The response to the lie that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, quoted from the monk Bahira

 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

An old doubt raised by atheists and Christians, which is that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took the stories of the Qur’an from Bahira before calling to Islam . In

No authentic narration has proven that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, met a monk named Bahira. Rather, what has been proven from the story is this narration :
We read from the book of Ibn Abi Shaybah, the Book of Virtues:
((31733 - Qurad ibn Nuh narrated to us, he said: Yunus ibn Abi Ishaq narrated to us, on the authority of Abu Bakr ibn Abi Musa, on the authority of his father, he said: Abu Talib went out to Ash-Sham, and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and elders from Quraysh went out with him. When they came near the monk, they dismounted and unloaded their belongings. The monk came out to them. Before that, they used to pass by him, but he did not come out to them or pay any attention to them. He said: They were unloading their belongings. So he began to pass by them until he came and took the hand of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said: “This is the master of the worlds. This is the Messenger of the Lord of The worlds, this is what God sends as a mercy to the worlds.” Then the elders of Quraish said to him: What is your knowledge? And he said: “When you looked out from the pass, there was not a tree or a stone that did not fall down in prostration, and no one prostrates except to a prophet.” As

we see, the narration did not mention the name of the monk. As for the claim that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, learned from this monk - even if we assume that his name was Bahiri - this is a rejected claim for several reasons:

First: The narration does not talk about the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, staying for a long period of time or even an hour, but the context of the narration indicates a passing encounter that happened once with a monk, and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was still a young child in the presence of his uncle and the elders of Quraysh. So how can it be expected that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, received a deep theological study that would enable him to know the books of the Old and New Testaments and the books of the Apocrypha and Talmudic and Midrashic details during this passing, fleeting encounter in His uncle and the elders of Quraish were present!!!!

Secondly: The infidels of Quraish did not accuse the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, of learning from this monk, but rather they did not find anyone to accuse him of that. However, they went bankrupt until the matter reached them to accuse the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, of learning the eloquent and fluent Arabic Quran from two Syriac children who did not know Arabic except for the little that they could in their two days!!!
Allah the Almighty said in Surat An-Nahl: (( And We certainly know that they say, “It is only a human being who teaches him.” The language of the one they refer to is foreign, while this is a clear Arabic language. (103))

We read from the interpretation of At-Tabari, may Allah have mercy on him:
((Al-Muthanna told me, he said: Amr bin Awn told us, he said: Hisham told us, on the authority of Husayn, on the authority of Abdullah bin Muslim Al-Hadrami: That they had two slaves from the people of the Yemeni donkey, and they were children, and one of them was called Yasar, and the other Jabr,They were reading the Torah, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sometimes sat with them. The infidels of Quraysh said: He only sits with them to learn from them. Then God Almighty revealed: (The language of the one they refer to is foreign, while this is a clear Arabic language.)
Al-Muthanna told me, he said: Ma’n ibn Asad told us, he said: Khalid ibn Abdullah told us, on the authority of Hisayn, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Muslim al-Hadrami, something similar.
Ibn Wakee’ narrated: Ibn Fadil narrated to us, on the authority of Hiseen, on the authority of Abdullah bin Muslim, who said : We had two boys who used to recite a book for them in their own language. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, would pass by them and stand to listen to them. The polytheists said: He is learning from them. Then God Almighty revealed what they denied, saying: (The language of the one they refer to is foreign, while this is a clear Arabic language.)

Imam Al-Wada’i, may God have mercy on him, authenticated it when he mentioned it in Sahih Asbab Al-Nuzul.

