Responding to the suspicion that embryology in the Qur’an is borrowed from Aristotle and Hippocrates
In the name of
Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Allah the Almighty said: ((Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We made the clot into a lump of flesh, then We made the lump of flesh into bones, then We covered the bones with flesh;then We developed it into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the best of creators.)) And Allah the Almighty said: ((O mankind, if you are in doubt about the Resurrection - then indeed, We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a From a clinging clot, then from a lump of flesh, formed and unformed, that We may make clear to you. And We cause whom We will to remain in the wombs for a specified term, then We bring you out as a child, then [this is] [a period], [that] you may reach your [full] strength. And among you is he who is taken [in death], and among you is he who is returned to the most decrepit old age so that he does not know, after [having] knowledge, a thing. And you see [something], (The earth is barren, but when We send down upon it rain, it quivers and swells and
produces [abundantly] of every beautiful pair.) And the Most High said: ((Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing.))
We read from Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of the Virtues of the Helpers:
((3938 - Hamid bin Umar narrated to me, on the authority of Bishr bin al-Mufaddal, Humayd narrated to us, Anas narrated to us, that Abdullah bin Salam heard of the arrival of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Madinah, so he came to him and asked him about some things. He said: I am going to ask you about three things that no one knows except a prophet: What is the first sign of the Hour? What is the first food that the people of Paradise will eat? And why does a child yearn for his father or his mother? He said: “Gabriel told me about it just now.” Ibn Salam said: That is the enemy of the Jews from the angels. He said: “As for the first sign of the Hour, it is a fire that will gather them from the east to the west. As for the first food that the people of Paradise will eat, it is the extra liver of a fish. As for the child, if the man’s water precedes the woman’s water, the child will be born, and if the woman’s water precedes the man’s water, the child will be born.” He said: I bear witness that There is no god but Allah, and that you are the Messenger of Allah. He said -[70]- O Messenger of Allah, the Jews are a people of slander, so ask them about me before they know about my Islam. So the Jews came and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Which man is Abdullah ibn Salam among you?” They said: The best of us and the son of the best of us, the most excellent of us and the son of the most excellent of us. So the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “What do you think if Abdullah ibn Salam embraces Islam?” They said: “May Allah protect him from that.” “So he did it again to them.” They said: “The same.” So Abdullah went out to them and said: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” They said: “He is the worst of us and the son of the worst of us,” and they belittled him. He said: “This is what I feared, O Messenger of Allah.”
The enemies of Islam, the atheists and the missionaries, claim that the Qur’an and the Sunnah They quoted all of the above from the ideas of Aristotle and Hippocrates, and this is a blatant lie!!!
The first axis: Responding to the lie that the Qur’an borrowed from Aristotle .
First: The illiteracy of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, which prevented him from quoting from Aristotle’s books, which were in Greek . How could an illiterate person who could neither read nor write in Arabic master Greek!!!
Allah the Almighty said: (( And you did not recite before it any scripture, nor did you inscribe it with your right hand. Then the falsifiers would have had doubts. (48) Rather, it is clear signs within the breasts of those who have been given knowledge. And none reject Our signs except the wrongdoers. (49)))
And we read in Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of Fasting, Chapter on the saying of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, “We do not write nor do we calculate.
” 1814 Adam narrated to us, Shu’bah narrated to us, al-Aswad ibn Qays narrated to us, Sa’id ibn Amr narrated to us that he heard Ibn Umar,

And we read in Sahih Ibn Habban, Book of Biographies, Chapter on Truce and Compromise, Hadith No.: 4982,
Al-Nadr bin Muhammad bin Al-Mubarak informed us, he said: Muhammad bin Uthman Al-Ijli informed us, he said: Ubaydullah bin Musa informed us, on the authority of Israel, on the authority of Abu Ishaq, on the authority of Al-Bara’, he said: “The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, performed the minor pilgrimage in Dhul-Qa’dah, but the people of Mecca refused to let him enter Mecca until he had settled the matter with them.” On the condition that he would stay there for three days. When they wrote the letter, they wrote: This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, has decided. They said: We do not acknowledge this. If we knew that you were the Messenger of God, we would not have prevented you from anything. But you are Muhammad ibn Abdullah. He said: I am the Messenger of God, and I am Muhammad ibn Abdullah. He said to Ali: Erase the Messenger of God. He said: By God, no. I will erase you forever . So the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took the book , and he was not good at writing. So he ordered, and he wrote in the place of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad. So he wrote, This is what Muhammad ibn Abdullah has decreed, that he will not enter Mecca with weapons except the sword, and he will not leave it with anyone following him, and he will not prevent any of his companions if he wants to stay in it. So when he entered it And the time passed, they came to Ali,
and we read in Sahih Muslim, Book of Jihad and Expeditions, Chapter of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
1783, Ishaq bin Ibrahim Al-Hanthali and Ahmad bin Janab Al-Masisi, both of them, narrated to us on the authority of Isa bin Yunus, and the wording is from Isaaq, Isa bin Yunus informed us, Zakariya informed us on the authority of Abu Ishaq on the authority of Al-Baraa, who said: When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was besieged at the House, the people of Mecca made peace with him on the condition that he would enter it and stay there for three days, and would not enter it except with the armor of weapons, the sword and its sheath, and would not take anyone of its people with him, and would not prevent anyone from staying there who was with him. He said to Ali, write the condition between us, “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, has agreed upon.” The polytheists said to him, “If we knew that you were the Messenger of God, we would follow you, but write Muhammad bin Abdullah.” So he ordered Ali to erase it, and Ali said, “No, by God, I will not erase it.” So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:Show me its place so I can see its place. So he erased it and wrote Ibn Abdullah.
