Waraqa bin Nawfal..the alleged teacher
in the name of God
I feel very sad, by God, for my colleagues who stumble here and there, like someone who runs away from the hot sand and goes to the fire.
I do not know how someone can trust his sources when those sources confirm things that are not acceptable to reason or logic.
I wish that were the case, but the sources themselves contradict their sisters. In fact, the source itself
contradicts itself time and time again, and
God Almighty spoke the truth in His eternal words: “Had it been from other than God, they would have found within it much discrepancy.”
Let us take an example of their contradiction, which may take a bit of time, but it is a living, practical example of the stumble of some of the misguided ones who have gone astray and led astray many of those who follow every cawing caller.
An example of that is two very famous books that are considered pillars of the books of missionaries and Christian ((researchers)) in the Islamic religion about the sources of the Holy Quran.
The first book: Priest and Prophet, a study of the emergence of Islam. By Abu Musa Al-Hariri.
The second book: The Quran, a Christian Call, for the sake of Islamic-Christian dialogue. By Professor Al-Haddad.
As you can see, the authors of both books did not mention their names... but... there is no harm in introducing them.
The author of the book: Priest and Prophet is Father J. Qazzi, a well-known university professor at one of the most famous missionary universities in one of the Levant countries. He is still alive today.
As for the author of the book: The Qur’an: A Christian Call, he is Father Youssef Durrat al-Haddad... He was born in Yabroud, Syria in 1913 and died in 1979. He studied theology in Jerusalem.
However, shortly before his death, the church he belonged to froze his activities because it found many quotations from the Qur’an in his book, and they feared that the parishioners would change their thinking more than the intended benefit of the book!!!
This is the wisdom of God Almighty and a lesson for his peers, so that they may learn a lesson...
Father George Fakhoury, a Paulist, praised him (still alive), but he had reservations about some technical flaws in the book, as he stated on page 281 of the third edition of the book, which was published in 1993.
The two authors exhausted themselves in proving the relationship between Islam and Christianity and how Islam borrowed from it.
Al-Hariri's book is closer to academic objectivity, but at the same time it is the harshest in expression.
Let us move on to the most important thing in their two books, which is Waraqa bin Nawfal.
Al-Haddad said: "The entire Qur'an is a Christian call. Muhammad studied this call for fifteen years after his marriage to Khadija, the wealthy woman of Mecca, at the hands of Waraqa bin Nawfal" p. 11.
As for Al-Hariri: "The priest chose Muhammad and adopted him" p. 65.
But neither of the two books honors us with a complete summary of Waraqa's life... even though he is the basis of the two books, and this is a serious methodological flaw in the two books... confirms the bad intentions of the writers and the existence of positions in Waraqa's biography that they want to hide.
What concerns us is the date of Waraqa's birth...
Waraqa was born in 508 AD and died in 611 AD. This date is important to investigate the extent of the (honesty) of the parents.
When our master Muhammad was born, Waraqa was (60 years old).
That is, our master Muhammad married Khadija and Waraqa was (85 years old).
Our master Muhammad was sent and Waraqa was (100 years old). He was blind at the time.
They say that Muhammad committed suicide after the death of Waraqa.
That means that the Islamic call and the prophetic era continued for (4 years).
This is a (temporal) miracle that our master Muhammad achieved. We thank them for their effort in proving it!!
What?Was the religion of the ancient priest of Mecca Christianity ??!!
It was stated in Al-Bidayah wa’l-Nihayah by Ibn Kathir: 2/340:
“ A group of Quraysh, including Waraqa bin Nawfal bin Asad bin Abdul-Uzza bin Qusayy, Zaid bin Amr bin Nufayl, Abdullah bin Jahsh bin Ri’ab, and Uthman bin Al-Huwayrith, had an idol to which they would gather. They had taken that day of every year as a festival. They would venerate it and slaughter camels for it, then eat and drink wine and devote themselves to it. They entered upon it at night and saw it lying on its face. They disapproved of that, so they took it and returned it to its original state. It was not long before it fell violently. They took it and returned it to its original state. It fell a third time. When they saw that, they were saddened by it and considered it a great thing. Uthman bin Al-Huwayrith said, ‘What is wrong with it that it has fallen so often? This is something that has happened.’ That was on the night in which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born. Uthman began to say, ‘O idol of the festival, around which nobles and delegations from far and near have lined up, it fell down defeated. What is that? Tell us. Are you a fool or did you fall down to reproach? ’”
So Waraqa continued to worship idols for 60 years .