Third: The Qur’an contains details similar to those found in the Talmud, and such Talmudic details are difficult for such a Syriac monk to obtain, since the knowledge of the Talmud, in general, was confined to the rabbis and scholars, and they did not discuss it with the common Jew, let alone the non-Jewish Arab.
We read from the book of the Talmud its origin and its sequence. And his manners, page 8:
((7. There was no indication at all of the existence of an Arabic translation of the Talmud,
and the conclusion that we draw from these results is that the Jews in the Arab countries were keen to hide the Talmud and not let the Muslims know about it, and they were discussing some of what was mentioned in it with the Muslim scholars orally when they were asking them about what was mentioned in their books about this story or this issue of issues and problems of interpretation, which explains the reason for the presence of the Israelite stories in some Islamic interpretations of the Holy Qur’an.
It is well known that the Talmud (whether the Babylonian Talmud written in Babylon or the Palestinian Talmud written in Palestine) was not available to anyone other than Jewish rabbis to study and teach until the age of printing began in Europe in the sixteenth century. Translations of the Babylonian Talmud in particular began to appear in English and French translations,
with the deletion of many paragraphs that offended Christ, peace be upon him, and the Virgin Mary, which could shock the Christian public from the translated text, as well as texts with racist dimensions that distinguished between the Jews (God’s chosen people) humans and the rest of the peoples of the world (the goyim) animals. And successively, many editions of the Talmud were issued in other European languages.

Judge Iyad, may God have mercy on him, said in his book Al-Shifa bi-Ta’rif Huquq al-Mustafa, Part One
: “Chapter Seven: Reporting on Past Centuries,
the Fourth Aspect: What he informed of from the news of past centuries, extinct nations, and obsolete laws, of which only the unique rabbis of the People of the Book who spent their lives learning it knew a single story, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, would cite it.” On his face, and he brings it according to its text, so the scholar acknowledges that as correct and true, and that the likes of it were not attained through education.
They knew that he - may God bless him and grant him peace - was illiterate, could neither read nor write, and was not engaged in teaching or studying. He was not absent from them, nor was any of them ignorant of his condition. The People of the Book would often ask him - may God bless him and grant him peace - about this, and he would send down to him from the Qur’an what he would recite to them as a reminder, such as the stories of the prophets with their people, and the news of Moses, Al-Khidr, Joseph, and his brothers, and the People of the Cave, and Dhul-Qarnayn, and Luqman and his son, and similar news, and the beginning of creation, and what is in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Psalms, and the scrolls of Abraham and Moses, which the scholars believed in them, and they were not able to deny what he mentioned of them, but rather they submitted to that, so whoever is successful believes in what preceded him of good, and whoever is wretched is stubborn and envious, and despite this, it was not reported from any of the Christians and Jews, despite their intense enmity towards him, and their eagerness to deny him, and his lengthy arguments against them with what is in their books, and his rebuking them for what their scrolls contained, and their frequent questions to him - may God bless him and grant him peace - and their trouble with him about the news of their prophets, and the secrets of their knowledge, and the repositories of their lives, and his informing them of what was hidden in their laws, The contents of their books, such as their question about the soul, Dhul-Qarnayn, the People of the Cave, Jesus, the ruling on stoning, what Israel forbade himself, what he forbade them of livestock, and good things that were made lawful for them but were forbidden to them because of their transgression. ))

And this is indicated by the Almighty’s saying: ((And they did not estimate God with His true estimate when they said, “God has not sent down anything to any human being.” Say, “Who sent down the Book which Moses brought, a light and a guidance for mankind? You make it into sheets, revealing some and concealing much , and you have been taught that which you did not know, you and your fathers. Say, “God.” Then leave them in their confusion to play. (91))

Fourth: The specific Quranic stories With Christ, peace be upon him, and his mother Mary, peace be upon her, it does not resemble those stories mentioned in the four gospels, and we know that in the seventh century the gospels spread among the Orthodox Christian sects (Jacobites and Melkites), Nestorians and Catholics were the four gospels approved today (Matthew - Mark - Luke - John), and it is very unlikely to say that a person like this monk would teach the Prophet, peace be upon him, Christianity and the life of Christ, peace be upon him, through the details found in some of the apocryphal gospels (such as the story of creation from clay in the form of a bird or the vow of Mary’s mother to Mary and the drawing of pens and the food that was prepared for Mary, peace be upon her, in the sanctuary).

