of the Song of Songs: Atadros Yaqub Al-Malati:
Some may ask: Why did the revelation use this symbolic, flirtatious style to express the mutual love between God and His Church?
1. God used to speak to us through revelation in the same manner that we deal with in our human life, ((((He does not only speak to us in human languages but also uses our expressions,)))) so that revelation is not strange to us.
The second evidence:
Introduction to the interpretation of the Book of Job by Antonius Fikry:
26. God may not agree with some human ideas, but we find that God deals with them because humans only understand these ideas or that language. God speaks to humans in the language and manner that they understand so that God’s ideas reach their minds. In general, the Holy Bible is the simplest way (and in a human style) that God found to explain His ideas , but ( ( ( ... Human speech
!!!!! Don't laugh at yourself and finally: Let me say ((((Respectable humans never speak with such language!!!!)))))) And in the end: Ask yourself a question: Would you be satisfied to describe your relationship with God or God's relationship with you in the same way as ((((the guy riding the girl))))) up????? I think that the idea that the hymn is a metaphor for Jesus' relationship with us.... is a ridiculous and unacceptable idea!!!! I apologize for the style, please excuse me.................. @@@@ And here I repeat what sister (Jesus May King) said, why didn't the Lord use the relationship of a brother to his sister or the relationship of a mother to her son or any pure relationship instead of the relationship of a groom to a bride???? 016:016: My Christian colleague: If you find someone who uses a lot of dirty talk like: You, you .... Tiiiiit, you whose father is .... Tiiiiit, you whose mother is .... Tiiiiit , would you accept the explanation of someone who tells you: Don't worry about his words, his heart is white!!!! How did you know that his heart is white???? Here is an example, God willing, you will understand it: Among us, among the peasants, on the day of moving the camels and the wedding night, the celebrants always repeat a chant that is one of the most famous popular chants used in weddings: And roll and run .... O pomegranate and come to (((my stone))) ... O pomegranate ... (my stone with a kasra on the ha) This is me, my stone .... etc. We find that the only word that might offend modesty in the whole chant is: My stone (with a kasra on the ha)!!!!! My brother: Is that reasonable????

Why would an illiterate Egyptian peasant use a more chaste and modest style when expressing a real sexual relationship that will take place within hours than the style of the Prophet Solomon, led by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter), while he is also expressing a metaphorical relationship?
Here are some examples that reveal the extent of the permissiveness that the Bible has reached:
:1 How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O daughter of the noble one ! The circles of your thighs are like ornaments, the work of the hands of the craftsmen
of the buttocks!!!!
I think that this text is better attributed to a homosexual than to the Lord!!!!
Why does the Lord push me to blasphemy????
:7 Your stature is like a palm tree, and your breasts like clusters
7:8 I said, I will climb up to the palm tree, and take hold of its clusters ; your breasts shall be like clusters of the vine, and the smell of your breath like apples
If the text were supposed to be about Christ and the Church:
Who will climb up on whom????

Who will hold whose breasts????

Another example from the Song of Songs:
Song 5-4: My beloved put his hand out of the window, you are my bowels upon him .
The girl said that her beloved put his hand out to open the door? So are you her bowels for this action?!! I wonder why the girl's bowels groaned (made a certain sound)? Since the book contains symbolic meanings, let us refer to a specialist to know
why the girl groaned.
See the following link:
Click here to view the image in its original size 893x530px.
This interpretation says that the phrase: My beloved put his hand out of the window, may refer to her vagina ,
and it is about the articles of Dr. Thomas Constable:
Notes on
Song of Solomon
2 0 1 0 E dition
Dr. Thomas L. Constable
If you say who is this doctor? Here's information about him, he's a Bible scholar:
Thomas L. Constable
Senior Professor of Bible Exposition
Diploma, Moody Bible Institute, 1960; BA, Wheaton College, 1962; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1966; Th.D., 1969.