This incident was confirmed on the day of the birth of our master Muhammad in Al-Seerah Al-Halabiyah: 1/116 “It was mentioned that a group of Quraysh, including Waraqa bin Nawfal, Zaid bin Amr bin Nufayl, and Abdullah bin Jahsh, used to gather around an idol. They entered upon it on the night the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was born. They saw it down on its face and they disapproved of that, so they took it and returned it to its original state. It was violently turned upside down. They returned it and it was turned upside down the third time.”
Waraqa bin Nawfal went out seeking the truest religion after continuing to worship idols for 60 years. What religion did he follow?
Al-Isti’ab states while talking about Zayd ibn Amr (one of the sources of the Qur’an according to Christian colleagues) 2/616: “And from his story in that, he went out in the pre-Islamic era seeking the religion, he and Waraqa ibn Nawfal, and they met the Jews, and the Jews presented their religion to them, so Waraqa converted to Judaism.
Then they met the Christians, and they presented their religion to them, so Waraqa abandoned Judaism and became a Christian, and Zayd ibn Amr refused to do anything of that and said: This is nothing but like the religion of our people, we associate others with God and they associate others with God…”
Did you notice that Zaid bin Amr considered Christianity to be polytheism no different from the polytheism of the polytheists? Compare that to the belief of Waraqa, the source of the Quran.
Let us now move on to discussing Waraqa’s position as a profound professor of Christianity.
The reality of the situation calmly and objectively…
Waraqa and his companions worshipped idols for sixty years and did not read any book from other religions.
The idol they worshipped turned after the birth of our master Muhammad.
Waraqa and Zaid went on a journey in search of the truth. They both
became Jews when they met the Jews and learned from them
. Did they become Jews in a moment?!
It is certain that they stayed with the Jews to learn,
then they met some Christians who presented their religion
. Zaid rejected Christianity because it is a religion based on polytheism.
Waraqa agreed.
We understand from here, through studying Waraqa’s personality, that his personality is soft and easily led by others,
while Zaid has a strong personality.
Also: Waraqa did not have the cultural background that would qualify him to judge the validity of religions.
He easily left Judaism and converted to Christianity. I do not know what he would have done if he had met an Indian?!
Note the contradiction of Al-Haddad while talking about Muhammad’s influence by the Almohads... He mentioned Muhammad’s teachers from the Almohads:
Qass bin Sa'idah 29 words, As'ad Al-Himyari 32, Al-Mutalammis 40, Saif bin Dhi Yazan 41, Sarmah 66, Waki' 117, Zaid bin Amr 270, Umayyah bin Al-Salt 493.
As for Waraqa Al-Miskeen only (23 words)?????!!
And he mentioned them again on page 272 and did not mention Waraqa among them??!!
Someone might say that perhaps Professor Al-Haddad meant that he was a Christian and not a monotheist, so we tell him that he has fallen into a contradiction because he said on page 145: "And Waraqa bin Nawfal.. who perhaps converted to Christianity."
And on page 149, read carefully ".. Waraqa bin Nawfal, Khadija's cousin, that pure Christian priest (?) who translated the Bible." [The question mark is from him and we put it in front of it!!]
His colleague Al-Hariri was braver than him, as he stated in a chapter entitled "The Christianity of Priest Waraqa"
, "God willing, in the Christian religion a person can reach the highest ranks with the speed of lightning!! "
He became the (priest of Mecca) in record time after he switched between paganism and Judaism!!??!!
And look at his statement with which he condemned himself
: “It was said about the priest Waraqa that he was on the religion of Moses and then he became on the religion of Jesus..” p. 16.
(It was said) meaning that he doubted that and whatever possibility was brought up was invalidated by the evidence.
Then he mentions that Hanafiyyah is Tahanuth and Ebionism and Christianity.
And Christianity is Islam??!! See: Al-Hariri p. 109 and after.
“Thanuth or worship or fasting and seclusion are Christian customs.” Al-Hariri p. 289.
And note the bombshell that he detonated after Allah blinded his insight..
He quoted from Ibn Al-Athir that the first person to tahanuth was Abdul Muttalib ?????!!
