Holy Quran vs Bible vs Gilgamesh

 In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

The Epic of Gilgamesh... This epic is considered one of the oldest stories in history... This epic talks about a person named Gilgamesh... because there is a city called Uruk.
We will discuss in detail, God willing, the history of this epic.
When was it? When was it written? And what is the date of its oldest manuscripts?
The important thing is that we found something somewhat strange in this epic.
This epic contains a story that is almost identical to the story of the flood mentioned in the Book of Genesis... and also mentioned in the Holy Quran....

Someone might say that this is something normal... It is very possible that the writers of the story quoted from the Book of Genesis.
Yes...that's what we said at the beginning of the research....
But during the search we were shocked by many surprises... that blew up this book called Holy
We now mention some similarities between this epic and the story of the flood in the Book of Genesis.
Truly, truly, I say to you...there are many things to study...
Is Gilgamesh the one who was transferred from the Book of Genesis???
And the Book of Genesis does not quote from Gilgamesh???
Before we get into this story...we need to answer many questions...
1- What is the age of humanity?
According to the Bible
2- When exactly did the flood happen?
According to the Bible
3- When was the Book of Genesis written??
4- What are the oldest manuscripts of this book???
We must also ask when did the story of Gilgamesh take place???
When was it written?
More important than all of this, are the similarities that Tariq will present, God willing, our own...

or do Christian references have anything to say about the subject???

Are the similarities just the words of Muslims???

Or do Christian references have anything to say about this subject???
The truth is that Christian references have something to say about this subject...and at first the research was...
Just to document our words, nothing more... but we noticed that there is a bit of blackout regarding
To date the story of Gilgamesh... and no one talks about this subject...

The story of the flood in the Book of Genesis has many loopholes,
the most important of which is that the flood covered the entire earth...!!!
7:18 And the waters prevailed and increased greatly upon the earth, and the ark sailed upon the face of the waters.
7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth.

All the high mountains under the entire sky were covered.

He also mentioned that not a single living soul remained on the face of the earth... This is not true
because there are animals that do not exist in the Middle East region...
And every living creature that moved on the earth died: birds, cattle, wild beasts, every creeping thing that crawled on the earth, and all men.
7:22 Everything in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was on the dry land, died.
So God wiped out every living thing that was on the face of the earth, people, animals, creeping things, and birds of the sky. They were wiped out from the earth.
Only Noah and those with him in the ark remained.

8:21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will never again curse the ground any more for man's sake: for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth.
I will never again kill every living thing as I did.

What did the church fathers do to get out of this predicament????
The Church Fathers said that the inclusion of the story in the Epic of Gilgamesh is evidence of the story’s authenticity.
The story is mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh...evidence that the flood actually happened.
The evidence is the quote from the Epic of Gilgamesh for the story...

Church interpreter Tadros Yacoub Malati says...

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and Father Samuel Youssef says in his book Introduction to the Old Testament
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and in the Encyclopedia of the Bible:

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But we notice that the Church Fathers pass over the event lightly... Some of them say that the story mentioned in Gilgamesh is taken from the Old Testament... and some of them pretend not to notice... and if we also notice that no one talks about dates at all...!!!!!

But we found another reference....that states the bitter truth...
When we search for the origins of the Torah, we find that we have 3 versions of the Torah... In the name of God, what God wills, the number is in the lemon, and our Lord increases and blesses....

We have the Samaritan Torah ... A group of Jews believe in it and it contains 5 books of Moses
: Genesis - Deuteronomy - Numbers - Leviticus - Exodus.

And the Hebrew Torah ... The rest of the Jews and Protestants believe in it and it contains 39 books . We have

the Greek Torah ... It is a Greek translation of the original Hebrew
and it contains 46 books... The Orthodox and Catholics believe in it....

And there are thousands of differences between the versions of the Torah... For example, there are about 6,000 differences between the Samaritan and Hebrew Torahs...

The Samaritan text differs from the Hebrew text in approximately six thousand places.


When we look at the genealogy in the 3 versions... we find the amazing wonder that
presents to us the genealogy in the 3 versions... The Catholic Encyclopedia

This genealogy from the beginning of creation to the flood...

as may be seen from the accompanying table, the total number of years in the Hebrew, Samaritan, and Septuagint differs

in the Hebrew, 1656 ,
in the Samaritan , 1307 ,
and in the Septuagint 2242
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It also presents to us the same genealogy in the 3 versions... The book The Student's Guide to the Precious Bible

The Student's Guide to the Precious Bible - Page 569,570
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Everyone sees the painful reality....