Dr. Constable is the founder of Dallas Seminary's Field Education department (1970) and the Center for Biblical Studies (1973), both of which he directed for many years before assuming other responsibilities. Today Dr. Constable maintains an active academic, pulpit supply, and conference-speaking ministry around the world. He has ministered in nearly three dozen countries and written commentaries on every book of the Bible. Dr. Constable also founded a church, pastored it for 12 years, and has served as one of its elders for over 30 years.
Here we wonder about the spiritual meaning of these words, and why the Lord often uses sexual examples in this way to express his love for the church or for…
His anger at the children of Israel? Christ used many parables in the New Testament, none of which contained such
crude sexual expressions, so why did he change his style? Is the Lord of the Old Testament not the Lord of the New Testament? Didn’t the Lord of the Old Testament find examples or a symbolic style that would not shock
the reader’s feelings, whether he believes in the Bible or not? Is there an explanation?
I conclude my citations from the hymn with a quote fromVoltaire(one of the famous atheists who sparked the French Revolution):
He says:
If the hymn was a metaphor for the eternal relationship between the son of Mary and the church...
then what is the meaning of: We have a little sister who has no breasts. What shall we do on the day she is engaged????:king-56:
3-The anus:
Isaiah 20: 4
Thus the king of Assyria leads away the captives of Egypt and the exiles of Cush, the young men and the old, naked and barefoot, with their backsides uncovered, to the shame
. This is the most shameful method of the Bible.
The writer could have:
used the metaphor of taking off the sackcloth as he used with the prophet Isaiah:
Isaiah 20: 2
At that time the Lord spoke by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, “Go,and be loosedoff your loinsand take off your sandals from your feet.” So he did so and walked naked and barefoot
He could have said:
Exposed private parts
Or even Exposed buttocks!!!!
But the writer ((driven by the Holy Spirit)) wanted to reveal the anus opening?????
Even though it is covered on both sides by the buttocks
, the Lord..... revealed it
And here I challenge any Muslim or even Christian:
to bring any text from the Bible more obscene than this text:
(Al-Fandik) (1 Samuel) (Sm1-20-30) (Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan and he said to him, "You son of the perverse and rebellious woman,do you not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shameand to the shame of your mother's nakedness?"
Some may think that I mean the word (your mother's nakedness).
The answer is....No!!!
Rather, I mean ..... the terrible word (O son of a rebel)!!
Because the Arabic translation was embarrassed to translate it correctly
because its meaning is ..... Abbaaaaaaalive beyond imagination.
Do you know how the word rebel is supposed to be translated???
Here you go:
which is abbreviated to NLT
1 Samuel 20 (New Living Translation)
30 Saul boiled with rage at Jonathan. “You stupidson of a whore!”[d] and he swore at him. “Do you think I don't know that you want him to be king in your place, shaming yourself and your mother? 31 As long as that son of Jesse is alive, you'll never be king. Now go and get him so I can kill him!”
Christian link:
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/...20&version=NLT Do you know what son of a whore
means ?!??? An open challenge to every Christian . You won't believe the text!!!! It means: Son of a whore ...!! Imagine!!!! The word whore is stronger than the word prostitute and even stronger than the famous word (bitch) by far!!! It is the most obscene word.....ever . And here I am, with all love, asking any Christian to come up with an insult that describes an adulterous woman that is stronger than the word (prostitute) or whore???? Here are some commentaries on the text: Albert Barnes Notes On The Bible , 1Sa 20:30 "Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman - This clause is variously translated and understood. The Hebrew might be translated , Son of an unjust rebellion; that is, “Thou art a rebel against thy own father.” The Vulgate, Fili mulieris virum ultra rapientis; “Son of the woman who, of her own accord, forces the man.” The Septuagint is equally curious, Υἱε κορασιων αυτομολουντων; “Son of the damsels who came of their own accord.” Were these the meaning of the Hebrew, then the bitter reflection must refer to some secret transaction between Saul and Jonathan's mother; which certainly reflects more dishonor on himself than on his brave son. Most sarcasms bear as hard upon the speaker, as they do on him against whom they are spoken. Abusive language always argues a mean, weak, and malevolent heart. We will translate this paragraph by Adam Clark partly by partial. Adam Clarke,s commentary on the Bible, 1Sa 20:30 “Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman - This clause is variously translated and understood. The Hebrew might be translated, Son of an unjust rebellion; that is, “Thou art a rebel against thy own father.” The Vulgate, Fili mulieris virum ultra rapientis; “Son of the woman who, of her own accord, forces the man” Adam Clarke says in his Bible commentary regarding this verse: “Son of the rebellious, perverse woman – this passage has been translated and understood in different ways. From the Hebrew it can be translated as “son of the rebellious woman” meaning “rebellious against your father.” The Vulgate translates it as “son of the woman who willingly and without compulsion is raped by a man.” Saul is simply insulting Jonathan, telling him that he is the son of a prostitute, a whore, who comes to men with her consent! Let’s follow along with Adam Clarke to see how he describes this language used here:
Adam Clarke, commentary on the Bible, 1Sa 20:30
The Septuagint is equally curious, “Son of the damsels who came of their own accord.”