We read in Al-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al-Bayhaqi, Book of Marriage
12916, Chapter: He was not allowed to learn poetry or write. Allah the Most High said: (And We did not teach him poetry, nor is it befitting for him)
and He said: (So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet) Some of the people of interpretation said: The unlettered is the one who does not read the book, nor write with his right hand. This is the saying of Muqatil bin Sulayman and others of the people of interpretation.
(And Abu Hazim Al-Hafiz informed us, Abu Bakr Al-Ismaili informed us, Ali bin Siraj Al-Masry informed us, Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman, the nephew of Hussein Al-Ja’fi informed us, Abu Usama informed us, on the authority of Idris Al-Awdi, on the authority of Al-Hakam bin Utaybah, on the authority of Mujahid, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas -

It is known that the first translation of Aristotle’s books into Arabic was done by Hunayn bin Ishaq in the ninth century AD .
We read from the book “Uyun al-Anba’ wa Tabaqat al-Hukama’” by Ibn Abi Usaybi’ah in the biography of Hunayn ibn Ishaq:
“I say then that Hunayn was a close friend of Yuhanna ibn Masawayh from that time and studied under him and worked under him in the art of medicine. Hunayn translated many books from Ibn Masawayh, especially the books of Galen, some of them into Syriac and some into Arabic . Hunayn was the most knowledgeable of the people of his time in the Greek, Syriac and Persian languages, and his knowledge of them was something that no other translators of his time knew, along with what he also persevered in mastering Arabic and working with it until he became one of the distinguished ones in it.
When he saw…” Al-Ma'mun narrated the dream that he saw in his dream as if a handsome old man was sitting on a pulpit and he was giving a sermon and saying, "I am Aristotle." He woke up from his dream and asked about Aristotle. He was told that he was a wise man from the Greeks.
He brought Hunayn ibn Ishaq because he did not find anyone who could match him in his translation. He asked him to translate the books of the Greek sages into the Arabic language and offered him a lot of money and gifts . Al-Ma'mun also brought Hunayn ibn Ishaq, who was young, and ordered him to translate as much of the books of the Greek sages as he could. The Arab and the correction of what others transmit, so he complied with his order. Among what is narrated about him is that Al-Ma'mun used to give him gold equal to the weight of what he transmitted from the books to the Arab, like for like.
Second: The vast differences between the Quranic details in embryology and what Aristotle stated, in fact you can hardly say that there is any kind of conformity .
The most prominent of these differences are:
1. Aristotle attributed the formation of the fetus to the man's semen and the woman's blood, and he did not mention any role for the woman's semen. However, he limited the role of the formation of the fetus's body to the woman's blood and made the man's semen merely a clotting factor for the woman's blood!!
We read from the Text Book Of Embryology, page 2:
(( Before the 17th century embryological knowledge was based on the writings of Aristotle and Galen. Embryology as a branch of biology was initiated by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle He was the first embryologist to describe the development and reproduction of many kinds of organisms in his book entitled “Degeneration Animalium”. He firmly believed that the complex adult organism develops from a simple formless beginning.Thus he laid the foundation for the basic principles of epigenesist a theory postulated after 2000 years later. For this Aristotle is honored as the father of embryology. Aristotle has written that the male contributes the semen and the female contributes the contamenia....... He had no knowledge of ovary. He thought that the female reproductive system is formed of uterus only and not of anything else. The cantamenia represents the material foundation of the embryo. The development is activated and guided by the semen. The semen contributes nothing material to the embryo ))
While the Qur’an and Sunnah state otherwise, as the fetus is the product of the man’s semen and the woman’s semen together, and the woman’s blood has nothing to do with the matter .
Allah the Almighty said: (( Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture, that We may try him. ))
We read from Ibn Kathir’s interpretation of Surat al-Insan: ((Then He explained that and said: (Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture) meaning: mixtures. Mixture and mingling: something mixed, some of it in some. Ibn Abbas said about His statement: (from a sperm-drop mixture) meaning: the man’s semen and the woman’s semen when they come together and mix, then it moves from one stage to another, and one state to another, and one color to another. And this is what Ikrimah, Mujahid, al-Hasan, and al-Rabi’ ibn Anas said: Mixture: is the mixing of the man’s semen with the woman’s semen . And His statement: (We may test him) meaning: We test him, like His statement: (That He may test you which of you is best in deed) [al-Mulk: 2]. (So We made him hearing and seeing) meaning: We gave him hearing and sight by which he is able to obey and disobey.)) And likewise the authentic hadith as Al-Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, narrated it in his Sahih, in the Book of the Virtues of the Helpers: (((3938 - Hamid bin Umar narrated to me, on the authority of Bishr bin al-Mufaddal, Humayd narrated to us, Anas narrated to us, that Abdullah bin Salam heard of the arrival of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to Madinah, so he came to him asking him about some things, and he said: I am going to ask you about three things that no one knows except a prophet: What is the first sign of the Hour? What is the first food that a person will eat? The people of Paradise? And why does the child gravitate towards his father or his mother? He said: “Gabriel told me about it just now.” Ibn Salam said: That is the enemy of the Jews from the angels. He said: “As for the first sign of the Hour, it is a fire that will gather them from the east to the west. As for the first food that the people of Paradise will eat, it is the liver of a fish. As for the child, if The man’s semen precedes the woman’s semen, the child is conceived. If the woman’s semen precedes the man’s semen, the child is conceived.” He said: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that you are the Messenger of Allah.” He said: “O Messenger of Allah, the Jews are a people of slander, so ask them about me before they know about my Islam.” The Jews came and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “What kind of man is the servant of Allah?” Ibn Salam is among you?” They said: “He is the best of us and the son of the best of us, the most excellent of us and the son of the most excellent of us.” The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “What do you think if Abdullah ibn Salam becomes Muslim?” They said: “May Allah protect him from that.” “Then he repeats it to them.” They said: “The same.” Then Abdullah went out to them and said: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” They said: “He is our worst and the son of our worst,” and they belittled him. He said: “This is what I feared, O Messenger of God.” This theory of Aristotle remained prevalent until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to the point that Galen relied on it - even though he added to it .
