Claiming that Satan is the source of revelation

(this claim has been refuted in my discord library in many forms)

 Some infidels claim that the Angel Gabriel was nothing but a devil who appeared to them in the form of Gabriel (peace be upon him ). The following

are some ways to refute this doubt:

1) It is clear that the Qur’an and Sunnah have confirmed the truth of the sensory contact between the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Gabriel (peace be upon him). This was reflected in the repeated denial that the Qur’anic revelation was the words of Satan, not to mention that Satan cannot be imagined in the form of an angel.

2) The Noble Qur’an contains many matters of the unseen, and only Allah knows the unseen, and no one, whether jinn or human, has knowledge of it. So how could this alleged devil issue such matters of the unseen that only Allah knows?! The Qur’an calls to guidance and righteousness, while Satan is the leader of corruption and misguidance, so how could this Qur’an be inspired by Satan?!

3) The Ummah has unanimously agreed on the infallibility of the Prophet (peace be upon him) from the plots of Satan, so how could the Qur’an be inspired by him?!

4) Those who doubt the Qur’an and its source believe in the revelation of Moses and Jesus - peace be upon them - so how do they differentiate in their belief between one prophet and another? This is the greatest evidence of their bias against the Prophet of Islam in particular.


First. The Qur’an and Sunnah deny that the Muhammadan revelation is the word of Satan:

The Noble Qur’an and the pure Sunnah contain repeated, emphatic denials that the Qur’anic revelation is the word of Satan. Among these is the saying of the Most High: “And it is not the word of an outcast devil (25)” (At-Takwir), and the saying of the Most High: “And what the devils have brought down (210)” (Ash-Shu’ara’). Al-Qurtubi says: The saying of the Most High: “And what the devils have brought down (210)” (Ash-Shu’ara’) means the Qur’an, rather the Trustworthy Spirit brings it down: “And what the devils have brought down (211)” Indeed, they are removed from hearing (212) (Ash-Shu’ara’), meaning by throwing meteors[1].

And the saying of the Most High: “And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he spoke, Satan cast into his speech. Then Allah abrogates what Satan casts, then Allah confirms His verses. And Allah is Knowing and Wise (52) That He may make what Satan casts a trial for those in whose hearts is disease and whose hearts are hardened. And indeed, the wrongdoers are in extreme dissension (53) And that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, so they may believe in it and their hearts may submit to it. And indeed, Allah is the guide of those who believe to the straight path.” Straight Path (54) (Al-Hajj). These verses in Surat Al-Hajj are an example of explaining the elements of this denial, which removes doubt and confirms the heart of the one who conveys it, and then the heart of his followers, and the heart of those seeking the truth after him.

This, and it is proven that Satan cannot appear in the form of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the Prophet is a human being, so it is even more so that he cannot appear in the form of an angel, and from that is his saying, may God bless him and grant him peace: “Whoever sees me in a dream has seen me; for Satan cannot appear in my form”[2].

And Satan is not prevented from appearing in the form of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - except for the possibility of his being the special source of transmitting revelation among humans, so the source of transmitting heavenly revelation is therefore more deserving of prevention, and thus Al-Alusi said: “And if he does not appear in a dream, then it is even more deserving that he not appear in wakefulness.”

Secondly, the Qur’an contains many unseen matters, and the jinn do not know the unseen, so how can the devils be the source of the Qur’an?! And the devils are by nature corrupt, while the Qur’an calls for guidance and righteousness:

How can the devils be the source of the Qur’an, while there is much unseen in the Qur’an, and the jinn do not know the unseen, to the point that they did not know of the death of Solomon - peace be upon him - while he was in front of them until he fell to the ground, after a creature of the earth ate away at his staff that he was leaning on, God Almighty said: “And when We decreed death for him, nothing showed them his death except a creature of the earth eating away at his staff. And when he fell, the jinn realized that if they had known the unseen, they would not have remained in the humiliating punishment” (14) (Saba’).

God Almighty challenged mankind and the jinn together with the Qur’an, but they were unable to produce anything like it, God Almighty said: “Say, ‘If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce anything like it, even if they were to each other assistants” (88) (Al-Isra’).

