Their claim that the chest of Muhammad (the most honorable of God’s creation) was split when he was a child is a myth!
Did We not expand your breast for you? (Al-Inshirah 1).
Abdullah bin Al-Imam Ahmad said: Muhammad bin Abdul Rahim Abu Yahya Al-Fazzaz told us: Yunus bin Muhammad told us: Muadh bin Muhammad bin Ubayy bin Ka’b told us: Abu Muhammad bin Muadh told us, on the authority of Muhammad, on the authority of Ubayy bin Ka’b, that Abu Hurayrah was bold enough to ask the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, about things that no one else would ask him about, so he said: O Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Allah’s Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: What was the first thing you saw regarding the matter of prophethood? The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sat up and said, "I asked, O Abu Hurairah, I was in the desert, ten years old and a few months old, and suddenly I heard a voice above my head, and a man said to a man, 'Is he him?' They met me with faces I had never seen before, souls I had never found in any human being, and clothes I had never seen on anyone before. Then they came towards me walking." Until each of them took hold of my arm, and I did not feel any touch from either of them. Then one of them said to his companion, “Lie him down.” So they both lay me down without restraint or restraint. Then one of them said to his companion, “Split his chest.” So one of them went to my chest and split it open, as far as I can see, without blood or pain. Then he said to him, “Take out the rancor and envy.” So he took out something like a leech, then threw it away and cast it away. Then he said to him, “Enter kindness and mercy.” Then he was like the one who brought out something like silver. Then he shook the big toe of my right foot and said, “Go forth and be safe.” So I returned with it, going forth in kindness to the young and mercy to the old.”
See Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Azeem)
She said: So we returned with him, and by Allah, after we had arrived (with him) for months with his brother, he was with them behind our houses, when his brother came to us running and said to me and his father: That is my brother of the Quraysh. Two men in white clothes have taken him and laid him down, and they have cut open his stomach and are whipping him. She said: So I and his father went out towards him and found him standing with his face flushed. She said: So I embraced him and his father embraced him, and we said to him: What is the matter with you, my son? He said: Two men in white clothes came to me and laid me down and cut open my stomach, and they looked for something (in it) I do not know what it was. She said: So we returned (with him) to our tent.
See the biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham .. Chapter on the birth and breastfeeding of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace
Yahya bin Bakir narrated to us, he said: Al-Layth narrated to us, on the authority of Yunus, on the authority of Ibn Shihab, on the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said: Abu Dharr used to narrate that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: The roof of my house was opened while I was in Mecca, so Gabriel, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came down and opened my chest, then washed it with Zamzam water, then he brought a golden basin full of wisdom and faith, and poured it into my chest, then closed it, then he took my hand and ascended with me to the lowest heaven ..... then I entered Paradise and there were pearls in it and its soil was musk
Sahih al-Bukhari .. The Book of Prayer .. Chapter on How it was made obligatory Prayer in Isra
Abdullah bin Al-Imam Ahmad said: Muhammad bin Abdul Rahim Abu Yahya Al-Fazzaz told us: Yunus bin Muhammad told us: Muadh bin Muhammad bin Ubayy bin Ka’b told us: Abu Muhammad bin Muadh told us, on the authority of Muhammad, on the authority of Ubayy bin Ka’b, that Abu Hurayrah was bold enough to ask the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, about things that no one else would ask him about, so he said: O Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Allah’s Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: What was the first thing you saw regarding the matter of prophethood? The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sat up and said, "I asked, O Abu Hurairah, I was in the desert, ten years old and a few months old, and suddenly I heard a voice above my head, and a man said to a man, 'Is he him?' They met me with faces I had never seen before, souls I had never found in any human being, and clothes I had never seen on anyone before. Then they came towards me walking." Until each of them took hold of my arm, and I did not feel any touch from either of them. Then one of them said to his companion, “Lie him down.” So they both lay me down without restraint or restraint. Then one of them said to his companion, “Split his chest.” So one of them went to my chest and split it open, as far as I can see, without blood or pain. Then he said to him, “Take out the rancor and envy.” So he took out something like a leech, then threw it away and cast it away. Then he said to him, “Enter kindness and mercy.” Then he was like the one who brought out something like silver. Then he shook the big toe of my right foot and said, “Go forth and be safe.” So I returned with it, going forth in kindness to the young and mercy to the old.”