Then Al-Haddad contradicted himself by announcing that Hanafiyyah is Christianity: “They called their call to Christianity by the name of Hanafiyyah and called worship and fasting in their way: Tahanif.” p. 289.
And notice the poor man you feel sorry for when you read: "But a group of independent minds refused to accept Judaism and Christianity as they are, but were content with worshipping God... and the people called them Hanifas." P. 142.
It seems that he forgets what he writes or wrote after he drinks a refreshing (cup). What is this contradiction, respected father?!
There is no power or strength except with God. You feel sorry for the poor man when you read his phrase "The coupling of Hanifa with the name of the priest of Mecca, Waraqa bin Nawfal, is proof of his Christianity."
I assure you again that I am not insulting Waraqa who is innocent of all that nonsense.
What was Waraqa's mission??!!
He was translating the Bible into Arabic, and he was reciting this translated Bible to his student Muhammad, so it became the Quran.
Only... Did you see how easy that convincing mission was?
Al-Hariri says, "We remember the mission of Priest Waraqa, for which he was known and for which he was not known for anything else... that Priest Waraqa was translating the Hebrew Bible into Arabic." P. 71.
"The second success achieved by the priest is based on translating the Hebrew Bible into clear Arabic, and the translation was called the Qur’an. The Qur’an is in fact the Arabic reading of the Hebrew book." P. 20.
But Al-Hariri contradicted himself when he spoke about the translations of the Hebrew Bible... "It was originally written in Aramaic, then translated into Greek, then into Latin, and perhaps into Arabic." P. 72.
Perhaps:He builds his solid structure on it
. Congratulations to you for this scientific university teacher...?!
As for Al-Haddad, he mentioned, quoting from the two Sahihs, “Warqa bin Nawfal, the priest of Mecca, was translating the Qur’an and the Gospel from Hebrew to Arabic, and that was in the presence of Muhammad.” P. 211. Which two Sahihs does he mean????
Muhammad was next to Warqa while translating the Gospel??!!
Warqa waited until he was 100 years old and then translated the Gospel.
If Warqa was the true prophet (as Al-Hariri mentioned more than once in his book), then why did he delay all that time in translating the Gospel?!
Didn’t he fear that God would take him before he met Muhammad, peace be upon him?! All these gems were with Warqa and he did not release them except in the presence of Muhammad?!
The truth is that no one translated the Gospel into Arabic during the era of prophecy or before it.
The truth, gentlemen, was published by the Bible Society in the Middle East and the Middle East Council of Churches in their book, which is full of pictures of Palestine (except for Al-Aqsa Mosque???!!!). The title of the book is: A Guide to the Holy Bible, 1996 edition.
The first translations of the Bible into Arabic:
Page 79 says:
"In 639 AD, the Arab leader Omar bin Saad bin Abi Waqqas asked the Jacobite Patriarch John to write a translation of the Bible into Arabic. This was probably done around that date...
In 867 AD, the Acts of the Apostles and all the Epistles, St. Catherine's Library, Sinai...
Around 930 AD, the Pentateuch and Isaiah, by the Jewish scholar Saeed Al-Fayoumi...
And the first complete translation of the Bible in both Testaments was done in Rome... And it was known as propaganda!!"
Is the Council of Churches more truthful or are the two honorable parents more truthful??!!
I pity you, you who are being played with by these and those!!
Why did the World Council of Churches not refer to Waraqa even with a hint??!!!!
I have talked at length about Waraqa and I ask God Almighty to make it easy for me to continue talking about Waraqa's relationship with the marriage of our master Muhammad to Khadija and his relationship with the revelation, and we will get to know a new character from the characters of this novel, which is the character of Addas bin Mirdas...
And we will find there contradictions that will almost kill the reader with laughter
The alleged role of Waraqa in the marriage of Lady Khadija to the Master of Mankind, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, peace and blessings be upon him:
Al-Hariri mentioned on page 37 that Abu Talib “insisted” that our Master Muhammad work for Khadija, may God be pleased with her. Then Lady Khadija admired our Master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and proposed marriage to him.
He exaggerates in mentioning the influence of Abu Talib on our Master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, on page 38, expressing it as “the plan that was being implemented by Abu Talib and Khadija. The books of biographies and news did not skimp on us in what the priest, the uncle, and the husband were like. Each of them had a role in what God planned through their hands.”