When did the flood happen???

According to the Samaritan Torah ..... 1307 since the beginning of creation

According to the Greek Torah ..... 2262 since the beginning of creation

According to the Hebrew Torah ..... 1656 since the beginning of creation

And the question is why this difference ...??!!

The same previous reference answers us on pages 571,572
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Who distorted the Holy Book, O Muslims???

The Jews

When did the distortion occur, O Muslims ..?

The third century BC (the time of the Septuagint translation)

Where did the distortion occur, O Muslims???

In Alexandria

Why did the distortion occur, O Muslims??? So

that the Jews may prove their opinion that Christ will appear after 6000 years ....

We will not discuss the difference between the versions ... This is not our topic,

but we return and adopt the opinion of the Church that the Hebrew original is in effect ...

The book Murshid al-Talibin says on page 571
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and Father Abdul-Masih Basit says that the Hebrew original is in effect ...

So the research will revolve around the Hebrew text of the Old Testament.

We mentioned that the research will be about the Hebrew text...
According to the Hebrew text we can state the following facts...
1- The age of humanity before Christ was about
2- The flood happened in
Since the beginning of creation
B.C.E ...

The church interpreter, Antonius Fikry, provides us with a wonderful table that explains:
The genealogy from Adam to Noah...according to the Hebrew original

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Even if we knew that the flood happened when Noah was 600 years old...
7:6 And when Noah was six hundred years old, the flood of waters came upon the earth.

It is also clear that the results reached by the interpreter Antonius Fikry
These are the same results mentioned in the book “Murshid Al-Talibeen”
That is, the flood occurred 1656 years after the beginning of creation....

And Dr. Maurice Bucaille also decides for us this in his book...
The Torah, the Bible, the Quran and Science Page 57

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This Jewish website shows us almost the same result....

Now we document these results from the Student Guide book, pages 576, 579.

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This table shows that the difference between Adam and Jesus is about 4000 years.

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*** This is documentation from another site.....

Present to Jesus..........2,000 years
Jesus to Abraham....... 2,000 years (55 generations)
Abraham to Adam ........ 2,000 years (20 generations).
From Adam to Abraham, about 2000 years
From Abraham to Jesus, about 2000 years.
That is, the period between Adam, peace be upon him, and Jesus is about 4000 years....
We say that this result is also confirmed and mentioned in all foreign references.

We are now presenting the words of ... Floyd Nolen Jones in his book ..
The Chronology Of The Old Testament - page 27

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The speech is clear... Adam came to Earth 4004 years before the birth of Christ
And Christ was born around 4 BC, to be exact...and there are about 4,000 years between them.

Everyone knows that the story of the flood is mentioned in the Book of Genesis... I will not talk about the author of the book
It doesn't make much difference to us... The most important thing is when this book was written???
There is a lot of talk about the time it was written and there is a fierce disagreement among scholars, but I will choose the oldest time I found.
This is what I found written in the Encyclopedia of the Bible.
It is said that it was written around 1440 BC....
Encyclopedia of the Bible....
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There is a consensus among the authorities...that the Book of Genesis covers the history of mankind.
From the beginning of creation to the death of our master Joseph... 2369 years since the beginning of creation
Or 1645 BC....
2369 + 1645 = 4004 ..... same result as before

A Dictionary of the Bible - by William Smith, LLD

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Genesis covers 2,369 years from the beginning of creation.
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Another reference...
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Another reference that explains the date of the flood and the number of years covered in the Book of Genesis.

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We conclude this intervention... with the words of the wonderful William Whiston
In writing The Complete Works of Flavius ​​Josephus
Page 595 .....

Who puts a table for us that summarizes all the previous posts...

