New facts: Flies have a cure!!!

 In the latest scientific research, scientists have proven that the fly that the Great Prophet told us about has a cure in its wing, the truth of this prophetic statement has been proven with certainty... Let us read and contemplate..

A few years ago, an atheist said: How do you Muslims believe that flies that carry diseases have a cure? And how do you dip flies if they fall into a liquid and then drink from this liquid? This is an illogical act and no sane person would do it!
The truth is that I did not know how to answer him at the time, because the nature of the atheist is materialistic and he does not believe in the unseen, but rather wants tangible material evidence, and he does not recognize the experiments conducted by Muslims, so we had to wait until we get new facts about flies from the West.

Experiments began at the beginning of the twentieth century in the field of antibiotics using insects, but one of the strangest of them was what Dr. "Joan Clark" did in Australia, when she came up with an experiment in which she found that flies contain antibiotics on the surface of their outer bodies that treat many diseases, meaning that flies have a cure!!!

Everyone who saw this research was surprised, but the experiments continued, as scientists conducted many studies in this field and found that flies that carry many diseases also carry many antibiotics that cure these diseases, and therefore the fly does not get infected with the diseases it carries!!

This is logical because the fly carries many harmful bacteria on its outer body, and therefore in order to continue its life it must also carry antibacterial substances, and these substances were provided by God to protect it from viruses and diseases.

The surprise is that scientists found that the best way to release these vital anti-substances is to dip the fly in a liquid!! Because the anti-substances are concentrated on the outer surface of the fly's body and its wing.

My brothers in God! This information has only appeared a few years ago, and when Western scientists themselves talk about it, they speak in a tone of surprise, because it is new and strange information for them as well. In one of the studies, the following was stated at the beginning of the article:

“The surface of flies is the last place you would expect to find antibiotics.”

This means that the surface of flies is the last thing that humans would imagine finding antibiotics on.

Today, doctors from Russia are trying to develop a new treatment using flies, as they have noticed that flies contain many substances that can help in healing more than traditional medicines, and they say that this new treatment will constitute a revolution in the world of medicine [6].

Another fly talk, with scientific references!

Scientists say that flies carry many types of bacteria, viruses and pathogenic germs, but at the same time they carry on the surface of their bodies substances that are anti-bacterial to these germs, and the best way to extract the anti-bacterial substances from the fly is to dip it in a liquid. These are recent discoveries that have baffled researchers and it was never expected that they would find the disease and the cure in the same creature, which is the fly!! The question is: Isn’t this what the Great Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us about?

So we are faced with two scientific facts:
1- The outer surface of the fly contains antibiotics that kill germs and viruses.
2- The best way to release these antibiotics is to dip the fly in a liquid .
It is amazing, my beloved in God! The noble Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, spoke about these two facts in one hadith , which is his saying: (If a fly falls into the drink of one of you, let him dip it and then remove it, because in one of its wings is a disease and in the other is a cure) [Narrated by Al-Bukhari].

This is a noble prophetic call for us not to waste food in which a fly has fallen. It is enough to dip it so that the fly will release the antibacterial substances. However, many atheists who were amazed by this hadith and even mocked the Prophet of Mercy, peace and blessings be upon him, we find their scholars today repeating the words of the Prophet without realizing it!!!

Another fly talk, with scientific references!

Entomologists confirm in their latest research that there is a great similarity between the heart of a fly and the heart of a human! There are the same symptoms related to heart diseases resulting from aging, and therefore they are striving to benefit from flies in making a treatment for heart diseases, meaning that flies are a cure for the heart as well [2]!!

This is Professor Juan Alvarez Bravo from the University of Tokyo, who says: The last thing a person accepts is to see flies in the hospital! But soon we will witness an effective treatment for many diseases extracted from flies [3]!

There are also some researchers in the United States of America trying to find new healing methods using flies and they confirm that treatment with flies is scientifically acceptable in the near future.

A few months ago, researchers from Auburn University obtained a patent for their discovery of a protein in fly saliva, this protein can speed up the healing of wounds and chronic skin cracks [4]!

And just a few days ago, researchers at Stanford University announced [5] that it is the first time they have discovered a substance in flies that can strengthen the human immune system!
Researcher Clark says verbatim:
“But we are looking where we believe no-one has looked before,”
meaning that we are searching for antibiotics in a place no one expected before [1]! But this researcher and others forgot that the Prophet of Mercy, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us about the existence of a cure in the wing of a fly fourteen hundred years ago!

One is amazed at the accuracy of the noble prophetic expression, as he specified for us the existence of a cure in the wing of a fly, and specified for us the method of extracting this cure, i.e. how to obtain antibiotics by dipping the fly in the liquid. This information was not discovered until a few years ago. This hadith testifies to the truthfulness of our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and it contains a response to everyone who claims that the hadiths of the Chosen One are full of myths, and that every word he uttered is the truth from God Almighty.

Finally: Will you be convinced, my atheist friend or my Christian friend, by these facts, which are issued by your scholars whose experiments and research published on their websites you cannot deny? Will your heart be humbled by the call of truth? And will you change your view of this true religion?...
We ask God Almighty to May He guide us and grant us beneficial knowledge, and may this knowledge benefit everyone who reads it. Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of supplications.
Some References
1 Danny Kingsley, The new buzz on antibiotics, , 1 October 2002.
2- Fruit Flies May Pave Way To New Treatments For Age-related Heart Disease, Burnham Institute, 2007.
3- The ointment in the fly: antibiotics, The Economist, December 3, 1994.
4- Protein in Fly Saliva Speeds Healing of Incisions , Wounds, Auburn University, 23 Jan 2005.
5- Fruit Fly Insight Could Lead To New Vaccines, Stanford University, March 11, 2007.
6- The fly effect: Russian scientists invent new medicine with the help of flies, St. Petersburg State University, 2006.



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