* Was Abraham Jewish?
One of the doubts that some missionaries try to use to prove the existence of historical errors in the Holy Quran is their claim that “Abraham was a Jew and not a Muslim” as mentioned in the Quran.
They provide evidence that the title “Abraham” was in Hebrew, and the word Hebrew means Jew!
- As in Genesis 14:13
"... and he told Abram the Hebrew. Now he was living by the oaks of Mamre the Amorite ..."
Knowing that in Genesis chapter 17:1-8
-And also Abraham made two altars to the Lord as mentioned in Genesis 12:7-9
"7And the Lord appeared to Abram and said, 'To your descendants I give this land.' So he built an altar there to the Lord who had appeared to him ..."
Altars are found only in Judaism and Christianity; and this is strong evidence that Abraham was Jewish; and therefore the writer of the Qur'an made a mistake!!
In response to this sterile, flawed understanding, I say, and with God’s help, that:
*First: It is not right for a Christian to argue against the “Holy Qur’an,” whose source, how it was transmitted and preserved, and whose authenticity is known through oral and written transmission, is
his distorted, stale book, of which they themselves do not know who wrote it, when it was written, or where it was written.
What is strange and surprising is that the Christians themselves are the ones who accused the Jews of distorting the texts of the Old Testament, and the evidence for this is in the dozens, if not hundreds!!
Examples include:
- From the book Introduction to the Old Testament by Samuel Joseph, p. 52, we read:
(The Samaritans changed 6,000 places in the Torah to suit their beliefs!)
- From the book The Biblical Encyclopedia, Volume 4, p. 324, we read:
(6,000 differences between the Samaritan and Masoretic Torahs... intentional changes to support their beliefs!)
- From the book A Brief History of the States by Ibn al-Arabi, p. 114, we read:
(The Jewish rabbis changed the ages of humans in their book so that the prophecies would not apply to Christ)
- And from the book Guide for Students to the Precious Bible, p. 571, we read:
(The disagreement between Hebrew and Septuagint was intentional; the Jews deliberately made the change to prove their opinion!)
These are some of the evidences from the mouths of the fathers of the Christians, their scholars, and their researchers; confirming to any fair-minded person that what the Holy Qur’an mentioned about the People of the Book distorting the Word of God was not an accusation; Rather, it is a report of a fact that the most knowledgeable Christian scholars could not deny with evidence!!
It is not right for a distorted word to rule over a preserved word, nor an unknown word over a known word, nor a weak word over a transmitted word... with one word.
* Second: The word Hebrew is different from the word Jew or Jewish in origin, structure and meaning.
- We read in the dictionary of the Holy Bible and the Encyclopedia of the Bible under the word "Hebrews"
(they are one of the branches of the Semitic family. Their name is attributed to Eber, one of the ancestors of Abraham who brought them to Palestine and gave them the title of Canaanites)
the origin of the name to which Abraham was attributed goes back to one of the ancestors of Abraham, peace be upon him, and it has no relation to the Jewish religion or the Jews or their rituals in any way.
There is not a single text in their book that they sanctify in its two testaments in which Abraham is mentioned or even said to be a Jew.
👈The Hebrews do not represent a race or a race of races as much as they represent mixed groups, clans and tribes, and their lineage was not limited to the children of Israel.
The first children of Israel, headed by Jacob himself, are considered Hebrews, and even his father Isaac and his grandfather Abraham, peace be upon them, are considered Hebrews according to this, and the children of Israel represented only a small branch of the Hebrews, and then the Jews soon attributed themselves to the Hebrews and no one else.
The word "Jew" is not the name of a religion but the name of a people; as for religion, it is Islam and submission to the one God since eternity and it is the religion of all the prophets.
🔥 We read from the
Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures; translated, with additions, and corrections from the author's Thesaurus and other works ([1857
from page 830 The word "שלם" ... we read:
20:12; 1Ki.22:45; but followed by to submit oneself by treaty of peace ,Josh.11:19 (compare Arab.سلم conj.IV., to submit oneself to the dominion of any one; specially to commit ones affairs to God; followed by إلى ; whence Islam obedience or submission to God And Mahomet; hence true religion, meaning Mahometanism).
Brief translation: This word "שלם (shalom shalim (salm - aslam)" means that a person surrenders in peace "by Islam" and it is used by the "Mohammedan" Arabs to mean surrender to God and following Mohammed.
The same meaning is found in more than one source; such as (Robert Payne Smith) in (A Compendious Syriac Dictionary)
we see that among the meanings of the word " Shalim שָׁלַם "which was mentioned in the description of the prophets and righteous people in the Holy Book: surrender , meaning to surrender, and become a Muslim , meaning to become a Muslim. ==
* Third: The Holy Quran mentioned that the religion of Abraham, peace be upon him, was Islam and that he was a Muslim; God Almighty says:
" And who would abandon the religion of Abraham except one who makes a fool of himself? And We had chosen him in this world, and indeed, in the Hereafter, he will be among the righteous. (130) When his Lord said to him, "Submit," he said, "I have submitted to the Lord of the worlds." (131) And Abraham enjoined it upon his people. His sons and Jacob, “O my sons, indeed Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except as Muslims. ” (132) (Al-Baqarah)
- And Allah Almighty says: “ Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah]. And he was not of the polytheists .” (67) (Al-Imran) The religion of Islam is the religion of all the prophets from Adam until Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the religion of Allah is one, but the laws may differ from one prophet to another according to the interests of his followers and what suits their place and time. 👈 The religion of the prophets is one and their laws are different; As the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “ The prophets are brothers in kinship: their religion is one, but their mothers are different, and I am the closest of people to Jesus, son of Mary .” Bukhari 3443
* This is what the Jewish Encyclopedia (Encyclopaedia Judaica) - Volume I, Second Edition - Page (286) acknowledged.
👈 We read in it a very serious admission from the Jews themselves in an old copy of the Jewish Encyclopedia that says that the word "Muslim" goes back to Genesis, Chapter 17, Verse 1 in the Targum of Onkelos, and that Abraham, peace be upon him, was described with it!
We find this admission under the title (In Islamic Tradition)
The very word Islam and the idea contained in it, namely that of complete dedication to God, is connected with the story of Abraham, eg, Sura 2:125, "When God said to him [Abraham], 'dedicate yourself to God [aslim]', he said, 'I dedicate myself to the Lord of the Worlds.'" Or (22:77): "This is the religion of your father Abraham. He called you muslimin," i.e., those who dedicate themselves to God. This expression goes back to Genesis 17:1 in the version of Targum *Onkelos, where Abraham is admonished by God to become shelim, and the subsequent definition of a proselyte as one who dedicates himself to his Creator
. The key word and recurring idea is complete (devotion - submission) to God, linked to the story of Abraham: as in Surah (125:2): “When God said to him (Abraham), (be devoted) to God (aslim), he said, I am devoted to the Lord of the worlds.” Or (77:22): "This is the religion of your father Abraham. He named you (Muslims); meaning those who devote themselves to God.
This expression goes back to (Genesis 1:17) in the Targum Onkelos version where Abraham is urged by his Lord to be (Shelim - Muslim) as the previous expression refers to the person who (devotes - surrenders) himself to his Creator. A.H.
== ؛
* Fourth: If the people believe that Judaism began as a religion with Moses, peace be upon him; how could Abraham be Jewish?!!
Do these people not know that the children of Israel are originally from the descendants of Abraham and his son Israel (Jacob who wrestled with God!!).
How did their imagination and sick minds picture to them that the grandfather would be related to one of his grandsons who was born many centuries after him!!!
Therefore, we will find many Christian and Jewish websites denying that Abraham was Jewish, as in this Jewish website that says:
( It is wrong to consider Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Jews because the term Jewish and Judaism was not applied to this nation )
And this is a link to a Christian website that says: ( By knowing the origin of the Jews, it is clearly seen that Abraham was not a Jew .... Then it explains the lineage of the Jews from Judah)
This is if we assume that there is a religion called "Judaism" or "Christianity"!!
There is not a single text in the Holy Book in which Moses, peace be upon him, says that their religion is "Judaism", just as there is not a single text in which Christ says that his religion is "Christianity"!!
So how did Satan deceive such ignorant "pagans" who were unable to prove the infallibility of their distorted book and dared them to challenge historical facts documented in a fixed, continuous, and decisive Qur'an from the All-Wise, All-Knowing One?