Well, he asked us to refer to the books of biography and news.. and he has what he wants, the very honest university professor..
It is stated in the biography of Halabi 1/226: “Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, said to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, go to your uncle and tell him to hurry to us in the morning. When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came to her, she said to him, O Abu Talib, go to my uncle and ask him to marry me to your nephew Muhammad bin Abdullah. Abu Talib said, O Khadija, do not mock. She said, This is what Allah has done. So he got up and went and came with ten of his people to her uncle.. Abu Talib delivered a sermon that day and said, Praise be to Allah, who made us from the descendants of Abraham and the crops of Ishmael and the children of Maad, meaning his mine and the element of Mudar, meaning his origin, and made us the guardians of his house, meaning those who are responsible for his affairs and the overseers of his sanctuary, meaning those who serve him, and made him for us a house of pilgrimage and a safe sanctuary, and made us the rulers of the people. Then this nephew of mine, Muhammad bin Abdullah, no man is compared to him except that he outweighs him in honor, nobility, and virtue.” And the mind, even if it is little in money, money is a fleeting shadow, a perishable matter, and a loan that can be taken back. And by God, after this, he has great news and a great danger. He proposed to you, desiring your noblewoman Khadija, and he offered her a dowry, both immediate and deferred, twelve ounces and starch, meaning twenty dirhams, and an ounce is forty dirhams.... And at that, her uncle Amr ibn Asad said, “He is the stallion, neither of them can be defeated,” and he married her to him. And it was said that the one who said that was Waraqa ibn Nawfal, meaning that after Abu Talib had given the sermon as mentioned above, Waraqa gave a sermon and said, “Praise be to God who made us as you mentioned and favored us over what you counted. We are the masters and leaders of the Arabs, and you are the people of all that. The Arabs do not deny your favor, and no one among the people rejects your pride and honor, and our desire to connect with your rope and honor. So bear witness to the people of Quraysh that I have married Khadija bint Khuwaylid to Muhammad ibn Abdullah.” And he mentioned the dowry, so Abu Talib said, “I would like her uncle to share with you.” So her uncle said, “Bear witness to the people of Quraysh that I have married Muhammad ibn Abdullah to Khadija bint Khuwaylid.” And he held a feast for her, may God bless him and grant him peace, and slaughtered a camel. “
Here we are, O father, so tell us what you have to say?!”
Father Al-Hariri said, p. 38: “When the decisive hour came, Khadija sent to her uncles, and they came, and Muhammad sent to his uncles, and they came… and his guardian, Abu Talib, gave a sermon and said:… and the priest Waraqa, Khadija’s guardian, gave a sermon and said: ‘Praise be to God, who made us as you mentioned, and favored us over what you counted, for we are the masters and leaders of the Arabs. And you are worthy of all that, and the Arabs do not deny your favor, so bear witness to me, O people of Quraysh. I have married Khadija bint Khuwaylid to Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Abu Talib was extremely happy and said: ‘Praise be to God…’ and after this (marriage) he has great news and a serious matter.”
Let us compare what Al-Qazzi, the truthful and trustworthy, said with what is stated in the biography:
1. It is stated in the biography that Abu Talib said to Khadija when she told him of her intention to marry our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: ‘O Khadija, do not mock.’” That is, he was not one of the (planners) of this marriage.
2. The biography before this paragraph mentioned the mediators between Lady Khadija and our master Muhammad to convince him to marry, including Nafisa bint Muniya and her slave Maysarah and others. I did not find in any reference of the biography any mention of the mediator Waraqa.
3. His claim that Waraqa was Khadija’s guardian, which is denied by all the books of biography. How could Waraqa be her guardian while her uncle was present??!!
4. What confirms this is that Abu Talib rejected Waraqa’s speech (who spoke in his capacity as a member of the delegation, nothing more). The evidence of Abu Talib’s displeasure with Waraqa’s speech is his saying after Waraqa finished his speech: “I would have liked her uncle to include you in it.” That is why the marriage contract was not concluded until after her uncle’s explicit approval.
5. The requirement of the approval of Khadija’s guardian (her uncle) and the dowry is evidence that the marriage was not according to Christian law.
6. Notice the text that he mentioned (Khadija sent to her uncles and they attended) and Waraqa is not one of her uncles, but he was not mentioned (despite his attendance with the delegation) because his presence is less important than theirs.