Narrator: Abi bin Kaab Narrator: Al-Albani - Source: As-Silsilah As-Saheehah - Page or number: 4/60
Summary of the hadith scholar’s ruling: [It contains] Muhammad ibn Muadh ibn Muhammad ibn Abi ibn Ka’b. Ibn al-Madini said: We do not know Muhammad, his father, or his grandfather in the narration.
Firstly :
We must know that the words of the commentators and the books of biography are not evidence against Islam, but rather they contain false and correct narrations.. so the scholars of criticism and authentication did not rely on them.
We Muslims only accept the Book of God Almighty and the authentic Sunnah of His Messenger :salla-s: ... even if it is the words of a Muslim scholar, because everyone’s words are accepted and rejected except for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
It has been proven that the chest of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was split three times:
In his childhood, he was with Halima to remove the leech, and it was said to him, “This is the devil’s share of you.” The hadith on this matter is authentic and correct. It was narrated by Muslim and others, and Muslim’s wording is (
On the authority of Anas ibn Malik, may God be pleased with him, that Gabriel came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was playing with the boys. Gabriel seized him and threw him to the ground. He split open his heart and took out the heart, extracting a clot from it and saying: This is the devil’s share of you. Then he washed it in a golden basin with Zamzam water, then he put it in its place. The boys came running to his mother - meaning his wet nurse - and said: Muhammad has been killed. They met him and he was pale in color. Anas said: I saw the mark of the needle on his chest.
". And the wet nurse is the nursing mother, and here she is Halima, as is known."
When he was sent to receive what was revealed to him with a strong heart in the most perfect state of purification, Al-Hafiz said in Al-Fath when explaining the hadith in the chapter on the Ascension from Al-Bukhari: The splitting of the chest was confirmed at the time of the mission, as Abu Naim included in Al-Dala’il.
This apartment was mentioned by the biographers.
The third :
During the Isra and Mi'raj, to prepare for supplication. Al-Hafiz said:
((It is possible that the wisdom behind this washing is to achieve completeness by performing it a third time, as was established in his law, may God bless him and grant him peace, and this time has been proven in the two Sahihs and others))
Abdul Aziz Al-Lamti said in his poem “Qurat Al-Absar fi Sirat Al-Mushfi Al-Mukhtar”:
And the chest of the most honorable of mankind was split open * when he was two years and a sixth of a year old
And a split for the resurrection and the Isra ’ * also as it came in the news
Al-Hafiz concluded his discussion of the splitting of his chest, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the washing of his heart with a word that defines the Muslim’s duty towards what has been proven in this regard, and we conclude our answer with it. Al-Hafiz said:
((And all that has been reported about splitting the chest and extracting the heart and other supernatural matters must be accepted without being exposed to diverting it from its reality due to the validity of the ability, so nothing of that is impossible)).
And the one who denies that his chest was split in the Isra’ incident, why does he not believe in all the other supernatural matters mentioned in the hadith? Either he believes in all of them or rejects them, and there is no meaning in believing in some and not believing in others.
Then this aspect is not of human making so that we can use reason to judge it, rather it is of God’s making through His angels, and God, glory be to Him, is capable of everything, and it is absolutely not permissible for us to use our minds to judge miracles and supernatural events as long as they have been proven in a correct way, for the laws of habit do not apply to God’s power, for He is their Creator, and He has the power to change them. We all believe that the fire did not burn our master Abraham, peace be upon him, and the minds of the unbelievers were confident that it would burn him, but all of that does not stand in the face of God’s statement, the Most High: { We said, “O fire, be coolness and safety upon Abraham ”} (Al-Anbiya: 69).
If the angels had removed Satan’s share from his heart, then what confirms this is that God, glory be to Him, protected him from Satan’s control over him, as he himself had said about his attempt to spoil his prayer.
The Christian who objects and is surprised by the incident of the Prophet’s chest being split open
... but does not object to Samson killing a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey! What do we call him?
