The most hideous and brutal methods of execution throughout the ages, derived from the Holy Bible:

 The most hideous and brutal methods of execution throughout the ages, derived from the Holy Bible:

1- Sawing people with saws and combing them with axes

. It is stated in the Holy Bible in the first chronicles:
[1 Chronicles 20:3 And he brought out the people who were there, and sawed them with saws, and iron harrows, and axes . And thus did David to all the cities of the children of Ammon. Then David and all the people returned to Jerusalem.] (SVD) Sawing : The sawing method was a simple method that involved hanging the person upside down, with his legs tied apart, and sawing him with a saw from the top to the head at the bottom. Because the person was hanging upside down, this method provided enough blood to flow to the victim's brain, so that he would certainly feel pain until the saw reached the main arteries in the abdominal area. In some beliefs, it is said that the prophet Isaiah was killed in this way. This method was used in the Middle East and some areas in Asia and was also used by the Romans and was the preferred method of execution for the Roman Emperor Caligula 1Ch 20 3 τως  πο ί ησεν Δαυιδ το  ς π  σιν υ  ο  ς Αμμων. κα ὶ  ν έ στρεψεν Δαυιδ κα  π  ς  λα ὸ ς α  το  ε  ς Ιερουσαλημ. And he brought out the people that were in it, and sawed them asunder with saws , and cut them with iron axes, and with harrows: and thus David did to all the children of Ammon. And David and all his people returned to Jerusalem The Septuagint LXX in English . by Sir Lancelot CL Brenton Published by Samuel Bagster & Sons, Ltd., London, 1851 The Encyclopedia Biblica also confirms that they were sawed in two “But the phrase in 1 Chronicles, ‘and sawed them in two with saws, and with iron harrows, and with axes’ (1 Chr 20:3), makes it clear that he killed them with saws, for the saw was an instrument of torture and murder (Heb 11:37)

2-Burning with fire:

Burning :
Burning at the stake was carried out in two ways. The first was to lead the person to the centre of a circle or square, which was a wall of sticks and straw, and tie him there. The space between the person and the wall was then filled with sticks and straw and set on fire. It is believed that Saint Joan of Arc of France was killed in this way. The other method was to tie the person up and bury his legs up to the calf muscles and set fire to them so that he burned from the bottom up. When carried out by an experienced executioner in normal cases, the person was burned in the following order: the legs below the knee, then the thighs and hands, then the torso and arms, then the chest and head until death occurred. The causes of death may vary from case to case when burning is used; for example, when many people are burned at once, some may die from carbon monoxide poisoning, blood loss, or shock and pain. Recently, it has become common to use this method to execute the guilty person by hanging first and then burning him "symbolically " instead of burning him alive, and this method was used to kill witches throughout Europe.

The Bible says
: ((You shall surely strike the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, and you shall completely destroy it and all that is in it, with its livestock, with the edge of the sword. You shall gather all its vessels into the middle of its open place and burn the city with fire, with all its vessels, completely for the Lord your God. It shall be a heap forever, never to be rebuilt again.)) (Deuteronomy 13:15-17)

Then Joshua returned at that time and took Hazor, and smote its king with the sword.... And they smote all the souls that were therein with the edge of the sword; they utterly destroyed them; there was not left that breathed. And he burned Hazor with fire. So Joshua took all the cities of those kings, and all their kings, and smote them with the edge of the sword. He utterly destroyed them, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded. (1 Samuel 15: 3-11)
The punishment of burning with fire among Christians is also specific to some women who commit adultery .

Burning a woman with fire : (( If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by committing adultery, she has defiled her father. She shall be burned with fire [ Leviticus 21 : 9]

Crusader burning parties:

3- Boiling:

The methods of burning and torture developed among the Crusaders, and a new method emerged, which is boiling for anyone accused of high treason.

Boiling :
The method of boiling in liquids has been used in ancient and modern times. In this type of execution, the person is stripped naked and placed in a pot containing a boiling or cold liquid and then they start boiling him . Several types of liquids have been used in carrying out these executions, such as water, acid, tar, oil or even molten lead. During the reign of King Henry VIII, this type of execution was used to kill those guilty of involvement in poisoning plots, which were considered high treason. In modern times, accusations have been spread against former Ugandan President Idi Amin of using this method to kill his captives.

4-Crushing wheel:

The breaking wheel :
This method was common in Europe in the Middle Ages and involved tying a person to the wheel of a horse-drawn carriage so that the wheel could be turned on a peg and the wheel would be turned slowly and randomly struck at different parts of the body of the condemned person. If the accused received a "merciful" death sentence, he would be killed after his bones were broken several times by being struck in fatal places on his body. However, if the accused was unlucky, the slow turning of the wheel and the crushing would continue for a long time and the person would often die of shock and pain or of thirst. After the bones were broken, the wheel would be hoisted onto a pole with the living body on it in some cases for birds to eat.

5- The Inquisition:

The Inquisition is the executive wing of the church and consists mainly of church councils made up of bishops and archbishops. Its tasks include searching for and killing anyone who disagrees with the church or what it calls heretics. Heresy here means any deviation, even a slight one, from the official Christian beliefs, even reading some philosophical books that the church considered harmful to the mind or Christian belief
. It was assigned to the clergy in various provinces and cities. Each one of them was responsible for pursuing suspects in his diocese. People were led to the Inquisition on suspicion alone, or through the denunciation of a neighbor. They would subject the suspect to interrogation until he confessed his guilt. Woe to him if he did not confess his guilt, and woe to him if he confessed it

. If he did not confess, they moved to a higher stage and threatened him with torture. Then many would collapse and confess their sins and ask for repentance. Sometimes it was granted to them and they were acquitted. But if they suspected that their repentance was not sincere, they subjected them to physical torture until they completely collapsed. If the guilty person persisted in his thoughts and refused to recant, they set wood on fire and threw him into the pyre. Many people were killed in this way, which became a symbol of the Middle Ages .



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