Jehovah calls for pilgrimage!

 Did the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, and those with him perform Hajj to Mecca???

The answer based on the destination of the great flight of the Hebrews, click here and here, and also biblical texts - below - are:

Yes, definitely!!!!

We read from the Hebrew text of Exodus 5:1

. Suggestions: Suggestions אֶת-עַמִּי, וְיָחֹגּוּ לִי בַּמִּדְבָּר

and its translation according to Al-Fandyak:

And after that Moses and Aaron went in and said to Pharaoh: Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Let my people go, that they may celebrate the feast to me in the wilderness.

The phrase under study is: וְיָחֹגּוּ / vav, yod, hayt, gimel, vav / לִי : lamed, yod / read: and they will argue with me


The pronunciation of the letter gimel in the Hebrew language is the same as the pronunciation of the letter ''g'' in the English word god.

As the honorable follower sees, the lying pen of the scribes, in order to distort words from their proper places, changed the word from “ יָחֹגּו: يِحْجُ” to “يُؤِيَدُ”.

Strong’s Dictionary provides us with an explanation of the word under number: H2287

, from which we read: the root / حج/

a primitive root
And its meaning:

to make a pilgrimage

Performing Hajj

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Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 9 Size: 64.4 KB ID: 840336 Explanation

of the word according to Brown's dictionary

Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 8 Size: 31.1 KB ID: 840337:

[חָגַג] verb make pilgrimage, keep a pilgrim-feast (Arabic betake oneself to or towards an object of reverence; make a pilgrimage to Mecaa;

Making the pilgrimage to Mecca

By comparing the word with its equivalent in Strong's Dictionary under number: H2328,

we get the following:

Root: / ḥawj /
חוּג a prim. Root
and its meaning:

make a circle

Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 9 Size: 74.9 KB ID: 840338 

As everyone knows, the only place on earth to which people make a pilgrimage to offer worship to the God of Moses and all the previous prophets, may the blessings of my Lord be upon them all, by drawing circles (tawaf), is the Holy Kaaba, the ancient house of God, which was built by Abraham, the prophet of God, the friend of God.

If anyone knows of another place on earth where the same God is worshipped in the same way , please give us its name and coordinates...

Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 8 Size: 717.6 KB ID: 840339
Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 8 Size: 488.3 KB ID: 840340!

I know that some thieves of religions and highway robbers of Sharia will come out and say:

Yes, Muslims worship their gods by drawing circles during circumambulation,
but they do not worship in this way the same God of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, peace be upon them!

The response:

Let us leave the Jewish rabbi - who is the most knowledgeable of people about his book - to whip their backs with the whips of the clear truth before he crucifies them at the doors of the forum! The

Jewish rabbi Tovia Singer says:

Saying that Muslims do not worship the same God as Abraham {the Prophet, peace be upon him} makes the Christian who claims this the biggest fool! Muslims firmly believe that Abraham {the Prophet, peace be upon him} was a Muslim, a Muslim in the sense of completely submitting to God. The faith of every Muslim indicates that Isaac and Jacob {peace be upon them} were all prophets.
Muslims believe in the God of many prophets including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob {peace be upon them all}. A Christian who claims that a Muslim worships the moon god is a person who needs treatment because he does not know what he is talking about!

Muslims worship the one true God !
Islam has great respect for the Jewish faith !!

Let us all listen:

Other translations carried the meaning of “to perform the pilgrimage”:

After Moses and Aaron arrived, they told Pharaoh, “This is what the Lord God
of Israel says: ‘Let my people go so they may make a pilgrimage for me in the desert.’”


After this presentation to the elders, Moses and Aaron went to see Pharaoh. They told him, “We bring you a message from Jehovah, the God of Israel. He says, 'Let my people go, for they must make a holy pilgrimage out into the wilderness, for a religious feast, to worship me there.'”


Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, 'Release my people so that they may hold a pilgrim feast to me in the desert.'”

From the noble hadith we read:

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, passed by the valley of Al-Azraq and said: What valley is this? They said: This is the valley of Al-Azraq. He said: It is as if I see Moses , peace be upon him , descending from the pass, and he is crying out to Allah with the Talbiyah . Then he came to the pass of Harsha. He said: What pass is this? They said: The pass of Harsha. He said: It is as if I see Yunus, son of Matthew, peace be upon him, on a red, curly camel, wearing a woolen cloak. The reins of his camel are made of palm fibers, and he is reciting the Talbiyah. Ibn Hanbal said in his hadith: He means fibers.