The Christian who objects and is surprised by the incident of the Prophet’s chest being split open

Judges 15
14 And when he came to Lehi, the Philistines rose up crying out to meet him: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon him, and he cut the cords that were upon his arms, as they were burnt flax. 15 And he found the jawbone of a fresh ass, and took it, and with it slew a thousand men . 16 And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps and heaps! With the jawbone of an ass I have slain a thousand men.
What can we say about this Christian except that he is a hypocrite, deceiving himself and using double standards?
2nd Response by @kufrcleaner
Denying the incident of the Prophet’s chest being split open when he was young (*)
Content of the doubt:
Some skeptics deny the incident of the Prophet’s chest being split in his childhood, and they prove that by saying that splitting the chest contradicts human nature, and is an imaginary and unreasonable matter, and falls under the category of changing the laws of Allah in His creation, if its authenticity is proven. In doing so, they deny that Satan’s share was removed from his heart, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in order to place him in the position of ordinary people, and deny that he had any signs of prophethood in his early life.
Ways to refute the doubt:
1) The incident of the Prophet’s chest being split in his childhood is among the signs of prophethood, and his status in this regard is similar to that of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, peace be upon them, and other prophets and messengers. Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is not an innovation in this, as there is no difference in this between one time and another, or one prophet and another.
2) The narration of the splitting of the chest is proven and transmitted in a continuous chain of transmission that leaves no room for doubt about it. It contains wisdom, such as purifying his heart - may God bless him and grant him peace - and purifying his intentions and inner self, and giving good tidings of his prophethood, which some of them did not realize; so they began to doubt its authenticity out of ignorance of its objectives and wisdom.
3) The Prophet’s - may God bless him and grant him peace - aversion to the pleasures of youth and the whims of adolescence like all his peers in Meccan society - confirms that there was something that distinguished this young man (Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace), which saved him from the devil’s share, and this thing that distinguished the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - was the splitting of his chest - may God bless him and grant him peace.
First. Every prophet has his miracles, and the splitting of the Prophet’s chest - may God bless him and grant him peace -
is one of these miracles. The laws of logic - even if they have sciences that can be studied - are understood by all rational people, even the Bedouin in his tent and the farmer in his field. Those who deny the incident of the splitting of the Prophet’s chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - deny it for three reasons: First, it contradicts human nature. Second, it does not fall within the known knowledge of reason. Third, it is a change of God’s law.
As for its not being compatible with human nature, we can ask:
Is it human nature for our Master Jesus - peace be upon him - to speak while he was still a baby in the cradle?! Is it human nature to revive the dead and heal the leper and the blind?! These skeptics believe that Jesus - peace be upon him - is a human being and that his life was a human life, and at the same time they believe that Jesus spoke in the cradle, and he revived the dead and healed the blind and the leper by God’s permission.
Is it human nature for a person to be thrown into the fire and it does not harm him, but it is cool and safe for him?! They also believe that Abraham, peace be upon him, was thrown into the fire and came out of it unharmed, and he was a human being, and his life was a human life! God gave Moses, peace be upon him, nine signs: (the staff, the hand, the blood, the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, the obliteration, and the sea), and God softened iron for David, and subjected the mountains and birds with him, so they would glorify God in the evening and the morning, and so on.
If the matter is as we mentioned, how do they believe in these miracles and disbelieve in those?! Then how does splitting the chest contradict the familiar human nature, when we see medicine now splitting whatever it wants from the chests, not only from the chests, but also splitting whatever it wants from the human body?! If this is proven with regard to the creation, then it is even more true with regard to the Creator, for He, glory be to Him, has the right to split the chests of whomever He wants from His servants, and to grant them whatever miracles He wants.
- As for the saying that it does not fall within the known knowledge of reason - meaning that reason does not permit it - but rather sees it as a group of impossibilities ,
So we say about him: If it is permissible for these ancients to be amazed by that incident and to take it beyond the comprehensions of reason, then none of this is permissible for us, the sons of the modern age; we have no right to doubt that his chest was split - may God bless him and grant him peace - while we are in an age of advanced surgery and superior surgeons.
And the operation of splitting the chest happens every day, and if reason rejects splitting the chest, and rejects its permissibility, it would have rejected all the miracles of the prophets. And reason, in its judgment of things as impossible or permissible, does not differentiate between one prophet and another, so it does not differentiate between Jesus and Muhammad, just as it does not differentiate between Muhammad and Moses.
