Default [Darknesses, some above others] The miraculous Quranic depiction is denied only by a denier
((Or [ are they] like darknesses within a deep sea which is covered by waves, topped by waves, topped by clouds - darknesses, one upon another. When he puts out his hand, he can hardly see it. And he for whom Allah has not given light - for him there is no light. __)) (40) Surah An-Nur The miraculous

Quranic depiction that no one denies except <a denier> [Darknesses ,
one upon another]
Allah the Almighty says:
Or like darknesses within a deep sea A wave
, above which there is a wave,

above which there is a cloud. There
are layers of darkness, one above another.
When he puts out his hand, he can hardly see it.

And he for whom Allah does not give light - for him there is no light.
The first part of the verse has been discussed with the scholarly documentation here
((A wave, above which there is a wave))
man's name is Dr. Gary Miller. Dr.Gary Miller
Yes, he is the same person you know beforehand... the professor of mathematics and logic at the University of Toronto ...the man who tried to challenge the Quran with logic and said that it would reveal countless scientific and historical errors and who debated Sheikh Ahmed Deedat in Durban, South Africa in 1984 about Christianity
You also know that after he decided to devote his time to studying the Holy Quran so that it would be part of his missionary project to convert Muslims to Christianity by highlighting the logical and scientific errors in their book, and the result was completely opposite to what he intended, he declared his conversion to Islam and took the name Abdul Ahad Omar and wrote a book entitled (The Amazing Qura'an)
This sailor converted to Islam just as other people converted to Islam from marine scientists, physicists, doctors, historians, anatomists, and philosophers... and just as the Arabs converted to Islam in the desert 1400 years ago. The evidence from all this is that these people from different groups, from different times, from different scientific specializations, from different levels of awareness experienced the same thing ... which is that the Quran touches their hearts as if it described what they cannot describe with tongues in a single sentence that sometimes does not exceed ( two words ) .
Of course, this is something that most, or let's say many, Arab Muslims may not feel, and of course all Arab atheists who were raised on the method of moving the tongue only, and I do not exclude myself... and reading without contemplation, or... perhaps they did not read the Quran at all, as it is abandoned in most Muslim countries today, even teaching the Holy Quran is based on indoctrination and memorization only in memorization institutions and mosques... even though Allah Almighty says (A) ( (A blessed Book which We have revealed to you, so that they may ponder its verses)) , so the Sunnah is originally contemplation and not just reading.
The description of the Holy Quran of the situation from the physical material aspect, the psychological aspect, the conceptual aspect, and the scientific aspect that makes you feel while reading the Holy Verse as if you are seeing it with your own eyes and witnessing it in front of you is something great. But this is not the greatest miracle in the subject from my point of view, but the miracle here is that, no matter how conscious you are, you will comprehend the scene according to your consciousness, no matter how knowledgeable you are, you will comprehend it according to your knowledge, and no matter what your environment is, you will comprehend it according to time and place . This different reception changes and is renewed every time you pass through a new stage of knowledge !!! This is evidence that the Holy Quran is the word of God the Creator who was sent down to all the worlds without being restricted to an environment, time or place.
God says: ((Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His Servant that he may be to the worlds a warner))
Allah the Almighty says: “ Or [are they] like darknesses within a deep sea which is covered by waves, topped by waves, topped by clouds - darknesses, one upon another. When he puts out his hand, he can scarcely see it. And he for whom Allah has not appointed light - for him there is no light.” (An-Nur: 40)
This verse contains with extreme precision the description of more than 7 modern scientific facts that were not discovered except in the last two centuries after the development of modern marine sciences. The entire subject is limited only to His Almighty saying: [darknesses, one upon another] - Glory be to Him . The
respectable atheist knows that satellites have proven that There are waves in the deep seas and oceans, an internal wave above which there is an external or surface wave. Man did not begin to notice and perceive these waves until the beginning of the twentieth century (1904 AD), specifically in a theoretical manner only . The first scientific explanation for them was given by Dr. (V.W. Ekman) in that year.
At the beginning of the discovery of the matter, atheists said on their websites that Muslims lied and deceived. Scientists talk about currents, but the Qur’an talks about waves.
When science recently discovered that they are indeed waves exactly like surface waves, they need that density gradient to even exist

