Stoning the married adulterer in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

 The question is:

👈 Why is the rapist not punished only? And what is the fault of the people of the city who were subjected to this terrible massacre?
Isn't this contrary to what is stated in the Book of Isaiah? (30 But every man shall die for his own sin; every man who eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge.)
👈 Isn't this also contrary to what is stated in the Book of Deuteronomy? (16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor shall the children be put to death for the fathers. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.)
What is the fault of the sons and women who were enslaved for the sin of one of their men?
And what is the reason for this massive destruction that befell the city and its people?
Where is this love that the followers of the Bible boast about day and night???
👈 Isn't this contrary to the text of Deuteronomy 22:25 (But if a man finds a betrothed girl in the field, and the man seizes her and lies with her, then the man who lay with her alone shall die.)
And the punishment here is:
👈 The man who lay with her alone shall die.
But what happened was otherwise.
👈 Wasn't this girl the daughter of Jacob, who wrestled with the Lord and did not release the Lord until He blessed him ((And he said to him, "Let me go..." And Jacob answered him, "I will not let you go until you bless me..." And he blessed him there.)) Genesis 32
So where is this blessing?
👈 Is the Lord's blessing in raping Jacob's daughter? The seven-year-old? According to the previous scientific analysis..
Why did the Lord not protect the daughter of his prophet Jacob?
👈 Is the Lord unable to save Jacob's daughter from kidnapping and rape, just as he was unable to save himself from the hands of Jacob when he wrestled with him, as Jacob left him after bargaining with him to bless him?
👈 Is this sexual hunger or .....?

Written by: Lydia Youanis

I do not know if we are in the 21st century or in primitive times.

Do we live in the animal world or in the human world ?
When I asked myself, I confirmed that we are in the 21st century, where man has developed intellectually and scientifically and has advanced in all fields, as well as in his behavior and relationships with others. Instead of riding animals and walking barefoot, he has begun to cross continents and celestial bodies, riding airplanes and spaceships, watching satellite channels, and corresponding via websites.

I was amazed and asked myself, does the physiological composition of man change in light of this technological and human progress and does he become a ferocious, lustful animal that attacks his fellow man?
I examined the animals to see if I could find this combination in them. My face relaxed when I confirmed that some animals are predatory by nature, but they prey to satisfy their bodies’ need to overcome hunger, i.e. to satisfy the instinct to eat. But we have never heard of or seen an animal sexually rape another animal, even if it was stronger and the other weaker.
These days, we often hear news with phrases that we rarely hear, and when we hear them, our mouths open in amazement and horror at what we hear. It has become common for us to hear words and phrases that make faces blush with shame and bodies shiver because of their cruelty. We have started to hear phrases like sexual harassment, gang sexual harassment, indecent assault, and rape, as if these words have become part of our daily dictionary.

Sexual harassment begins by harassing the victim with words and phrases that hurt feelings and offend modesty and may develop into physical harassment by assaulting and exposing the victim's body in one way or another. Harassment may develop into group harassment, as happened recently in Egypt and also in some underdeveloped countries, where more than one criminal gathers around the victim and competes with each other to see who will be the most distinguished in preying on the victim. Harassment may reach its peak by raping the victim, and this may also be done individually or collectively and may be in plain sight and hearing of people.

Rape or indecent assault means taking something by force, oppression, injustice and without permission. According to statistics from the international encyclopedia Wikipedia, the number of sexual harassment and rape cases in Egypt was about 52 thousand cases in 2006, an average of 140 rape cases per day. I wonder what the number of cases was in 2013? I think the number has doubled by hundreds, especially since the outbreak of the January 25 Revolution in 2011.
Sexual harassment and rape are based primarily on the use of force and intimidation of the victim. In most cases, the victims are women, and this crime may also extend to include children and men.
Rape is mostly committed against women due to their weak physical nature and also their beauty. Therefore, in the past, rape was committed in two cases: First, with female prisoners during wars as a form of humiliation, insult and revenge on the opponent. Second, to force the raped woman to work in the field of prostitution.
Rape is based on three basic elements:
1- Sexual intercourse (intercourse)
2- Use of force
3- Deprivation of the victim's will
. Accordingly, there are three simultaneous insults linked to these three elements: the body, its weakening, and against its will.
Therefore, rape means a violation of human rights, and for women, it is a violation of their human rights, their existence in society, and their purity. Rape is a violation of a woman's will, not a violation of her femininity. It is certain that the crime of rape is still more common and more brutal than other forms of harassment. Violation of honor or rape assumes that the stronger party can always assault and humiliate the weaker party.
In the Bible and in the Old Testament, that is, from many centuries ago, there are some cases of rape, but their number does not exceed the number of fingers on two hands. We will present only two cases as an example and not limited to:
1- The rape of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob (Genesis 34).
2- The rape of Amnon by his sister Tamar (2 Samuel 13).
But let me give these two girls a chance to tell us their story:

First: The story of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob
My name is Dinah Jacob Isaac Abraham, which means granddaughter of your father Abraham, the father of the fathers. Allow me to tell you my painful story that completely destroyed my life and led to bloody massacres, many victims, and the destruction of an entire city, so that you may learn a lesson from it. At the time of the incident, I was a beautiful young girl, not more than seven years old. But I had a slender body that made me look older than my age. My father had four wives, two of whom were my mother Leah and my aunt Rachel. Although they were sisters, my aunt Rachel was very beautiful and very beloved by my father, who also preferred her over my mother. The two sisters were fighting over the love of one man and were jealous of each other. I was the only girl among eleven boys. We all lived in one big house made of tents. In my life, I have only seen the tents in which we live, the animals we raise, and the village in which we live. We do not have any means of communication or entertainment like you do now. One day, my father decided that we should move from the village to the city, so he bought a plot of land in Shechem for us to live on.
Of course, as a young teenage girl, I was amazed by the new city to which we immigrated, just as you are when you immigrate, for example, from a third world country to an advanced country. What caught my attention most was the way people live and their clothes. One day, I heard
that there was a celebration in the city, so I decided to go to see how people live, how they dress, how they eat, and how they deal with each other. This is what happens with you as well. Young men and women try to integrate into the world around them, even if it does not agree with their customs, traditions, and culture.
Unfortunately, I sneaked out of the house without anyone in the family seeing me and without my father or mother’s permission. The normal situation in my days was that a girl did not go out alone, but rather had to be accompanied by a family member or a servant. But I did not think about all these things, but rather acted naively and simply. I also had many motives and ideas that made me go out into the world:
• The feeling of isolation and loneliness, especially since I was the only girl in the family, so I was eager to have company with girls, i.e. friends.
• I had a curiosity, so I wanted to know if city women were different from village women and how they lived.
• I wanted to see them and they see me too, so that there would be a chance for someone to come forward and marry me.
• I was afraid of being unwanted or unloved like my mother, so I cared about my appearance and beauty. I wanted to be reassured that I was desired like my aunt Rachel.
Anyway, I went out without protection and suddenly a young man saw me. He seemed to be from a family with a social status in the town, and I think he liked me. The young man's name was Shechem. He found me beautiful, took me by force, raped me, and humiliated me. He committed the sin that defiled me, polluted me, and made me lose my virginity.
I cried bitterly. I went out to enjoy the world and live like the world, but the world is like the sea, its waves are treacherous and swept me into the abyss, and in a moment everything was lost. I became a broken person, psychologically and physically.
My life stopped on that fateful day. The hands of my life's clock stopped at that event, as there was no future. There was no one to propose to me; no lover, no husband, and no children. My life has become miserable; I ruminate over my sorrows every day; happiness, joy and fun have left my life's dictionary.
Certainly I had a role in this tragedy with my recklessness and rush to blend in with the world and imitate others, but my family also had a role in what happened. They did not give me attention and love as a member of the family. All the attention was given to the males, and I was alone among them. I did not find companionship from any of them. Each one had his own interests, needs and aspirations. My father focused all his attention on his wife whom he loved, his children and the livestock he raised and multiplied. My mother's only concern was to compete with her sister. Who would have the most children and who would capture the husband's love? I was the last thing they thought about!
Shechem felt the enormity of his crime, so he came with his father to my father and brothers to fix what he had ruined by marrying me. My brothers pretended to accept their solutions, but they cunningly planned a brutal massacre that claimed the lives of the entire Shechem family, in addition to defenseless men who had committed no sin. My brothers also entered the city, destroyed it, robbed it, looted it, killed the innocent, displaced the children, and took the women captive.
Without a doubt, the cruelty and abuse of Shechem towards me was extremely evil, especially in the eyes of the Lord and society. But the sin of my brothers was even more heinous and humiliating to us as the people of God.

Second: The story of Tamar, the daughter of the Prophet David
. Surely many of you have heard or read the story of the sweet psalmist of Israel, the Prophet David, who was once the king of Israel. I am Tamar, his daughter, and I had brothers, some full brothers and some half brothers from my father David. My brother Amnon was one of the sons of David and the first in the line of descent who was worthy of the throne of Israel. Absalom was my brother’s brother, while Amnon was a half brother. Amnon loved me madly and became infatuated with me; perhaps Amnon loved my beauty and my body; perhaps he loved my personality and considered me the only one who could satisfy his desires. I was a virgin and could marry, but not my brother because it is forbidden for a brother to marry his sister. Amnon suffered from a problem of sexual desire. Jonadab was a close friend of Amnon and at the same time his cousin. When he saw that lust had destroyed Amnon and that he was becoming weaker day by day, he gave him evil advice to rape me. He said to him, “Lie down on your bed and pretend to be sick. When your father comes to see you, say to him, ‘Let my sister Tamar come and give me bread and prepare the food in my presence so that I may see and eat from her hand.’ My
father said to me, ‘Go to your brother’s house and make him a cake so that he may eat.’ I went and prepared food for him in front of him, but he refused to eat and asked all the servants to leave the place. He attacked me to rape me. I tried to escape from his hands and said to him, "No, brother, do not humiliate me. Do not do this filth, or you will be one of the fools, because I am your sister and you are the son of the king of Israel." In order to escape from him, I said to him, "Speak to the king to marry you to me." Amnon did not listen to my voice because lust corrupted his thinking and stripped him of his humanity.
Amnon overpowered me, raped me forcefully and subdued me. After he lay with me, his lust turned into intense hatred more than his love for me. He did not want to marry me, but humiliated me, kicked me, and asked the servant to throw me out as if I were a prostitute.
I went to my brother Absalom's house and he knew what happened to me, but later he took revenge on Amnon by killing him. Thus, lust created violence in Amnon's life, so he raped his sister, and the crime of rape created hatred and revenge, so Absalom killed his brother Amnon. The whole world suffers from sex crimes that are forbidden by most religions, especially the heavenly religions, and are categorically condemned by international laws and human rights organizations. Developed countries, although they are less religious, have a much lower rate of these crimes than third world countries and Middle Eastern countries. There is no religion or belief that recognizes the legality of rape, except for some beliefs, including the belief of Satanism, who practice their rituals to please Satan. Among these rituals is the mutilation of animals. Giving birth and raising young children in order to kill them while practicing their rituals, and sometimes they steal children for the same purpose. They also rape women and sometimes force them into prostitution .

The third requirement
: Provisions on adultery and rape.
Jurisprudence of terminology

. The word rape in the Hebrew dictionary appears in two words :
taphas and shakab. The words
read (קרי) and the words written (כתיב).
Jurisprudence of terminology.
We are talking about the punishment for adultery. Before we discuss some examples, there are important terms that the reader must know and study in order to be able to study the text in question.
Among these terms are:
First: Knowing the difference between the terms QERE and KETHIV.
Second: The term scribal amendments. That is, Tiqqune Sopherim תיקון סופרים.
The terms QERE and KETHIV are two Hebrew terms meaning what is read (קרי) and what is written (כתיב). What is read is what is called QERE קרי and what is written is KETHIV. They are used by copyists in manuscripts when dealing with words of majesty, or to replace with words of their own for immodest or obscene words mentioned in the Holy Book that cause embarrassment to the reader, which prompts them to modify, whether by deletion or addition.
This means that there is a word in the manuscript text written under a certain drawing, and this is what is meant by Ketif, so it expresses its drawing and what is present in the manuscript, and it is symbolized by a small circle above the word, but when the reader passes by it, he does not read it as it is written, but rather another alternative word is used, which is what is called the reading קרי or Qere, which is symbolized by the letter Qaf in Hebrew ק.
The marginal reading קרי is the correct reading - in most cases - or the original reading, and the copyists of the Old Testament usually resorted to using the style of Ketif and Qere to suit the nature of mentioning the holy names, which is what the Jews follow in not saying the word of majesty, or to reduce the severity of some impolite expressions or those that carry some aggression:
From the book: For As It Is Written by its author GM Dillard,

he says on p. 116:
Nantal Hebrew text (Kethib), scribes added some 1300 variant readings (qere) in the margins. Some such emendations are intended to correct obvious errors in the text as transmitted (e.g., Jeremiah 42:6) .
Others signal a preferred reading for sacred names or indelicate or otherwise offensive words . Generally
the Qere

Qere and Ketiv, from the Aramaic qere or q're, קְרֵי‎ (“[what is] read”) and ketiv, or ketib, kethib, kethibh, kethiv, כְּתִיב (“[what is] written”), also known as "keri uchesiv" or "keri uchetiv," refer to a small number of differences between what is written in the consonantal text of the Hebrew Bible, as preserved by scribal tradition, and what is read. In such situations, the Qere is the technical orthographic device used to indicate the pronunciation of the words in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew language scriptures (Tanakh), while the Ketiv indicates their written form, as inherited from tradition.
The word קרי is often pointed קְרִי and pronounced "kri" or "keri", reflecting the
opinion that it is a passive participle rather than an imperative. This is reflected in the Ashkenazi pronunciation “keri uchesiv” mentioned above
The Qere/Ketiv  What is this?

