Why did God create pigs and then forbid them? (((The importance of harmful and harmful animals))))

 Why did God create pigs and then forbid them?

(((The importance of harmful and harmful animals))))

Many people wonder about the benefit of creating predatory and harmful animals such as lions, tigers, hyenas, wolves, elephants, pigs, poisonous snakes, crocodiles, scorpions, mosquitoes, flies, owls, bats, and others.

The most confusing question is why the pig, when Allah has forbidden humans to eat its meat in the Holy Quran, saying: “He has only forbidden you dead animals, blood, and the flesh of swine” (Surat Al-Baqarah/173) , considering them to be among the impure meats, meaning among the meats that are harmful and hurtful to the human body, according to the Almighty’s saying: “ He has permitted them the good things and forbidden them the bad things ” (Al-An’am/157).

Pigs: Despite the Creator’s grace and mercy in caring for human health by prohibiting what harms them and thus prohibiting the eating of pork, and its harms have become clear with the advancement of science, the question remains for some, which is:

Why was the pig created if its meat is so harmful to humans?

This is the constant question asked by some skeptics and some believers out of curiosity to know the secret of creating this animal after explaining its harm according to the Muslim belief that God Almighty did not create anything in this world or universe in vain, so there must be some benefit. Hence, I will answer this question in a way that is completely different from the religious justifications that others present for not needing it in this article, while supporting and adhering to it, so that our article comes as a confirmation of its content for the clarity of the vision in benefit and harm in a way that convinces the questioners and skeptics. I will put all types of justifications aside to show the importance of the pig, where necessary, in serving man, his health and the safety of the environment, which requires not killing it or confining it for its benefits, especially since we were not ordered to eliminate it, but to refrain from eating its meat, and consequently not raising it or trading in it, just as avoiding alcohol or owning it or trading in it.
The pig, whether wild or domesticated, is one of the most important and complex animal creatures according to its physical structure that resists the most severe diseases, and although its structure is an intermediary for transmitting diseases to animals and humans, it does not harm the pig. When we learn about its environmental tasks and functions that it was created with, as if it were a machine subservient to us, we will morally refrain, beyond prohibition, from eating it, while prohibiting it for ourselves in order to preserve its presence in its appropriate place to carry out its duties for which it was created to serve humans, and not only because of the harm of its meat, after we cite some examples about the importance of those functions.
The filth and harm of its meat is nothing but a means to force humans not to eat it and to leave it to the tasks for which it was created.
The pig is the dirtiest of garbage animals according to what it eats, as it is primarily designed to eat carrion and eat animal and human waste that was left in the open before the emergence of civilization and still is in some areas of the world that have not joined civil civilization and the facilities it provides in serving humans to maintain public health.
Let us take, for example, the Chinese countryside in several areas, in the upper and middle parts of China, where we will notice the presence of residential complexes, which are small, closed, walled villages, whose inhabitants live in rooms stacked together like inns, with storerooms below and cellars for domestic animals.
With the availability of security in the country and the end of wars, these residential complexes extended outwards, becoming like castles in the middle of cities. However, their problem is that there are no toilets in their rooms, as their inhabitants relieve themselves in a bucket for each family that they take out every morning and empty its contents into a pig farm near the gate to be their only source of food, as for the household waste of garbage and vegetable scraps, they feed it to other domestic animals such as horses and cows. Since human waste, such as feces, is preferred by pigs, as are animal waste, spoiled meat, and carrion, so that they eat the carrion of their own species.
The reason for the interest in raising pigs by the Chinese, who are considered the largest consumers in the world, is not only for their meat, but also because they are more economical since they do not eat or feed anything but human waste, and because they reproduce more than other domesticated animals, such that a pig gives birth three times a year at a rate of ten to twenty offspring each time, while a cow or sheep gives birth to only one calf per year. However, the number of sheep in the world is almost twice the number of pigs, which are estimated at 800 million pigs. The average weight of a pig is 120 kg if it feeds on human waste and filth, while if it is fed compound feed materials, its weight may reach 600 kg, as in the farms of the United States of America.
The irony in this matter is that the Western man who is interested in raising pigs and eating their meat, is disgusted by eating mice or rats because they live in sewers that contain human waste, and he finds no shame in eating pigs that feed on this waste? It is a strange and confusing paradox, but in reality he is nothing but a victim of his ignorance and a victim of promoters and traders of pork throughout history, like someone who takes drugs despite knowing their harm due to the activity of promoters and their sponsorship through planting, false advertising and deception. However, medicine cannot dispense with the use of some types of them for anesthesia and treatment in surgical operations.