We read from the Catholic Encyclopedia:
Before the rise and spread of Nestorianism and Monophysitism, the Arian heresy was the prevailing creed of the Christian Arabs. In the fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries Arianism was supplanted by Nestorianism and Monophysitism, which had then become the official creeds of the two most representative Churches of Syria, Egypt, Abyssinia, Mesopotamia, and Persia . ))

This is with the knowledge that the apocryphal gospels were forbidden to be read by the Church Fathers and they warned against them (especially the Gnostic gospels before the extinction of the Gnostic sects in the fifth and sixth centuries) and were rather confined to their circulation among monks and Church Fathers in the first centuries of Christianity
We read what Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, said in his fifth lecture:
((12. But in learning the Faith and in professing it, acquire and keep that only, which is now delivered to you by the Church, and which has been built up strongly out of all the Scriptures. For since all cannot read the Scriptures, some being hindered as to the knowledge of them by want of learning, and others by a want of leisure, in order that the soul may not perish from ignorance, we comprise the whole. doctrine of the Faith in a few lines. This summary I wish you both to commit to memory when I recite it, and to rehearse it with all diligence among yourselves, not writing it out on paper , but engraving it by the memory upon your heart. , taking care while you rehearse it that no Catechumen chance to

overhear the things which have been delivered to you
I wish you also to keep this as a provision through the whole course of your life, and besides this to receive no other, neither if we ourselves should change and contradict our present teaching, nor if an adverse angel, transformed into an angel of light 2 Corinthians 11:14 should wish to lead you astray. For though we or an angel from heaven preach to you any other gospel than that you have received, let him be to you anathema. Galatians 1:8-9 So for the present listen while I simply say the Creed, and commit it to memory; but at the proper season expect the confirmation out of Holy Scripture of each part of the contents For the articles of the Faith were not composed as seemed good to men ; but the most important points collected out of all the Scripture make up one complete teaching of the Faith. And just as the mustard seed in one small grain contains many branches, so also this Faith has embraced in a few words all the knowledge of godliness in the Old and New Testaments. Take the heed then, brethren, and hold fast the traditions which you now receive, and write them on the table of your heart. ))

And we read in his sixth lecture, as he warns against the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (which is different from the Gospel of the Infancy of Thomas):
(( 31. This man has had three disciples, Thomas, and Baddas, and Hermas. Let none read the Gospel according to Thomas: for it is the work not of one of the twelve Apostles, but of one of the three wicked disciples of Manes. Let none associate with the soul-destroying Manicheans, who by decoctions of chaff counterfeit the sad look of fasting, who speak evil of the Creator of meats, and greedily devour the daintiest, who teach that the man who plucks up this or that herb is changed into it ))

It is worth noting that John of Damascus was the first to make this accusation in the eighth century. The Christian monk mentioned that he was Nestorian, which means that he believed in the four Gospels.