“ Qere ” (ְקרֵי) is the passive form of the Aramaic verb meaning “read.” Likewise, “ Ketiv ” (ְּכתִיב ) is Ara- maic for “written.” When the reader is to substitute a different word or pronunciation for a word in the written text, a circle is placed over the word in the text to alert the reader that the word written in the margin is to be substituted. Further, as an aid to the reader, the vocalization and (sometimes) the accentu-ation signs (ִמים ַע טַ) placed on the word in the text are actually those which are to be used when reading the substitute word given in the margin marked by a dotted ק or sometimes קר or קרי (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 2 -Ex 21:8, BHS
ֹא ל = ketiv ; וֹל = qere

n soIme earlier manuscripts, only the part of the word or a single letter needing to be changed was written in the margin or in some cases, between the lines. This method is frequently found in the Pal-estinian system.1 Likewise, in the development of the Qere/Ketiv , rather than using ̇ק, ̇קר, or קרי to mark the Qere in the margin, a symbol resembling a nun sofit (ן) was used (see Figs. 3 & 4ab)

The fourth requirement:
שׁגל shâgal means rape

. Let us take, for example, the word שׁגל shâgal - shaw-gal,
which is mentioned in Isaiah 13:16. לְעֵינֵיהֶם; Strong
's Dictionary
  • 7693
  • A picture
  • shaw-gal'
  • A primitive root; to copulate with: - lie {with} ravish.
Number of times it was mentioned: 2 This word was mentioned in the following verses :
Isaiah 13-16 Their children will be crushed before their eyes, their houses will be plundered, and their women will be disgraced.
Zechariah 14:2 And I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle. And the city will be taken, and the houses will be plundered, and the women will be disgraced. And half the city will go out into captivity, but the remnant of the people will not be cut off from the city.
And according to the Van Dyck translation: (And their children shall be crushed before their eyes, and their houses shall be plundered, and their women shall be disgraced.) Isaiah 13:16
This word (שׁגל shâgal means rape)...and since that word is subject to what is called euphemistic changes and expressions, in which some ugly, hateful, repulsive, and aggressive words in the Bible are replaced by other words that are lighter in impact.
The word (and their women shall be raped) has been translated as (and their women shall be disgraced).
Zechariah 14:2 And I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken And the houses shall be plundered, and the women shall be

dishonored; and half the city shall go forth into captivity; but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. And I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses shall be plundered, and the women shall be dishonored; and half the city shall go forth into captivity; but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city .
וְאָסַפְתִּ֨י אֶת־כָּל־הַגֹּויִ֥ם׀ אֶֽל־יְרוּשָׁלַם֮ Contact Us = הַבָּ֣תִּ֔ים תִּשָּׁגַלְנָה =תִּשָּׁכַ֑בְנָהוְיָצָ֞א חֲצִי הָעִיר֙

We use this text .
Isaiah 13-16: And their children will be destroyed before their eyes, and their houses will be plundered, and their wives will be exposed.
וְעֹלְלֵיהֶם יְרֻטְּשׁוּ, לְעֵינֵיהֶם;
◄ Isaiah 13:16 ► wə-'ō-lə-lê -
hem וְ עֹלְלֵיהֶ֥ם (and Their children)
yə-ruṭ-ṭə-šū יְרֻטְּשׁ֖וּ (also shall be dashed)
lə-'ê-nê-hem; לְעֵֽינֵיהֶ֑ם (Before their eyes)
yiš-šֵּיהשַּׁ֙סּוּ֙ (shall be spoiled)
bāt-tê-hem, בָּּתֵּיהֶם (their houses)
ū-nə-šê-hem וּנְשֵׁיהֶ֖ם(and their wives)
tiš-šā-ḡal-nāh תִּשָּׁגַלְנָה
ḵ כ
(tiš-šā-ḵaḇ-nāh.)תִּשָּׁכַֽבְנָה ׃ ravished
Hebrew Texts
ישעה 13:16 Hebrew OT: Westminster Leningrad Codex
וְעֹלְלֵיהֶ֥ם יְרֻטְּשׁ֖וּ לְעֵֽינֵיהֶ֑ם יִשַּׁ֙סּוּ֙ בָּֽתֵּיהֶ֔ם [Zechariah 14:2] (Zechariah 14:2)
I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle. The city will be taken, the houses will be plundered, the women will be raped, and half the city will go into captivity. The rest of the people will not be cut off from the city.
ואֶת-כָּל-הַגּוֹיִם אֶל-יְרוּשָׁלִַם, לַמִּלְחָמָה, וְהַנָּשִׁים תשגלנה וְיָצָא חֲצִי הָעִיר, בַּגּוֹלָה, וְיֶתֶר הָעָם, לֹא יכָּרֵת מִן-הָעִיר.

Zechariah 14:2  Hebrew
למִּלְחָמָה, וְנִלְכְּדָה הָעִיר וְנָשַׁסּוּ הַבָּתִּים I'm sorry. וְיָצָא חֲצִי הָעִיר, בַּגּוֹלָה, וְיֶתֶר הָעָם, לֹא יִכָּרֵת מִן-הָעִיר.
wə-'ā-sap̄-tî וְאָסַפְתִּּ֨י (For I will gather)

'eṯ- אֶת־ kāl- כָּל־ (All)

hag-gō-w-yim הַגּוֹיִ֥ם ׀ (Nations)

' el- אֶֽל־ (Against)

yə-rū-šā-lim יְרוּשָׁלִַם֮ (Jerusalem)
lam-mil-ḥā-māh לַמִּלְחָמָה֒ (to battle)

wə-nil-kə-ḏāh וְנִלְכְּדָ֣ה (and shall be taken)

hā-'îr, הָעִ֗יר (the city)

wə-nā-šas-sū וְנָשַׁ֙סּוּ֙ (and rifled)

hab-bāt-tîm, הַבָּ֣תִּ֔ים (the houses)

wə-han-nā-šîm וְהַנָּשִׁ֖ים (and the women)

[tiš-šā-ḡal-nāh ḵ]כ]

(tiš-šā-ḵaḇ-nāh; תִּשָּׁכַ֑בְנָה (ravished)

q) ק) wə-yā-ṣā וְיָצָ֞א (and shall go forth)

ḥă-ṣî חֲצִ֤י (Half)

hā-'îr הָעִיר֙ (of the city)

bag-gō-w-lāh, בַּגּוֹלָ֔ה (into captivity)

wə-ye-ṯer וְיֶ֣תֶר (and the residue)

hā-'ām, הָעָ֔ם (of the people )

lō לֹ֥א

yik-kā-rêṯ יִכָּרֵ֖ת ( do be cut off )

min- מִן־ ((From

hā-'îr. הָעִֽיר׃ (the city).

וְאָסַפְתִּי אֶת-כָּל-הַגּוֹיִם אֶל-יְרוּשָׁלִַם, לַמִּלְחָמָה וְנָשַׁסּוּ הַבָּתִּים, וְהַנָּשִׁים תשגלנה וְיָצָא חֲצִי הָעִיר, בַּגּוֹלָה, וְיֶתֶר הָעָם, לֹא יִכָּרֵת מִן-הָעִיר.
In the text we find (al-katif and qayri) mentioned above, as the verb colored in red means rape, but it is katif כְּתיב, meaning written and unreadable, and it has The copyist used a gentler and lighter expression, which is “tafdhah” (תִּשָּגַלְנָה), which is what is read, not what is written, i.e. “qiri” (קרי).
The Hebrew colored verb תִּשָּׁגַלְנָה tiš-šā-ḡal-nāh is translated into Arabic as the verb to expose, and these texts fall under the category of phrases. The word to expose or to expose תִּשָּׁגַלְנָה is the work of the copyists and is not the explicit word found in their divine revelation, which is to rape tshkbna:
(tiš-šā -I am here; I will come back.
Hebrew Texts
+ Contact us 7376 times 1004 and 7693 ( IHOT+) ועלליהם H5768 Their children ירטשׁו H7376 also shall be dashed לעיניהם H5869 to pieces before their eyes ; ישׁסו H8155 shall be spoiled , בתיהם H1004 their houses ונשׁיהם H80 and their wives תשׁגלנה׃ H7693 ravished . HOT
H5768 H7376 H5869 H8155 H1004 H802 ​ ​ Read more H7693 (WLC) וְעֹלְלֵיהֶ֥ם Contact Us וּנְשֵׁיהֶ֖ם תִּשָּׁגַלְנָה Accordingly, the word shagl ָשַׁגל means lying with rape. ̌ ̄ ̱ al : A verb meaning to rape; to violate sexually. It refers to violating a betrothed woman, a woman promised in marriage, as one of God's curses that He will bring on Israel ( Deu_28:30 ). It is used of raping or violating wives taken in war as prisoners ( Isa_13:16 ; Zec_14:2 ). It is used figuratively of spiritual and religious harlotry of all kinds ( Jer_3:2 ). (שַׁגל) A verb meaning to rape or do something sexually violently and refers to the assault on a woman who is engaged or promised to marry and is used to mean the rape or assault of wives who are taken as prisoners of war as in Isaiah 13:16 and Zechariah 14:2.... So in The manuscript before you has the word “Tishgalnah” (תִּשָּׁגַלְנָה tiš-šā-ḡal-nāh) inside the text, which means “expose,” and it is the reading of the written word. Then the copyist indicated in the margin the origin of the word, which is “Qiri,” which is read “Tishkabnah” (תִּשָּׁכַבְנָה), and then he placed it in the margin... The word "Tshakabanah" is תִּשָּׁכַבְנָה. The word which means to rape is the correct reading. The reading of תִּשָּׁגַלְנָה tiš-šā-ḡal-nāh which means to expose is the reading of the written text and accordingly the reading of the paragraph becomes: (“And their children will be crushed before their eyes, and their homes will be plundered, and their women will be raped (תִּשָּׁכַ֑בְנָה tishkabana)”) 13:16 Their children will be crushed before their eyes, their houses will be plundered, and their property will be exposed. (Their wives.) Isaiah 13:16 Here the copyist saw the replacement of this offensive expression with another, milder expression, as Brotzman says: an expression evidently viewed as less offensive than the Kethiv and thus substituted for it. The written word – Katif – was therefore replaced. (ERV) Everything in their houses will be stolen. Their wives will be raped, and their little children will be beaten to death while they watch. (Geneva) Their children also shall be broken in pieces before their eyes: their houses shall be spoiled, and their eyes rauished.

(GNB) While they look on helplessly, their babies will be battered to death, their houses will be plundered, and their wives will be raped."
(GW) Their little children will be smashed to death right before their eyes. Their houses will be plundered and their wives raped.

Myers, AC (1987). The Eerdmans Bible dictionary. Rev., augm. translation of: Bijbelse encyclopedie. Rev. ed. 1975. (621). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans.

Brotzman, ER (1994). Old Testament textual criticism : A practical introduction (120). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books.

And as for the rapes, which are many, here is a very degrading text where the Lord (Jesus before the incarnation) says that a Christian who rapes a Christian virgin girl will be rewarded by marrying her...

Watch how the Lord (Jesus before the incarnation) codifies the law of Rape..
I will quote to you what was mentioned on the Holy_bible_1 website, which is located at the following link:
, which specializes in dispelling doubts about the Holy Bible, and which responds to the servant of God - the writer of the study in your hands - as follows:
The doubt
(If a man rapes a girl, what is the ruling of the Holy Bible on that???..
The Holy Bible rules that a girl who is raped by a man should marry her and not divorce her..
Deuteronomy 22:28
If a man finds a virgin girl who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found.
29 The man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has humbled her. He may not divorce her all his days.
Rape a Christian girl and pay fifty pounds and get the girl as a gift for life)..
The response is as follows:
The chapter says in Deuteronomy 22
22: 22 If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman and the woman, so that evil may be put away from Israel.
This is the ruling on adultery between a man and a married woman as it says in Leviticus 20: 10.
And if a man commit adultery with another man's wife, even if he commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death.
So both the man and the woman shall be put to death by stoning together, one and the same sentence.
The expression "take away the evil" means to make them an example and also an earthly punishment for this sin, so that the sin is taken away from them and they become before divine justice for the rest of their life, as mentioned in the Targum of Jonathan.
But this is a general rule, so the chapter gives more details because it could be adultery or rape. He explains further and says:
22:23 If a virgin girl is betrothed to a man, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her,
she is betrothed, that is, she is considered married, and her name is linked to a man because she wears his wedding ring, even though she has not yet moved into his house. The Jews differentiate between the betrothed and the married, even though the betrothed is the one to whom the rules of marriage apply.
She found her in the city. This is an explanation that it is a crowded place and there are people nearby who can hear the screaming or the sound of any attempt to force her from the man because during her resistance she will of course scream and the people in the city will hear. So this is with her consent and approval (unless she can prove something to the contrary to the judge).
22:24 Then bring them both out to the gate of that city and stone them with stones that they die. The girl, because she did not cry out in the city, and the man, because he humbled his neighbor's wife. So you shall put away the evil from your midst.
She is engaged, but he shall call her his neighbor's wife, because the engaged woman is like a married woman even though she has not yet moved into her husband's house.
She is stoned because she did not cry out in the city because if she had cried out someone would have heard her and saved her. So her not crying out and resisting is an adulteress with her own consent and approval, and for this reason she was stoned.
22:25 But if the man finds the betrothed girl in the field, and the man seizes her and lies with her, the man who lay with her alone shall die.
The field means a large area where there are few people. If she screams, the possibility of anyone hearing her is small. If she says that this was done without her consent, then she is innocent and not an adulteress.
The word seize her here, as I explained in the linguistic section, is khazek, which means to force and compel. That is, this man found this betrothed girl in the field, attacked her and raped her. Even if she screamed, no one would have heard her and she could not escape from his hand because he forced her. The punishment is his alone; he shall be put to death.
22:26 But you shall not do anything to the girl. There is no sin unto the girl, leading to death; but as a man rises up against his neighbor and puts him to death, so is this matter.
She shall be innocent and no punishment shall be inflicted upon her because she was wronged and assaulted.
But Jonathan's Targum added part of the Jewish thought of the elders that they added to the law, which is that her fiancé has the right to break his engagement and give her a certificate of divorce.
He likens her situation to that of a man in the field who is suddenly attacked by another man and killed, and because they are in the field no one can save him. The assault on her is like killing a person in the field, he deserves to be killed for his sin. He equates rape with murder, and both deserve to be punished by death.
22:27 He found her in the field, and the betrothed girl cried out, but there was no one to save her
. That is, the law makes clear that the circumstances were against her, so it rules in her favor. But the Jews explained that she would be killed if she confessed that this was of her own free will and without her confession, she is innocent because she was in the field and found no one to save her.
22:28 If a man finds a virgin girl who is not engaged, and seizes her, and lies with her, and they find her.
Here he is talking about another case that complements the previous cases, which is that a man (and the Jews explained that he is not married, as is clear from the context of the speech and as many commentators have mentioned, such as Gil) finds a girl, that is, they meet, and she is not engaged, so she is free to marry whomever she accepts as a bridegroom. And he seizes her, as I explained in the linguistic part, the Hebrew word “tefasah” means he seizes her with her consent after he convinced her, and he lies with her, that is, commits adultery. So they found her means that the witnesses discovered this themselves, not because the girl cried out and they came to her rescue. This indicates that the matter was done with the girl’s consent and full will because she wanted it, or he played with her mind and convinced her so she agreed to it, but the important thing is that this was done with her consent.
22:29 The man who lay with her shall give to the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he has humbled her, he may not divorce her all his days.
They agreed to get engaged but they did it wrongly due to their haste, so the alternative solution to killing them is to get married because they did not betray any other party, he is not married and she is also not married, she is a virgin, so they get married with the consideration that this matter was done with her consent, so she accepts this engagement.
And because it is a marriage, he gives a wedding gift, the value of which is fifty pieces of silver (fifty shekels).
Philo says that fifty pieces of silver is the minimum, but it is possible for them to agree on more than that, as he mentioned the case in which he paid a thousand pieces of silver to marry her,
considering that ten pieces of silver in the time of Moses were equal to the wages of a worker per year in Babylon, and after that, thirty pieces of silver were the wages of a worker per year and the price of a slave.
And he is not allowed to divorce her all his days because he also made a mistake in this matter by sleeping with her before marrying her, and this humiliated her by this matter because he convinced her to commit adultery.
Note that the matter requires her consent and the consent of her father as well, and what confirms this is what came in.
Exodus 22:16
 And if a man seeks after a virgin who is not betrothed, and lies with her, he shall pay her dowry to himself as a wife.
22:17 If her father refuses to give her to him, he shall weigh out for him silver, like the dowry
of virgins. So if after this incident she refuses to be bound to him and tells her father and he refuses, or her father refuses because he sees that this man has smitten her and convinced her of this matter, then the man shall be obligated, as punishment, to pay the equivalent of the dowry, which is what Deuteronomy 22 specifies as 50 pieces of silver.
Note: This applies to Jews only. If a foreigner does this with a Jewish woman, there are other rulings ) End of text and in full. Without comment..
The comment is yours..
The reference again:
He is trying to differentiate between the act of adultery with or without consent.. And some people started to differentiate between consent and lack of consent in adultery..
(IHOT+) and H518 But if H7704 is in the field , then H4672 finds that H376 is a man with H853 stump H5291 damsel in distress H781 a betrothed and H2388 force in H376 and the man with H7901 her, and lie עמה H5973 with ומת H4191 her shall die : האישׁ H376 her: then the man אשׁר H834 that שׁכב H7901 lay עמה H5973 with לבדו׃ H905 only
it means coercion and rape
A primitive root; to fasten upon; Hence to seize , be strong (figuratively courageous, causatively strengthen , cure , help , repair , fortify ) obstinate ; to bind , restrain , conquer: - aid, amend, , fasten, force, fortify, make hard, harden, help, (lay) hold (fast), lean, maintain, play the man, mend, become (wax) mighty, prevail, be recovered, repair, retain, seize, be (wax) sore, strong (self), be stout, be (make, shew, wax) strong (-er), be sure, take (hold), be urgent, behave self valiantly, withstand.
Root meaning to bind, to seize forcefully (figuratively courageous and causal to strengthen on and repair and fortify) when restraining, subjugation, restriction... So
he held her here means that he subjugated her and forced her...
The second hold her in verse 28
“If a man finds a young virgin who is not engaged and holds her tight And he lay with her and they found.
(IHOT+) כי H3588 If ימצא H4672 find אישׁ H376 a man נער H5291 a damsel בתולה H1330 a virgin , אשׁר H834 which לא H3808 is not ארשׂה H781 betrothed , ותפשׂה H8610 and lay hold ושׁכב H7901 on her, and lie עמה H5973 with ותמצאו׃ H4672 her, and they are found ;
It has the meaning of taking and laying down
A primitive root; to manipulate , that is, seize ; chiefly to capture , wield ; specifically to overlay ; figuratively to use unwarrantably: - catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, X surely, surprise, take
. Primitive in the sense of manipulation. It means seize and grab and has a figurative meaning of holding, dealing, placing, taking, stopping...
The word does not carry the meaning of force and coercion, but rather carries the meaning of holding a person with his consent, whether willingly or by manipulation. This linguistic difference is important because it will clarify that the second case does not involve coercion or force. ..
In all cases, we find the text as it is in Deuteronomy, which is the subject of the doubt:
28:22 If a man

