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Doubts and sayings about the veil



It is known that the conflict between the son of Adam and Satan is an ancient and ongoing conflict until Allah inherits the earth and all that is on it. Satan comes to man from his weak points, tempting him, making him hopeful, and whispering to him until he responds, and falls into what is forbidden. The story of Adam and Eve with Satan is the first and greatest evidence of this. His temptation was represented in exposing private parts and tearing down curtains. Thus, it is revealed to us that this was an intended goal for him because of the serious harm that results from it, such as spreading immorality and causing fear for honor and souls. Hence, Allah the Almighty warned us against this particular temptation, saying: {O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe. } [Al-A'raf: 27]

Hence, it is proven that Satan is the pioneer of the call to uncover private parts, and he is the first founder of the call to unveiling in its varying degrees. Indeed, he is the first leader of the devils of mankind who call for the “liberation of women” from concealment, protection, and chastity, who spread doubts about unveiling and immodesty that Satan casts into their hearts, so they spread them in the path of Muslims as thorns that harm and hooks that snatch, many falling prey to them, and no one escapes from them except those whom God has mercy upon, who are armed with the weapon of Islamic knowledge and stocked with the provisions of piety.

Before I begin to explain some of these doubts and satanic relationships and respond to them and expose their faults, I find it worthy to mention the concept of hijab and what is opposite to it. Hijab is (covering a woman’s body and adornment from the sight of men who are not her mahrams) and its opposite is tabarruj, which is (a woman showing her adornment and the charms of her body, which includes swaggering and strutting in her walk and showing acquired adornment. It has been said that it is any adornment that a woman is beautiful

by showing it to the eyes of men). As for as-sufur, it is (exposing the face) and it is part of as-sufur. Based on this, hijab is opposite to as-sufur in all its forms, including as-sufur. In general, any adornment that does not meet one of the conditions of hijab is considered forbidden as-sufur. As-sufur is agreed upon as-sufur in all schools of thought and the sayings of scholars, and as-sufur is agreed upon as-sufur.

There are general doubts and weak arguments that people of whims and ignorance use as an excuse to escape from some rulings and evade implementing them. We will begin by mentioning them and responding to them, then we will mention some doubts that relate to the Islamic hijab in particular.

The first doubt:

Some people say: (Religion is easy, and wearing the hijab in this age in its legitimate manner is something difficult and arduous, especially in societies of openness and immodesty).

The response to these doubts is from several aspects:

1- It should be known that everything that has been proven to be an obligation from Allah to His servants is within their ability and capacity.

2- That establishing the characteristic of making things easy for the hardship associated with the ruling and removing hardship can only be done with legal evidence from the Qur’an or Sunnah. Therefore, making a lenient ruling in the Shari’ah must not contradict the Qur’an, Sunnah, sound analogy, or a preponderant interest.

3- Based on this doubt, it will be said: The hardship of avoiding usury in this age necessitates the permissibility of dealing with it, or it will be said: Stoning is dropped for the pilgrim due to the hardship of crowding, and it is known that this is false talk that cannot be said.

4- Acts of worship are often not free from hardship, but they are tolerable and compatible with the normal capacity of a person. Allah the Almighty says: {Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity} Ibn al-Qayyim said: “If hardship is the hardship of fatigue, then the interests of this world and the hereafter are tied to fatigue. There is no rest for one who does not tire, rather, rest is according to the degree of fatigue.”

And there are many legal rulings whose benefits are linked to the hardship and effort they involve, such as retaliation and prescribed punishments. Indeed, there are great acts of worship that are usually not free from hardship, such as the hardship of performing ablution in the cold, the hardship of fasting in intense heat and a long day, and the hardship of performing Hajj.

5- The general affliction of a matter that has been proven to be forbidden is not a justification for permitting it, just as the customs of societies do not permit it, nor does it become permissible with a change in time and place.