the slanderers have falsely and slanderously cited the Holy Quran, we will flog them, with His permission, the Most High, with the text of the revelation of the Book, and “Baraqish committed a sin against herself!”
The Truth says:
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to God]. And he was not of the polytheists. Surah
Al Imran: 67
From the dictionary of the book of the disciples of Paul:
The Hebrew word Hanif and the Syriac word ܚܰܢܦ݂ܳܐ , their Arabic equivalent is Hanif , which means: the one who inclines towards the correct state, especially the correct religion/belief!
Hanif = Muslim. Hanif
= Muslim. Hanif
= Muslim. Christian

In a related context, we read on the church website :
We read:
Although the word Islam is not mentioned directly in the holy books, there are at least broad outlines of the roots of the Arab people and their description of the sons of Abraham who lived in the eastern countries. So the history of the Islamic people (those who believe in the Islamic religion) begins with the Prophet Abraham and his descendants who descended through Ishmael, the firstborn son of the Prophet Abraham.
Full article:

And we add poetry to the missionaries from the house!
:arrow0063: Source: Here

Full article:
And we add poetry to the missionaries from the house!
:arrow0063: Source: Here
In relation to the text of Genesis 17:1, we acted on the commandment of the crucified one, we searched the books and this is what we found:
Genesis 17:1 Text, Version: Amplified Bible (AMP)
was ninety-nine years old, the [a]Lord appeared to him and said,
[B] “I am God Almighty;
Walk [habitually] before Me [with integrity, knowing that you are always in My presence], and be blameless and
in obedience to me
Jehovah asks the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, to be completely obedient, submissive and surrender to Him .
Aren't they all meanings of Islam???
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