Christian’s doubt about (the stone fleeing in Moses’ garment)
In the name of God, and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, his companions, and those who follow his guidance until the Day of Judgment.
A Christian wrote saying:
Muhammad ibn Rafi` narrated to us , ` Abd al-Razzaq narrated to us , Mu`ammar narrated to us, on the authority of Hammam ibn Munabbih, who said: This is what Abu Hurayrah narrated to us , on the authority of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He mentioned hadiths, including the following : The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: The Children of Israel used to bathe naked, looking at each other’s private parts. Moses, peace be upon him, used to bathe alone , so they said: By God, nothing prevents Moses from bathing with us except that he has urinary incontinence. He said: So one time he went to bathe and put his garment on a stone, and the stone ran away with his garment. He said: So Moses ran after it, saying: My garment, a stone, my garment, a stone, until the Children of Israel looked at Moses’ private parts . They said: By God, there is nothing wrong with Moses . The stone stood up and looked at it. He said: So it took its garment and began to strike the stone. Abu Hurayrah said : By God, there were six or seven marks on the stone. Moses struck the stone with the stone. The word "Adar", according to Al-Nawawi's explanation, means: "large testicles"!!! Seriously, I have never heard of an insult to a prophet of God as mentioned in this hadith!! May I know if this hadith is a revelation from God to His Messenger?!! Why talk about a prophet's testicles?!!!! What is a stone??!!! Did God allow his prophet to be humiliated and his private parts to be exposed??!!! Was Moses so bad that he ran naked after a stone that snatched his clothes?!! Did it not occur to him to cover his nakedness and ask one of the children of Israel? What is the meaning of the saying of the Children of Israel, “There is no harm in Moses”? What does the stone stand mean? How did Abu Hurairah know that the scars were six or seven??!!! |
I wrote this response .. and it was deleted due to rudeness and referring to Christianity, and I was expelled as a result!!
The response
Peace be upon those who follow the guidance .
I was really surprised when I came across the topic and read the first lines, as I was certain that the last ones to talk about the morals of the prophets are the Christians who follow the Holy Book, so I reviewed the topic over and over again, not believing that the Christian is the one who defends the chastity and modesty of the prophet and denounces the action of the Prophet of God Moses and his running to the stone naked !!
I truly admit that the most creative and valuable thing Jesus said was... You hypocrite ...
The hadith narrated by the two sheikhs and others is a hadith whose meaning is to explain the chastity of the Prophet of God and Moses. He was modest and modest, and he would bathe alone. It was said, “He would only cover himself from us because of a defect in his skin, either leprosy or blemishes. He went once to bathe and put his garment on a stone. The stone passed by his garment, so Moses, peace be upon him, sought it . The Children of Israel saw him naked, like the best of men in character, so God cleared him of what they said .”
I said
Seriously, I have never heard of an insult to a prophet of God as mentioned in this hadith !! |
You lied !
You lied in your claim that you have never heard of an insult to a prophet like this before .. because your book contains a lot of crimes, insults, shame, disgrace and blasphemy against the prophets.. As for the difference between what is in your book and what is in our book - as evidenced by this hadith - our Lord, glory be to Him, has acquitted His prophet Moses of what was attributed to him.. As for your Lord, He did not acquit His prophets of what was attributed to them in your holy book .. And I will explain this clearly to you at the end of my response. As for your saying that what is in the hadith is an insult to the noble prophet Moses , you are right in this, and this is what is known from the Children of Israel , the killers of the prophets. Their insult to this noble prophet as it is mentioned in the hadith is not strange.. And because they insulted him and accused him of false statements as you said.. Allah, glory be to Him, acquitted him and turned their plot back on them and fulfilled His promise, glory be to Him, (Indeed, We will support Our messengers and those who believe in the Hereafter.. The life of this world and the Day when the witnesses will stand (Az-Zumar). And here God has aided him with a miracle and cleared him of those who harmed him . This noble prophet is one of the resolute ones, this one who was honorable in the sight of God.
May I know if this hadith is a revelation from God to His Messenger? !! |
Yes, it is a revelation from God to His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.
The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, never spoke out of desire. This is one of the stories of the prophets, as it contains a lesson for those with understanding. It was never a fabricated story about a man killing a thousand people with the jawbone of a donkey, or a woman whose hand was cut off for holding onto a man’s penis !!
Why talk about a prophet's testicles? !!!! |
Ask the children of Israel
Who is speaking, may Allah guide you?
They are the children of Israel.. This is what they said about the noble prophet.. Do you challenge the hadith for transmitting their fabrications? !!