The atheist did not admit, except for those whom God had mercy on after that, that there is also a miracle, even after scientists corrected his ignorance!!
The respectable atheist knows that experimental science has proven that surface waves reflect and scatter part of the sun's rays outward, so the ocean absorbs part of the light and causes a percentage of the darkness under the ocean and its gradation. Man was not able to know this darkness until after 1930 AD, also theoretically, because divers had only descended to shallow depths of the oceans. The respectable atheist knows today that experimental science has proven that clouds reflect a percentage of sunlight and are also a cause of the darkness under the ocean The most famous Arab space scientist at NASA, Farouk El-Baz , says that when these facts were presented to Professor (Rao) and he was asked about his interpretation of the phenomenon of scientific miracles in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and how Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was informed of these facts more than a thousand and four hundred years ago, he replied: (It is difficult to assume that this type of scientific knowledge existed at that time, a thousand and four hundred years ago, but some things deal with a general idea, but describing these things in great detail is difficult Very much so, so this is definitely not a simple human science. The average person cannot explain these phenomena in that much detail, so I thought of a supernatural force outside of man, the information came from a supernatural source)
Professor Raw sees that it is difficult for this type of knowledge to have existed 1400 years ago in the Arab desert environment, so he attributed the subject to a supernatural power.. This is with those with knowledge, but with a respectable atheist nothing is impossible
(( Darknesses, some above others ))
But did you know that the darkness in the deep sea is layers, some above each other???
Did you know that these layers of gradually layered darkness, some above each other, are only found in the deep sea and ((the deep)) only??!!
Can you imagine that they liken this darkness to the stages of gradual darkness of the night completely and the blackness of the sky!! (Sunlight or the illuminated area and twilight dawn and midnight and the lowest midnight)!!
(sunlight) (twilight) (midnight) (lower midnight)
Look with me at the shades of twilight and their gradation from light to darkness It's exactly the same thing under the deep waters!!! But the strange thing is that these darknesses exist at the same time, one on top of the other!!! They liken these darknesses to the degrees of complete blackness of the night, from daylight to twilight to midnight to complete darkness (sunlight) (twilight) (midnight) (lower midnight) Depth and layers (sunlight zone) Sunlight zone (twilight zone) Twilight zone (midnight zone) Midnight zone To be continued

This verse contains with extreme precision the description of more than 7 modern scientific facts that were not discovered except in the last two centuries after the development of modern marine sciences. The entire subject is limited only to His Almighty saying: [darknesses, one upon another] - Glory be to Him . The
respectable atheist knows that satellites have proven that There are waves in the deep seas and oceans, an internal wave above which there is an external or surface wave. Man did not begin to notice and perceive these waves until the beginning of the twentieth century (1904 AD), specifically in a theoretical manner only . The first scientific explanation for them was given by Dr. (V.W. Ekman) in that year.
At the beginning of the discovery of the matter, atheists said on their websites that Muslims lied and deceived. Scientists talk about currents, but the Qur’an talks about waves.
When science recently discovered that they are indeed waves exactly like surface waves, they need that density gradient to even exist
The atheist did not admit, except for those whom God had mercy on after that, that there is also a miracle, even after scientists corrected his ignorance!!
The respectable atheist knows that experimental science has proven that surface waves reflect and scatter part of the sun's rays outward, so the ocean absorbs part of the light and causes a percentage of the darkness under the ocean and its gradation. Man was not able to know this darkness until after 1930 AD, also theoretically, because divers had only descended to shallow depths of the oceans. The respectable atheist knows today that experimental science has proven that clouds reflect a percentage of sunlight and are also a cause of the darkness under the ocean The most famous Arab space scientist at NASA, Farouk El-Baz , says that when these facts were presented to Professor (Rao) and he was asked about his interpretation of the phenomenon of scientific miracles in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and how Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was informed of these facts more than a thousand and four hundred years ago, he replied: (It is difficult to assume that this type of scientific knowledge existed at that time, a thousand and four hundred years ago, but some things deal with a general idea, but describing these things in great detail is difficult Very much so, so this is definitely not a simple human science. The average person cannot explain these phenomena in that much detail, so I thought of a supernatural force outside of man, the information came from a supernatural source)
Professor Raw sees that it is difficult for this type of knowledge to have existed 1400 years ago in the Arab desert environment, so he attributed the subject to a supernatural power.. This is with those with knowledge, but with a respectable atheist nothing is impossible

