Does Islam call for discrimination on the basis of race or color???

 The claimant says:

An important question that comes to mind about black or brown skinned people who are classified according to white skin standards as lower grades, either by actions, words, thoughts, souls and hearts that despise black or brown skinned people. I do not exclude Muslims from this or Islamic countries from this inferior view,
but I ask why God created the black person and what is the wisdom behind his creation and to whom this wisdom is directed and
about harnessing matters and means for white skinned people to enslave black skinned people. The word slave and enslaved is associated with these people for no reason other than that they are black skinned, this is how God created them.
I am very surprised that white skinned people enjoy insulting and degrading black skinned people. If God knows the injustice that will befall this group of people, why did He create them with this color, especially since the description of faith and Islam is light and whiteness and disbelief is darkness and blackness?
I ask, and since black or brown people have suffered over the years because of their creation in this form, why did the Qur’an not mention this suffering and contempt in the text and verses, especially since the verses of the Qur’an mentioned many things clearly.
The last question is why is it still? White people in Islamic countries are racist in their treatment of black people to this day.

An important question that comes to mind about black or brown-skinned people who are classified according to white skin standards as lower in degrees, either by actions, words, or thoughts.

Actions have resulted - democratically - in the election of a black president in South Africa and then in the United States.
It seems that you are living in the Middle Ages, our honored guest.
Would you please do some work for your information?

And souls and hearts that despise people with black or brown skin, and I do not exclude Muslims from this, nor do I exclude Islamic countries from this inferior view.

Accusing Muslims - without evidence or proof - of despising black people is a broken crutch and a shaky wall that should not be leaned on!
Are black Muslims, for example, prevented from:
1- Entering mosques???
2- Making the call to prayer and leading their white-skinned praying brothers???
3- Performing the Hajj or Umrah rituals in the Holy House, the holiest of holies???
Everyone stands before the Creator, glory be to Him, to pray, side by side, white and black, Arab and non-Arab, all are equal before the Creator without regard to race or color!

But I ask why God created the black man and what is the wisdom behind his creation and to whom is this wisdom directed?

The scholar Sheikh Muhammad al-Amin al-Shanqeeti, may Allah have mercy on him, said in Adwa’ al-Bayan (6/173):
“And His statement: ‘And the diversity of your languages ​​and colours’, Allah the Most High has made clear in other places that the diversity of the colours of humans and the diversity of the colours of mountains, fruits, animals and livestock, all of that is from His signs indicating the perfection of His power and His entitlement to worship alone, and the diversity of The aforementioned colors are among the wonders and wonders of His creation, the Most High, and among the conclusive proofs that He is the One who influences, the Most High and Most Great, and that attributing influence to nature is among the greatest forms of disbelief and misguidance.”

And about harnessing matters and means for white people to enslave black people, and the word slave and enslaved is associated with these people for no reason other than that they are black-skinned, and that is how God created them.

Slavery and exploitation - throughout history - have included both black and white people!

I am very surprised that white people enjoy insulting and humiliating black people. If God knows the injustice that will befall this group of people, why did He create them with this color, especially since the description of faith and Islam is light and whiteness, and disbelief is darkness and blackness?

False argument!

The truth says:
And your Lord does not wrong anyone.
Al-Kahf: 49

Who said that injustice is limited to black people??
It may happen that a Negro wrongs a white person! What is wrong with you?
How do you judge?

Is there any evidence from the Holy Quran or the Noble Prophetic Sunnah that the great Islam ordered the injustice, humiliation and insult of black people???
How easy is this loose talk!

I ask, since black or brown people have suffered over the years because they were created this way.
Throughout history, black people may have had a bitter experience with white people who enslaved them - especially in the Americas - but what does that have to do with the teachings of Islam???
Does Islam, for example, order the mistreatment of black or brown people??
Demeaning them and looking down on them, for example???

The last question is why are white people in Islamic countries still racist in their dealings with black people to this day?

The alleged racism only exists in your imagination!
See what was mentioned above regarding prayer, leadership, Umrah and Hajj!

I ask, since black or brown people have suffered over the years because of their creation in this form, why did the Qur’an not mention this suffering and contempt in the text and verses, especially since the verses of the Qur’an mentioned many things clearly?

I will not be surprised if the brother asks in the future why the Holy Quran did not list all the names of black people and their shoe sizes!

For information:

I came to Ibn Omar, and he had freed a slave. He said: He took a stick or something from the ground and said: There is no reward in it that is worth this. However, I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say: ( 
Whoever slaps or beats his slave, his expiation is to free him ).

Narrator: Zadan or Zadan Narrator: Muslim
Source: Sahih Muslim Page or number: 1657 Summary of the narrator’s ruling: 
Authentic Your brothers whom Allah has placed under your control, so feed them from what you eat, clothe them from what you wear, and do not burden them with what they cannot bear. But if you burden them, then help them. Narrator: Abu Dharr al-Ghifari Narrator: Al-Albani Source: Sahih Ibn Majah Page or number: 2991 Summary of the narrator’s ruling: Authentic The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, never struck a servant or a woman. Narrator: Aisha, Mother of the Believers Narrator: Al-Albani Source: Sahih Abi Dawood Page or number: 4786 Summary of the narrator’s ruling: Authentic A man came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: O Messenger of God, how often should I forgive a servant? The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, remained silent. Then he said: O Messenger of God, how often should I forgive a servant? He said: Seventy times a day. Narrator: Abdullah bin Omar Narrator: Al-Albani Source: Sahih Al-Tirmidhi Page or number: 1949 Summary of the narrator’s ruling: Authentic

It was stated in the noble hadith:

There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab, nor for a white person over a black person, nor for a black person over a white person - except by piety. People are from Adam, and Adam is from dust.
Source: Sharh Al-Tahawiyah Page or number: 361 Summary of the hadith scholar’s ​​ruling: Authentic

Exodus 21: “

If you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing.
If he comes in alone, he shall go out alone. If he has a wife, his wife shall go out with him.
If his master gives him a wife, and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be his master’s, and he shall go out alone.
But if the servant says, ‘I love my master and my wife and children; I will not go out free,’ then
his master shall bring him to God and bring him to the door or to the doorpost, and 
his master shall pierce his ear with an awl and he shall serve him forever .”

In the same context:

A black woman used to sweep the mosque, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, missed her. He asked about her after a few days, and was told that she had died. He said, “Why didn’t you inform me?” So he went to her grave and prayed over her.

Narrator: Abu Hurairah. Narrator: Al-Albani.
Source: Sahih Ibn Majah. Page or number: 1247. Summary of the narrator’s ruling: Sahih.

If a black, mutilated slave is appointed over you , leading you with the Book of Allah, then listen to him and obey him . Narrator: Umm al-Husayn al-Ahmasiyyah | Narrator: al-Albani | Source: Sahih al-Jami` | Page or number: 1411 | Summary of the narrator’s ruling: Authentic


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