finds a virgin girl who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, 22:29 then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has humbled her. He may not put her away all his days
Professor Mujibur Rahman comments on the text saying:
We find that the author, because he is ignorant, blind in his insight, and malicious in his heart, did not pay attention to the many possibilities surrounding this text and the great evils that result from its application and action.
This text encourages the Christian to rape, as it rewards the rapist by marrying him to the virgin he raped.
I whisper in the Christian’s ear (advice for the rapist :
Choose the victim carefully because you will marry her after you rape her.!
So before you commit the crime of rape, ask about the victim and her morals and verify her personality, beauty, lineage and all the specifications that a man checks if he wants to marry! ...
Because you will marry her after you finish committing your crime.!
I return to the ignorant author and ask him :
1- What about the possibility that the rapist is married?
Will you allow him to have more than one wife?
Thus, he has wife number [1] [he married her through the sacrament of the sacred marriage] and wife number [2]
[he married her as a reward for raping her]!
What about the possibility that this man rapes another virgin girl?
Will he have wife number [3] [he married her as a reward for raping her].
How many wives can a Christian marry for raping her?
2- If, for example, five Christian men participated in raping a virgin Christian girl, which one of them would marry?
And do you imagine that one of them would agree to marry a girl that he and his colleagues participated in raping?
And do you imagine that one of them would call him on the phone and say to him [Do you remember, Bisho, when we raped the madam and you were the one who married her?]!
3- Does the author know anything about the psychological state of the victims of this type of crime and how a girl suffers a nervous breakdown as soon as she remembers being subjected to this crime? How can the author force her to live the rest of her life with someone she can't stand to think of and hates as no human has ever hated anyone?!
4- What if the rapist was [a drug addict - an alcoholic - a criminal - a thug - a hooligan]. Is there a person with these specifications who commits a heinous crime, and then the author rewards him in this way? ...
And who is the girl who would accept that?
5- What if the rapist was chronically ill [mentally ill - leprous - elephantiasis]..? ... How will the girl live with him?
6- It is the duty of the Christian who likes a virgin Christian girl to rush to rape her, then take this text and thrust it in the face of the priest, the pastor of the church, and say to him, "Make me sad and amuse my ears by talking about the secret of the holy marriage!"

Second: Tiqqune Sopherim Tiqqune Sopherim meaning the scribes’ amendments. What do we mean by Tiqqune Sopherim (Tiqqune Sopherim )?

The Jewish Encyclopedia defines the term Tiqqūn Soferim (תיקון סופרים) as "changes in the text of the Bible or changes in the wording of the Tanakh in order to preserve the honor of God or for a similar reason, which were made by scribes in place of the original texts that were offensive or showed disrespect to God."
  • The meaning of the text (literature, text, meaning of the text) is a term from rabbinic literature meaning correction of scribes or scribal correction and refers to a change of wording in the Tanakh in order to preserve the honor of God or… … Wikipedia
The encyclopedia adds that the rabbis refer to eighteen texts that were changed by copyists. The changed texts are mentioned in Midrash Tehuma, Midrash Rabbah, and in Rashi’s commentary (v19 p723) under the entry Tiqqune Sopherim. The plural is תיקוני סופרים tiqqūnēy Soferim.
Which means in the language of the age the renewal of religious discourse.
Take the word (vulva), which refers to the female reproductive organ. It is a normal word and is studied as part of the female reproductive system in middle school and even scientific universities.
However, when this word is used in the context of praise or satire, the meaning is vulgar.
The Holy Quran used it when it praised the chaste and pure Lady Mary, as the Almighty said:
And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our spirit and believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was of the devout) At-Tahrim: 12,
while the meaning stated by the poet Ibn Mayada is as it is in the books of literature such as Al-Aghani by Abu Faraj Al-Isfahani or the book of Women’s Rhetoric Ibn Tayfur is mentioned in a position of blame sometimes and praise other times ..
where Ibn Tayfur says:
Al-Zubayr bin Bakkar told me on the authority of his uncle Mus`ab bin `Abdullah who said: Ibn Mayada said: Evil occurred between me and my people from Bani Khamis bin `Amir so I satirized them and said:
And the five-year-olds show off in every adornment ... their vaginas like the hooves of young camels. He
said: And time struck a blow then my camels became scarce so I went out in search of them and I passed by Bani Khamis bin `Amir and I claimed to be from Bani Salim and I went to a woman from them who knew me so she came to villages then she brought out a girl of hers in a red loincloth and when I made her stand in front of me I released her and she said: O Ibn Mayada, the wicked fornicator, look at this as you described in your saying:
And the five-year-olds show off in every adornment ... their vaginas like the hooves of young camels.
I looked at something I had never seen the like of and I said: O my lady, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, I did not say as you have been told, rather I said:
And the five-year-olds show off in every adornment ... their vaginas like the traces of the black Ma`siyya.
Ma`siyya means The camel... meaning the camel's hoof... not the goat's hoof...
and if I forget, I will never forget that elegant dialogue between Hind bint al-Nu'man and Abdul Malik bin Marwan, before and after the marriage, when she was talking about the beauty of her female organ, but with all politeness... and before that she was under Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi, who divorced her and brought her to be married to Abdul Malik bin Marwan. Follow part of the dialogue...
First, her speech to Abdul Malik bin Marwan:
(Praise be to God and prayers be upon His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. As for what follows, know, O Commander of the Faithful, that the dog licked the vessel...
When Abdul Malik bin Marwan read her letter, he laughed at her words and wrote to her what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(If a dog licks the vessel of one of you, wash it seven times, one of which is with dirt)...
and he said (Wash the dirt from the place of use)...
Upon their arrival, Hajjaj was delayed in the stable and the people were preparing for the feast, so the Caliph sent to him to request his presence, but he replied, We are a people who do not eat leftovers Some of us...
Abdul Malik bin Marwan kept it to himself.
From that day on, he did not come near Hind.. except that he visited her every day after the afternoon prayer, so she knew the reason for his absence from entering upon her, so she devised a plan and ordered the slave girls to inform her of his arrival because she had sent to him that she needed him for something! So she deliberately cut the pearl necklace when he entered and lifted her dress to collect the pearls, and when Abdul Malik saw her, he was amazed by her awe and beauty, and regretted not entering with her because of a word Al-Hajjaj had said..
She said while arranging the pearls... Glory be to God!!!..
Abdul Malik asked, why do you glorify God?..
She said: God created these pearls to adorn kings..
He said: Yes..
She said: But His wisdom willed that only gypsies could make necklaces from them!..
He said, happily, Yes, by God.. You are right. May God curse whoever blames me for you..
and entered into it from this day on, so her plot prevailed over the plot of Al-Hajjaj..
and despite that, this is human speech and a poetic creation and is not taken into account in front of the sacred texts..
but from the starting point of talking about some words in the Holy Book according to the rule of formation Sofrim, we are here before texts in which words were used in a vulgar way, through which we try to return to the original text to see how the words were distorted from their place.

In all cases, we find the text as it is in Deuteronomy, which is the subject of the doubt:
28:22 If a man

finds a virgin girl who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, 22:29 then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has humbled her. He may not put her away all his days.
Professor Mujibur Rahman comments on the text saying:
We find that the author, because he is ignorant, blind in his insight, and malicious in his heart, did not pay attention to the many possibilities surrounding this text and the great evils that result from its application and action.
This text encourages the Christian to rape, as it rewards the rapist by marrying him to the virgin he raped.
I whisper in the Christian’s ear (advice for the rapist :
Choose the victim carefully because you will marry her after you rape her.!
So before you commit the crime of rape, ask about the victim and her morals and verify her personality, beauty, lineage and all the specifications that a man checks if he wants to marry! ...
Because you will marry her after you finish committing your crime.!
I return to the ignorant author and ask him :
1- What about the possibility that the rapist is married?
Will you allow him to have more than one wife?
Thus, he has wife number [1] [he married her through the sacrament of the sacred marriage] and wife number [2]
[he married her as a reward for raping her]!
What about the possibility that this man rapes another virgin girl?
Will he have wife number [3] [he married her as a reward for raping her].
How many wives can a Christian marry for raping her?
2- If, for example, five Christian men participated in raping a virgin Christian girl, which one of them would marry?
And do you imagine that one of them would agree to marry a girl that he and his colleagues participated in raping?
And do you imagine that one of them would call him on the phone and say to him [Do you remember, Bisho, when we raped the madam and you were the one who married her?]!
3- Does the author know anything about the psychological state of the victims of this type of crime and how a girl suffers a nervous breakdown as soon as she remembers being subjected to this crime? How can the author force her to live the rest of her life with someone she can't stand to think of and hates as no human has ever hated anyone?!
4- What if the rapist was [a drug addict - an alcoholic - a criminal - a thug - a hooligan]. Is there a person with these specifications who commits a heinous crime, and then the author rewards him in this way? ...
And who is the girl who would accept that?
5- What if the rapist was chronically ill [mentally ill - leprous - elephantiasis]..? ... How will the girl live with him?
6- It is the duty of the Christian who likes a virgin Christian girl to rush to rape her, then take this text and thrust it in the face of the priest, the pastor of the church, and say to him, "Make me sad and amuse my ears by talking about the secret of the holy marriage!"

Second: Tiqqune Sopherim Tiqqune Sopherim meaning the scribes’ amendments. What do we mean by Tiqqune Sopherim (Tiqqune Sopherim )?

The Jewish Encyclopedia defines the term Tiqqūn Soferim (תיקון סופרים) as "changes in the text of the Bible or changes in the wording of the Tanakh in order to preserve the honor of God or for a similar reason, which were made by scribes in place of the original texts that were offensive or showed disrespect to God."
  • The meaning of the text (literature, text, meaning of the text) is a term from rabbinic literature meaning correction of scribes or scribal correction and refers to a change of wording in the Tanakh in order to preserve the honor of God or… … Wikipedia
The encyclopedia adds that the rabbis refer to eighteen texts that were changed by copyists. The changed texts are mentioned in Midrash Tehuma, Midrash Rabbah, and in Rashi’s commentary (v19 p723) under the entry Tiqqune Sopherim. The plural is תיקוני סופרים tiqqūnēy Soferim.
Which means in the language of the age the renewal of religious discourse.
Take the word (vulva), which refers to the female reproductive organ. It is a normal word and is studied as part of the female reproductive system in middle school and even scientific universities.
However, when this word is used in the context of praise or satire, the meaning is vulgar.
The Holy Quran used it when it praised the chaste and pure Lady Mary, as the Almighty said:
And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our spirit and believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was of the devout) At-Tahrim: 12,
while the meaning stated by the poet Ibn Mayada is as it is in the books of literature such as Al-Aghani by Abu Faraj Al-Isfahani or the book of Women’s Rhetoric Ibn Tayfur is mentioned in a position of blame sometimes and praise other times ..
where Ibn Tayfur says:
Al-Zubayr bin Bakkar told me on the authority of his uncle Mus`ab bin `Abdullah who said: Ibn Mayada said: Evil occurred between me and my people from Bani Khamis bin `Amir so I satirized them and said:
And the five-year-olds show off in every adornment ... their vaginas like the hooves of young camels. He
said: And time struck a blow then my camels became scarce so I went out in search of them and I passed by Bani Khamis bin `Amir and I claimed to be from Bani Salim and I went to a woman from them who knew me so she came to villages then she brought out a girl of hers in a red loincloth and when I made her stand in front of me I released her and she said: O Ibn Mayada, the wicked fornicator, look at this as you described in your saying:
And the five-year-olds show off in every adornment ... their vaginas like the hooves of young camels.
I looked at something I had never seen the like of and I said: O my lady, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, I did not say as you have been told, rather I said:
And the five-year-olds show off in every adornment ... their vaginas like the traces of the black Ma`siyya.
Ma`siyya means The camel... meaning the camel's hoof... not the goat's hoof...
and if I forget, I will never forget that elegant dialogue between Hind bint al-Nu'man and Abdul Malik bin Marwan, before and after the marriage, when she was talking about the beauty of her female organ, but with all politeness... and before that she was under Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi, who divorced her and brought her to be married to Abdul Malik bin Marwan. Follow part of the dialogue...
First, her speech to Abdul Malik bin Marwan:
(Praise be to God and prayers be upon His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. As for what follows, know, O Commander of the Faithful, that the dog licked the vessel...
When Abdul Malik bin Marwan read her letter, he laughed at her words and wrote to her what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(If a dog licks the vessel of one of you, wash it seven times, one of which is with dirt)...
and he said (Wash the dirt from the place of use)...
Upon their arrival, Hajjaj was delayed in the stable and the people were preparing for the feast, so the Caliph sent to him to request his presence, but he replied, We are a people who do not eat leftovers Some of us...
Abdul Malik bin Marwan kept it to himself.
From that day on, he did not come near Hind.. except that he visited her every day after the afternoon prayer, so she knew the reason for his absence from entering upon her, so she devised a plan and ordered the slave girls to inform her of his arrival because she had sent to him that she needed him for something! So she deliberately cut the pearl necklace when he entered and lifted her dress to collect the pearls, and when Abdul Malik saw her, he was amazed by her awe and beauty, and regretted not entering with her because of a word Al-Hajjaj had said..
She said while arranging the pearls... Glory be to God!!!..
Abdul Malik asked, why do you glorify God?..
She said: God created these pearls to adorn kings..
He said: Yes..
She said: But His wisdom willed that only gypsies could make necklaces from them!..
He said, happily, Yes, by God.. You are right. May God curse whoever blames me for you..
and entered into it from this day on, so her plot prevailed over the plot of Al-Hajjaj..
and despite that, this is human speech and a poetic creation and is not taken into account in front of the sacred texts..
but from the starting point of talking about some words in the Holy Book according to the rule of formation Sofrim, we are here before texts in which words were used in a vulgar way, through which we try to return to the original text to see how the words were distorted from their place.