He says, “The Septuagint was equally obscene: ‘Son of the damsels who came of their own accord.’”
It is natural for a Christian to doubt these translations, even if they were the same as the Septuagint, but Adam Clarke asserts that these are the meanings of the Hebrew passage.
Adam Clarke's commentary on the Bible, 1Sa 20:30
Were these the meaning of the Hebrew
says: "And these were the meanings of the Hebrew."
So these are the meanings of the Hebrew passage as it appears in the Vulgate and as it appears in the Septuagint, that Saul cursed Jonathan by saying that his mother was a prostitute who was raped by men with her consent without coercion.
Naturally, in this case, the Christian would say that these were the words of Saul, what is the fault of the revelation? But we ask, why did the revelation place these words? Did the revelation utter these offensive and degrading words? A person would be ashamed to utter an insult or a curse when reporting a conversation, so he would say he cursed him and said: "You son of so-and-so," but he would not utter the words. Are we more polite than the revelation - God forbid - or is it not a revelation?
These are the words of your scholars, not ours. Can you read a text like this in front of your sister or mother? So you say in front of her: Saul said: "Son of a woman who is raped willingly and without compulsion by men"?
We are not the ones who describe this passage mentioned in your book as obscene, but rather the scholars of your book themselves.
Couldn't the revelation have mentioned that Saul cursed or rebuked or scolded Jonathan with his mother and the matter ended, just as it did not mention Christ's rebuke of James and John in (Luke 9:55)?
ALAB: So he turned to them and rebuked them, saying: "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of!
" 2SVD: So he turned and rebuked them, saying: "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of!"
GNA: So Jesus turned and rebuked them.
So why didn't the revelation say this and spare us from hearing these bad, obscene words as Adam Clarke himself described them, and it is not us who describe them as obscene, but rather your scholars? Or is the one who inspired this not the one who inspired that? Or is there no revelation at all?
Priest Bassam Madani says in his book [The Inspiration of the Holy Bible] [p. 9] [Sa'at al-Islah Publications], " By verbal inspiration we mean that the divine influence that surrounded the holy scribes extended to the words they used."
He says on [p. 10], "The Holy Spirit is not satisfied with saying to his scribe, 'Write this meaning,' but rather he guides the scribes in a way that the words are also from God."
Does God - God forbid - say such obscene words? If you say no, then you are proving that this is not a revelation, and if you say yes, then you are accusing God of great slander. Which will you choose?
And this bad, obscene speech - according to Clarke's description - opens the door behind it to imagine other matters and things, as Adam Clarke himself said.
Adam Clarke, commentary on the Bible, 1Sa 20:30
then the bitter reflection must refer to some secret transaction between Saul and Jonathan's mother.
He says: " And this bitter insult reflects some secret transactions - relationships - between Saul and Jonathan's mother."
