Khalid bin Al-Walid (may Allah be pleased with him) was a cannibal?

 Khalid bin Al-Walid (may Allah be pleased with him) was a cannibal who

had made a sajjah when it came from the Arabian Peninsula. When it reached Musaylima (may Allah curse them both), it then traveled to its country. When that happened, Malik bin Nuwairah regretted what had happened to him and blamed him for his actions. He was staying in a place called Al-Butah. Khalid headed there with his soldiers, but the Ansar lagged behind him and said: We have already done what Abu Bakr ordered us to do. Khalid said to them: This is something that must be done, and an opportunity that must be seized. No letter has come to me about it, and I am the prince and news is returned to me. I am not the one who will force you to march, and I am heading to Al-Butah. He walked for two days, then the messenger of the Ansar caught up with him asking him to wait, so they caught up with him. When he reached al-Butah, where Malik ibn Nuwayrah was, Khalid sent out the raiding parties in al-Butah calling the people. The leaders of Banu Tamim met him with obedience and gave zakat, except for Malik ibn Nuwayrah, who was confused about his situation and kept away from the people. Then the raiding parties came to him and captured him and his companions. The raiding parties differed about them. Abu Qatada al-Harith ibn Rib’i al-Ansari testified that they performed the prayer, and others said that they did not call the adhan or pray. It is said that the prisoners spent the night in their chains on a very cold night, so Khalid’s crier called out to warm their prisoners. The people thought that he wanted to kill them, so they killed them, and Dhirar ibn al-Azwar killed Malik ibn Nuwayrah. When Khalid heard the cry, he went out after they had finished with them, and he said: When Allah wants something, He brings it about. Khalid chose the wife of Malik ibn Nuwayrah, and she was Umm Tamim bint al-Munhal, and she was beautiful. When she was free, he consummated the marriage with her. It is said: Rather, Khalid summoned Malik bin Nuwairah and warned him about what he had done in following Sajah and withholding the zakat, and said: Didn’t you know that it is a companion of prayer? Malik said: Your companion used to claim that. He said: Is he our companion and not yours?! O Dhirar, strike off his head. So he struck off his head, and ordered his head to be placed with two stones, and a pot was cooked for the three of them, and Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Bedouins and others. It is said: The fire was set on Malik’s hair until the meat of the pot was cooked, and the hair was not emptied because of its abundance. Abu Qatada spoke with Khalid about what he had done, and they argued about it until Abu Qatada went and complained about him to Abu Bakr, and Umar spoke with Abu Qatada about Khalid, and said to Abu Bakr: Dismiss him, for his sword is burdensome. Abu Bakr said: I will not honour a sword that Allah has drawn against the infidels. Mutammam bin Nuwairah came and began to complain to Abu Bakr about Khalid, and Umar helped him and recited to Abu Bakr what he had said about his brother in elegies, so Abu Bakr paid blood money for him from his own pocket.

See Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah by Ibn Kathir.. Chapter of the first book of the history of Islam, from the events that occurred in the time and the deaths of famous people and notables.. Section on the story of Malik bin Nuwayrah al-Yarboui al-Tamimi

We are a nation of isnad, so

the narration of Khalid bin al-Walid includes those accused of lying and those whose status is unknown, and Ibn Hamid is Muhammad bin Hamid al-Razi, and he is weak and has many objectionable narrations, and his narration is not

reliable. Yaqub bin Shaiba al-Sadusi said: Muhammad bin Hamid al-Razi has many objectionable narrations. Al-Bukhari said: There is doubt about his hadith. Al-Nasa’i said: He is not trustworthy. Ibrahim bin Yaqub al-Jawzjani said: He has a bad doctrine and is not trustworthy.
Fadl al-Razi said: I have fifty thousand hadiths from Ibn Hamid, but I do not narrate a single letter from him.

Abu al-Abbas Ahmad said to Muhammad al-Azhari, I heard Ishaq bin Mansour say: I bear witness before Allah that Muhammad bin Hamid and Ubayd bin Ishaq al-Attar are liars.

Saleh bin Muhammad Al-Hafiz said: Everything he heard of Sufyan’s hadith, he referred it to Mihran, and whatever he heard of Mansur’s hadith, he referred it to Amr bin Qais, and whatever he heard of Al-A’mash’s hadith, he referred it to the likes of these and to Anbasa. Then he said: Everything that Ibn Humayd used to tell us, we used to suspect him of.

And he said in another place: His hadiths were exaggerated, and I have never seen anyone more daring towards Allah than him. He used to take people’s hadiths and turn some of them into others.

And he said in another place: I have never seen anyone more skilled at lying than two men, Sulayman Al-Shadhkuni and Muhammad bin Humayd Al-Razi. He used to memorize all of his hadith, and he used to add more every day. And

Abu Al-Qasim Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Razi, the nephew of Abu Zur’ah, said: I asked Abu Zur’ah about Muhammad bin Humayd and he pointed with his finger to his mouth, so I said to him: Did he lie? He nodded: Yes. I said to him: He has grown old, perhaps he used to act on it and forge it? He said: No, my son, he used to rely on it.

Abu Hatim al-Razi said: I was present with Muhammad ibn Humayd and Awn ibn Jarir was present with him. Ibn Humayd began to narrate a hadith from Jarir in which there was poetry. Awn said: This poetry is not in the hadith, it is from my father’s words. Ibn Humayd ignored him and passed by him.