We read an article from The Embryo Project Encyclopedia written by: Dorothy Regan Haskett, Valerie Racine, Joanna Yang
(( Throughout his works, Aristotle expounded an empirical form of scientific investigation of the natural world and contributed to the field of embryology. His embryological work remained relevant for centuries, and during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when new technologies became available for scientists to observe developmental processes, Aristotle's theories resulted in controversies Early microscopic observers reported what they claimed were miniature humans in either sperm or egg cells. In the late seventeenth century, the theory of preformation became popular among natural philosophers. The theory held that an embryo is a miniature version of an adult organism, and that the adult emerges as the embryo gets bigger. By the eighteenth century, preformation became the dominant theory of embryonic development, gaining proponents who dismissed Aristotle's theory of epigenesis.) His theory was
reference and mainstay for doctors until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, thus contradicting the explicit statement of the Qur’an that the fetus is formed from the man’s water and the woman’s water, and so you find The scholars of the past rejected the statement of the anatomists and doctors of their time, as some of them denied that a woman’s semen contributes to the formation of the fetus .
We read from Fath Al-Bari, explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari, part eleven, book of destiny:
((Because in the womb of a woman there are two powers, the power of expansion when the man’s semen enters until it spreads in the woman’s body, and the power of contraction so that it does not flow from her vagina, despite it being upside down and despite the semen being heavy by nature. In the semen of a man there is the power of action, and in the semen of a woman there is the power of reaction. So when Mixing makes the man’s semen like rennet for milk. It has been said that each of them has the power of action and reaction, but the first is more in the man and the opposite in the woman. Many of the people of anatomy claimed that the man’s semen has no effect on the child except in its contract and that it is only formed from menstrual blood. The hadiths of the chapter invalidate that, and what was mentioned first is closer. To agree with the hadith, and Allah knows best .
We read from Al-Qurtubi’s interpretation of Surat Al-Hujurat: “Fourth:
Some of the early people believed that the fetus is only formed from the man’s semen, and is raised in the mother’s womb, and is derived from the blood in which it is
. They used as evidence the words of Allah the Most High: “Did We not create you from a despised water? Then We placed him in a firm lodging.” [Al-Mursalat: 21] And the Most High’s saying: “Then He made his offspring from an extract of despised water”
[As-Sajdah: 8]. And His saying: “Was he not a drop of ejaculated semen?” [Al-Qiyamah: 37]. This indicates that creation is from a single water. The correct view is that creation is from the water of the man and the woman, based on this verse, as it is a text that does not allow for interpretation. And the Most High’s saying: “He was created from a gushing fluid. It emerges from between the backbone and the ribs” [At-Tariq: 6], what is meant by this is the backbones of men and the ribs of women, as will be explained.
As for what they have used as evidence, it does not contain more than that God Almighty mentioned the creation of man from water, progeny, and sperm, and He did not attribute it to one of the parents without the other. So he indicated that the water and the lineage belong to them and the sperm is from them, as indicated by what we mentioned. And that the woman ejaculates as the man ejaculates, and from that comes the resemblance, according to what was explained at the end of “Ash-Shura.”
And we read from the book Tuhfat al-Mawdud bi-Ahkam al-Mawlud by Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, Chapter Seventeen:
On the authority of Abdullah, he is Ibn Mas`ud, he said: A Jew passed by the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, while he was speaking to his companions. A man from Quraysh said: O Jew, this one claims to be a prophet. He said: I will ask him about something that only a prophet knows. So he came and sat down, then he said: O Muhammad, from what is man created? He said: O Jew, from each is created: from the sperm of the man and from the sperm of the woman. As for the sperm of the man, it is a coarse sperm from which the bones and nerves are formed, and as for the sperm of the woman, it is the sperm of the woman. A delicate sperm from which flesh and blood come. The Jew stood up and said, “This is what those before you used to say.” These hadiths include matters, one of which is that the fetus is created from the man’s semen and the woman’s semen, contrary to what the naturalists claim that it is only created from the man’s semen. God Almighty said, “So let man see from what he was created. He was created from a fluid ejected, emerging from between the backbone and the ribs.” (Al-Tariq 7-5)
Al-Zajjaj said, “The linguists said, ‘The ribs are the place of the necklace on the chest, and the plural is ribs.’” Abu Ubaidah said, “The ribs are the place where the jewelry is hung from the chest, and it is…” All linguists say: Ata’ said on the authority of Ibn Abbas: He means the man’s back and the woman’s collarbone, which is the location of her necklace.