Some naive people who claim to be cultured have understood that as long as people’s customs evolve with the development of time, then the legal rulings must evolve with their development. This is what they call “modern religion.” The implication of this is the release from obligations and the permissibility of some prohibitions, in line with the progress of civilization and modern development, as their speaker says. There

is no doubt that this is a statement whose fallacy and invalidity are clear to anyone who has the slightest understanding of religion. If this statement were acceptable, it would require that the fate of the legitimacy of all rulings would be subject to people’s customs and traditions, which continue to be dominated by corruption and deviation with the passage of time. There is no time that comes except that the time after it is worse than it, as the Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace, informed us.

However, it is said: Whatever its ruling is established and its matter is proven by legal evidence, its ruling will remain as long as the world remains and will not change or evolve. An example of this is purity, the rulings on prayer, retaliation, and the limits, a woman concealing her adornment from strangers, requiring a guardian for a woman, and the like.

As for the rulings that were not decided upon by a final legal ruling, but were made to be linked from their origin to what might change in people’s customs and interests, this is what it is permissible to say about them (custom is the judge). An example of that is: what is imposed by the law of creation and human nature, in which will and obligation have no role, such as the differences in the customs of countries regarding the age of puberty, the period of menstruation and postpartum bleeding, and the like


The second doubt:

It is said: The most important thing is the integrity of intention. So the unveiled woman says: I am confident in myself and I do not want to tempt men and my intentions are free from everything that is said about immodesty and its people.

The excuse of integrity of intention is a justification that is always heard from those whose hearts are filled with desires and whims, and who have fallen into sins. The response to her is from several aspects:

1- She is worshipping Allah the Almighty with concealment and hijab, which the command came with in the Book of Allah the Almighty, so she must listen and obey, regardless of any other consideration.

2- A sound intention does not justify a forbidden act, nor does it turn it into permissible. A wrong act remains a wrong act, and its doer is sinful, even if the intention is sound. The evidence is that the intention of the polytheists of the Arabs in their worship of idols was a good intention, as Allah the Almighty informed us in their saying (We worship them only that they may bring us nearer to Allah). This intention did not benefit them in repelling the description of polytheism from themselves.

3- Even if she is safe from temptation for herself - as she claims that she is confident in herself - she is not safe from temptation for whoever looks at her, and this is most likely to happen? So she bears the burden of his temptation and seduction without realizing it. Hence, the scholars said: (Whoever is certain that a stranger has looked at her, it is necessary for her to cover her face from him, she is helping him in what is forbidden, so she is sinful).

4- Then, foolish and young girls are deceived and affected by her actions, especially if she is in the position of a role model such as a mother or teacher.

5- Although good intention is very important in a person’s actions, but if If he limited himself to it, he would be like someone walking on one leg or flying with one wing, as it is necessary to comply with the Sharia in that.


The third doubt:

That she says: I am ashamed to wear the hijab in the required manner - by bringing the cloak close to the head and covering the face and limbs.

- It is said to this woman: The people of sins brag about their sins and their immodesty, and the people of truth are ashamed of what they are doing. By God, this is a great calamity that indicates the absence of pride in religion and the weakness of loyalty to God Almighty. This is a defeat from within, in which the woman resorts to wearing what people desire and love, even if it contradicts what she knows is one of the duties of her religion and the right of her Lord upon her.

This is a type of hypocrisy - as described by the people of knowledge - the hypocrisy of the people of this world, which is beautifying oneself for people and appearing good in front of them with an appearance that does not please God Almighty.

The fourth doubt:

That the unveiled woman says: The face covering is only for modesty and is not required in religion.

Here it is said to her: Do you think that modesty is not religion?

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: “Modesty is a branch of faith.”

Modesty is a characteristic of faith that prevents the believer from committing sins out of fear of God Almighty, and it is the head of all virtues. On the authority of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them both, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Modesty and faith are two companions, so if one of them is lifted, the other is lifted.” And he said: “Modesty is from faith, and faith is in Paradise.”

So between sins and lack of modesty there is a connection between the two sides, and each of them calls for the other and seeks it diligently. The Holy Quran highlighted the characteristic of modesty in the daughters of the righteous man in the verse: {Then one of them came to him walking modestly}. Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, said: (She is not a bold woman, going out and entering, but she came concealed, having placed the sleeve of her shield over her face out of modesty). The bold woman is the daring, bold woman. Therefore, Muslims must teach their daughters to be modest and to adopt this characteristic that God Almighty chose for His upright religion, because lack of modesty is a sign of the loss of faith.

