myth of the creation of Adam and how Satan entered through his mouth and exited through his anus.

 Read the myth of the creation of Adam and how Satan entered through his mouth and exited through his anus.

And He taught Adam all the names. Then He showed them to the angels and said, “Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.” (Al-Baqarah 31)
Al-Suddi narrated on the authority of Abu Malik and on the authority of Abu Salih on the authority of Ibn Abbas and on the authority of Murrah Al-Hamdani on the authority of Ibn Masoud in the story of the creation of Adam, peace be upon him. He said: Then God sent Gabriel, peace be upon him, to The earth said: I seek refuge in God from you, lest you diminish me or disgrace me. So he went back and did not take anything, and said: O Lord, it sought refuge in you, so you gave it refuge. Then he sent Michael, and she sought refuge from him, so he protected her. Then he returned and said what Gabriel had said. Then he sent the Angel of Death, and she sought refuge from him, so he said: And I seek refuge in God from returning and not carrying out his command. So he took from the face of the earth and mixed it, and he did not take from one place, and he took from red, white and black soil, and for that reason the sons of Adam came out different - and for that reason he was called Adam because he was taken from the skin of the earth - and he ascended with him, and God Almighty said to him: (Did you not have mercy on the earth when it supplicated to you?) So he said: I saw that your command was more binding than its saying. He said: (You are fit to take the souls of his son). So he wet the dirt until it became sticky clay. Sticky clay is that which sticks together. Then it was left until it stinks. This is where He says: “From black mud that has been molded” [Al-Hijr: 26]. He said: Stinky. Then he said to the angels: “Indeed, I am creating a human being from clay. So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] spirit, then fall down to him in prostration.” [Surah Sad: 71-72] So God created him with His own hand so that Iblis would not be arrogant towards him. He said: Are you arrogant about what I created with My hands, and I am not arrogant about it? So He created him as a human being, and he was a body from clay for forty years, the length of a Friday. Then the angels passed by him and were terrified by him when they saw him, and the most terrified of them was Iblis. He would pass by him and strike him, and the body would make a sound like pottery makes a sound, and it would make a clanging sound. That is when He says: From clay like pottery [Ar-Rahman: 14]. And he says of a matter for which he was not created. And it entered from his mouth and came out from his anus. So Iblis said to the angels: Do not be afraid of this, for it is hollow, and if I were to have power over him, I would destroy him.It is said: Whenever he passed by him with the angels, he would say: Do you see this one whom you have not seen from the creation who resembles him? If he is given preference over you and you are commanded to obey him, what are you going to do? They said: We obey the command of our Lord. So Iblis whispered to himself: If he is given preference over me, I will not obey him, and if I am given preference over him, I will destroy him. So when the time came that he wanted to The soul is breathed into him. He said to the angels: When I breathe into him of My spirit, then prostrate to him. When the soul was breathed into him and the spirit entered his head, he sneezed. The angels said to him: Say: Praise be to God. He said: Praise be to God. God said to him: May your Lord have mercy on you. When the soul entered his eyes, he looked at the fruits of Paradise. When it entered his stomach, he desired food, so he jumped up. Before the soul reaches his feet, he is in a hurry to the fruits of Paradise. That is when he says: “Man was created of haste” [Al-Anbiya: 37] “So the angels prostrated, all of them together, except Iblis. He refused to be with those who prostrated” [Al-Hijr: 30-31] and he mentioned the story.

See Al-Qurtubi’s Tafsir (The Compendium of the Rulings of the Qur’an)


It was stated in And it was stated in “The Weak and Fabricated Hadiths Which Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir Judged in His Tafsir” (pp. 34-37): “33 - On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: Iblis was from a tribe of the angels called the jinn, they were created from the fire of the poisons, from among the angels, and his name was Al-Harith, and he was a treasurer from the treasurers of Paradise. He said: And the angels were all created from light except for this tribe. He said: And the jinn who were mentioned in the Qur’an were created from a flame of fire, which is the tongue of fire that is at its edge when it flares up. He said: And man was created from clay. So the first to inhabit the earth were the jinn, so they corrupted it and shed blood, and killed one another. He said: So Allah sent Iblis to them with an army of angels - and they are this tribe called the jinn - so Iblis killed them and those with him, until he caught them on the islands of the seas and the edges of the mountains. So when Iblis did that, he became conceited and said: I have done something that no one else has done. He said: So Allah knew that from his heart, but He did not know it to the angels who were with him. So Allah the Most High said to the angels who were with him: {Indeed, I will place upon the earth a successive authority}. The angels said in response to him: {Will You place therein one who will cause corruption therein and shed blood} as the jinn had corrupted and shed blood, and that is why You sent us against them? So He said: {Indeed, I know that which you do not know} meaning: I have seen from the heart of Iblis what you did not see of his arrogance and conceit. He said: Then He ordered the soil of Adam to be lifted, so Allah created Adam from sticky clay - and sticky is the sticky, hard, stinking mud, and it was only mud that was molded after the soil. So He created Adam from it with His hand. He said: So he remained for forty nights as a lying body. So Satan would come to him and strike him with his foot, and he would make a rattling sound. He said: This is what Allah the Most High said: {Of clay like pottery} [Ar-Rahman: 14] meaning: Like something that is spread out and not solid. (1) He said: Then it would enter his mouth and exit from his anus, and enter from his anus and exit from his mouth. Then he would say: You are nothing - because of the rattling - and you were not created for anything, and if I were given power over you, I would destroy you, and if I were given power over me, I would disobey you. He said: So when Allah breathed into him from _____ (1) Ahmad Shakir said in the commentary of At-Tabari (1/456): (The solid is that which has no cavity, and everything that has a cavity makes a sound when it strikes, but the solid is silent and has no sound. So they took it from silence.)

