The history of embryology bears witness to the error of atheists - and the clear miracle

 Does embryology prove that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah who created, shaped and brought into existence embryos??

Perhaps this topic answers this question and leaves the judgment to the rational listener.

When did embryologists and masters of medicine and anatomy know that humans are created from a sperm cell.. and not from the sperm of a man or a woman only..? This is the question that the topic revolves around?

In the past, people's thoughts were haunted by questions about how an individual is formed before birth. Since 340 BC, Aristotle was conducting his observations on chicken embryos, and he described them using only his naked eye. His work was a symbol of the beginning of the transformation of human thought from superstition and intuition to observation.

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Q. Aristotle 340 Aristotle

The situation remained this way until approximately the seventeenth century , when the microscope developed into a more efficient instrument. In 1672 AD, the scientist De Graaf discovered the egg... the ovarian follicles. In 1677 AD, the scientists (Hamm) and (Leeuwenhoek) discovered the male gamete - the sperm in the semen. Until then, the importance of these gametes in embryonic formation was not understood. At first, it was thought that they were parasites, but they were given an important role after their reality was confirmed . They were suggested as a carrier of the tiny embryo instead of the egg, while the latter (the egg) provides the place and food necessary for growth, just as seeds grow in the soil. Hence the name Semen or Sperm , which means seed.
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Regnier de Graaf (30 July 1641 – 17 August 1673)

On the margin

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Robert Hooke's Microscope.. Robert Hooke (1635 – 1703)

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The first light microscope invented by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632 AD – 1723 AD)

With the advent of the microscope, a new theory emerged, which is the Preformation Theory. Malpighi
claimed in ( 1673 ) that he saw a complete small chicken embryo in the unincubated egg , and therefore the process of embryonic formation is nothing but the growth of the small embryo and the extension of its parts and increasing their density, just as a plant bud grows. This theory was widely accepted and prevailed in the scientific community for nearly a century . Buffon (1760) stated that he had examined a number of eggs at different stages of incubation , and that he was convinced that the chicken embryo was present in the center of the egg from the moment it left the chicken's body . Researchers interested in studying insects, such as Swammerdam (1637-1680), made similar observations. It seems that these researchers were unable to distinguish between the egg and the cocoon, because their description applied to the latter.
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Marcello Malpighi, an Italian physician and the most brilliant anatomist of his time.
Marcello Malpighi (March 10, 1628 - March 30, 1694)

At that time, two groups appeared who believed in the theory of preformation with two different concepts. The first group claimed that the egg contains a complete embryo in miniature and that it is stimulated to grow, and its parts enlarge by semen.

The second group claimed that the sperm contained this complete fetus and that the egg was merely a storehouse for its nourishment, and this fetus was called (the miniature individual) ((Homunculus)) . For a period of time, it seemed to the first group that it was superior in its claim over the second group, when Bonnet discovered in 1745 AD that the eggs of some insects could develop parthenogenetically without fertilization.

Side note
(So the prevailing theories are one that says that the embryo is completely inside the egg and the other that the embryo is completely inside the sperm )
-- The debate between the two groups continued into the next century until it was settled by the studies of Spallanzani Lazzaro Spallanzani (Scandiano, January 10, 1729 - Pavia, February 12, 1799) Spallanzani (1729 – 1799) and the scientist Kaspar Friedrich Wolff (1733 – 1794)

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Spallanzani's studies were a fundamental step in the emergence of the experimental method for solving embryological problems, as he was able to explain that the sexual gametes of both the male and female are necessary for the formation of the new individual.

On the margin

- ((Preformation theory)) The theory of pre-creation and ((Homunculus)) the dwarf fetus -

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The prevailing belief was that the fetus exists completely in the sperm even inside the man's testicle, and when it settles in the uterus, it begins to grow in its condition and form

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In the history of biology, this famous theory preformationism among specialists until the 18th century creates a complete fetus, complete and mature without stages, most likely in the woman's blood, or ready in the man's semen, and this was the dispute .

