nasara or Christians, a study of manuscripts, fathers and scholars of Christianity

 In fact, we have seen many failed attempts to prove the opposite of what is proven in the Holy Quran to fight the great Islam, but by God, this will not happen because Islam has mentioned unavoidable facts. Among what the Holy Quran has mentioned is the word “Nasara” for the Christians (Christians) who exist today, and this is truly a historical fact approved by the Christians’ books, their books, and their churches. We will prove this in a short journey around the Christian references.

Did the Bible testify to this?
The Bible: nasara, not Christians

In their first centuries, Christians were called Christians, and it is not an insult as some claim. Rather, it was their title. They called themselves Christians. What proves my words is the distortion of the translation of the word Christians to support an ecclesiastical ideology and fight the great Islam.
(Al-Fandik ) ( Acts of the Apostles ) 24/5
(For we have found this man to be a troublemaker and a stirrer of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a leader of the sect of the Nazarenes .)
Of course, the text in the rest of the translations is Christians, not Nazarenes.
(Catholic ) ( Acts of the Apostles ) 24/5
(We found this man to be a plague among plagues, stirring up strife among all the Jews in the entire world, and one of the imams of the Christian Shiites .)

(Common Arabic ) ( Acts of the Apostles ) 24/5
(We found this man to be a troublemaker who stirs up discord among the Jews all over the world, and a leader of the Christian sects .)

(Good News ) ( Acts of the Apostles ) 24/5
(We found this man to be a troublemaker who stirs up discord among the Jews all over the world, and a leader of the Christian sects .)

Is the Greek text Christian, Christian or Nazarene?
24: 5 κατα την οικουμενην πρωτοστατην ναζωραιων others
The word ( ναζωραιων = Christians)
This is confirmed by Father Tadros Yacoub Malti when he says:
(The word Nazareth, from which the title of Christians is derived which in Hebrew is natzar )
Interpretation of Father Tadros Yacoub Malaty, a page in the interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew 2/23

Here is the text in the Sinaiticus manuscript (fourth century
Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 90 Size: 1.45 MB ID: 834810
(The word Nazareth, from which the title of Christians was derived, which in Hebrew is natzar) - The Sinaiticus Codex)

Vatican Codex 4th century

(The word Nazareth, from which the title of Christians was derived, which in Hebrew is natzar) - Vatican Manuscript
(The word Nazareth, from which the title of Christians was derived, which in Hebrew is natzar) - Vatican Manuscript

This is also the text of the Alexandrian manuscript (fifth century )
(The word Nazareth, from which the title of Christians was derived, which in Hebrew is natzar) - The Alexandrian Manuscript
(The word Nazareth, from which the title of Christians was derived, which in Hebrew is natzar) - The Alexandrian Manuscript

As we find in the ancient Greek manuscripts (Sinaitic, Vatican, Alexandrian)
The word "Christians" means Christians.

But the translators of the Protestant Van Dyck translation changed it...!
The word ναζωραιων means Christians, as confirmed by the New Testament, translated between the lines. Here is the picture from the book
The word ναζωραιων means Christians, as confirmed by the New Testament, translated between the lines::

Note: For those who say that this is an accusation against Paul that he is the leader of the Christians, why did he not acquit himself?
This is also confirmed by
Matthew 2:23 And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.
Father Tadros Yacoub Malti says in his interpretation of this text:
The word "Nazareth" is derived from it, the title of Christians "Nasara"; in Hebrew it is Natzar, meaning branch, and from it the Arabic word "Nadir" is derived.)
Did you mention the word "Christians" to those who are now called Christians in the early centuries?
We will mention some illustrated references, God willing.
First witness
The Book of the Didascalia, this book was written by the twelve disciples, Paul, and James the brother of the Lord (according to the Christian faith).
This book was translated by Father Markos Daoud and is sold in Christian bookstores.
He is the second reference in the Coptic Church.
The Book of the Didascalia, this book was written by the twelve disciples, Paul, and James the brother of the Lord (according to the Christian faith).​​
Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 65 Size: 228.2 KB ID: 834818
The second witness
Hippolytus' Coptic Laws Book Page 37
This Coptic saint was born in 170
Hippolytus' Coptic Laws Book Page 37 - Christians, not ChristiansAD.

Saint Clement of Alexandria was a Christian!! (1)
Saint Clement of Alexandria was a Christian.

Saint Justin, the hero of Christianity! (2
Saint Justin, the hero of Christianity according to the precious purchase)
Even scholars who lived in our time and before it confirmed this as well. For example:
Bishop Moussa, Bishop of Youth and member of the Holy Synod, confirms that Christians are Christians. Here is the recording.
The word Christians was officially used for Christians in the second century!!
This is what was approved by Father Munis Abdel Nour and Samuel Habib (former head of the Evangelical community), as they say in the Encyclopedia of the Bible, Part Seven, Page 156:The word Christians was officially used for Christians in the second century!! This is what was approved by Father Munis Abdel Nour and Samuel Habib (former head of the Evangelical community)
The word Christians was officially used for Christians in the second century!! This is what was approved by Father Munis Abdel Nour and Samuel Habib (former head of the Evangelical community)
Not only that, but the word Christians was originally an insult (3
The word Christians was originally an insult.).
And his words are clear because the picture is not completely clear

(The believers were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:26) about the year 42 or 43 AD. It is likely that this title was at first an insult (1 Peter 4:16). The historian Tacitus (born about 54 AD) said that the followers of Christ were common, lowly people. When Agrippa said to Paul, “You will persuade me in a little while to become a Christian” (Acts 26:28), it is likely that he meant that your good proof would make me content to be insulted by this name. The believers were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:26) about the year 42 or 43 AD... It has become popular in two meanings: (1) one who professes the Christian religion. (2) a true believer in the heart. The latter meaning is better than the former. Christians have spread to all parts of the world, and their number has now reached about 943,000,000 of the human race. .)
The Christians distorted their name so that they would not be Christians as the Holy Quran called them.
Responses to some objections

Some say we are followers of Christ and we have attributed our name to Christ?

In fact, Christ did not call his followers Christians, so we want to ask, Christ says (For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect) Matthew 24/24. Here we find that those who follow false Christs are also Christians, so how do we differentiate between Christians, followers of Christ, peace be upon him, and followers of false Christs? For this reason, it is not right for Christians to be Christians so that followers of religions are not confused..!

The word Christian makes Christians belong to only one hypostasis, which is the hypostasis of the Son, which is Christ, so where is the affiliation to the Father and the Holy Spirit?
What is the summary of this topic?

1- The Holy Quran was truthful in stating that they are nasara and not Christians.
2- The response to the priests and misleaders who promote that the Holy Quran is wrong in this matter.
These are the ones who invalidate the truth for their own purposes and in order to fight the great Islam in every way, even if this way is against the truth.. These are people who were raised to hate Islam and were raised and are raising Christians to hate Islam. They are trying to fight Islam in every way...
The search is still ongoing and
our final prayer is that all praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds.


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