((Because in the womb of a woman there are two powers, the power of expansion when the man’s semen enters until it spreads in the woman’s body, and the power of contraction so that it does not flow from her vagina, despite it being upside down and despite the semen being heavy by nature. In the semen of a man there is the power of action, and in the semen of a woman there is the power of reaction. So when Mixing makes the man’s semen like rennet for milk. It has been said that each of them has the power of action and reaction, but the first is more in the man and the opposite in the woman. Many of the people of anatomy claimed that the man’s semen has no effect on the child except in its contract and that it is only formed from menstrual blood. The hadiths of the chapter invalidate that, and what was mentioned first is closer. To agree with the hadith, and Allah knows best .
We read from Al-Qurtubi’s interpretation of Surat Al-Hujurat: “Fourth:
Some of the early people believed that the fetus is only formed from the man’s semen, and is raised in the mother’s womb, and is derived from the blood in which it is
. They used as evidence the words of Allah the Most High: “Did We not create you from a despised water? Then We placed him in a firm lodging.” [Al-Mursalat: 21] And the Most High’s saying: “Then He made his offspring from an extract of despised water”
[As-Sajdah: 8]. And His saying: “Was he not a drop of ejaculated semen?” [Al-Qiyamah: 37]. This indicates that creation is from a single water. The correct view is that creation is from the water of the man and the woman, based on this verse, as it is a text that does not allow for interpretation. And the Most High’s saying: “He was created from a gushing fluid. It emerges from between the backbone and the ribs” [At-Tariq: 6], what is meant by this is the backbones of men and the ribs of women, as will be explained.
As for what they have used as evidence, it does not contain more than that God Almighty mentioned the creation of man from water, progeny, and sperm, and He did not attribute it to one of the parents without the other. So he indicated that the water and the lineage belong to them and the sperm is from them, as indicated by what we mentioned. And that the woman ejaculates as the man ejaculates, and from that comes the resemblance, according to what was explained at the end of “Ash-Shura.”
And we read from the book Tuhfat al-Mawdud bi-Ahkam al-Mawlud by Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, Chapter Seventeen:
On the authority of Abdullah, he is Ibn Mas`ud, he said: A Jew passed by the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, while he was speaking to his companions. A man from Quraysh said: O Jew, this one claims to be a prophet. He said: I will ask him about something that only a prophet knows. So he came and sat down, then he said: O Muhammad, from what is man created? He said: O Jew, from each is created: from the sperm of the man and from the sperm of the woman. As for the sperm of the man, it is a coarse sperm from which the bones and nerves are formed, and as for the sperm of the woman, it is the sperm of the woman. A delicate sperm from which flesh and blood come. The Jew stood up and said, “This is what those before you used to say.” These hadiths include matters, one of which is that the fetus is created from the man’s semen and the woman’s semen, contrary to what the naturalists claim that it is only created from the man’s semen. God Almighty said, “So let man see from what he was created. He was created from a fluid ejected, emerging from between the backbone and the ribs.” (Al-Tariq 7-5)
Al-Zajjaj said, “The linguists said, ‘The ribs are the place of the necklace on the chest, and the plural is ribs.’” Abu Ubaidah said, “The ribs are the place where the jewelry is hung from the chest, and it is…” All linguists say: Ata’ said on the authority of Ibn Abbas: He means the man’s back and the woman’s collarbone, which is the location of her necklace.
. We read from the Encyclopedia Britannica:
((Embryology, the study of the formation and development of an embryo and fetus. Before widespread use of the microscope and the advent of cellular biology in the 19th century, embryology was based on descriptive and comparative studies. From the time of the Greek philosopher Aristotle it was debated whether the embryo was a preformed, miniature individual (a homunculus) or an undifferentiated form that gradually became specialized. Supporters of the latter theory included Aristotle ; the English physician William Harvey, who labeled the theory epigenesis; the German physician Caspar Friedrick Wolff; and the Prussian-Estonian scientist Karl Ernst, Ritter von Baer, who proved epigenesis with his discovery of the mammalian ovum (egg) in 1827. Other pioneers were the French scientists Pierre Belon and Marie-François-Xavier Bichat. ))
The second axis: The response to the suspicion of borrowing from Hippocrates . First: The illiteracy of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, which prevented him from quoting from the books of Hippocrates, which were in Greek .
How could it be conceivable that an illiterate person who could neither read nor write in Arabic could master Greek!!!
Allah the Almighty said: (( And you did not recite before it any scripture, nor did you inscribe it with your right hand. Then the falsifiers would have had doubts. (48) Rather, it is clear signs within the breasts of those who have been given knowledge. And none reject Our signs except the wrongdoers. (49)))
And we read in Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of Fasting, Chapter on the saying of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, “We do not write nor do we calculate.
” 1814 Adam narrated to us, Shu’bah narrated to us, al-Aswad ibn Qays narrated to us, Sa’id ibn Amr narrated to us that he heard Ibn Umar,
from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that he said, “We are an illiterate nation. We do not write nor do we calculate. The month is like this and like this,” meaning sometimes twenty-nine and sometimes thirty.