Fifth:The Meccan surahs, for the most part, did not mention the stories of Jesus, peace be upon him, and his mother, peace be upon her, except in Surah Maryam - and as we mentioned previously, the details mentioned in it do not agree with any of the four Gospels - rather we find that the mention of Moses, peace be upon him, and his story with Pharaoh and the Children of Israel is much more than the mention of Jesus, peace be upon him. If the Prophet, peace be upon him, had learned from this Christian monk - God forbid - we would have found the Meccan surahs full of and abundant mention of the stories related to Jesus, peace be upon him, Mary, peace be upon her, Joseph the carpenter, and the disciples, but we find the opposite.
We read from Jalaa Al-Afham by Ibn Al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, Chapter Three:
((And they say, “If you were to leave,” meaning, do not eat. And they say to the books, the Mishnah, and its meaning in the language of the Arabs is the dual, which is read once after another. And we will not prolong more than this in the similarity of the two languages. And under this is a secret that is understood by those who understand the similarity between the two nations and the two Sharias, and the coupling of the Torah with the Qur’an in more than one place in the Book, like the Most High’s saying: {Or did they not disbelieve in what was given to Moses before? They said, “Two magicians supporting each other.” And they said, “Indeed, with all of them, we are a people who are not able to do so.” Disbelievers. Say, “Then bring a book from God that is better guidance than either of them, that I may follow it, if you should be truthful.” (Al-Qasas 48-49)
And His statement in Surat Al-An’am in response to those who said, “God has not sent down anything to any human being.” Say, “Who sent down the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for mankind?” (Al-An’am 91)
Then the Most High said, “And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, confirming that which was before it.” (Al-An’am 92) And He said
at the end of The Surah {Then We gave Moses the Book, a completion for him who did good, and a detailed explanation of all things, and a guidance and a mercy that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord. And this is a Book which We have revealed, blessed, so follow it and fear Allah that you may receive mercy.} Al-An`am 154-155
And the Most High said at the beginning of Surah Al Imran {Has Allah - there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Self-Sustaining - sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming what was between them?} His hands, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel before, as guidance for mankind.} Al Imran 1 4
And the Most High said: {And We had certainly given Moses and Aaron the Criterion and a light and a reminder for the righteous - those who fear their Lord unseen and are fearful of the Hour. And this is a blessed message which We have sent down. So will you deny it?} Al Anbiya 48 50
And for this reason, the Most High mentions the story of Moses and repeats it and shows it and consoles His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said when he was harmed by people: Moses was harmed more than this, but he was patient. For this reason the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “There will be in my nation what was in the Children of Israel, to the extent that if there was someone among them who had sexual intercourse with his mother openly, there would be someone in this nation who would do it.” Reflect on this correspondence between the two Messengers, the two Books, and the two Sharias. I mean the correct Sharia that has not been changed, and the two nations and the two languages.If you look at the letters of Muhammad and the letters of Mamd Bad, you will find that the two words are one word, for the two meems in them, the hamza and the ha’ are from one place of articulation, and the dal is often found in the place of dhal in their language. They say eihaadh for the one, and they say qudsh in al-quds. The dal and the dhal are close together, so whoever contemplates the two languages ​​and contemplates these two names will not doubt that they are one. And for this there are parallels in the two languages, such as Musa, for in the Hebrew language it is musha with shin, and its origin is water and tree, for they say for water mo and sha which is the tree, and Musa was picked up by the Al Pharaoh was between the water and the trees. The difference between Moses and Moses is like the difference between Muhammad and Mamluk.