7. Waraqa does not have all that holiness, aura, and respect among the Quraysh, and even among his relatives, and this is important as we will see soon.
8. Al-Hariri, with extreme malice and unparalleled scientific integrity, concealed Waraqa’s saying: “And no one among the people can deny your pride and honor and our desire to connect with your rope and honor”... Rather, he distorted the words so that the honor and status of Waraqa and his family would be higher than that of Banu Hashim, as is frequently reported in history.
9. He also deleted Abu Talib’s objection to Waraqa’s hadith... So how did they manage the marriage then?? And why did he delete it??
10. The most malicious phrase Al-Hariri said was at the end of the paragraph: “After this (marriage), there is great news and a serious matter.” Where did he get the word (marriage) from????!!!!
The poor man who is ignorant of Arabic expressions thought that (after) means (the next thing), but the correct meaning is (above) because Abu Talib used to mention that while he was boasting about his lineage and Muhammad’s morals… meaning Muhammad is above all that, he has such and such qualities…
And notice that unparalleled malice: He made the phrase “After this (marriage) has great news and serious matter” at the end of Abu Talib’s sermon, although it was in the middle of it. And
the poor man continues with his fantasies and delusions: “Note again that the priest was not only present at the wedding party and ahead of those present, but he was also celebrating the contract and crowning it. He is the one who concluded the contract, witnessed it, and announced to those present what happened. He is the first celebrant of the contract, or rather he is the priest who tied in the name of God what is not permissible for a human being according to the teachings of the Ebionites. A Christian priest blesses the marriage. So what religion are the spouses according to then?”
1. Was the crowning in Khadija’s house or in the church?
2. Why did Abu Talib insist on issuing approval for the marriage to Khadija’s uncle?
3. There is not a single word in Waraqa’s words that indicates Christianity. Where did the well-known crowning phrases disappear
to?? 4. Do Christians have the advanced and deferred dowry and bride-price?
5. Did the crowned priest ask those present: Whoever has an objection to the marriage, let him speak, or remain silent forever??
6. Al-Hariri’s hint that the marriage was Christian. The evidence for this is that Muhammad did not marry Khadija, which contradicts what he and his brother Al-Haddad mentioned in the introduction to their books - that Islam was taken from heretics - that Christianity is a heresy that does not prohibit polygamy????Al-Hariri thought, gathered his strength, then spoke, spreading the poison of his hatred, concluding what he tried to establish from false principles with flimsy evidence, thinking that the flesh of all birds is permissible to eat. Considering that what is true of the sources of his religion must be true of the sources of the true religion...
Al-Hariri Al-Sadiq said on page 41: "No matter how bold he was, it would not have occurred to him, as a servant, to marry his mistress who pitied him and used him in her trade. Her people had asked her for marriage before that and she refused and mentioned money to her but she did not accept. Muhammad would not have done that without a motive that he arranged for him. And who would be this motive other than the priest? If it were not for that priest, what would not have happened would not have happened, and whenever the priest wanted something, it happened."
This reminded me of what he said on page 54: "The priest is capable of everything in every situation."
The response:
1. He contradicted himself (as is their habit), for he himself mentioned Nafisa's mediation to convince our master Muhammad to marry Khadija, and who sent Nafisa other than Khadija, may God be pleased with her.
2. She refused to marry her rich people naturally because she is rich and does not want money. Rather, she wants honesty, purity, chastity and good morals that she found in our master Muhammad, peace be upon him.
3. His phrase: He is the servant, his mistress... Who said that he is the servant and she is the mistress?
Rather, he was her business agent... a responsible employee in her company (according to our expressions). Are all employees servants?!
Notice, for God's sake, the expressions of hatred and anger from our master Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Is it wealth that controls a person??
If Al-Hariri was a true Christian, he would have believed that money is nothing but the devil and that wealth is not a measure by which the noble and the lowly are measured except by.....!!!!
What is this talk, Al-Hariri, p. 61: "The priest planned, the wife carried out, the uncle supported, and the Prophet surrendered to the will of God. The new call was based on these people."
And on p. 39, the contradictory Al-Hariri mentions that Abu Khadija refused, so she said to him: "Aren't you ashamed? Do you want to make yourself look foolish in front of the Quraysh? So she kept at him until he agreed."