Fifth doubt:

Some supporters of unveiling and immodesty give hijab and complete covering some descriptions and rumors, the aim of which is to repel Muslim women from it, and to establish a spirit of disgust and hatred towards covering and chastity, including their saying:

1- It facilitates the process of concealing one’s identity, and some women who commit indecencies and sins may hide behind it, so hijab in its legal form has become suspicious to them and subject to accusation.

The response to this doubt:

Before we respond to these people, we remind them of the saying of Allah the Most High: { And those who harm believing men and believing women for [something] other than what they have earned have certainly born upon themselves a slander and a grave sin. } [Al-Ahzab: 58] Then the response to this rumor is that it is not possible under any circumstances that this possible fear of misusing the covering and hijab and exploiting it for forbidden purposes could lead us to hide from something that Allah the Most High has commanded us to do.

If a frivolous, immoral woman tries to hide her actions from people by wearing a symbol of chastity and a symbol of modesty, what is the fault of the hijab?

Although there are those who exploit military attire, for example, to deceive people and exploit it in ways that are not permitted, is that a valid justification for canceling the military uniform?

In fact, we have never heard anyone say that, although the insults have been repeated in it.

Among these allegations and slanders about the hijab is the saying of one who said: The abaya has turned into a trap or a shackle... rather a very well-crafted "handcuff". And his saying: The cover has turned into a tight shackle "or a noose".

This was when God decreed that a female student should die because the car door closed on the edge of the abaya, as he mentioned, although this incident could happen and be repeated because of the edge of the dress or garment. So is it said that wearing dresses and garments should be canceled? This is what we fear will happen!!

2- They say: A woman’s chastity and integrity do not lie in covering up. How many girls wear the hijab and cover themselves in all aspects, but they have bad morals and bad behavior? How many girls are unveiled and unveiled, and evil does not know its way into themselves and their behavior.

The answer:

Islam commands women to wear the hijab, and commands them to have good morals, religion, and a pure heart. It raises the one who is under the hijab before the hijab is drawn over her and tells her: {And the clothing of piety - that is the best of that.}

But humans in general are prone to error and disobedience, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Every son of Adam is prone to error.” So if a chaste, modest woman makes a mistake and engages in shameful behavior or bad behavior, is she blamed for her sin and shortcomings or for her hijab?

Then, the hijab does not require that only those who are pure and pious wear it. Rather, a woman must obey her Lord in wearing the hijab and in everything she has been commanded to do. If she falls short in any of that, she deserves blame and sin, and her obedience can never be a justification for her wrongdoing and shortcomings, as they say in their doubt.

Then it is said to them: Is it required that a Muslim woman be either veiled but ill-behaved or unveiled but well-behaved? Is it not possible for her to combine both good things and be veiled but well-behaved? Rather, this is the principle that every Muslim woman should aspire to achieve and strive to complete in herself and her Muslim sisters instead of being satisfied with herself in her shortcomings, belittling others in their shortcomings.

3- Also among this: A woman who argues that she is lax in her veil by the actions of some good women who are lax in wearing the abaya or do not take precautions in covering the face, by wearing the niqab with wide openings, for example, and these women may be wives or daughters of good men.

This justification that we hear from some women is surrounded by passion and desire, and she knows that she is not right. Some good women neglect the full veil out of ignorance of its ruling, and others may be women who rebel against their righteous husbands. Their

negligence should never be considered an excuse. Rather, it is certain among all Muslims that the actions of others must be weighed - whether true or false - by the scale of Islamic law. And it is not the Islamic law that is weighed by their actions and the facts of their circumstances. As they say, “You do not know the truth by men, but know the truth and you will know its people.” In light of this principle, a Muslim should walk in obedience to his Lord, unaffected by the false actions of others, whoever they may be.

Then why do we not take the actions of the great mass of chaste, pure women as an excuse for ourselves instead of making our excuse a rare minority of righteous women?

This group is not only in our present time, but it has existed throughout the ages of Islamic history. Here are the statements of scholars who lived through different eras, telling about the reality of the Muslim woman’s hijab:

- Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, may God have mercy on him, says:

(Men have always uncovered their faces throughout the ages, and women go out veiled or are prevented from going out).