So what is the benefit of putting these words in a holy book? There is no benefit, on the contrary, there is harm, as Adam Clarke showed. The reader himself will understand from this that there were secret relations between Saul and Jonathan's mother, and this is something that a reader should not imagine while holding a book in his hands that is supposed to be holy.
Every person who is raised in an environment will emerge according to the environment in which he was raised. It is not reasonable that a person who was raised to hear vulgarity and obscenities and imagine what is behind them will grow up to be pious and devout. On the contrary, he will grow up to be malicious, vile, and spiteful. This is what Adam Clarke said about the one who said these words.
Adam Clarke, commentary on the Bible, 1Sa 20:30 says: "Abusive language
always argues a mean, weak, and malevolent heart." In the end: I ask every sane Christian: Can such words... be the word of God???
(The pornographic image above from the Bible Dictionary on the Saint Takla Haymanot website under the section (The Book of Ezekiel!!!) (A really expressive image!!)
The man.. above... is,,, the prophet,,, Ezekiel!!!! (You stink.. to.. his face!!:hb

The Book of Ezekiel 16: 25
At the top of every way you have built your high place and have defiled your beauty, and have spread your feet to every passerby and have multiplied your fornication.
You have spread your feet to every passerby .....
Oh, what eloquence!!!!!!!!
This is the innovative holy method that everyone understands, regardless of their language!!!!
The origin of the process in this form..... No longer needs to be understood at all????
We are still with Ezekiel:
The Book of Ezekiel 23:20
And she loved her lovers, whose flesh was like the flesh of donkeys, and their semen was like the semen of horses .
Ezekiel 16:26
And you committed adultery with your neighbors, the Egyptians, who were thick-fleshed, and you increased your adultery to provoke me to anger.
No comment...............
But leave a comment (((To His Holiness Father Matta El-Meskeen))): (I hope that the Christian brothers will write the name of the book and the page number so that they can see for themselves the surprise!!!!)
But unfortunately:
The Holy Bible did not stop at describing human penises
, but moved on to describe the penises of male animals as well...!!!
Here is this giant animal penis:
the penis of Behemoth!!!
Which is as tall as a tree...!!!
See for yourselves:
Job 40:17
He lowers his tail like a cedar; the veins of his thighs
are interwoven. And of course, as usual:
The translators did not translate the word “tail” as the correct translation (as they did in translating the rods of the Book of Ezekiel, where they translated it there as the word “ their flesh” !!)
Let us consider, what is the correct translation of the word “tail” which is as tall as a Lebanese cedar tree????
First: Scientific sources:
I will mention some of them, for example, but not limited to:
The Oxford Dictionary:
page 353,
translation of the shaded part :
The word “tail” is a euphemism and refers to the male organ.
Second: Christian sources:
John Gill’s Commentary:
Job 4017 - John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible, New Testament Commentary
Junius interprets it of its penis its genital part; to which the Targum in the King's Bible is inclined: and Cicero says, the ancients used to call that the tail; |
"Junius" and "Targum King's Bible", they see that what is meant is the penis , and Cicero confirms that the ancients used this metaphor.
Christian link:
Job 40:17 Commentary - John Gill's Exposition of the Bible
And here is the question :
What is the hidden spiritual meaning behind the comparison of the penis to an animal that does not exist at all, that it is as long as a cedar tree????
The Book of Jesus, son of Sirach 30:21
He sees with his eyes and sighs like a eunuch who embraces a virgin, then sighs
Excellent eloquence....!!!
But why in these things.....
What is past is a metaphor.....
meaning that we cannot call it a metaphor
, otherwise the Lord would clarify the meaning with a metaphor (it is originally another metaphor and needs an explanation!!!)
And we are still with Jesus, son of Sirach, who is supposed to write by the Holy Spirit:
Sirach 26:12 The adultery of a woman is in the ambition of her eyes, and it is known by her eyelids . 13 Keep a close eye on a shameless girl, lest she find an opportunity to give herself away.