The fifth requirement
is the ruling on stoning a married man and woman who commit adultery
in the twenty-second chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy:
22- And if you catch a man lying with a married woman, you shall put them both to death, so that you may put the evil away from among you.
23- And if a man meets a girl who is engaged to another man in the city and lies with her, 24- then you shall bring them both out to the open gate of that city and stone them with stones so that they die, because the girl did not cry for help while she was in the city, and the man because he attacked the other man’s fiancée. So you shall root out the evil from among you.
25 But if that man meets the betrothed girl in the field, and seizes her, and lies with her, only the man shall be stoned and die. 26 But the girl shall not be stoned, for she has not committed a sin worthy of death; rather, she shall be like a man whom another man has attacked and killed. (Deuteronomy 22:22-26
Violation of the law of marriage
If a man marries a girl, and then after he has had intercourse with her, He hates her, accuses her of doing bad things, and spreads bad news about her, saying, “I married this woman, but when I lived with her, I discovered that she was not a virgin.” Her parents take her to the elders of the city who are gathered in the courtroom, and present the evidence of her virginity. The girl’s father says to the elders: I gave this man my daughter in marriage, and he hates her. Now he is spreading gossip about her, saying, ‘Your daughter was not a virgin when I slept with her.’ But this is proof that my daughter is a virgin. Then they spread the garment before the elders of the city. Then the elders of that city shall take the man, and chastise him, and shall fine him a hundred pieces of silver, and give it to the father of the damsel, because he hath brought evil upon the name of a virgin of Israel: and she shall be his wife for the rest of his life; and he may not put her away.
But if the accusation is proven true, and the damsel is not a virgin, then the damsel shall be brought to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones so that she dies, because she has committed an abomination in Israel, and has committed adultery in her father's house. And so you will root out evil from among you
13 If a man marries a young woman, and after he has been intimate with her, he hates her, 14 and accuses her of doing things that are shameful to her, and speaks evil of her, saying, ‘I married this woman, and after I had been intimate with her, I discovered that she was not a virgin.’ 15 Then her parents will take her to the elders of the city who are gathered in the courtroom, and they will show the evidence of her virginity. 16 Then the father of the girl will say to the elders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man in marriage, and he hates her. 17 Now he is spreading rumors about her, saying, “Your daughter was not a virgin when I slept with her.” But this is the proof of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the city. 18 Then the elders of that city shall take the man and discipline him, 19 and they shall fine him a hundred pieces of silver, and they shall give it to the girl's father. Because he has brought evil upon a virgin of Israel, she shall be his wife for the rest of his life; he may not put her away. 20 But if the accusation is proven true, and the damsel is not a virgin, 21 then the damsel shall be brought to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones to death, because she has committed an abomination in Israel, and has committed adultery in her father's house. And so you will root out evil from among you.
In the twenty chapter of the Book of Leviticus it says: 10 - If a man commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death. 11 - And if a man lies with his father's wife, both of them shall be put to death, because he has uncovered his father's nakedness; and their blood shall be upon their heads. 12 “If a man has sexual relations with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall be put to death; they have committed an abomination; their blood shall be upon their heads. 13 “If a man has sexual relations with a woman, both of them shall be put to death; they have committed an abomination; their blood shall be upon their heads. 14 “If a man has sexual relations with a woman and her mother, it is abomination. Let them be burned with fire, lest lewdness spread among you. 15 “If a man has sexual relations with a beast, he shall surely be put to death; and in like manner you shall kill the beast. 16 “If a woman approaches a beast to have sexual relations with it, then you shall kill them both; both of them shall be put to death, and their blood shall be upon their heads. 17 If a man marries his sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, it is a disgrace, and he must be cut off in the presence of his people, because he has uncovered his sister's nakedness, and he will be punished for his sin. 18 If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her menstrual period and uncovers her nakedness, he has exposed her fountain, and she has uncovered him. 19 If a man has sexual intercourse with his paternal aunt or his maternal aunt, both of them shall be punished for their sin. 20 If a man has sexual intercourse with his paternal uncle's wife, he has uncovered her nakedness, and both of them shall be punished for their sin, and they shall die without having children. 21 - And if a man marries his brother's wife, it is uncleanness, because he has uncovered his brother's nakedness. Both of them shall die without having offspring.
And in the twenty-second chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy:
22 - And if you catch a man lying with a married woman, you shall put both of them to death. So you shall put away the evil from among you.
23- And if a man meets a girl who is engaged to another man in the city and lies with her, 24- then you shall bring them both out to the open gate of that city and stone them with stones so that they die, because the girl did not cry for help while she was in the city, and the man because he attacked the other man’s fiancée. So you shall root out the evil from among you.
25 But if that man meets the betrothed girl in the field, and seizes her, and lies with her, only the man shall be stoned and die. 26 But the girl shall not be stoned, for she has not committed a sin worthy of death; rather, she shall be like a man whom another man has attacked and killed. (Deuteronomy 22:22-26
Violation of the law of marriage
If a man marries a girl, then after living with her he hates her, accuses her of doing something that disgraces her, and spreads something about her that damages her reputation, saying: I married this woman, and when I lived with her, I discovered that she was not a virgin. Her parents will take her to the elders of the city who are gathered in the courtroom, and they will show the evidence of her virginity. Then the girl's father will say to the elders, 'I gave my daughter to this man in marriage, and he hates her. Now he is spreading gossip about her, saying, 'Your daughter was not a virgin when I slept with her.' But this is the proof of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the city. And the elders of that city shall take the man and discipline him, and they shall fine him a hundred pieces of silver, and give it to the damsel's father. Because he has brought evil upon a virgin of Israel, she shall be his wife for the rest of his life; he may not put her away.
But if the accusation is proven true, and the damsel is not a virgin, then the damsel shall be brought to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones so that she dies, because she has committed an abomination in Israel, and has committed adultery in her father's house. And so you will root out evil from among you.
Rules against dishonoring a bride
13 If a man marries a young woman, and after he has lived with her, he hates her, 14 and accuses her of doing things that disgrace her, and spreads evil about her, saying, ‘I married this woman, and after I lived with her, I discovered that she was not a virgin.’ 15 Then her parents will take her to the elders of the city who are gathered in the courtroom, and they will show the evidence of her virginity. 16 Then the father of the girl will say to the elders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man in marriage, and he hates her. 17 Now he is spreading rumors about her, saying, “Your daughter was not a virgin when I slept with her.” But this is the proof of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the city. 18 Then the elders of that city shall take the man and discipline him, 19 and they shall fine him a hundred pieces of silver, and they shall give it to the girl's father. Because he has brought evil upon a virgin of Israel, she shall be his wife for the rest of his life; he may not put her away. 20 But if the accusation is proven true, and the damsel is not a virgin, 21 then the damsel shall be brought to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones to death, because she has committed an abomination in Israel, and has committed adultery in her father's house. And so you will root out evil from among you.
In the twenty chapter of the Book of Leviticus it says: 10 - If a man commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death. 11 - And if a man lies with his father's wife, both of them shall be put to death, because he has uncovered his father's nakedness; and their blood shall be upon their heads. 12 “If a man has sexual relations with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall be put to death; they have committed an abomination; their blood shall be upon their heads. 13 “If a man has sexual relations with a woman, both of them shall be put to death; they have committed an abomination; their blood shall be upon their heads. 14 “If a man has sexual relations with a woman and her mother, it is abomination. Let them be burned with fire, lest lewdness spread among you. 15 “If a man has sexual relations with a beast, he shall surely be put to death; and in like manner you shall kill the beast. 16 “If a woman approaches a beast to have sexual relations with it, then you shall kill them both; both of them shall be put to death, and their blood shall be upon their heads. 17 If a man marries his sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, it is a disgrace, and he must be cut off in the presence of his people, because he has uncovered his sister's nakedness, and he will be punished for his sin. 18 If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her menstrual period and uncovers her nakedness, he has exposed her fountain, and she has uncovered him. 19 If a man has sexual intercourse with his paternal aunt or his maternal aunt, both of them shall be punished for their sin. 20 If a man has sexual intercourse with his paternal uncle's wife, he has uncovered her nakedness, and both of them shall be punished for their sin, and they shall die without having children. 21 - And if a man marries his brother's wife, it is uncleanness, because he has uncovered his brother's nakedness. Both of them shall die without begetting offspring.
22 And if you catch a man lying with a married woman, you shall put them both to death, and you shall put away the evil from among you. 23 And if a man meets a damsel engaged to another man in the city, and lies with her, 24 then you shall bring them both out into the open square of the gate of that city, and you shall stone them with stones so that they die, because the damsel did not cry for help while she was in the city, and the man because he has attacked the other man’s fiancée. So you shall root out the evil from among you. 25 But if that man meets the betrothed girl in the field, and seizes her, and lies with her, only the man shall be stoned and die. 26 But the girl shall not be stoned, for she has not committed a sin worthy of death; but she shall be like a man whom another man attacked and killed. 27 For the betrothed girl must have cried out in the open. 28 And if a man finds a virgin girl who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are caught together, 29 then the man who lay with the girl shall pay fifty pieces of silver and marry her, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her as long as he lives. 30 No one shall marry his father's widow, for this is a disgrace and an insult to his father.
כח כִּי-יִמְצָא אִישׁ, נַעֲרָ בְתוּלָה אֲשֶׁר לֹא-אֹרָשָׂה, וּתְפָשָׂהּ, וְשָׁכַב עִמָּהּ; וְנִמְצָאוּ.
22 And if you catch a man lying with a married woman, you shall put them both to death, and you shall put away the evil from among you. Deuteronomy Chapter 22 דְּבָרִים

1 Thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep driven away, and hide thyself from them; thou shalt surely bring them back unto thy brother.
אֵלֶיךָ Contact Us עַד דְּרֹשׁ אָחִיךָ אֹתוֹ, וַהֲשֵׁבֹתוֹ לוֹ.2 And if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, and thou know him not, then thou shalt bring it home to thy house, and it shall be with thee until thy brother require it, and thou shalt restore it to him.
גוְכֵן תַּעֲשֶׂה לַחֲמֹרוֹ, וְכֵן תַּעֲשֶׂה לְשִׂמְלָתוֹ, Contact Us מִמֶּנּוּ, וּמְצָאתָהּ: לֹא תוּכַל, לְהִתְעַלֵּם. {ס}3 And so what you do with his ass; and so shalt thou do with his garment; and so shalt thou do with every lost thing of thy brother's, which he hath lost, and thou hast found; You may not hide yourself. {S}
דלֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, נֹפְלִים בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. {ס}4 Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fallen down by the way, and hide thyself from them; You shalt surely help him to lift them up again. {S}
הלֹא-יִהְיֶה כְלִי-גֶבֶר עַל-אִשָּׁה, וְלֹא-ְִלְבַּשׁ גֶּבֶר Contact Us: Contact Us אֵלֶּה. {פ}5 A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God. {P}
I'm sorry. אֶפְרֹחִים אוֹ בֵיצִים, וְהָאֵם רֹבֶצֶת עַל-הָאֶפְרֹחִים, אוֹ עַל-הַבֵּיצִים--לֹא-תִקַּח הָאֵם, עַל-הַבָּנִים.6 If a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young, or upon the eggs, you shalt not take the dam with the young ;
זשַׁלֵּחַ תְּשַׁלַּח אֶת-הָאֵם, וְאֶת-הַבָּנים תִקַּח-לָךְ, לְמַעַן יִיטַב לָךְ, וְהַאֲרַכְתָּ יָמִים. {ס}7 thou shalt in any wise let the dam go, but the young thou mayest take unto thyself; that it may be well with them, and that you may best prolong these days. {S}
חכִּי תִבְנֶה בַּיִת חָדָשׁ, וְעָשִׂיתָ מַעֲקֶה לְגגֶּךָ; Contact Us מִמֶּנּוּ.8 When you build a new house, then you shalt make a parapet for your roof, that you bring not blood upon your house, if any man falls from there.
Contact us: Contact us: Contact us הַזֶּרַע אֲשֶׁר תִּזְרָע, וּתְבוּאַת, הַכָּרֶם. {ס}9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with two kinds of seeds; lest the fulness of the seed which thou hast planted be forfeited together with the increase of the vineyard. {S}
ילֹא-תַחֲרֹשׁ בְּשׁוֹר-וּבַחֲמֹר, יַחְדָּו.10 Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together.
יא לֹא תִלְבַּשׁ שַׁעַטְנֵז, צֶמֶר וּפִשְׁתִּים יַחְדָּו. {ס}11 You should not wear mingled stuff, wool and linen together. {S}
Contact us, contact us, contact us כְּסוּתְךָ, אֲשֶׁר תְּכַסֶּה-בָּהּ. {ס}12 Thou shalt make thee twisted cords upon the four corners of thy covering, wherewith thou coverest thyself. {S}
יג כִּי-יִקַּח אִישׁ, אִשָּׁה; וּבָא אֵלֶיהָ, וּשְׂנֵאָהּ.13 If any man takes a wife, and goes in unto her, and hates her,
יד וְשָׂם לָהּ עֲלִילֹת דְּבָרִים, וְהוֹצִא עָלֶיהָ שֵׁם רָע; וְאָמַר וְלֹא-מָצָאתִי לָהּ בְּתוּלִים.14 and lay wanton charges against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say: 'I took this woman, and when I came near to her, I found not in her the tokens of virginity';
טו וְלָקַח אֲבִי הַנַּעֲרָ, וְאִמָּהּ; Contact Us הָעִיר--הַשָּׁעְרָה.15 Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel’s virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate.
Contact Us: Contact Us נָתַתִּי לָאִישׁ הַזֶּה לְאִשָּׁה--וַיִּשְׂנָאֶהָ.16And the damsel's father shall say unto the elders: 'I gave my daughter unto this man to wife, and he hateth her;
Next articleMore לְבִתְּךָ בְּתוּלִים, וְאֵלֶּה, בְּתוּלֵי בִתִּי; וּפָרְשׂוּ, הַשִּׂמְלָה, לִפְנֵי, זִקְנֵי הָעִיר.17 And, lo, he hath laid wanton charges, saying: I found not in thy daughter the tokens of virginity; And yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity.' And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the city.
יח וְלָקְחוּ זִקְנֵי הָעִיר-הַהִוא, אֶת-הָאִישׁ; וְיִסְּרוּ, אֹתוֹ.18And the elders of that city shall take the man and chastise him.
יט וְעָנְשׁוּ אֹתוֹ מֵאָה כֶסֶף, וְנָתְנוּ לַאֲבִי הַנַּעֲרָה--כִּי הוֹצִיא שֵׁם רָע, עַל בְּתוּלַת יִשְׂרָאֵל; וְלוֹ-תִהְיֶה לְאִשָּׁה, לֹא-יוּכַל לְשַׁלְּחהּ כָּל-יָמָיו. {ס}19 And they shall fine him a hundred shekels of silver, and give them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel; and she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days. {S}
Here is the list of the following: לַנַּעֲרָ.20 But if this thing be true, that the tokens of virginity were not found in the damsel;
כא וְהוֹצִיאוּ אֶת-הַנַּעֲרָ אֶל-פֶּתַח בֵּית-אָבִיהָ, וּסְקָלוּהָ אַנְשֵׁי עִירָהּ בָּאֲבָנִים וָמֵתָה--כִּי-עָשְׂתָה נְבָלָה בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל, לִזְנוֹת בֵּית אָבִיהָ; וּבִעַרְתָּ הָרָע, מִקִּרְבֶּךָ. {ס}21 then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die; Because she hath wrought a wanton deed in Israel, to play the harlot in her father's house; so shalt thou put away the evil from the midst of you. {S}
כב כִּי-יִמָּצֵא אִישׁ שֹׁכֵב עִם-אִשָּׁה בְעֻלַת-בַעַל, וּמֵתוּ גַּם-שְׁנֵיהֶם--הָאִישׁ הַשֹּׁכֵב עִם-הָאִשָ׼ׁה, וְהָאִשָּׁה; וּבִעַרְתָּ הָרָע, מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל. {ס}22 If a man be found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman; so shalt thou put away the evil from Israel. {S}
מְאֹרָשָׂה לְאִישׁ מְאֹרָשָׂה נַעֲרָ בְתוּלָה וּמְצָאָהּ אִישׁ בָּעִיר, וְשָׁכַב עִמָּהּ.23 If there be a damsel that is a virgin betrothed unto a man, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her;
כד וְהוֹצֵאתֶם אֶת-שְׁנֵיהֶם אֶל-שַׁעַר הָעִיר הַהִוא, Contact Us עַל - דְּבַר בָעִיר רֵעֵהוּ; וּבִעַרְתָּ הָרָע, מִקִּרְבֶּךָ. {ס}24 then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die: the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife; so you shalt put away the evil from the midst of you. {S}
מִמְצָא הָאִישׁ, אֶת-הַנַּעֲרָ More information: וּמֵת, הָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר-שָׁכַב עִמָּהּ--לְבַדּוֹ.25 But if the man finds the damsel that is betrothed in the field, and the man takes hold of her, and lies with her; then the man only that lay with her shall die.
Here are the details: כִּי כַּאֲשֶׁר יָקוּם אִישׁ עַל-רֵעֵהוּ, וּרְצָחוֹ נפֶשׁ--כּן, הַדָּבָר He is.26 But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death; for as when a man rises against his neighbour, and slayeth him, even so is this matter.
כז כִּי בַשָּׂדֶה, מְצָאָהּ; צָעֲקָה, הַנַּעֲרָ הַמְאֹרָשָׂה, וְאֵין מוֹשִׁיעַ, להּ. {ס}27 For he found her in the field; the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her. {S}
כח כִּי-יִמְצָא אִישׁ, נַעֲרָ בְתוּלָה אֲשֶׁר לֹא-אֹרָשָׂה, וּתְפָשָׂהּ, וְשָׁכַב עִמָּהּ; וְנִמְצָאוּ.28 If a man finds a damsel that is a virgin, that is not broken, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
כט וְנָתַן הָאִישׁ הַשֹּׁכֵב עִמָּהּ, לַאֲבִי הַנַּעֲרָ--חֲמִשִּׁים כָּסֶף; וְאִשָּׁה שַׁלְּחָהּ, כָּל-יָמָיו. {ס}29 then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he hath humbled her; he may not put her away all his days. {S}
Bible - Deuteronomy –