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“His soul, the breath came from his head, so nothing of it flowed in his body except that it became flesh and blood. When the breath reached his navel, he looked at his body and was pleased with what he saw of his body, so he went to get up but could not, so this is the saying of Allah the Most High: {And man is ever hasty} He said: He is impatient, he has no patience for ease or hardship. He said: When the breath was completed in his body, he sneezed and said: “Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds” by Allah’s inspiration. Then Allah said to him: “May Allah have mercy on you, O Adam.” He said: Then Allah the Most High said to the angels who were with Iblis specifically, without the angels who were in the heavens: Prostrate to Adam. So they all prostrated together except Iblis, who refused and was arrogant, because of what had occurred to himself of arrogance and conceit. He said: I will not prostrate to him, and I am better than him, older in age and stronger in creation. You created me from fire and created him from clay. He says: Fire is stronger than clay. He said: When Iblis refused to prostrate, Allah made him despair of all good, and made him a cursed devil as punishment for his disobedience. Then He taught Adam all the names, which are the names that people know each other by: human, beast, land, plain, sea, mountain, donkey, and similar names of nations and others. Then He presented these names to those angels, meaning: the angels who were with Iblis, who were created from the fire of the poisonous winds, and He said to them: {Inform Me of the names of these} meaning: Tell Me the names of these {if you are truthful} if you know why I will make a vicegerent on earth.
He said: When the angels knew of God’s anger towards them for what they spoke of regarding the knowledge of the unseen, which no one else knows, which they have no knowledge of, they said: Glory be to You, in exaltation of God from anyone knowing the unseen other than Him, and we repent to You. {We have no knowledge except what You have taught us}, disavowing them from knowledge of the unseen, except what You have taught us as You taught Adam. So He said: {O Adam, inform them of their names} meaning: He informed them of their names. {So when he informed them} meaning: He informed them {of their names, He said: Did I not tell you} O angels in particular {Indeed, I know the unseen of the heavens and the earth} and no one else knows {And I know what you reveal} meaning: what you reveal. {And what you were concealing} He says: I know the secret as I know the public, meaning: what Satan concealed in himself of arrogance and conceit. [Tafsir al-Tabari (1/455)].
This is a strange context, and there are things in it that are questionable, and discussing them would take a long time, and this chain of transmission to Ibn Abbas is narrated as a famous interpretation.
Al-Suddi said in his interpretation, on the authority of Abu Malik and Abu Salih, on the authority of Ibn Abbas - and on the authority of Murrah, on the authority of Ibn Masoud, and on the authority of some of the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: When God finished creating what He loved, He rose over the Throne and made Iblis the king of the lowest heaven. He was from a tribe of angels called the jinn, and they were called the jinn because they were the treasurers of Paradise, and Iblis was a treasurer with his kingdom. So arrogance entered his heart and he said: God did not give me this except because of my advantage over the angels. When that arrogance entered his soul, God revealed that to him. So God said to the angels: {Indeed, I am going to place upon the earth a successive authority}. They said: Our Lord, what will that successive authority be? He said: He will have offspring who will cause corruption on earth, envy one another, and kill one another. They said: Our Lord, {Will You place therein one who will cause corruption therein and shed blood, while we exalt You with praise and sanctify You?} He said: Indeed, I know that which you do not know.} That is, about the affair of Satan. So Allah sent Gabriel to the earth to bring Him some clay from it, and the earth said: I seek refuge in Allah from You lest you take something from me or disfigure me. So he returned and did not take anything, and said: My Lord, it sought refuge in You from me, so I sought refuge in it. So He sent Michael, and it sought refuge from him, so He sought refuge in it. Then he returned and said as Gabriel had said, so He sent the Angel of Death, and it sought refuge from him. He said: And I seek refuge in God that I should return and not carry out His command. So He took from the face of the earth, and mixed and did not take from one place, and He took from red, white and black soil, and for that reason the children of Adam came out different, so He ascended with it and wet the soil until it became sticky clay - and sticky is that which sticks together - then He said to the angels: {Indeed, I am creating a human being from clay. * Then, when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] spirit, then fall down to him in prostration} [Sad: 71, 72] So God created him with His hand so that Satan would not be arrogant towards him, so that he would say to him: You are arrogant about what I have done with My hand, and I am not arrogant towards him.
Then He created him as a human being, and his body was made of clay for forty years, the length of a Friday. The angels passed by him and were terrified by him when they saw him. The most terrified of them was Satan. He would pass by him and strike him, and his body would make a sound like pottery, and it would clank. That is when He says: {From clay like pottery} [Ar-Rahman: 14], and He says: For a reason I was created. And it entered from his mouth and came out from his anus . And He said to the angels: Do not be afraid of this, for your Lord is steadfast, and this is hollow. If I have power over him, I will destroy him. So when the time came when Allah, the Almighty, wanted to breathe the spirit into him, He said to the angels: When I breathe into him of My spirit, then prostrate to him. So when He breathed the spirit into him and the spirit entered his head, he sneezed, and the angels said: Say: Praise be to Allah. So he said: Praise be to Allah. So Allah said to him: May your Lord have mercy on you. So when the spirit entered his eyes, he looked at the fruits of Paradise. When the spirit entered his body, he desired food, so he jumped up before the spirit reached his feet, in haste, to the fruits of Paradise. That is when the Almighty says: {Man was created of haste} [Al-Anbiya: 37] {So the angels prostrated, all of them together, * Except Iblis. He refused to be with those who prostrated} [Al-Hijr: 30-31]. He refused and was arrogant and was among the disbelievers. Allah said to him: What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you to what I created with My hands? He said: I am better than him. I would not prostrate to one whom I created from clay. God said to him: Get out of it, for it is not for you, meaning: it is not appropriate for you to be arrogant therein, so get out, for you are among the debased. [Al-A’raf: 13] Debased means humiliation.He said: {And He taught Adam the names - all of them} Then He presented the creation to the angels {And He said: Inform Me of the names of these, if you should be truthful} that the children of Adam are corrupting the earth and shedding blood, so they said: {Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise} God said: {O Adam, inform them of their names. And when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the unseen of the heavens and the earth and that I know {What you reveal and what you conceal} He said: Their statement: {Will You place therein one who will cause corruption therein} This is what they revealed. “And I know what you conceal” means: what Satan concealed in himself of arrogance.
This chain of transmission to these Companions is well-known in As-Suddi’s Tafsir and many Isra’iliyyat are found in it, so perhaps some of them are interpolated and not from the words of the Companions, or they took them from some of the earlier books . And Allah knows best. Al-Hakim narrates some things in his Mustadrak with this same chain of transmission, and he says: It meets the conditions of Al-Bukhari. (Al-Baqarah: 34)». End quote.