So how can the Qur’an be attributed to the jinn when they are unable to produce anything like it[3]?

Is it conceivable that the jinn - who they claim are the source of the Qur’an - would send down the Qur’an to Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and then challenge themselves with such verses?!!

Who It is known that Allah - Glory be to Him - has restricted the knowledge of the unseen to Himself, without others from among mankind, jinn, and angels. Allah the Almighty said: “Say: ‘None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah’” (An-Naml: 65). He also said: “And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him” (Al-An’am: 59). He also said: “He is the Knower of the unseen, and He reveals His unseen to none (26)” (Al-Jinn).

These are proofs that only Allah knows the unseen. The Holy Qur’an is full of many unseen matters, so how could Satan know them?!

If the jinn do not know the unseen, then by Allah, what kind of jinn is this who tells the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - about unseen matters and scientific facts that were not known until the twentieth century, such as the spherical shape of the Earth in an oval shape, the theory of the spread of the universe, that the elements of matter in the universe are the same, that the amount of air in the atmosphere is so small that a person’s chest becomes tight in it, and that the sun and moon float in this space. What kind of jinn is this who can know all of that?! Why did he specify this to Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and not to anyone else?! And why did Jan not tell any of his contemporaries about such a thing?!!

How can these people claim that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - was inspired by Satan in the Qur’an, even though the Qur’an warns us of the enmity of Satan towards man? God Almighty says: “Surely Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze” (6) (Fatir), “So he led them astray with deception. Then, when they tasted of the tree, their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to fasten together over themselves from the leaves of Paradise. And their Lord called to them, ‘Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that Satan is to you a clear enemy?’” (22) (Al-A’raf).

How can the Qur’an be inspired by the jinn and Satan?! It calls for enmity towards Satan, because it wants to lead man astray from his Lord and perish with him.

Thirdly, the infallibility of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace

- from Satan: God Almighty has protected His sincere servants from the plots of Satan and his soldiers, so he has no power over them. God Almighty says: “Surely, over My servants you have no authority. And sufficient is your Lord as Disposer of affairs” (65) (Al-Isra). Satan has admitted his inability to plot against them. The Lord of Glory narrated about him His saying: “He said, ‘Then, by Your glory, I will surely mislead them all (82) Except for Your chosen servants among them (83)’” (Sad).

There is no doubt that the prophets and messengers of Allah - the Almighty - and at their head the Seal of the Believers - may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him - are at the top of the sincere servants of Allah, whom the Lord of Glory has protected from the plots of Satan and his soldiers. Regarding the infallibility of the Prophet - may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him - from Satan, Judge Iyad says in his book "Al-Shifa": "Know that the nation is unanimously agreed upon the infallibility of the Prophet - may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him - from Satan and his sufficiency from him, not in his body with various types of harm - such as madness and fainting - nor in his mind with whispers" [4].

The previous concept is indicated by the Holy Qur'an and the pure Sunnah:

As for the Holy Qur'an: It mentions that Satan exposed some prophets to some harm in their bodies, and to their minds with whispers, with Allah - the Almighty - protecting them by preventing Satan from tempting them, or causing them harm that would harm the religion. Allah the Almighty said: “And remember Our servant Job, when he called upon his Lord, ‘Satan has touched me with hardship and torment’ (41)” (Sad). Allah the Almighty said: “So Satan caused them to slip therefrom and removed them from that in which they were” (Al-Baqarah: 36). Allah the Almighty said: “He said, ‘This is from the work of Satan. Indeed, he is a clear, misleading enemy’ (15)” (Al-Qasas). Allah the Almighty said: “But if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing” (36) (Fussilat).

There is nothing in these noble verses and similar ones that contradicts the Almighty’s saying: “Indeed, My servants - you have no authority over them, except those who follow you of the deviators” (42) (Al-Hijr).

As for the pure Sunnah, it contains what confirms what is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an about the devils’ exposure to the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - in more than one instance; with the desire to extinguish his light, kill his soul, and cause him to become preoccupied, but Allah the Almighty protected him. A barrier to prevent the devils from tempting him or harming him.