What is a stone?? !!! |
It is what was rolled over the body of your Lord when death overtook him (Exalted is God above what you describe )
Did God allow his prophet to be humiliated and his private parts to be exposed?? !!! |
As for allowing the insult of his Prophet,
God tested his Prophets with deniers, combatants and mockers. Some of them God found determination in and some of them He did not find determination in. Al-Tirmidhi narrated from the hadith of Sa`d ibnAbi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him, who said : I said: O Messenger of God, which people are most severely tested? He said: The prophets, then the best, then the best. A man is tested according to his religion . If his religion is solid , his test will be severe. If his religion is weak, he will be tested according to his religion. The test will not stop befalling a person until it leaves him walking on the earth without any sin upon him. Al-Albani authenticated it in As-Silsilah As-Saheehah.
Therefore, the greatest tests were the share of the prophets, because if Allah loves a servant, He tests him, so how about them, when they are the best of mankind ?!
God Almighty mentioned in His Quran many examples of the trials of the prophets. God Almighty said: “If they deny you, [O Muhammad], so were messengers denied before you who brought clear proofs and scriptures and the enlightening Book.” (Al Imran 3:184 ). God Almighty
also said : “And [mention] when Moses said to his people, ‘O my people, why do you harm me while you know that I am the Messenger of God to you?’ But when they deviated, God caused their hearts to deviate. And God does not guide the defiantly disobedient people.” (Al Saff 6:5 )
Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih that Waraqa bin Nawfal said : “Oh , I wish I were a young man there, I wish I were alive when your people expel you.” The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Will they expel me?” He said: “Yes , no man has ever come with anything like what you have come with except that he was punished. If I live to see your day , I will support you with a decisive support .”
As for the wisdom behind the testing of the prophets, Ibn al-Qayyim says in Bada’i’ al-Fawa’id
: “ For Allah, the Almighty, protects the prophets, safeguards them, preserves them , and takes care of them. ” He tests them with whatever harm the disbelievers may cause them :
1- So that they may deserve His complete honor .
2- So that those who come after them from their nations and successors may be comforted by them if they are harmed by the people and see what happened to the Messengers and Prophets, they will be patient, content, and take them as an example .
3- So that the cup of the disbelievers may be filled and they may deserve what He has prepared for them of immediate punishment and deferred chastisement, so He will destroy them because of their transgression and enmity, and He will hasten to purify the earth from them .
This is part of His wisdom in testing His Prophets and Messengers with the harm caused to their people, and He has the perfect wisdom and the most abundant blessing. There is no god but Him, and no Lord but Him .
This is a whisper in the ear of an objecting Christian
: How can a Lord allow Himself to be exposed to humiliation, stripping, slapping, and spitting, but not allow one of His Prophets to be humiliated? !!
As for allowing his private parts to be exposed,
there are two opinions.
His statement - may God bless him and grant him peace -- : ( The Children of Israel used to bathe naked, looking at each other’s private parts .) It is possible that this was permissible in their law. And Moses - peace be upon him - would leave him out of modesty, desirability, shyness and chivalry, and this is among the violations between our law and the law of those before us (such as the wife of the Prophet of God Abraham when she slapped her face, and the lottery that took place to support Mary, and the building of mosques on the graves of the People of the Cave ... All of this is forbidden now , and it is possible that it was forbidden in their law as it is forbidden in our law, and they were lenient in it as many of the people of our law are lenient in it .
Perhaps the first statement is closer... because the denunciation of the Children of Israel for Moses washing with them made them slander him with false statements without mentioning the prohibition as the reason for his isolation from them .
Regardless of whether this or that was the case ... seeing him in that condition was not intentional by Moses - peace be upon him - and he did not know that anyone was looking at him or not, otherwise he would have agreed with them at the beginning to wash with them naked!! And his walking naked was to obtain his clothes - and this is the answer to the rest of the questions -... and there was no shame or disgrace in the matter for the Prophet of God Moses Peace be upon him, but the innocence was for him from a defect attributed to him.. The exposure of the private parts of Moses, peace be upon him, among people who were accustomed to the matter among themselves was not a scandal .
Do you still think that you have ridden what the first ones did not ride?!
If you want to ride a horse, ride this one.. The closest ones are more deserving.. And put this number - instead of our noble hadith - as a topic for discussion (2 At that time the Lord said by the hand of Isaiah the son of Amoz: “Go, and loose the sackcloth from off your loins, and take off your sandals from off your feet.” So he did so and walked naked and barefoot . 3And the LORD said, “As My servant Isaiah walked naked and barefoot three years, for a sign and a wonder against Egypt and against Cush” (Isaiah 20:2). If Isaiah remained naked and barefoot for three years, what was the fault of Cush, Assyria, and Egypt? Is there a reasonable answer?? And is the word “master” written in the Book of God?!!
You hypocrite ! You hypocrite , first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
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