So if the miracles of Moses, Jesus, and others are known to reason, then the issue of splitting the chest is certainly not unknown to it; If the mind knew those miracles of the prophets, but did not know them of their seal, Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - it would not be a mind, but rather a fleeting illusion and an uncontrolled emotion. The mind must know these miracles and believe in all of them, or be ignorant of them and deny them. As for knowing them of all the prophets and denying them of Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - in particular, this is something that we do not know and do not accept from the mind, rather the mind does not accept it for itself, and it is known that this is like that!
- As for the saying that this story is a change in the way of God, and God says: ( And you will not find any change in the way of God (62)) (Al-Ahzab),
we know that this story does not contradict the way of God, nor does it change it. Since this story is established for the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - in terms of his being a Messenger and not just in terms of his being a human being, if it was God’s law not to create miracles at the hands of the prophets who preceded Muhammad, then it could be said that it refuses to create a miracle for Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - in particular, and these people could say that God’s law that does not change refuses to split the chest. However, if God’s law of creating miracles was in effect at the hands of the previous prophets, as acknowledged by them and by every believer in the prophets and holy books, then it would not have withheld that from their seal, nor would it have withheld it from the best of them.
If the matter is thus - and it is indeed thus - then it must be said that God’s law dictates that it present to Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - various types of these miracles, granting him a large share of this gift that God bestowed upon all the prophets; Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and other prophets are many, and other than splitting the chest there are more good tidings and miracles.
But if we were to say that the Sunnah of God bestowed this gift upon all the prophets before Muhammad, and divided among them from it what God willed, and when it came to the last of them and the most comprehensive of them in religion and call, it deprived him of that favor completely, then we would be in opposition to the Sunnah of God, making it specific, and not leaving it in one pattern [1] . This is the very essence of changing the Sunnah of God, but nothing of this has happened, and God forbid that it should happen, according to the saying of the Most High: ( And you will not find any change in the Sunnah of God (62)).
Perhaps what these people have raised recently would have had some form of acceptance or justification if it had been raised in the past, but not these days.
It is known - as Dr. Abdul-Mutti Qalaji says - that "science, medicine, surgery, anesthesia, and surgical operations have advanced and are now performed in sterile rooms, using various means and very skilled technology. Today, surgeons can perform various types of surgical operations in every part of the body, with the aim of eradicating the disease and removing it where medical means are no longer useful. It is now possible to extract the heart, not just treat it, and to replace a damaged heart with a healthy one from a recently deceased person, or even with an artificial heart. Then the layers of the body are sewn together and returned, so that the patient does not die!
All of this has become within the ability of man. Is it not within the ability of man, the created, that God, the Creator, who says to a thing: Be, and it is, cannot do it ? " [2]
Secondly. The narration of the splitting of the Prophet’s chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - is authentic and correct. It has been narrated in several sources through successive chains of transmission, and it has many wisdoms:
It is appropriate for us here to pause briefly at the narrations reported about the splitting of his chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - for some narrations have been narrated in a short narration, and some others in a long narration, and they are not without additions in some and omissions in others, although the original meaning is agreed upon in all of them. Let us mention one of them: On the authority of Thabit on the authority of Anas bin Malik: “ That Gabriel - peace be upon him - came to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - while he was playing with the boys, so he took him and wrestled him down, then split his heart open and extracted the heart, and extracted from it a clot [3] , and said: ‘This is the devil’s share of you,’ then he washed it in a golden basin with Zamzam water, then to his mother [4] , then he returned it to its place, and the boys came running to his mother - his wet nurse [5] - and they said: Muhammad has been killed, so they met him, and his color was pale [6] . Anas said: And I was [7] I see the trace of that stitch in his chest ” [8] [9] .
“The first time his chest was split open - may God bless him and grant him peace - was in the third year of his life, and it was said in the fourth, in order to purify it and remove the devil’s share from it” [10] .
The books of Sunnah have narrated with authentic chains of transmission , and the books of biography have also narrated this incident that directs attention to the care of God - the Almighty and Majestic - for His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - since his early childhood, and that one of the manifestations of this care is that God extracted the devil’s share from his heart from his first years; so that the devil would not find a way to him.
