Response to the camel urine suspicion


Make sure to read  refutation on my discord 


We read from Isaiah 36:12

Then Rabshakeh said, “Has my master sent me to your master and to you to speak these words? Has it not been to the men who sit on the wall, to eat their own dung and drink their own urine with you?”

Acting on what is stated in the book, many Christians have resorted to drinking their own urine as a method of treating some diseases!
Following the same sick and sick logic of the Christians of the forums, we ask:

Isn’t this act considered disgusting????

Millions of people pour their urine to get it! Stress, diabetes, diabetes, allergies... can't resist this condition. Find a new age or current medicine? Our journalist has asked and, don't, bring the coupe to his eyes.
5 million Germans resort to drinking their urine to treat: anxiety, diabetes, allergies

There are millions in Japan, a million in Pays-Based and millions of people in pain in their urine or in their mouths for food. After this, use the urinary tract treatment. Use this technique in Italy and
Spain, and in France...

There are 2 million people in Japan, 1 million in the Netherlands, and 5 million in Germany who resort to drinking their urine as part of urine therapy . This has spread to Italy, Spain, and soon to France!


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Perhaps the alarmists among the Christian forums do not know that there are medicines manufactured based on:

1- Human urine ====> Urokinase medicine as an example 

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Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 27 Size: 263.6 KB ID: 841485 For more information: 2- Horse urine ====> Premarin For more information:

Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 28 Size: 88.4 KB ID: 841486

Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 32 Size: 192.9 KB ID: 841487

In relation to the text of 2 Kings 18:27

Then Rabshakeh said to them, “Has my master sent me to your master and to you to speak these words? And has it not been to the men who sit on the wall, to eat their own dung and drink their own urine with you?”

Drinking human urine - not camel urine - is a normal thing in the West, and is even a type of treatment!

One of them says: "I had a headache, I drank some of my urine and 7 minutes later the problem was over."
Another comments: "I had eye surgery, my eye got inflamed, I put some drops of my urine under the tongue and the problem went away."
A third says: "My daughter has been having asthma attacks since the age of 12, she drank some of my urine and this helped her a lot."
A fourth, a doctor specializing in urine therapy, concludes: " I drink a glass of urine every morning , and this is very beneficial for my physical health. Putting compresses of human urine on women's faces for 20 minutes helps to purify and clear the skin."

Urinating on the body is also beneficial!!!!

Bon appetit, Christians!!!

The gist of the matter, and it is the part that slaps the backs of the guardians and priests of the professions of Christianization and preaching!

A video clip of a program shown on the French-German channel arte, including the testimony of Dr. Shaker Musa, a doctor of pharmacy and executive vice president of the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in America, who has accumulated 25 years of experience in scientific research and has obtained 250 patent certificates of discovery in the United States of America and the world.
Dr. Shaker says: "When I heard about the amazing abilities of camel urine in treating some types of cancer, I did not believe it at first. I began researching the matter, and after two years, and after observing the effect of camel urine on different types of cancers that affect humans, we discovered that there is something in this urine!!! Some anti-clotting molecules contained in camels' bodies have a strong effect on cancers, as they prevent cancer cells from forming blood vessels. By preventing cancer cells from feeding, we limit their proliferation and spread." End of Dr. Shaker's words.

A brief introduction to Dr. Shaker can be found here.

Dr. Shaker says: "When I heard about the amazing abilities of camel urine in treating some types of cancer, I did not believe it at first. I began researching the matter, and after two years, and after observing the effect of camel urine on different types of cancers that affect humans, we discovered that there is something in this urine!!! Some anti-clotting molecules contained in camels' bodies have a strong effect on cancers, as they prevent cancer cells from forming blood vessels. By preventing cancer cells from feeding, we limit their proliferation and spread." End of Dr. Shaker's words.

The commentator adds: "Camel urine has amazing abilities to treat a range of diseases, including some bacterial skin infections."

Dr. Shaker adds, commenting: "The goal is to find a pharmaceutical method for treatment with camel urine that is acceptable to everyone because some people find it objectionable to drinking this urine as it is."

"Camel urine contains substances that are: anti-proliferation, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, and these are substances that prevent any growth or reproduction!!!"

The commentator adds: "It is only a matter of time, because there is a group of medications that contain human urine such as Urokinase, as well as animal urine such as Premarin!!!! Urine is also found in some cosmetics and shampoos!!!

God Almighty says: "Rather

, We cast the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it. " Then it will vanish. And woe to you for what you describe

Did you know, dear objecting Christian, that the best and most expensive coffee in the world , which your people ( the civilized ones ) enjoy drinking , and the price of one cup of which reaches 25 dollars, is made using the droppings of the luwak animal !
The video is the bomb of the season!
Greetings to our dear Ayman Abdullah, presenter of the Galileo program!
Share widely, Muslim!


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