William Whiston in his book The Complete Works of Flavius ​​Josephus page 595 .....
William Whiston in his book The Complete Works of Flavius ​​Josephus page 595 .....
Let's take a quick look at the Hebrew manuscripts that exist today...
Talking about the Hebrew manuscripts takes a long time, but we must know that the original script of the Torah... is completely different from the Hebrew script that we see now... because the Hebrew script developed over the years... and all the original manuscripts of the ancient Hebrew text went with the wind.
Happy New Year...just like the New Testament manuscripts...
Introduction to the Bible - Habib Saeed Page 29

The original script of the Torah... is completely different from the Hebrew script that we see now... because the Hebrew script has developed over the years... and all the original manuscripts of the ancient Hebrew text have gone with the wind. An Introduction to the Holy Bible - Habib Saeed, page 29
The original script of the Torah... is completely different from the Hebrew script that we see now... because the Hebrew script has developed over the years... and all the original manuscripts of the ancient Hebrew text have gone with the wind. An Introduction to the Holy Bible - Habib Saeed, page 29
Father Samuel Youssef tells us about the development of the Hebrew script over time.

Introduction to the Old Testament - Samuel Joseph - 43

Introduction to the Old Testament - Samuel Joseph - 43
The Hebrew script was shaped during the period from the seventh to the eighth century AD.
I repeat AD, not BC...!!!
Introduction to the Bible Page 31
The Hebrew script was diacritical during the period from the seventh to the eighth century AD, and I repeat AD, not BC...!!! Introduction to the Holy Bible, page 31
Everyone should know that all existing Hebrew manuscripts go back to the Masoretic text.
Which text has the diacritics?
There is no Hebrew manuscript on the face of the earth before this date.
Except for the recently discovered Qumran manuscripts and some other papyri that will not be of any use because they contain very few numbers.

Under the title: The Hebrew manuscripts that exist now
Father Emil Maher tells us in his book:
Bible manuscripts in their original languages
Their number is approximately 2000 to 2500 manuscripts... most of them date back to 1000 AD..!!
There is no power or strength except with Allah....

Under the title...The Hebrew manuscripts that exist now, Father Emil Maher tells us in his book - Manuscripts of the Holy Bible in its Original Languages ​​that their number is approximately from 2000 to 2500 manuscripts... most of them date back to 1000 AD..!!
Under the title...The Hebrew manuscripts that exist now, Father Emil Maher tells us in his book - Manuscripts of the Holy Bible in its Original Languages ​​that their number is approximately from 2000 to 2500 manuscripts... most of them date back to 1000 AD..!!
What concerns us now is the oldest manuscript of the Book of Genesis.
The oldest complete manuscript of the Book of Genesis dates back to the ninth or tenth century..!!!

Introduction to the Bible Page 34

The oldest complete manuscript of the Book of Genesis dates back to the ninth or tenth century..!!! Introduction to the Bible, page 34
Unfortunately, Habib Saeed tells us in his book Introduction to the Holy Book, page 44:
There is a period of up to
2000 years
Between the first written book (Genesis)
And between the first Hebrew manuscript in our hands... No comment, gentlemen...!!!

There is a period of up to 2000 years between the first written book (Genesis) and the first Hebrew manuscript in our hands.

Summary of what was

mentioned to us by Christian references
1- The flood, according to the Hebrew text, occurred in the year 1656 since the beginning of creation...or in the year 2348 BC.
2- The flood incident was recorded in the first book of the Holy Bible, the Book of Genesis, approximately in the year 1440.
3- The oldest complete manuscript of the Book of Genesis dates back to approximately the tenth century.

That is, the event according to the Bible ... 2348 BC.
The event was recorded according to the Bible ... approximately 1440 BC .
The last complete manuscript that reached us ... around the tenth century AD.
The question that arises
is when did the Epic of Gilgamesh take place???
When was it written???

The bitter truth is that the Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC.
Yes, this is the bitter truth....
It was written around 2000 BC....
Parts of it still exist to this day.
And this is the truth of the matter....!!!
We learned this from foreign references... because as I said, there is a blackout on the history of this incident... in Arab references... because they know the painful reality...

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.Quote
The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.
The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.
The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.
The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.
The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.
The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.
The Epic of Gilgamesh took place around (2500-2700) BC. Yes, this is the bitter truth.... It was written around 2000 BC.... and parts of it still exist to this day.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is, perhaps, the oldest written story on Earth. It comes to us from Ancient Sumeria, and was originally written on 12 clay tablets in cunieform script. It is about the adventures of the historical King of Uruk (somewhere between 2750 and 2500 BCE ).