Among these hadiths that indicate the above are the following:

On the authority of Abdullah ibn Masoud - may God be pleased with him - who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “There is no one among you but that a companion from the jinn has been assigned to him.” They said: “And you, O Messenger of God?” He said: “And me, except that God helped me against him so he became Muslim, and he does not command me except to do good.”[6]

His saying “and became Muslim” with a raised “mim” and a fatha are two well-known narrations. Whoever raised it said: Its meaning is: I became Muslim from his evil and temptation. Whoever opened it said: The companion became Muslim from Islam, and he became a believer who does not command me except to do good.

Al-Khattabi and others authenticated the narration with the raised “mim,” while Qadi Iyad, al-Nawawi, and al-Zarqani preferred the fatha because it is the apparent meaning of the hadith in his saying, may God bless him and grant him peace: “and he does not command me except to do good.”

· On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Last night, an evil jinn began to attack me[7] in order to interrupt my prayer. God gave me power over him, so I was frightened[8]. I intended to tie him to the side of one of the pillars of the mosque until morning so that you could all see him, or all of you. Then I remembered the words of my brother Solomon: “He said, ‘My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom such as will not belong to anyone after me. Indeed, You are the Bestower (35)’” (Sad). God sent him back in disgrace.” [9] [10].

· On the authority of Abu al-Darda’, may God be pleased with him, he said: “The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, stood up and we heard him say, ‘I seek refuge in God from you.’ Then he said, ‘I curse you with the curse of God,’ three times. He stretched out his hand as if he was reaching for something. When he finished praying, we said: O Messenger of God! We heard you say something in prayer that we had never heard you say before, and we saw you stretch out your hand.” He said, “The enemy of God - Satan - He brought a meteor[11] of fire to throw at me, so I said: I seek refuge in God from you three times. Then I said: I curse you with the complete curse of God, and he did not delay, three times, then I wanted to take him, by God!If it were not for the supplication of our brother Suleiman, he would have become chained up and played with by the children of the city.”[12]

Thus, the Almighty God protected His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, from the devils, even during his fatal illness, which caused some of those present to fall ill with him[13] without his permission. When he, may God bless him and grant him peace, asked them about that, they said: “We feared that you might have pleurisy.” So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, explained to them that pleurisy is from the devil, and he is protected from it, saying: “It is from the devil, and God, may He be glorified and exalted, would not have given it power over me.”[14] [15]

If the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was protected from the jinn in this way and to this degree, then how could he receive the Qur’an from him?! Indeed, the jinn themselves are amazed at what was revealed to Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - God Almighty says: “Say, ‘It has been revealed to me that a group of jinn listened and said, ‘Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur’an (1) that guides to the right path, so we have believed in it, and we will never associate with our Lord anyone’ (2)” (Al-Jinn), and they call their people to believe in it, God Almighty says: “And when We directed towards you a group of jinn, listening to the Qur’an. And when they attended it, they said, ‘Listen.’ And when it was concluded, they turned back to their people as warners. (29) They said, ‘O our people, indeed we have heard a Book revealed after Moses, confirming what was before it, guiding to the truth and to a straight path. (30) O our people, respond to the caller of God and believe in him. He will forgive you some of your sins and save you from a painful punishment. (31)’” (Al-Ahqaf), so how can they reveal the Qur’an to Muhammad and then be amazed by it and order their people to respond to Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace?!

Fourthly, the distinction between these critics and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - And between him and other prophets - peace be upon them - regarding revelation:

We address those who raise this doubt with the following questions: Why do you differentiate in the matter of revelation between Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his two brothers Moses and Jesus - peace be upon them -? And how do you reject the revelation to Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and accept what is less than revelation from inspirations that you claim happened to your saints, and in which there are sayings and reports that are not accepted by the minds?!

This only happened because of the deep-seated grudges of these people, their inherited enmity, and their unwillingness to follow the truth that the Seal of the Prophets and the Imam of the Messengers brought them, and their desire to follow the whims that their souls that command evil have made attractive to them[16].