Abu Na’im Abdul-Malik ibn Muhammad ibn Adi said: I heard Abu Hatim Muhammad ibn Idris al-Razi in his house and with him were Abdul-Rahman ibn Yusuf ibn Kharash and a group of the elders of Rayy and hadith preservers. They mentioned Ibn Humayd and they agreed that he was very weak in hadith, that he narrated what he did not hear and that he took hadiths from the people of Basra and Kufa and narrated them to the people of Razin.

Abu al-Abbas ibn Sa’id said: I heard Dawud ibn Yahya say: Abu Hatim narrated to us from him - meaning Muhammad ibn Humayd - in the past, then he abandoned him at the end. He said: I heard Abdul-Rahman ibn Yusuf ibn Kharash say: Ibn Humayd narrated to us, and by God he used to lie.

Abu Hatim bin Hibban Al-Bustawi said in the book of the weak: Muhammad bin Hamid Al-Razi, his nickname is Abu Abdullah: He narrates on the authority of Ibn Al-Mubarak and Jarir, our sheikhs told us on his authority, he died in the year two hundred and forty-eight, he was one of those who singled out trustworthy people for upside-down things, especially if he narrated on the authority of the sheikhs of his country, I heard Ibrahim bin Abdul-Wahid Al-Baghdadi say: Salih bin Ahmad bin Hanbal said: I was with my father one day when someone knocked on the door, so I went out and there was Abu Zur’ah and Muhammad bin Muslim bin Warah, so he kissed his hand and did not object to that, but as for Abu Zur’ah, he shook hands with him, and they talked for a while, Ibn Warah said: O Abu Abdullah, if you see that you mention the hadith of Abu Al-Qasim bin Abi Al-Zinad, he said: Yes, Abu Al-Qasim bin Abi Al-Zinad told us, on the authority of Ishaq bin Hazim, on the authority of Ibn Muqsim, meaning Ubaidullah, on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was asked about seawater, so he said: ((Its water is pure, its dead are permissible)) and he stood up and they said: What is wrong with it, we said he doubted something, then he went out and the book With his hand, he said in his book, “Maytah” with one “T” and people say “Maytah”, then they talked for a while and Ibn Warah said to him: O Abu Abdullah, did you see Muhammad bin Hamid? He said: Yes. He said: How did you see his hadith? He said: When he narrates from the Iraqis, he comes with straight things, and when he narrates from the people of his country, such as Ibrahim Al-Mukhtar and others, he comes with things that are not known and he does not know what they are.
He said: Abu Zur’ah and Ibn Warah said: It is confirmed with us that he lies. He said: Then I saw my father after that when he mentioned Ibn Hamid, he shook his hand.

Al-Uqaili said in Al-Du’afa: Ibrahim bin Yusuf told me, he said: Abu Zur’ah and Muhammad bin Muslim wrote many hadith from Muhammad bin Hamid, then they stopped narrating from him. Al-Hakim Abu Ahmad said in the book of Kunya: Abu Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Hamid Al-Razi is not strong with them, Abu Abdullah bin Yahya Al-Dhuhli and Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Khuzaymah abandoned him.

Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in (A Sublime Principle in At-Tawassul and Al-Wasila):

(Muhammad bin Hamid Al-Razi died in the year two hundred and forty-eight, and he did not leave his country when he traveled to seek knowledge except when he was an adult with his father, and despite this he is weak according to most of the people of hadith; Abu Zur’ah and Ibn Warah called him a liar, and Salih bin Muhammad Al-Asadi said: I saw no one more daring towards Allah than him, and more skilled at lying than him. Ya’qub bin Shaibah said: He has many strange things. Al-Nasa’i said: He is not trustworthy. Ibn Hibban said: He is unique in his inverted narrations from the trustworthy.

This story was not mentioned by any of the companions of Malik who are known for taking from him, and Muhammad bin Hamid is weak according to the people of hadith if he is attributed, so how about if he sends a story that is only known from his side!! .



Lord The Bible permits cannibalism,

an unparalleled barbarity

Deuteronomy 28:15
But if you do not obey the word of the LORD your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, and to do them, then all these curses will come upon you and include you . 53 And during this siege and distress which your enemy will impose upon you , you will eat the fruit of your womb , the flesh of your sons and your daughters whom the LORD your God gives you . 54 The man who is rich and prosperous among you will have his eye narrowed for his brother, for his wife who is in his house, and for the remnant of his children who are left to him . 55 He will not give any of them any of the flesh of his children whom he eats , for he has nothing left during the siege and distress which your enemy will impose upon you in all your cities.56 And the woman among you who is pampered and luxurious, whose foot is not accustomed to tread the ground because of coquetry and luxury, her eye is narrowed toward her husband who is in her house, her son, and her daughter . 57 She shall not give to any of them any of her placenta that falls from her after giving birth, or her children whom she bears, so that she may consume them in their complete need secretly, during the siege and distress that your enemy imposes on you in your cities ... The common Arabic translation

Father Antonious Fikry says: The placenta = the membrane that descends with the fetus. This also eats with the fetus. 

He says: They ate their children, and this happened with the siege of Babylon and others (2 Kings 6:24-30 + Lamentations 4:10), then with the Romans.

He also says: The curses and calamities that befall them will become in them and in their offspring a sign, that is, a sign of the evil of their actions and of God’s wrath against them and the strength of His blows against them, and a wonder = that is, a wondrous work that shows God’s authority over every person and His dealings with the people who disobey Him

Then we find the Book of Lamentations revealing to us what the Lord permitted in slaughtering fetuses and eating their flesh as a bitter punishment

10 Even the compassionate women cooked their children , and they were food for them in the calamity of the daughter of my people . 11 The Lord realized his anger  and poured out the fierceness of his wrath, and he kindled a fire in Zion, which devoured her foundations ... The common Arabic translation 


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