Gilgamesh was an historical king of Uruk in Babylonia, on the River Euphrates in modern Iraq; he about 2700 BC Although historians (and your textbook) tend to emphasize Hammurabi and his code of law, the civilizations of the Tigris-Euphrates area, among the first civilizations, lived rather on Gilgamesh and the legends accruing around him to explain, as it were, themselves. Many stories and myths were written about Gilgamesh, some of which were written down about 2000 BC . in the Sumerian language on clay tablets which still survive

The fullest surviving version, from which the summary here is taken, is derived from twelve stone tablets… found in the ruins of the library of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria 669-633 BC

The most complete surviving version is in the Akkadian language, and was found in the ruins of the library of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria (669-633 BC),

The fullest surviving version , from which the summary here is taken, is derived from twelve stone tablets, in the Akkadian language, found in the ruins of the library of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria 669-633 BC

Yes, this is the bitter truth...
The Epic of Gilgamesh...
preceded the flood according to the Bible by more than 3 centuries 

Yes, this is the bitter truth...
The first writing of the Epic of Gilgamesh preceded the first writing of the Book of Genesis by more than 5 centuries.

Yes, this is the bitter truth...
The oldest complete manuscript of the Epic of Gilgamesh precedes the oldest complete
manuscript of the Book of Genesis by more than 15 centuries.

You are right...you are absolutely right, you who are responsible for the Jesuit translation,

to admit that the author of the Book of Genesis quoted from the Epic of Gilgamesh

. This is a fact that only an ignorant person would deny....

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And upon him, all compensation is in your lineage, O holy book...
I mean, O holy one...

Perhaps someone will act slyly and say that we are also attacking the Quran...and this is very funny talk

, because what mentioned that the age of humanity on Earth is about 6000 years...is the Holy Bible

and the interpreters of the Holy Bible...

Some claim that fossils prove the existence of human bones that are more than a million years old, while what is clear from this table is that the age of man on Earth does not exceed 6000-7000 years.

As for modern science, it has discovered fossils dating back to 10,000 years BC...

So the genealogy of the Holy Bible... is a holy scandal in every word ...

and what was mentioned that the Epic of Gilgamesh was before the flood... is the statistics of the Holy Bible,

but the Quran did not speak about the age of humanity... This is 


the occurrence of the flood at this time is a gross scientific error...

There were many civilizations that existed at this time.
Dr. Moritz Bucaille says in his book - page 58
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Let us take, for example, the most famous event in history, which is the building of the pyramids.

The pyramids were built around 2700 BC to 2200 BC.
This means that it is absolutely impossible for the flood to have occurred in 2348 BC, as the Christians’ book says.

This is explained to us by Habib Saeed in his book, World Religions, page 38.

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The pyramids date back to 2650-2200 BC, and during this period, more than 90 pyramids were built in various parts of the ancient Pharaonic state.

The time in which pyramids were built is referred to as the Pyramid age. Egyptian history is divided into several periods including the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms. The period in which pyramids were constructed was the Old Kingdom, between 2700 and 2200 B

The Pyramids were built during the Old Kingdom (2700-2200 BC)

Nothing in the world has involved man's imagination and his energies completely more than the 70-odd pyramids built by the Eygptians between 2700 BC and 2200 BC

It was during the Old Kingdom (c.2700-2200 BC) , that twenty-one pyramids were built,

If the flood happened at this time according to the Bible... it is nothing but a sacred myth


According to the Bible... the first book written was by Moses ... or the writer of Genesis around 1440 BC... and this is the oldest date we have found... for the Book of Genesis...

and this is also a grave error...

according to the Holy Quran there are heavenly books much before this... before Gilgamesh and other than Gilgamesh...

people were one nation, then Allah sent the prophets as bringers of good tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth
to judge between people concerning that wherein they differed. And none differed therein except those who were given it after clear proofs had come to them, out of jealous animosity between themselves. So He
guided Allah, those who believe, for whatever they differed over of the truth, by His permission.
And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.

Tafsir Al-Jalalayn ...

And He sent down with them the Book" meaning the books

and in the easy interpretation

, so Allah sent the prophets as callers to the religion of Allah, giving good tidings to whoever obeys Allah of Paradise
, and warning whoever disbelieves in Him and disobeys Him of the Fire, and He sent down with them the heavenly books with the truth

and in the interpretation of the selected scholars of Al-Azhar ..

, and He sent down with them the books containing the truth

and we also provide evidence for that ... with the scrolls of Abraham ... which the Quran spoke about
and we do not see any existence of them in the books of the Christians (they are in the Apocrypha)

Allah the Almighty says ...

