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A comprehensive response to the doubt about “and what your right hands possess ,Concubines and Slavery

 A satisfactory response to the doubt about right hand possession in Islam??

A satisfactory response to
the doubt about slavery in Islam??
A satisfactory response to the doubt about enslavement in Islam?? A satisfactory response to the doubt about slavery and servitude in Islam??
A satisfactory response to the doubt about captivity and female captives in jihad for the sake of Allah, the legitimate war in Islam??
A satisfactory response to the doubt about taking concubines as slaves??? Note: It is (legitimate marriage)...
A satisfactory response to the doubt about enjoying female slaves as slaves??? (Note: The matter is not as vulgar as you imagine, as we will explain later, it is like enjoying one's wife)
A satisfactory response to the doubts about the hadiths about concubinage and captivity???

A satisfactory response to the doubt about forcing a female slave, concubine, or female slave to have intercourse or sexual intercourse by her master or owner?
A satisfactory response to the doubt about the number of female slaves and concubines that their owner takes as concubines,,, is it within the specified number of four (4) women (the answer is yes, as we will explain later) or is it an infinite number???? By lawful marriage, the matter is not vulgar as some imagine ....
with more than one title so that the researcher in the Google search engine can easily reach the response to the doubt...
.... Unfortunately, this doubt occupies the minds of many Muslims, but I say to my brothers that the right hand possession in Islam is a bright page that we are proud of as Muslims and is not something we are ashamed of ..... Your brother Aziz
in Islam .... In the name of God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God .... A non-religious call has spread saying that the Islamic religion is not suitable for all times and places, citing slavery and claiming that the new world order is the one that abolished slavery, hahahahaha, while Islam kept it. Then the allegations are launched that the conquests of the first Muslims (Arabs) and the spread of the great religion in the East and West of the earth came as a result of killing, captivity, humiliation and subjugation of peoples.... Also, the Christians, who find slavery in their holy book in the ugliest images, are also attacking Islam. Let us see in the light of the verses of the Holy Quran and the authentic hadiths of the Messenger of Allah and the historical facts in Islamic history.. ... ..... and also from the sacred texts in the Christian Bible and also .... and also through statistics and numbers from reliable official sources to clarify the lie of the new world order in liberating slavery .. .... We will see who truly honored man and raised him to the ranks of dignity and who brought him down, especially the female human being, to the abyss of humiliation and disgrace. .. .... .... What is slavery in general and its sources?? The revolutionary position of Islam on slavery and its abolition Slavery in content,,, and also in form through correspondence?? . What is the only single source of slavery in Islam??? And also with the narrowing of this source as well??? .. ....

. And why is slavery permitted for prisoners of war in legitimate wars???
How did Islam treat prisoners of war in legitimate wars from fighters and their captured relatives.

. The slave in Islam (the boy )
. The slave in Islam (the female slave) and doubts such as
How does your religion, O Muslims, allow concubines to be taken as slaves of a female prisoner of war? Isn't this rape?
Why do you take female captives in the first place and then say that you treat them well???
The right hand possession in Islam, her mission in life is a urinal for lust for the man, not rising above the level of an animal .
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.... What is the limited number of men (by lawful marriage), whether by a contract with a free woman,,, or with a slave by right hand possession
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Why did Islam not abolish slavery by a supreme decision as Lincoln did in America?
) What is the legitimate war in Islam (pushing and demanding)

A practical example from our time so that we can bring to mind that the jihad of demanding is not occupation, injustice and aggression, but rather an opening for truth and goodness for humanity ???
Jihad of Demand in Islam
. Another practical example ....

Slavery in the Christian Bible
9) Has the world order abolished slavery or abolished it in form and kept it in substance???
.... ....
And topics on the margins of slavery Is it permissible to force a wife or a slave girl to have intercourse??? .... Would you accept, O Muslims, that Muslim women be captives??? .... The story of our captive sister Dr. Aafia Siddiqui in American prisons and the story of the journalist Yvonne who later became our sister in Taliban captivity!!!!... And the difference between the tolerance of Islam and the barbarism of the Americans??? .... Is the secret slave girl (the mother of a child) like a wife or a mistress??? .... The wretched suspicion and Ibn Omar’s purchase of the slave girl??? .................................. ..... Conclusion ..................................................... ..................

Slavery in general
The slave is a human being who does not reach the level of a human being. He is treated like an animal, or even less. He eats leftover food and leftover drink. He has no right to complain and has no rights at all. He is whipped only because he is a slave, so that his master may feel a sick, sadistic pleasure.
If his master or someone else kills him in vain and for amusement, there is nothing wrong with killing him. Also, these slaves are castrated because they serve their masters and because they enter their masters’ wives in their lust.
The slave girl is a human being who does not reach the level of a human being, but in addition to what I said about the slave, her body is permissible for every pleasure seeker, as her master does not feel any zeal for her honor or jealousy.
She is also the property of all his family members, guests, and acquaintances. She works in prostitution and her master collects the price. There is no hope that she will ever gain her freedom. Assuming that she is pregnant, she
does not know the father of her child due to the many people who enjoy her body, so her child is enslaved. If he is a boy, his fate is slavery. No one feels any paternal feelings toward him. If her child is a girl, her fate is the fate of her mother in prostitution, and no one feels any zeal for her honor or jealousy,
or even paternal feelings.
Slavery becomes a river that never dries up, a slave giving birth to a slave, and so on.
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What I mentioned about the definition of the slave and the female slave before the advent of Islam, this was the level of the Mamluks in all nations, East and West... Arabs and non-Arabs .. ..... The various sources of slavery before Islam, " the river of slavery", every day with more slaves.. This is from such as: 1- Wars, regardless of whether they were legitimate wars or colonial wars of injustice, oppression and aggression ... 2- Kidnapping, thieves cut off roads and raid caravans and kidnap children and women and sell them in the slave market .. 3- And committing serious crimes such as murder, theft and adultery, the perpetrators were sentenced to slavery.. 4- And the inability to pay debts, turned the poor debtors into slaves for the rich creditors.. 5- And the authority of the father over his children, allowed him to sell these children, so they moved from freedom to slavery... .... 6- Likewise, the offspring born from all these slaves became slaves, even if His father was free and because he did not even know his father due to the large number of people who violated his mother’s body … And with the large number and expansion of these tributaries that supply the river of slavery with more and more slaves at all times, the doors of emancipation and freedom were completely closed, .... .... .... The revolutionary position of Islam on slavery and its abolition Slavery is guaranteed,,, and also formed through correspondence?? .... .... Islam came and slavery was a rampant custom among humanity, so it is impossible to abolish it overnight, as it did not surrender to reality and took strong practical steps to abolish it towards this phenomenon .... .... First, Islam forbade all sources of slavery and dried up all its sources except for one source only, which is legitimate war (we will talk about the legitimacy of war in Islam later) and not wars of oppression and aggression .... .... And even the only source of slavery in Islam, which is war, did not mention the necessity of slavery. God Almighty says in His Noble Book

So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter on them, then secure their bonds. Then either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [your slaves] until the war lays down its burdens. } [ Muhammad: from verse 4 ] .... No verse in the Holy Quran mentions the necessity of enslaving prisoners, until this verse says: Either I grant him freedom as a favor from Me, or I ransom him with what he has of Muslim prisoners , or I ransom him with money. This is determined by the leader or ruler ..... B. Why is slavery permitted for prisoners of legitimate wars??? In the utmost simplicity, like for like ..... In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. {The sacred month for the sacred month {The unlawful and the unlawful are retaliation. So whoever transgresses against you, transgress against him in proportion to his transgression against you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with the righteous. } ......... If my enemy stops this habit, I will also stop. That is, if there was truly an agreement like the Geneva Convention on the Rights of Prisoners of War that is truly binding on all parties and not a decorative agreement. ... Then what my enemy has forbidden himself is not permissible for me. But the truth is that this agreement (ink on paper) has no obligation towards any party, especially the stronger party, especially if it is Western. But if my enemy commits himself and stops enslaving Muslim prisoners, I will also stop, out of the justice commanded in our precious book . ..... And let not the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. } [ Al-Ma'idah / 8] Slavery among prisoners of war was a global system at that time, but in the new world order, slavery, no matter how harsh its conditions are, is a great security that the prisoner desires from the horror of what he sees, and the Guantanamo detention centers and Abu Ghraib prisons bear witness to my words .... just as my enemy does, my enemy takes my enemy if he gets to me and my men, the fighters and even the non-fighters (peaceful and secure) , who I forbid myself from enslaving, are victorious and they call them the worst torture in slavery.... ......... or when Muslim women are taken captive, whether they are from fighters or even non-fighters (peaceful and secure ) , whom I forbid myself from taking captive, and the honor of Muslim women is violated for anyone who desires pleasure. As for the modern world order, things will not change much, except that before the rape party, those who claim human rights and freedoms are subjected to a party of physical assault, torture, branding with fire, and electric shocks, enjoying the screams of the oryx from the torture in order to satisfy their sadistic desires, then the soldiers take turns raping her in barbaric, hideous ways. By God, if it were not for shame, I would have mentioned it ....

This ugliness in rape leads to her certain death.
This is what happened to our Muslim women under the new world order in Bosnia and Herzegovina when the wombs of Muslim women were injected with dog semen after torture and rape parties of course..
..... ...........................
And before them our Muslim sisters in Algeria and what they were subjected to in terms of rape by the descendants of the French Revolution and its alleged lofty principles..
And let us not forget the United States of America, the sponsor of human rights in the world,
and the rape of our women in Iraq in Abu Ghraib prisons
And this is just a glimpse of their criminal history. Then, with the utmost impudence, they accuse us of barbarism.
What the world order has developed in terms of treating families or citizens of occupied countries is that before, women were only raped or enslaved and became prostitutes,
but in the new world order, in addition to raping women, men were also raped!!!!!
Abu Ghraib prisons bear witness to that
Human rights charters are not applicable as some imagine, especially the weak parties
, but they are nothing more than formalities that adorn the alleged Western civilization ....
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And God Almighty spoke the truth when He said in His Noble Book , " How [ can there be] when if they gain the upper hand over you, they do not observe concerning you any pact of kinship or covenant. They satisfy you with their mouths, but their hearts refuse, and most of them are wicked." (At-Tawbah: 8 .................................................. .... And come, my dear brother, let us see the opposite bank (Islam) to see that it is the most advanced of civilizational systems in behavior and morals (old and new ) .................... And we will see how Islam treated slavery, from prisoners of war fighting us (the slave) or their relatives from the female prisoners (The nation) if they were in the decisive battles and not all battles as some imagine there must be captives .... as it was customary in the decisive battles for women and children to stand in the rear of the armies and then beat the tambourine encouraging their men to fight and this increased the enthusiasm of the fighters and increased their brutality. .... Even this custom exists among Muslims as Muslim women used to stand in the rear of the Muslim army also encouraging them to fight and also treating the wounded and sometimes fighting with weapons. This was clear in the Battle of Yarmouk in the Levant which was a decisive battle between the early Muslims (Arabs) and the Romans and you can imagine what would have been the fate of the noble female companions may Allah be pleased with them and satisfy them if the Romans were able to defeat the Muslims???!!!!! .................................. .................................................. ..................

How did Islam treat prisoners of war, combatants and their families? 4) The captives .

A. The slave in Islam (the boy )
B. The female slave in Islam (the slave girl) And doubts such as
How does your religion, O Muslims, allow taking female captives as concubines? Isn’t this rape?
. . .
Why do you take female captives in the first place and then say that you treat them well??? .
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The right hand possession in Islam, her mission in life is to be a urinal of lust for the man who does not rise above the level of an animal . ..... .... . The slave in Islam (the boy ) ..... My dear brother, our true religion has recommended us to treat prisoners well . God Almighty said ( God Almighty says in Surat Al-Insan "And they give food, in spite of their love for it, to the poor , the orphan, and the captive ." ..... ... .... ... And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said (And enjoin good treatment of prisoners ) .... Here, my friend, you can imagine that when a fighter becomes a prisoner, we treat him as we treat the poor and orphans and feed him whatever food we desire. We do not have Guantanamo Bay detention centers or Abu Ghraib prisons. .... And you can imagine the effects of this good treatment on prisoners if this treatment, kindness, and civilized, behaviorally and morally refined treatment is not known in the old and modern world systems in the treatment of prisoners. .... And it is discovered that the secret of this refinement in this treatment is the teachings of our true religion??? So what will be the effect of that on the soul of the prisoners??? .... But these people have no one to care about them or redeem them, as they It is dangerous for us to grant him freedom . ..... So what should we do? Imprison him in prisons and detention centers such as Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons, confined in a narrow cell or even a completely inhumane basement, restricting his freedom in a suffocating manner, in addition to the torture to which the prisoner is subjected. ..... Or should we enslave him? But just because he has become a slave does not mean that he has no rights as the nations before us did. Rather, he can obtain his freedom whenever he requests it, not by the will of his owner through something called correspondence . ..... Then we will continue our discussion of the slave in Islam from the article by Mr. Khaled Harbi on the topic (And what your right hands possess is a doubt or a miracle) ..... Islam's position on slavery stems from its perception of this problem; Islam views slavery as an inevitable result of the conflict between humans, and this result has been entrenched in minds and beliefs over thousands of years, and for this reason Islam dealt with it with a plan that does not ignore reality or jump over it.. and also does not recognize it in the way that Christianity did.

In three stages, Islam was able to establish its own system of slavery, which is 
the highest system that can be achieved in the reality of humanity, as we will see:

The first stage: improving the condition of slaves and raising them to the human level.

The second: narrowing its sources and limiting them to what takes the slave out of his human nature.

After this comes the main step, which is the liberation of the slave.

In the first aspect: improving the treatment of slaves, Islam viewed the slave not on the basis of his religion, color, or race, but rather on the basis of his pure humanity, and all divine directions and commands in this regard were based on the humanity of the slave and nothing else. For example, Islam began by changing and correcting the name. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Let none of you say, ‘My slave’ or ‘My female slave’. You are all slaves of God, and all your women are female slaves of God. Rather, say, ‘My boy’ or ‘My female slave’ or ‘My young man’ or ‘My young girl’ .” [Narrated by Muslim] - Then finding the appropriate social status for them in the group of human reality at that time, as God Almighty said: {And to parents do good and to relatives and orphans and the needy and the neighbor who is a relative and the neighbor who is a stranger and the companion at your side and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, God does not like anyone who is arrogant and boastful.} [Surat An-Nisa: 36]. - Then, finding dignity and legal and social sanctity for him: On the authority of Abu Hurairah, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever accuses his slave, while he is innocent of what he said, will be flogged on the Day of Resurrection, unless it is as he said” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]. On the authority of Samurah, who said: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever kills his slave, we will kill him, and whoever mutilates his hand, we will mutilate his hand.” [Musnad Ahmad - (41/93). - Then guaranteeing their right to the necessities of life at the required human level : On the authority of Al-Ma’rur bin Suwaid, who said: We entered upon Abu Dharr in Ar-Rabadha, and he was wearing a cloak and his slave was wearing a similar one. He said: “O Abu Dharr, why don’t you take your slave’s cloak with your cloak and it would be a garment, and clothe him in another garment?” He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah , may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say: “They are your brothers whom Allah has placed under your control. So whoever has his brother under his control, let him feed him from what he eats, clothe him from what he wears, and do not burden him with what is beyond his ability. If he burdens him with what is beyond his ability, let him help him.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Abu Dawud]. And he, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “If one of you is brought his food by his servant, and he does not sit him down with him, then let him give him a morsel or two, or a meal or two, for he is his guardian .” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]. In the second step, Islam narrowed the entrance to slavery and widened the exit from it. The entrance to slavery before Islam was wide open. There was slavery by sale, as if a person sold one of his relatives, and gambling, in which the loser was taken as a slave to the winner, and looting and robbing caravans and the weak, enslaving them and selling them to make money, and in paying off a debt, the debtor was taken as a slave to the creditor, and wars, such as captives and right-hand possession. Islam has forbidden all of these aspects. It is stated in the Holy Hadith, in which Allah the Almighty says:

“There are three people with whom I will be an opponent on the Day of Resurrection, and whoever I am an opponent to, I will be an opponent to him: a man who made a pledge in My Name and then betrayed it; a man who sold a free man and consumed the price; and a man who hired a worker, completed the work from him and did not give him his wages.” [Narrated

by Al-Bukhari]. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “There are three people whose prayer God will not accept: one who leads a group of people who do not like him; a man who comes to prayer late – meaning after its time has passed – and a man who enslaves a freedman.” [Narrated by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah, classed as weak by Al-Albani].