(( Darknesses, some above others ))
But did you know that the darkness in the deep sea is layers, some above each other???
Did you know that these layers of gradually layered darkness, some above each other, are only found in the deep sea and ((the deep)) only??!!
Can you imagine that they liken this darkness to the stages of gradual darkness of the night completely and the blackness of the sky!! (Sunlight or the illuminated area and twilight dawn and midnight and the lowest midnight)!!
(sunlight) (twilight) (midnight) (lower midnight)
Look with me at the shades of twilight and their gradation from light to darkness It's exactly the same thing under the deep waters!!! But the strange thing is that these darknesses exist at the same time, one on top of the other!!! They liken these darknesses to the degrees of complete blackness of the night, from daylight to twilight to midnight to complete darkness (sunlight) (twilight) (midnight) (lower midnight) Depth and layers (sunlight zone) Sunlight zone (twilight zone) Twilight zone (midnight zone) Midnight zone To be continued

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The dark layers that lie on top of each other in the deep seas.
I refer you, dear reader, to this clip, which is a three-minute graphic depicting the darkness in the deep seas and when submarines reached these depths.
Definition of the dark sea layers
The first and highest zone:
The pelagic zone is the largest zone in the seas and oceans, extending from the lower root zone to the opposite lower root zone, on the other side of the ocean. Therefore, many different creatures and species of fish, mammals and other creatures live in this zone. The pelagic zone is divided into two main parts, of course, according to the depth of the water. The first part is the near zone , which extends to a depth of only 200 meters above the continental shelf. The second zone is the oceanic zone, which includes water deeper than 200 meters. Below it lies the medium-depth water zone.
The second photic
(epipelagic.. sunlight) is located directly below the open sea area, and is also called the sunlight zone. It is the upper layer of water that is penetrated by sunlight in sufficient concentrations for the purposes of photosynthesis , where you find aquatic food chains consisting of plant and animal plankton and small fish such as herring and sardines that live near the surface of the water. We also find larger fish such as tuna and swordfish that feed on these small fish. The third is the mesopelagic zone... The mesopelagic zone (Mesopelagi) (twilight) The mesopelagic zone is the middle layer of water, extending directly below the surface water, from a depth of 200 meters below sea level , to a thousand meters below the surface of the water . It is called the twilight zone , because of the small amount of light that reaches it, so it looks like twilight, at sunset . At its upper limit (depth of 200 meters), a sharp decrease in the oxygen content of the water begins ; This is due to the absence of plants below a depth of 150 meters; Because the organic waste falling from the biologically active surface layer begins to decompose, by bacterial oxidation. The point of lowest oxygen content in water is located at a depth of 700 to 800 meters below the surface of the water. The water content of plant nutrients also increases because there are no plants in this layer to consume them. Fourth: The deep water zone Midnight zone
(the dark zone...Bathypelagic. .midnight ) The deep water environment (bathypelagic ) extends directly under the middle water layer, from a depth of a thousand meters below the sea surface, to 4 thousand meters below the surface . Its upper limit is the dividing line between the part that receives sunlight (disphotic) and the completely dark part (aphotic); this layer, and the one below it, do not receive any sunlight at all , they are completely dark. The dissolved oxygen content of the water increases in this layer as a result of the low temperatures. Some fish and invertebrates live in this layer. Its fish are blind. Different types of small organisms live in it. Shrimp species turn into predators of other organisms. Its organisms feed on each other; they have an advanced warning system, and methods of camouflage and deception, to reach their prey easily. Their bodies are characterized by smallness, large mouths, and strong teeth Fifth: The Abyssopelagic Zone (lower midnight) The abyssal zone is a layer of water at the bottom of the sea where water movement decreases and water pressure increases and reaches the bottom of the ocean and is therefore very dark and cold. This layer is inhabited by decomposing organisms of bacteria and fish that feed on dead plants and animals and waste that settles from above. The abyssal plains layer extends from a depth of 4,000 meters below the surface to the bottom , which may exceed, in some marine trenches, 11,000 meters below sea level . The characteristics of this layer: aquatic and biological, are almost the same characteristics that characterize the layer above it. It is a completely dark layer, but its waters are slightly cooler and its oxygen content is higher due to the low temperatures. It is home to groups of highly specialized marine organisms around hydrothermal vents, in addition to microscopic autotrophic organisms in hot water around black smokers. The deep bottom trenches environment (hadal zone) can also be included. The average water temperature does not exceed 3.5 degrees Celsius; and its areas are dark and do not receive sunlight; marine organisms at these depths are similar to those in all oceans. They feed on organic matter falling from the upper layers. It is noted that marine organisms, including those that move, congregate in groups; some researchers attribute this to the fact that water currents make them line up in longitudinal groups, in the same way that tidal currents push coastal sediments, forming what is known as tide rips. Some communities may be linked to nutrient concentrations, where plants are concentrated, so are animals that feed on them.