14 Beware of her shameless glances, and do not be surprised if she disobeys you . 15 She opens her mouth like a thirsty traveler, and drinks from every water she comes across . She sits by every tree trunk, and opens the quiver toward every arrow. Of course, the previous verse, number 15, contains four unique and miraculous rhetorical passages: The first: She opens her mouth like a thirsty traveler: As you can see, this is the way the adulteress receives the penis , as she opens her mouth with the eagerness of a thirsty person for water!!!! ..... The second: And drinks from every water she comes across: She does not know how to say: No The third: She sits by every tree trunk: She has humility....and knows her job well. She sees him coming....(she sits) and prepares!!!! The fourth: (and it is the most eloquent of all) And opens the quiver toward every arrow!!!! It doesn't need a comment because it doesn't need a concept... Completely [gdwl]and the big surprise: The link (Saint Takla Haymanot Coptic Orthodox website) is here: http://st-takla.org/pub_Deuterocanon...B1 And the English translation (from the same website): (Saint Takla) 15She will open her mouth as a thirsty traveler to the fountain, and will drink of every water near her, and will sit down by every hedge, and open her quiver against every arrow, until she fail . Link: Saint Takla: http://st-takla.org/zJ/index.php?opt...en&id=sirach26 Of course: The paragraph: , until she fail is not present in the Arabic translation?!?!?! Although the two translations are from the same website, I believe that this is evidence among the evidence of the infallibility of the Holy Book from distortion.... Isn't that right too?
But the blasphemy did not end...
Rather, the audacity towards God increases:
Instead of attributing these words to God,
they described God Himself with them... (Glory be to Him, and He is far above that)
The Book of Micah, Chapter One:
The word of the Lord that came to Micah the Morashite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw against Samaria and Jerusalem:
2 Hear, all you peoples; give ear, O earth, and all that is in it. And let the Lord GOD be a witness against you, even the Lord from his holy temple.
3 For, behold, the Lord comes out of his place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth.
4 The mountains will melt beneath him, and the valleys will split open like wax before the fire, like water poured down a slope.
5 All this is because of the iniquity of Jacob, and because of the sin of the house of Israel. What is the iniquity of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what are the high places of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem?
6 “I will make Samaria a waste in the wilderness, a place of planting vineyards; I will throw its stones into the valley, and uncover its foundations.
7 And all her graven images shall be broken to pieces, and all her wombs shall be burned with fire; and all her idols I will make desolate; for she gathered them from the womb of the harlot, and to the womb of the harlot they shall return. 8
Therefore I will mourn and howl; I will go barefoot and naked

9 For her wounds are incurable, For she has come to Judah, And has come to the gate of My people , to Jerusalem
Notice verse 8:
God is barefoot and naked????
Why do we wear clothes????
So that we do not get naked ?
We do not have: private parts (sexual organs)
But God: .....
God forbid
By the way:
I discussed this point in the section for inquiries about Christianity in the Umm Al-Nour forum before it was closed under the name Ashraf Wahba: Do
you believe what the response was????
They made fun of me and said:
Haven't you heard of something called a rhetorical style????
If you said your words to a Christian child,
he would say:
Go walk... walk.....

Eloquence is to present a normal meaning in a beautiful form,
not to make God naked...
I know that Christians do not have a concept of God being naked,
but... The
text that says it
is not me,
by the way:
Some have tried to attribute this verse to the prophet Micah.
But the whole context is about God.... see for yourself
, even clear in the word "my people" until verse 9 until after the verse under discussion!!!!
But the blasphemy against God increases:
The Book of Daniel: Chapter 10:
Chapter 10
10: 1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed to Daniel, who was called Belteshazzar, "The thing is true, and the struggle is great." And he understood the thing, and had knowledge of the vision.
10: 2 In those days, I, Daniel, mourned three weeks.
10: 3 I ate no pleasant food, neither came meat or wine into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself until three weeks were completed.
10: 4 And on the twenty-fourth day of the first month, when I was by the side of the great river, that is, the Tigris
, 10: 5 I looked up, and behold, a man clothed in linen, and (((his loins were girded))) with gold. Uphaz,
my esteemed Christian brother:
Do you know what these loins are!!!!!