There remained no way for slavery except for prisoners of war, and as we mentioned before, 
treating like for like . Islam came to them and gave them three options with the permission of the ruler:
{So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter on them, then secure their bonds. Then either confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its burdens.} [Muhammad: 4]. Conferring favor by divorce means releasing them without compensation or accepting ransom, and releasing them or enslaving them is like treating like for like, as we mentioned according to the humanitarian rules of Islam in dealing with slaves. Then Islam expanded the way out and the reasons for emancipation, including: - Making emancipation one of the great acts of devotion to Allah: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever emancipates a Muslim slave, Allah will emancipate for every limb of his from the Fire, even his private parts with his private parts.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Emancipation was made one of the eight categories of zakat: {Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and the needy and those employed to collect [zakat] and those whose hearts are to be reconciled and to free captives and those in debt and in the cause of Allah and for the wayfarer - an obligation imposed by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.} [Surat At-Tawbah: 60]. Yahya bin Saeed said : “Umar bin Abdul Aziz sent me to collect the alms of Africa, so I collected them, then I looked for poor people to give them to, but we did not find any poor people, nor did we find anyone to take them from us. Umar bin Abdul Aziz made the people rich, so I bought slaves with them and freed them.” - Making emancipation an expiation for slapping or beating a slave: On the authority of Ibn Umar, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “ Whoever slaps or beats his slave, his expiation is his emancipation. ” [Saheeh Al-Albani]. - Making emancipation obligatory in some expiations, such as: In accidental killing: {Whoever kills a believer by mistake, the freeing of a believing slave} [Surat An-Nisa: 92] . And regarding Zihar: {Those who swear off their wives and then go back on what they said - then the freeing of a slave before they touch each other.} [Surat Al-Qasas: part of verse 3] . And regarding breaking an oath: {Allah will not impose blame upon you for what is unintentional in your oaths, but He will impose blame upon you for your deliberate oaths. Its expiation is the feeding of ten needy persons from the average of what you feed your families, or clothing them, or the freeing of a slave. But whoever cannot find [that] - then a fast of three days. That is the expiation for your oaths when you have sworn.} [Al-Ma’idah: 89].

Likewise, it is permissible to marry slaves, which is one of the most important reasons for emancipation:
{And whoever among you is not able to marry free, believing women, then from those your right hands possess of believing girls. And Allah knows best about your faith, one of you from the other. So marry them with the permission of their people and give them their compensation according to what is acceptable, [as] chaste, not fornicators nor taking lovers...} [Surat An-Nisa: 25].

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: 
“There are three who will have two rewards: a man from the People of the Book who believed in his Prophet and believed in Muhammad, a slave who fulfills the right of Allah and the right of his masters, and a man who had a female slave whom he disciplined and taught her well, and taught her and taught her well, then freed her and married her, for he will have two rewards.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

- Finally, Islam placed the decision in the hands of the slaves themselves, so it was permissible for them to write a contract with the owner for the purpose of manumission 
: {And those who seek a contract from among those whom your right hands possess, then make a contract with them if you know there is good in them, and give them from the wealth of Allah which He has given you.} [An-Nur: 33].

If the slave wants freedom, he has no choice but to come to his master and tell him what he wants, and it is not by his master’s will but by his own will 
(and if his master objects, the slave goes to the judge ) and agrees with him on a financial value that the slave pays from his own work - for which the master makes time - and they write a document between them that people will witness. After the slave pays the financial value, he is free. Then the noble verse concludes with what clarifies the purpose of the contract of manumission, saying: {And give them from the wealth of Allah which He has given you} . The master gives his slave money after his manumission to help him start his new life. This clarifies that the purpose of the contract of manumission is not money, but rather the slave’s reliance on himself to free himself so that his freedom is greater and he protects and preserves it for himself and for society. The state also helps the slave to pay the value of the contract ( Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and the needy and those employed to collect it and those whose hearts are to be reconciled and to free captives and those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the wayfarer - an obligation imposed by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise ) Surah At-Tawbah, verse 60.

Islam goes further than this, weaving a new and unique relationship between the freed slave and his former master, which is “loyalty” about which the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: 
“Loyalty is a bond like the bond of kinship” [authenticated by Al-Albani].

For the freed slave to find a lineage and origin among people, and a human social vessel that embraces and contains him like the rest of humanity, and this vessel goes beyond the mere moral name, so that the freed slave finds himself in the list of legitimate heirs in their legitimate and recognized order.

..... And I quote to you the testimony of Gustave Le Bon in "The Civilization of the Arabs" (pp. 459-460): "What I see as true is that slavery among Muslims is better than among others, and that the condition of slaves in the East is better than the condition of servants in Europe, and that slaves in the East are part of the family

And that the masters who desire liberation attain it by expressing their desire, and yet they do not resort to using that right... ) End of the female slave in Islam (the slave girl the mother of the child) ..... She is the honor and dignity of her master, his love and passion, and the mother of his children if he takes her as a concubine and she takes him as a concubine and he takes her as a concubine. No one touches the hem of her garment except one man, who is her owner, and by a lawful marriage, not a marriage contract as in the marriage of a free woman. But with the right hand of the ...said: And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves . If they should be poor,Allah will enrich them from His bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (32) Surah An-Nur . . . .be upon him) saidThere are three who will have two rewards: a man fromthe People of the Book who believed in his Prophet and believed in Muhammad, a slave who fulfills the right of Allah and the right ofhis masters, and a man who had a female slave whom he disciplined and taught her well, and taught her and taught her well then he freed her and married her , so he will have two rewards . ”[Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. . . . . The purpose of the word “marry” in the Holy Quran is to indicate a serious marriage, the purpose of which is to form a family and righteous offspring. This is confirmed by the word marriage in the authentic hadith of the Messenger of Allah.... .................................. . But as we said with a free woman by a contract of benefit and with a slave woman by the pretext of ownership that leads to her benefit as well as shared benefits such as a contract of benefit with a free woman. .... Of course, the conditions for the validity of a marriage of benefit differ from the conditions for the validity of a marriage of ownership (ownership of the neck)due to the different circumstances of each of them... But the content of the relationship, its nature and the shared benefits are completely identical between a marriage of benefit and a marriage of ownership (ownership of the neck) .... ........ .... .... .... The purpose of a legitimate marriage, whether by contract or ownership, whether with a free woman or a slave woman .1 ) Chastity, purity and housing for the man and the woman ..... 2. Procreation between the man and the woman. He is the father of her children and she is the mother of his children whom he loves and cares for like any natural father ..... 3) Good and kind treatment between the man and the woman. Although he is commanded to do so with his free wife, it is more severe and strict with the one he owns (Love, tranquility and mercy). Because as we said, marriage by ownership is more severe than marriage by contract . ....

Allah the Almighty said (the noble verse And worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good and to relatives orphans, the needy, the neighbor who is a relative and the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion at your side , the wayfarer , and those whom your right hands possess . Indeed, Allah does not like anyone who is arrogant and boastful .) Verse 36 in Surat An-Nisaa. Look at the noble verse that (put kindness to those whom your right hands possess in the same basket as parents and orphans. We all know the extent of the great interest in parents and orphans in our true religion. ..... And imagine the disobedience of parents or the neglect of orphans’ rights in our religion, what is their punishment in the afterlife before Allah??? .... So imagine also what is the punishment of the one who mistreats what his right hand possesses, whether a man or a woman, in the afterlife before Allah??? ..... And the last words that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said were ( Prayer, prayer, and what your right hands possess ). Oh Allah, when the Messenger of Allah puts our performance of prayer, which is the pillar of our entire religion, and the good treatment of the right hand possesses in the same basket. Great honor and great care for the treatment of the right hand possesses, because a free woman may have a thorn in her side from her family and a lineage that deters her husband from wronging her (and also not in all cases). As for the right hand possesses, they are like the parents in their case of their inability and old age, and the orphans in their weakness, so our Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, linked good treatment of them and the performance of prayer out of great care for their rights. ..... And the right hand possession in the hadith refers to the female slave and the male slave as well . ..... 4) A religious, material and social commitment from the man towards his female slave . ..... ..... Through which she achieves emotional and social security and stability and a social vessel through motherhood that she achieves and the family that she forms with her owner after she gives birth to him and then becomes a free woman) The relationship is not like the fleeting relationships between young men and women in our current era. ..... The (female slave) obtains her freedom because of childbirth because it has become a social vessel for her that cares for her children and grandchildren after a long life that carries her concerns and takes care of her other than her owner, and thus there is no need after this vessel for her to be owned . ..... From what I mentioned about the nature of the relationship between the man and his female slave, it becomes clear to us that it is a marriage with all the elements other than the contract, but rather ownership. And the marriage of the owner is more severe in his responsibility towards the owned woman. ..... ..... .....

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The right hand possession ( the mother of the child ) in Islam is not the woman whose body is made permissible as in previous nations for every seeker of pleasure, nor is she the one whose body is exploited in advertisements at the present time, nor is she the one who is forced to earn her daily bread through prostitution, selling her body to every visitor in order to satisfy her hunger. Rather, the right hand possession in Islam is not like the girls of the night and brothels in our current era,,, not like the girls of YouTube and Bluetooth,,, not those girls that you find hanging out with young men in cafes and universities, perhaps they will get a groom in the end ( and not take two partners ) Surah An-Nisa) The right hand possession in Islam is more refined than this as well
(the right hand possession in Islam has a man who takes care of her with a commitment (religious, material and social)
not that woman whose completely naked body is eaten by a group of sadistic men who have completely lost any sense of humanity in restaurants licensed by the civilized Western state.!!!!!
And it is not that woman who exhausts her son or throws him in the dumpsters
because her lover does not want to bear responsibility towards her and her son because he sees in his lover only a means of pleasure.
The right hand possession in Islamic history

was born to the Caliph of the Muslims at a time when the Caliph of the Muslims was the king of the whole world and the mother of the king is naturally the queen mother who is courted by the free wives of Employees of the state ruled by its son.
(Praise be to God for the blessing of Islam)
..... ................................. .................................
We must move to another point, that not every right hand possession is a secret slave girl with whom her owner takes concubines.

(The secret slave girl) .. ( Umm al-Walad ) is that slave girl who enjoys a heartfelt inclination (love and passion) and sometimes passion in the heart of her owner, so he brings her close to him and raises her to his status through sexual intercourse as an honor, chastity and purity for her by fulfilling her instincts as a woman like all women, and then through this intercourse she becomes Umm al-Walad (male or female) and after that she becomes free and has a social vessel and a family consisting of a man and her children from him, she is their honor and dignity because she is their mother, and they are required to be dutiful to her and treat her kindly no matter how high their status is and whether they become kings of the world and caliphs of the Muslims.
And you can imagine how much this concubinage honored the slave girl, after she was a human being who did not reach the level of humans as in previous nations, while the liberated Western woman is a cheap commodity in strip clubs and restaurants that serve food on the bodies of completely naked women.
The right hand possession in Islam
has a man (her owner) who satisfies her instinct as a female and children who satisfy her instinct (of motherhood). Then
she has a social vessel (a family) like any respectable woman and not a vulgar one. A family that is her honor and dignity.
The final fate of the liberated Western woman, after her youth and beauty are lost, is to be thrown into a nursing home alone, with no one asking about her. Because in her youth she was only a means of pleasure and the need for her ended when she grew old, so she has no social vessel. .
. .
The right hand possession in Islam
has grandchildren and children, so after a long life she is surrounded by her children and grandchildren who are required to be dutiful to her and treat her well, because in her youth she was nothing but a dear woman, even if she was (the right hand possession)
(And praise be to God for the blessing of Islam, and that is enough of a blessing
. . . . . . . .

O Muslims, you say that the right hand possession is the prisoner of war, so how do you allow yourselves to rape her
? ....
Muslims are not criminals to rape women as other nations claiming to be civilized have done.
In Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Algeria, Chechnya, and others, the list of crimes committed by nations claiming to be civilized is long.
The right hand possession in Islam, concubinage with her has conditions that are far from rape???
Before talking about the conditions of concubinage, we must write a small note.
The prisoner of war (the captive) can be freed from the contract on her own behalf if there is someone who cares about her and will pay her ransom,
and through the contract, she does not fall under the right hand possession.
However, if she has no one who feels honor and dignity towards her from her family, state, or clan and does not care about her.
Or perhaps she was originally a slave of these enemies, then she falls under the right hand possession.
In the story of our mother, the mother of the believers, Jawhara bint Al-Harith 
, although she was a captive in war, she was not a right hand possession because she wrote a contract on her behalf and her father went and paid the ransom for her, so she became free and never entered under the rule of right hand possession even for a single day. .... Conditions for taking a female slave as a concubine (a captive of war) Let us suppose that there is someone who was taken captive in battle and did not want to write a contract on her behalf and fell under the rule of (right hand possession)??? What are the conditions for taking her as a concubine??? ..... 1) That Allah guided her during her captivity and she embraced Islam . ..... .... Because she saw great behavioral and moral sophistication in dealing with captives, which she did not expect and was not recognized by the global systems, ancient or even modern, even if someone claimed otherwise. ..... It is not permissible to take a female slave as a concubine who has all the rights, from eating what her master eats and wearing what they wear to being treated like a good human being, except for this instinctive right as a female. She has no right to have her master take her as a concubine and for her to take him as a concubine because she may become the mother of a child, so how can his children have a non-Muslim mother??!!!! Also, the Muslim slave girl, by her conversion to Islam, is free from her non-Muslim people, the enemies of the Muslims, so she is not from them after her conversion to Islam and they are not from her. So the Muslim woman, whether she is free or a slave, is forbidden to the non-Muslim if she embraces Islam. ..... Ibn Qudamah said in Al-Mughni: Those who forbade marriage to their free women from the Zoroastrians and all non-Muslims except the People of the Book, it is not permissible to have intercourse with their female slaves by right of possession according to the majority of scholars, including: Marra Al-Hamadhani, Al-Zuhri, Saeed bin Jubayr, Al-Awza’i, Al-Thawri, Abu Hanifa, Malik, and Al-Shafi’i . Ibn Abd Al-Barr said that a group of jurists of the regions and the majority of scholars agreed on this, and that which contradicts him is anomaly .

As for what was reported from the hadiths that contradict this statement, it is subject to interpretation . Among that is the hadith of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri That the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the day of Hunayn sent an army to Awtas, and they encountered an enemy and fought them and were victorious over them and captured from them captives. It seems that some of the companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, were embarrassed to have intercourse with them because of their polytheist husbands, so God Almighty revealed regarding that: “And chaste women, except those your right hands possess, ” meaning they are lawful to you once their waiting period has expired . Narrated by Muslim Al-Nawawi
commented on this hadith: Know that the doctrine of al-Shafi’i and those scholars who share his opinion is that it is not permissible to have intercourse with a female captive from among the idol worshippers and other infidels who do not have a Book until she converts to Islam . As long as she adheres to her religion, she is forbidden . These captives were from the polytheists of the Arabs who worshipped idols. This hadith and others like it can be interpreted as meaning that they converted to Islam , and this interpretation is necessary Another interpretation is the abrogation of the permissibility of having intercourse with them by the words of Allah the Most High: “ And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe ” [al-Baqarah 2:221]. Ibn Qudamah attributed this opinion to Ibn Abd al-Barr From this, the way to reconcile the texts on this issue becomes clear to the questioner. This is what the four jurists also believed, and this is what al-Tabari believed in his interpretation. It is stated in al-Tabari’s interpretation : If one of you is ill-informed by the hadith of Abu Sa’id al-Khudri that this verse was revealed regarding the captives of Awtas, it will be said to him: The captives of Awtas were not penetrated by ownership and captivity without Islam, and that is because they were polytheists who worshipped idols, and the proof has been established that the women of idol worshippers are not permissible. By ownership without Islam, and that if they become Muslims , Islam separates them from their husbands , whether they are captives or believing , free emigrants , but their husbands are infidels. However, if they are captives, they are permissible if they become Muslims by waiting for their period to be completed . There is no proof for anyone who argues that the chaste women whom He meant by His statement, {and chaste women } are those who have husbands from the captives and not others, based on the report of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri that this was revealed regarding the captives of Awtas, because even though it was revealed regarding them, it was not revealed regarding the permissibility of having intercourse with them through captivity in particular and not regarding other meanings that we mentioned, even though the verse It is revealed in a meaning, so it includes what it was revealed in and other than it, so its ruling is required for everything it includes, based on what we have explained regarding generality... The chaste women : the married Muslim women, those whom your right hands possess (the believing women) : the captive women.

Those who converted to Islam and were divorced in absentia by the natural divorce of their infidel husbands,
their situation is similar to that of the free believing emigrant women / women who converted to Islam and were divorced in absentia by the natural divorce of their infidel husbands 0
.... .... ....

That her womb has been cleansed and that she has completed her waiting period and that she has menstruated so that lineages do not mix
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: (Do not have intercourse with a pregnant woman or a woman who has not menstruated)
3) That the slave girl be a Muslim and a believer and also religious and have faith.
Allah Almighty said And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty. And Allah is All-Encompassing and Knowing (32) Surah An-Nur ..

And the Messenger of Allah,

may Allah bless him and grant him peace , said: Allah's peace and blessings be upon him (so seize the one who is religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust) .... 4) Not to force her into (prostitution) Allah the Almighty says : { And do not compel your slave girls into prostitution if they desire chastity, seeking the goods of worldly life . And whoever compels them - then indeed, Allah, after their compulsion, is Forgiving and Merciful .} Verse No. 33) Surah An-Nur
.... ..........
We understand this verse No. 33 in Surah An-Nur through verse No. 32 before it, which stipulated righteousness.

The meaning of verse 33 in Surah An-Nur is not that Allah forbids forcing or coercing a slave girl into prostitution because this falls under the general prohibition of adultery ( And do not come near adultery. Indeed, it is ever an immorality, so evil is the way ). Consequently, forcing a slave girl into prostitution is facilitating adultery, and her owner bears the sin for it. .... So what is meant by not forcing a slave girl into prostitution if she wants chastity? Do you want the goods of this world???? By understanding verse 32 which stipulated righteousness ..... the meaning of the noble verse is that you must satisfy the sexual, material and emotional needs of your girls so that they are not forced to fall into prostitution . Coercion may not only be by force, but providing bad material and emotional conditions that force her to practice prostitution in order to satisfy her instinctive and material needs.. is a type of coercion. .... (You seek the goods of the worldly life) ..... In the past, among previous nations, the female slave was only a means of pleasure and had no rights. She had no rights. After Islam came, it obligated the man towards his female slave (a material, social and religious obligation) to have intercourse with her.