And from ancient times there was the claim that God Almighty narrated in His saying: “And they did not estimate God with His true estimate when they said, ‘God has not sent down anything to any human being’” (Al-An’am: 91), and He responded to them with His saying, “Say, ‘Who sent down the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for mankind?’” (Al-An’am: 91).

So it is as if God Almighty is saying: How can they consider the revelation to Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, too much, when it has already occurred, such as the revelation to Moses, peace be upon him, of the Torah and to Jesus, peace be upon him, of the Gospel[17]? So how can they believe in the attribution of the Torah and the Gospel to God, and deny His words in the Qur’an, knowing that the Qur’an is the truth, all the truth in everything it brought of belief, law, and stories[18], and it is a book that God has guaranteed to protect from distortion and alteration since He revealed it, unlike the Torah and the Gospel, in which they find distortion, alteration, and different narrations, and from here the historical trust and religious sanctity of their news has been removed And their legislation[19].

Dr. Muhammad Abu Shaba denies the slanderers’ contradictions and distinctions between the prophets, and explains to them that casting doubt on the prophethood of Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - is casting doubt on the prophethood of all the prophets. He says: “Then what do these slanderers think - and among them are those who belong to some religions - that they are not attacking the Prophet of God Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - alone, but rather they are attacking all of God’s prophets and messengers who had books and scrolls that were revealed by God Almighty!! Would they be content to destroy their homes before destroying the homes of others?!! What is their opinion on the revelations and prophecies contained in the books of the Old and New Testaments?! Do they say about the revelation of the Prophet of God Moses and Jesus - peace be upon them - what they say about the revelation of the Seal of the Prophets Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace” [20]?!

So what is said in support of the revelation of Jesus - peace be upon him - or Moses can be said in support of the revelation of Muhammad, peace be upon him... As for the matter that scientific research must deny - with this specification - is that a type of revelation is discussed and doubted in the name of science, then another type is preserved as self-evident and far from the realm of theoretical rational debate or experimental science!! The issue of revelation is therefore a general and common issue, which includes all the prophets, peace be upon them, “All are from our Lord” (Al Imran: 7) [21].

The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, is not an innovation among the messengers in the matter of revelation, for revelation was given to him just as it was given to them, and God Almighty spoke the truth when He said: “Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him, and We revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and We gave to David the Psalms” (163) (An-Nisa’). And God Almighty said: “It is not for a human being that God should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger to reveal by His permission what He wills. Indeed, He is Most High, Most Wise” (51) (Ash-Shura) [22].

Then if we know that the good news about the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, came in their books - the Torah and the Gospel - then it also came in their books that revelation was given to him, and that He does not speak on his own authority, he is the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - who speaks only by revelation... as the Torah states: "And I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And it shall come to pass, that whoever does not listen to My words which he speaks in My name, I will require them of him." (Deuteronomy 18:18, 19), so he does not speak on his own authority, but speaks by what his Lord inspires him.

As Christ Jesus - peace be upon him - tells about this truth when he says: "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth; For he does not speak of himself, but whatever he hears, that he speaks.” (John 13:16).

If this is established in their books and is not disputed, then the description of the revelation to our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - is consistent with the description of the revelation to the prophets who came before him: “Thus does God, the Almighty, the Wise, reveal to you and to those before you” (3) (Ash-Shura)[23]. There is no doubt that this is like that, hence the saying of Waraqa ibn Nawfal to Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - “This is the law that was revealed to Moses.”[24] If that is the case, then why this bias in their saying that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - was in contact with the jinn and received it from them?! This is something that no mind accepts and does not conform to the methodology of research.

The Qur’an challenged the Arabs and non-Arabs, mankind and jinn, to produce something like it or a surah like it. The Qur’an was - and still is - the miracle of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace. Why doubt the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - when he had remained among his people - before that - for forty years? He did not tell them of a prophethood or a message! This matter is only up to the will of God. God Almighty says: “Say: ‘If God had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. I have remained among you a lifetime before it. Will you not then reason?’” (16) (Yunus).