And we read in Sahih Ibn Habban, Book of Biographies, Chapter on Truce and Compromise, Hadith No.: 4982,
Al-Nadr bin Muhammad bin Al-Mubarak informed us, he said: Muhammad bin Uthman Al-Ijli informed us, he said: Ubaydullah bin Musa informed us, on the authority of Israel, on the authority of Abu Ishaq, on the authority of Al-Bara’, he said: “The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, performed the minor pilgrimage in Dhul-Qa’dah, but the people of Mecca refused to let him enter Mecca until he had settled the matter with them.” On the condition that he would stay there for three days. When they wrote the letter, they wrote: This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, has decided. They said: We do not acknowledge this. If we knew that you were the Messenger of God, we would not have prevented you from anything. But you are Muhammad ibn Abdullah. He said: I am the Messenger of God, and I am Muhammad ibn Abdullah. He said to Ali: Erase the Messenger of God. He said: By God, no. I will erase you forever. So the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took the book, and he was not good at writing. So he ordered, and he wrote in the place of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad . So he wrote, This is what Muhammad ibn Abdullah has decreed, that he will not enter Mecca with weapons except the sword, and he will not leave it with anyone following him, and he will not prevent any of his companions if he wants to stay in it. So when he entered it And the time passed, they came to Ali,
and we read in Sahih Muslim, Book of Jihad and Expeditions, Chapter of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
1783, Ishaq bin Ibrahim Al-Hanthali and Ahmad bin Janab Al-Masisi, both of them, narrated to us on the authority of Isa bin Yunus, and the wording is from Isaaq, Isa bin Yunus informed us, Zakariya informed us on the authority of Abu Ishaq on the authority of Al-Baraa, who said: When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was besieged at the House, the people of Mecca made peace with him on the condition that he would enter it and stay there for three days, and would not enter it except with the armor of weapons, the sword and its sheath, and would not take anyone of its people with him, and would not prevent anyone from staying there who was with him. He said to Ali, write the condition between us, “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, has agreed upon.” The polytheists said to him, “If we knew that you were the Messenger of God, we would follow you, but write Muhammad bin Abdullah.” So he ordered Ali to erase it, and Ali said, “No, by God, I will not erase it.” The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said : Show me its place. So he showed me its place, so he erased it and wrote Ibn Abdullah .
We read in Al-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al-Bayhaqi, Book of Marriage 12916, Chapter: He was not allowed to learn poetry or write. Allah the Most High said: (And We did not teach him poetry, nor is it befitting for him) and He said: (So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet). Some of the people of interpretation said: The unlettered is the one who does not read the book, nor write with his right hand. This is the opinion of Muqatil bin Sulayman and others of the people of interpretation. (And he informed us) Abu Hazim Al-Hafiz, Abu Bakr Al-Ismaili informed us, Ali bin Siraj Al-Masry told us, Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman, the nephew of Hussein Al-Ja’fi told us, Abu Usamah told us, on the authority of Idris Al-Awdi, on the authority of Al-Hakam bin Utaybah, on the authority of Mujahid, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas - - in his saying - the Almighty: (And you did not recite before it any book, nor did you inscribe it with your right hand), he said: The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - did not read, nor did he write . And the first translation of Hippocrates’ books from Greek into Arabic is believed to have been done by Hunayn bin Ishaq the translator in the ninth century : We read from the book Uyun Al-Anbaa and Tabaqat Al-Hukama by Ibn Abi Usaibia in the translation of Hunayn bin Ishaq: ((I say then that Hunayn was a close friend of Yuhanna bin Masawayh from that time and studied under him and worked under him in the art of medicine, and Hunayn transmitted books to Ibn Masawayh. Many, especially from the books of Galen, some of them into Syriac and some into Arabic. Hunayn was the most knowledgeable of his time in the Greek, Syriac and Persian languages, and his knowledge of them was something that no one else among the translators of his time knew. In addition, he also persevered in mastering Arabic and working with it until he became one of the distinguished ones in it. When al-Ma’mun saw the dream that he had been told about, that he saw in his dream as if a handsome old man was sitting on a pulpit and he was giving a sermon and saying, “I am Aristotle.” He woke up from his dream and asked about Aristotle, and he was told, “He is a wise man from…” The Greeks, so he brought Hunayn ibn Ishaq, as he did not find anyone who could match him in translating, and he asked him to translate the books of the Greek sages into the Arabic language, and he offered him a lot of money and gifts . Al-Ma'mun also brought Hunayn ibn Ishaq, who was young, and ordered him to translate what he could of the books of the Greek sages into Arabic and to correct what others had translated, so he complied with his order. Among what is narrated about him is that Al-Ma'mun used to give him gold equal in weight to the books he translated into Arabic, like for like. Some people said : The first translation of Hippocrates’ books from Greek to Arabic was done by a doctor called Al-Batrik during the time of Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur, may God have mercy on him, in the eighth century AD. We read from Uyun Al-Anbaa fi Tabaqat Al-Atibba by Ibn Abi Usaibia, in the chapter on the classes of doctors who translated books on medicine and other subjects from the Greek language to the Arabic language, and he mentioned those who translated them: ((Al-Batrik: He was in the days of Al-Mansur and he ordered him to transfer things from the old books, and he has many good translations, except that he did not transfer Hunayn bin Ishaq, and I found many books on medicine, the books of Hippocrates and Galen, through his translation ))

Second: The prevailing theory of embryology in the ancient world - from the third and fourth centuries BC until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries AD - was Aristotle's theory and not Hippocrates' theory .