After taking her as a concubine, she becomes free if she gives birth, and thus her material value is lost . Therefore,
he did not protect or chaste his female slave by taking her as a concubine. And he prevented himself from her. So

Allah forbade this action and forced the owner of the female slave to either protect her and chaste her, either by himself.. or marry her to someone she approves of
(whether free or slave) so that she does not fall into adultery. The important thing is to protect her in any way. ... If this concubinage was a humiliation of the status of the Muslim slave girl, our religion would have forbidden it to us, just as it forbade us to take a concubine as a concubine to an infidel slave girl. Therefore, concubinage is an honor, not an insult, and it is also the safe way to obtain her freedom, because through it she will have a family that will be her social vessel Consequently, a Muslim never humiliates his believing slave girl by humiliating her, raping her, letting her down, or oppressing her, because she is his sister in faith and religion, because she believes in God and His Messenger, like him. .... There is no class distinction between us Muslims, and the most honorable of us in the sight of God is the one who is pious, free or slave.


Why do you take captives in the first place, including children, and then say that we treat them well???
1) Like for like, as we explained before.
2) It is forbidden for us to take captive the women of innocent, non-combatants. It is not reasonable that I enter a church, for example, then kill the monk and take the nun as a captive, as our religion has forbidden it for us. Or that I kill a farmer, for example, and take his wife as a captive. Our religion has forbidden all of this for us, as we will explain in (paragraph (Legitimate War in Islam)
 And do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors (190 ) Surah Al-Baqarah
 ). In order to protect these women and children from being lost, in the past, all adult males capable of carrying weapons were fought against the enemy.
All or most of the men were killed in the ongoing battle.
Is it, for example, chivalrous and noble to leave those women and children without a breadwinner after most or all of their families were killed in the battle, or should we take them to live a dignified and honorable life under the protection of Islam?
Perhaps if we left them after their families were killed in the battle, those responsible for providing for them would resort to prostitution in order to be able to satisfy their hunger. This happens to the liberated Western woman who does not find any man responsible for providing for her, so she works in prostitution. As we said, captivity usually occurs in decisive and decisive battles, not in all battles, and it is only for the wives of fighters and no one else. As for the wives of peaceful men, we have 
no power over them, neither they nor their men, as we will explain later in the paragraph on legitimate war. ... In Islamic history, women are the makers of men and great men, even if they were (right hand possessions) .... We all hear about the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mu'tasim bin Harun Al-Rashid, the Commander of the Faithful, Caliph of Muslims,and King of the WorldAt the time, of course, we all know that he personally ledthe armies of his Caliphate to liberate a Muslim woman who cried out to him by name (O Mu'tasim). When the Romans captured her as captives during their raid on Muslim lands, he responded to the call and mobilized his army and defeated the Romans in a great conquest called the Conquest of Amorium. Yes, he is the man that the raped Muslim women are crying out for now at the hands of our enemies, but they did not find him among us. The important thing is that this great Caliph, of whom we are proud to this day, had the mother of his father, the (right hand possession), and she became free after she gave birth to him. Here I ask, if the mother of Al-Mu'tasim had been a (right hand possession), she would have been something vulgar, despicable, and a place of lust, as those who hate us claim . How could this vulgar, despicable, and lustful thing raise for Muslims this great caliph who used to rule the whole world??? This caliph could only be made by a (great mother), generous, dear, and a woman with a vision in raising her son, even if she was (a slave girl) .....................................

Another question: Did Harun al-Rashid honor her when he took her as a concubine or did he humiliate her?
With this concubinage, after she was a lost woman with no power, she now had a man who satisfied her instincts as a female, and she now had children who satisfied her instincts as a mother, and grandchildren who were a social vessel and a family for whom she was responsible like any respectable woman.
With this concubinage, her son and her grandchildren after him (al-Wathiq and al-Mutawakkil) 
became kings of the world and caliphs of the Muslims She became the queen mother and the lady of all the women of the world, and the free women from the employees of the state ruled by her son wooed her. The right hand of the king in Islamic history, because of the concubinage, she not only obtained her freedom but also became a queen) and you will only find this in Islamic history . ..... Caliph al-Mu'tasim was not the only model, before him his brother al-Ma'mun's mother was a (right hand of the king) and he was an Abbasid caliph from the greatest caliphs of the Muslims. ..... And before them, Prince Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil (Abd al-Rahman bin Muawiyah al-Umawi), known by the title of Falcon of Quraish, this great man who renewed the kingdom of his father and grandfathers in Andalusia after its collapse in the East at the hands of the Abbasids. 24 revolutions took place against him during his rule of Andalusia, and he put them all down when he was 25 years old. His mother was (the right hand possession) of his father, Prince Muawiyah bin Hisham bin Abd al-Malik. ..... And I mentioned examples that are just a drop in the bucket of great examples in our Islamic history, created by great mothers, even if they were (the right hand possession) . .....

It is known in our current era that the son of a lover, for example, if his mother does not abort him while he is still in her womb, his place is in the street as a foundling, a drug addict, or a criminal who hates society. This is the fate of those whose mothers were vulgar to everyone and whose bodies were permissible for every human wolf
. .....


Why didn't Islam abolish slavery by a supreme decision like the American President Lincoln??? (From the article Slavery between Islam and other beliefs and sects) Guardians of the Faith Forum
Who told you that Islam did not abolish slavery ???

Islam put the decision in the hands of the slaves themselves and made it permissible for them to write a contract with the owner for emancipation {And those who seek a contract from among those your right hands possess - then make a contract with them if you know there is good in them and give them from the wealth of Allah which He has given you} [An-Nur: part of verse 33].

If a slave wants freedom, he has to come to his master and tell him what he wants and agree with him on a financial value that the slave pays from his own work - for which the master makes time - and they write a document between them that people can witness. After the slave pays the financial value, he is free. Then the noble verse concludes with what clarifies the purpose of the contract of manumission, saying: 
{And give them from the wealth of Allah which He has given you} . The owner gives his slave money after his manumission to help him start his new life. This clarifies that the purpose of manumission is not money, but rather the slave’s reliance on himself to free himself so that his freedom becomes greater and he protects and preserves it for himself and for society.

Islam goes further than this, weaving a new and unique relationship between the freed person and his previous owner, which is “loyalty,” about which the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: 
“Loyalty is a bond like the bond of kinship .” [Sahih al-Albani]

For the freed slave to find a lineage and origin among people, and a human social vessel that embraces and contains him like the rest of humanity, and this vessel goes beyond the mere moral name, so that the freed slave finds himself in 
the list of legitimate heirs in their legitimate and recognized order.
..... .....
Also, the freed slave has a right to the state’s money, i.e. the treasury of Muslims
Alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those employed to collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free captives and those in debt, and for the cause of Allah, and for the wayfarer - an obligation imposed by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise. Surah At-Tawbah.
And the slave does not only pay the price of freedom, but also pays the price of the thorn that he acquires from the loyalty between him and his previous owner, as well as the right to inheritance.
Of course, other than the urging to 
bestow freedom upon the slave in more than one verse in the Holy Quran.

Finally, we say :
It would have been easy for Islam to free the slave with a single word, but what would be the result without addressing the psychological state of society towards the slave?!, and what would be the result without ensuring their social status after liberation?!, and what would be the result without addressing the psychological state of the slaves themselves?!

.... .....
Freedom is not given, it is taken. And freeing slaves by issuing a decree, as some imagine, would not have freed the slave! The American experience of freeing slaves with the stroke of a pen by Abraham Lincoln is the best witness to what we say. The slaves whom Lincoln freed - from abroad - through legislation, could not bear freedom, and returned to their masters, begging them to accept them as slaves as they were, because - from within - they had not yet been freed. After many years of Antonin Lincoln's decision... only 70 years ago, blacks were being treated badly.
It is true that they boast that the President of the United States of America is a black man (Obama), as if they had come up with something that no one had come up with before them
Oh man, 1400 years before Obama became president of the United States, we had our master Bilal bin Rabah al-Habashi, who was an Abyssinian slave, may God be pleased with him and satisfy him. Our master Omar bin al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, used to say about him (Abu Bakr is our master and he freed (i.e. Bilal) our master ), even though our master Omar bin al-Khattab in the pre-Islamic era was one of the leaders of the people. Our master Bilal bin Rabah in the pre-Islamic era was a slave, but in his conversion to Islam, he was one of the prominent companions of the Messenger of God, may God be pleased with our masters Abu Bakr, Omar, and Bilal and satisfy them. Our master Bilal was the brother of Khalid bin Ruwaiha al-Jathami when he became a brother to the Messenger of God among the believers after the migration to Medina And our master Zaid bin Haritha, who was a slave and the Messenger of God married him to his cousin, Sayyida Zainab bint Jahsh, may God be pleased with her and satisfy him.
In Islamic history, Sultan Saif al-Din Qutuz and Sultan al-Zahir Baybars ruled, and they were among the greatest rulers of the Muslims, and they were originally 
Mamluks of Sultan Najm al-Din Ayyub.

The issue, despite its strangeness, is not strange when viewed in light of psychological facts. Life is usually the circumstances in which a person lives that shape his feelings and formulate his sensations and psychological apparatus. The psychological entity of a slave differs from the psychological entity of a free person, not because he is of another gender as the ancients thought, but because his life under permanent slavery made his psychological apparatus adapt to these circumstances, so the apparatus of obedience grows to the maximum extent, and the apparatus of responsibility and tolerance of consequences shrinks to the maximum extent. The slave is good at doing many things when his master orders him to do them, so he has nothing to do but obey and implement; but he is not good at anything that falls under his own responsibility, even if it is the simplest of things, not because his body is unable to do it, nor because his mind - in all cases - is unable to understand it; but because his soul cannot bear to bear its consequences, so he imagines imaginary dangers and problems with no solution, so he flees from them to protect himself from the dangers! Perhaps those who look closely at Arab and Eastern life in recent times will realize the effect of this hidden slavery that the malicious colonialism has placed in the souls of the Easterners to enslave them to the West. They will realize it in the stalled projects that are only stalled - in many cases - by cowardice in facing their consequences!

And the well-studied projects that governments do not implement until they bring in an English or American expert, etc. to take responsibility for the project and issue the implementation permit! And the horrific paralysis that prevails over employees in the bureaucracies and restricts their production with rigid routine, because none of the employees can do anything except what the "master" the senior employee orders him to do, and this in turn has no choice but to obey the "master" the minister, not because all of these are incapable of working, but because their system of responsibilities is broken and their system of obedience is bloated, so they are more like slaves, even if they are officially free! Hahahahaha. And we also see the atheists and the irreligious in their contempt for their nation, praising the foreigners. This is the mentality of slaves. They are nothing more than the waste of Western colonialism in our countries, but they refused to be liberated from it. This psychological adaptation of the slave is what enslaves him.. It arises in its origin from external circumstances of course, but it becomes independent of them, and becomes something in itself like a branch of a tree that hangs down to the ground, then extends its own roots and becomes independent of the origin. This psychological adaptation is not removed by a declaration issued by the state to abolish slavery, but it must be changed from within, by establishing new circumstances that condition the feelings in a different way, and develop the atrophied systems in the slave’s soul, and create a normal human entity from his distorted and deformed entity. .. This is what Islam really did. It began by reforming the psychology of slaves from within, then it gave the decision in their hands if they wanted to be freed, and also under the state’s guarantee, and urged their owners to free them in order to please Allah. .. Islam in brief: 1) It dried up the sources of slavery except for one source, and also narrowed it to the furthest extent. 2) Completely emptying slavery of its content. 3) Opening the doors of emancipation and placing its key in the hands of the Mamluks through correspondence and under the state’s guarantee. He also urged the emancipation of slaves seeking the pleasure of God, and that would be from him from the owners. . . . . . .


What is the limited number of legitimate marriages, whether they are free women or owned ?
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
{{And if you fear that you will not be just toward the orphan girls, marry such women as seem good to you, two or three or four; but if you fear that you will not be just, then only one or those your right hands possess. That is more suitable that you may not incur injustice.}}
1) My dear brother, the words are clear. The word “marry” means legitimate marriage, but as we explained before, it is with a free woman by contract and with a slave woman (by ownership of the neck, i.e. proof of ownership).
2) The Holy Verse specified the number of married women as only four and did not mention whether they were free or slaves, but only specified the number.
................................................................. .................
3) One or what your right hands possess.
The meaning of the noble verse is that whoever is unable to be just to a number, then let him be satisfied with only one.
However, there are those who are unable to even marry a completely free woman, i.e. unable to even marry a free woman. So what should he do? Let him marry a slave woman. This is what the noble verse supports
. ................................................. .............................
{And whoever among you is not able to marry free, believing women , then from those your right hands possess of believing girls. And Allah knows best about your faith. You are from one another. So marry them with the permission of their people and give them {Their wages are according to what is acceptable, chaste, not fornicators nor taking lovers.} [An-Nisa: 25]

Marrying a believing slave woman can only be a result of the inability to marry a free, believing woman. Of course, a man would be ashamed and proud to have the mother of his child be a slave woman, as he wants her to be free and well-bred, but he cannot marry a free woman. So what should he do? He resorts to marrying a slave woman.
......................................... ...........................................
But there is another interpretation that says that the right hand possession does not have rights like the free wife, so justice is not required in her, it is only desirable,
but my friend I tell you that 
the commandments of God in His Noble Book regarding the female slave were more severe than the free woman, as they came in one container with the parents and orphans { And worship God and do not associate anything with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans the needy, the neighbor who is a relative and the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion at your side, the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess . Indeed, God does not like anyone who is arrogant. {Proudly } Verse 36 in Surat An-Nisa

We all know 
the place of parents in our true religion, so how can kindness to one’s right hand, whether they are (a male or female slave), be linked to kindness to one’s parents, and then you tell me that the rights of a female slave are less than those of a free wife ?
And the last commandment of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, is ( 
Prayer, prayer, and those your right hands possess )
, look, my brother, at the intensity of the Messenger’s concern for the rights of slaves, whether they are men or women,

he put them in one vessel with his commandment to pray, which is the pillar of our true religion , and then you

tell me that the rights of a female slave are less than the rights of a free woman??! ... ..... But she said in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (( And marry such women as seem good to you, two or three or four; but if you fear that you will not be just, then one or those your right hands possess ) ) .... .... There is a big difference between ( and ) which the verse did not mention, and ( or ) which is mentioned in the noble verse or ) / indicates a preference between two matters as Mubarak said (either me or chaos) and ) indicates the combination of two matters as Mubarak said and did not say (me and chaos) .... .... 5) There are those who say that it came in Surat Al-Mu’minun not connected to a number ( except for their wives or those your right hands possess ). .... Here he says that what the right hand possesses is absolute and is not limited by a number, and I also say to him that the husbands are also mentioned absolutely and are not limited by a limited number, so why did you not understand that it is an infinite number of husbands as you understood with (the possessed women)??? .... 6) Allah the Almighty ordered the Muslim to ensure that his female slaves are chaste and pure And do not compel your slave girls to prostitution if they desire chastity, seeking the goods of worldly life ) .... That is, the believing female slave should not be forced into prostitution, so her owner must ensure her chastity and purity either himself or by marrying her (to a free man or a slave) on the condition that she pleases him. ..... How can a man who owns a large number of female slaves, or even more than he can handle, ensure that they are chaste and pure? The rule says there is no harm and no harm as the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said .

Possessing a number that exceeds a man’s physical, sexual and emotional capacity is harmful to him, just as it is harmful to these concubines, because he may force them to commit adultery in order to satisfy their sexual need, since their owner does not satisfy their need.
7) The above statement confirms the fatwa of Sheikh Muhammad Abduh
. ....
For Imam Muhammad Abduh said in his fatwa on polygamy when interpreting the words of God Almighty: “Or those whom your right hands possess” (8). “Some Muslims have said that it is permissible for a man to take as many concubines as he wishes without limitation, but what is understood by the one who understands... from the verse is different, because the statement came in connection with the permissibility of polygamy up to four only...” (9).
This effort is supported by what was practiced in the early days of Islam, as a man would not take more than one or two concubines at most .
And Muhammad Abduh also says about the right hand possession,
Imam Muhammad Abduh says: " Some Muslims have misunderstood what came in their religion of these great rulings, so they went too far in increasing the number of concubines, and thereby corrupted their minds and the minds of their children to the extent that their wealth expanded for that.
As for the captives who are permissible to marry, they are prisoners of legitimate war that was intended to defend the true religion or call to it according to its conditions, and they are not to be taken captive except as non-Muslims. But they converted to Islam after that and their conversion was good . As for what some Muslims have become accustomed to of slavery, and what they have practiced in recent times, it has nothing to do with religion. What they buy from the daughters of the Circassians or from the Sudanese women who are kidnapped by the wretched robbers known as "the captives", is not permissible nor known in the religion of Islam, but rather it is from the customs of ignorance , but not the ignorance of the Arabs, but the ignorance of the Sudanese and the Circassians.." (11) Ages The last for the Sheikh is the time when the conditions of the Islamic nation deteriorated and declined and parts of their countries were occupied by Western colonialism and they were not originally fighting in the way of Allah, so the source of their right hand possession was forbidden and therefore they did what was forbidden when they took a concubine from them

Sheikh Muhammad Abduh lived in this era in which there were male and female slaves.
We notice that owning a large number of slave girls was always in the ages of decline and collapse when Muslims dared to violate the law of Allah and this phenomenon became more prominent in the period of (the Taifa Kings in Andalusia) and in the period of the beginning of Western colonization of Muslim countries, i.e. the last days of the Islamic Caliphate ....
. . . .
And these slave girls are almost all from illegitimate sources that Allah Almighty is not pleased with and are forbidden in Islam.
Because the only legitimate source (of right hand possession) in periods of decline and collapse is almost the only dry source because in periods of decline and collapse there is no ( jihad in the way of Allah ) but rather there are negligent rulers who drink alcoholIn his neglect of religion and God’s law, their actions are never an argument against Islam
I wish they would consider God in these female slaves, for He brings them to dance and singing circles, and God Almighty says:
And do not compel your girls to prostitution, if they desire chastity, seeking the goods of worldly life .) )
We note that the sources of the slave girls are forbidden because they come from a source other than jihad in the way of God ( the legitimate war in Islam ), and the way of dealing with them is also forbidden. Also, these slave girls also anger God because they do not want chastity ( Tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts ). If these slave girls are originally Muslims, then the immoral person does not care about these considerations...
They have been pleased with the life of loss in men’s circles between words of flattery and looks of admiration, as if they were like the seductresses of the movies and their actresses in our modern era, for they are on the same level, and there is no power or strength except with God. Also, these slave girls are almost not touched by their owner so that he does not lose their financial value. And they become free, they are only from the luxuries of prestige, like horses and jewelry. Islam is innocent of all this.