Chapter Twenty-Two
Deuteronomy 22:1 “You shall not see your brother’s ox or his sheep straying and ignore it, but you shall surely
return it to your brother. Deuteronomy 22:2 “But if your brother is not near you or you do not know him, then you shall bring him into your house and keep him with you until your brother seeks him; then you shall return him to him.
Deuteronomy 22:3 “And so you shall do to his donkey, and so you shall do to his clothing, and so you shall do to anything that is missing from your brother
that you find. You shall not hide yourselves from it. Deuteronomy 22:4 “You shall not see your brother’s donkey or his ox lying in the way and ignore it, but you shall surely set it up with him.
Deuteronomy 22:5 “A man’s clothing shall not be upon a woman, nor shall a man wear a woman’s clothing, for anyone who does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.
Deuteronomy 22:6 “If a bird’s nest happens to be before you by the wayside, in a tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs in it, and the mother is nursing the young or the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the young.
Deuteronomy 22:7 “Let the mother go, and take the children to yourself, that it may be well with you, and that you may live long.
Deuteronomy 22:8 “When you build a new house, you shall make a wall for your roof, that you may not bring blood upon your house if something falls from it.
Deuteronomy 22:9 “You shall not sow your field with two kinds, lest the fullness be sanctified—both the seed which you sow and the produce of the field.
Deuteronomy 22:10 “You shall not plow with an ox
and a donkey together. Deuteronomy 22:11 “You shall not wear a garment of mixed wool and linen together.
Deuteronomy 22:12 “Make yourself braids on the four corners of the garment with which you cover yourself.
Deuteronomy 22:13 “If a man takes a wife, and
when he goes in to her, he hates her, Deuteronomy 22:14 And charges her with evil speech, and brings up an evil name about her, and says, ‘I took this woman, and when I came near to her, I found no excuse in her.’
Deuteronomy 22:15 Then the father and mother of the damsel shall take the token of her virginity, and bring out the token of her virginity unto the elders of the city at the gate.
Deuteronomy 22:16 And the father of the damsel shall say unto the elders, I gave this man my daughter to wife, and he hateth her.
Deuteronomy 22:17 And, behold, he hath given grounds for speech, saying, I have not found in thy daughter a virginity: and this is the token of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the city.
Deuteronomy 22:18 And the elders of that city shall take the man, and chastise him.
Deuteronomy 22:19 And they shall fine him an hundred shekels of silver, and give them to the father of the damsel, because he has brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel. And she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days.
Deuteronomy 22:20 “But if this thing be true, there is no excuse for the young woman.
Deuteronomy 22:21 Then they shall bring the young woman out to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones so that she die, because she has committed an abomination in Israel by playing the whore in her father’s house. So you shall put away the evil from among you.
Deuteronomy 22:22 “If a man is found lying with a woman who is a husband’s wife, both the man who lay with the woman and the woman shall be put to death, so you shall put evil away from Israel.
Deuteronomy 22:23 “If a young virgin is betrothed to an husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her,
Deuteronomy 22:24 Then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them with stones that they die—the young woman, because she did not cry out in the city, and the man, because he humbled his neighbor's wife. So you shall put away the evil from among you.
Deuteronomy 22:25 But if the man find the betrothed damsel in the field, and the man seizes her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die.
Deuteronomy 22:26 But you shall not do anything to the damsel. There is no sin to the damsel leading to death; but as when a man rises up against his neighbor and puts him to death, so is this thing.
Deuteronomy 22:27 For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried out, and there was none to save her.
Deuteronomy 22:28 “If a man finds a virgin damsel who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found,
Deuteronomy 22:29 “The man who lay with her shall give to the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has humbled her. He may not put her away all his days. Deuteronomy 22:30
“A man shall not take his father’s wife, nor uncover his father’s skirt.
Hebrew Texts
Deuteronomy 22:28 Hebrew Study Bible ( Apostolic / Interlinear )
כִּֽי־ יִמְצָ֣א אִ֗ישׁ [נַעַרכ Read more ) ​ וְשָׁכַ֣ב עִמָּ֑הּ וְנִמְצָֽאוּ׃ KJV with Strong's If a man finds a damsel that is a virgin which is not betrothed and lay hold on her and lie with her and they be found

 Deuteronomy 22:28 
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Deuteronomy 22-28:
(If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, not betrothed , and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found)...
(כי־ימצא אישׁ The word “virgin
” means virgin or virgin. And it is pronounced: Batoulah,
and if you are caught If a man lies with a married woman, you will kill them both, and you will put away the evil from among you.
I don't know what to do הרע מקרבו. Read more about this topic See also: "

Shutterstock Please don't forget to contact us. Yes, please, please. The word "withhold it"
appears in the Book of Deuteronomy 22 twice, once for a betrothed virgin in the field and once for a virgin who is not betrothed, but in Hebrew the two words are different.
First, seize her (in the field) number 25.
But if the man finds the betrothed girl in the field and the man seizes her And he who lies with her shall die, and the man who lies with her alone shall die. IHOT
+) H518 But if H7704 in the field H4672 find H376 a man H853 H5291 damsel H781 a betrothed והחזיק H2388 force בה האישׁ H376 and the man ושׁכב H7901 her, and lie עמה H5973 with ומת H4191 her shall die : האישׁ H376 her: then the man אשׁר H834 that A primitive root ; to fasten upon ; hence to seize , be strong ( figuratively courageous , causatively strengthen cure , help repair , fortify ) , obstinate ; to bind , restrain , conquer: -

aid, amend, X calker, catch, cleave, confirm, be constant, constrain, continue, be of good (take) courage (-ous, -ly), encourage (self), be established, fasten, force, fortify, make hard, harden, help, (lay) hold (fast), lean, maintain, play the man, mend, become (wax) mighty, prevail, be recovered, repair, retain, seize, be (wax) sore, strengten (self), be stout, be (make, shew, wax) strong (-er), be sure, take (hold), be urgent, behave self valiantly, withstand.
Root meaning to bind, seize with force (figurative courage and causal to strengthen on, mend, fortify) When restraining, subjugating, restraining,
then he held her here means that he subdued and forced her. As for the second hold her in verse 28
, “If a man finds a young virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her, and they find her…” «
(IHOT+) כי H3588 If ימצא H4672 find אישׁ H376 a man נער H5291 a damsel בתולה H1330 a virgin , אשׁר H834 which לא H3808 is not ארשׂה H781 betrothed ותפשׂה H8610 and lay hold ושׁכב H7901 on her, and lie עמה H5973 with ותמצאו׃ H4672 her, and they are found ;
It has the meaning of taking and laying down
A primitive root; to manipulate , that is, size ; chiefly to capture , wield ; specifically, to overlay ; figuratively to use unwarrantably: - catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, X surely, surprise, take.
A primitive root meaning manipulation. It means seize and grab and has a figurative meaning meaning to hold, deal with, take, stop....
The word does not carry the meaning of force and coercion, but it carries the meaning of seizing a person with his consent, whether by his consent or by manipulation .
This linguistic difference is important because it will clarify that in the second case there is no coercion or rape
. We will discuss the law of stoning in the Torah first, and then according to the Sanhedrin law second.
The Hebrew text: *על פי התורה וההלכה היהודית, Anshim HaOberim עברות מסוימות נענשים בסקילה. לדוגמה: מחללי שבת חייבים סקילה על פי ההלכה. I don't know how to do it, I don't know how to do it Read more.
*Here's not the same thing as 'the rest of us':
בשלב הראשון הנידון נזרק ממקום גבוה; Here we go, we don't know what to do; Please don't worry, don't worry about it.
Its translation is as follows:
The Hebrew text: על פי התורה וההלכה היהודית according to the Torah and the Jewish Halakhah.
*More בסקילה. לדוגמה: מחללי שבת חייבים סקילה על פי ההלכה. According to the Torah and Jewish halakhah, those who commit certain
crimes are punishable by stoning. For example: Sabbath offenders must be stoned according to halachah. The same applies to foreign workers. And magicians, sinners and other sinners. Stoning

in the Sanhedrin
Hebrew text
: בשלושה שלבים:
בשלב הראשון הנידון נזרק ממקום גבוה; Here we go, we don't know what to do; According to the Sanhedrin Code, Chapter 6, the stoning of Jews takes place in three stages:
In the first stage, the condemned person is thrown from a high place; if he does not die, a large stone is thrown at him. Then Just stone the whole community to death. Source:משנה_סנהדרין_ו

Chapter Two:
The Punishment for Adultery in

Chapter One:
The Concept of Adultery in Christianity

Introduction to

Christianity and Sex Outside of Marriage

There is still a debate among Christians in the West about whether sex between two people who have never been married or two people who are engaged or have a love affair is adultery or not. They argue that the Bible did not reject sexual relations between engaged people. There was one theologian - Christian Theology - from the Middle Ages, the English monk John Baconthorpe, who studiedtheology. Theology, for those who do not know, is "the logical study of theology. Christian theologians relied on rational analysis to understand Christianity more clearly." John Baconthorpe said that not having sexual relations between engaged people is surprising and calls for discussion, while most theologians and clergymen rejected it. There are many Christians in Western countries who do not mind having sexual relations before marriage or without marriage. This is known legally among Catholics as "sex outside of legal relationships." In the same context, Dr. Suzy Halim told women in the Orthodox Church that priests admit: They anoint girls' genitals!! In a lecture entitled: The Virgin in her mind, not her body


That's why we say: Be careful, your body is pure.. Today we are talking about a pure body and your body is holy and the body is anointed with myrrh 36 times in every place, including your genitals anointed with myrrh, so it's not a story that just because I preserve my hymen, I'm pure and that I'm a girl, I'm a virgin..
The Virgin is a virgin in her mind.. The Virgin Mary was a virgin, but she was pregnant. The Holy Spirit came upon her and put a fetus in her womb, but without intercourse. But she was a virgin in her mind. Her mind is pure.. She gave birth to a child and is still a virgin in her mind and mind. What matters is the mind.. What matters is the mind..).
And here is Dr. Suzy Halim to women in the church confessing: Priests anoint girls' genitals!!

- Dr. Suzy Halim - 10/19/2012 Church of the Archangel Michael In

the Old Testament, we read the teachings of (Jesus) before the incarnation: “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14), and the Old Testament did not stop at forbidding adultery only, but it also forbade exposing oneself to it. We read: “You shall not defile your daughter by exposing her to adultery, lest the land commit adultery and the land be filled with lewdness” (Leviticus 19:29). The Old Testament
imposed the death penalty on those who committed the crime of adultery. We read about (Jesus) before the incarnation: “And if a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, even if he commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death” (Leviticus 20:10). However, this punishment is increased for the daughters of priests, as it is not enough to kill them in the normal way, but burning with fire is required. We read: “And if a priest’s daughter is defiled by fornication, she has defiled her father; she shall be burned with fire” (Leviticus 21:9).
I say this because (Jesus) after the incarnation had a different opinion.

The first requirement is
that Jesus permitted adultery. The permission

was from here:Tax collectors and prostitutes enter the kingdom.
The text in the Gospel of Matthew 21 Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you...”
Christ mentioned the tax collectors and prostitutes
1-Tax collectors (those who collect taxes and steal from people).
They said that it is good news for Matthew the tax collector, for Matthew the disciple was a tax collector (Matthew 10:3).
But when he saw Jesus, he left his profession, from which he was stealing, and followed Jesus, so he deserved to receive the promise of entering the kingdom.
(9 And as Jesus passed by, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the receipt of custom. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” And he rose up and followed Him. And this Matthew became a disciple and preached Christ and was martyred for His name.) Matthew 9.

2- Adulterers.
An adulteress came to Christ, repentant and regretful, regretting her adultery, and accepting Christ. She became better than the Pharisees who were scholars of the law but not accepting Christ.

Luke 7:37-48 (37 And behold, a woman in the city, who was a sinner, when she knew that he was reclining at meat in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster jar of ointment,
38 and stood at his feet behind him, weeping, and began to wet his feet with tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.
39 And when the Pharisee saw it, The one who had called him said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him; she is a sinner.”
40 Jesus said, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” “Teacher,” he said. 41
A certain creditor had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty.
42 When he did not receive the money, he said, “I have no money.”I suppose he who forgave him more.
” And he said to him, “You have judged rightly.” 44
Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house, and you gave me no water for my feet.kissed me
with a kiss, but she has not ceased to kiss my feet since I came in.
46. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment.
47. Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, because she loved much. And he to whom little is forgiven loves little.
48. Then he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

But we read in an article on the British newspaper "Express" controversial statements by an academic professor in the United States of America, where he says: (God) has sexual intercourse with the Jewish teenager, the Virgin Mary, against her will (raped her), causing her to become pregnant with Jesus Christ. By SEAN MARTIN:

Main article:
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 God SEXUALLY ASSAULTED Virgin Mary getting her pregnant without CONSENT - shock claim

GOD SEXUALLY ASSAULTED the Virgin Mary when he impregnated her with Jesus Christ, a professor in the US has controversially claimed.

PUBLISHED: 12:33, Fri, Dec 7, 2018 | UPDATED: 18:53, Fri, Dec 7, 2018
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God SEXUALLY ASSAULTED Mary by getting her pregnant without CONSENT - shock claim (Image: GETTY)

Main Title
God SEXUALLY ASSAULTED Virgin Mary getting her pregnant without CONSENT - shock claim
SEXUALLY ASSAULTED the Virgin Mary when he impregnated her with Jesus Christ, a professor in the US has controversially claimed.

By SEAN MARTIN The academic has accused God of not getting consent from the virgin Jewish teenager when he supposedly conceived Christ through divine intervention. Not surprisingly the claim by Dr Eric Sprankle on the cusp of the Christmas season, has sparked outrage across Christian America. Dr Sprankle, who Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology & Sexuality Studies at Minnesota State University, Mankato, and an advocate for sex workers' rights made the shocking claim on Twitter. He said: “The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. Translation:

An academic has accused God of not getting permission from a virgin Jewish teen when Jesus was conceived through divine intervention. It’s no surprise that Dr. Eric Sprankle’s claim, on the cusp of Christmas, has sparked outrage across Christian America. Dr. Sprankle, an associate professor of clinical psychology and sexuality studies at Minnesota State University, Mankato, and an advocate for sex workers’ rights, made the shocking claim on Twitter.
He said: "The story of the Virgin Birth is about a God of all knowledge and power who becomes pregnant with a human teenager.

Enraptured by Mary's beauty , the Holy Spirit exclaims in admiration :
How beautiful art thou, My Love !"

I have put off my kuttonet (kesones, chiton, robe); how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?
Dodi (my beloved) thrust his hand through the latchopening, my heart began pounding for him.