It is noteworthy that the United States of America, which is considered the second largest consumer of pigs in the world, some of its traders do not eat its meat, and even forbid it to themselves, but the pursuit of money is what drives them to trade in it.
As for the harm caused by pork with its negative health effects and dangers, there is no need to delve into it or define it because everyone is aware of it.
But the funny thing is that the Chinese prefer pork over lamb and beef, which is a mercy to humanity, due to the large number of pigs, because if they abandoned it and desired the meat of livestock, they would become extinct in a short period due to their large numbers, which have exceeded one billion and three hundred million people; India also participates in maintaining the balance of the number of cows and preventing their extinction, albeit unintentionally, and they have reached approximately one billion people, because most of them sanctify the cow and abstain from eating its meat. Note that the population of China and India together is one-third of the world's population or more.
The elephant: The elephant's importance to the environment, humans and animals is very great, as it is the only animal skilled at paving roads in forests, like a mechanical bulldozer, due to its size and strength, such that it uproots trees that obstruct its path to facilitate the passage of its herds. Its extreme importance is also evident in its knowledge of the locations of water even in the depths of the earth, as animals and beasts follow it from a distance during drought for tens of kilometers, because they are fully aware of its need for water and know its purpose in its rapid migration and rush, until it suddenly stops to start digging with its foot and trunk, so that the water explodes into a large pool for it to drink from and make way for others after they have quenched their thirst. The
elephant is also very important to the Asians, in India, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, and other neighboring countries, where they are used to transport large items, especially tree trunks, where cars cannot enter.
: As for the predatory carnivorous beasts, such as lions, tigers, leopards, wolves and hyenas, their importance lies in the fact that they preserve the balance of the plant nature through the herbivores they hunt, lest it become desertified due to overgrazing if the numbers of these animals increase beyond the availability of plants, as well as public health by eating carrion.
Snakes and insects: As for the importance of poisonous snakes, it lies in the fact that they preserve the safety of human plains and orchards from mice and rodents that greatly damage crops; and the role of snakes is to combat and pursue them until they are eliminated; therefore, it is very necessary for them to be present in the fields and to preserve them. All a person has to do is take precautions and be careful of them in his fields to avoid them so that he does not have to kill them due to the harm that this causes to the environment and his agricultural interests. Because if the cultivated fields were empty of rodents without the presence of snakes, man would not enjoy this food security. Scientific progress and development have proven that snake venom is very important for treating many chronic diseases. All poisonous animals and insects, such as large spiders and scorpions, are equally important in the field of medicine and drug treatment.
As for harmful insects, such as flies and mosquitoes, their presence is necessary when they come into contact with humans to give them immunity from diseases from a young age most of the time. God created birds to limit their reproduction.
Crocodiles: The importance of crocodiles lies in the fact that they eat carrion from rivers whose waters multiply when animals cross from one bank to another, especially deer, cows of all kinds, and zebras in pursuit of grass, where many of them die, drowning in the running rivers that humans drink from when they cross to their countries. When crocodiles eat these carrion, they maintain the purity of the water, and without them, the water would become polluted and unfit for drinking.
Owls: The owl is considered by many people in Arab countries to be pessimistic without justification, and they kill it. Its importance lies in the fact that some of it lives inside cities and villages, to hunt mice that take advantage of the darkness of night to wreak havoc and destruction, where the owl is waiting to surprise them and kill them due to its quiet flight.
Bat: As for the bat, its main food is mosquitoes and vermin, which it works to devour diligently. Years ago, residents of one of the American states objected to tens of thousands of bats taking refuge under a bridge, demanding that they be killed or deported. However, they quickly withdrew their complaint after the municipality informed them that these animals eat a total of twenty tons of flying insects daily during the night, most of which are mosquitoes.
This was a brief presentation to understand the importance of wild animals and insects in the ecological balance and thus in serving humanity.

He who perfected everything which He created
, and began the creation of man from clay
(7) Surah As-Sajdah


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