In the history of biology, preformationism (or preformism) is a formerly-popular theory that organisms develop from miniature versions of themselves. Instead of assembly from parts, preformationists believed that the form of living things exist, in real terms, prior to their development.[1] It suggests that all organisms were created at the same time, and that succeeding generations grow from homunculi, or animalcules, that have existed since the beginning of creation.

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caspar friedrich wolff
(1733 - 1794) is the founder of modern embryology.

As for the scientist Wolff, who was a contemporary of Spallanzani, he wrote a wonderful treatise in which he explained his opinion on another theory, the theory of cumulative formation ((Epigenesis)) Wolff explained that he did not see a small embryo inside the unincubated egg and showed that the embryo arises from a granular substance in the unincubated chicken egg. It does not contain any small embryo. This substance undergoes gradual changes and is arranged in layers that lead to the formation of the embryo.

Side note:
Note that the scientist Wolf began to see with the old microscope that the embryo is formed in stages and phases by seeing gradual changes that lead to the formation of the embryo and not a small embryo growing in the egg..

This opinion was supported by other scientists such as the scientist Carl Ernst Von Baer . This scientist has a great merit in embryology and he is the one who launched a law named after him, which is Beer's Law , which states that the basic general characteristics of a group of animals appear first during embryonic formation before the special characteristics that distinguish the different individuals of that group, such as the appearance of the characteristic of the notochord for the group of chordates before the characteristic of feathers for birds or the characteristic of hair for mammals (birds and mammals belong to the phylum Chordata) ...

This scientist is the one who laid the foundations for our knowledge about germ layers in embryos as well. After embryology advanced further with the introduction of experimental embryology into research, the scientist Wilhelm Roux conducted an experiment in 1888 AD through which he concluded that the theory of pre-formation is correct. He destroyed one of the two cells resulting from the first cleavage of a frog egg with a very hot needle. Wilhelm Roux (June 9, 1850 – September 15, 1924) He noticed that the embryo formed from the other non-functional cell is incomplete, which supports the idea of ​​pre-formation, considering that the destruction of the first cell is the destruction of a part of the individual present in the original egg. Then it was found later that the survival of the destroyed cell with the cell forming the embryo led to this deficiency in the formed embryo. If the two living cells were separated from each other, each of them would form a complete embryo, as was experimentally proven by a number of scientists in later years extending to the year 1933 AD . Thus, humanity was confused between two theories, each of which disregarded the other: the formation of the embryo in the man’s sperm or the formation of the embryo in the woman’s egg. The two theories agree on one thing or another theory, which is that the embryo is created complete in one of the two sperms ( preformation theory). Of course, the three theories are wrong and their error was not proven until the eighteenth century . They prevailed among scientists glorified by atheists and called the forefathers of modern sciences. But when the truth appears on the tongue of an illiterate man in the desert in the sixth century AD, the matter is different for the atheist. To prove this, let us return to the desert in the sixteenth century AD, hundreds of years before this confusion. We find the amazing wonder, as the Quraysh used to sit in the road like the Arabidah, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to sit with his companions. He was talking to them and a Jew passed by them. They called out to him and said, “This man claims to be a prophet sent by Allah. Ask him about something that will embarrass him in front of his companions and reveal his lie. Allah forbid.” Quraysh knew that the Jews were people of the Book and knew the heritage and prophecies that no one else knew. So the Jew went to ask the Prophet (PBUH) about something that would reveal to them that he was not a prophet from Allah Almighty. The Jew said to him, “From what is man created? ” A question from 1400 years ago. Imagine how the Prophet (PBUH) would answer him . He (PBUH) said, “O Jew, man is created from everything, from the sperm of a man and from the sperm of a woman.” Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of his chain of transmission that a Jew passed by the Prophet (PBUH) while he was talking to his companions. Quraysh said, “ O Jew, this man claims to be a prophet .” The Jew said , “I will ask him about something that only a prophet knows .” He said, “ O Muhammad, from what is man created?” The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “O Jew, everything is created from the sperm of a man and the sperm of a woman.” The Jew said: “Thus did those before you say (that is, the prophets). One of the atheists said about a hadith of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that it is from the legends of the ancients.”