Even in the Madinan surahs, the stories of Jesus, peace be upon him, were only mentioned in several verses in Surat Al Imran, Surat An-Nisa, and Surat Al-Ma’idah .
We read from Al-Itqan fi Ulum Al-Quran by Imam Al-Suyuti, may God have mercy on him, Part One, Chapter One: In knowing the Meccan from the Medinan:
Abu Ja`far al-Nahhas said in his book, Al-Nasikh wa al-Mansukh: Yamut ibn al-Muzari` told me, Abu Hatim Sahl ibn Muhammad al-Sijistani told us, Abu Ubaydah Ma`mar ibn al-Muthanna told us, Yunus ibn Habib told me, I heard Abu `Amr ibn al-`Ala` say: I asked Mujahid about summarizing the verses of the Medinan Qur’an from the Meccan ones, so he said: I asked Ibn Abbas about that and he said: “Surat Al-An’am was revealed in Mecca all at once, so it is Meccan except for three verses that were revealed in Medina: {Say: Come, I will recite} until the end of the three verses. The previous surahs are Medinan. Surat Al-A’raf, Yunus, Hud, Yusuf, Ar-Ra’d, Ibrahim, Al-Hijr and An-Nahl were revealed in Mecca - apart from…” Three verses from the end of it, for they were revealed between Mecca and Medina on his return from Uhud - and Surat Bani Israel, Al-Kahf, Maryam, Taha, Al-Anbiya, and Al-Hajj - except for three verses: {These two are opponents} until the end of the three verses, for they were revealed in Medina - and Surat Al-Mu’minun, Al-Furqan, and Surat Al-Shu’ara - except for five verses from the end of it that were revealed in Medina: {And the poets are followed by those astray} to the end. And Surah An-Naml, Al-Qasas, Al-Ankaboot, Ar-Rum, and Luqman - except for three verses from them that were revealed in Madinah: {And if all the trees on the earth were pens} to the end of the verses - and Surah As-Sajdah except for three verses: {Is he who is a believer like he who is a wicked} to the end of the three verses, and Surah Saba’, Fatir, Yaseen, As-Saffat, Sad, and Az-Zumar except for three Verses were revealed in Medina about Wahshi, the killer of Hamza: {Say, "O My servants who have transgressed,"} to the end of the three verses, and the seven Ha's, Mims, Qaf, Ad-Dariyyat, At-Tur, An-Najm, Al-Qamar, Ar-Rahman, Al-Waqi'ah, As-Saff, and At-Taghabun, except for verses at the end of them that were revealed in Medina. By Al-Mulk, Al-Haqqah, Sa’ala, Nuh, Al-Jinn, and Al-Muzzammil, except for two verses: {Indeed, your Lord knows that you stand} and Al-Muddaththir to the end of the Qur’an, except when the earth is shaken and when the victory of Allah comes and Say, “He is Allah, the One” and Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak” and Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,” for they are Madani. And the Surahs of Al-Anfal, Bara’ah, An-Nur, Al-Ahzab, Muhammad, Al-Fath, Al-Hujurat, Al-Hadid, and what follows them up to At-Tahrim were revealed in Madinah. This is how he narrated it in its entirety, and its chain of transmission is good. All of its men are trustworthy, among the famous scholars of Arabic.

Sixth:The Quran denied one of the most important Christian beliefs that was and still is popular among Christians, which is the belief in the crucifixion. It is known that most Christians, even the majority of them at that time, believed in the crucifixion of Christ, peace be upon him (even that small group of Christians who rejected the belief in the Trinity - as a paper - believed in the crucifixion of Christ, peace be upon him, according to the most likely opinion, and this was before the revelation of the Quran, and does not entail a belief). If the Prophet, peace be upon him, took from this riba or was influenced by it, then why did he not prove the story of the crucifixion, which is one of the essential stories in the four Gospels, and is in fact the origin of origins??!!!
Allah the Almighty said: (( And their saying, "Indeed, we killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah." But they killed him not, nor crucified him , but it was made to appear to them as if they had. And indeed, those who differ about it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. (157)))

Empty claim: Some missionaries have stated that Bahira actually taught the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and that he was in Mecca and Medina with him teaching him the Quran, and that the Quran is basically from him, based on what they called "Syriac documents" dating back to the seventh century!!!!

The response: I say, in addition to the points we mentioned previously, the response to this empty nonsense is simple:

1. What they called “Syriac documents” is in fact a late, fabricated Syriac Christian work dating back to the end of the eighth century and the beginning of the ninth century, and some place it in the eleventh or twelfth century. It is a fabricated work and has no relation to history.
We read from the book A Christian Bahira Legend, page 189, by Richard Gottheil:
(( The texts which I here publish are a curious evidence of how historical tradition may be perverted for polemical purposes. The story of the Christian Monk Beblra x) and his meeting with Mohammed is made the basis for a series of apocalyptic visions and of prophecies designed to show that there was nothing at all original in the teachings of the Prophet, 2) that he was an arch-fraud, and that he was instigated to practice this fraud by his mentor, who wished — in this manner — to bring the ignorant Arabs to the knowledge of one God. It is a form of polemics not unusual in the Middle Age literature. The apocryphal life of Jesus (Tdl'dhdth Jishfia) served a somewhat similar purpose to the Jews .))

