Beheading in Christianity: Between Biblical Evidence and Historical Reality

 1- The scriptural evidence :

Is there in the Holy Bible..... what is called (slaughter)... or (cutting throats)??

Here you go:

In the Book of Samuel, Chapter 17, it says:

((The Story of David and Goliath))

and from it:

49 Then David put his hand into the bag, and took a stone from it , and slinged it, and struck the Philistine on the forehead; and the stone stuck in his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground.
50 So David gained the upper hand over the Philistine with the sling and the stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. And there was no sword in David's hand... ((that is, David killed the man with a sling and not a sword))
51 Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and 
cut off his head with it . And when the Philistines saw that their mighty man was dead, they fled.

And as we have seen, according to the Old Testament, David did not stop at killing the Philistine by hitting him in the head with a stone, but after the Philistine was actually dead, he went and cut off his head, mutilating his body..!!!!

Even more amazing is that the God of the Old Testament immortalizes this situation with a psalm that is chanted by deceived Christians to this day

, as stated in Psalm 151, a psalm almost exclusive to the Coptic Orthodox:

6 I went out to meet the Philistine, and he cursed me with his idols.
7 But I drew the sword that was in his hand, and cut off his head . 8 And I removed the shame from the children of Israel. Hallelujah! Here is the holy book of the Christians immortalizing the event, and here is the Christian chanting the slaughter and even crying out afterwards, saying, “Hallelujah,” meaning “Glory to the Lord.”...!!! 

Important note:

This bloody scene was “right in the eyes of the Lord” according to the First Book of Kings!!

1 Kings 15 :5
For David did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, and did not turn aside from anything that the Lord commanded him all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.

And in the end, I conclude with what is stated in the Gospel of Matthew:

Matthew 7:5

Thou hypocrite, first remove the beam from thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to remove the speck from thy brother's eye.

- Historical reality:

From the fruits of the Holy Bible’s glorification of beheadings: In October 1921, the daily El Sol published news that a Spanish noblewoman received a gift in the form of a basket from some Spanish soldiers, inside of which were the heads of two Moroccan Muslims: “ This morning, the Duchess Victoria received a basket of roses, in the middle of the basket there were two shining heads, the most beautiful of the two hundred heads that were picked yesterday. ” An excerpt from the book: Anual 1921, Spain’s crimes in the Rif, by the Spanish researcher: Manuel Leguineche Manuel Leguineche, Anual 1921, el desastre de Espana en el Rif, Madrid, Alfaguara, 1996, p. 126


From here the French army passed, carrying out the commandment of the God of the Old Testament: "Kill to destroy",,
Place: Aghoray region near the Moroccan city of Meknes,
Time: The period of the French occupation

*Note: The French army cut off the heads of the resistance fighters and turned the image into a souvenir in the form of a postcard



Muslim heads were cut off by the Spanish Christian colonists during the Rif War!

Soldados español sostienen cabezas de bereberes (amazigh) como trofeo de guerra

Spanish soldiers parade the heads of Berbers as spoils of war.

The Christians
beheaded them with the blessing of the monks and priests who were in the front lines of the armies!

A statue decorates the space of a public park in the Portuguese city of Evora !

The statue shows a crusader warrior nicknamed Gerald the Terrible holding the head of an Arab (the Moor) while another head rests between his feet!

In appreciation and recognition of (the efforts) of this warrior during the so-called Reconquista Wars (the Wars of Reconquista), the Portuguese authorities built this memorial!


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