Historical Christian Church Documents Confirm the Truth of the Qur’an and the Jews’ Accusation of Mary’s Honor

 Your books, O Christians, testify that the Jews accused Mary of adultery and that someone stole her virginity ring...!!!

This is what the twelfth century bishop says and acknowledges...

Bishop of Ashmunein, Sawirus Ibn Al-Muqaffa', and he conveyed it in his book History of the Patriarchs,

and this document is photographed and taught in the Faculty of Theology...!!!!

Not only that...

but the Gospel of James tells you how the Jews and even Joseph doubted the matter of Mary and her son...

and sent someone to test her virginity by laying on hands... and you can contemplate the meaning of that...!!!

You will tell me that you do not acknowledge the Gospel of James..!

I tell you that the fact that you do not recognize the Gospel of James is a lie against you: because your fathers depend on it to fathom the traditions related to Mary. In fact, you do not know the name of the mother of Mary’s mother except from the Gospel of James…

What was narrated in the Gospel of James agrees with the document or manuscript published by Ibn al-Muqaffa’…!!!

of which we are presenting pictures now…!!!
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So your historical documents testify that the Jews accused Mary of adultery, and Joseph himself even doubted her...!!!!!!

He was taunting Mary with her adultery.!!!!!

Documents from the book:
The Precious Jewel in Church Sciences
by the scholar Yuhanna bin Zakaria
(Ibn Saba’)
When I return safely from my trip, God willing, I will put up a printed photo of him from the Library of Love edition.
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From the Gospel of John itself:

8:40 But now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. This Abraham did not do.
8:41 You are doing the works of your father. So they said to him, “We were not born of fornication. We have one father, God.

How do you understand this text? This is a clear accusation against Jesus that he is the son of fornication. It was said in the context of an attack and slander against Jesus by the Jews, and it is a very clear accusation.

When a person attacks another person and says to him, unrelated to the topic, “I was not born of fornication,” this is an accusation against the second that he is the same....

And the Gospel of John in the same chapter:

8:19 Then they said to him, “Where is your father?” Jesus answered, “You know neither me nor my Father. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also.
” I consider this verse to be an indication that is added to strengthen the evidence. In the previous issue, why do the Jews ask about his father? You might say that he is talking about his heavenly Father, but couldn’t the question be a malicious attack on Jesus?
You will not be able to rule out the possibility of this interpretation, especially after what I will mention later....and what I will mention is a great deal of other evidence that proves that the Jews actually accused Jesus of being an illegitimate son. Rather, they specified, may God disgrace them, the name of his father, as we will see...

in the famous Internet encyclopedia:


The Church Father Origen wrote an apologetic work refuting the claims of Celsus, an eclectic Greek philosopher and polemic writer against Christianity of the late second century. Preserved in Origen's work is the claim of Celsus that Jesus was an illegitimate child of a certain Roman soldier named Panthera from Mary, who had been turned out by her husband because she was convicted of unfaithfulness.

The translation of this statement is that there was a heretic polemicist named Celsus at the end of the second century who wrote accusing Jesus of being an illegitimate son and specifying the name of the Roman who committed this heinous act and saying that Mary was exposed by her husband Joseph because of this despicable accusation. (The despicable is mine and not in the text).

This is a very serious statement that proves that the Jews actually accused Jesus and the Virgin Mary of these despicable accusations and that Joseph the carpenter was the one who defamed them? .....

Origen responded to this heretic and we will see that later, but what concerns us here is that the accusation is raised and exists and Matthew's trick of using Joseph as a cover did not work ..... for the miracle of pregnancy. So how could such an accusation be raised if Mary was married to someone and became pregnant? How did this happen ....
and how did this cover-up story fail???

The testimony of the Gospel of James or the Apocryphal Infancy Gospel:

The Gospel of James is an apocryphal Gospel that mentions the story of Mary as follows:

Joseph is accused of Mary and the priests punish them by making them drink the water of condemnation because he was supposed to protect her
and they did not believe that Joseph did not touch her and they have an excuse because they do not have any material evidence and Joseph’s testimony that he saw an angel in a dream does not work with them....

and the full text is on the aforementioned website

And as you can see according to the apocryphal Gospel of James they accused Mary of adultery with Joseph the carpenter who was supposed to take care of her and not touch her .....!!!!!