Indeed, we find the same author on page 192 stating that the origin of this story goes back to the twelfth century:

In the third part (Ms A; Syriac) their color is red; and the shield and flag of the present Turkish Empire is of that color. I do not know how- far back the use of this color can be followed. But why- should they be called the "sons of Sufyan" or "sons of Sarpln"? The Terminus ad quern in the vision is un- doubtedly the "Kingdom" or "King" of the Romans.If I am right, the redaction of the first part, the apocalyptic vision, might well fall at the end of the eleventh, or the beginning of the twelfth centuries .

While we find that Krzysztof Szlagi says that the origin of the apocryphal story in its form dates back to the middle of the ninth century,
we read from the book
Page 202:

If someone familiar with the Muslim legends
and perhaps having Arabic as his mother tongue, copied (M), he could
have easily understood bh.ra as a proper noun, and identified the otherwise
dissimilar characters of the monk Sergius with the monk Bah.ra.
He might then have inserted the encounter episode and Muh. ammad’s
instruction by the monk. If my reconstruction of this earlier image of
Sergius is correct, some material corresponding to it in (C) was part of
(M) before the bilingual copyist introduced his fateful additions, overwriting
and obscuring the archaic story As (A) can be dated to the
810s, (M) probably to several years later, and WS, the earliest of the
synoptic generations, to the period between 833 and 861, the bilingual
copyist must have been. at work between the 810s and 861 . The Christian
Bah.ra legend in this form soon became rather well-known, because
al-Mas,ud, a Muslim historian, mentions in the 940s that \the name of
Bah.ra is Sergius in the books of the Christians. "161

It is funny that this work, which is supposed to date back to the seventh century according to the missionaries’ claim, shows a shallowness and even great ignorance in knowledge of Islamic information, as he thinks that Muslims pray seven prayers a day and that Surat Al-Baqarah was named thus because the Arabs tied the horn of the cow!!! Which indicates that this work was composed in a purely Syriac Christian environment in the ninth century that knew nothing about Islam except some simple information, while being influenced by the popular culture of the Syriac Christian villages!!
We read from the same previous source, page 201-202:

Similar stories, in which a Christian monk or cleric establishes Islam,
circulated in medieval Europe.159 These European legends surprise no
one; those who recounted them lived far away from the Islamic world,
and one would almost expect medieval Europeans to believe in such
phantasmagoria about Islam. It seems, however, less likely that anyone

would have such a legend a satisfactory explanation for the rise
of Islam in early ninth-century Iraq, and that such a legend would have
been invented, handed down, and preserved in the central lands of the
Caliphate, after two hundred years of Islamic rule. Yet it is not as
Improbable as it may appear. In the early ninth century most Christians
still lived in towns and villages in which the majority of the population
was Christian. They had dierent levels of education that only in the
rarest instances included acquaintance with Islam, let alone a systematic
knowledge of Islamic doctrines or Muslim traditions concerning Islamic
history. Christian knowledge of Islam must have been haphazard, just as
the acquaintance of the redactor of (M) with Islam seems to be. On the
one hand, (M) shows a deep embeddedness in Islamic culture, as seen in
the Muslim apocalyptic gures inserted into the Christian apocalypse;
On the other hand, it claims that Surat al-Baqarah reached the Arabs tied
to the horn of a cow, and that the Muslims pray seven times a day
with a Christian monk once settled in the distant desert
of Arabia as the prophet of the Arabs, the author of their scripture, and
the teacher of their quasi-Christian beliefs.
file:///Users/MacbookPro/Downloads/Muhammad_and_the_Monk_The_Making_of_the. PDF

What is striking and ironic is that Christians today have relied on Richard Gottheil’s first source to quote from, even though he stated that the story is a mere myth and that it is a Syriac work that came centuries after Islam!!!