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So before we list the rest of the miracles and verses, we say that there are three scientific myths that the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet shatter.

The first myth: The fetus exists in the man’s sperm only.
The second myth: The fetus exists in the woman’s egg only.
The third myth: The fetus exists completely and integrated in one of the two sperms and does not go through the stages of creation.

We continue:

1- The first and second myths: The fetus exists in the man’s sperm only.. or in the woman’s sperm only..
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Al-Tabarani narrated with a chain of transmission on the authority of Mujahid, may God be pleased with him, that he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : God did not create the child except from the sperm of the man and the woman together!!

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, explains the zygote = which is the process of forming a complete genome for a new human being, equally divided between the father and the mother ½ exactly as the words of the Noble Messenger expressed: “ God did not create the child except from the sperm of the man and the woman together! ”

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The Master of Creation says : O Jew, from everything he is created, from the sperm of the man and from the sperm of the woman !

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God Almighty said:

{Has there not been over man a period of time when he was not a thing worth mentioning? Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing. Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or ungrateful.} (Al-Insan (1) (2) (3))

Linguistic interpretation:

Ibn Manzur said in Lisan Al-Arab:

 Nutfah: Nutfah is a small pearl, and the singular is Natifah, and Nutafah is likened to a drop of water.”

Al-Zubaidi said in Taj al-Arus: “The ears of the cattle dripped, and dripped: became wet with water and dripped.

Amshaj: plural of mashj, which is mixtures. It is said: I mixed this with this if I mixed it and it is mixed with it and mashij means mixed.”

- The Quran confirms that man was created from a sperm-drop mixture, and this is what modern science has proven and is called Mixing of gametes -> the genetic mixing

((Has there not been over man a period of time when he was not a thing worth mentioning? Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing))

In biology, the term gametes is used = mixing, exactly in the English word Mixing, to name what happens from mixing and merging of the nuclei and genetic material of both the woman and the man when the first cell forming the human body is formed ... and this is called the genetic mixing / intra-chromosomic mixing more generally in genetics, so read the verse, may God bless you, and read the scientific explanation in the picture!!

Look for a moment at the formation of the first cell of a human body in drawing C , and what happened first in drawing B : the mixing of his parents’ genes carried in their waters, which is what is expressed by the scientific phrase “
mixing of cell and chromosome of ovum and sperm.”
It is scientifically proven that a human being is a sperm cell like the first cell that forms his body.

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Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, who died in the year (310 AH), said in his interpretation of the Almighty’s saying:{Has there not been over man a period of time when he was not a thing worth mentioning? Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing.} [Al-Insan: 1-2].

He said: “Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture : Indeed, We created the offspring of Adam from a sperm-drop mixture: meaning: from the man’s semen and the woman’s semen. Semen is any small amount of water in a container. His statement ‘mixed’ means mixtures, the singular of which is ‘mashj’ and ‘mashij’. It is said from it that if you mix this with this, you mix it, and it is mixed with it, and ‘mashij’ means mixed, and it is the mixing of the man’s semen with the woman’s semen.”

Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: “ Mixed (means) mixing the man’s semen with the woman’s semen .”

Mujahid said: “ Allah created the child from the man’s semen and the woman’s semen. Allah the Almighty said: {O mankind, indeed We have created you from a male and a female }.”

Ibn Kathir, who died in the year (774 AH), said in his interpretation of the verse of Surat Al-Insan: “Allah the Almighty says, informing about man that he came into existence after he was nothing worth mentioning due to his weakness and insignificance. Allah the Almighty said: “Has there not been over man a period of time when he was not a thing worth mentioning ?” Then He explained that and said, the Most High: { Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture } meaning mixtures. Mixture and mingling are things that are mixed together.”

Ibn Abbas said about the verse of Allah the Almighty: “From a sperm-drop mixture”: “ It means the man’s semen and the woman’s semen when they come together and mix, then move from one stage to another, from one state to another, and from one color to another.” And this is what Ikrimah, Mujahid, Al-Hasan Al-Basri and Al-Rabi’ said: “Mixed semen is the mixing of the man’s semen with the woman’s semen.”