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was known among his people before the mission as the truthful and trustworthy. His people gave him this title because they never knew him to lie. Rather, they knew him to be truthful, trustworthy, and of sound mind. So why doubt his matter, even though he was stripped of all worldly matters? [25]

The revelation in the Cave of Hira was one of the most difficult things that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, encountered in receiving revelation. Gabriel, peace be upon him, was not an ordinary angel, but rather he was the spirit, just as the Qur’an is a spirit. True life is combined from them. If life flows into a dead body when the spirit is breathed into it, then what do you think of a spirit that teaches the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, a spirit? Gabriel, peace be upon him, is the trustworthy one who is characterized by honesty in performance, so he does not change what he says. He recites it with a letter, neither more nor less.

Verses in the Holy Qur’an describe how Gabriel, peace be upon him, brought down the Qur’an. God Almighty says: “The Trustworthy Spirit brought it down” (193) (Ash-Shu’ara’). In addition to this, the heart of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was stripped of Satan’s share, and it was prepared divinely. There is no room in this for the presence of devils or their whispering to the Noble Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in receiving the words of the Holy Qur’an[26].

It is appropriate for us now to address those who raise this doubt with these questions: Why did none of the devils teach any of the Arabs a Qur’an like this?! And why did he single out Muhammad and not others, even though he was illiterate? Is it not wise for this devil or jinn to choose an educated man, or to descend upon someone known for his contact with the jinn and soothsaying, or even the masters of eloquence among the poets? They used to say that every poet has a devil?!! Then where were these jinn since the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - was worshipping in the cave for years, and why did they come suddenly like this, without any preparation, especially since this is a serious matter that will change the direction of the universe?! Therefore,

we can only say that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - is infallible from the jinn, and that what comes to him is revelation brought down by the trustworthy spirit Gabriel - peace be upon him - from the Lord of the Worlds, in clear Arabic[27].


History has recorded the connection between the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the angel of revelation Gabriel - peace be upon him - and the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah have confirmed this.

The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - was known among his people as the truthful and trustworthy, and known for his sound mind, so how could someone who lived for forty years among people known for his truthfulness and trustworthiness suddenly turn into a sinful liar?!

· There is rational evidence that invalidates what these challengers claim that Satan is the source of Muhammad’s revelation, namely:

· The Qur’an contains much unseen information, and the jinn do not know the unseen, so how could such words that include much unseen information come from them?!

· The nature of the devils is to corrupt and mislead people, while the Qur’an calls for guidance, goodness and righteousness, and forbids evil and corruption, so how could such words come from the devils or from Satan?!

· Allah - the Almighty - challenged mankind and the jinn with the Qur’an, and they were unable to produce anything like this Qur’an. So how can the Qur’an be attributed to the jinn, when they cannot produce anything like it? And do the jinn challenge themselves with what they said - according to their claim - ?!

· Why did the jinn not teach any Arab other than Muhammad - may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him - who - may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him - was illiterate?! And why did this devil not choose an educated man? And why did he not descend upon the soothsayers and charlatans or those known for their contact with the jinn?!

· Where was this devil since the Prophet - may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him - was worshipping before the revelation was sent down to him, and why did he delay this period and then suddenly come out with such a dangerous matter that changed the course of human life?!

· Denying the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad - may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him - and casting doubt on the source of the revelation to him is casting doubt on the prophethood of all of Allah’s prophets before him; This is because those who doubt the source of the Muhammadan revelation differentiate between the prophets of Allah. How can they believe in the revelation to Moses and Jesus - peace be upon them - and not believe in the revelation to Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace?!


(*) The Prophet’s Receipt of the Words of the Holy Qur’an, Abd al-Salam Muqbil al-Majidi, Al-Risalah Foundation, Beirut, 1st ed., 1421 AH/2000 CE.

[1]. Al-Jami’ li Ahkam al-Qur’an, Al-Qurtubi, Dar Ihya’ al-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut, 1405 AH/1985 CE, Vol. 13, p. 142.

[2]. Narrated by Al-Bukhari in his Sahih, Book of Interpretations, Chapter on Whoever Sees the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in a Dream (6592), and by Muslim in his Sahih, Book of Visions, Chapter on the Prophet’s Saying: “Whoever Sees Me in a Dream Has Seen Me” (6056), and the wording is his.

