The response to the doubt: We created the bones first, or the flesh? So We covered the bones with flesh.

 So We covered the bones with flesh.

The response to the doubt: Were the bones created first, or the flesh?

When the fetus is aborted in its second or third month, we find that it is made of flesh and not bones.
We never find a skeleton in a miscarried fetus, or in X-rays. This is contrary to the Quran, which says, “ Then We covered the bones with flesh, ” meaning that the bones originated first and then were covered with flesh. This is contrary to the reality that we see!!! Do you consider this a scientific error in the Quran?
The truth is that this question or denunciation is old and its answer is widely available on the Internet. I will present scientific evidence that shows that the matter is a miracle and not a doubt.

When the Holy Quran mentioned something that contradicts observation , as the doubters relied on, and science proved it in the twentieth century , it is something that proves the authenticity of the Quran and the authenticity of its revelation, as we will show with foreign scientific evidence.

First: Image No. 1, shows that on the 53rd day the bone structure begins to form.

Click on image for larger view. Name: 1.png Views: 12 Size: 171.4 KB ID: 819735

Bones develop in the fetus’s body, but they are soft bones made up of cartilage, such as the cartilage of the nose.
The bones do not fully develop until the age of twenty.

Second: Picture No. 2, that from day 53 to 58 the muscles develop.
Click on image for larger view. Name: 2.png Views: 6 Size: 222.1 KB ID: 819736

Muscles grow around bones, and muscles are meat. When you buy a thigh or shoulder from a butcher, you are buying meat (muscles) surrounding the bone.

Link to images 1 and 2.

Third: Additional scientific evidence:

3- Let's look at another documented site with a link and what is in it can be translated using Google Translate:
By the end of the fifth week, the embryo has doubled in size and has grown a tail-like structure that becomes the coccyx (lowermost tip of the backbone). By the seventh week the embryo is about 2 cm (1 in) long and facial features are visible. At this stage, the 206 bones of the human body are all set down, in surprisingly adult form. However, the process of osteogenesis (development of bone) has not progressed to the point where the bones are “bony.” Ossification (the process whereby tissue becomes bone) of most bone nuclei of the long bones and round bones does not complete until after birth.

By the
end of the fifth week, the fetus has doubled in size and has grown a tail-like structure that becomes the coccyx (the lower end of the spine). By the seventh week , the fetus is about 2 cm (1 inch) long and facial features are visible. At this stage, all 206 bones of the human body are formed , surprisingly adult-like . However, the process of osteogenesis (bone growth) has not progressed to the point where the bones are “bony.” Ossification of most of the bony nuclei of the long bones and round bones (the process by which tissue turns into bone) is not complete until after birth.

The image from the site has number 3.
Click on image for larger view. Name: 3.png Views: 6 Size: 76.4 KB ID: 819737

4- From Medscape Medical website
Tissue Differentiation
Skeletal system
The tissues of the skeletal system are the first major tissues to show overt differentiation in the developing upper limb. As cells migrate from the PZ, they become differentiated mesodermal cells and undergo the process of chondrogenesis discussed in more detail below. Differential growth after migration from the PZ determines the ultimate size of the skeletal element fashioned. This growth may occur in accordance with positional information.
In the fourth week, these cells condense proximally to distally to form a centrally located blastema. Ectoderm has an inhibitory effect on cartilage formation, which may help explain the central location of the blastema

Tissue differentiation
Skeletal system
The tissues of the skeletal system are the first major tissues to show marked differentiation in the developing upper limb. As cells migrate from the PZ, they become differentiated mesodermal cells and undergo chondrogenesis, which is discussed in more detail below. Differential growth following migration from the PZ determines the final size of the skeletal element. This growth may occur according to positional information.
At week 4, these cells condense proximally to distally to form a central blastema. Ectoderm has an inhibitory effect on cartilage formation, which may help explain the central location of the blastema

and its link

5- From another site
Week 6-7 of Life
By 6½ weeks, the elbows are distinct and the embryo begins moving both hands. The fingers are also starting to separate.
The foot plate and ankle also emerge while toes and metatarsal (met'a-tar'sal) bones begin to form in the feet. Joint development is underway and the onset of primary muscle fiber formation indicates the embryo's muscles are growing.
Babies continue to fascinate themselves and us by moving their hands – an ability they have been practicing long before birth.
The hands and feet change dramatically between 6 and 7 weeks as separate fingers and toes begin to emerge. At 6 weeks the hand plates develop a subtle flattening between the digital rays. By 6 weeks, 2 days the hand takes on a polygon shape; Prominent notches appear between the digital rays by 7 weeks and individual fingers are fully separated by 7½ weeks.
Also, by 7 weeks, the embryo moves the legs and exhibits a startle response.
The immune system is maturing, as evidenced by the presence of B-lymphocytes in the liver. After birth and relocation away from the protection of the womb, these lymphocytes will produce proteins called antibodies to fight the infection.
By 7 weeks, the ovaries appear in the female embryo. In the male embryo, a gene on the Y-chromosome produces a substance causing the tests to begin to differentiate.
Did you know the oldest bones in your body are your collar bone and jaw? These bones begin to develop in the womb by 7 weeks after fertilization.