This is in the former scrolls, the scrolls of Abraham and Moses,

so the Holy Book was denied and the Noble Quran was true ... and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds ...

Introduction to Gilgamesh and his historical epic :

The Epic of Gilgamesh is considered one of the most prominent literary works of ancient Iraq, and it is the longest literary epic known to the entire Near East.
The events of this epic revolve around the character of "Gilgamesh" - a real character around whom legends were woven - as his name appeared in the series of Sumerian kings of the first dynasty of Uruk, and he was ranked fifth in it, and it was said that he ruled for 126 years. [1],that is, between 2700: 2500 BC.

Maureen Gallery Kovacs says in his book The Epic of Gilgamesh:

There is no doubt that Gilgamesh was real historical figure who ruled the city of Uruk at the end of the early dynastic II period (2700 – 2500 BC) [2]

This epic was written around 2000 BC.
Kovacs also says:
The earliest written epics about Gilgamesh were produced in the Sumerian language during the reign of king Sgulgi of the third dynasty of Ur (Ur III), ca. 2000 BC [3]


The oldest writing of the Epic of Gilgamesh was written in the Sumerian language during the reign of King Segulgi of the Third Dynasty of Uruk in 2000 BC .

Before the period of documentation, it was transmitted orally - an oral tradition - without writing among the people as a popular heritage [4].

[1] Taha Baqir: The Epic of Gilgamesh, p. 13.
 Maureen Gallery Kovacs: The Epic of Gligamesh
[3] Previous
[4] Andrew George, tr., The Epic of Gilgamesh. The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian. London: Penguin Classics, 1999.
The Epic of Gilgamesh × Genesis :

When talking about this epic, the Book of Genesis must be mentioned, due to the source-related relationship between them.

The Encyclopedia of the Bible says:
There are many similarities between the events of the biblical flood story and the Assyrian story. [5]

Before talking about these similarities, we must review some small comparison between the dates of the epic and the book.

As we mentioned earlier, it is assumed - as scholars have shown - that Gilgamesh lived during the period between 2700: 2500 BC, and that is when his story took place.
It continued to be passed down as an oral tradition until the time of writing came around the year 2000 BC.

As mentioned, there are similarities between the biblical story and the epic in several places, the Book of Genesis had the lion's share in it, and for this reason it will be the focus of our discussion because it is supposed to be the oldest book of the Bible.
There are three opinions about the time in which the Book of Genesis was written:

• The first opinion: The fifteenth century BC, and for this reason some said that Moses wrote it.

• 13th century BC.

• 9th-5th century BC, and its final editing was also during the 5th century or perhaps later.

This is a summary of what the Tyndale Bible Dictionary says:
The date of the book is also a matter of debate. Even among those who accept Mosaic authorship there is debate as to when Moses lived. Based on the biblical data, Moses should have lived in the 15th century bc (cf. Jgs 11:26; 1 Kgs 6:1), but many scholars incline toward a 13th-century date. As outlined above, the liberal view of the date of Genesis would be from the ninth to the fifth centuries BC, with the final editing coming around the fifth century or perhaps even later. . [6]


The date of writing of the book is also a matter of debate. Even those who accept that Moses wrote the book have argued about when Moses lived. According to the information of the Bible, Moses must have lived in the fifteenth century BC (see Judges 11:26, 1 Kings 6:1). However, many scholars have gone to the thirteenth century. The liberal-progressive view of the date of Genesis is from the ninth to the fifth century BC, and the final editing was during the fifth century or perhaps later.

So we have three dates: either 1500 BC, or 1300 BC, or 900-500 BC, or later.

That is, the oldest written version of the Epic of Gilgamesh existed five full centuries before the appearance of Genesis.
It was written in 2000 BC, and Genesis was written in 1500 BC, assuming that Moses, peace be upon him, wrote it, but in fact it was written much later.