[3]. The infallibility of the prophets and the response to the doubts directed at them, Dr. Muhammad Abu al-Nur al-Hadidi, Al-Amanah Press, Cairo, 1399 AH/1979 AD, pp. 41, 42.

[4]. Al-Shifa bi Ta’rif Huquq al-Mustafa, Qadi Iyad, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, n.d., vol. 2, p. 117.

[5]. Al-Qareen: the companion.

[6]. Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih, Book of the Description of the Resurrection, Paradise and Hell, Chapter on the incitement of Satan and sending his troops to tempt people (7286).

[7]. Yaftaq: takes him by surprise and deception.

[8]. Dha’at: strangled.

[9]. Al-Khasi: the expelled.

[10]. Narrated by al-Bukhari in his Sahih, Chapters on Mosques, Chapter on the prisoner or debtor who is tied up in the mosque (449), and Muslim in his Sahih, Book of Mosques, Chapter on the permissibility of cursing Satan during prayer and seeking refuge from him (1237), and the wording is his.

[11]. Al-Shihab: A bright flame from the fire.

[12]. Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih, Book of Mosques, Chapter on the permissibility of cursing Satan during prayer and seeking refuge from him (1239).

[13]. Lad al-Ma’rid: placing his tongue in one side of his mouth and putting medicine on the other side.

[14]. Its chain of transmission is good: It was narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad, Baqi Musnad al-Ansar, Hadith of Sayyida Aisha, may God be pleased with her (26389), and al-Hakim in his Mustadrak, Book of Medicine (8235), and its chain of transmission was deemed good by al-Arna’ut in his commentary on Musnad Ahmad.

[15]. Refuting Doubts about the Infallibility of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah, Dr. Imad al-Sharbini, Dar al-Sahifa, Cairo, 1st ed., 1424 AH/2003 CE, pp. 70: 74.

[16]. The Infallibility of the Prophets and the Response to the Doubts Directed at Them, Dr. Abu al-Nour al-Hadeedi, Al-Amanah Press, Cairo, 1399 AH/1979 AD, p. 39.

[17]. The Chosen Ones, Sheikh Attia Saqr, Dar Mayo National, Cairo, 1997 AD, pp. 124, 125.

[18]. The Chosen Ones, Sheikh Attia Saqr, Dar Mayo National, Cairo, 1997, p. 12.

[19]. The Chosen Ones, Sheikh Attia Saqr, Dar Mayo National, Cairo, 1997, p. 25.

[20]. The Biography of the Prophet in the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah, Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Abu Shaba, Dar Al-Qalam, Damascus, 8th ed., 1427 AH/2006 AD, vol. 1, p. 278. [21].

The Slanders of Orientalists and Their Agents against Islam, Dr. Ismail Ali Muhammad, Dar Al-Nil, Egypt, 1st ed., 1421 AH/2000 AD, p. 71. [22].

The Slanders of Orientalists and Their Agents against Islam, Dr. Ismail Ali Muhammad, Dar Al-Nil, Egypt, 1st ed., 1421 AH/2000 AD, p. 279.

[23]. And indeed, you are of a great moral character, Safi al-Rahman al-Mubarakfuri, Kinda Company, Cairo, 1st ed., 1427 AH/2006 AD, vol. 1, p. 327.

[24]. Narrated by al-Bukhari in his Sahih, Book of Interpretation, Chapter: The First Revelation That Began with the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - Was the Vision (6581), and by Muslim in his Sahih, Book of Faith, Chapter: The Beginning of Revelation to the Messenger of God (422).

[25]. Evidence of Prophethood and Miracles of the Messenger, Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmoud, Dar al-Insan, Cairo, 2nd ed., 1404 AH/1984 AD, p. 344.

[26]. The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - Receiving the Words of the Holy Qur’an, Abdul Salam al-Majidi, Al-Risala Foundation, Beirut, 1st ed., 1421 AH/2000 AD, pp. 82, 83, with some modifications.

[27]. Evidence of Prophethood and Knowledge of the Conditions of the Owner of the Sharia, Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Al-Hussein Al-Bayhaqi, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1st ed., 1405 AH/1985 AD, Vol. 2, pp. 151, 152.