And God, whose will - from eternity - wanted Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - to be the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, wanted, glory be to Him, to make him the perfect example of the perfect human being, and the human being begins the path towards perfection by purifying the heart, purifying the soul, repenting, and sincerity, or - in other words - by splitting the chest and removing the devil’s share from it.
Allah sent His angels, who split open the chest of the Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and extracted the devil’s share from it, and filled it with tranquility, faith, wisdom, compassion and mercy. So he (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was compassionate to the young and merciful to the old [11] .
There were wisdoms and purposes in the incident of splitting open his chest (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that some people knew; so they were certain of its validity in the case of Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), taking into consideration the status of prophethood and messengership that he would have. Others were ignorant of these wisdoms and purposes, so they denied this incident, ignoring what this boy’s affair would lead to and what he was prepared for.
In this regard, it is appropriate for us to summarize the rulings behind this incident in a way that supports its importance and clearly demonstrates its validity. Among these purposes are the following:
purifying his heart, purifying his intentions, and refining his inclinations ; since the boy Muhammad was not like other boys, but rather he had a status that required him to go beyond what others were accustomed to; and since this was the case, the splitting
of his chest, may God bless him and grant him peace, came about. “Sheikh al-Islam Abu al-Hasan al-Subki was asked about the black clot that was removed from his heart, may God bless him and grant him peace, when his heart was split open and the angel said: This is the devil’s portion of you. He answered: That clot was created by God Almighty in the hearts of humans, receptive to what the devil casts into it, so it was removed from his heart, may God bless him
and grant him peace, so there was no place left in it for the devil to cast anything into it. This is the meaning of the hadith, and the devil had no share in it. As for what the angel denied, it is a matter in human nature [12] , so the receptivity was removed, which did not necessitate the occurrence of the casting in the heart” [13] . The poet says:
The angels did not remove any harm from his heart,
but they increased his purity upon his purity.
but they increased his purity upon his purity.
There is another meaning, which is that the heart of our Master the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - is filled with mercy, indeed it is its source and origin, as God Almighty said: ( And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds (107)) (Al-Anbiya), and this mercy is comprehensive and complete; because it is the mercy of God that encompasses everything, but God - the Almighty - removed Satan and his helpers, his brothers, and whoever He has decreed to be miserable from this mercy, so they have no share in it, nor anything from it, and the meaning then is that they removed from his noble heart Satan’s share of His mercy, so Satan has no share in this mercy [14] .
This, and the incident of splitting his chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - contains a ruling; Among them: Preparing the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - for what he would bear of the matter of the message and the burden of the call, and that is on two levels:
First : The trial as a tradition of the prophets, as the scholar Ibn al-Munir says: “And the splitting of his chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his patience with it is of the same type as what God Almighty tested the slaughtered animal with and he was patient with it.”
Also, this trial happened to him when he was a young orphan far from his family, may God bless him and grant him peace [15] .
Second: Preparing him - may God bless him and grant him peace - for what would be entrusted to him of the call, and what it requires of a broad chest and purity of heart, so it was as if his heart - may God bless him and grant him peace - was washed with snow, hail and water filled with wisdom and faith; so that his heart would know the goodness of Paradise and find its sweetness, so he would be more ascetic in this world, and more eager to call people to Paradise; and because he had enemies who would slander him, God Almighty wanted to remove from him the human nature of narrowness of chest and the bad words of the enemies, so He washed his heart so that this would give his chest broadness and leave him from narrowness. As the Almighty said: ( And We certainly know that your breast is constrained by what they say (97)) (Al-Hijr), so He washed his heart more than once, so that when he was hurt by a wound to his head - may God bless him and grant him peace - or his front tooth was broken - as on the day of Uhud - he would say: “ My Lord, forgive my people, for they do not know ” [16] [17] .
If the matter is as we mentioned, then a questioner may ask: If this boy had the status he had, and that required his heart to be purified from the receptivity of Satan’s casting into it like all other human beings, then why did God create this receptivity in the beginning in this Muhammadan self when it was possible for Him - the Almighty - to create him the first time free from this fate and healthy?!