It is the ass, O honorable one!!!!
Here is the interpretation of Antonius Fikry (to the extent of adding clay):
Here we find one of the appearances of Christ before the incarnation. Daniel saw him in the same form that John the visionary saw him in the Book of Revelation. Wearing linen = he is a high priest. And his loins were girded, while in (Rev. 1:13) “He was girded at the breasts .” The reason is that when Daniel saw him, he was preparing for the incarnation, so he girded his loins in preparation for a service, just as he girded himself on the day he washed his disciples’ feet. While John saw him girded at the breasts as judges do, so here he is preparing for judgment, that is, for the Day of Judgment. Gold or won = the finest type of gold and gold symbolizes the heavenly things

:hb :
Listen to the true words of God:
And they have not appraised Allah with His true appraisal, while the earth entirely will be in His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand. Glory be to Him, and He is exalted above what they associate with Him (67)
They have not appraised Allah with His true appraisal. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might (74)
Someone might say:
You are fabricating texts,
you are taking the meaning beyond what it can bear!!!!!!!!!!!!
In fact:
I am carrying the text less than it can bear....!!!!
Here is the evidence:
present to you the new that we have reached in the modern interpretation of the Holy Book issued by Dar Al Thaqafa and the editorial board includes Father Munis Abdel Nour, Father Makram Naguib, and Father Baqi Sedka and the deposit number at Dar Al Kotob is 98-16832 ISBN 977-213-461-6
First, here is the text on page 101 of the aforementioned book:
This book, which is approved by you, of course, as I explained, says that the word “your navel” should be translated as “the woman’s genital opening.” This is also a deception by the translator who has become a subject of great suspicion now because he translates according to his mood to lighten the obscene meanings, and even the navel, which is a vulgar expression in itself, turned out to be a lightened form of another word!!!!!
And this text is also from the same book:
This text is also from the same book:
And now here he says that what is meant is the round lower parts with the shiny wheat-coloured skin, and what is required of them is that they consider all of these words to be spiritual words, and my opinion, which I have repeated many times, is that a heretic who placed the text, a fraud who interprets it, and a mentally retarded person who believes them.
By the way:
Others have gone to the same meaning!!!!
And John Qumayr also says in his book Song of Songs, the most beautiful song in the universe, page 68: (Your navel is a round cup that never lacks mixed drink: the description is bold and the comparison of the navel to a cup that never runs out of wine means a nice reference to the female organ ) Carol Fontaine , professor of biblical studies at the Institute of Theology and History at the Andover Newton Theological School, explains to us one of those spiritual meanings in this text (Your navel is a round cup that never lacks mixed drink!!!) Ms. Carol Fontaine says that the original Hebrew translation means the lower abdomen (lower abdomen!). And here is the video that contains Dr. Carol's admission of distorting the translation of the word your navel!!:
Vaginal opening????
The meaning of the number after the clarification that Christian scholars said (I mean not my words)
2Your navel is a round cup that does not need a mixed drink
Your vaginal opening is like a cup that does not need a mixed drink (wine) (for example: vodka and soda).
What is the function of the cup?
To drink from it.... Or am I wrong?
So what is the function of the vaginal opening according to the writer????
I can't say it.....
The Holy Bible came out in many languages and in local dialects as well.....
Imagine if a popular Arabic translation of the Holy Bible came out.....
and then they made a Revised Standard Version (RSV) from it
and translated it into the correct translation that your scholars said.....
I wonder what the word would be..... Ahahahahahah????
Dear Christian colleague:
I saw your book and where did it take you!!!!
Dear Christian colleague:
Didn't the writer of the book find something round other than the vaginal opening??!?!?!
Couldn't he have said:
Your mouth is a round cup!!!!!
Or anything else other than the .....