As Christians claim, the Song of Songs contains explicit flirting and admiration for the beauty, charms and also the charms of the Virgin, the Mother of Light. The one who is impressed and captivated by the charms of the Virgin will of course be none other than the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit (God according to the Christians) who chose for him Author/s (of the Holy Bible) in some translations *The name (Dodi) as a (pet name)! This is what the established Catholic faith and tradition promotes.!.

Enraptured by Mary's beauty , the Holy Spirit exclaims in admiration :
How beautiful art thou, My Love !"

I have put off my kuttonet (kesones, chiton, robe); how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?
Dodi (my beloved) thrust his hand through the latchopening, my heart began pounding for him.
Shir Hashirim 5

Orthodox Jewish Bible

5 I am come into my gan (garden), my sister, my kallah; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my devash (honey); I have drunk my yayin with my cholov (milk): Eat, O friends; Drink, yea, drink abundantly, dodim.
2 I sleep, but my lev waketh: it is the voice of dodi (my beloved) that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my yonah (dove) tammati (my undefiled, my perfect one); for my head is filled with tal (dew), and my hair with the drops of the lailah.
3 I have put off my kuttonet (kesones, chiton, robe); how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?
4Dodi (my beloved) thrust his hand through the latchopening, my heart began pounding for him.
5 I arose to open to dodi (my beloved); and my hands dripped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the manful (lock, door bolt).
6 I opened to dodi (my beloved); but dodi had withdrawn and gone; my nefesh departed when he spoke; I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer.
7 The shomrim (watchmen) that went about the city found me, they beat me, they wounded me; the shomrei hachomat ( ie, the shomrim, the guardians [of the city on the wall] ) took away my cloak from me.
8 I charge you, O banot Yerushalayim, if ye find dodi (my beloved), what will ye tell him? Tell him shecholat ahavah ani (I am faint with ahavah, lovesick [ see 2:5 ]).
9 How is your beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among nashim? How is your beloved more than another beloved, that you dost so charge us?
10 Dodi (my beloved) is radiant and ruddy, unrivaled by ten thousand.
11 His head is like the purest gold; His hair is wavy and black (black) as the raven.
12 His eyes are like yonim (doves) by the streams of mayim, washed with cholov, jewels fitly set.
13 His cheeks are like beds of spices, like sweet flowers; His lips like shoshanim (lilies), dripping sweet scented myrrh.
14 His hands are like rods of zahav set with chrysolites; His body is like a polished work of ivory decorated with sapphires.
15 His legs are like pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine zahav; his countenance is like the Levanon, bachor (one being choice) like the cedars.
16 His mouth is most sweet; yea, he is machamaddim (altogether desirable [ see Shir HaShirim 2:3 ; Chaggai 2:7 says Moshiach is the Desired of all Nations ]). This is dodi (my beloved), and this is my friend, O banot Yerushalayim. [ TN The next chapter is commented extensively beginning at page vii. This section is one of the most important Scriptures in the Bible because it stresses Isa 7:14 and its foundational meaning .]

Enchanted by Mary's beauty, the Holy Spirit (God) flirts with the Virgin, expressing his admiration for her.
Songs of Songs 4:1 How beautiful you are, my beloved! beautiful you are!
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Book: The Holy Virgin: Readings for Lent
La Sainte Vierge: Pious readings for the gatherings of Mary's month
page: 24
Author: Father Louis-Gaston de Ségur
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Gaston Adrien de Segur.

Louis Segond
The Bible tells him: The Holy Spirit comes to you, and the power of the Most High covers you with his shadow. That is why the holy child who will make you fertile will be called Son of God.
(God) the Holy Spirit embraced the Virgin Mary with his shadow and fertilized her , (God) the Son took her as his mother, the Virgin Mary is at the same time daughter, wife [épouse] and mother of the Lord. épouse = wife It was not only the doctors of the Middle Ages who gave Saint Mary this glory [the wife of God], the early Christians also looked upon her as the wife of God [l'épouse de dieu]. Saint Augustine said: Saint Mary reached the degree of perfection and for this reason (God) took her as his wife . Liturgy of the Greek Church: O blessed Mary, the disciples who had the honor of seeing the Lord incarnate have appointed you, O Virgin, wife worthy of the Lord’s station. Book link:

Mask: God married and gave birth to Jesus

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7. The Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit
A CERTAIN artist has depicted Mary as the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. The picture shows Mary standing upon a globe, which represents the world. Above is the Blessed Trinity. Directly over her head hovers the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. Graces, represented by rays of light, stream from Him into Mary's heart, and from then pour themselves upon the earth in seven streams, symbolizing the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit granted to men through Mary's mediation. In several passages of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit Himself calls Mary His Spouse. Even at the first instant of her conception, He imparted to her so great a fullness of grace that all the Angels and Saints combined have not attained such a degree of perfection.
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The Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit
Translation: A certain artist portrayed Mary as the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. The picture shows Mary standing on a globe representing the world. Above her is the Holy Trinity. Directly above her head hovers the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. Graces, represented by rays of light, flow from it to the heart of Mary, and from there they flow to the earth in seven streams, symbolizing the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit given to mankind through the mediation of Mary. In several passages of Scripture the Holy Spirit Himself calls Mary His Spouse. Even at the first moment of her conception, He bestowed upon her such a fullness of grace that the angels and saints put together did not attain to such a degree of perfection.

Enraptured by Mary's beauty, the Holy Spirit exclaims in admiration: "How beautiful art thou, My Love!" (Cant. 4:1). But it was above all at the Incarnation of the Son of God that Mary became the true Spouse of the Holy Spirit for she conceived the Eternal Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Translation: Admiring the beauty of Mary, the Holy Spirit exclaims with admiration: “How beautiful art thou, my beloved!” (Cth. 4:1). But primarily at the incarnation of the Son of God, Mary became the true Spouse of the Holy Spirit, for she bore the eternal Word by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Through Mary, with Mary, and in Mary, the Holy Spirit brought forth the God-man, and in like manner He brings forth, every day, to the End of Time, the elect children of God. St. Louis Grignon de Montfort says: “The Holy Spirit imparted to Mary His immeasurable gifts, and has made her the dispenser of all His graces, so that she distributes His gifts and graces to whom she will, as much as she wills, and how and where she wills. No grace is given by Heaven to man except through her virginal hands.” St. Bernard and St. Alphonsus and many other theologians hold the same opinion.

Translation:Through Mary, and Mary, and Mary, the Holy Spirit begat God-man, and in the same way brings forth, every day, to the end of time, the chosen children of God. St. Louis Grignion de Montfort says: "The Holy Spirit has given to Mary his innumerable gifts, and has made her the dispenser of all his graces, so that she may distribute his gifts and graces to whomever she wishes, as much as she wishes, and how and where she wishes. No grace from heaven comes to man except through her virgin hands." St. Bernard, St. Alphonsus, and many other theologians hold the same opinion. Through Mary we must seek grace, for
she is the Spouse of the
Holy Spirit, and all graces are dispensed through her hands. Let us often greet Mary as the Spouse of the Holy Spirit

The seventh century Church Father, Saint John of Damascus seems to be the first to write of Mary as spouse of God the Father. In his treatise on the Assumption, he states that, “It was fitting that the spouse whom the Father had taken to himself, should live in the divine Mansions”5. Some medieval writers, such as Rupert of Deutz and Ubertino of Casale continued to use this image, as did Saint Lawrence of Brindisi 6. Mary's "espousal" to the First Person of the Trinity became a popular area of ​​discussion in the Ecole Francaise, a seventeenth-century French school of theology/mariology
God the Father, as a holy and faithful husband, wants to unite the most holy Virgin to himself and give her the perfect possession of his Person, his treasures, his glory and all his goods" 9. For God the Father...wills that, in the mystery of the Incarnation, Mary should be his true and unique spouse, since he has destined her to be, with himself, the principle in the temporal generation of the Word, to do with him, in the Incarnation, what he does alone in eternity" 10.
(The Father) conceives for her all the affection of a spouse" 11
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St. John of Damascus, who lived during the 7th century AD, was the first to write that the Virgin Mary is the wife of the Father. The Father, as a holy and faithful husband, wanted to take the Virgin Mary for himself , giving her his treasures and glory. In the mystery of the Incarnation, the Virgin Mary must be the true and only wife of the Father.
The term spouse of the Holy Spirit was used in the Council, but in the final document they preferred to use the term temple of the Holy Spirit.
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Note: The word spouse has multiple meanings, including the meaning of
wife , but our dear Christian, in order to further deceive, chose the meaning of consort .
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Let us assume , for the sake of argument , that the word spouse refers to the temple of the Holy Spirit and ask:
Since both the words spouse or temple were used to express the work of the Holy Spirit in Mary, why was the term “ wife of the Holy Spirit” abandoned in favor of the term “temple of the Holy Spirit”?
The answer:
Because the first term “ wife ” posed a problem and embarrassment to the council...!

The document above says:
[Another problem was represented by the use of the word “wife” to describe the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary].
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[The language/concept of spousal marriage that was used regarding Mary was common for many centuries. During the first millennium she was called: "the wife of God", later she was called "the wife of the Father", "the wife of Christ" and "the wife of the Holy Spirit".]
This means that, during the first millennium, neither a temple nor anything else was common, but the relationship between the Virgin and the Holy Spirit was seen as a ( complete ) marital relationship, the product of which was the son Jesus.
Below we will review a set of evidence that denies that the child of Mary is the son of the Holy Spirit:
The child of Mary is himself the son of the Father and not the son of the Holy Spirit.

We read in the book: The Inside Word
by Guy Peter Calandra page 6:
Forth a son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest
The Holy spirit directly in her womb fertilized the egg of Mary
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The Holy Spirit is the one who directly fertilized the egg of the Virgin Mary. Christ was not born from the seed of a human being, but from the seed of the Lord. [Glory be to Him, far above what they say.]

We also read in the book: Seeds of Life Planted by God by Ron Scott, page 28, that
the Lord waited for the Virgin Mary to produce the appropriate egg at the appropriate time in order to fertilize it with the appropriate semen of the Holy Spirit in order to conceive Jesus Christ, the Son of the Lord. [We seek refuge in God from error and its people.] We continue with more disasters :

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The Catholic website above says: The marital relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary cannot be severed or broken
(meaning: an eternal marital relationship).
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We also read in the book: The Blessed Virgin Mary in England Vol. 1
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Translation: The following diagram shows us how the Virgin is connected to the Holy Spirit by a single line, which indicates the existence of a marital relationship between two different parties:

1- A human first party
2- A heavenly second party The Holy Spirit has a divine nature, while the Virgin Mary
had a human nature. Mormon Christians said it eloquently, Brigham Young
, Joseph Smith's successor as head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
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had sex with the Virgin Mary,

The birth of the Savior (Jesus) was natural , it is no different from the way our children were born,
the birth was the result of a natural process (sexual intercourse).
What Do Mormons Think of the Virgin Mary?
Thirty-seven Christian scholars believe that God had sex with the Virgin Mary.

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Tagged 'God had sex with Mary'

What Do Mormons Think of the Virgin Mary?

Posted in Virgin Mary, tagged Brigham Young, Delbert Stapley, God had sex with Mary, Gordon B Hinckley, Joseph F. Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Virgin Mary, Wilford Woodruff on 12/21/2019| »
Posts tagged "God had sex with Mary" What Do Mormons Think of the Virgin Mary?
Posted in Virgin Mary, tagged Brigham Young, Delbert Stapley, God had sex with Mary, Gordon B Hinckley, Joseph F. Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Virgin Mary, Wilford Woodruff on 12/21/2019 »

Number of people and/or books referenced in this article, 'What Do Mormons Think of the Virgin Mary?'
Number of people and/or books referenced in this article, 'What Do Mormons Think of the Virgin Mary?'
The article is located at this site: Mormons Still Believe God Created Jesus Through Sex with Mary
03/04/2017 by lifeafterministry

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, 'Being a More Christian', November 2012; “A Christian has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is the literal Son of God, sent by His Father to suffer for our sins in the supreme act of love we know as the Atonement.” — Robert D. Hales
Colossians 1:15-17; “ 15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; All things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things are held together.”
We have as few questions as you might imagine so let's get started!
1.What true Christians would believe their God came down to have sex with a daughter he created?

Ensign, “Being More Christian,” November 2012; “The Christian believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, the literal Son of God, sent by his Father to suffer for our sins in the supreme act of love we know as the atonement.” - Robert D. H. Colossians

15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For in him All things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:15-17)
We have some questions you might imagine, so let's get started!

1- Which true Christian believes that their God came down to have sex with the daughter of his creation ?

2.How could Jesus be created if He was/is the Creator, who existed before all things?
3.The Mormon 'atonement' is not a biblical example of Jesus coming here to shed His blood on the cross for the sins of mankind. The Mormon Jesus only paid for some sins in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Doctrine and Covenants 19:18 ; “Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—”
4.The Mormon doctrine we see here today (2017) is proof positive that we didn't dig up some obscure Mormon teaching from long ago. Mormons today still believe God had sex with Mary, and that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers . Most unfortunately, the foundational beliefs of Mormonism are still intact, just as they always have been.
2- How could Jesus have been created if he/she was the Creator, who existed before all else?
3. The Mormon “atonement” is not a biblical example of Jesus’ coming Here to shed his blood on the cross for the sins of mankind. Mormon Jesus only paid for some of the sins in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Gethsemane is the place where Christ prayed on the night before the crucifixion, according to Christian belief.
The word Gethsemane is an Aramaic word meaning oil press. It is a place described in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark as being surrounded by a fence (Matthew 26:36, Mark 14:32). It says: John speaks of it as a garden (John 18:1), and Luke merely describes it as a place (Luke 22:39). It was located on the Mount of Olives, across the Kidron Valley (John 18:1).
Doctrine and Covenants 19:18; “Which I have made myself, even God , the greatest of all, I tremble with pain, and bleed from every pore, and suffer body and soul together—and not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—"
4- The Mormon Doctrine We See Here Today (2017) is proof positive that we have not discovered some Mormon teachings Mysterious since time immemorial. Mormons still believe today that God had sex with Mary, and that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers. Sadly, the core beliefs of Mormonism are still intact, just as they always have been.
Did God Have Sex with Mary?

Critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sometimes proclaim that the LDS believe that God had sex with Mary, resulting in the conception of Jesus. This is simply not true. While some members of the Church may have speculated concerning the conception of Jesus, the The Church has never had a teaching concerning this event. This can easily be seen in a letter written by President Harold B. Lee to a brother in Logan, Utah. The letter is reproduced below. An edited version is also quoted inThe Teachings of Harold B. Lee (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1996), 14.
Did God have sex with Mary? Critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sometimes claim that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that God had sex with Mary, resulting in the conception of Jesus. This is simply not true. While some members of the Church have speculated regarding the conception of Jesus, the Church has no teaching regarding this event. This can be easily seen in a letter written by President Harold B. Lee to a brother in Logan, Utah. The letter is reproduced below. A revised version is also quoted in The Teachings of Harold B. Lee (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1996), 14.

Message Source:
Message Text:
January 2, 1969
Bruce Bracken
Logan, Utah 84321
Dear Brother Bracken:
We are very much concerned that some of our Church teachers seem to be obsessed with the idea of ​​teaching doctrine which cannot be substantiated and making comments beyond what the Lord has actually said.
You asked about the Immaculate Conception of the birth of the Savior. Never have I talked about “sexual intercourse” between Deity and the mother of the Savior. If teachers were wise in speaking of this matter about which the Lord has said but very little, they would rest their discussion on this subject with merely the words which are recorded on this subject by Luke 1:34-35:
“Then Mary said unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
Remember that being who brought about the Immaculate Conception was a divine personage. We need not question his method to accomplish his purposes. Perhaps we would do well to remember the words of Isaiah 55:8-9:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For us the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Let the Lord rest His case with this declaration and wait until he sees fit to tell us more. Translation:

Bruce Bracken
Logan, Utah 84321
Dear Brother Bracken:
We are very concerned that some of our church teachers seem to be obsessed with the idea of ​​teaching unprovable doctrine and making comments that go beyond what the Lord has already said.
You asked about the Immaculate Conception of the Savior’s birth. I never spoke about “sexual intercourse” between the Deity and the Savior’s mother. If teachers were wise in speaking about this matter of which the Lord has spoken but very little, they would rest in their discussion of this subject merely on the words recorded in Luke 1:34-35 on the subject:
34 Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” 35 And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore also the holy one who is to be born of you will be called the Son of God.”
Remember that you who brought about the Immaculate Conception was a divine person. We need not question His method of accomplishing His purposes. Perhaps we would do well to remember the words of Isaiah 55:8-9:
“ 8 For my thoughts are not like your thoughts, neither are your ways like my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Let the Lord rest his case with this declaration and wait to see who It would be appropriate to tell us more.