So the result of their actions that anger God in their private moments, as well as their injustice to their subjects,
the picture is bleak on the other side, as the enemy dares to attack Muslims
as long as Muslims dare to violate God’s law, so he occupies their land, plunders their money, and violates the honor of their women. There is no power or strength except with God. . . .
. . .
We also note that the effort of Sheikh Muhammad Abduh is supported by the nature of concubinage in the era of early Islam, not exceeding one or two concubines at most
. . . . . .
This is what we notice in the eras of the strength and prestige of Muslims.
For example, Caliph Harun al-Rashid had one wife (by contract), namely, Lady Zubaydah al-Abbasiya, the mother of Caliph al-Amin, son of Harun al-Rashid,
and two concubines, Lady Marrakesh al-Farsi, the mother of Caliph al-Mamun, son of Harun al-Rashid, Lady Marda al-
Turkiyya, Caliph al-Mu’tasim, son of Harun al-Rashid. And God knows best
. . . . . . . . . .

Legitimate war in Islam (Jihad in the way of Allah) (Jihad al-Daf’, Jihad al-Talab)
Jihad al-Daf’ is that jihad against the unjust and oppressive aggression in defense of one’s self, honor, and money.
But the real debate about Jihad al-Talab
is whether Jihad al-Talab in Islam is legitimate conquests or brutal colonial wars that subjugated people by the sword???
In order to understand the nature of Jihad al-Talab in Islam, we must have a practical example in our current era. 
So that the picture in our minds becomes clearer .
In our current era, the United States of America, let us assume for the sake of argument that its war in Iraq was to spread the lofty values ​​of the American state. Human rights (dignity, justice, equality).
However, there is a ruling regime in Iraq that is tyrannical, unjust, and oppressive to its people, represented by the Baath Party and its leader (Saddam Hussein), who does not want the lofty values ​​of the American state to reach the oppressed Iraqi people under its tyrannical rule that plunders the wealth of the Iraqi people and humiliates and insults them. For example, the blood of the Iraqi citizen is cheap to its rulers. Any police officer can humiliate and degrade him in police uniforms and live in inhumane conditions. He does not enjoy dignity and justice.
Therefore, the American state army must fight a battle with Saddam Hussein's regime, but with the popular support of the Iraqi people in general, in order to get rid of Saddam Hussein.
The American state military force fights a war with the armed forces of Saddam Hussein.
But during his battle, he does not kill a woman, a child, or a dying old man, and he does not fill a well, cut down a fruitful tree, demolish a mosque, or insult the Holy Quran.
When the Messenger of Allah sent his armies, he would say to them: "Do not kill the owners of monasteries." His will to the army heading to Mu'tah was : "Fight in the name of God in the way of God. Fight those who disbelieve in God. Fight but do not commit treason, do not commit treachery, do not mutilate, do not kill a child, a woman, an elderly person who is perishing, or one who is isolated in a monastery . [4]
And the Battle of Mu'tah and its causes. This is not the place to talk about its causes
. . . .
Of course, we saw these lofty values ​​found in the noble hadith in the behavior of the lofty American army in its war in Fallujah . (Allah is sufficient for me, and He is the best Disposer of affairs. )
. . . .
Then the conquering American commander entered after his victory over the forces of darkness represented by the regime of Saddam Hussein and his armed forces. The Iraqi people saw the extent of the humility of this great commander among his soldiers, as if he were one of them, compared to their tyrant Saddam Hussein and his sons.

The Iraqi people saw the extent of mercy and tolerance in the treatment of the conquering American leader compared to their tyrant Saddam Hussein and his sons who humiliated and degraded them

. .....
After the American conquest of Iraq, a real change occurred in Iraq.
For example, after the Iraqi people were humiliated and subservient to every police officer or every person of influence or power
a stance occurred that confirmed these lofty American values ​​(dignity, justice, equality).
For example, when the son of the American leader attacked a simple Iraqi citizen.
The simple Iraqi citizen went to (George Bush) in the White House in Washington.
George Bush got angry and summoned his commander in Iraq, along with his son, and made this simple Iraqi citizen exact just retribution from the son of the American commander. Then George Bush repeated:
When did you enslave people while their mothers gave birth to them free
? .... The story of Omar bin Al-Khattab , may God be pleased with him , with the Copt who came from Egypt to complain to the Commander of the Faithful about the injustice that had befallen him at the hands of the son of the governor of Egypt, Amr bin Al-Aas, may God be pleased with him. This story says : “ On the authority of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him , a man from Egypt came to Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him , and said: O Commander of the Faithful, I seek refuge in you from injustice. He said: I seek refuge in Mu’adh. He said: I raced the son of Amr bin Al-Aas and I won, so he started hitting me with a whip and saying: I am the son of the two most honorable men. Omar wrote to Amr ordering him to come to him and bring his son with him. So he came, and Omar said : Where is the Egyptian? Take the whip and hit him. So he started hitting him with the whip, and Omar said : Hit the son of the two most honorable men - and in another narration: Hit the son of the two most honorable men - Anas said: So he struck him, and by God, he struck him and we loved his striking, and he did not stop until we wished that he would stop . Then Omar said to the Egyptian: Put it on Amr’s bald head. He said: O Commander of the Faithful, it was his son who struck me, and I have recovered from him. Omar said to Amr: Since when - and it was mentioned in other versions .. since when did you enslave - did you enslave people while their mothers gave birth to them free? He said: O Commander of the Faithful, I did not know and it did not come to me . (Of course, with the big difference between our masters, the companions of the Messenger of God, and the Western criminals) .........

This is evidence that Iraq, after the American conquest, became an oasis of democracy and American values ​​(dignity, justice, equality) in the entire Middle East. .
. . . .
But there is a debate about the tax paid by Muslims and the tribute paid by non-Muslims .
The great conquering American army is the one that filled the political vacuum resulting from the fall of the criminal, tyrannical regime of Saddam Hussein.

It became the ruling legitimacy of the country after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime and also because of the revolutionary legitimacy created by the American army in Iraq represented in the change that the American army brought about in Iraq and the liberation of Iraqis from the tyranny, oppression and injustice of Saddam Hussein and his dissemination of the values ​​of (dignity, justice and equality).

The American commander said, "O Iraqi people, whoever among you believes and embraces the sublime values ​​of the American state is one of us, he has what we have and is subject to what we are subject to, and there is no difference between him and us, for the American and the Iraqi are brothers in embracing these sublime values, but he must pay the zakat on his money to the central bank of the state.
" . . .
And whoever does not embrace the principles of the American state, that is his business and he is free.
We do not force him, nor do we force him to do so, nor do we wrong him, nor burden him beyond his capacity, nor do we take his right, nor plunder his oil, nor demolish his mosque, nor forbid his sanctities .
.... ....

The Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: "Whoever wrongs a covenantor , or diminishes his right, or burdens him beyond his capacity, or takes something from him without his consent , then I will be his opponent on the Day of Resurrection . (Narrated by Abu Dawud and Al-Bayhaqi. See: Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, vol. 5, p. 205). It is narrated from him: "Whoever harms a dhimmi, then I am his opponent, and whoever I am his opponent, I will be his opponent on the Day of Resurrection . " ( Narrated by Al-Khatib with a good chain of transmission). It is also narrated from him: "Whoever harms a dhimmi has harmed me, and whoever harms me has harmed God " ( Narrated by Al-Tabarani in Al-Awsat with a good chain of transmission). In the covenant of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace to the people of Najran, he said: "No man shall be taken from them for the injustice of another." (Narrated by Abu Yusuf in Al-Kharaj, pp. 72-73). For all this, Muslims have been very concerned since the era of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs to repel injustice from the People of the Covenant, to stop harming them, and to investigate every complaint that comes from them. Omar, may God be pleased with him, used to ask those who came to him from the provinces about the condition of the People of the Covenant, fearing that one of the Muslims had harmed them, and they would say to him: “ We know nothing but loyalty” (Al-Tabari’s History, Vol. 4, p. 218 ). And God Almighty says : ( Let not the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just ; that is nearer to righteousness ) Surah Al-Baqarah. But he must pay a small, not high-value, jizya tax, and this tax is imposed on every man who is able to earn and work. It is not imposed on a woman, a child, or a dying old man.

This tribute is an acknowledgment from him to the American conqueror that he is the legitimate authority that rules his country after he gained the legitimacy of his rule through the liberation he carried out against the tyrant and his spreading of the values ​​of (dignity, justice, and equality).
Even this tribute is not taken by force
Ali, may God be pleased with him, wrote to some of his governors in charge of the land tax and the jizya: " If you come to them, do not sell them winter or summer clothing, nor provisions for them to eat, nor an animal for them to work on, and do not strike any of them with a single whip for a dirham, nor make him stand on his foot in search of a dirham, and do not sell any of them goods (merchandise) for anything from the land tax, for we were only ordered to take forgiveness from them, so if you disobey what I ordered you, God will take you for it without me , and if I hear otherwise about you, I will dismiss you ." The governor said: Then I will return to you as I left you! (Meaning that people are not repelled except by force) He said: And if you return as you left ."
Al-Kharaj by Abu Yusuf, pp. 15-16, and see also: Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, Vol. 9, p. 205 ).

The problem is not in the material value of the jizya, what is important is his recognition of the American leader ruling the country, the legitimacy of the change he brought to Iraq and its liberation from injustice and tyranny
. .....
Then the Syrian people in the Levant, who were also oppressed under the rule of the Syrian Baath, saw this tolerance and mercy in Iraq at the hands of the American conquest and the liberation of the Iraqis from Saddam Hussein, and how Iraq became an oasis of (equality, dignity, justice),
so they wished that the American army would conquer their country.
The great American leader was called to jihad in order to spread the values ​​of American civilization. The Iraqis who believed in these values ​​joined the American army, and their numbers increased and their power grew somewhat. The American and Iraqi armies became one until they went and conquered Syria. Syria was as merciful and tolerant as Iraq was. A number of other people in Syria embraced American values. The American leader called upon those Syrians who believed in American values ​​and embraced them to jihad in their cause. A number of Syrians joined the American army, and the American-Iraqi-Syrian army became one that gathered to conquer Egypt, which was under the rule of Mubarak’s gang and his criminal party, to rid it of corruption, injustice and tyranny.
Then the American conqueror defeated Mubarak’s criminal army. Then Egypt was as merciful, tolerant and just as Syria was to Iraq. The Egyptians embraced American values. Then the great American conqueror called upon those Egyptians who believed to join the American army for jihad in the cause of the values ​​he embraced. So the American, Iraqi, Syrian, and Egyptian
army headed to conquer the countries of the Maghreb, and so on ... We notice that the great conquering American army subjugated these peoples not with the sword or its deadly, destructive weapons, but with justice and mercy.

But my dear brother, this mercy and tolerance is not the practice of the occupying, terrorist, criminal American army. Rather, these were the practices of the great, conquering Islamic army in the conquered countries, civilized in behavior and culture thanks to the advanced teachings of Islam, which those who hate Islam describe as the teachings of the desert. If, despite its harsh nature, all this sophistication in morals, behavior, mercy and tolerance in dealing emerges from the desert, then by God, it is a miracle that proves the prophethood of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace
.As ,
the American state, which is falsely and allegedly civilized, it killed men and children and violated the honor of men and women and did not even have mercy on the elderly or even animals
. The Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons bear witness to that. The criminal American army is an occupying army, not a conquering , usurping army that came to colonize the country and plunder its wealth and resources. What was the result of the criminal practices in the countries it entered? Did it subjugate them??!!!!! The result of these practices was the destruction of the countries he entered without being able to establish his influence in these countries and subjecting only two countries to the authority of the American state . Do not be surprised, my friend, America is the greatest military power in the world. Its military budget is 750 billion dollars, or 3 trillion Egyptian pounds. It is a terrifying military budget that is enough to equip an army to fight all the countries of the world combined. It is equal to 3 times the income of our entire Arab nation from the ocean to the Gulf and one and a half times the military budget of the European continent combined. But with all this huge budget and terrifying deadly weapons, the American war machine cannot subject only two peoples (Iraq, Afghanistan). Do you know why?? Because military power, no matter how great, no matter how terrifying, will never subjugate peoples. It may (kill, destroy, burn). It may enable its owners to violate women’s honor, but it will not terrorize a people, open a heart, or establish influence in these colonized countries. The resistance movements to this occupation will never die out. Rather, their slogan will be (We do not surrender, we win or die). They will not rest until they liberate their land and expel the occupier, no matter how many martyrs it costs. The occupier will never be able to change their identity, creed, or language, no matter how much he spends on crime and savagery. Peoples are not subjugated by the sword, but rather by mercy, tolerance, and justice The army of the first Muslims (the Arabs) did not have a huge military budget, and the Arab population was not large enough to allow them to form massive armies. They did not have a terrifying military force like that enjoyed by the empires of civilized oppression at that time (the Romans, the Persians), which enslaved weak peoples. However, the army of the first Muslims (the Arabs), despite their small number and equipment, defeated the massive armies of the Romans and Persians. I do not say the Romans then the Persians or the Persians then the Romans, but the Romans and the Persians together. For two reasons: 1) The success of God Almighty and His support for His believing servants.

2) Then the popular support in the conquered countries for these conquests in order to get rid of the tyranny of these criminal empires. These peoples were not satisfied with moral support, but those who embraced Islam out of conviction and without coercion joined the Muslim army until Islam became a force composed of Arabs, of course, the nucleus of the conquests, and various races such as the Egyptians, the Levantines, and the Amazighs. So the Muslims, by the will and power of God, began to shake two global powers that controlled the world at that time.
And with the passage of time, other races joined Islam, such as the Ottomans and the Tatars, and by the will and power of God, people of different races are still joining to this day, and praise be to God for the blessing of Islam.
.... .... .... ....
The great Islam was able to establish its influence to this day in the countries it conquered with justice, mercy, equality, tolerance, and the moral and behavioral advancement of the early conquerors with the people of these conquered countries... Therefore, the number of Muslims in our world has reached 1.7 billion people of different colors, shapes, and races who say (There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)
Oh God, bless and grant peace to our master Muhammad, his family, and his companions .
The greatest evidence that the conquests were legitimate wars against injustice and tyranny, and that Islam did not subjugate peoples by military force is my writing these lines, even though I am a citizen in one of the conquered countries. The Islamic conquest is not an occupation of these countries or an illegitimate war against them.
(Islam does not occupy walls, but rather occupies hearts, inhabits them, and conquers countries)
From the previous practical example, we can see the difference between the jihad of demand in Islam (conquest) and colonial wars (occupation).
The Great Conqueror)
was able to triumph, thanks to God, His power and strength, over the two largest countries in the world at that time, despite his small number, equipment and military experience compared to these countries, amidst worldwide popular support and effective participation, in most cases, from the peoples of the conquered countries, to spread among them the values ​​of truth, justice, dignity, mercy and tolerance.



The usurping occupier)
is the one who possesses huge military budgets and terrifying and deadly destructive weapons with which he came to usurp the wealth of the peoples and kill their people and violate the honor of their women. However, he cannot establish his influence in two countries (small, weak and poor) in relation to the size of his terrifying power and his obscene material wealth. He lives in the hell and fire of the armed struggle of the peoples to expel him from their land, no matter how much this costs them in terms of the righteous martyrs. He will be expelled, God willing
. ..
Before I conclude this point, I want to know: If the Islamic conquest was an occupation of the country, where are the armed or even peaceful resistance movements to expel Islam???
Why have we not heard of resistance and struggle movements except with the criminality of Western nations claiming to be civilized when they occupy the country???
From the previous example, it becomes clear to us
what is the nature of the Jihad of Demand in Islam?