the sixth and a half week, the elbows are distinct and the fetus begins to move both hands. The fingers have also begun to separate.
The foot and ankle plates also appear while the toe bones and metatarsals (met'a-tar's) begin to form in the feet. Joint development is underway and the beginning of the formation of the first muscle fibers marks the development of the fetus's muscles.
Babies continue to impress themselves and us by moving their hands - an ability they have been practicing since long before birth.
The hands and feet change dramatically between 6 and 7 weeks when the fingers and toes begin to appear. At 6 weeks, the hand plates develop a fine flattening between the digital rays. By 6 weeks, 2 days the hand takes on a polygonal shape; prominent fissures appear between the digital rays by 7 weeks and the fingers are completely separated by 7 weeks.
Also, by the seventh week, the fetus moves the legs and shows a terrifying response.
The immune system is maturing, as evidenced by the presence of B lymphocytes in the liver. After birth and moving away from the protection of the uterus, these lymphocytes produce proteins called antibodies to fight infection.
By week 7, the ovaries appear in the female fetus. In the male fetus, a gene on the Y chromosome produces a substance that causes the testicles to begin differentiating.
Did you know that the oldest bones in your body are the collarbone and jaw? These bones begin to develop in the womb 7 weeks after fertilization.

The link is

6- From another university website:
Development of the Appendicular Skeleton
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Describe the growth and development of the embryonic limb buds
Discuss the appearance of primary and secondary ossification centers
Embryologically, the appendicular skeleton arises from mesenchyme, a type of embryonic tissue that can differentiate into many types of tissues, including bone or muscle tissue. Mesenchyme gives rise to the bones of the upper and lower limbs, as well as to the pectoral and pelvic girdles. Development of the limbs begins near the end of the fourth embryonic week, with the upper limbs appearing first. Thereafter, the development of the upper and lower limbs follows similar patterns, with the lower limbs lagging behind the upper limbs by a few days.

Skeletal Development
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Describe the growth and development of embryonic limb buds
Discuss the appearance of primary and secondary ossification centers
Embryologically, the appendicular skeleton arises from mesenchyme, a type of embryonic tissue that can differentiate into many types of tissue, including bone or muscle. Mesenchyme gives rise to the bones of the upper and lower limbs, as well as the thoracic and pelvic girdles. Limb development begins near the end of the fourth embryonic week, with the upper limbs appearing first. Thereafter, growth of the upper and lower limbs follows similar patterns, with the lower limbs lagging behind the upper limbs by a few days.


7- Keith Moore also says in his book
During the seventh week, the skeleton begins to spread throughout the body and the bones take their familiar shapes. At the end of the seventh week and during the eighth week the muscles take their positions around the bone forms..

ReferenceMoore, Developing Human, 6. edition, 1998:

While the external shape is being established
, mesenchyme in the buds begins to condense and these cells differentiate into chondrocytes. By the 6th week of development the first hyaline cartilage models, foreshadowing the bones of the extremities, are formed by these chondrocytes Joints

are formed in the
cartilaginous condensations when chondrogenesis is arrested and a joint interzone is induced. I will quote the image from its latest edition, 14th edition, 2019, pp. 168-169:

Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 412 Size: 120.1 KB ID: 820735

Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 414 Size: 188.2 KB ID: 820736

the external form is being created, the mesenchyme in the buds
begins to thicken and these cells transform into chondrocytes.
By the sixth week of development, the first chondrocytes form from the hyaline cartilage models, which presage the bones of the limbs.
When joints are formed in the chondrocyte condensation,
chondrocyte formation is stopped and a joint interspace is created.

Fig. 4
Click on image for larger view. Name: 4.png Views: 6 Size: 163.2 KB ID: 819738

On page 203, he wrote
that the first appearance of muscle cells is in the seventh week.
Limb Musculature The first indication of limb musculature is observed in
the seventh week of
development as a condensation of mesenchyme near the base of the limb buds
. The mesenchyme is derived from dorsolateral cells of the somites that migrate into the limb bud to form the muscles. And picture number 5 at the end, have the doubters failed to search? Isn’t the uniqueness of the Qur’an in this matter, which was not discovered until the twentieth century, a miracle, especially since it contradicts observation, as the doubters relied on? Is this not a confirmation of the Almighty’s saying: “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.” Is it not sufficient for your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness? (53) (Fussilat)

Click on image for larger view. Name: 5.png Views: 6 Size: 85.0 KB ID: 819739


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