[5] The Encyclopedia of the Bible – Flood
[6] Elwell, Walter A. ; Comfort, Philip Wesley: Tyndale Bible Dictionary. Wheaton, Ill. : Tyndale House Publishers, 2001 (Tyndale Reference Library), S. 522
Original and copy :
The vast majority of the evidence between the epic and the Book of Genesis is found in the story of the Flood and the eleventh tablet of the epic [7].
We will review some of the similarities between the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis.
The first aspect:
The ship
The Torah
says in Genesis 6-14:16:
Make yourself an ark of Gopher wood.
You make the ark dwellings
And coat it from the inside and outside with caulk .
And this is how you make it: three hundred.
The length of the ark shall be fifty cubits, its breadth shall be thirty cubits, and its height shall be thirty cubits.
And you shall make a window for the ark, and finish it up to a cubit above, and put the door of the ark on its side.
Lower, middle and upper dwellings make it.
It was stated in the epic in the eleventh tablet:

Its walls were each 10 times 12 cubits in height,
the sides of its top were of equal length, 10 times It cubits each.
I laid out its (interior) structure and drew a picture of it.
I provided it with six decks,
thus dividing it into seven (levels).
The inside of it I divided into nine (compartments).
I drove plugs (to keep out) water in its middle part.
I saw to the punting poles and laid in what was necessary.
Three times 3,600 (units) of raw bitumen I poured into the
bitumen kiln,
three times 3,600 (units of) pitch ...into it,
there were three times 3,600 porters of casks who carried (vege-
table) oil,
apart from the 3,600 (units of) oil which they consumed (!)
and two times 3,600 (units of) oil which the boatman stored
Here we see the similarities, as the same unit of measurement, the “cubit,” was used, with different dimensions and measures, as well as its division into floors and the division of floors into rooms, as stated in the biblical text.
As well as painting the ship with tar.
The second face
go on board
The Torah
Gen 7:7 So he went in.
Noah and his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives
With him into the ark from the face of the flood waters.
It was stated in the epic:
I had all my kith and kin go up into the boat
As we see in the story of Genesis, Noah entered the ship with his family and his sons’ wives, which is exactly what is mentioned in the epic, when Attov and Nabishtim entered his household and his family from the lineage to his ship.

The third face
Mountain cover
The Torah
Gen 7:20 The waters prevailed fifteen cubits in height.
The mountains were covered
Gen 7:21
And all flesh died that moved on the earth: birds, cattle, wild beasts, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and all men.
Gen 7:22 Everything in whose nostrils there was the breath of the spirit of life, of all that was on the dry land, died.
The epic
Blowing fast, submerging the mountain in water ,
overwhelming the people like an attack.
No one could see his fellow,
they could not recognize each other in the torrent
Just as the waters covered the mountain tops, then the difficulty of the situation at that time was depicted, from the death of living souls as the Torah narrated, and the crushing of people as the epic depicted.

The fourth face
After the Flood
Gen 8:1 Then God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. And God caused a wind to pass over the earth.
The waters calmed down .
Gen 8:2 And the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was stopped .
The epic

The sea calmed, fell still, the whirlwind (and) flood stopped up.
I looked around all day long--quiet had set in

and all the human beings had turned to clay!
The Torah is similar to the text of the epic, as the epic tells the story of the end of the flood, when the sea, storms and floods calmed down.

The fifth face
ship window
Gen 8:6 And it came to pass after forty days, that Noah
He opened the hatch of the ark that he had made.
The epic

I opened a vent and fresh air (daylight!) fell upon the side of my nose
As we see through the epic and the journey, there was a window in the ship, and it was opened by both Noah, peace be upon him, and Utnapishtim.

The sixth face
Noah and Utnapishtim's use of birds
The Torah
Gen 8:8
Then he sent the dove
From him to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the earth.
Gen 8:9
But the dove could not find a place for her foot to rest on, so she returned to the ark, because her waters were over the face of the whole earth.
Then he reached out his hand and took it and brought it into the ark with him.
Gen 8:10
And he stayed another seven days, and again he sent out the dove from the ark.
Gen 8:11 A dove came to him in the evening, and behold, an olive leaf was in her beak.
And Noah knew that the waters had subsided from off the earth.
Gen 8:12
And he stayed another seven days, and sent out the dove, but it did not return to him again.
The epic
When a seventh day arrived
I sent forth a dove and released it.