We read from the book Text Book Of Embryology, page 2:
((Before the 17th century embryological knowledge was based on the writings of Aristotle and Galen. Embryology as a branch of biology was initiated
by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle He was the first embryologist to describe the development and reproduction of many kinds of organisms in his book entitled “Degeneration Animalium”. He firmly believed that the complex adult organism develops from a simple formless beginning.Thus ((he laid the foundation for the basic principles of epigenesist a theory postulated after 2000 years later.
We read an article from The Embryo Project Encyclopedia written by: Dorothy Regan Haskett, Valerie Racine, Joanna Yang
((Throughout his works, Aristotle expounded an empirical form of scientific investigation of the natural world and contributed to the field of embryology. His embryological work remained relevant for centuries, and during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when new technologies became available for scientists to observe. developmental processes, Aristotle's theories resulted in controversies. Early microscopic observers reported what they claimed were miniature humans in either sperm or egg cells. In the late seventeenth century, the theory of preformation became popular among natural philosophers. The theory held that an embryo is a miniature version of an adult organism, and that the adult emerges as the embryo gets bigger. By the eighteenth century, preformation became the dominant theory of embryonic development, gaining proponents who dismissed Aristotle's theory of epigenesis.))
It is impossible to imagine the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, quoting a theory that was no longer popular or well-known in his time, in addition to being buried in the pages of Greek books.
Third: The vast differences between the Quranic details regarding embryology and what Hippocrates stated .
The most prominent of these differences:
1. Although Hippocrates stated that the fetus is formed from the mixing of the woman's water and the man's water (contrary to those who came after him, such as Aristotle and Galen), Hippocrates attributed the formation of flesh in the fetus to the coagulation of the woman's blood in the womb!!
We read from the book The Hippocratic Treatises "On Generation", On the Nature of the Child, page 7-8:
(( The seed, then, is contained in a membrane, and it breathes in and out. Moreover it grows because of its mother's blood, which descends to the womb.... At this stage with the descent and coagulation of the mother's blood, flesh begins to be formed with the umbilicus through which the embryo breathes and grows, projecting from the center ))

While the Qur’an and Sunnah state otherwise, as the fetus is the product of the man’s semen and the woman’s semen together, and the woman’s blood has nothing to do with the matter .
Allah the Almighty said: (( Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture, that We may try him. ))
We read from Ibn Kathir’s interpretation of Surat al-Insan: ((Then He explained that and said: (Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture) meaning: mixtures. Mixture and mingling: something mixed, some of it in some. Ibn Abbas said about His statement: (from a sperm-drop mixture) meaning: the man’s semen and the woman’s semen when they come together and mix, then it moves from one stage to another, and one state to another, and one color to another. And this is what Ikrimah, Mujahid, al-Hasan, and al-Rabi’ ibn Anas said: Mixture: is the mixing of the man’s semen with the woman’s semen . And His statement: (We may test him) meaning: We test him, like His statement: (That He may test you as to which of you is best in deed) [al-Mulk: 2]. (So We made him hearing and seeing) meaning: We gave him hearing and sight by which he can perform obedience and disobedience.)) 2. He did not mention Hippocrates: The stages of the clot and the lump of flesh. Moreover, Hippocrates mentioned the formation of the bones of the fetus after the stage of flesh formation, and he stated that the bones harden and grow as a result of the heat concentrated on the woman’s blood coagulating in her womb!! We read from the same previous source, page 9: (( The bones grow hard as a result of the coagulating action of heat; moreover they send out branches like a tree . Both the interior and exterior of the body now begin to separate into parts more distinctly))

We read from an article by Karen Wellner entitled A History of Embryology (1959), by Joseph Needham from The Embryo Project Encyclopedia
((The first written record of embryological research is attributed to Hippocrates (460 BC–370 BC) who wrote about obstetrics and gynecology. In this regard Needham declares that Hippocrates, and not Aristotle, should be recognized as the first true embryologist Hippocrates believed that the embryo began development by extracting moisture and breath from the mother and he identified a series of condensations and fires that were responsible for the development of bones, belly, and circulation in the embryo and fetus gained nourishment by sucking blood from the place. Needham credits Hippocrates with being one of the first to allude to the concept of preformationism with the Greek physician's belief that organisms were fully formed in miniature inside germ cells Help give rise to theological embryology or the idea that various souls entered the embryo as it grew.))
While the Qur’an stated the two stages of the clot (even though it said that the fetus initially feeds on its mother’s blood However, he did not describe the form of the fetus as a leech (a lump of flesh) and then as a bone stage followed by a flesh formation stage. As we said previously, the woman’s blood has no relation to the formation of the fetus, neither in its flesh nor in its bones.
God Almighty said: (( Then We created the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We created the clot into a lump of flesh, then We created the lump of flesh into a molten clot. Bones, then We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is God, the best of disposers of affairs. ( The Creators) (14))
These are the most prominent differences between the Qur’anic details and what Hippocrates said. I have overlooked some other differences to avoid prolongation (such as the period of time that must pass for the fetus to take its shape).
So after all this, where is the alleged quote???
How could it be conceivable that an illiterate person who could neither read nor write in Arabic could master Greek!!!
Allah the Almighty said: (( And you did not recite before it any scripture, nor did you inscribe it with your right hand. Then the falsifiers would have had doubts. (48) Rather, it is clear signs within the breasts of those who have been given knowledge. And none reject Our signs except the wrongdoers. (49)))
And we read in Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of Fasting, Chapter on the saying of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, “We do not write nor do we calculate.