I conclude my comment on the examples with what Will Durant said
in his famous book The Story of Civilization: "Whatever the case with these love writings, their existence in the Old Testament is a hidden secret.... And we do not know how the clergy overlooked or ignored the sensual emotions in these songs and allowed them to be placed in the Holy Book" Part 3 Page 388
To respond to the traditionalist:
You Muslims are sensualists, that's why you understand our texts like this!!!!
And let's not bring up the subject of heaven with you now and
My dear brother, are we the ones who wrote these texts????
The idea of dealing with such texts as spiritual and non-sensual was not convincing to everyone.
1- It was not convincing to Muslims
. 2- It was not convincing to some Jewish clerics such as Rabbi Shammai (see the introduction to Tadros Al-Malati’s interpretation of the Song).
3- It was not even convincing to some Christian scholars:
Here is the evidence:
Author: Dr. Youhanna Qamir
Book: The Song of Songs, the most beautiful song in the universe,
pages 15 and 16:
And here is the big surprise!!!!
(Joint Arabic translation - Introduction to the Song of Songs - Page 839)
Please, my dear brother:
Do not join the convoys of hypocrites about whom Matthew the
Evangelist said: Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye!
Let me give you an example that you have many things that need explanation (I will not say trees or forests)
Even though you curse us with the worst curse ..... Even though we help you,
you remind me of an addict .....
who does not hate even the doctor who treats him .
I hope that the esteemed administration will not delete the link because of its importance:
The link is from the most famous site you have,
not from the atheist sites, nor our sites, nor even from the Catholic or Evangelical sites:
Saint Thecla ..... What do you think????
will give you the link but I will comment on a small point:
The writer says:
God rides a girl?!?!
God forbid!!!
Notice the picture:
A picture of a blonde girl????
Why..not a picture of a boy????
I mean, what could he have said, for example????
He was going to say that the Babylonian pagan culture during the Babylonian captivity is the source of these perceptions.... for example!!!!
Use your mind and stop being nervous
because the wrong choice..... believe me it is very costly, beyond what you can imagine
, think,,,,
of course there are more (((free))) pictures than this, but this link is in front of me now and for me: enough:
The link is from Saint Takla Haymanot: (The very famous Coptic Orthodox website!!!!)
!!!!!!!!.. ... ....
The proverb says:
The sample is clear:
I am giving my Christian sisters the link to the recording of Jesus May King
Peter’s conversion to Islam: Drama.... Drama...
My Christian brother,
we do not have the motive to act,
and also the girl’s language will confirm to you that she was actually Christian,
evidence among other evidence:
You will find her saying
that she was sending (((kisses)))) to God on the air.
Of course, the sister was new to Islam,
but this is not the language of Muslims at all,
believe me:
If all the recordings are lies, they
are not You can lie about this,
and this is a sample that shows you the pornography in your book:
To watch, click on the following topic:
The conversion of a Christian girl that made her eyes tear up and the reason for her conversion (Song of Songs)
Another link: (To watch, click here )
Here is another video:
And here (in video): The story of the conversion to Islam of a mother and her daughter after they heard the story of the conversion to Islam of Jesus May King and confirmed for themselves the obscenity of the texts in the Holy Book
They often said to you:
((Lord)) Jesus is calling you
((Lord)) Jesus is calling you
But I say to you
((Lord Jesus)) is calling you:
Surah Al-Infitar:
O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous? (6)
Who created you, proportioned you, and balanced you? (7)
In whatever form He willed has He assembled you? (8)
No! Rather, you deny the Judgment. (9)
And indeed, over you are guardians (10)
Noble and recording. (11)
They know what you do. (12)
Indeed, the righteous will be in pleasure. (13)
And indeed, The wicked will be in Hellfire (14)
They will burn therein on the Day of Judgment (15)
And they will not be absent from it (16)
And what will make you know what is the Day of Judgment? (17)
Then what will make you know what is the Day of Judgment? (18)
The Day when no soul will have control over anything for another soul, and the command on that Day will be with Allah (19)
I apologize if I was rude
, I apologize sincerely....
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