As for the verse of Surat Al-Hujurat, which is the verse of Allah the Almighty {O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another} , Ibn Jarir Al-Tabari said in his interpretation of it: “Allah the Almighty says: O mankind, indeed We have created you from male semen and female semen.”

Understanding of Hadith Scholars:

Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (died in 852 AH) said in Fath al-Bari - Book of Fate - "Many anatomists claimed that the man's semen has no effect on the child except in its contraction and that it is formed from menstrual blood, and the hadiths of the chapter (i.e. the fabricated) invalidate that . "

From the book Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari - by Ibn Hajar, excuse me from Volume 11, Page 480 -
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Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (died in 751 AH) said in his book "Al-Tibyan fi Aqsam al-Qur'an": "The man's semen alone does not produce a child unless it is mixed with another substance from the female." He also said: "The organs, parts and form are formed from the combination of the two fluids, and this is correct."

The Encyclopedia Britannica states the following:


Sex, or reproductive, cell containing only one set of dissimilar chromosomes, or half of the genetic material necessary to form a complete organism (ie, haploid). During fertilization, male and female gametes fuse, containing a diploid (ie, paired chromosomes) zygote. Gametes may be identical in form (isogamy), as in the black mold (Rhizopus), or there may be more than one morphological type (heterogamy), as with many green algae of the genus Chlamydomonas. Gametes of animals, some algae and fungi, and all higher plants exhibit an advanced form of heterogamy called oogamy. In oogamy, one of the gametes is small and motile (the sperm), and the other is large and non-motile (the egg).

" Sperm Gametes

Gamete = gamete

A reproductive sex cell that contains a single different unit of chromosomes or half of the genetic material needed to form a complete organism (haploid). During fertilization, the male's gametes fuse The female to form a single cell containing a double number of chromosomes called the zygote. Gametes can be similar in shape, such as the black mold (Rhizopus) or there can be more than one morphological form (Heterogamy).

Animal gametes show advanced forms (Heterogamy) called (Oogamy

The male gametes are small and mobile and are called sperm, and the female gametes are large and immobile and are called ovum.

The third myth : The existence of the fetus completely and integrated in one of the two sperm cells and not going through the stages of creation.

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The Holy Qur’an’s precise description of the stages of embryo creation by mentioning a sequence of its growth stages is scientifically amazing, as proven by

modern science. We will postpone going into the details for what is more comprehensive after that... The Holy Qur’an’s refutation of the Preformation Theory and its description that the embryo is formed in stages and phases of growth, as revealed by modern science.

Allah the Almighty said: {And We have certainly created man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We made the clot into a lump of flesh, then We made the lump of flesh into bones, then We covered the bones with flesh, then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators.} [Al-Mu’minun: 12-14].

{O mankind, if you are in doubt about the Resurrection - then indeed We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot, then from a lump of flesh - formed and unformed - that We may make clear to you. And We settle in the wombs whom We will for a specified term, then We bring you out as a child.}

{ What is the matter with you that you do not have reverence for Allah? While He has created you in stages .} ​​(Noah: 13-14)

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Ibn Kathir’s interpretation

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of the stages of the fertilized egg in its stages of development

{And He has created you in stages} It was said: Its meaning is from a sperm-drop, then from Alaqah, then from a lump of flesh

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Tafsir Al-Jalalain
{And He has created you in stages} plural of tour, which is the state, a stage of sperm and a stage of a clot until the completion of the creation of man, and looking at his creation necessitates belief in his Creator.
Tafsir Al-Qurtubi
{And He has created you in stages} meaning He made for you in yourselves a sign indicating His Oneness. Ibn Abbas said {stages} meaning sperm, then a clot, then a lump of flesh; that is, stage after stage until the completion of creation, as mentioned in Surat Al-Mu'minoon. And the stage in the language: the time; meaning whoever did this and was able to do it is more deserving of your glorification.

The hadith of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in which he said: (When forty-two nights pass over the sperm, Allah sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, sight, skin, flesh, and bones) [Narrated by Muslim]

What does the noble hadith say?