” 1814 Adam narrated to us, Shu’bah narrated to us, al-Aswad ibn Qays narrated to us, Sa’id ibn Amr narrated to us that he heard Ibn Umar,

And we read in Sahih Ibn Habban, Book of Biographies, Chapter on Truce and Compromise, Hadith No.: 4982,
Al-Nadr bin Muhammad bin Al-Mubarak informed us, he said: Muhammad bin Uthman Al-Ijli informed us, he said: Ubaydullah bin Musa informed us, on the authority of Israel, on the authority of Abu Ishaq, on the authority of Al-Bara’, he said: “The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, performed the minor pilgrimage in Dhul-Qa’dah, but the people of Mecca refused to let him enter Mecca until he had settled the matter with them.” On the condition that he would stay there for three days. When they wrote the letter, they wrote: This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, has decided. They said: We do not acknowledge this. If we knew that you were the Messenger of God, we would not have prevented you from anything. But you are Muhammad ibn Abdullah. He said: I am the Messenger of God, and I am Muhammad ibn Abdullah. He said to Ali: Erase the Messenger of God. He said: By God, no. I will erase you forever. So the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took the book, and he was not good at writing. So he ordered, and he wrote in the place of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad . So he wrote, This is what Muhammad ibn Abdullah has decreed, that he will not enter Mecca with weapons except the sword, and he will not leave it with anyone following him, and he will not prevent any of his companions if he wants to stay in it. So when he entered it And the time passed, they came to Ali,
and we read in Sahih Muslim, Book of Jihad and Expeditions, Chapter of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
1783, Ishaq bin Ibrahim Al-Hanthali and Ahmad bin Janab Al-Masisi, both of them, narrated to us on the authority of Isa bin Yunus, and the wording is from Isaaq, Isa bin Yunus informed us, Zakariya informed us on the authority of Abu Ishaq on the authority of Al-Baraa, who said: When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was besieged at the House, the people of Mecca made peace with him on the condition that he would enter it and stay there for three days, and would not enter it except with the armor of weapons, the sword and its sheath, and would not take anyone of its people with him, and would not prevent anyone from staying there who was with him. He said to Ali, write the condition between us, “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, has agreed upon.” The polytheists said to him, “If we knew that you were the Messenger of God, we would follow you, but write Muhammad bin Abdullah.” So he ordered Ali to erase it, and Ali said, “No, by God, I will not erase it.” The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said : Show me its place. So he showed me its place, so he erased it and wrote Ibn Abdullah .
We read in Al-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al-Bayhaqi, Book of Marriage 12916, Chapter: He was not allowed to learn poetry or write. Allah the Most High said: (And We did not teach him poetry, nor is it befitting for him) and He said: (So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet). Some of the people of interpretation said: The unlettered is the one who does not read the book, nor write with his right hand. This is the opinion of Muqatil bin Sulayman and others of the people of interpretation. (And he informed us) Abu Hazim Al-Hafiz, Abu Bakr Al-Ismaili informed us, Ali bin Siraj Al-Masry told us, Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman, the nephew of Hussein Al-Ja’fi told us, Abu Usamah told us, on the authority of Idris Al-Awdi, on the authority of Al-Hakam bin Utaybah, on the authority of Mujahid, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas - - in his saying - the Almighty: (And you did not recite before it any book, nor did you inscribe it with your right hand), he said: The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - did not read, nor did he write . And the first translation of Hippocrates’ books from Greek into Arabic is believed to have been done by Hunayn bin Ishaq the translator in the ninth century : We read from the book Uyun Al-Anbaa and Tabaqat Al-Hukama by Ibn Abi Usaibia in the translation of Hunayn bin Ishaq: ((I say then that Hunayn was a close friend of Yuhanna bin Masawayh from that time and studied under him and worked under him in the art of medicine, and Hunayn transmitted books to Ibn Masawayh. Many, especially from the books of Galen, some of them into Syriac and some into Arabic. Hunayn was the most knowledgeable of his time in the Greek, Syriac and Persian languages, and his knowledge of them was something that no one else among the translators of his time knew. In addition, he also persevered in mastering Arabic and working with it until he became one of the distinguished ones in it. When al-Ma’mun saw the dream that he had been told about, that he saw in his dream as if a handsome old man was sitting on a pulpit and he was giving a sermon and saying, “I am Aristotle.” He woke up from his dream and asked about Aristotle, and he was told, “He is a wise man from…” The Greeks, so he brought Hunayn ibn Ishaq, as he did not find anyone who could match him in translating, and he asked him to translate the books of the Greek sages into the Arabic language, and he offered him a lot of money and gifts . Al-Ma'mun also brought Hunayn ibn Ishaq, who was young, and ordered him to translate what he could of the books of the Greek sages into Arabic and to correct what others had translated, so he complied with his order. Among what is narrated about him is that Al-Ma'mun used to give him gold equal in weight to the books he translated into Arabic, like for like. Some people said : The first translation of Hippocrates’ books from Greek to Arabic was done by a doctor called Al-Batrik during the time of Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur, may God have mercy on him, in the eighth century AD. We read from Uyun Al-Anbaa fi Tabaqat Al-Atibba by Ibn Abi Usaibia, in the chapter on the classes of doctors who translated books on medicine and other subjects from the Greek language to the Arabic language, and he mentioned those who translated them: ((Al-Batrik: He was in the days of Al-Mansur and he ordered him to transfer things from the old books, and he has many good translations, except that he did not transfer Hunayn bin Ishaq, and I found many books on medicine, the books of Hippocrates and Galen, through his translation ))

Second: The prevailing theory of embryology in the ancient world - from the third and fourth centuries BC until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries AD - was Aristotle's theory and not Hippocrates' theory .