The second requirement:

The adulterous popes.

Christians believe in the Holy Spirit in the Pope of the Church and believe that he is holy and infallible and that he does and says nothing but what is right and correct. Accordingly, he has the authority and they must listen and obey. He is God’s representative on earth and he is their path to the Kingdom of Heaven. In this series of documentaries, they will be amazed that we prove to them that their holy popes committed adultery, murder, are deceivers, forgers, swindlers and thieves. After that, we will ask them: Can these popes be holy and infallible?
Are you required to obey adulterers, murderers, forgers and thieves? If the popes do that, then what do the rest of the priests and monks do?
Let’s watch .

The third requirement

is His Holiness the Pope
  • English name: His Holiness Pope John VIII - Papa IOANNES Octavus.
  • Name in Italian: Giovanni VIII.
  • The name in Italian, Arabized: Pope Giovanni VIII, Pope Giovanni VIII.
  • Papal numerical order: 107.
  • Other names: Pope John VIII, Pope John VIII.
  • Place of birth: Rome.
  • Original personal name: Giovanni, Giovanni, Giovanni, Giovanni.
  • Papal period: December 14, 872 – December 16, 882 AD.
  • Duration: 10 years, 2 days.
The death of Pope Paul II was one of the most important events of the year in which he died - he assumed the papacy from October 16, 1978 until April 2, 2005 in a long papacy that lasted twenty-six years - as the world was preoccupied with it for a long time, and newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations were filled with news and details of the life of the deceased Pope and the works he accomplished, including his close cooperation with American and European intelligence to overthrow the communist regime in Poland, which was a prelude to the collapse of the communist regime in the Soviet Union and the communist countries in Eastern Europe. They were also preoccupied with commenting and speculating about who would occupy this sensitive position? Who would be the new Pope?
Many details were also conveyed about how the new Pope was installed and the ceremonies followed in this regard, which are the ceremonies called (the ceremony of wearing the ring)... that is, the ceremonies of installation.

All these details were mentioned... but they neglected to mention one of the ceremonies of installation, as it was not mentioned in the visual, print or audio media, and perhaps they were right in view of the negative impact it could have on the Christian masses.
Masculinity.. Conditions for the papacy
Now let us explain the subject briefly:
One of the conditions that must be met by the pope is that he be a man. It is not permissible to appoint a woman to this high religious position; therefore, this matter must be completely verified. However, the strange thing about this matter is the method of verifying the manhood of the new pope. It is an old method dating back to the Middle Ages, but it has remained unchanged and has continued to the present day. The candidate for the position of the papacy sits on a chair with a circular opening in the middle, and removes his underwear. Another person comes from behind him and extends his hand through the opening to examine and confirm that the new pope is a man and has testicles and says: (Duo testis bene bondeta) meaning: (He has testicles, so he is suitable).
But what is the need for this examination? Because the Vatican has a bitter historical experience on this subject, or rather, there is a historical scandal that the Vatican experienced and does not want to be repeated again.
A woman deceived the Vatican and assumed the position of pope for about two and a half years, and deceived and fooled all those affiliated with the Vatican, and her affair was not exposed until she gave birth to an illegitimate child!!

Who is this woman who dared and succeeded in reaching the position of the papacy? And how was her secret revealed?

Her name is John and she was the daughter of an English family living in Germany. The head of the family worked in a religious institution as a missionary.
Those close to her called her (Gilbetta) and sometimes (Jutta).
When this girl reached the age of 12, she began to wear boys' clothes, imitate them, and act like them, meaning that she began to behave like a man. When she became a young woman, she studied philosophy and theology in the city of Athens in Greece, then decided to travel to Rome. There, she advanced in the ecclesiastical ranks and was able to establish strong friendships and connections with members of the ecclesiastical ranks and with the cardinals of the Vatican. However, on the basis that she was a man, she was - as we mentioned before - wearing men's clothes and acting like them, and no one doubted that she was a clergyman. With her eloquence, skill, connections and friendships, she was able to run for the position of Pope after the death of Pope Leo IV in 853 AD, and to actually win this dangerous position. She took the name "John VIII" as her title.She remained in this position for two years, five months and four days until her secret was exposed and she met a terrifying fate.

The revelation was dramatic.

She was pregnant, and throughout the months of pregnancy and until the hour of delivery, she managed to hide her pregnancy by wearing loose, baggy clothes. But the time came for her to give birth while she was in the middle of the street on her way to a religious ceremony, with the cardinals surrounding her.
Yes! In the middle of the street, with the cardinals surrounding her, the Pope was born while she was screaming in labor pain.

It was a surprise that no one could have expected or even believed easily. Yes! The Pope gave birth to a baby girl in the middle of the street, and a period passed in which the clergy and cardinals did not understand what had happened, as what had happened was beyond belief. But as soon as the surprise wore off and they got over their shock and understood what was happening before them, the cardinals attacked the Pope and her newborn and killed them brutally by stoning them, and buried them in the same place and placed a marble headstone and a statue depicting a woman with a baby in her lap on her grave so that this would remain as a witness to this incident.

Getting rid of the scandal's
traces The witness and the statue remained for several ages until the arrival of Pope Pius V in the late sixteenth century, when he ordered the removal of the witness and the statue, then ordered the removal of everything related to her in the Vatican archives, and they removed her name from the list of previous popes. They wanted to push her into the corners of oblivion, but history books preserved the story of her life and her tragic end.
As for who the father of her child was, historians disagreed about him. Some said that he was one of her guards, while others said that he was the son of the Emperor of Rome at the time.
This incident caused a shock in the Vatican at the time, so the cardinals decided that all measures must be taken to ensure that it would not be repeated. They put the manhood test of the new pope in the primitive form that we explained, which is a remnant of medieval ceremonies.
There are now dozens of Christian websites - especially Catholic ones - that strongly deny the occurrence of this incident and say that it is a myth fabricated 1200 years ago, but some Christian clerics mentioned this incident and confirmed its occurrence.
The first person to record this incident, as far as we know, was the monk Martinus Scotus, who lived in the eleventh century. Siegebert, a historian specializing in church history, also reported this incident in the twelfth century.
A century later, the historian Martinus Polonus also recorded this incident with all its details in his book, Chronicon Pontificum en Imperatum.
Seventeen years after the stoning of the Pope, the new Pope chose the name John IX, but he changed his mind because the number eight would remain empty after the Vatican erased the name of the stoning Pope John VIII from its records. He chose the name John VIII to avoid this scandal and erase it from Vatican history . Pope John VIII John VIII
Cross, Donna Woolfolk. Pope Joan . Crown Publishers, New York, 1996.
Luther, Martin. Table Talk. William Du-gard, London, 1652.
Rappaport, Angelo S. The Love Affairs of the Vatican . Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1995. (Originally published in 1912).
Stanford, Peter. The Legend of Pope Joan . Berkley Books, New York, 1998.
Wood, Clement. The Woman Who Was Pope . William Faro, Inc., New York, 1931.

Thus, we find that the embarrassment here was not only in the arrival of a "woman" to the papal throne, but also in her committing adultery during that time and attempting to bury the child alive. Hence, the Vatican had no choice but to deny the existence of Pope John VIII and completely erase his name from all church records! Although they preserve the place where the birth and stoning took place.

This is the place where the Pope and his daughter were stoned and where they were buried, and above the door you find a plaque commemorating their memory. It has been erased.

Fourth requirement:
Maroussia, mother of popes and whore of the Vatican Introduction:

Churches in the world represent the largest furnished, equipped and prepared brothels, where harassment, adultery, sodomy and rape occur in the name of religion. BBC published a documentary about the sexual crimes of priests. You can watch the film at this link:
It also published a document condemning Pope Benedict XVI, proving that he covered up the scandal of raping nuns in churches in the name of religion.
The truth is that the nuns were not raped, but rather practiced prostitution of their own free will. However, the church is trying to mitigate the scandal by making it one-sided.
By following the news about nuns on Arab and foreign news websites, I found that I was faced with a group of vile and prostitutes who sell their vaginas, breasts and buttocks in the name of religion, in the name of the cross, in the name of Jesus, the mother of light and blessing, and so on and so forth, with arguments that no longer convince children, let alone adults.
Hence, the emergence of prostitution among nuns is normal. In 2001, the Vatican admitted that nuns have sex with priests in churches. The news is at this link:
But of course, it called it rape to lessen the impact of the scandal. The evidence that it was not rape, but rather consensual adultery between the saints, is that news reports say: (The nuns there cannot refuse the orders of the priests in this regard, and confirmed that a number of priests there had sex with the nuns for fear of contracting AIDS if they "practiced it with prostitutes." The nuns are forced to take birth control pills, but it said that a religious institution discovered 20 cases of pregnancy at once among its nuns working there).
The question that arises is: Why can't the nuns refuse the orders of the priests? Do the priests have such terrifying authority in the state?
In Western countries, the church does not have this authority. The judiciary can prosecute the head of state if he touches a hair on a nun’s head. Clinton’s trial in the Monica Lewinsky scandal is a good example of that. This is one. The second
is that the claim that the nuns were concealing this for fear of scandal is not viewed in Western countries as we do in Eastern societies. Such scandals are considered normal and no one finds it shameful to report a rape, whether a man or a woman!
Pope John Paul II has officially apologized for the sexual harassment of nuns by priests. It is known that a man cannot have power over a woman unless she opens the way for him. If a nun is willing, she will give the priest the opportunity to harass her.
The category of nuns has become a curse on societies. They represent a time bomb that could explode at any moment, spreading their corruption and fornication in society in the name of religion, blessing, and Jesus, who gave the adulterous woman a license to continue her fornication when he said to the Jews when they wanted to punish her for her fornication: “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Then the nuns took this saying to do whatever they wanted that was forbidden, and if someone objected to her or said to her that it was shameful for her to represent the religion, the nun would respond: (Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her)!!!
There is no power nor strength save in God. Has this level of baseness reached you, O nuns? We now know the reason why the priests are screaming like madmen demanding the lifting of all restrictions on the construction of mosques, and why they seize state lands to build churches by bullying and seeking external support. The reason is not just to give Egypt a Christian hue, or to make churches headquarters for stockpiling weapons, or to make them prisons for those who declare their conversion to Islam, or...or...but all of these reasons combined are joined by sex. The number of Christians who want to have sex is increasing, and the number of nuns who want to have sex is increasing, so there must be an increase in brothels - I mean churches - to provide an atmosphere for practicing vice.
The Vatican downplays a report on the rape of nuns
. The Vatican acknowledged that Catholic nuns are subjected to sexual harassment by priests, but it downplayed the extent of the problem, indicating that it is limited.
The Catholic bishop’s comments came in response to allegations in the US-based weekly National Catholic Reporter. The newspaper said it had documented cases of nuns becoming pregnant by priests and then being forced to have abortions.
The detailed article in the newspaper was based on five reports by Catholic clerics from 1994 to the present.
Nuns at risk
Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro Falls acknowledged that the Catholic Church leadership was aware of the problem, which was limited to a limited geographical area, and had launched a global campaign. However, the report published by the National Catholic Reporter contradicted the spokesman’s claims, as it documented 23 countries where the abuses occurred, including the United States, Italy, India, Ireland and Brazil.
Father Robert J. Vitiello, who now heads the U.S. bishops' campaign for human development, gave a lecture on the same problem in 1994. He was quoted as saying that he had personally heard tragic stories of religious women being forced to have sex with priests or clerics who had convinced them that sex was mutually beneficial. The women who had suffered this tragedy had received little sympathy when they complained, the report said. In a 1994 report, Sister Maura Odone, a qualified physician, said that nuns from local churches had made fervent appeals to international church officials for help.
The affected nuns tried to provide explanations to the church authorities about this issue, but they did not find a listening ear. The Vatican confirmed in its official response to these allegations that the Catholic Church is working to solve this problem, which should not overshadow the good works provided by the clergy. A Vatican statement said that some negative incidents should not make us forget the strong faith expressed by the vast majority of men and women in the priestly order.
However, a Benedictine monk told the American newspaper that he believes the Catholic Church is facing a very serious problem. He said that he believes that what is being talked about in terms of sexual abuse is actually happening, indicating that he does not know the rate of its occurrence, but the issue must be discussed.
Maroussia, the prostitute who ruled the Vatican . And the mother of the popes
She was a Tuscan princess born around 892 and died in 932. She was the daughter of the nobleman Theophylact and the noblewoman Theodora.
She was a member of the parliament in Rome and had strong political influence in the first half of the tenth century.
Marusia was famous for being the mistress of Pope Sergius III and had an illegitimate child from him, which made her control the church state (the Vatican) where Pope Sergius III, Pope John X, Pope Leo VI, Pope Stephen VII and Pope John XI were all under her control and influence... as they were all her lovers... She later gave birth to popes from them.
She wanted a third marriage to the King of Italy, Hugo von Arles, and she did not find disobedience from her children, but rather from her illegitimate son Albrecht, who incited the Roman people against her and formed a special army and ordered her arrest and threw her in the Engelsburg dungeon.
It is not mentioned where Marozia died,
but researchers have several opinions, some of which say that Marozia spent her entire life in the dungeon, and others say that Marozia was killed in the Englerburg dungeon. This period in Vatican history is known as the Bernocracy ,
the period to which the law of celibacy in Christianity was enacted to avoid such events.
The story is found in two contemporary sources:
the Liber Pontificalis
the Antapodosis sive Res per Europam gestae (958–62), by Liutprand of Cremona (c. 920–72). But a third contemporary source, the annalist Flodoard (c. 894–966), says John XI was brother of Alberic II , the latter being the offspring of Marozia and her husband Alberic I. Hence John also may have been the son of Marozia and Alberic I. Given the importance of the topic, here is the original article: Marozia Marozia Marozia, born Maria and also known as Mariuccia or Mariozza (c. 890 – 937), was a Roman noblewoman who was the alleged mistress of Pope Sergius III and was given the unprecedented titles senatrix (“senatoress”) and patricia of Rome by Pope John​genealogy—were seated in the Chair of St. Peter." Pope John

Marozia was born about 890. She was the daughter of the Roman consul Theophylact, Count of Tusculum, and of Theodora, the real power in Rome, whom Liutprand of Cremona was characterized as a “shameless whore... [who] exercised power on the Roman citizenry like a man.”
At the age of fifteen, Marozia became the mistress of Theophylact's cousin Pope Sergius III, whom she knew when he was bishop of Portus. The two had a son, John (the later Pope John XI). That, at least, is the story found in two contemporary sources, the Liber Pontificalis and the Antapodosis sive Res per Europam gestae (958–62), by Liutprand of Cremona (c. 920–72). But a third contemporary source, the annalist Flodoard (c. 894–966), says John XI was brother of Alberic II, the latter being the offspring of Marozia and her husband Alberic I. Hence John also may have been the son of Marozia and Alberic I.
Marozia married Alberic I, duke of Spoleto, in 909, and their son Alberic II was born in 911 or 912. By the time Alberic I was killed at Orte in 924, the Roman landowners had won complete victory over the traditional bureaucracy represented by the papal curia. Rome was virtually under secular control, the historic nadir of the papacy.
Guy of Tuscany
In order to counter the influence of Pope John X (whom the hostile chronicler Liutprand of Cremona alleges was another of her lovers wiki/Marozia
Article translation:
Marozia, born Maria and also known as Mariuccia or Mariusa (c. 890 – 937), was a Roman noblewoman who was the mistress of Pope Sergius III and was given the unprecedented titles of senatrix ("senatoress") and patricia of Rome by the pope. John X.
Edward Gibbon wrote of her that "the influence of the two prostitutes, the sisters Marozia and Theodora [1], was founded on their wealth and beauty, their political and amorous intrigues: their lovers were rewarded with the Roman crown and their rule. It might have suggested to the Dark Ages the tale of a female pope. A bastard son, two grandsons, two great grandsons, And one great grandson of Marozia - a series Rare lineage - They were seated in the chair of St. Peter. " Pope John XIII was her nephew, a descendant of her younger sister Theodora. From this description, the term "pornography" became associated with the effective rule in Rome of Theodora and her daughter Marozia through male surrogates.