- Imam Ibn Raslan, may God have mercy on him, says:

(Muslims agreed to prevent women from going out unveiled).

- Ibn Hajar, may God have mercy on him, says:

(Women used to go out to mosques and on trips veiled so that men would not see them).

4- The statement of the one who says: Wearing the hijab that meets the conditions in countries where there are no women who wear the hijab in this way or do not wear the hijab at all is a reprehensible notoriety according to Islamic law.

This doubt is based on ignorance of the concept of rulings, and based on this, the response to them is to clarify the concept of the forbidden dress of fame in Sharia, as it is any dress intended to be famous among people, whether the dress is precious and expensive in order to boast and be arrogant, or cheap and base in order to show asceticism and contentment, wanting people to raise their eyes to it.

Therefore, the basis for considering a dress as a dress of fame or not is only on the intention and purpose, so the duty in wearing the hijab in an environment in which the hijab is an exception is the correct intention directed purely to Allah.

If we adhere to our hijab among the people of immodesty, we do not intend to be famous, but rather we intend to obey Allah the Almighty and adhere to His saying: { O you who have believed, upon you is yourselves. He who strays will not harm you if you are guided .}

Likewise, a garment is not a garment of forbidden fame unless the people of the town are upright in obeying Allah and His Messenger. However, if their nature is corrupted and they have deviated from the right path, then we do not go along with them in their misguidance under the pretext of not being famous.

Considering the hijab a garment of blameworthy fame that should be discarded is the most amazing of wonders!! How can adhering to the verses and prophetic texts be fame and deviation, while following the path of the Franks, infidels and frivolous people be considered familiarity and moderation?

It is desire, may Allah kill it { And who is more astray than he who follows his desire without guidance from Allah ?}

The sixth doubt:

They say: The abaya includes everything that women wear today when they go out, including capes, French abayas, and the like. They are all abaya and there is no difference between them in the purpose of covering and the modest head abayas.

This is one of the famous fallacies among women who are fond of wearing elaborate, embellished, and wrapped abayas.

We respond to them by saying:

Do not be deceived by the names and slogans, but rather look at their realities and designations.

Everyone calls what women wear today when they go out an “abaya,” but is all of it truly an abaya?

The final answer to that is to present what is called an abaya to the legal conditions that must be met in a woman’s hijab when she goes out. If it meets the conditions, then it is an abaya, and if it lacks any of the conditions, then it does not deserve to be called an abaya, but rather it is exactly what some call (fashion).

Therefore, we should present the conditions of the Islamic hijab, but before that, we present a question to every woman who wears an abaya: Do you believe that the abaya you wear is an act of worship by which you draw closer to Allah Almighty? If the answer is yes, then we say to her, then consider these conditions and pay attention to them; because they are conditions of worship that you perform for Allah Almighty and are not complete without them.

And for the one who answers the question: No, it is something that you are accustomed to and familiar with. Then we say to her, then the Islamic conditions will not concern you; because you are not originally worshipping Allah with them, and you will be satisfied with everything new and innovative in them that is consistent with your love of beauty and adornment. There is no better evidence of this than what we see today of the fierce competition between many fools in fashion shows for what they call abayas - they claim.

As for the conditions, they are, in brief:

1- It should cover the entire body, so that no part of it is visible.

2- It should not be an adornment in itself, so it should not be decorated, embroidered, or colored.

3- It should be thick - i.e. dense - and not transparent so that the body and adornment are visible from underneath it.

4- It should be loose and not reveal the size of the limbs and body.

5- It should not be perfumed or scented.

6- It should not resemble men’s clothing.

7- It should not resemble the clothing of non-Muslim women.

8- It should not be clothing for fame.

If the abaya does not meet any of these conditions, then it is a type of tabarruj that contradicts the Shari’ah.

Tabarruj, as defined by scholars, is: (It is any adornment or beautification that a woman displays to appear attractive in the eyes of strangers, even the mask that a woman covers herself with, if it is chosen from bright colors and an attractive shape so that the eyes of onlookers enjoy it, then it is a manifestation of tabarruj of the ignorant).