Jihad of demand is to liberate peoples from the oppressive forces of darkness that enslave them, whether these forces are empires of civilized oppression such as (the Romans), (the Persians) in the past, or corrupt systems of government, whether tribal in which the strong oppresses the weak and their rights are unjustly and aggressively transgressed, or unjust rulers, or the authority of the clergy that enslaves people with a priestly system, and then people are subject to humans like them.
This is what our master Rabie bin Aamer, may God be pleased with him, said to Rustum, the commander of the Persian army (We came to take the servants out of the worship of servants to the worship of the Lord of servants, and from the narrowness of the world to its spaciousness, and from the injustice of religions to the justice of Islam ) .
..................................... ........................................
Therefore, Jihad of demand is for this reason:

1) Fighting whoever starts the fight to prevent Muslims from spreading the religion of God Almighty, and we do not start the aggression because God does not love the aggressors.
And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors. (190 ) Surah Al-Baqarah

O Muslims, on your way to convey the call of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction
Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided. ) [An-Nahl: 125] )

Fight only the one who stood in the way of the peaceful call to goodness in its content, who confronted you with armed force and not with argument and proof, wanting with his armed force to stand as a barrier between you and the people, and do not transgress against anyone because Allah does not like the transgressor,,, do not transgress against the peaceful and secure person, whether his blood or his money.

2) Supporting the oppressed and weak
And what is the matter with you that you do not fight in the cause of Allah and the weak and oppressed among men, women and children who say, “Our Lord(75)

Surah An-Nisaa’
.................................................. ..................
So the Jihad of seeking is not aggression or oppression and tyranny as the spiteful repeat,
but the Jihad of seeking
 is that Jihad against ( a small group of people who are oppressors ) who stand in the way of (the call to truth, goodness, justice and equality) reaching the general public because it has an interest in weakening people or even enslaving them and subjecting them to its tyranny with falsehood.
But this unjust group of people does not even bother to search for lies, sayings and slanders to confront this divine light with, but rather stands with its armed force as a barrier
between (truth and goodness) and the oppressed men, women and children, because the Islamic call will achieve for these oppressed people (justice, dignity and equality) which they lack under an unjust tribal system or an unjust ruler or under the occupation of empires of civilizational oppression from tyrannical nations
. ....
The conquests of the Muslims were never to force people to religion ( There is no compulsion in religion ), ( Would you then compel people to be believers ? (99) ) Surah Ar-Ra`d ,,,,, but these conquests were only so that the Muslims could reach the people and call them to religion, so whoever believes, that is it, and whoever does not believe, his account is with Allah on the Day of Judgment. ................................... Then the war breaks out between the Muslims and the armed force of the oppressive class of people represented by the ruling class or the empires of cultural oppression and their lackeys who enslave the people. Only the fighters are killed and no one else, and the women and children of the fighters are taken captive and no one else is taken captive for a reason we explained in a previous point. ..... The hadith is clear, so it is not reasonable, my friend, that the Messenger of God forbade us from touching the monasteries and the clergy, then enter, for example, the church of the conquered country and kill the monk and take the nuns as captives!!!! When the Messenger of God sent out his armies, he would say to them: " Do not kill the owners of the monasteries ." ... .... Even our master Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, recommends and says in Sunan Al-Bayhaqi 9/91: (And Abu Saeed told us, on the authority of Abu Al-Abbas, on the authority of Al-Hasan, on the authority of Yahya, on the authority of Zuhair bin Muawiyah, on the authority of Yazid bin Abi Ziyad, on the authority of Zaid bin Wahb, on the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, that he said: Fear God in dealing with the farmers, and do not kill them unless they wage war against you ) (..................... because the farmers are the most affected group by the advance of the army, because it spoils the cultivation of the land and wastes their effort and fatigue in this cultivation. .. ....

Therefore, Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab recommended them and said: Fear God in their effort and fatigue that is wasted because of this march. And do not kill them unless they wage war against you.

It is irrational that the Caliph would have such compassion for the fatigue of the farmers that he recommended his armies to fear God in dealing with them and then you tell me that we will kill this farmer and take his wife and children as captives.
And even a man who is safe in his home and has not raised a sword to fight us and then we storm his safe home, kill him and take his wife as captives.!!!! These are not the morals of great conquerors, to frighten the safe even if they were birds and animals.
Because Allah, the Most High, informed us in His Book ( And do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors ) (190 ) Surah Al-Baqarah.

It is mentioned that Amr ibn Al-Aas, may Allah be pleased with him, marched to Alexandria to fight the Romans, and the news spread that when he ordered his tent to be
demolished, they found a dove that had laid eggs on top of it, so they informed him and he said: “It has become forbidden in our neighborhood , leave the tent until its chicks fly away.” It has become forbidden, meaning it has become safe in our neighborhood
Killing and captivity are only permissible for the fighter who fights with his sword and his women (as in treating like with like as we mentioned before. And most often the fighters are the armies of the Romans and Persians or the soldiers of the systems of injustice and tyranny or the tribes of injustice against the weak tribes, and not the general peoples in the conquered countries, as they almost support the conquest that will save them from The slavery and injustice you suffer from. ..... The Muslims do not commit the horrors that Westerners in general and Americans in particular commit in their wars in their conquests of countries. This is another example that I am putting in the hands of the reader to clarify the legitimacy of the Islamic conquests and that they differ from wars of oppression and aggression.



Another example from our modern era that shows the legitimacy of the Islamic conquests??!!!!
. .....
The countries of the Maghreb (Berbers) between the Islamic conquest and French colonialism.???
A comparison between the Jihad of demand in Islam and the war of aggression, oppression and injustice of French colonialism .....

..... . .....
Of course we all hear about the great Algerian revolution, the revolution of a million and a half martyrs.
France wanted to turn the Algerians into a human monster subordinate to it in belief and language. It was fighting Islam and the Arabic language in Algeria and wanted to change the belief of the Algerians to Catholicism and change their Arabic language to French. So that it could consolidate its influence and colonization forever. It would not be satisfied with occupying the land and killing our Algerian brothers and violating the honor of our Muslim sisters in Algeria, but it wanted to change the belief and language. But not by persuasion, argument and proof, but by coercion, violence and the force of advanced Western weapons on a defenseless people, killing its men and violating the honor of its women .
..... ....
So what was the response of this great people.
He made a great revolution over the course of 7 years, its fire will never be extinguished, and its fire will not be extinguished by the excessive French criminality in its brutality and tyranny.
Its slogan was ( The Algerian people are Muslims *** and to Arabism belong whoever says he has deviated from his origins *** or says he died, he has lied ).
He presented convoys of martyrs, one after the other, until their number became 1.5 martyrs, in order to liberate his land and preserve his Islamic identity and Arab affiliation.
Today, the number of Muslims in Algeria is 98% of the population of Algeria, and the
French criminality with its advanced weapons did not succeed in making even Muslims a minority in Algeria ( the sword never spreads a religion ).
.................................. ................
The Islamic conquest (Arabs) in the Maghreb region (Berbers ).
They were not wars with all the peoples and tribes in this region to plunder their wealth and violate the honor of women as terrorist France did, but rather wars with some tribes, the lackeys of the empire of cultural oppression (the Romans), and the spread of Islam in this region will harm the political interests of these (unjust) tribes in these countries. So the Islamic conquests
or the Jihad of demand in these countries were nothing but the oppressive tribes against all the weak tribes. These conquests were amid popular support and sometimes effective participation among the general public of these tribes against a small handful of opposing oppressive tribes that stood as a barrier between the first Muslims (Arabs) and those other less powerful tribes, which are the most numerous in these regions, so that they would not enjoy the goodness and justice found in the Islamic religion.
When the first Muslims (Arabs) in the Maghreb region (Berbers) defeated these unjust tribes affiliated with the Roman Empire of Civilizational Occupation.

The rest of the tribes saw tolerance and mercy in the first Muslims (Arabs) and saw that the Arabs' behavior and morals changed because of this religion, so they embraced this religion out of conviction and without a sword. However, the Maghreb peoples were not satisfied with just embracing Islam and establishing its influence in their countries, but they also tried to spread it in turn, just as the Arab conquerors spread it among them.
From among them emerged the Islamic Maghreb leader (Tariq bin Ziyad) who conquered Andalusia and was the leader of a mixed army of Arabs and Berbers. This is the idea of ​​Islamic conquests in general from Morocco to China, meaning that conquerors come to a country to spread the religion in it, and other people from the people of this country join the conquerors, and so on.
Tariq bin Ziyad conquered Andalusia to spread the values ​​of justice, dignity and equality in Andalusia
..... ..... ...
If the Maghreb peoples had embraced Islam by force of the sword!!!! Is it reasonable instead of resisting the brutal Islamic occupation and leading a revolution against it through which they offer martyrs to expel it and preserve their pagan identity at that time. And it would be an armed or even peaceful revolution.
Instead of all this, they bear the burden of this great religion and see that it is their duty towards it after Allah has honored them with it to spread it.
..... So
the leader Tariq bin Ziyad and a hybrid army came forward for Islam and the Muslims, but they were united by the word (There is no god but Allah.. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) to spread this religion and conquer Andalusia
And what is stranger than that is that they offer 1.5 million martyrs to preserve their Islamic identity!!!!!!!!
And compare this to all the conquered countries
. .....
This is the difference between the conqueror and the occupier????
The conqueror does not occupy countries, but rather occupies hearts, opens them, and instills in them his love and adherence to him because of his justice, mercy, and tolerance.
This is the Islam that 98% of Algerians embrace to this day

As for
the occupier who plunders wealth and violates honor, he will leave sooner or later even if it costs 1.5 million martyrs.
This is France and the Western occupation in general, which the Algerians expelled from their land with iron, blood and fire.

Of course, there is a big difference between the brutal and unjust wars led by the empires of civilizational oppression throughout the centuries and ages to this day, as these are illegitimate wars.
And between the jihad of demand that exists in Islam and its conquests.
Jihad of demand in Islam is a legitimate war that is completely different from the known colonial wars
. ..... . .....

And thus slavery ends in Islam

7) Slavery in Christianity???
In Isaiah 13:16 the Lord says : " And their children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes, and their houses will be plundered, and their women will be disgraced . And in Numbers 31:17-18 "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and every woman who has known man by lying with him kill her, but all the little ones of the women who have not known man keep alive for yourselves . " From the two previous phrases, the woman who has a male, i.e. a husband, is killed ...but the virgin is disgraced, i.e. raped brutally in public, and of course the fate of the child of the disgraced woman, if she is female, is also disgrace. ..... ............................................. If you go out to fight against your enemies, and the LORD your God delivers them into your hand, and you take some of them captive , and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you cleave to her and take her as your wife, then when you bring her into your house, she shall shave her head, and trim her nails, and strip her of her captive clothes, and she shall remain in your house and mourn her father and her mother for a full month; and after that you may go in to her and marry her, and she shall be your wife. (Deuteronomy 21:10-13) ..... ................................................................. ............. And sometimes without war, in the manner of highwaymen ..... The Bible recommends stealing and raping women ???? Judges 21:20 “ So they commanded the children of Benjamin, saying , ‘ Go to the vineyards and lie in wait there . Wait until the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance, and then rush to them and seize each of you a woman and flee with them to the land of Benjamin .’ ” And gird yourself and serve me while I eat and drink; and afterward you may eat and drink. Is that servant credited because he did what he was commanded? I think not. (Luke 17:7-9) When you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years; and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. If he comes in alone, he shall go out alone. If he has a wife, his wife shall go out with him. If his master gives him a wife, and she bears him sons or daughters , the woman and her children shall be his master’s, and he shall go out alone. But if the servant says, ‘I love my master, and my wife, and my children, I will not go out free’, then his master shall bring him to God, and bring him to the door or to the doorpost , and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him forever . (Exodus 21:2-6) ....

Slaves, obey your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling in singleness of heart, as to Christ. (Ephesians 6:5)

And if a man sells his daughter as a slave (Exodus 21:7)
How does the Bible permit a man to sell his daughter as a slave? ..... The Bible permits a master to beat his slave severely, and no retaliation will be taken against him, as long as the slave does not die within a day or two, because he bought him with his own money? Here is the proof: If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and he dies under his hand, retaliation will be taken against him. But if he survives a day or two, retaliation will not be taken against him, because it is his property . ( Exodus 21:20-21) This means that if the slave dies from the beating after the second day, retaliation will not be taken against his master !

But that slave who knows the will of his master and does not prepare and does not act according to his will will be beaten many times. (Luke 12:47) In Islam, whoever slaps a slave frees him

They have in their books that Solomon, peace be upon him, had 700 wives and 300 concubines, and as is known to us and to them, the Egyptian Hagar, may God be pleased with her, was the concubine of our master Abraham, and from this concubinage came our master Ishmael, peace be upon him
. ..... ..
And as Dr. "George Post" says in (The Dictionary of the Book): "Christianity did not object to slavery from its political or economic aspect, and did not incite believers to oppose their generation in their morals regarding slavery, or even discuss it, and did not say anything against the rights of slave owners, nor did it move slaves to seek independence, nor did it search for the harms of slavery, nor its evil, and did not order the immediate release of slaves, and by consensus it did not change the legal relationship between the master and the slave in any way, but on the contrary, it established the rights and duties of each of the two parties."
.................................. .....

 Did the New World Order really abolish slavery or did it abolish it in form but retain its substance????

5 The fate of bastards and prostitution in Europe
Picture 2 also shows men eating on her while she is completely naked.
Woman Washing Cars Completely Naked

3 pictures of men eating on her while she is completely naked

1 Slavery in the West


--> .....
At this point we will know the truth of the alleged Western civilization that developed the means of slavery, abolished it in form, and preserved its purpose, and also the number of purposes.
Historical introduction

The Europeans who colonized North America after killing its indigenous inhabitants, the Red Indians, more than 300 million people, to seize their lands and plunder their wealth, also contacted the dark continent of Africa. Their contact with this continent was a torrent. They raided African countries, kidnapped men, women and children, and the pirates transported them in cargo ships, crammed into a narrow, dark, foul-smelling place. They were not even allowed the distance between one cow and another in a pen. They urinated and defecated on each other, with insects and mice, without the slightest regard for their humanity. Rather, the treatment of them was more despicable and contemptible than the treatment of animals. The series (Roots) that they produced themselves is evidence of this, as a witness to their injustice before successive generations. The white man used to enslave the black man, and he believed that he had the right to do whatever he wanted to him, plunder his land, violate his honor, and shed his blood, so that he could live a life of luxury and comfort, even at the expense of others. So the saying applies to them - and still applies to them: Killing a white man in the forest is something unforgivable, but killing an entire people is a matter of consideration!

Did the crimes of the Westerners end here? After all these crimes, they issued their trivial law prohibiting the slave trade in form, devoid of any substance. Even this law was not an expression of generosity or compassion on their part, nor did it take into consideration human rights.

The circumstances of the law abolishing slavery!!

The law was not a gesture of generosity or compassion or consideration for human rights, but rather for purely economic reasons. fight North South led by (Abraham Lincoln) that war Which was characterized by the feature of (freeing slaves) , although its real motives were competition. Economic The law was issued by the North Americans who were reluctant , and if it weren’t for the economic burden Which they suffer from due to the low productivity of slaves in their land and the high productivity of slaves in The south did not cancel it.

This is because the slaves brought from central Africa to work on the land as slaves did not... They could not withstand the cold weather in the north, so their productivity was not at the required level to achieve profits , but they were an economic burden in the northern states , and the meaning was This is so that the colonists in the southern states find cheap labor because the slaves endure the weather in the American South, and thus profits are achieved in the South because of the slaves, thus achieving economic superiority , while the slaves in the North are an economic burden ; therefore, the Northerners announced War after slaves became in the North ((an economic burden)) and in the South ((superiority Economic)) A fierce war broke out between North and South America for reasons of It is purely economic and not humanitarian. Accordingly, and to all those who cheer this law
Was it Do Americans have the right to kidnap and pirate ?? What if the thief returned what he stole? Hater after he made sure that what he stole he can no longer benefit from it. Should I  thank him ? ??!!!!
as we explained before, the practices of slavery among women still exist, and even developed with the development of time, so why did slavery among males disappear ?

Because machines have replaced the muscular strength of males, so slavery among males is no longer economically feasible, just as machines have replaced animals in transportation and communication, so the phenomenon of using animals in transportation and communication has disappeared except very, very rarely and in poor countries, but has been replaced by trucks, buses, cars and trains.
As for the trade in women's bodies, it still bears fruit, and has even become a major economic industry in our era, so the practices of slavery in the modern era have remained limited to women only . ____________

The evidence is that  the law abolishing slavery in America was for purely economic reasons
 far from the alleged guise of humanity, and the existence of racism and discrimination between blacks and whites in treatment and the level of services provided to each gender
for decades   after Abraham Lincoln's law abolishing slavery as a kind of contempt and humiliation for blacks only because of the blackness of their skin!!!!
For example, this picture shows a pool designated for colored people and a pool designated for whites!!!
The picture shows the difference in service between the two basins!!!

Blacks in America faced all forms of contempt and humiliation, so it was

White people are given priority in all matters. In transportation, specific places are allocated for them. To sit, even if the white seats were completely empty of anyone and the black seats were crowded, no black man could break the racist law and sit on the white seats, otherwise he would be arrested by the police.
 In the rest of life’s dealings, they are bound by certain laws that no one can…
 One of them exceeded it or he was arrested
------- Which slavery did Antonin Lincoln abolish with his law while the practices of slavery
humiliation and degradation of blacks by whites remained the same for 98 years after the law was issued???!!
This proves that the law was issued by Antonin Lincoln for purely economic reasons far from humanity...
And when one of the secularists comes out and says that now blacks and Negroes enjoy equality in rights and duties in the American constitution, and that the American President Barack Obama is of African origin and black in color.