2. The claim that the monk Bahira was in Mecca and Medina throughout the period of the Prophet’s mission, peace and blessings be upon him, is refuted by the points we mentioned earlier, and it is also refuted by the absence of evidence, since it is known that his presence throughout this period in Mecca and Medina necessitates that a group of polytheists saw him. Quraish or even from the Muslims, but we do not find a single narration that mentions this. Rather, the presence of such a person educated in Christianity in Mecca means that the infidels of Quraish would have directed accusations of teaching the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, to him, while we do not find this, since, as we mentioned, they made the accusation of teaching in Two Syriac children were slaves of Banu Hadrami!!!!
We say and repeat that Mecca and the Hijaz were devoid of Christian presence as a church organization or as missionary efforts, as
the presence of Christian groups and tribes in the Arabian Peninsula was concentrated in three regions:
the north-east of the Arabian Peninsula (the region of Al-Hirah, Basra, and Kazima under the rule of the Lakhmids),
the north-west of the(Tabuk, Balqa, Ibna, and the Syrian desert in Jordan, Ayla, Dumat al-Jandal, and Tabuk under the rule of the Ghassanids and those who were loyal to them)
southwest of the Arabian Peninsula in Najran and Yemen.
As for the Hijaz, Najd, and Oman region, it was distinguished by the lack of church organization in it, as the presence The Christian there did not rise to the level of the tribe, let alone rise to the level of converting an entire city to Christianity, since the Christians there were merely scattered individuals.
It is also noticeable that these areas were devoid of the missionary activity of the church.
Contrary to those who tried to portray the Hijaz as containing dozens of churches and monasteries scattered in the wastelands and deserts, which - they claim - are shelters for Nestorian or Jacobite monks,

we read from the Catholic Encyclopedia
: (( Christianity in Arabia had three in centres in the northwest, northeast, and southwest of the peninsula.The first embraces the Kingdom of Ghassan (under Roman rule), the second that of Hira (under Persian power), and the third the kingdoms of Himyar, Yemen, and Najran (under Abyssinian rule). As for central and southeast Arabia, such as Nejd and Oman, it is doubtful whether Christianity made any advance there.))

The Catholic Encyclopedia here removed the Hijaz from the above exception because it followed the extremist theories of Louis Cheikho. However, in 1967 the new Catholic Encyclopedia was issued, and it contained some revisions and corrections, including: It no longer relies on what Sheikho wrote and adds the Hijaz to those regions that do not contain Christian communities and are devoid of missionary activity.

We read from the New Catholic Encyclopedia, Part One, Page 620:
((The Hijaz. In speaking of Christians in the Hijaz one must limit the term to mean Mecca, Tayma ̄', Khaibar, al-T: a ̄'if, and Medina. The existing evidence refers to the time just before or during the lifetime of Muh: ammad.The Hijaz had not been touched by Christian preaching. Hence organization of a Christian church was neither to be expected nor found. What Christians resided there were principally individuals from other countries who re- tained some Christianity. Such were African (mainly Coptic) slaves;tradespeople who came to the fairs from Syria, from Yemen, and from among the Christian Arabs under the Ghassanids or Lakhmids; Abyssinian merce- nary soldiers; and miscellaneous others whose Christiani- ty was evidenced only by their names.The few native Christians whose names have come down to us furnishing us with more questions than answers. This Christianity had the marks that go with want of organization. It lacked instruction and fervor. It is therefore not surprising that it offered no opposition to Islam. Finally it is to be carried in mind that it was the Christianity in Arabia, here briefly sketched, that projected the image of Christianity seen in the Qur’a ̄n.))
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We read from Richard Bell’s book The Origin of Islam in its Christian Environment, page 42
((From the northwest it spread into the northern center of the peninsula and southward to the shores of the Red Sea but - and this is important - in spite of traditions to the effect that the picture of Jesus was found on one of the pillars of the Ka'ba, there is no good evidence of any seats of Christianity in the Hijaz or in the near neighborhood of Mecca or even of Medina ))
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And we read from the book of knowledge by Ibn Qutaybah, Part One
: ((The religions of the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era:
Christianity was in: “Rabi’ah”, “Ghassan”, and some of “Quda’ah” .
Judaism was in: “Himyar”, “Banu Kinanah”, “Banu al-Harith ibn Ka’b”, and “Kinda”. Zoroastrianism
was in: “Tamim”.
Among them: Zararah ibn ‘Adas al-Tamimi, and his son: Hajib ibn Zararah - who married his daughter then regretted it.
Among them: Al-Aqra’ ibn Habis - who was a Zoroastrian, and Abu Sud - the grandfather of: Wakee’ ibn Hassan - who was a Zoroastrian.
Heresy was in “Quraish”, they took it from “Al-Hirah”.
And “Banu Hanifa” took a god from Hais “1” in the pre-Islamic era, and they worshipped it for a long time, then a famine struck them and they ate it, so a man from “Banu Tamim” said: [Khafif]
Hanifa ate her lord from an old hunger in her and from need. And
he said: Another: [Fragmented complete]
Hanifa ate her Lord... In a time of oppression and famine,
they did not warn of their Lord... The bad consequences and consequences))