The dove went off, but came back to me;
No perch was visible so it circled back to me.
I sent forth a swallow and released it.
The swallow went off, but came back to me;
No perch was visible so it circled back to me.
I sent forth a raven and released it.
The raven went off, and saw the waters slither back.
It eats, it scratches, it bobs, but does not circle back to me.
A final example showing the similarity between the two stories.
It was mentioned in the Torah that Noah, peace be upon him, sent a dove to see if the water had dried up from the earth, and the dove returned to him again as a sign that his wish had not been fulfilled.
The same thing was done by Utnapishtim, he also sent a dove for the same reason and it also returned to him, then Utnapishtim tried to send a swallow.
Then the birds are sent again.
But this time Noah, peace be upon him, also sent a dove, and Utnapishtim sent a raven, and through that sending it was known that the land was dry, as the dove returned to Noah carrying an olive leaf, and the raven did not return because when it saw the land it ate from it and remained there.

[7] http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/...mesh/tab11.htm
Calculate the amount
After presenting these facts, accompanied by the truths and words of Christian scholars, no intelligent person will be able to say anything but that the Bible has inevitably copied the story of the flood from the Epic of Gilgamesh.
All evidence points to the accusation of the Bible.
Gilgamesh lived during the period estimated by scholars to be around 2700: 2500 BC, while the flood was in 2370 BC [8]
The Epic of Gilgamesh appeared as a written work around 2000 BC, while the Book of Genesis appeared in 1500 BC, five full centuries later, and this is at best assuming that Moses was its writer, which is a very remote possibility.
This completely discredits the Bible and completely destroys the claim of its infallibility.
There is no doubt that there is a defect, this defect is a result of the Holy Book itself and the Holy Book itself also fell into it.
According to the data mentioned, two floods occurred on this earth, the first during the reign of Gilgamesh, and the second during the reign of Noah, peace be upon him, and this is something that any rational person would reject.
The truth is that no flood has ever occurred on Earth except the flood of Noah, peace be upon him, and what is mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh is a type of mythology that was derived from the flood of Noah, but the Holy Book is the one that put itself in this critical predicament, as it gave historical precedence to Gilgamesh by making the real flood after the legendary flood by two centuries at most.
The true date of the Flood was derived from the incorrect historical data stated in the texts of the Torah.
If we follow the sequence of historical events from the beginning of creation, from our master Adam to Noah, peace be upon him, we will find that the time difference between them is only 1056 years.
Gen 5:3 And Adam lived.
One hundred and thirty years
And he begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth.
Gen 5:6 And Seth lived.
One hundred and five years
And he begot Enosh.
Gen 5:9 And Enosh lived.
ninety years
And he gave birth to Cainan.
Gen 5:12 And Kenan lived
seventy years
And he begot Mahalalel.
Gen 5:15 And Mahalalel lived.
sixty five
A year and Jared was born.
Gen 5:18 And Jared lived.
one hundred and sixty two years
And he begot Enoch.
Gen 5:21 And Enoch lived.
sixty five years
And he begot Methuselah.
Gen 5:25 And Methuselah lived.
One hundred and eighty seven
A year and he begot Lamech.
Gen 5:28 And Lamech lived.
One hundred and eighty-two years
And he had a son.
Gen 5:29
And he called his name Noah.
Saying, “This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands because of the ground which the Lord has cursed.”
And he says in the seventh chapter:
Gen 7:11
In the year six hundred
From the life of Noah, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of heaven were opened.
By simple calculation, the period between Adam, peace be upon him, and the flood = 1056 + 600 = 1656.[9]
That is, the year 2370 BC.
These numbers are undoubtedly a myth that the writers of the Torah falsely attributed to God. They made the Holy Book a copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh, and made the entire age of humanity not exceed six thousand years.
This number can be verified through this Jewish website, which has established a history of Old Testament events and other contemporary events.

The funny and sad thing about the matter is that when the Torah made the flood in 2370 BC, it led the Holy Book into another trap, which is the existence of ancient civilizations that go back much further than the civilization of the Pharaohs, which is estimated to be more than 3000 years BC... that is, before the flood.

The Pharaonic Era dates back to 3000 years BC . Alexander till the Great conquered Egypt in 323 BC During the Pharaonic Era, Egypt witnessed many aspects of progress and renaissance in all fields [10]

One of the evidences that these numbers are fabricated and that they are merely a fabricated lie is the difference in this numerical estimate given by the Torah between the three texts: the Masoretic, the Samaritan, and the Septuagint.
There are terrible differences between these texts, which we review in this table of the texts quoted above. [11]

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[9] For those who want to confirm, here is a Jewish website that has determined the same numbers: http://www.akhlah.com/history_tradit...h_timeline.php
[11] The translation of the Hebrew texts is a direct translation into Arabic, while the Septuagint text is through the English translation of the Septuagint text known by the abbreviation NETS.


