A collection of historical and geographical errors in the Gospel of Mark. Quote from the book of Saint Mark by Lennham.

 Excerpts from Historical and Geographical Errors in the Gospel of Mark

From the book of Nineham, by Saint Mark
The first quote
Jewish Customs and Traditions Mark tells us in chapter 7
And the Pharisees and some of the scribes, coming from Jerusalem, came together to him.
And when they saw some of his disciples eating bread with defiled, that is, unwashed, hands, they blamed him.
3 For the Pharisees and all the Jews, unless they wash their hands carefully, do not eat, holding the tradition of the elders.
4 And unless they wash themselves from the marketplace, they do not eat. And many other things they have received to hold fast, such as the washing of cups, pitchers, bronze vessels, and beds.
The text says that the scribes and Pharisees saw the disciples eating with dirty hands and blamed them because there was a tradition or ritual of washing
hands that was for those who taught in the temple and for his disciples
before. We want to clarify what is the ritual of washing hands or ritual purification?
In the beginning, this ritual was not for a health purpose, but rather literal ritual procedures that were practiced by the Jews, especially the priests of the temple. When a person washes his hands for purification, he brings water in a vessel, then the person raises his hands up and lowers them down. It was believed that if he did not do this, he would be afflicted with an unclean spirit that would make him poor
. The writer of the Gospel of Mark generalized this ritual, meaning that all Jews did it .
The scholar Nineham says Click image for larger view. Name: FB_IMG_1631769564213.jpg Views: 55 Size: 47.6 KB ID: 829824 Click image for larger view. Name: FB_IMG_1631769600852.jpg Views: 37 Size: 68.3 KB ID: 829825 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 39 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829830 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 50 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829831 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 38 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829832 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 36 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829833 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 37 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829834 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 35 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829835 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 38 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829836 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 36 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829837 Click on the image for a larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 38 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829838 Click image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 36 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829839 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_093751.jpg Views: 37 Size: 240.3 KB ID: 829840 Click on image for larger view. Name: Screenshot_20210918_074030.jpg Views: 55 Size: 143.0 KB ID: 829829 Click image for larger view. Name: FB_IMG_1631769568592.jpg Views: 38 Size: 164.9 KB ID: 829827 Click image for larger view. Name: FB_IMG_1631769600852.jpg Views: 38 Size: 68.3 KB ID: 829841 Click image for larger view. Name: FB_IMG_1631769564213.jpg Views: 51 Size: 47.6 KB ID: 829842 on page 193
that the issue of washing hands was a subject of great controversy between Jewish and Christian scholars. Jewish scholars indicated primarily, based on Talmudic evidence, that washing hands before meals was only obligatory for the priests and not for ordinary people such as the Pharisees and scribes. While it may be possible that some or even many of the Pharisees underwent this ritual voluntarily or willingly, it certainly cannot be said that all of them followed this. Thus, Mark made a mistake in generalizing a custom that was not practiced by everyone in Jesus’ time.
The second quote:
Geographical errors in the Gospel of Mark or the ignorance of the writer of the Gospel of Mark about the lands of Palestine
in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 11, Paragraph
1: And when they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples.
The text indicates that Jesus and his group arrived in Jerusalem and passed through Bethphage first and then Bethany.
We notice here a grave mistake, which is
that Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 10:46
and came to Jericho. And as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a large crowd, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the road begging.
He set out from Jericho heading for Jerusalem, but he would pass through Bethany and then Bethphage on the way.
The correct path is
Jericho - Bethany - Bethphage - Jerusalem. The writer of the Gospel of Mark reversed this and showed Bethphage then Bethany.
Of course, the scholar Nineham in his book, Saint Mark, commented on this.
Pointing out that Mark reversed the order of the two villages because he did not know the order of the locations of the two villages on the Jericho road,

of course, when the Gospel of Matthew (which was copied from Mark) mentioned this matter, he corrected the mistake and did not mention Bethphage,,, and was satisfied with
Matthew 21
1 And when they drew near to Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples
I will put a map of ancient Palestine explaining the distance attached to the quote

The third quote
Joseph of Arimathea who buried Jesus,,, Is Arimathea a known city?
Mark 15
15:43 Joseph of Arimathea, an honorable counselor, came and he was also waiting for the kingdom of God, so he took courage and went in to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
Nineham says that Joseph of Arimathea is a historically unknown figure. We only know that he was a member of the Sanhedrin and believed in Jesus only

The fourth quote

is about the use of Crucifixion as a punishment for Jesus
Since Jesus blasphemed, he was supposed to be tried according to the law that says stoning according to the law
Leviticus 24:16
And whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall be put to death; the whole congregation shall surely stone him. The alien, like the native, when he blasphemes the name, shall be put to death.
Nineham says that Mark did not try to explain why Jesus was handed over to Pilate and sentenced to death by crucifixion. Because crucifixion was basically a Roman

punishment ...


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