Narrated by: Abdullah bin Abbas | Narrator: Muslim | Source: Sahih Muslim

Page or number: 166 | Summary of the hadith ruling: Authentic

and its explanation:

The Sacred House is the House of Allah on earth and it is the Qiblah of the Muslims. Its foundations were raised by Abraham and his son Ishmael, peace be upon them both. Allah permitted the Prophets and Messengers to perform Hajj in response to the call and invitation of Abraham. In this hadith, Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, informs us: “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, passed by Wadi al-Azraq,” which is in the Hijaz. Al-Azraq is a body of water on the road of the pilgrims of the Levant, and the valley is the flat land between two mountains. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Which valley is this?” meaning: What is its name? The Companions, may God be pleased with them, said: “This is Wadi Al-Azraq.” The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “It is as if I see Moses, peace be upon him , descending from the pass.” The pass is the bend where the road bends. It was said: It is the road that is between the two mountains. “And he has a cry to God with the Talbiyah ,” meaning: He raises his voice with it as he passes through this valley. In another narration: “It is as if I see Moses putting his fingers in his ears, crying out to God in the Talbiyah, passing through this valley.” Ibn Abbas said: “Then he came to the pass of Harsha.” Harsha is a mountain at the intersection of the road between Madinah and Ash-Sham, close to Al-Juhfah. It was said that its name today is Rabigh. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Which pass is this?” The Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, said: “Harsha.” The Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “It is as if I see Yunus, son of Matthew, peace be upon him, riding a red, curly camel.” That is, he is riding a red, strong, well-fleshed camel. “He is wearing a woolen cloak.” A cloak is a type of garment worn over clothes. “The reins of his camel are made of a rope.” That is, the rope of his camel that he ties it with is made of palm fiber. “And he is reciting the Talbiyah.” In another narration: “Passing through this valley reciting the Talbiyah.” That is, he is passing through this area
 reciting the Talbiyah for Hajj.


We were with Ibn Abbasand they mentioned the Antichrist, so he said: It is written between his eyes: Unbeliever. Ibn Abbas said: I did not hear him say that, but he said: As for Abraham, look at your companion. As for Moses , he is a dark-skinned man with curly hair, riding a red camel, with a muzzle with a ring. It is as if I am looking at him as he descends into the valley, chanting the Talbiyah .

Narrated by: Abdullah ibn Abbas | Narrator: Al-Bukhari | Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari

Page or number: 5913 | Summary of the Hadith’s ruling: [ Sahih ]


The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, warned his nation of the trial of the Antichrist, for it is the most severe and greatest of trials. He said: It is written between his eyes: Unbeliever. So that the believers may be certain of his disbelief. When Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, heard that, he said: He did not hear that from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, but rather he heard from him that he said: “As for Abraham, look at your companion,” meaning that Abraham resembled him, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. “As for Moses, he is a dark-skinned, curly-haired man,” and dark means dark, and curly means that his hair is curly, which is what is twisted and broken, “on a red camel with a bridle,” meaning that the bridle of this camel is a rope made of fibre. “ It is as if I see him as he descends into the valley, chanting the Talbiyah ,” meaning that he, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, saw him in a real vision in The dream, or God represented him to him, descending from the Azraq Valley, performing the Hajj.

The children of Israel prepare for the Ihram (stripping off their clothes, jewelry and adornments) at the Mount of the Law, especially after Jehovah (the God of the Old Testament) promised them destruction and annihilation if they remained stubborn!!

We read from Exodus 33, Van Dyke translation: 5- Now the Lord had said to Moses, “Say to the children of Israel, ‘You are a stiff-necked people. If I go up among you for one moment, I will destroy you. But now, take off your ornaments, and I will know what I will do to you.

’” 6- So the children of Israel stripped off their ornaments from Mount Horeb. I searched for the same chapter in foreign translations and this is what I found: From the translation: Expanded Bible (EXB) When the people heard this bad news, they ·became very sad [mourned], and none of them put on ·jewelry [ornaments; or festive4 dress]. 5 This was because the Lord had said to Moses, “Tell the ·Israelites [L sons/T children of Israel], 'You are a ·stubborn [L stiff-necked] people. If I were to go with you even for a moment, I would destroy you. So take off all your ·jewelry [ ornaments; or festive dress ], and I will decide what to do with you.'” 6 So the ·people [L sons; children] of Israel ·took [ stripped ] off their ·jewelry [ ormanents; or festive dress ] at Mount Sinai [L Horeb; 3:1] The above translation indicates that the Hebrews obeyed and complied with the command of Yahweh by stripping off their clothes, jewelry and adornments . The word used here is: stripped , which means completely stripped of clothes! stripped wearing no clothes Source here

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Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 9 Size: 72.2 KB ID: 840342 ​Glory be to


isn't completely stripping off clothes, jewelry and all forms of adornment what Muslims do in preparation for ihram for either Hajj or Umrah???


Two pieces of clothing only cover the body of a Muslim when he enters ihram.

Here is an illustrative picture:

Click on image for larger view. Name: image.png Views: 8 Size: 3.19 MB ID: 840343 ​Ted

Below is a copy of the Christian Bible dating back to 1833:

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In the accompanying explanation we read: Thus the children of Israel stripped themselves of their clothing and ornaments. This custom was known in the past, and is still practiced today in the East during the pilgrimage ceremonies of the Mohammedans (Muslims) to Mecca !!

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Thus, the Children of Israel stripped themselves of their clothes and adornments.
This custom was known in the past, and is still practiced today in the East during the pilgrimage ceremonies of the Muhammadans (Muslims) to Mecca !!

Isn't this what is called according to the Islamic concept: Ihram ?


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