What we see today of manifestations of temptation and disobedience in what is called the alleged abaya that many women wear when they go out, and they wrap it around their bodies, thus highlighting their charms, and they expose their arms through those wide sleeves, then they decorate it with all kinds of elegant decorations, then it is a type of that forbidden tabarruj. They are just as the poet described them when he said:

If they claim to wear the veil, then it is an intrusive lineage.

Is she the one for whom the veil was imposed to protect her by the law of the Messenger?

Let the veil be her refuge from that fatal disease

. If every Muslim woman adhered to the optimal degree of veiling when she needed to leave her home, then many temptations would not have a place in our lives, and our honor and our youth would be safe.

Then we remind our sisters who are wrapped in those abayas of the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned in the Saheehah chain of narration in which he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best of your women are those who are loving, fertile, accommodating, and comforting, if they fear Allaah. The worst of your women are those who display themselves and are conceited, and they are the hypocrites. None will enter Paradise except like the raven with its white wings.” The raven with its white wings is also said to be white-footed. It is also said to be red-beaked and with its feet. This description is rare in crows, and this description is a metaphor for the few women who will enter Paradise, due to their frequent wearing of those descriptions - may Allaah save us from it and from the Fire. Then let that woman who stuck the abayah to her body, not caring about what was showing of it, listen to the stance of the sincere believing women, one of whom would find it ugly that the garment would describe her body after her death when she was laid on the bier, so she would go forward in front of the men to pray over her, and she would look for a way to cover the description of her body while she was dead. By Allaah, how keen do you think she was on that in her life?

It is narrated on the authority of Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah

bless him and grant him peace, that she said: “O Asma, I find it ugly what women do, that a garment is thrown over a woman to describe her.” Asma said: “O daughter of the Messenger of Allah, let me show you something I saw in Abyssinia!” So ​​she called for some wet palm leaves, bent them, then threw a garment over her. Fatima said: “How beautiful and nice this is.”

We often encounter ignorant women who say: “Give me evidence that it is not permissible to wear a shoulder-length abaya, and that the abaya must be over the head.

” So it is said to her: “Are you seeking the truth or seeking the impossible?”

If she says: “I am seeking the truth,” it is said to her: “You have found it in the rules and conditions mentioned regarding the hijab of the Muslim woman, which are provided by evidence. You have also found it in the fatwas of the trustworthy and reliable scholars, whom Allah has commanded us to obey, as He, the Most High, says: { O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you . }

If she is not seeking the truth, then she is seeking the impossible, which is to bring a clear verse or hadith about that matter. So

we say to her: The person who makes his response dependent on an impossible matter is a person of whims who will never respond even if this impossible matter is achieved for him; because making the response dependent on a distant matter indicates the invalidity of the desire and the rejection of the request for the truth, rather it indicates obstinacy and stubbornness, as was the position of the Children of Israel with their prophets when they asked for impossible matters outside the norm in exchange for their obstinacy and stubbornness, and when they achieved them they did not believe in them. And in such a case Allah the Most High says: {But if they do not respond to you, then know that they only follow their own desires}.

Seventh doubt:

Many people use an argument that indicates their ignorance of the evidence of hijab on the one hand, and on the other hand their ignorance of what the scholars of the schools of thought have agreed upon regarding the obligation of covering the face in a time of great temptation and corruption, and this time in which we live is more deserving of this description.

The argument says: (Covering the face is a controversial issue among scholars).

The answer has several aspects:

1- The sincere Muslim must seek the truth in matters and rulings by searching for the strongest argument and abandoning following whims and seeking help from Allah Almighty to guide to the truth and carry it out. Whoever does all of this will inevitably be guided to the truth and his path will be made easy for him, as Allah Almighty said: { If Allah knows good in your hearts, He will give you better than what He took from you and forgive you} .

And whoever is not like that, he is one of those about whom Allah Almighty said: !And they said, “You are lying!” May God have mercy on you! And since the argument (the controversial issue) has been adopted by many people today in their worship, they have achieved their desires and whims through a scholar’s ​​slip, or a forced concession, or a deviant statement, or a mistaken understanding, without any consideration for the contradiction of that statement to the statement of the infallible one, may God bless him and grant him peace, who does not speak from his own whims, it is only a revelation revealed. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) described to us a cure for the disease of disagreement, in his saying: “Whoever among you lives will see much disagreement, so adhere to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs.”