The sixth and final zone is the Hadopelagic zone, which is
the deepest waters concentrated in the trenches and valleys below the depths of the ocean. The information available about it and the creatures that live inside it is very little and not well known, but scientists say that there are living creatures living inside it. Are these darknesses present in all seas or only in the deep abyssal seas ? To be continued
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Or like darknesses within a deep sea .
Darkness only exists in deep abyssal seas, as you can see in the picture. These dark layers are not complete and their existence is only valid in abyssal seas (oceans) whose depths range from 4000 meters to 6000 meters only. If we tried to search for this darkness in the Red Sea, for example, we would not find this gradual darkness unless the sea has an area or a trench that reaches depths below 4000 meters only. Otherwise, it is very rare to find this type of pitch darkness except in abyssal seas, i.e. beyond a depth of 2000 meters. Look at the average depth in the Red Sea, which is only 490 meters, and the maximum depth and deepest point in the Red Sea does not exceed 2211 meters only . After 2000 meters, the sea still has a percentage of light. If we calculate it at the average depth of the sea, which reaches only 450 meters, then the sea here is illuminated and there is no darkness in it because the sunlight is not completely absorbed except after the deep depths. Some of what came in the interpretations: Al-Hassan told us, he said: Abdul Razzaq told us, he said: Muammar told us, on the authority of Qatada, regarding his statement: (Or like darknesses in a deep sea) , deep, in a deep sea. It was said: It is the level of the depth , and it is that which cannot be reached. The depth is most of the water, and the plural is jajj. The sea is turbulent when its waves clash; [p. 264] and from this is what was narrated from the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - that he said: Whoever embarks on the sea when it is turbulent, then the responsibility is discharged from him. And the matter is turbulent when it is great and mixed . And the statement of God Almighty: (I thought it was a depth) meaning it has no depth . And it was narrated from Abi bin Ka’b what Abdul A’la bin Wasil told me, he said: Ubaidullah bin Musa told us, he said: Abu Ja’far al-Razi told us, on the authority of al-Rabi’, on the authority of Abi al-A’liyya, on the authority of Abi bin Ka’b, regarding his statement: (Or like darknesses in a deep sea which is covered by waves) . . . the verse, he said: He gave another example for the disbeliever, so he said: (Or like darknesses in a deep sea) . . The verse, he said: So he is in five forms of darkness : his speech is darkness, his actions are darkness, his entrance is darkness, his exit is darkness, and his destination is to the darkness on the Day of Resurrection, to the Fire. Then darknesses will begin, one above the other, meaning they are darknesses, one above the other. Abi bin Kaab said: The disbeliever is in five forms of darkness : his speech is darkness, his actions are darkness, his entrance is darkness, his exit is darkness, and his destination on the Day of Resurrection is to the darkness in the Fire, and what an evil destination! If he puts out his hand, meaning the observer. He could hardly see it, i.e. from the intensity of the darkness. Al-Zajjaj and Abu Ubaidah said: The meaning is he did not see it and he could hardly ; and this is the meaning of Al-Hasan’s statement. The meaning of he could hardly see it is that he did not hope to see it . Al-Farra’ said: Kad is a connection, meaning he did not see it; as you say: I could hardly recognize him . Al-Mubarrad said: It means he did not see it except after great effort; As you say: I almost saw you from the darkness, and he saw it after despair and hardship. It was said: Its meaning is he came close to seeing, but he did not see, as it is said: The bride almost became a prince, the ostrich almost flew, and the one wearing sandals almost became a rider. An-Nahhas: The most correct of the sayings in this is that the meaning is he did not come close to seeing it, so if he did not come close to seeing it, then he did not see it with a distant or close vision.

(A wave covers it ) He says : A wave covers the sea (Above it is a wave) He says: Above the wave is another wave that covers it (Above it is a cloud) He says: Above the second wave that covers the first wave is a cloud 0
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