abstract truth in this matter was written by the scholar Dr. Taha Baqir when he spoke about the spread of this legend called the Epic of Gilgamesh:

The reader will see for himself the extent of the great similarity between the flood narratives of ancient nations, the longest and most extensive of which is what was mentioned in the Torah, and the epic narrative of this event that affected the minds of the sons of ancient civilizations, so its news and narratives were taken from the literature of the civilization of the Valley of the Two Rivers, and what we believe regarding this flood isthat it was originally a real historical incident that occurred in the folds of the distant past, and it was so huge and terrible that it left a profound impact on the minds of different generations, so it was transmitted by oral narratives, so its historical details were distorted. In view of the many similarities between the flood narrative in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the narrative in the Torah, we believe that both narratives go back to one incident, and that this incident occurred in ancient Iraq, especially in the southern part of it, that is, in the alluvial plain, and that its time goes back to the end of the era called In the history of the civilization of Mesopotamia, under the name of Jemdet Nasr,in the period of 3200 BC and to the beginning of the civilizational era called the Dawn of the Dynasties around the beginning of the third millennium BC. [12]

This is the truth that does not accept any doubt.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is a legendary story inspired by the imagination, derived from a true story, the story of our master Noah, peace be upon him, which was before it by a long time.
Since the story of our master Noah and the flood had great events and lessons, this story remained stuck in the mind of the new world after the flood, passed down among them as a popular heritage in the form of an oral tradition between the ages.
Then the Epic of Gilgamesh and others come in quoting from it, but unfortunately the Holy Book bears witness to itself with distortion and lack of credibility once again.
It throws history to the wall, and depicts that Noah, peace be upon him, came after this Gilgamesh, and stands between the millstones of the harsh result that gives no escape from quoting the story of the flood from this epic.
Whoever insists that the Bible is true must admit that two floods occurred on this earth, or that the Bible was copied from Gilgamesh.
Whoever wants to adhere to the rule of logical reason and refer to historical and scientific facts, there is no greater evidence than this that the Bible is a human book inspired by imagination and has no connection to divine revelation, except for a glimmer.

[12] Dr. Taha Baqir: The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Immortal Odyssey of Iraq. p. 15.

Responding to doubts

We often find on intellectual prostitution sites and Christian toilets - falsely disguised as sites for dialogue with Muslims - doubts about the Holy Qur’an, the basis of which is that some Qur’anic stories were taken from the Talmud or the Jewish Haggadah .
In fact, if that ignorant group of Christians knew what these two books or other Jewish books were, what scholars said about them, and what the Jews believed about them, they would not have written these stupid, ignorant lines.
These books as a whole are not true, nor are they false. They do not contain pure truths or pure falsehoods. They contain truth and falsehood, just like the Torah.
The answer to their trivial doubts is very easy and simple.
The vast majority of the prophets and messengers sent by God Almighty were to the Children of Israel.
And every prophet among them lived as long as God had destined for him to live and died - except for Christ, who has not died yet and was raised alive -
He left a legacy or what is called the remnants of prophecy .
The remains of these prophecies are represented in:
Biography of the Prophet, his stories and teachings
These biographies and teachings were also transmitted.
Orally, as was the custom - just as the story of the Flood was transmitted and the Epic of Gilgamesh was quoted from it - among the people and they circulated it among themselves, and it is not surprising when we find some of this in the Talmud or written down by the Jewish rabbis in the Haggadah or any other religious book .
These prophets were among them and their news was being transmitted among them.
He mentioned what was mentioned in the Torah, and left the rest and wrote it down in the Talmud or other books.
We have a lesson in the past from the story of the flood, our master Noah, peace be upon him, and Gilgamesh.
This, so whatever success comes from God Almighty alone, and whatever error, oversight, negligence or forgetfulness comes from me and Satan, and God and His Messenger are innocent of it.
I ask God Almighty to make this work purely for His sake, without any purpose of fame or hypocrisy.
The right to transmit and copy is available to every Muslim, and it does not matter at all to mention the source. I only ask you to pray in secret for me, my parents, and my family.
May God bless and grant peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, at the beginning and the end.
Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Might, above what they describe. (180) And peace be upon the messengers. (181) And praise be to God, Lord of the worlds. (182) As-Saffat


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