It was stated in “Tafsir al-Tha’labi = Al-Kashf wa al-Bayan ‘an Tafsir al-Quran, Dar al-Tafsir edition” (3/220, 219):

“ Ibn Abbas said: It is that Satan passed by the body of Adam, peace be upon him, while it was lying between Mecca and Taif, with no soul in it, and he said: For some reason (Allah created this) (3), then he entered (4) into it and came out from his anus , and he said: It is a creation that does not hold together; because it is hollow, then he said to the angels who were with him: Have you seen if this one is preferred over you and you are ordered to obey him, what will you do? They said: We will obey the command of our Lord. Satan said (5) to himself: By Allah, if I am given power over him, I will destroy him, and if I am given power over him, I will disobey him. Then Allah, the Almighty, said: {And I know what you reveal} - meaning: the angels - of obedience {and what you conceal} - meaning: Satan - of disobedience (6). (3) In the remaining versions:
was created.
(4) In (J), (Sh), (T): From.
(5) In (T): He said.
(6) It was narrated by Ibn Jarir in “Jami’ al-Bayan” 1/222 on the authority of Ibn Abbas - in a long context - Ibn Kathir said in “Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Azeem” 1/355 - after mentioning it on the authority of Ibn Jarir with his chain of transmission: This is a strange context , and there are things in it that it would take a long time to discuss, and this chain of transmission to Ibn Abbas is narrated by a famous interpretation, and Ahmad Shakir mentioned that al-Tabari did not narrate it because of its authenticity . Ibn Jarir also narrated it in “Jami’ al-Bayan” 1/222 on the authority of Ibn Abbas, Ibn Mas’ud, and some of the companions of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace -.
Ibn Kathir said: This chain of transmission to these companions is famous in “Tafsir al-Suddi” and many Israelite narrations are found in it, so perhaps some of them are interpolated and not from the words of the companions, or they took them from some of the earlier books.
See -in this-: “Ma’alim At-Tanzil” by Al-Baghawi 1/81, “Zad Al-Masir” by Ibn Al-Jawzi 1/64, “Al-Bahr Al-Muhit” by Abu Hayyan 1/300, “Al-Durr Al-Manthur” by Al-Suyuti 1/101



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