However, the investigation says that Banu Al-Harith bin Kaab were Christians, as were Kinda (and they are from Najran and Yemen), since the Jews among them are a minority compared to the Christians.

What indicates this meaning is that when Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail went to ask about the religion after abandoning the idols, he only went to the monks and rabbis of the Levant and did not mention that he sought refuge with any known monk in the Hijaz.
We read from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of the Virtues of the Helpers:

((3827 - Musa said: Salim bin Abdullah told me, and I do not know him except that he narrated it on the authority of Ibn Umar: “ That Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail went out to the Levant to ask about religion and follow it. He met a Jewish scholar and asked him about their religion. He said: I may follow your religion, so tell me. He said: You will not follow our religion until you take your share of Allah’s wrath. Zaid said: I only flee from Allah’s wrath, and I will never bear any of Allah’s wrath. How can I bear it? Can you guide me to someone else? He said: I do not know him except that he is a Hanif. Zaid said: What is a Hanif? He said: The religion of Abraham was neither Jewish nor Christian, and he worshipped none but Allah. So Zaid went out and met a Christian scholar and mentioned something similar. He said: You will never be of our religion until you take your share of Allah’s curse. He said: I only flee from Allah’s curse, and I will never bear anything of Allah’s curse or His wrath. How can I? Can you guide me to someone else? He said: I do not know him except that he is a Hanif. He said: What is a Hanif? He said: The religion of Abraham was neither Jewish nor Christian, and he worshipped none but God. When Zaid saw what they said about Abraham, peace be upon him, he went out. When he came out, he raised his hands and said: O God, I bear witness that I am on the religion of Abraham.

Mecca was also free of Jewish presence. This claim is supported by the fact that the infidels of Quraysh were forced to go to the Jews of Medina to take from them what they could ask the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him :
We read from Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Book of Interpretation of the Qur’an, Chapter: And from Surat Bani Israel:
((3140 Qutaybah narrated to us, Yahya bin Zakariya bin Abi Zaydah narrated to us, on the authority of Dawud bin Abi Hind, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, who said: Quraysh said to the Jews: Give us something so that we may ask this man. He said: Ask him about the soul. He said: So they asked him about the soul, and Allah, the Most High, revealed: And they ask you about the soul. Say: The soul is from the command of my Lord. And you have not been given of knowledge except a little. They said: We have been given much knowledge. We have been given the Torah, and whoever has been given the Torah has certainly been given much good. So Allah, the Most High, revealed: Say: If the sea were ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted, to the end of the verse. He said: This is a good, authentic, strange hadith from this aspect.))
Imam al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, authenticated it in Sahih and Da’if Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 3140.

We read from the book of Israel Wolfenson: History of the Jews in the Lands of the Arabs, page 98:
(( And this story supports what we have gone to, that there were no Jews in Mecca, because if one of them had been found in Mecca, the Banu Quraysh would not have sent their delegation. To the city to ask the Jewish rabbis about the Prophet, and if they found any of them, he must be uneducated .


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