I say that these are rights that they obtained through their struggle and fight, even if it was peaceful, and during that they offered their lives for the sake of their freedom,
and no one granted them these rights out of pity, compassion or support   for the alleged human rights charters.
Black Negroes in America have been suffering all forms of discrimination, contempt and humiliation until 1963 when they staged a peaceful revolution at the memorial
to the 16th American President Antonin Lincoln   , led by Martin Luther King,
who was assassinated in April 1968 by a white man.
Note that the date of the Black Negro Revolution in America was 1963, i.e. 18 years after   the issuance of the United Nations Human Rights Charter in 1945!!!
That is, the Human Rights Charters, after their issuance, were not applied in America during this period, except that American Black Negroes seized their rights by force through their struggle, not through the alleged Human Rights Charters!!!!

The West has preserved the content of slavery to this day, enumerated its means, developed its objectives, and only abolished it in form. After they issued their alleged law, they enslaved entire peoples through modern colonialism in India, Africa, and Algeria. During their occupation of these countries, they committed the most horrific atrocities that are shameful. These peoples will not gain their freedom except through a long struggle and fight in which many martyrs and dead fell. They did not grant these proud peoples freedom, as they seized it by force with their blood... And did slavery really end with the end of the modern era
==== ...

Of course, after the invention of machines and their replacement of humans, the enslavement of males and the use of their muscular strength was no longer economically practical, but the economic exploitation of women’s bodies still bears economic fruits. On the contrary, it has also become, in our time after the communications revolution, a giant economic industry (of course, forbidden). Therefore, the practice of slavery remained in females and disappeared in males.

1) Slavery still exists, whether legally or with the state’s disregard, and they are bought and sold openly as they were in the past in Western countries. Rather, it is considered one of the pillars of the Western state’s economy


Regardless of the title of the video, the content and why this woman saw Islam as the solution 
is clear to us from the video that the (white slaves) were purchased from the Russian mafia and then sold in the markets of Berlin in special markets under the eyes and supervision of the state and without the slightest interference from it. They are then sold to all parts of the world and of course the nature of their work in the end is prostitution. ... The source of the gold and diamonds in the markets comes from Africa through slaves who are forced and certainly work in inhumane conditions, but what the esteemed expert did not say is that those who collect gold and diamonds in Africa through slaves in collecting them sell them in the global markets through European traders as well. In order to buy weapons from American weapons companies. Consequently, American weapons companies achieve obscene wealth.. from behind the conflicts in African countries and the exploitation of slaves in collecting gold and diamonds. .......... At the end of the report, she fears that her children will become slaves under the new regime, so she calls for the application of Islam so that this does not happen . ........ 2 ) A report from an official American body talks about bringing girls and enslaving them: 50 thousand women and girls . Source: New YorkTimes:


.................................................. ................................................


 3) The West has excelled in dragging women into shameful and humiliating acts that rival ancient forms of slavery Exploiting women’s bodies in various forms of pornography has become a huge industry such as pornographic films, nude clubs and advertisements) in the West, bringing in : $ 12 billion annually in America alone :

4) The spread of restaurants that serve their meals on the bodies of naked women and women washing cars completely naked in the streets.. .
Victims of male exploitation


     (You can find that in picture number 2,3.)

--> Restaurants have spread in America (and Europe) that serve food on the bodies of naked women ( New York Times, issue 18-4-2007, issue 24-8-2008, and other issues

.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...............................................


My friend, those women in pictures (2 and 3) are facing a violation of their humanity that demolishes all the lies of the alleged Western civilization in liberating slaves.
Imagine that this woman is struggling just to breathe, the simplest right of any living being, and I will not say human. This poor woman cannot get it well so that the food does not fall from her completely naked body.
And imagine those sadistic men who enjoy eating their food on her completely naked body as if they were eating her flesh.

And the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, whom Allah sent as a mercy to the worlds, forbade us from this humiliation of Allah's creatures, even if they were animals
. ....
Beware of using the backs of your animals as pulpits , for Allah Almighty has only subjected them to you so that you can reach a country that you could not reach except with great difficulty, and He made the earth for you, so fulfill your needs on it. Narrator: Abu Hurairah. Narrator: Al-Albani - Source: As-Silsilah As-Saheehah - Page or number: 22. Summary of the degree: Its chain of transmission is authentic . .... Yes, my Muslim brother, the poor Western woman does not rise to the level of animals in the teachings of our great religion. She is nothing more than a dining table or something from the luxuries of the dining table and a urinal for men's desires. .... This is the alleged Western civilization. As long as you are one of the owners of capital and own it, you have the right to do anything and everything. You have the right to buy and obtain all means of luxury and pleasure, no matter how sadistic and inhumane this pleasure is and at the expense of the body of a weak woman who is unable to provide for herself. She did not find a real man to spend on her because the Western man is not responsible for spending on anyone. The Western man’s only mission with women is to enjoy them only and he does not spend on them and moves from one woman to another . The average number of women’s relationships is … In a report by the American government’s Centers for Disease Control :

The average number of women an American man has sexual relations with is seven, and 29% of men have had sexual relations with more than 15 women in their lives :

                                                             The BBC published a study conducted on 14 countries that showed that :

42% of Britons admitted to having sex with more than one person at the same time, while half of Americans have extramarital affairs. The percentage in Italy was 38% and in France 36%. Source BBC

The Western man has many mistresses and greedily because, quite simply, he does not bear any responsibility for anything in these relationships. All he does is enjoy himself. He does not spend money on his girlfriends whom he enjoys, and he does not bear any financial or social obligation towards them, as they are only for pleasure.
Most men treat women like prostitutes , although the prostitute is better off because she gets paid, while these women do not get paid .

If one of them becomes pregnant from this fornication, it is her burden alone and she must choose either to bear the responsibility of raising this illegitimate child or to kill him , which is called abortion :

In America, there are 10.4 million families supported by the mother alone (without the presence of a father US Census Bureau ..... The civilized Western man does not support anyone. These are the characteristics of the Muslim man who is falsely accused of not having a higher level of desire than animals The fate of the children of the liberated women who the civilized Western man enjoys in his multiple female relationships is abortion.


In America alone, more than a million children are killed by abortion every year !! Source: US Centers for Disease Control


Indeed, the heart is filled with sadness and the eyes overflow with tears when we see how these weak children are killed at the request of their mothers! Look how the wolves of humanity were able to deceive these women, defile them, and involve them with children of fornication, and then abandon them until they were stripped of all morality, compassion, and mercy! They killed their children in extremely brutal ways, and even    beasts and animals would defend their young to the death These are the considerations of the Muslim man only And what about the child whose fate is other than abortion? What will be his fate in the end? Throwing him in the containers with the utmost cruelty and inhumanity as in picture No. 5 .


And of course the poor woman, the plaything of men, finds nothing from these relationships but regret, so she moves from one man to another, or rather from one wolf to another, or even from one animal to another, hoping to find the security and tenderness that women usually beg for from these relationships, but her share from these relationships is nothing but sexual diseases
Women's suffering is not limited to the pain of betrayal and separation, but she may be exposed to fatal sexual diseases due to the spread of obscenities. In America :

More than 65 million people have incurable sexually transmitted diseases . Source CNN and the US Centers for Disease Control

.... And of course, since there is no man like the Muslim man to provide her with a home and support her, she has to earn her daily bread by herself. So what does a woman do???? 89% of low-level jobs are held by women, while 97% of leadership positions are held by men

. A report by the US Department of Labor stated that Most women in the West work in low-paying, low-status jobs. Even with the pressure exerted by the government to improve women's jobs, 97% of senior leadership positions in the largest companies are held by men Source : US Department of Labor ( Glass Ceiling Report):

In another report by the US Department of Labor :

89% of domestic workers and cleaners are women. Source US Department of Labor

.................................................. .................................................. .......

--> ,, But these jobs do not provide the life that women hope for, so what does the poor woman who works in lowly jobs do after she did not find a man to support her (he only enjoys himself, he does not spend)
She has to work in prostitution the real essence of slavery ), i.e. prostitution, with official licenses from the state claiming civilization . Instead of providing a decent life for these women and enacting laws to make the Western man (the wolf) preserve the sanctity of her body, so he does not defile it with his immorality, and spends on them and is financially and socially obligated towards them.
Laws have been enacted that regulate the white slave trade (prostitution) and facilitated the licensing of this activity officially from the state.
        Society Magazine 128/25 published
 that Italy, for example, has one million Italian women
practicing prostitution . In America 
, the number of those who have become professional prostitutes is 600,000 teenage girls. ..... The French magazine (Nouvelle Observateur Fighter) published in its issue of 12 16/ 1980/ Prostitution in France provides work for about 300 thousand French girls, with the state getting the lion's share. ..... In the French city of (Bordeaux), the annual profits from prostitution reach three billion francs annually. ..... Prostitution does not claim that he does not know prostitution (white slave trade) . He is a pimp through whom women are enslaved. Through this pimp, commercial transactions related to the bodies of these women are carried out, and the woman does not have the right to reject any customer who wants to play with her body in the way he wants. He may have animalistic tendencies that she cannot object to. Because he will pay the price to satisfy her hunger, she is also obligated to this pimp by a financial commitment that she must pay him because she cannot practice her work except through this pimp. ..... This is Western civilization in brief. By God, if we elaborate on the evils of the global system and its economic and social crimes, we would know that this system did not abolish slavery, but rather abolished freedom . ..... It made slavery almost the prevailing condition in the entire world, and freedom the exception. A very small handful of people possess enormous wealth that cannot be counted, while the vast majority of people live in extremely poor human conditions, making them enslaved by that powerful, extremely wealthy handful of people. ..... You will find the pictures that express my words in picture (2,,,3) ..... -->

In this picture , I see the vast majority of humanity enslaved like that poor naked woman.
In the middle of a pack of wolves, I see in these sadistic men the emperors of capital in the world (contracting, weapons, oil). Unfortunately, they are almost the real makers of political decisions in the world's superpower. That's why you see all the destruction and devastation because of this greedy handful of people. This greedy group is the one that enslaves all of humanity. They are the reason for the suffering of the children of slaves in Africa. They are the reason for the trade in women as sexual bribes for commercial transactions between the owners of capital and each other. One of the reasons for the war on Iraq for oil and contracting.
In this world, thanks to the alleged Western civilization,
any poor person in this world has become an enslaved slave to the rich,,, and any weak person has become an enslaved slave to every strong person, but of course the global system is working and is still working to widen the gap between the poor and the rich, the weak and the strong, until the scope of slavery in this world expands, so it has become the prevailing state originally and slavery becomes the normal situation, but freedom is the exception, but with deceptive claims of liberation.
The global system has made people worship each other 
What is the content of slavery, especially among women????
As we said, a woman towards whom no one feels any sanctity or jealousy or honor, is deceived by one man after another. She has no financial or social obligation to anyone, and no one spends on her. She is only for pleasure.
Her body is permissible for every pleasure seeker and every human wolf. She works in prostitution to earn her daily bread and the pimp collects the price. Her

completely naked body is eaten by a group of sadistic, savage men as if they are eating her flesh in state-licensed restaurants. With her completely naked body she washes their luxury cars...
body is exploited in advertisements and pornographic fields in a trade that brings in more than 12 billion dollars annually. For a country claiming to be civilized.
As for her children from her relationship with men, their fate is either abortion or their fate is containers because they are the children of forbidden relationships that their fathers did not acknowledge and because their liberated mother is nothing more than 
a urinal of lust for a truly animal man who does not deserve to be the mother of his children so that he bears any responsibility towards her or her children.
She is only a urinal of pleasure and not that woman who is shared in forming a respectable family. Therefore, you find most Western men, and this is normal for Western men, to have multiple wives greedily in their relationship with women because they are not committed to responsibility towards women and children.
.... All of these qualities that
mentioned you will find present in the general rule of Western women and they are largely identical to the content of slavery in 
pre- Islamic times but in a new and modern, shiny way.
I leave it to the fair reader to ask him who truly honored mankind???
Islam, Christianity, the New World Order, or the Old World Order before Islam.
Who truly pitied the weakness of the weak and enacted laws to protect them, and who exploited the weakness of the weak in ancient and modern times to build his alleged civilization on the back of the flogged slave and the naked body of the woman today 


Topics on the margins of slavery in Islam

Is it permissible to force a wife or a slave to have intercourse? ???
.. .... .... .... ...
There is no explicit text on forcing a wife or a slave to have intercourse. ................
Is coercion permissible on a wife, i.e. a man forcing his wife to have intercourse by force???

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said (Any woman whose husband calls her to bed and she does not accept his invitation without an excuse, the angels curse her until morning)
The hadith says without an excuse
The excuse that a woman uses to abstain from her husband may be that he does not pray, drinks alcohol, or eats forbidden money, so she abstains from him until he stops these sins
A husband who does not fulfill his responsibilities of guardianship, is negligent in spending on the house, and wastes his time and money on things that are not beneficial, so she abstains from him until he stops this sin. The
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said (It is enough of a sin for a man to neglect those he supports)
Another husband humiliates his wife and treats her badly without a good reason.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said
(Do you beat them at the beginning of the day and then have intercourse with them at the end of it???!!)

As if the Messenger of Allah was surprised and astonished how she humiliates her during the day and then asks her to have intercourse at night??!!
Her psychological state does not allow for this intercourse after the insult,
so the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said (No harm and no harming )
, and this man also violates the advice of the Messenger of Allah, which says (Treat women well)
, and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said ( None shall honor them except the honorable, and none shall humiliate them except the ignoble )
.. ....
when is the wife considered to be abstaining without an excuse and then deserves the curse of the angels???

When the man does all his duties as a man and bears the responsibility of his guardianship and fears Allah in his treatment of her and treats her well, then she abstains from him....
An example of this is
that let us suppose that there is a spoiled wife who is extravagant in her requests, for example, she asked her husband for a new car, so her husband, out of his intense love for her, fulfilled her request, but after a short while she asked for another new car, so her husband abstained from asking for it and saw that this was extravagance out of place, so when he invited her to bed, she also abstained from asking for it as a means of pressuring him, and we know examples of such wives.
Here the wife refuses without an excuse, so she deserves the curses of the angels until she becomes...
But despite all this, the noble hadith did not permit forcing her to have intercourse, and it never referred to that. Rather, all that the hadith told us about is that this refusing wife will be cursed by the angels until she becomes...

Even the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
Kindness is not placed in anything except adultery, and it is not removed from anything except disgrace.)
..... ..... ....
If religion does not permit coercion with a wife who is bound by a marriage contract and chooses her husband with her full will and knows the duties of marriage and refuses her husband without an acceptable excuse, then religion does not urge the husband to force her. On the contrary, it tells him that kindness beautifies everything, even if it strips something of its dignity.
..... ....
So what about the female slave whom fate has brought to him???
You will tell me that this is a female slave, I will tell you that the commandments of the true religion regarding a female slave are harsher than regarding a free wife.
Kindness to a female slave or even a male slave are in the same bowl as kindness to parents . { And worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good , and to relatives , orphans, the needy, the neighbor who is a relative and the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion at your side, the wayfarer , and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like anyone who is arrogant and boastful. Verse 36 in Surat An-Nisa. We all know the status of parents in the true religion.
Also, the right hand possession is in one vessel with the pillar of our religion in the last will of the Messenger of Allah ( Prayer, prayer, and what your right hands possess )
..... .................................
These commandments do not mean that the right hand possession is better than the free wife in good treatment!!!
But the free woman has good social circumstances, she has her family and relatives,
while the right hand possession (men..and women) does not have these advantages, so you find the commandments for the slave woman are more severe than the wife.
The opinion of non-coercion is also supported by ancient jurists in an era in which there was (and what your right hands possess ).
His saying ( And do not compel your girls to prostitution if they desire chastity, desiring adornments of the worldly life )
..... ....
Fath Al-Bari, Commentary on Sahih Al-Bukhari,

Book of Compulsion , Chapter: It is not permissible to marry one who is compelled.

Compelled with the opening of the ra’ ​​His saying: And do not compel your girls to prostitution until His saying: Forgiving, Merciful. This is how it is for Abu Dharr and Al-Ismaili. Al-Qabisi added the wording “compelling them” instead of his saying “etc.” And so it is for Al-Jurjani. And he cited in the narration of Karima the entire verse. And girls with the opening of the fa’ and the ta’ is the plural of girl and what is meant by it is the female slave and the same for the servant even if she is free. And the wisdom of the restriction with His saying: If they desire chastity is that compulsion does not occur except with the desire for chastity because the obedient one is not called compelled, so the estimate is your girls whose habit is prostitution .
And it was hidden from some of the commentators that they made “if they desire chastity” related .Focus on the word related to the religion (in his saying before that and marry the single among you and the rest of the discussion on this verse will come after two chapters and some of them have questioned the suitability of the verse for the translation and it is possible that he indicated that the required translation is benefited by way of priority because if he forbade coercion in what is not permissible then the prohibition of coercion in what is permissible is more appropriate. Ibn Battal said that the majority went to the invalidity of the marriage of the one who is forced.

