The writer of the Gospel of Luke, the “unknown” person, condition, time and place... wrote his Gospel after his death!
* The writer of the Gospel of Luke is “unknown” and wrote his Gospel after his death!!
- At the beginning of your reading of the Gospel of Luke, you will be surprised that the writer at the beginning of the Gospel denies the idea of revelation, or that he believes that what he will write will be attributed to a holy book!!
In Luke 1:1-3 we read:
“Since many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things accomplished among us, 2just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, 3it seemed good to me also, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it down for you in order, most excellent Theophilus , 4so that you may know The truth of the words you were taught "
The writer - the unknown - confirms to his friend Theophilus - the unknown - that what he writes is just a personal letter between two friends in which he tells him about what he knew from those who preceded him in writing!!
- Father Stephan Charpentier says in his book / A Guide to Reading the Holy Bible p. 195
(Luke did not write a Gospel, but wrote with all humility a narration of events... Luke uses materials he took from tradition... but he rewrites them and arranges them skillfully, adding to them traditions that are unique to him)
So how did these letters turn into a Holy Gospel by the choice of the Church, and there is not a single letter in them that calls for thinking that they are from God?!
* The writer says (I saw that I... should write); so who is this writer who will write?
- We read in the Bible Dictionary under the name “Luke”:
(Luke is believed to be a Gentile.. and according to ancient news he was born in Antioch... no one knows anything about the time and manner of his death)
- Habib Saeed says in his book/Introduction to the Bible, p. 251
(The name of the author does not appear in either book - Luke and Acts - but since the second century tradition attributes these two books to Luke)
- Father Fahim Aziz says in his book/Introduction to the Bible, p. 273
(The two books do not disclose the name of the writer... there is no explicit evidence that says that Luke is the author of both)
- From the book Introduction to the Bible, translated by Najib Elias, p. 418
(This Gospel was written by a doctor named Luke... and Luke was not an eyewitness to the life of Jesus)
Until this day, no one knows who wrote the Gospel of Luke. The tradition that says that Irenaeus, who lived in the late second century, testifies that the writer of the Gospel is Luke the Physician, is without evidence or support. Irenaeus was not a contemporary of Luke’s time, so he cannot testify that he wrote the Gospel !!
* The unknown Gospel writer says (I also decided, since I have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, to write in order); which confirms that he was copying from human sources and denies that he was writing under inspiration from God!
- We read from the introduction to the Gospel of Luke from the Jesuit Bible version
(Luke used in his Gospel a lot of the materials he had in common with Matthew and Mark, and these materials are very diverse... It is not possible to be certain about the origin of this Gospel... Critics often date the composition of the Gospel of Luke to between 80 and 90 AD... Tradition says that Irenaeus, who lived in the late second century, says that the writer of the Gospel is Luke the physician... This is not conclusive!!)
- Father Fahim Aziz says in his book / Introduction to the Bible, p. 297
(The sources that Saint Luke relied on: ... The evangelist relied on those who preceded him in testifying to Christ in order to collect and obtain special information from them, and it also indicates that he took this information from written and oral sources)
(Matthew and Luke relied on four sources, which are: the Gospel of Mark, then source Q, then source L, and source M)
- Father Fahim Aziz says in his book / Introduction to the Bible, p. 214
(Matthew and Luke took the Gospel of Mark as a reference for them in writing Their Gospel... and they tried to refine its style in many ways)
- We read from the book / The History of the Bible from Genesis until today by Stephen Miller, p. 75
(Luke used a lot of the Gospel of Mark with the addition of his own material)
- Habib Saeed says in his book / Introduction to the Bible, p. 255
(Perhaps in Philippi he began to think about writing his diaries and memoirs... and there is no doubt that he spent a portion of time collecting new documents and listening to oral conversations, and Philip the deacon and his four prophetess daughters lived in Caesarea and there is no doubt that he heard from him and from them the exciting stories that followed the crucifixion)
So according to the testimony of Christian scholars, the writer of the Gospel was not writing by inspiration from God; rather, he was copying from written sources, some of which are known, such as the Gospel of Mark, and some of which are unknown; and he was also adding to his book what he heard from those he met, such as Philip and his four daughters !!
Was the revelation sent down to Philip's four daughters?!!
---;*And the surprise... tradition confirms that Luke wrote his Gospel after his death!!
Antonius Fikri says that Luke was martyred by Nero who lived between the years (37 BC - 68 AD)
and at best we will say that Nero killed Luke in the last year of his life 68 AD.
On the other hand, we read from the introduction to the Gospel of Luke from the Jesuit Bible that most critics place the composition of the Gospel of Luke between the years 80 and 90 AD!!
Here the miracle appears; by subtracting the time of writing the Gospel from the year of Luke’s death, we find that Luke wrote his Gospel 12 to 22 years after his death!!
* If the evidence confirms that what Luke wrote was ordinary letters between two friends, both of whom were unknown in description, identity, and condition,
and if the evidence confirms that Luke was writing from biblical and non-biblical sources; to the point that he transferred the words of unknown people and girls into the text of his writings,
and if the tradition that the church adopted in choosing the name of the writer was wrong, and made Luke write his Gospel dozens of years after his death,
So, after all this evidence and proof, how could a rational person dare to attribute this human author, whose writer, time and place are unknown, to the word of the Holy Lord?!!
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