He says that when 42 days have passed for the fetus, the fetus will have hearing, sight, skin and flesh. Consider, dear reader, the two points that I will raise regarding the miraculous nature of this noble hadith.

First, from the perspective of the noble hadith, it tells us about the development of the fetus in the womb.

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Allah the Almighty said: { He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, within three darknesses. That is Allah, your Lord. To Him belongs the dominion. There is no god except Him. So how are you averted? } [Az-Zumar: 6].

Understanding of the commentators:

Ibn Kathir said in his interpretation: “Ibn Abbas said regarding the Almighty’s saying: {From a mixed sperm-drop}: meaning the man’s semen and the woman’s semen when they come together and mix, then it moves from one stage to another, from one state to another, and from one color to another.”

The scholars of interpretation said that the phrase “creation after creation” It means that man goes through successive stages during the process of his creation, which the Qur’an has detailed in Surat Al-Mu’minun (12-14), where God Almighty says: {And We have certainly created man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We made the clot into a lump of flesh, then We made the lump of flesh into bones, then We covered the bones with flesh, then We developed him into another creation. So blessed be God, the best of creators.}

It was also narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas in his interpretation of the Almighty’s saying: “From a mixed sperm-drop,” his saying: “It means the man’s semen and the woman’s semen when they come together and mix, then it moves from one stage to another, from one state to another, and from one color to another.”

This is what modern embryology revealed in the eighteenth century, confirming the Almighty’s saying: {And you will surely know its news after a time.}

This is the Holy Quran that was revealed to the illiterate Prophet with the conclusive argument in the seventh century AD.

Scientists have believed

since Aristotle summarized the prevailing theories of his time related to the creation of the fetus. The debate continued between the supporters of the theory of the complete dwarf fetus found in the man’s semen and the supporters of the theory of the complete dwarf fetus found in the woman’s egg. Neither party realized that both the man’s sperm and the woman’s egg contribute to the formation of the fetus.

This is a picture of the primitive microscope
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. This is the belief of science until the seventeenth century until the scientist Hartsaker 1694 AD - 1105 AH thought the same thought at the beginning of the appearance of the microscope and thought that there is a complete fetus (dwarf) in the man’s sperm that continues to grow until it emerges from its mother’s womb...And ten centuries before these, that is, a thousand years before them, the Holy Quran was revealed confirming to the worlds that the fetus in its mother’s womb goes through stages of development as science has discovered today and that it continues to develop creation after creation and not as scientists previously believed that it descends complete in the man’s sperm {And indeed, We have revealed to you the truth that the fetus in the mother’s womb is a complete fetus (dwarf) that continues to grow until it emerges from its mother’s womb.} We created man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We made the clot into a lump of flesh, then We made the lump of flesh into bones, then We covered the bones with flesh, then We developed him into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the best of creators. Allah the Almighty said: { He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, within three darknesses. That is Allah, your Lord; to Him belongs dominion. There is no god except Him, so how are you averted?} [Az-Zumar: 6].On the other hand, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said : (When forty-two nights have passed over the sperm, Allah sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, sight, skin, flesh, and bones). This is what scientific websites said . Commentary and in brief...Scientists have previously proven that the age of 42 days and beyond is a dividing line between the stage in which the fetus is not distinct, and the stage in which the fetus takes its human form. Therefore, we find on one of the websites concerned with fetal development their saying word for word:

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During the sixth week after fertilization the unborn child can respond to local tactile stimulation by reflex movements. At the end of the sixth week, the unborn child is clearly recognizable as a human being by gross morphological observation.