Conclusion in light of the verses of the Holy Quran The majority of jurists went to the invalidity of the marriage of the one who is forced, whether free or slave
. .................................. ...........................
.................................. ...........................
We understand from the words of contemporary jurists on this phenomenon and in light of the verses of the Holy Quran .... that forcing to do what is forbidden (is forbidden) so it is more appropriate to prohibit forcing to do what is permissible .
Why? Because compulsion generally makes people hate something, whether it is permissible or forbidden, whether it is beneficial or useful.
generally makes people hate and loathe the thing they are forced to do. Consequently,
forcing something permissible makes people hate and loathe what they are forced to do. Consequently, forcing something permissible is forbidden because by forcing and not by being gentle, you make them actually hate what is permissible and turn to what is forbidden.
For example, a student hates a certain subject and does not like to review its lessons. A successful teacher is one who makes his student love his subject with gentleness.
But a failed teacher is one who beats his student until he studies his lessons by force . This results in the student hating this subject and he may fail it because of the psychological complex that has formed between him and the subject. As a result of his teacher insulting him.
... ....
Compare this to the fact
that when a female slave is forced by her owner to have intercourse, this will make her hate what is permissible because she will hate her owner and practicing what is permissible with her owner, and she may turn to what is forbidden and commit adultery with another man whom she may love and have a heartfelt inclination towards.
The rule says (no harm and no reciprocating harm). The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
If forcing what is permissible will ultimately lead to falling into what is forbidden, then forcing what is permissible is forbidden .
Also, coercion is against the kindness recommended in verse 36 in Surat An-Nisa, and we have referred to the verse before ..
because that will cause psychological and physical harm to the female slave.
The Messenger of Allah recommended us not to hurt the slaves even with the word (slave or slave girl) so that their psyche would not be hurt (No one should say my slave or my slave girl because you are all slaves of Allah and all your women are slaves of Allah, but let one of you say my boy or my slave girl or my girl or my girl).
So what about forcing her to have intercourse and what it will cause her of psychological harm that is many times greater than the word (my slave girl). Forcing her to have intercourse will cause her psychological and physical harm.
The rule says (No harm and no harming) as the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, told us.
.................................. .................................. ...
And as the Messenger of Allah says (Kindness is not placed in anything except that it adorns it and it does not raise anything except that it disgraces it)
on the somewhat difficult assumption that she does not have a heart inclination towards her owner and that she has a heart inclination towards another man???
If the other man really finds her and is serious, then let her write to her owner about herself. (And writing) is not at the owner’s desire but at her own desire (as we discussed before in the paragraph why Islam did not abolish slavery with the stroke of a pen).
During the writing period, she is not the property of the right hand and she is not free either, but she is absolutely forbidden to her owner during this period, and she also has the right to the zakat of Muslims, and the zakat of Muslims at that time is like tax money in our time, i.e. like the money of the state. As we mentioned before )...
If this other man is really serious, then let him pay the financial value that she wrote to her first owner about so that she becomes free, and let this financial value be her dowry that he will pay to her to buy her freedom.
And as writing results in loyalty to his flesh like the flesh of kinship and a social vessel for her, it is as if she bought with her dowry the thorn and clannishness of her owner and his family. Free and she has a thorn and clannishness and a social vessel.
Her owner is also required to give her money,
and praise be to God for the blessing of Islam .)
..... .....
Let us assume an empty sophistical argument .
She has no inclination towards her owner or any other man, and she wants her freedom???
There is nothing wrong with her writing to her owner about herself and going to do what women can do and work in, and her work is for a wage, such as working as a seamstress or spinning or anything women can do for a wage, in order to pay the value of the money agreed upon in the writing, and she also has the right to go to the treasury of the Muslims and ask for her share of the state taxes in order to become free.
As we said, writing does not only buy her freedom, but it also buys a social vessel, a thorn, and a clannishness.
The great Islam completely emptied slavery of its content, dried up its sources, and widened the doors of escape from slavery, whether by writing or urging in more than one place to free slaves for the sake of God.
And praise be to God for the blessing of Islam, and that is enough of a blessing
. ..... .....
And God knows best
God knows best

.. ..... ..... ....
At that time, the real problem of the female slave was not that she was forced to have intercourse by her owner
. .....
The real problem was that the man had some sensitivity inside him about treating his female slave as he would treat his wife, because after the advent of Islam, the great religion obligated the man towards his female slave (material, social and religious commitment). These commitments completely emptied slavery of its content, and the relationship between the man and his female slave became content with marriage.
..... .....
It is natural that any man wants the mother of his children to be free and from a noble family.
He may have a heartfelt inclination towards his female slave, but his family refuses that and it may cause problems with them, especially the mother. For example, his mother refuses to have grandchildren from a female slave and wants free grandchildren from noble lineage,
as we say in Egypt ( the mother wants to marry her son to the Sultan's daughter )
If in our current era there are often those who refuse to marry those who are socially and financially inferior to him.
For example, a young man from a so-called upper class refuses to marry a girl from a working-class neighborhood (with all due respect, of course)
Practical example /
Imagine that there is a maid or secretary working in a giant investment company.
Of course, the maid and secretary are not slaves, but free women who do their work for a wage and have no right over the company owner other than a respectable wage that rewards the work they do.
However, the secretary or maid is from a lower material and social class.
But imagine, would the company owner be satisfied to marry the maid or secretary???!!! While his brother, for example, is married to a girl from a high social background!!!
He will say to himself, why would my brother choose the mother of his children from a distinguished family so that his children can be proud of her.
While my children's mother is a secretary or maid from a modest family background, his children feel inferior towards his brother's children.
With all due respect to the maid and secretary, of course, she may be better and more generous than any other woman in personality. Unfortunately, these class concepts have only spread because of our distance from our religion. There is no difference between one Muslim and another except in piety, which is one of the reasons for the decline and deterioration of Muslims today )
Let us assume that all these considerations do not concern the owner of the giant company and that he has a heartfelt inclination towards the secretary or maid and goes to propose to this maid or secretary
Will she reject him??? And what will her feelings be???
Most likely (no), on the contrary, she will see in him the groom who offers her the opportunity of a lifetime and that he will move her from her material and social level to a higher material and social level. If this is the case of free women in our current era, then
women in general are looking for comfort, security, and a secure future (and the future is in the hands of Allah Almighty).
So what about the slave girl, which is more suitable and appropriate for her, and which will the slave girl choose, to accept with a satisfied soul and complete happiness that her master lives with her, or will she write herself a contract??? Both
paths lead to freedom.
But which one is easier, safer and more comfortable, and will the slave girl choose???
..... Is the relationship with the secret slave girl (the mother of the child) like that of a wife or a lover??? .................................. Let us see what is stated about the rights of the female slave in our great religion. God Almighty said: “And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (32) Surah An-Nur. ..................... And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said  There are three who will have two rewards : a man from the People of the Book who believed in his Prophet and believed in Muhammad, a male slave who fulfills the right of Allah and the right of his masters , and a man who had a female slave whom he disciplined and taught her well, and taught her and taught her well then he freed her and married her , for he will have two rewards . ” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. ..................... The purpose of the word “marry” in the Holy Quran is to indicate a serious marriage, the purpose of which is to form a family and righteous offspring. .................................................. . But as we said with a free woman by a contract of benefit and with a female slave by the pretext of ownership that leads to her benefit, as well as shared benefits such as a contract of benefit with a free woman. .... Of course, the conditions for the validity of a marriage of benefit differ from the conditions for the validity of a marriage of ownership (ownership of the neck) due to the different circumstances of each of them ... But the content of the relationship, its nature and the mutual benefits are completely identical between a marriage of benefit and a marriage of ownership (ownership of the neck) .... Definition of a mistress : She is a woman whose relationship with her lover is not proven by a contract or a document documenting their relationship, whether it is a contract of benefit with a free wife or a document of ownership with a slave woman that proves the relationship between them.. Consequently, her lover does not have any obligations towards her in terms of spending on her or clothing. Likewise, her lover can easily evade her because there is nothing that proves the relationship, and thus her child is not attributed to him (whether male or female). He often does not feel jealousy, honor and dignity towards her, and he does not feel any of the feelings of fatherhood towards his children from her, such as tenderness, affection, care and protection, because he is simply not completely sure that they are his children, and his inner voice says that as long as she gave up her body with me, it is possible that she gave up herself with someone else. Men, he doesn't feel jealous towards her, she is just a place of pleasure. Her relationship with her lover is secret and not public .....

Definition of a secret slave (mother of a child) in Islam : She is a woman whose relationship with her owner is proven by a public document of ownership, and her relationship with her owner is known to everyone, so they do not object to anything.
A practical example
is the document of ownership of a house, for example. The document of ownership of a house proves the owner’s right to his house . Also, his ownership of this house is public, so everyone knows that this is his house, and therefore when people find him at the door of his house, they do not object to the matter at all, and they do not call the police, for example.
Also, his house has sanctity, so no one enters it in his absence, and if someone enters it in his absence, he is a thief who must be punished.
..... For example, the legitimacy of
their relationship is proven by a contract of benefit, called in our time (the marriage contract). Therefore, if, for example, a man and a woman are in a place far from their original homeland, and no one knows them there, and then people find this man and woman in a place, what proves the legitimacy of their relationship for these people, the owners of the homeland who are expatriates in it? What is called in our current era ( the marriage contract ) and therefore these people do not find anything wrong with them. The benefit contract proves the validity of the lineage to his father and this creates the clannishness of lineage .
The secret slave (the mother of the child) proves the legitimacy of her relationship with a king's argument and therefore if, for example, a man and a woman are in a place far from their original homeland where people do not know them and then they find this man and woman in a place, what proves the legitimacy of their relationship to these people, the owners of the homeland who are expatriates in it ( the king's argument ) and therefore these people do not find anything wrong with them. The king's argument proves the validity of the lineage to his father
and this creates the clannishness of lineage. .....
The mistress
at any time and place The relationship is in secret and people find it and nothing proves the validity of the lineage, and there is no clannishness between the man and the product of this forbidden relationship, so the fate of the mistress's pregnancy is either abortion or throwing the child in the garbage. We all know this from the stories of the girls of the night and brothels in our current era ....
is it reasonable that the human being whom God has honored is like a house???
Allah the Almighty says in His Book And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite ] preference .} Verse 70 in Surat An-Nisaa
. .....
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, also says
(You are all from Adam, and Adam was from dust)
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, also says
(A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim . He does not let him down, humiliate him, or despise him ) As is well known, it is forbidden in Islam to take a female non-Muslim as a concubine. A Muslim does not take her as a concubine, and she does not take her as a concubine to a Muslim .
Concubinage is the right of the Muslim female slave only To honor her, not to demean or insult her
If the contract of benefit between a man and his wife is a contract of benefit that leads to several shared benefits such as chastity, modesty, affection, mercy, housing, and good offspring , and the rights of the wife over her husband include her right to be provided for and treated kindly, then the argument of ownership between the man and his female slave leads to her benefit, which is her obtaining freedom, and also shared benefits such as chastity, modesty, affection, mercy, housing, and good offspring. Also, the female slave (the mother of the child) has the right to be provided for and treated kindly. Also, the marriage of ownership of the neck is a covenant more solemn and severe than the marriage of the contract. .. . A practical example from Islamic history ..... In Islamic history there is much evidence that proves what I am saying. Harun al-Rashid’s historical mistake was that he was the crown prince for more than two men. His crown prince was al-Amin, the son of his wife, Lady Zubaydah, his cousin, of noble lineage and granddaughter of the caliphs His second crown prince was al-Ma’mun, the son of Lady Marrakesh al-Farsiyya, the king of the right hand We note that Harun al-Rashid divided his kingdom and the caliphate among themselves, and this was his mistake due to their close ages. He gave his son al-Ma’mun the east of the caliphate and gave al-Amin the west of the caliphate. ..... Here is the question, if the son of the right hand king was like the son of the lover, would he have treated him like his brother Al-Amin? Secondly, Lady Zubaydah, daughter of the caliphs and daughter of lineage and lineage, is the queen mother in the West . ..... And the right hand king (the mother of Caliph Al-Ma'mun), if she was alive at the time, is the queen mother in the East of the Muslim Caliphate . ..... The son of the lover in our current era, what he and his mother most desire is to remove the disgrace from him and attribute him to him , and he does not aspire to inherit from his father's money. The right hand king in Islam does not need to file a case to prove lineage or to examine DNA because her position in practical reality is that of a wife . .... When Al-Amin was defeated in his political struggle with his brother Al-Ma'mun, Lady Zubaydah's influence in the Caliphate was broken after the killing of her son . ..... When their brother Al-Mu'tasim assumed the Caliphate, and he also had his mother, the right hand king, Lady Mardah, she was alive when her son ascended the throne of the Caliphate, so she became the queen mother of all the women of the world when Lady Zubaydah turned to worship and asceticism in life after The killing of her son (Al-Amin), so the lady Marida (the right hand angel) became the mother of the caliph, the one who ascended the throne, the cornerstone in the women’s councils of the husbands of state employees Glory be to the Exalted, the Humiliator, the Changer of affairs.

Who was the right hand of the queen yesterday is today the queen of the women of the world
and who was the Abbasid princess yesterday, the granddaughter of the caliphs,
became alone with no one knocking on her door, so she turned to worship and asceticism in the world
More than that, the descendants of Lady Marda, Al-Wathiq and Al-Mutawakkil, also ascended the throne of the caliphate.
In short, the descendants of Lady Marda, who was the (right hand of the queen)
yesterday, are the ones who ruled the Muslims for 400 years
By concubinage, Lady Marda (the right hand of the queen) obtained what her mistress, Lady Zubaydah Al-Abbas, had,
a man who was her husband to satisfy her instinct as a female,
and children and grandchildren (the caliphs of the Muslims and the kings of the world), i.e. she had a family like any woman in the world,
sovereignty over the women of the world
Of course, other than her freedom
Will the lover that the man enjoys have this fate or will
her fate be
hard worldly work ?

89% of Western women work in worldly work because they do not find anyone to spend on them,
and of course worldly work does not achieve a decent life, so let her eat with her body By prostitution
or making others eat on her completely naked body in restaurants licensed by civilized countries. As for her son,
as we have explained before, his fate is known


Let us assume that the female slave is not the man’s right hand, but rather the right hand of his mother, for example, orhis wife. Is it permissible to marry her by ownership?
Of course, this is not permissible because she is not his right hand, but rather the right hand of his mother or wife. The proof of ownership here, if documented, is for his mother or wife and not for him. Therefore, she is the right hand of his mother or wife. It is not permissible for him to have intercourse with this female slave or even to cast an unlawful glance at her. He must lower his gaze from her because she is not permissible for him.....
And Allah knows best,Allah knows best

Would you Muslims be satisfied that your women be (captives) of enemies???
I say to the questioner, did our enemy, ancient and modern, treat our prisoners, whether men or women, the same way we treat our prisoners ?
The verse did not mention to us
So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure [their] bonds. Then either [confer ] favor afterwards or ransom [them ] until the war lays down its burdens . } [Muhammad: from verse 4]

The verse did not mention to us the necessity of enslavement at all in the treatment of prisoners of war.
Slavery is a matter of reciprocity or the best solution when dealing with the captive. However, we hope that our enemy, if he does not grant our captives freedom,
will give them the right to free themselves
if he defeats us and something falls into his hands and captures a Muslim woman as a captive . He will tell us, O Muslims, your Muslim sister is a captive with us, so ransom her with money so that she will not fall under the yoke of the right hand. By God, we would have collected her ransom even if we were forced to sell our body parts, one by one, so that she would not fall under the yoke of the right hand. However, our enemy will not give us this opportunity. We hope that our enemy, if he defeats us and something falls into his hands and captures a Muslim woman as a captive, will treat them kindly as he treats a poor person or an orphan and will not harm them even verbally We hope that our enemy, if he defeats us and something falls into his hands and captures a Muslim woman as a captive, will not take any of them as a concubine unless the Muslim woman abandons her religion . She is not from us after that, and we are not from her, and we do not care about her, as she has disavowed us, and therefore we in turn disavow her. And she is not to be regretted by us. .. .... Our enemy, old and new, does not care about all these considerations that concern us, and we have in the story of our Muslim sister, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui from Pakistan ..... And in the story of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui we learn from the lies and illusions of the alleged Western civilization. ..... They did not give her the right to write, nor did they treat her well, nor did she renounce her religion ,,, and despite that they raped her by force in their prisons, and she became pregnant and they exhausted her, and she was afflicted with cancer during her captivity. Do not ask about kindness, as these considerations do not exist except among barbaric Muslims, and Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs . .. .... .... The story of our captive sister, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, in American prisons, and the story of the journalist Yvonne, who later became our sister in Taliban captivity!!!!... And the difference between the tolerance of Islam and the barbarism of the Americans???? ..... The prisoner // Dr. Afia Siddiqui, whose suffering hurts the heart of every Muslim

Her screams were deafening to the ears of the prison guards, but they were not the kind of people whose
hearts soften when they hear groans, pain, or screams. They had been exposed to such things for a long time, so they no longer cared about them. Their hearts had hardened ,
as if they were stones, or even harder.

The prison was for men and there was not a single woman in it except for this poor woman who
fate had brought to this harsh place. If she had to go to
the bathroom, she would only be able to go to the bathrooms used by others, all of whom were men.
Prison bathrooms, as is well known, have no doors. The guards would amuse
her on their cold nights with every devilish act that would cross the mind of the most
depraved person. When she was alone, she would often ask herself: What have I done to
deserve all this happening to me?!

Afia Siddiqui spent the best part of her life in America studying at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology until she graduated as a doctor specializing in neurology, a
rare specialty. Then she returned to her homeland, Pakistan, to serve her country and help alleviate
the suffering of the poor Pakistani people who are being afflicted by one calamity after another by their
military and civilian rulers, elected and imposed on them. The Pakistani people are
the last thing their rulers think about.