The Prophets of God and Satan in the Bible.

This is how the prophets have been with Satan since the beginning, he is a clear enemy to all reformers, and we find in the Bible (Luke:4) that Jesus, peace be upon him, was not safe from Satan's plot either, as in the (Holy) Bible, Satan took possession of Jesus and spent forty days in the wilderness, climbing mountains with him and descending valleys with him, entering (Jerusalem) with him and taking him out to the wilderness, and ordering him to prostrate to him (Satan) and promising him the kingdoms of the world, for forty days, and we did not find anything like this with the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, as when he got away from him and wanted to interrupt his prayer... he only wanted to interrupt his prayer, he took him and tied him up, then left him out of his generosity and kindness, and to be nice to the Prophet of God, Solomon, peace be upon him. This Messiah is exposed to Satan, not just for a few moments, but he leads him and roams with him wherever he wants for forty days or more, complete captivity of Satan to Jesus, peace be upon him, and they say he is a god!! And we ask how does Satan order the Lord to prostrate to him? Not only Christ, peace be upon him, but also many of God’s prophets in the Holy Bible, were exposed to Satan and they did not defeat him, but he seduced them. For example, but not limited to: - David, peace be upon him: It is stated in the Book of First Chronicles [21:1] (And Satan stood up against Israel, and seduced David to number Israel). - And in the Book of Job, chapters one and two, there is a matter of utmost wonder, Satan comes before the Lord with His servants, and the Lord hands Job over to Satan, and the text says in verse 12 of the Book of Job, chapter one: (And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your hand; only do not stretch out your hand against him.” Then Satan went out from before the presence of the Lord), and in the second chapter of the same book - the Book of Job - verse three we find that Satan incites the Lord against Job: (3 And the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? For there is none like him among the The earth. A blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil. And until now he holds fast to his integrity, and you have stirred me up against him to swallow him up without a cause.” In the seventh paragraph, we find that Satan infects Job with a disease from his feet to his head. Listen: (7 Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord, and struck Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head) as the writer of the book says. - In the book of Zechariah, chapter three, we read that Satan was next to the prophet of God (Joshua) while he was speaking to the angel and resisting him. The writer of the book says: (1 And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. This is in contrast to the sins committed by the prophets - according to the (Holy) Book - by Satan's temptation of them, such as adultery and transgression against the Lord of the Worlds. And other things that I mentioned in the last chapter of the first part of this research. In Luke 22:3, Satan entered Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples. How can this be, when he is filled with the Holy Spirit (the second hypostasis of God)? Can Satan expel the Holy Spirit?

In the Easter Mass, Christians - headed by the Pope of the Vatican - glorify:
1- Satan on the basis that he is "God" - may the Lord of Majesty be exalted above what they describe -!
2- Jesus, the son of "the Lord/Satan".
As for the rest of the absent ones, they had no choice but to say: Amen!

Who is this Lucifer or shining star??

Saint Jerome says that this Lucifer is none other than Satan 
who was cast out of heaven and bound to Babylon, the kingdom of evil.

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saiah 14:12-14King James Version (KJV)

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations

According to the Holy Bible, Satan and the church's god are two sides of the same coin!

We read in Psalms chapter 10 verse 16:

The Lord is King forever and ever; the nations perished from his land.

And in another place in 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 we read:

In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers , so that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not shine upon them.

When Satan disowns his followers,

the Truth says:

And Satan said, when the matter has been decided 
, “Indeed, Allah promised you the promise of truth, and I promised you , but I broke my promise to you. And I had no authority over you except that I invited you and you responded to me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I will not be your savior, nor will you be my savior. Indeed, I have disbelieved in what you associated with Me before. Indeed , for the wrongdoers is a punishment.” Painful Ibrahim: 22

What is the logic in mentioning the names of demons on the holy anointing oil???
Can Satan expel the Holy Spirit* who guides and inspires all Christians on earth?

For reference:

From Jacob Eugene’s dictionary:

See, Christian, at the bottom of the page )

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we have discussed it on other articles
(search satan in search in my discord)


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