And we, for our part, say to him: He is one of the human parts, so his creation is a completion of human creation and is necessary, and his removal is a divine honor that occurred. “And if God Almighty had created his Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in this way - that is, purified from that receptive nature - then the people would not have known his true nature - may God bless him and grant him peace - so God Almighty revealed him through the hand of Gabriel - peace be upon him - so that they would realize the perfection of his inner self, just as the perfection of his outer self appeared to them” [18] . And so that he - may God bless him and grant him peace - would live by reason with the highest assembly, and realize that he has a status other than the status of his inner self [19] ; therefore, he was given this virtue in that sensory image.
Some scholars said: The wisdom in splitting his noble chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - with the ability to fill his heart with faith, and the wisdom without splitting - is to increase the strength of certainty; because he was given by seeing the splitting of his stomach and not being affected by that, which made him safe from all ordinary fears; therefore, he - may God bless him and grant him peace - was the bravest of people in state and speech, and therefore he was described by the words of God Almighty: )The sight did not swerve, nor did it go astray (17)( (An-Najm) [20] .
Whoever contemplates the will and destiny of Allah will find that it is pure grace above all grace, and care beyond any care, and care that was not given to anyone other than him - may Allah bless him and grant him peace. So where is all that in comparison to the care of the father, grandfather, and uncle? Rather, where is the mercy of all creation in comparison to the mercy of Allah, the Almighty?
No one has a way to interpret these authentic hadiths or divert them from their apparent meaning; the sensory matter in them is intended for him - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - with everything mentioned about splitting the chest and extracting the heart, and other things that must be accepted, without being exposed to diverting it from its reality, because of the validity of the ability, so nothing of that is impossible.
Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali says: “And something we can conclude from these traces is that an excellent human being like Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - is not left by care to be a target for the small whispers that attack other people. If evil waves fill the horizons, and there are hearts that rush to pick them up and be affected by them, then the hearts of the prophets - with God’s care - do not receive these malicious currents nor are they shaken by them. Thus, the effort of the messengers is in following up on progress, not in resisting decline, and in purifying the public from evil, not in purifying themselves from it. God has saved them from its impurities” [21] .
Thirdly, in the asceticism of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his abstention from the pleasures and whims of youth, there is what proves his freedom from Satan and his temptations:
The fair-minded contemplator of the morals of the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - before his mission, and who is aware of his actions; To realize, without any room for doubt or denial, that this young man is different from his peers, in his good character and his abstention from lusts. Perhaps in that fact there is what implicitly confirms the proof of something unusual about that young man. The quickest thing that comes to mind in explaining his morals and asceticism is the incident of his chest being split open - may God bless him and grant him peace - in his youth, especially if we recall what we mentioned earlier about the wisdom of that incident and its purposes of purifying his heart, clearing his inclinations, and freeing him from the share of Satan.
It is known that the splitting of his chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - was to remove the share of Satan from him, and the evidence for the realization of that is that in his youth he was far from the life of amusement and debauchery in Mecca, pure from the sins that defile young people in their societies, and the words of Lady Amina bint Wahb - the mother of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - were true when she said: " By God, Satan has no way to him ."
When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) grew up, Mecca was filled with all kinds of entertainment, corruption, and filthy lustful pleasures. There were widespread taverns, as well as suspicious houses, with signs that identified them. There were licentious singers and dancers, and the youth were crazy about all of that and rushed to it. But Allah (Glory be to Him) acquitted His Messenger, and chose him from the most noble of human beings and kept him away from all of that.
It was narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “ I did not think of doing anything from the affairs of the Age of Ignorance except twice .” As for these two times, here is our master Ali talking about them, saying: I heard the Messenger (PBUH) say: “ I did not think of doing anything from what the people of the Age of Ignorance thought of except for two nights, both of which Allah (Glory be to Him) protected me during them. One night I said to some young men of Mecca - while we were tending the sheep of its people - and I said to my companion: “Will you not watch my sheep for me so that I may enter Mecca and spend the night there as young men spend the night?” He said: “Yes.”
He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “So I entered until I came to the first house of the houses of Mecca, and I heard playing of sieves and flutes, so I said: What is this? They said: So-and-so married so-and-so. So I sat and watched, and God struck my ears, and by God, nothing woke me up except the touch of the sun. So I returned to my companion, and he said: What did you do? I said: I did nothing. Then I told him what I had seen.