Another site


The brainwaves have been observed at 43 days. Dr. Stiff has noted that electroencephalographic waves have been obtained in forty-three to forty-five day old fetuses, and so conscious experience is possible after this date . Scientists confirm that the sixth week is the age at which the eye opening begins to appear, and this confirms the words of the Beloved: (Then He formed it and created its hearing and its sight). As for the eye, it appears clearly on day 42, and we find their saying according to the famous embryologist Keith Moore: The eye is obvious. About day 42 after fertilization Moore, p 99. After exactly 42 days have passed, the eye and ear begin to develop at an amazing speed, and they say: The eyes are developing rapidly, The ears are developing rapidly, 7th week after conception (Rugh, p 52). That is, the ears and eyes develop rapidly during the seventh week (i.e. after 42 nights of conception), which means that by the end of the sixth week, the fetus takes on its human form. The heart beats at a rate of 40-80 beats per minute as measured with an electrocardiogram from 6-7 weeks after conception. The fetus's heart begins to beat clearly from the sixth week. To listen to the sound of the fetus's heart, click here. Please review the human before birth science for unborn human life Follow the miracle and the response to the skeptics Miraculous reflections in the hadith of the Chosen One (PBUH) Of course, anyone with eyes can see the difference now and the difference. This is the fertilized egg and this is the same fertilized egg, but after 42 days you can see the rapid development of the fetus and the amazing formation in a short period (defined by the two signs the fertilized egg and the fetus after 44 days). We can see how the fetus became after 42 days after it was a fertilized egg. It was formed and became a human being, as scientists say. What does the scientific website baby development say {stages of fetal growth}

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6th week 36-42 days: The embryo is about 1/5 of an inch in length. A primitive heart is beating During the sixth week after fertilization the unborn child can respond to local tactile stimulation by reflex movements. At the end of the sixth week
the unborn child is clearly recognizable as a human being by gross morphological observation. The stages of fetal development have remained a great mystery that is being revealed day after day until today, in the twenty-first century, for the first time, the stages of human facial development are being photographed. The eternal question remains: How did the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, know about this matter? It is well known that the fetus remains in its mother’s womb for nine months (9 months) or at least six months (6 months). If the Prophet wanted to write an example, he would say that the fetus is fully developed in the fifth or seventh month. No person in this era would ever expect that as soon as the sperm passes through the womb, the fetus would form in the second month?!! The woman does not show signs of pregnancy and her belly does not appear large during these days, so how did the illiterate prophet (PBUH) know that the fetus begins to mature at 42 days, i.e. after a month and a half of pregnancy?!!... How could a man 1400 years ago realize this particular day in the life of the fetus, and modern science has not been able to know the development of fetuses except after the advancement of the mechanisms of endoscopy and supercomputers, in addition to the fact that scientists say that women may not even know that they are pregnant during this period and may not even realize that they are carrying a fetus!! It is believed that the majority of women do not realize that they are pregnant during the first six weeks after conception. 6th week after conception Rugh, p. 54 Week 6 of pregnancy, p. 54

Is there a race inside the womb???

Yes, but is it possible that this statement came from the tongue of an illiterate man 1400 years ago...

The answer is yes: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, says that there is a race inside the womb!!! On the authority of the Master of Creation (PBUH): As for the child, if the man’s semen precedes the woman’s semen, the child will be born, and if the woman’s semen precedes the man’s semen, the child will be born. The man’s semen is thick and white, and the woman’s semen is thin and yellow. Whichever of them is higher or higher, the resemblance will be from it. 1- On the authority of Thawban, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), who said: I was standing The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was with a Jewish rabbi... He said: I have come to ask you about the child . He said: ( The man's fluid is white, and the woman's fluid is yellow. If they come together and the man's semen overpowers the woman's semen, they will be a male child, by Allah's permission. If the woman's semen overpowers the man's semen, they will be a female child, by Allah's permission.) The Jew said: Indeed You are right. Narrated by Muslim (315). Al-Qurtubi said: The interpretation of the hadith of Thawban must be that what is meant by “highness” is “precedence .” Ibn Hajar, may God have mercy on him, said that “precedence” is a sign of masculinity and femininity, and what is meant by “highness” here is “precedence.” 21- Ibn al-Qayyim - may Allah have mercy on him - said: “The Prophet ( blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was asked about the child’s resemblance to his father sometimes and to his mother sometimes, so he said (If the man’s semen precedes the woman’s semen, the resemblance is his, and if the woman’s semen precedes the man’s semen, the resemblance is hers) agreed upon. As for what Muslim narrated in his Sahih that he said (If the man’s semen precedes the woman’s semen, the man will be male, Allah willing, and if the woman’s semen precedes the man’s semen, the man will be female, Allah willing) , here we find that this hadith used the word “ preceded ” instead of “ raised ”. The word “preceded” means to advance or to take the lead in running and in everything. The two who are racing must have started from one place and are heading to one place. So when I say if Ahmad preceded Muhammad, then Ahmad and Muhammad must have started from one place and are racing in one direction . Hence, whoever says that what is meant by the woman’s semen in the hadith is vaginal secretions must clarify our understanding for us.” The wrong word for "preceded" and how vaginal secretions precede the man's semen and both are from different sources and what is the direction they compete for. "If the man's semen precedes the woman's semen, a male will be born, God willing...etc... and as long as the hadith used the word "preceded", this means that this semen came from one source and is heading to one source, which is the egg ... and of course it is scientifically known that if the sperm that carries the male characteristic precedes in fertilizing the egg, the child will be male and the opposite is true... regardless of the difference in the interpretation of the texts of the hadiths about the resemblance or the gender of the fetus or whether the texts have reached us in full or not, but whatever...