Why didn't you go to the leader priest who says to a thing, "Be," and it is??!!
And why didn't you tell her father that this was the will of Waraqa, your master and father and the obeyed priest of your church?
Notice with me, my colleague, the extreme confusion among those whom Allah described in Surat Al-Fatihah in a description that is most fitting for them..
He says on page 40 after mentioning the well-known story of the attempt of Ruqayyah, the sister of the priest Waraqa, to marry Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib or at least to conceive a child from him, even if through fornication, where she pulled his robe wanting to sleep with him, but he refused.. despite her tempting offer of generous camel sacrifices.
"And we notice.. how the father of Muhammad, called Abdullah (?) [question mark from him], married.. and Ruqayyah, the sister of the priest Waraqa, offered herself to him.. but she did not succeed in marrying Abdullah."
This is Waraqa who, if he wanted something, it happened?? What is this contradiction.
In fact, the same Waraqa had proposed to Khadija, but she did not accept him, as is well-known and famous in the books of biography. See Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra by Ibn Sa'd 8/14.
So how does this reconcile with the dreams of the respected university professor?
Al-Haddad confirms Waraqa’s power and fortune, describing this marriage as “a calculated marriage of convenience” carried out by “Waraqa, the most powerful figure in Mecca and the greatest protector of the Christians there and the entire Hijaz.” P. 288.
By God, my colleagues, I fear for your nerves, but this is what the honest and trustworthy father said, literally.
And read on the same page: "And would the Christian priest of Mecca and the lady of Quraysh who obeyed his orders have accepted this marriage if he was not a Christian like them?"
Khadija who refused to marry Waraqa obeyed his orders... Khadija the Christian did not know Gabriel who came down to our master Muhammad.
You did not mention to us, my dear, any order that Khadija was ordered to do by Waraqa and carried out... Mention one thing for us.
And to prove the Christianity of our master Muhammad, Al-Haddad claimed that the Ethiopian nursemaid Baraka (Umm Ayman) was a Christian "So Muhammad was a child in a Christian nursery" p. 277.
I do not know where Al-Haddad's mind went while he was writing these words... Is it reasonable for Christians to hand over their children to Christians who killed them and forced them to leave for the Arabian desert on the pretext that they were heretics??!!
And that he was baptized deliberately.. He says on page 322 in the interpretation of the Almighty’s saying in Surat Ad-Duha “And He found you lost and guided you” “Guidance in childhood in a Christian environment can only be through Christian baptism and nothing else is right.” He mentioned that Halima took our master Muhammad to Waraqa who baptized him in the cave of Hira when he was six years old.
And what did Al-Hariri say? He said on page 40 that he traveled to the Levant and baptized him in Buhayra.
Is there any of the club’s Christians who were baptized twice?
These are the foundations they relied on to prove our master Muhammad’s Christianity.
Don’t you feel sorry, my brothers, for those who searched and strove to search into the origin of Islam and did not find stronger evidence than that.
Isn’t that a testimony that Islam is complete!
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
Durrat al-Haddad continues his Durrat p. 335, "Only the Christians of the Children of Israel and the Arabs who converted to Islam with them, led by Waraqa bin Nawfal and Abdul Muttalib I, the great-grandfather of Muhammad, say that the Qur’an is Islam because it is their Islam."
Isn't Abdul Muttalib's casting of arrows several times evidence of his polytheism? Or does al-Haddad agree that Christianity is polytheism?
Who is Abdul Muttalib I and II, and is there a third person for Abdul Muttalib??!!!
Did the Banu Hashim give up the watering, provision, and guardianship of the Sacred House to Waraqa? Who said that?
How many times did the blood of the Arabs flow to attain that great honor? And how did Waraqa and his family attain it so easily?!
I conclude the story of our master Muhammad's marriage with a joke said by al-Hariri p. 57: "However, we must ask not about the prophethood of Muhammad, but about the prophethood of Khadija..."
The god, the source of revelation, is Waraqa, and the prophet is Khadija, while Muhammad is...
al-Hariri 277: "Here, that powerful personality that played the first role in guiding Waraqa stands out in particular."