Then I said to him another night: Look after my sheep until they are dark, so he did, so I entered, and when I came to Mecca I heard the same as I heard that night, so I asked and it was said: So-and-so married so-and-so. So I sat and watched, and God struck my ears, and by God, nothing woke me up except the touch of the sun. So I returned to my companion, and he said: What did you do? I said: Nothing. Then I told him the news, and by God, I did not think or return after that to anything of that until God, the Almighty, the Majestic, honored me with his prophethood .” [22]
His life, may God bless him and grant him peace, was a comprehensive explanation and clarification . [23] This is a complete and complete expression of what the wise have agreed upon and the people of enlightened insight have agreed upon, that this is one of the signs of the prophets.
Thus, his life - may God bless him and grant him peace - was a pure and chaste life free from the sins that defile the youth in their societies, far from polytheism, as he never prostrated to an idol, far from the faults of ignorance and its corruptions . [24] All of this is evidence of God’s preservation and care for him since his childhood, and that the wisdom of splitting his chest was to remove the devil’s share from him, in order to prepare him for prophethood and protect him from sins.
The Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - grew up with Abu Talib, may Allah protect him and guard him from the affairs of the Age of Ignorance and its faults, because He wanted to honor him until he became the best of his people in chivalry and the best of them in character, the most honorable of them in mixing, the best of them in neighborliness and the greatest of them in patience and trustworthiness, the most truthful of them in speech and the furthest of them from obscenity and harm, so that his people called him “the trustworthy,” because of the good things he combined for him. Indeed, the most common of him in Mecca was “the trustworthy,” and Allah chose him for the message, but He created him for Himself before granting him prophethood [25] .
There is no doubt that purification from the share of Satan is an early harbinger of prophethood, and preparation for infallibility from polytheism and the worship of other than Allah, so that nothing is permissible in his heart except pure monotheism, and the events of his childhood indicated the realization of that, so he did not commit a sin and did not prostrate to an idol, despite the prevalence of that in the Quraysh.
Dr. Muhammad Saeed al-Buti spoke about the wisdom behind that, saying: It seems that the wisdom behind that is to announce the matter of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - and prepare him for infallibility and revelation from his youth through material means, so that this would be closer to people’s faith in him and their belief in his message. It is then a process of spiritual purification, but it took this material, tangible form, so that this divine announcement would be between people’s ears and eyes.
Removing the clot from the heart of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - is a purification of him from the states of frivolous and playful youth, and an affirmation of his being characterized by the qualities of seriousness, firmness, balance, and other qualities of true manhood, as it shows us God’s care for him and His protection of him, and that Satan has no way to him like the rest of his desires [26] .
The incident of the splitting of the Prophet’s chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - is a miracle that God has bestowed upon His Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - just as He supported other messengers and prophets with miracles that indicate His power. The mind, in its judgment of things as impossible or permissible, does not differentiate between one time and another, nor between one place and another, just as it does not differentiate between one prophet and another.
If modern medicine has succeeded in human surgical operations in transplanting the heart, replacing it with another heart or even an artificial heart and the person lives after that, then how can we deny the ability of Allah to split the chest of the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - while He is able to do that?! Is it beyond the Creator what the creature was able to do?!
The incident of splitting the chest of the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - has been transmitted to us in authentic and continuous ways that cannot be denied, and it is one of the evidences of the truth of his prophethood - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - because it is from the complete divine care since his childhood, in order to prepare him - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - for prophethood and receiving revelation from heaven.
This incident was a manifestation of the divine care for the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - by extracting the devil's share from his heart - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - then placing compassion and mercy in his heart, and washing it so that it would increase in purity upon purity, and faith upon faith, and rise to a degree that no human being has reached in wisdom, mercy, and faith.
One of the results of this incident was that he - may God bless him and grant him peace - did not resort to sins, amusement, and frivolity like other young men of Mecca. God protected him from all these lapses that diminished his value and lowered his status. This is the best evidence of something unusual happening to him, which was the splitting of his chest - may God bless him and grant him peace - when he was young.
(*) Criticism of the book "The Life of Muhammad", Abdullah bin Ali Al-Najdi Al-Qassimi, Al-Rahmaniya Press, Egypt, 1st ed., 1354 AH/1935 AD.