How did the Prophet (PBUH) know that there is a race going on inside the woman’s womb?

It is known for certain, thanks to modern embryology equipment, that there is a race going on inside the womb between millions of sperm, and that it is a race similar to a treasure hunt, which is the egg, and that the race lasts for several hours, and there is only one winner, which is the male chromosome or the female chromosome. This race is like a real obstacle race, and the weak and exhausted sperm surrender. There are even obstacles in the race that help the possible number reach the egg, which is the carpet of wavy eyelashes. What is even worse and more serious is that these competitors have covered a distance between the Earth and the Moon, according to our scale .
So who taught Muhammad (PBUH) that there is a real race going on inside the woman’s womb?

You can know all this by watching the wonderful movie (Life before life)

What is meant by the man's semen here is the sex chromosome Y carried on the male sperm,
and what is meant by the woman's semen is the sex chromosome X carried on the male sperm.
If the sperm carrying the Y chromosome precedes the sperm carrying the X chromosome and fuses with the egg, the baby will be male.

If the sperm carrying the X chromosome precedes the sperm carrying the Y chromosome and fuses with the egg, the baby will be female.

Based on this, the gist of the hadith is that the gender of the fetus, whether male or female, depends on the man's semen, which contains the sex chromosomes, on the basis of which the gender of the fetus is determined. This is what science has proven, and this is what the Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace, indicated when he used the word precede, which indicates the unity of the starting point.

Sites confirm what is in response

Sex Determination
A humans' sex is predetermined in the sperm gamete.

The egg gamete mother cell is said to be homogametic, because all its cells possess the XX sex chromosomes. Sperm gametes are considered heterogametic because around half of them contain the X chromosome and others possess the Y chromosome to compliment the first X chromosome.

In light of this, there are two possibilities that can occur during fertilization between male and female gametes, XX and XY. Since sperm are the variable factor (ie which sperm fertilizes the egg) they are responsible for determining sex.

On this site you will find information in the form of a question and answer

And you will find this information on it

What actually determines the sex of the baby? Is there anyway to increase the chance of giving birth to a baby boy?


As you might have read before, all the cells in our bodies have 46 chromosomes which contain all the genetic make up of that person. 2 of these chromosomes are called the sex chromosomes (X and Y). When an adult male produces sperms, half of these would contain 22 chromosomes plus a the way!), a 44XY will result and this would be a male child. If a 22X sperm fuses with the egg with 22X a baby with 44XX will result and this would be a female child.

Of course, in the end, there is no problem with the woman’s high water contributing to the creation of a female child if God permits that – and there has been disagreement over the meaning of “high” – is it precedence, or true highness, or abundance and strength – and that even in the case of the woman’s high water, it is… It affects the choice of male or female sperm, without having a major role. The matter goes back to the fact that the real influence is the man’s semen. Here, the woman contributes a secondary role, by preparing the conditions to receive the sperm. The acidic environment kills “Y” and keeps “X.” From the sperm, the baby's gender will be female "XX".