Another proof The Talmud:
From this site:
• "Jesus was a bastard born of adultery." (Yebamoth 49b, p.324).
• "Mary was a whore: Jesus (Balaam) was an evil man." (Sanhedrin 106a &b, p.725).
• "Jesus was a magician and a fool. Mary was an adulteress." (Shabbath 104b, p.504).
And I don't want to translate this vile statement as you can see, but it is evidence of a terrible accusation by the Jews against Jesus and his mother.

And read this research for more details .....
The Mamzer Jesus and His Birth

And there is someone who is older than the Talmud, namely Oregon, who wrote defending Jesus against the accusations of Celsus

in his book against him:
contra Celsum,

which I mentioned defending Jesus and his mother against the aforementioned writer, and Oregon says:


Chapter XXXII.
But let us now return to where the Jew is introduced, speaking of the mother of Jesus, and saying that "when she was pregnant she was turned out of doors by the carpenter to whom she had been betrothed, as having been guilty of adultery, and that she bore a child to a certain soldier named Panthera;

2 And Pilate called Jesus unto him, and said to him : What is it that these witness against thee ?

speakest thou nothing? But Jesus said: If they had not had power they would have spoken nothing; for every man hath power over his own mouth, to speak good or evil: they shall see to it. 3 The elders of the Jews answered and said unto Jesus: What shall we see? Firstly, that thou wast born of fornication; secondly, that thy birth in Bethlehem was the cause of the slaying of children; thirdly, that thy father Joseph and thy mother Mary fled into Egypt because they had no confidence before the people. This is a clear accusation against Jesus. True, one of the Jews denies the accusation or pins it on Joseph himself. The text is not clear after that, but what concerns us is the accusation from the Jews. ... Evidence from the Vatican website Yes, the official Vatican: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontific...-christ_en.html

Given its strongly Jewish matrix in both Matthean and Lucan versions, an appeal to analogies with pagan mythology or to an exaltation of virginity over the married state to explain the origin of the tradition is implausible. Nor is the idea of ​​virginal conception likely to derive from an over-literal reading of the Greek text of Isaiah 7:14 (LXX), for that is not the way the idea is introduced in the Lucan account. Moreover, the suggestion that it originated as an answer to the accusation of illegitimacy levelled at Jesus is unlikely, as that accusation could equally have arisen because it was known that there was something unusual about Jesus' birth (cf. Mark 6:3; John 8:41) and because of the Church's claim about his virginal conception.

The Vatican says that the accusation against Jesus in John 8:41 may be due to the unusual way in which Jesus was born. That is, there is an accusation from the Jews. The Vatican’s evidence is John 8:41

that they are using the accusation of the Jews against Jesus in the Gospel of John to prove the validity of the virgin birth.

They even add Mark 6:3 to prove the same thing.

The second piece of evidence is from the website crosswalk.com, the most famous Christian website on the Internet,
and Robertson’s comments on the New Testament on this website:

http://bible.crosswalk.com/Commentaries/Ro... 42&prev=040

A.T. Robertson, a renowned scholar of the Greek New Testament, takes through the New Testament, verse by verse, painting word pictures from the Greek to bring to light the words and actions of Jesus and the early Christians.

Verse 41
Robertson's Word
Ye do the works of your father (umeiߠpoieite ta erga tou patroߠumwn) Who is not Abraham and not God as Jesus plainly indicates. We were not born of fornication (hmeiܠek porneiaܠegennhqhmen). First aorist passive indicative of gennaw. This they said as a proud boast. Jesus had admitted that they were physical (Deuteronomy 23:2) descendants of Abraham (8:37), but now denies that they are spiritual children of Abraham (like Paul in Romans 9:7). Porneia is from pornoܼ/B> (harlot) and that from pernhmi, to sell, a woman who sells her body for sexual uses. It is vaguely possible that in this stern denial the Pharisees may have an indirect fling at Jesus as the bastard son of Mary (so Talmud). We have one Father, even God. No "even" in the Greek, "One Father we have, God." This is in direct reply to the implication of Jesus (verse Romans 38) that God was not their spiritual Father.
This is the comment on verse 8:41 under discussion.