Dr. Afia Siddiqi lived a quiet life between her family and her work. She got married,
but her marriage did not last long. Her husband, Dr. Amjad, divorced her after
she had three children with him who remained in her care. One summer day in 2003,
she traveled from Rawalpindi, where she worked, to Karachi to visit her mother and sister.
After the visit, she left her mother’s house in a taxi to take her to
the airport, but she never arrived. No one knew anything about her, not even her family. She disappeared with
her three children, the oldest of whom was four years old and the youngest was less than a month old
. When her family tried to ask about her, they were prevented from doing so. Pakistani intelligence contacted
her mother and sister - who are also doctors -
asking them to keep quiet. After a while, when the mother insisted on knowing the fate of her daughter
and grandchildren, the then Minister of Interior, Faisal Saleh Hayat, contacted her and promised her
that her daughter and three children would return to her soon, but they never did. Five
years passed and no one knew anything about her except for what was said about an unidentified woman living
a miserable life in Bagram prison in Afghanistan. It never occurred to anyone that this
miserable prisoner might be Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

There are more than five hundred people who were kidnapped by the Pakistani military authorities from
their families and sold to America. One of them is Moazzam Beg, who was taken by the Americans
from Islamabad to Bagram prison in Afghanistan, which is the largest American detention center
in the region. (Moazem Beyk) remained in this prison for several months, and during his stay there
he used to hear the painful screams of a woman, and despite his transfer from there to Guantanamo prison
in Cuba, the ringing of those screams was ringing in his ears and worrying him. In 2005 AD,
after his release, he wrote a book called (Enemy Combatant) in which he recorded
everything he saw and witnessed of the manifestations of American injustice and tyranny, and he did not forget to mention
prisoner number (650) and her painful, agonizing screams that were the only sign
of her.

British journalist (Eun Ridley) - who recently declared her conversion to Islam - read what
(Moazzam Baig) wrote, and her attention was drawn to what he mentioned about that unknown prisoner;

her journalistic sense prompted her to search for her identity, and after searching and investigating, she discovered that she
was none other than Dr. (Aafia Siddiqui), the Pakistani neurologist
who disappeared from Karachi in July 2003. (Eun Ridley) announced
her news to the world, thus stirring up global public opinion; so one of the activists
in the Asian Human Rights Commission followed up on her case; It was known that during
her time in prison, she was subjected to various types of torture that even the strongest men could not
bear, and it reached the point of repeated sexual assault by the Americans
working in Bagram prison. Later, the British Muslim MP
(Lord Nazir Ahmed) stated that Dr. Afia 
was raped by
the American soldiers in Bagram prison 
, and was also subjected to the most severe types of physical and psychological torture. The

Pakistani and American authorities were trying to hide the matter of Dr. Afia
and others who were handed over to America by Pakistan or sold to it for a paltry price of
a few dollars; the evidence is that in Bagram prison they did not call her by her name,
but by her number; to obscure the traces of her true identity, and the evidence is the extreme secrecy that
surrounded the process of selling these people, and the evidence is the prevention of their families and relatives from searching and asking
about them, and the evidence is the fact that no one knows anything about the fate of many of them to this day.
When the case of Dr. Afia Siddiqi was raised in newspapers and magazines,
America tried to remedy the situation; it was forced to search for charges to direct against her; so
it falsely accused her of trying to blow up the office of the provincial governor in
Ghazni and of trying to kill American officers in Afghanistan

Indeed, the story of her arrest, as told by the American intelligence agency, is one of the strangest stories. Here are the details of
those accusations: “The Afghan military authorities claimed that they found
Dr. Afia Siddiqi hovering around the building that houses the office of the provincial governor
of Ghazni, carrying explosive devices, explosives, and maps of sensitive landmarks in
the United States of America. What is even stranger is their claim that her young son
was with her. When American officers from the American intelligence agency
(FBI) entered the room where she was being held, they did not find her, so one of them put his weapon -
a very heavy one - next to the door; “Dr. Afia,
who was hiding behind the curtain next to the door, took it and fired at the officers,
but she missed them and did not hit any of them. One of them then shot her,
hitting her in the chest.”

Unfortunately, the Pakistani media was the last to care about this
poor woman and others like her, who are missing, and whose number exceeds five hundred.
The Pakistani media did not care about her until the world saw her in a New York courtroom.
She is being tried on these strange, funny and tearful accusations. When she was seen in
court, she could not stand on her feet. She was leaning on others while
standing and walking. She looked thin and weak, and blood was dripping from her, and the signs
of torture were obvious on her. Her sister, Dr. Fawzia Siddiqi, in Karachi, said
that they treated her harshly, to the point that they took parts of her body,
including her kidney, to further torture her. She added that her sister is now between life
and death, and she may soon lose her life if she does not receive serious treatment. The
American authorities did not care about her treatment, as her death is better for them than her life,
because if she died, her secret, which began to worry them, would be buried with her. This is the game of interests
that America is good at. When Dr. Afia asked for a female doctor to treat her,
they refused, claiming that there were no female doctors!

The truth that America is trying to hide is that Dr. Afia was
wanted for her connection to Al-Qaeda. In March 2003 - that is,
about four months before her disappearance - American television channels showed
her pictures, accusing her of being the most dangerous member of Al-Qaeda, alongside a picture of Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed. Why did America wait five years to direct these fabricated accusations

at Dr. Afia ?! Why did this poor woman remain in the American prison of Bagram for five years without being charged with any crime?! Why was she subjected to all this brutal torture that has no parallel in the world?! Why was she not accused of her connection to Al-Qaeda and brought to trial? Or is this accusation not considered in the law?! Why was she not treated despite her deteriorating health condition, while she is in New York, the most civilized city in the world?! Where is the world public opinion that stands up and does not sit down if an animal in Asia or Africa is harmed?! Where are the human rights advocates?! Or do Pakistanis have no rights? Or are they not human beings? Yes! Our rulers tried to prove this by selling out their people, but where are the Pakistani people who are jealous of their women? How often have we heard of killing for the sake of jealousy over daughters, sisters and mothers; so where is the jealousy over the daughter of Pakistan and its symbol, Dr. (Aafia), who was sold out by our government that is responsible for protecting us?! Why does the current Pakistani government, elected by the Pakistani people, not take action after the previous government that sold its children to its enemies has gone, and the symbol of the ruling dictatorial regime that trampled on the dignity of the Pakistani people for more than nine years has gone? Why does it not take serious action and demand the return of Dr. (Aafia) to her homeland to be tried in Pakistan if she is accused of anything? We are all responsible for her before Allah {And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked * For what sin was she killed?} [At-Takwir: 8-9]. The just Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - was in Medina and was afraid that God - the Almighty - would ask him about a mule that had stumbled in Iraq: Why did you not...

Paving the way for her, Omar?!

When we were the best nation, we used to conquer countries and punish tyrants for the sake of a single cry of an
oppressed woman (“O Mu’tasim!”). Where are we today? Our dignity is being trampled on, our honor is being defiled, and our daughters are being sold,
and we stand idly by, not moving a finger 

May God be with you, Afiya. When I see you, I see my sister in you, and my heart is torn with pain and sadness.

Perhaps you do not know yet that your mother lost her life grieving for you. You were guilty

only because you chose the path of commitment to God’s law, following its approach, and wearing the hijab,
which annoys the West; especially you, who graduated from its largest university in America.
It was supposed that you would turn against your religion, your family, your Islamic customs and traditions;
but instead, you chose to be a true Muslim and a Pakistani who adheres
to Islamic law

By God, neither America nor those who live in America will dream of security before we experience it as a reality in Palestine.
.. .....
Do not ask about human rights charters, you deceived one, this talk is only for media consumption. When they start their parties of slander and lying about our great religion
Your Lord told you in His precious book 1400 years ago
"How [ can there be] , when if they gain the upper hand over you, they do not observe concerning you any pact of kinship or covenant. They satisfy you with their mouths , but their hearts refuse, and most of them are wicked." (At-Tawbah: 8 )
Didn't your Lord tell you that you are not among the people of their mercy, compassion, or covenant? If they defeat you,
leave the adornment of talk about human rights and these things, for these are things that humanity has not truly known except from Muslims, and not with cowboys.

.... ..... ....


On the other side, the story of the journalist (Yvonne) who was captured by the Afghan Mujahideen and converted to Islam after that ... that is, she became our sister too


By Muhammad Al-Awadhi - Al-Rai Al-Aam Kuwaiti newspaper

The bearded ones " are known for their extremism, and the Western media, especially the American media, were keen to confirm that they are evil. As for the blonde, she is an English journalist by origin and lineage... In short, she is ( Yvonne Riley ) who was arrested by the Taliban regime days before the American bombing of Afghanistan and who visited us in Kuwait last week at the invitation of the "Awareness" Center for Arab-Western Relations, which aims to open a dialogue with the West and calls for recognizing the truth of what we have, not through the media but through communication and dialogue. Although this center is only two years old, it has made positive efforts and more than 90 individuals have announced their conversion to Islam through it...

The English journalist Yvonne Riley , who stole the spotlight during the American war on the Afghans, gave an enjoyable lecture last week at the center, in which she told the story of her arrest from beginning to end, and what concepts and impressions she gained from this experience about... Many things, including the mission of the media and media professionals, constituted for her a coup and a revolution against much of what is happening in the world of politics, economics, religion, human rights, politicized propaganda for the masses and misleading peoples, etc.

talked at length about the strange, good and amazing treatment of the Taliban movement towards her, during the ten days in which she was detained. She mentioned her audacity towards them, her cursing, mockery and defiance of them, and finally the strong spit she threw in the face of one of her interviewers!! All of this and other insults and defiance had no effect on the Taliban men who continued to treat her well . She said: Even when they discovered from the first moment that I was an English woman disguised in Afghan clothing after my camera fell and exposed me at the border, they did not search me personally, but rather summoned a woman who searched me away from the eyes of men. When they knew

from her investigation that she was not an enemy, they promised to release her, and she in turn promised them that she would read the Qur’an, the source of Islamic morality. English: The English blonde Yvonne Riley

, who hid her blond face behind her veil after converting to Islam, says: After my release, hundreds of journalists gathered waiting for my bombshell statements against the Taliban, and my answer was: They treated me well, so they were shocked and fell silent!! I kept my promise and read the translation of the Quran, and learned about Islam, then converted to Islam and concluded her lecture with a conclusion that she says in every country and in every meeting, she said: I am giving my lecture to you in the Islamic legal dress that the Taliban regime gave me in the prison there, and I thank God that I was imprisoned in the Taliban regime that they describe as evil, and I was not imprisoned in the Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib prison of the democratic American regime, so that they would not cover my head with a bag and dress me in an orange apron, and tie a belt around my neck, and drag me on the ground after stripping me
.................. ..... .... ....

Knowing that the generosity of the Afghan Mujahideen is not far from our religion
either from us or as a ransom )
, but I grant him freedom as a generosity from me, and also because the journalist is not a danger to them, there is no need to detain her, and she is also not an enemy, and thus granting her freedom is the best option, and this is what happened with the journalist Yvonne...
or as a ransom, meaning that someone pays him the ransom
. ...
And our religion orders us to treat prisoners well and to treat them as the poor and orphans.
God Almighty says in Surat Al-Insan “And they give food, in spite of their love for it, to the poor , the orphan , and the captive .”

And slavery is not present in the verse so that it is not a fixed legislation in all times and places, for slavery, as we mentioned, is treating like for like.
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By God, there is no god but Him.. despite what my enemy did to the Muslim prisoners, men and women, enslavement according to Islamic laws is a noble morality that my enemy may not deserve
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The difference is clear between the civilization of the ancient world and the morals of the Muslims, followers of the Messenger of God, Muhammad, whom God Almighty sent as a mercy to the worlds

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The doubt of our master Ibn Omar and buying a female slave???
On the authority of Ibn Omar, that when he bought a female slave, he would uncover her leg and put his hand between her breasts and on her buttocks (part of the arm) as if he was placing it on her from behind the clothes. Narrator: Nafi’, the freed slave of Ibn Omar. Narrator: Al-Albani - Source: Irwa’ Al-Ghaleel - Page or number: 6/201 Summary of the narrator’s ruling: Its chain of transmission is authentic . The point of doubt : ) How could he do that to a female slave, as if a female slave had no honor ?? 2) Weren’t the Mamluks only a source of legitimate wars??? ..... Firstly, the wording in the hadith says that he bought , i.e. a past action that indicates verification and confirmation, so he did what he did after she became his right hand’s possession and his lawful possession . Just as a man does with a woman after she becomes his wife because she is his wife and his lawful possession as well. .................. Secondly, he is not the Messenger of Allah ( and as we agreed, every person is taken from and rejected, the Messenger of Allah, and the one mentioned in the hadith and the doubt revolves around him is Ibn Omar.. if we consider that this is a doubt at all... .... It is well known that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said (One of you should be struck with an iron claw on his head, it is better than to touch a woman who is not permissible for him) .... It is also well known that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said (The private parts commit adultery, the eyes commit adultery, and their adultery is looking, and the hand commits adultery, and its adultery is touching .... .... And as we all know, whoever has intercourse with (the right hand of another) is an adulterer because the right hand of another is not permissible for him, and thus it is not permissible for him to touch her with his hand, and even looking at her is forbidden. .... Here, in light of the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah, we understand that touching before buying , i.e. before she becomes (his right hand of his), is forbidden . This was not done by our master Ibn Omar, but he did what he did after buying her, after she became his right hand, i.e. his lawful right Secondly, it is not permissible for a man when he buys a female slave to do anything other than what a suitor is permitted to see of his fiancée, only looking at her. The hadith is clear that our master Ibn Omar bought and that is it. ..... And is the text of the hadith for example that if Ibn Omar wanted to buy a female slave (and not buy), he would do such and such, if he liked her he would buy her, and if he did not like her he would leave her ) .... The text of the hadith was not like this for there to be any doubt in it , and I do not know if this is the last thing that can be raised, and God knows best, and God knows best ....

Was the Mamluks’ only source of legitimate war?
It was mentioned in the Holy Hadith that God Almighty says: “There are three whom I will be their opponent on the Day of Resurrection, and whoever I am their opponent, I will be their opponent: a man who made a pledge in My Name and then betrayed it, a man who sold a free man and consumed his price , and a man who hired a worker and completed the work from him but did not give him his wages  [Bukhari].

And the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: “There are three whose prayers God will not accept: one who leads a people who are reluctant to do so, a man who comes to prayer after its time has passed and a man who enslaves a freedman ” [Narrated by Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah .. It is well known that whoever sells a free person, any free man, whether he is his son, or sells himself even while he is originally free, or kidnaps a free man through, for example, highway robbery and then sells him or sells himself to pay off a debt, all of this is forbidden in Islam because the origin of man is freedom. In Islam, man does not lose his freedom unless he is a prisoner of a legitimate war and not a colonial war. A person can recover them through correspondence or by the owner granting him freedom. ..... Of course, if, for example, the seller of the Mamluks brought his Mamluks from an unlawful source, he would hide them as the Europeans did in Africa and then sell them in America. Or he would exploit the poverty of their families and buy their children, this is also unlawful, as these Mamluks are from this source. It is forbidden in Islam to enslave them. Rather, the perpetrator of this crime may face the punishment of theft at the very least, if the punishment for highway robbery is not applied to him. And whoever buys from him while knowing the source of these Mamluks is also a partner in the crime. Whether the Mamluks are men or women. ..... But the hadith says he bought and did not take them captive, for example??? It's okay my friend, there may be a fighter whose share of the captives is a woman, for example, or even a man, and he does not need slaves, whether they are men or women, so he went to sell what his right hand possesses, whether it is a male slave or a female slave, so he went to sell his male slave, male or female. The important thing is that the main source from which he was enslaved is the only legitimate and permissible source in Islam, legitimate war. ..... For example, the slave girl that our master Ibn Omar bought may have been a captive from a legitimate war, the share of one of the fighters, and this fighter does not need a slave girl, so he went to sell her, so our master Ibn Omar bought her. Knowing that if the male slave, male or female, is a Muslim who believes in God and His Messenger, then it is not permissible to sell her at all except to a Muslim man or woman . ..... It is also not permissible to sell a female slave... a slave woman who has been freed by the mukataba on her own because she is not the right hand's property during the period of the mukataba, but she is also not free, meaning that her situation is like the situation of someone who has a debt that he must pay. ..... There are those who will say that as long as he does not need her, then let him grant her freedom. This solution may be practical with a male slave, but The most dangerous thing for a woman is her property ... Why??

Because when she is granted this freedom, who will be responsible for her and provide for her??
Will her fate be the fate of Western liberated women (prostitution), especially if she is not good at what women can do, such as sewing or spinning? If she cannot do these jobs,
where will she spend on herself?? If she truly wants freedom, far from her owner’s treatment of her as husbands do, then there is no problem. Let her write to him until she actually proves her ability to bear responsibility for it herself .
But the truly safe path to her freedom, which she chooses with a satisfied soul and complete happiness, is for her owner to treat her as husbands do, then she gives birth so that she can become free.
Because after giving birth, she will have a new social vessel, the children, who will then be her clan and power, and she will be their honor and dignity. That is, she will have a family like any other woman.
Through concubinage I obtained freedom and a family

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If I am right in what I say, then this is from God Almighty, and if I am wrong, then it is from myself and from Satan
And praise be to God for the blessing of Islam, and that is enough of a blessing

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