-The Messenger of God (PBUH) informed us that not all of a man’s semen is used to produce a fetus.

And this is what science has proven, such that for fertilization to occur, only one male sperm out of three hundred present in all the water containing it, in addition to the prostatic secretions and nutritional materials, is sufficient... So he pointed out that it is a part of it and not all of it for the child to be born.

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Explaining the fact that only the sperm part of all the water is responsible for the formation of the child is one of the discoveries of modern science now!

In Sahih Muslim: The Prophet,

Click image for larger view. Name: male_sperm2.jpg Views: 104 Size: 20.4 KB ID: 832458

may God bless him and grant him peace, said : “ A child does not come from every kind of water, and when God wants to create something, nothing can prevent Him .” And on the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was asked about coitus interruptus, and he said: “ A child does not come from every kind of water, and when God wants to create something, nothing can prevent Him .” And Asad said in his hadith: “And when God wants to create something, nothing can prevent Him.”

Click image for larger view. Name: Sperm.jpeg?1386669804.jpg Views: 103 Size: 20.0 KB ID: 832456

The Qur’an confirms that both sexes, male and female, exist in the man’s semen only , and this is what science has proven by the existence of The two sperms with the male genetic material Y and the other female X in the man’s semen..

Click on image for larger view. Name: GCRzJ.jpg Views: 107 Size: 11.2 KB ID: 832457

((And that He created the two mates, the male and the female (45) from a sperm-drop when it is emitted))

((Was he not a sperm-drop from emitted sperm (37) Then was he a clot, then He created and proportioned (38) And made from it the two mates, the male and the female))

Click image for larger view. Name: FertilizationCartoon.gif Views: 96 Size: 10.4 KB ID: 832459

So here God Almighty informed us that the sexual genetic material that distinguishes the genome of every human being into a female X or a male Y pair is present in the man’s semen in advance. He created the two mates, the male and the female (45) from a sperm-drop when it is emitted, and indeed this is what is proven In modern science it is called:

X sperm femele / Y sperm male

Is there any indication for the denier that it is the word of God more than this???

Hence we find an explanation for the astonishment of Dr. KEITH L. MOORE, former President of the Society of Anatomists and Embryologists of Canada and America, and the Council of the Union of Life Sciences. He was elected a member of the Royal Medical Society of Canada, the International Academy of Cell Sciences, the American Association of Anatomists, and the American Union of Anatomy. He co-authored several books in the field of clinical anatomy and embryology, including the International Medical Books of Anatomy.

The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, Clinically Oriented Anatomy, and Essential Clinical Anatomy

Dr. KEITH L. MOORE has said that "the interpretation of the Qur'anic verses relating to the formation of man was not possible in the seventh century AD, nor even a hundred years ago."

Dr. Moore asserts that what the Qur'an says about human development makes it clear that it is of divine origin, saying: "This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger from God."

Based on these clear scientific facts in both the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, Muslim scholars were certain of them at a time when Western scholars were floundering in the darkness of myths and superstitions for ten whole centuries or more until they reached some primitive conception of those facts, and they did not complete their vision until the last decades of the twentieth century.
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani - may Allah have mercy on him - says in his explanation of the noble hadith that we are concerned with, and the hadiths related to it in the same chapter, the following:
“Many anatomists claim that the man’s semen has no effect on the child except in its contraction, and that it is formed from menstrual blood, and the hadiths of this chapter invalidate that.”
This statement is confirmed by Ibn al-Qayyim - may Allah have mercy on him - when he says in his book entitled “Al-Tibyan fi Ulum al-Qur’an” the following:
“And the man’s semen alone does not produce a child unless it is mixed with another substance from the female.”
This precedence in a number of scientific facts in both the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger - may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him - for all the knowledge acquired over ten centuries or more cannot be explained except by the fact that the Noble Qur’an is the word of Allah the Creator, and that this final Prophet and final Messenger are always connected and supported.


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