There is an unclear possibility that this verse of John was said because of doubt about Jesus’ virgin birth?? ???.

And the third evidence:
From the famous encyclopedia again this time mentioning the same verse from John:
In John 8:41-42 is seen the clear contrast between what Jesus claimed and accusations some Jews had against Him He claimed God to be His Father (i.e. virgin birth), whereas Jews instead accused the thing of being a sham suggesting it was instead by fornication (i.e. sex outside of marriage). That the Gospel writer would include such an accusation certainly speaks to his belief that the virgin birth was indeed defensible.

The translation is the same The text of John is an accusation against Jesus that he was an illegitimate son.....
they use this verse to prove the virgin birth.

And from this site:

Quotes from
Walter Elwell, ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology

John 8:41, where Jesus' opponents hint his illegitimacy, a charge which apparently
continued to be made into the second century.

Other sites:




and the last site says verbatim "And the evangelist Matthew answers the criticism directed at Jesus during his lifetime, which accuses him of being an illegitimate son. See John 8:41"
The criticism directed at him during his lifetime ??????????????????????

We conclude with Newsweek, the American magazine, saying in the December 2004 issue the following:
Perhaps the most intriguing possible hint of illegitimacy in the New Testament comes in the Gospel of John, in an exchange between Jesus and the Temple priests. The back-and-forth is sharp, even brutal, with Jesus accusing the priests of failing to live up to the example of their common father, Abraham. Their reply: “We are not born of fornication; we have but one Father, God Himself.” In his exploration of this passage, the late Raymond E. Brown, a distinguished scholar and Roman Catholic priest who taught at Union Theological Seminary, wrote: “The Jews may be saying, ‘We were not born illegitimate, but you were.’ The emphatic use of the Greek pronoun 'We' allows that interpretation."

On this site:

Note that I did not mention my own opinion. All I did was quote from different Christian references at all levels, even magazines. There is more, but the matter is clear now:
The Vatican itself says that the text in John is an accusation against Jesus.

We conclude with a very important piece of evidence that made them dizzy when I presented it to them, by

the writer Josh McDowell in his book My Trust in Jesus Christ:

My Trust in Christ
Josh McDowell
Chapter 4
The Great Assumption

" - Evidence from ancient Jewish testimony:
As we would expect, the Jews attacked the doctrine of the virgin birth, that is, since the first century the church faced controversy over the virgin birth of Christ, which shows us that the church taught this doctrine from the beginning.
In the Jewish history of Jesus’ life, it is said that he was of illegitimate origin due to his mother’s relationship with a soldier named Panthera (16).
Of course, the Jews would not have raised this issue in many writings if the Christians had not been calling for the doctrine of the virgin birth.
The Gospels mention this opposition to the virgin birth:
Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended by him (Mark 6:3).
You You do the deeds of your father. They said to him, “We were not born of fornication. We have one Father, God” (John 8:41). The Jews used to call a person by his father’s name (Johanan ben Zakkai, for example) even if his father had died before his birth. They used to call him by his mother’s name when his father was unknown (8). The Jews accused Christ of being a glutton and a drunkard, and this description was given to the son of fornication among the Jews of Palestine. Because this behavior indicated his lowly origin, and this is how the Pharisees accused Jesus! (8). From this we see that the Jews invented the idea of ​​the illegitimate birth of Christ to oppose the idea of ​​the virgin birth that the church taught since the beginning of its era."
End of quote from the book of Josh McDowell:

Josh says:
"The Jews attacked the doctrine of the virgin birth, meaning that since the first century the church faced controversy over the virgin birth of Christ."
This proves that you are wrong, meaning that since the first century there has been an accusation....

Josh says in his book that is available on all Christian websites:
"And the Gospels mention this opposition to the virgin birth:
Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended by him (Mark 6:3).
You are doing the works of your father. And they said to him, "We were not born of fornication. We have one father, God ." (John 8:41)

He says that the "Gospels" and not only the Gospel of John, but he also puts a text in Mark that the word "son of Mary" is also an allusion to Jesus,
and he also adds that accusing him of being a drunkard and a glutton is also an accusation that he is an illegitimate son....

So, Josh McDowell is outbidding what I said and putting other evidence from the Gospels that proves what we say....


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