Allah the Almighty has made consensus an infallible proof against misguidance, so it is not right to make what contradicts it, which is disagreement, an proof as well!!!

Whoever pursues concessions and deviant disagreements in his religion will lead to a deficiency in his servitude and the softness of his religion, and perhaps to its complete disappearance, as it has been said: Whoever pursues concessions has become a heretic, meaning he has left the religion.

2- The confirmed and transmitted reality is that the women of Islam remained veiled throughout the stages of Islamic history, and the narrations of the scholars that we mentioned during the topic confirm that adherence to the veil was one of the features of the path of the believers in various eras.

Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“The sunnah of the believers during the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was that the free woman would cover herself and the slave woman would go out.”

And Asim al-Ahwal said: “We would enter upon Hafsah bint Sirin and she had made the jilbab like this, covering herself with it, so we would say: To her: May Allah have mercy on you, Allah Almighty said: {And women past childbearing age who no longer expect marriage - there is no blame upon them for putting aside their outer garments [for themselves], [but] not displaying their adornment.} He said: So you say to us: What is after that? We say: {And for them to be chaste is better for them.} She says: It is establishing the hijab.

3- We can summarize the sum of the statements of the scholars of the four schools of thought on the issue of women’s hijab by saying that they agree on the obligation of women to cover their entire bodies in front of strangers, whether some of them see the face and hands as ‘awrah, or some of them see that they are not ‘awrah, but they require covering them in this time due to the corruption of most people, the weakness of their religion, or their lack of restraint from looking at women in a forbidden way.

Sheikh Muhammad al-Muqaddam, may Allah preserve him, says in his book (The Return of the Hijab) (1): (The majority of scholars of the schools of thought in this time agree on the obligation of women to cover their faces and hands to block the means of corruption and the causes of temptations.)


After citing some of the doubts raised by the supporters of unveiling and displaying, we say to the owner of (the hijab of display)!

Beware of believing that your hijab is what the Qur’an and Sunnah have commanded, or of being deceived that you are in a better state than those who flaunt their blatant immodesty. For there is no equal in evil, for Hell has levels, some lower than others.

And do not be deceived by those who bless your work from the masters of satanic purposes, lustful interests, and material benefits, who plan, implement, display, sell, and buy the unveiled hijab. These people are more like the Jews and Christians who disobeyed Allah and His Messenger and responded to Allah’s commands and prohibitions by saying, “ We hear and disobey.” And Allah the Most High said about them, “ Do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve in part?” It is as if no Qur’an was revealed about them to be recited, as if they did not hear His saying, “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments .” And His saying, “And not to display their adornment except that which is apparent thereof.” And His saying, “ And do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance.” It is as if the verses were revealed about other people than the women of the Muslims.

Then we address a word to the blessed sister who has kept the command of her Lord - may Allah protect her and make her steadfast - we say to her: Be at peace and be content with the good news of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, for you and those like you who have been patient and steadfast in the way of Allah: “Blessed are the strangers.” It was said: Who are the strangers, O Messenger of Allah? He said: “Good people among many bad people, those who disobey them are more than those who obey them.” So you hear in a society dominated by negligence and immodesty someone saying to you: You look strange and abnormal, so be patient and steadfast and stand firm in the face of temptations, for they are only a few days and after that you will be luxuriating in the bliss of Paradise and the garments of honor by the mercy of Allah Almighty. It was narrated from Al-Hasan Al-Basri, may Allah have mercy on him, that he said: (If Satan looks and sees you persistently obeying Allah, he will seek you out and seek you out - that is, he will seek you out time after time - and he will see you persistently, he will possess you and reject you, and if you are like this one time and like that one time, he will covet you.)

The final word is what God Almighty concluded with the verses commanding the veil, saying: {And repent to God, all of you, O believers, that you may succeed.} (An-Nur: 31).

Praise be to God, by whose grace good deeds are accomplished.



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