We read from the book Text Book Of Embryology, page 2:
((Before the 17th century embryological knowledge was based on the writings of Aristotle and Galen. Embryology as a branch of biology was initiated
by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle He was the first embryologist to describe the development and reproduction of many kinds of organisms in his book entitled “Degeneration Animalium”. He firmly believed that the complex adult organism develops from a simple formless beginning.Thus ((he laid the foundation for the basic principles of epigenesist a theory postulated after 2000 years later.
We read an article from The Embryo Project Encyclopedia written by: Dorothy Regan Haskett, Valerie Racine, Joanna Yang
((Throughout his works, Aristotle expounded an empirical form of scientific investigation of the natural world and contributed to the field of embryology. His embryological work remained relevant for centuries, and during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when new technologies became available for scientists to observe. developmental processes, Aristotle's theories resulted in controversies. Early microscopic observers reported what they claimed were miniature humans in either sperm or egg cells. In the late seventeenth century, the theory of preformation became popular among natural philosophers. The theory held that an embryo is a miniature version of an adult organism, and that the adult emerges as the embryo gets bigger. By the eighteenth century, preformation became the dominant theory of embryonic development, gaining proponents who dismissed Aristotle's theory of epigenesis.))
It is impossible to imagine the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, quoting a theory that was no longer popular or well-known in his time, in addition to being buried in the pages of Greek books.
Third: The vast differences between the Quranic details regarding embryology and what Hippocrates stated .
The most prominent of these differences:
1. Although Hippocrates stated that the fetus is formed from the mixing of the woman's water and the man's water (contrary to those who came after him, such as Aristotle and Galen), Hippocrates attributed the formation of flesh in the fetus to the coagulation of the woman's blood in the womb!!
We read from the book The Hippocratic Treatises "On Generation", On the Nature of the Child, page 7-8:
(( The seed, then, is contained in a membrane, and it breathes in and out. Moreover it grows because of its mother's blood, which descends to the womb.... At this stage with the descent and coagulation of the mother's blood, flesh begins to be formed with the umbilicus through which the embryo breathes and grows, projecting from the center ))
While the Qur’an and Sunnah state otherwise, as the fetus is the product of the man’s semen and the woman’s semen together, and the woman’s blood has nothing to do with the matter .
Allah the Almighty said: (( Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture, that We may try him. ))
We read from Ibn Kathir’s interpretation of Surat al-Insan: ((Then He explained that and said: (Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture) meaning: mixtures. Mixture and mingling: something mixed, some of it in some. Ibn Abbas said about His statement: (from a sperm-drop mixture) meaning: the man’s semen and the woman’s semen when they come together and mix, then it moves from one stage to another, and one state to another, and one color to another. And this is what Ikrimah, Mujahid, al-Hasan, and al-Rabi’ ibn Anas said: Mixture: is the mixing of the man’s semen with the woman’s semen . And His statement: (We may test him) meaning: We test him, like His statement: (That He may test you as to which of you is best in deed) [al-Mulk: 2]. (So We made him hearing and seeing) meaning: We gave him hearing and sight by which he can perform obedience and disobedience.)) 2. He did not mention Hippocrates: The stages of the clot and the lump of flesh. Moreover, Hippocrates mentioned the formation of the bones of the fetus after the stage of flesh formation, and he stated that the bones harden and grow as a result of the heat concentrated on the woman’s blood coagulating in her womb!! We read from the same previous source, page 9: (( The bones grow hard as a result of the coagulating action of heat; moreover they send out branches like a tree . Both the interior and exterior of the body now begin to separate into parts more distinctly))
We read from an article by Karen Wellner entitled A History of Embryology (1959), by Joseph Needham from The Embryo Project Encyclopedia
((The first written record of embryological research is attributed to Hippocrates (460 BC–370 BC) who wrote about obstetrics and gynecology. In this regard Needham declares that Hippocrates, and not Aristotle, should be recognized as the first true embryologist Hippocrates believed that the embryo began development by extracting moisture and breath from the mother and he identified a series of condensations and fires that were responsible for the development of bones, belly, and circulation in the embryo and fetus gained nourishment by sucking blood from the place. Needham credits Hippocrates with being one of the first to allude to the concept of preformationism with the Greek physician's belief that organisms were fully formed in miniature inside germ cells Help give rise to theological embryology or the idea that various souls entered the embryo as it grew.))
While the Qur’an stated the two stages of the clot (even though it said that the fetus initially feeds on its mother’s blood However, he did not describe the form of the fetus as a leech (a lump of flesh) and then as a bone stage followed by a flesh formation stage. As we said previously, the woman’s blood has no relation to the formation of the fetus, neither in its flesh nor in its bones.
God Almighty said: (( Then We created the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We created the clot into a lump of flesh, then We created the lump of flesh into a molten clot. Bones, then We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is God, the best of disposers of affairs. ( The Creators) (14))
These are the most prominent differences between the Qur’anic details and what Hippocrates said. I have overlooked some other differences to avoid prolongation (such as the period of time that must pass for the fetus to take its shape).
So after all this, where is the alleged quote???
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