Early life
Marozia was born around 890. She was the daughter of the Roman consul Theophylact, Count of Tusculum, and Theodora, the real power in Rome, whom Liutprand of Cremona described as "an impudent harlot... who treated the Roman citizens like a man."
At the age of fifteen, Marozia became the mistress of Theophylact's cousin Pope Sergius III, whom she had known when he was Bishop of Portus. The two had a son, John (later Pope John XI). This, at least, is the story found in two contemporary sources, the Liber Pontificalis and the Antapodosis sive Res per Europam gestae (958–62), by Liutprand of Cremona (920–92). But a third contemporary source, the Annalist Flodoard (c. 894–966), says that John XI was the brother of Alberic II, the latter being a descendant of Marozia and her husband Alberic I. John may therefore also have been the son of Marozia and Alberic I.
Marozia married Alberic I, Duke of Spoleto, in 909, and their son Alberic II was born in 911 or 912. By the time Alberic I was murdered at Orte in 924, the Roman landowners had achieved a complete victory over the traditional bureaucracy represented by the papal curia. Rome was virtually under secular control, the historical nadir of the papacy.
A Tuscan man in order to counter the influence of Pope John X (whom the hostile historian Liutprand of Cremona claims was another of her lovers.

Fifth requirement:

Nuns are a sexual time bomb.

Churches in the world represent the largest furnished, equipped and prepared brothels, where harassment, adultery, sodomy and rape occur in the name of religion. The BBC published a documentary about the sexual crimes of priests. You can watch the film at this link:
It also published a document condemning Pope Benedict XVI, proving that he covered up the scandal of raping nuns in churches in the name of religion.
The truth is that the nuns were not raped, but rather practiced prostitution of their own free will. However, the church is trying to mitigate the scandal by making it one-sided.
By following the news about nuns on Arab and foreign news websites, I found that I am faced with a group of vile and prostitutes who sell their vaginas, breasts and buttocks in the name of religion, in the name of the cross, in the name of Jesus, the Mother of Light and Blessing, and so on and so forth, and so on ...
Hence, the emergence of prostitution among nuns is normal. In 2001, the Vatican admitted that nuns have sex with priests in churches. The news is at this link:
But of course, it called it rape to lessen the impact of the scandal. The evidence that it was not rape, but rather consensual adultery between the saints, is that news reports say: (The nuns there cannot refuse the orders of the priests in this regard, and confirmed that a number of priests there had sex with the nuns for fear of contracting AIDS if they "practiced it with prostitutes." The nuns are forced to take birth control pills, but it said that a religious institution discovered 20 cases of pregnancy at once among its nuns working there).
The question that arises is: Why can't the nuns refuse the orders of the priests? Do the priests have such terrifying authority in the state?
In Western countries, the church does not have this authority. The judiciary can prosecute the head of state if he touches a hair on a nun’s head. Clinton’s trial in the Monica Lewinsky scandal is a good example of that. This is one. The second
is that the claim that the nuns were concealing this for fear of scandal is not viewed in Western countries as we do in Eastern societies. Such scandals are considered normal and no one finds it shameful to report a rape, whether a man or a woman!
Pope John Paul II has officially apologized for the sexual harassment of nuns by priests. It is known that a man cannot have power over a woman unless she opens the way for him. If a nun is willing, she will give the priest the opportunity to harass her.
The category of nuns has become a curse on societies. They represent a time bomb that could explode at any moment, spreading their corruption and fornication in society in the name of religion, blessing, and Jesus, who gave the adulterous woman a license to continue her fornication when he said to the Jews when they wanted to punish her for her fornication: “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Then the nuns took this saying to do whatever they wanted of what was forbidden, and if someone objected to her or said to her that it was shameful for her to represent the religion, the nun would respond: (Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her)!!!
The nuns are a repressed bomb inside the monasteries

. The preacher says, "Sex is a sin." And a nun sits in front of him, raising a sign to remind him of the meeting time in the same place.
In 1973, Italy produced a film entitled: The Nun and the Devil..or Le Monache di Sant'Arcangelo, also known as: The Sisters of the Devil (UK) and The Sisters of St. Archangel (US).
The film is set in the 16th century monastery of Sant'Arcangelo near Naples, then under Spanish rule. The film's success led to another period drama/nunsploitation film by Paolella released the same year, The Story of a Cloistered Nun, an Italian/French/West German co-production.
The opening credits state that the film is "based on original 16th-century records and a story by Stendhal" - possibly Stendhal (1832) being referred toWikipedia

The Nun and the Devil, or Le Monache di Sant'Arcangelo in the original Italian, is an erotic 1973 -Italian nunsploitation film directed by
Domenico Paolella. It is also known as: Sisters of Satan and The Nuns of Saint Archangel. The action is set in the 16th century at the convent of Sant Arcangelo, near Naples, then under Spanish rule. The success of the film resulted in another period drama/nunsploitation film by Paolella released the same year, Story of a Cloistered Nun, an Italian/French/West German co-production starring Eleonora Giorgi.
The opening credits state that the movie is "Based on authentic 16th Century records and a story by Stendhal"—possibly Stendhal's L'Abbesse de Castro is meant.
Description provided by Wikipedia Descriptions

Now what about the Peshitta:
Let us look into this matter from the beginning and look at the following link
The first link is
the Original Eastern Aramaic Peshitta New Testament
, where we find the text for the end of chapter 7 and the beginning of chapter 8 of the Gospel of John: It is available as a Word file, but the letters will not appear here, I believe. In general, the following text is completely compatible with it and has been translated into English. See the second link:
Aramaic/English Peshitta Interlinear Younan Translation ,

where you will find the text with a parallel translation in English
Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 0 Size: 739.4 KB ID: 828000

and a note at the end of the page that translates to:
The story of the adulterous woman was never in the original Peshitta, and the numbering of the verses reflects the difference between it and the Western version. This part is enlarged at the bottom of the page.

According to what Father Matta El Meskeen mentioned in his interpretation of the Gospel of John, the fathers explained the deletion of the story by the fear of the scribes of using it as an encouragement for moral decadence.
Here is a testimony from all Christian sects, not just one sect, and it is from the translation of the Bible known as the (Joint Arabic Translation), which is a contribution from all sects. You can confirm this in the first three lines of the introduction to this translation, knowing that it is sold in the Library of Love, meaning that the Orthodox, the Marks Magazine House, and other Christian libraries participate in it. It says in the margin of the story the following:
(We do not find John 7/53 - 8/11 in the old manuscripts and in the Syriac and Latin translations. Some manuscripts put this passage at the end of the Gospel).

Here is the image enlarged a little

, and now comes the testimony that shocks every stubborn person and clarifies the truth for those who seek the truth, issued by Christian scholars, which confirms that the story of the adulterous woman is nothing but from an unknown source.
Here is the introduction to the Gospel of John from the Bible, translated by the Jesuit Fathers or the Jesuit Order.
(It must be added that the work seems incomplete, with all of this, as some of the links are loose and some paragraphs seem disconnected from the context of the speech (3/13-21, 3/31-36, 1/15). Everything is as if the writer never felt that he had reached the end. In this there is a modification of the entire arrangement of the paragraphs, so it is likely that the Gospel as it is in our hands was issued by some of the writer’s disciples, who added chapter 21 to it, and there is no doubt that they also added some commentary such as (4/2) and perhaps (4/1, 4/44) (7/39) (11/2) (19/35). As for the story of the adulterous woman (7/53) to (8/11), there is a consensus that it is from an unknown source and was inserted at a later time ….). (It must be

that the work seems incomplete, with all of this, as some of the links are loose and some paragraphs seem disconnected from the context of the speech (3/13-21, 3/31-36, 1/15). Everything is as if the writer never felt that he had reached the end. This is a modification of the entire arrangement of the paragraphs. It is likely that the Gospel as it is in our hands was issued by some of the writer’s disciples, who added chapter 21 to it. There is no doubt that they also added some commentary, such as (4/2) and perhaps (4/1, 4/44) (7/39) (11/2) (19/35). As for the story of the adulterous woman (7/53) to (8/11), there is a consensus that it is from an unknown source and was inserted at a later time....)After we have seen Christian scholars testify to the distortion of part of the Bible. And after we have seen the manuscripts of the Bible prove the distortion of part of the Bible.
There is no story of the adulterous woman in any manuscript dating back to before the sixth century at all. As for those who claim otherwise, they are either stubborn or trying to fabricate the story for the Bible.
According to Eusebius of Caesarea in his church history written in the early 300s AD, and Papias (c. 110 AD) refers to the story of Jesus and the woman "accused of many sins" as found in the Gospel of the Hebrews, which has referred to this passage or one like it. In his Syriac Didascalia, written in the mid-200s, the author, in the context of exhorting bishops to exercise some leniency, states that a bishop who does not receive a penitent is acting in a wrong way: “For if you do not do so, we obey our Savior and God, so that we may do as he also did with the sinner, whom the priests brought before him, and left the judgment in his hands, and departed, but he, the searcher of hearts, asked her and said to her, ‘Have the priests condemned you, my daughter?’ She said to him, ‘No, Lord.’ And he said to her, ‘Go, and I do not condemn you. In him, our Savior, our King, and our Lord, be your pattern, O bishops.’”
In the Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, written about 380, and the Didascalia, they use the passage from Luke 7:47.[10] The Victor Codex, produced in 546, has a different arrangement of text to that found in an earlier document, and contains the adulteress passage, in the form in which it was written in the Latin versions. Importantly, the Victor Codex also preserves the chapter headings of the earlier source document (some scholars believe it is the Didascalia produced by Tatian in 170), and the chapter heading 120 specifically refers to the woman caught in the act of adultery.
The two important manuscripts L and Delta do not contain the adulteress passage, but each has a distinct blank space between John 7:52 and John 8:12, a sort of mnemonic left by the scribe to express the memory of the missing passage.
Bassian of Barcelona (bishop from 365–391), in the context of a rhetorical challenge, opposes cruelty when he agrees with a sneer: “O Novatians, why do you delay to ask an eye for an eye? ... Kill the thief, choose and stone him. Choose not to read in the Gospel that the Lord forgave even the adulteress who confessed, when no one condemned her.” Bassian was a contemporary of the scribes who wrote the Codex Sinaiticus.
The writer known as Ambrosiaster (c. 370–380) mentions the occasion when he says: “Jesus saved her after he was caught in the act of adultery.” The anonymous author of the Apologia David—some analysts believe him to be Ambrose, but probably not—reports that people may be initially surprised by the passage in which “we see an adulteress brought to Christ and she goes away without being condemned.” Later in the same book he refers to this passage as an “extra” in the Gospels, indicating that it is part of the annual cycle of readings used in church services.
Textual Criticism History of John 7:53-8:11

One of the Latin Vulgate manuscripts has a blank space for John 7:53-8:11
Since there is insufficient space in the missing parchments to contain the passage in addition to the rest of the texts, the Old Syriac and Arabic of Tatian give no information about the passage, and it is also absent from the best manuscripts of the Peshitta, and the sacred books found in the ancient Coptic churches do not contain the passage, as the Sahidic, Akhmimic, and Old Bohairic versions lack the passage, some ancient Armenian and Georgian manuscripts do not contain the passage, in the West the passage is absent from the Gothic and many Old Latin manuscripts.”
Henry Alford and Frederic Henry Ambrose Scrivener believe that the story was added by John in the second version of his Gospel. [12]
The controversy over the author of the story
According to Bishop Joseph Lightfoot, the absence of the text in the oldest manuscripts, in addition to the difference in the style of writing the story from the style of writing the rest of the Gospel of John confirms that the story was originally written by some scribes or commentators in the margin of the chapter, and then later scribes considered it to be part of the original text of the Gospel. [13] Since the story was first mentioned by Eusebius of Caesarea in his Interpretations of the Sayings of the Lord, critics suggest that the story was initially added as an explanation of the text. Bart Ehrman agrees in his book Misquoting Jesus, adding that the context, style, words, and phrases of the story do not conform to John's writing style. [14]
However, Michael Holmes has pointed out that it is not certain that “Papias knew the story in exactly this form, as there now appear to have been at least two independent stories of Jesus and an evil woman circulating among Christians in the first and second centuries.” “So that the traditional form found in many New Testament manuscripts may represent a conflation of two shorter, independent versions of the incident.” [15] Kyle R. Hughes has argued that one of these earlier versions is in fact very similar in style, form, and content to the material of Luke (the so-called “L” source), suggesting that the core of this tradition is in fact rooted in very early Christian memory (though not that of Johannine). [16]
Dr. Bart Ehrman and the Authenticity of the Story of Jesus and the Adulterous Woman

2. Deuteronomy 22:24
3. ‘Pericope adulterae’, in FL Cross (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).
4. Jerusalem Bible, reference at John 7:53
5. . 6.
"Council of Trent Session 4, Dec. 1".
7. This phrase terra terram accusat is also given in the Gospel Book of Hitda of Maschede and a ninth-century glossa, Codex Sangelensis 292, and a sermon by Jacobus de Voragine attributes the use of these words to Ambrose and Augustine, and other phrases to the Glossa Ordinaria and John Chrysostom, who is usually considered as not referring the Pericope. — see Knust, Jennifer; Wasserman, Tommy, “Earth accuses earth: tracing what Jesus wrote on the ground”, Harvard Theological Review, October 01, 2010.
8. .%D8%A9-%D8%A7/ .
9. Expositor's Greek Testament on John 8, accessed 9 May 2016.
10. The Early Church Fathers Volume 7 by Philip Schaff (public domain) pp. 388–390, 408
11. The text of the New Testament: It's Transmission Corruption and Restoration Second Edition By Bruce M. Metzger Page 223
12. FHA Scrivener. "A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament (3rd edition, 1883, London)". Page 610.
13. “The passages which touch Christian sentiment, or history, or morals, and which are affected by textual differences, though less rare than the former, are still very few. Of these, the pericope of the woman taken in adultery holds the first place of importance. In this case a deference to the most ancient authorities, as well as a consideration of internal evidence, might seem to involve immediate loss. The best solution may be to place the passage in brackets, for the purpose of showing, not, indeed, that it contains an untrue narrative (for, whencesoever it comes, it seems to bear on its face the highest credentials of authentic history), but that external and internal evidence is against its being regarded as an integral portion of the original Gospel of "St. John." JB Lightfoot, R. C. Trench, C. J. Ellicott, The Revision of the English Version of the NT, intro. P. Schaff, (Harper & Bro. NY, 1873) Online at CCEL (Christian Classic Ethereal Library)
14. Bart D. Ehrman in Misquoting Jesus, (HarperCollins. NY, 2005), p. 65
15. Michael W. Holmes in The Apostolic Fathers in English (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2006), p. 304
16. Kyle R. Hughes, “The Lukan Special Material and the Tradition History of the Pericope Adulterae,” Novum Testament 55.3 (2013): 232
Kyle R. Hughes, “The Lukan
Special Material and the Tradition History of the Pericope Adulterae, Novum Testamentum 55.3 (2013): 232–251
18. ...%A7-7-52-8-12/


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