[1]. Criticism of the book "The Life of Muhammad", Abdullah bin Ali Al-Najdi Al-Qassimi, Al-Rahmaniya Press, Egypt, 1st ed., 1354 AH/1935 AD, pp. 35: 38, with some modifications.
[2]. Evidence of Prophethood, Al-Bayhaqi, commented on by: Dr. Abdul-Muati Qalaji, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1st ed., 1405 AH/1985 AD, Vol. 1, footnote pp. 138, 139, with some minor modifications.
[3]. Al-Alaqah: thick, coagulated blood.
[4]. Lam: to join some together.
[5]. Adh-Dha'ir: the one who breastfeeds someone other than her child, meaning Lady Halima Al-Sa'diyah, the wet nurse of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
[6]. Al-Muntaq': the variable.
[7]. Al-Makhyt: the needle.
[8]. Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih, Book of Faith, Chapter on the Prophet’s Night Journey to the Heavens and the Obligation of Prayers (431).
[9]. The Seal of the Prophets, may God bless him and grant him peace, Imam Muhammad Abu Zahra, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Cairo, 1st ed., 1425 AH/2004 AD, 1st ed., Vol. 1, pp. 112, 113.
[10]. Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Muhammad Rida, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1395 AH/1975 AD, p. 24.
[11]. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmoud, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Lubnani, Beirut, 1st ed., 1974, pp. 48, 49.
[12]. Nature: Al-Jabalah.
[13]. Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the perfect human being, Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki Al-Hussaini, Dar Al-Shorouk, Jeddah, 3rd ed., 1404 AH/1984 AD, p. 31.
[14]. Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the perfect man, Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki Al-Hussaini, Dar Al-Shorouk, Jeddah, 3rd ed., 1404 AH/1984 AD, p. 35, slightly modified.
[15]. Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the perfect man, Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki Al-Hussaini, Dar Al-Shorouk, Jeddah, 3rd ed., 1404 AH/1984 AD, p. 31, slightly modified.
[16]. Narrated by Al-Bukhari in his Sahih, Book of Blood Money, Chapter: If a Dhimmi Insults the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and Does Not Explain (6530), and by Muslim in his Sahih, Book of Jihad and Military Expeditions, Chapter: The Battle of Uhud (4747), and the wording is his.
[17]. Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the perfect man, Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki Al-Hussaini, Dar Al-Shorouk, Jeddah, 3rd ed., 1404 AH/1984 AD, p. 34, slightly modified.
[18]. Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the perfect human being, Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki Al-Hussaini, Dar Al-Shorouk, Jeddah, 3rd ed., 1404 AH/1984 AD, p. 31.
[19]. Al-Ladat: The counterparts.
[20]. Introductions to Prophethood and the Preparation of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - with his miracles and characteristics, Yahya Ismail, Dar Al-Wafa , Egypt, 2nd ed., 1405 AH/1985 AD,
p. 138. [21]. Introductions to Prophethood and the Preparation of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - with his miracles and characteristics, Yahya Ismail, Dar Al-Wafa, Egypt, 2nd ed., 1405 AH/1985 AD, pp. 140, 141, with modifications.
[22]. Its chain of transmission is good: It was included by Al-Bazzar in his Musnad, Volume 1, Musnad Ali bin Abi Talib (640), and by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih, Book of History, Chapter on the Beginning of Creation (6272), and its chain of transmission was deemed good by Shu’ayb Al-Arna’ut in his commentaries on Sahih Ibn Hibban.
[23]. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmoud
, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Lubnani, Beirut, 1st ed., 1974, pp. 53-55, with some modifications. [24]. See: Evidence of Prophethood, Al-Bayhaqi, commented on by: Dr. Abdul Muati Qala’ji, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1st ed., 1405 AH/1985 AD, Vol. 1, p. 138.
[25]. Evidence of Prophethood and the Miracles of the Messenger, Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmoud, Dar Al-Insan, Cairo, 2nd ed., 1404 AH/1984 AD, pp. 79, 80.
[26]. The Prophet’s Biography: Presentation of Facts and Analysis of Events, Dr. Ali Muhammad Al-Salabi, Dar Al-Fajr for Heritage, Cairo, 1st ed., 1424 AH/2003 AD, Vol. 1, pp. 67, 68.
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