Waraqa’s relationship with revelation:
Al-Hariri, p. 65: “The priest wanted Muhammad to be his successor in his spiritual work among the Arabs and to preserve the continuity of Christianity…”
and p. 194: “Our main concern was to provide evidence for the thousandth time that the Arabic Qur’an is an easy reading of the foreign book and that Muhammad did not know any foreign language…”
This was Waraqa’s mission, which he succeeded in, as Al-Hariri said, p. 205: “It was achieved by the priest and the prophet, and it was due to the gathering of the Christian sects, parties, and factions spread in Mecca and the Hijaz at that time and making them one religion and one nation, and Islam in its reality and essence is nothing but the religion of monotheism.”
Here we notice the clear and outrageous contradiction:
Muhammad was a Christian, son of a Christian, son of a Christian (Al-Haddad 291). So how could he need someone who was deeply rooted in paganism and did not convert to Christianity until the last years of his life? Who is more deserving of teaching others and being worthy of that???!!
Why did Muhammad need Waraqa if Muhammad was a Christian, son of a Christian, son of a Christian?
Waraqa, who favored the pagans so that he would not meet the same fate as his brave colleague Zaid bin Amr, who was killed by idol worshippers and left Waraqa alone? Why did they leave Waraqa and kill only Zaid?
What is the connection between Waraqa, the old, helpless, deaf, and blind man (Al-Hariri, p. 62), and the Cave of Hira, that cave located on the summit of Jabal al-Nour, that towering, high mountain that the strongest and most powerful men cannot climb except with great difficulty??
And if Christianity was deeply rooted in Mecca, why did Waraqa and his friends leave it in search of the true religion?
Al-Haddad says, p. 316: “We owe the prophecy of Muhammad, the Arab prophet, to the leaders of Christianity in Mecca.”
Did the blacksmith acknowledge the prophethood of our master Muhammad... Is that why the church he followed expelled him and banned the reading of his book?
Oh God, make our minds and religion steadfast
, and suddenly, while we were with this large number of Christian leaders in Mecca, Al-Hariri drops the bombshell on page 34: "We do not find in Mecca during the days of the Prophet Muhammad, other than the priest Waraqa, who accompanied Muhammad for forty-four years."
There were no Christians in Mecca more knowledgeable than Waraqa, who worshipped idols for 60 years?!
As for Muhammad's companionship with Waraqa, who wore the invisibility cap, this was hidden from Abu Jahl, Abu Sufyan, and the opponents of Muhammad who were confused about the origin of the Qur'an.
Do you remember how many words our colleague Al-Ra'i wrote about Waraqa and his influence on the origin of the Qur'an?
Let us meet Addas Al-Ninawi:
Al-Hariri says on page 59: "Khadija did not hesitate to search and consult to calm her husband down. She would take him to the priest Waraqa sometimes and to Addas Al-Ninawi at other times. Then Khadija wrote to Buhaira asking him about Gabriel."
He claimed: Khadija the Christian did not know Gabriel.
Waraqa the priest of Mecca did not know Gabriel.
Addas did not know Gabriel.
Khadija did not trust Waraqa and therefore sent a letter to Buhaira.
Khadija ignored the entire Christian community in Mecca and sent a letter to Buhaira.
And I conclude with this strange mixture of several matters that have no relation to each other:
Al-Hariri says on page 54: “They tried to avoid the danger of what they realized and what they knew. And the dangers they avoided were a more dangerous proof of what we are looking for. They tried to prove the prophethood of Muhammad, while in reality they were proving the prophethood of the priest. And the priest is capable of everything in every situation. As for those who cooperated with the priest and heard his call and were amazed by his measures, the first and most important of them was the Prophet’s wife and Abu Talib, his uncle and guardian. And Abu Bakr, his close friend, and Khadija’s father after his approval, and her brother Amr, and many others. All of them obeyed God’s measures at the hands of the priest and his agent in Mecca and were taken into account in what he planned. And the monk Bahira, the monk Addas al-Ninawi, and Salman al-Farsi blessed this measure.”
God is great and praise be to God .
I ask God Almighty to facilitate the upcoming research on the Christianity of Mecca during the era of the prophethood and their contradictions in that.
Al-Hariri mentioned on page 37 that Abu Talib “insisted” that our Master Muhammad work for Khadija, may God be pleased with her. Then Lady Khadija admired our Master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and proposed marriage to him.
He exaggerates in mentioning the influence of Abu Talib on our Master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, on page 38, expressing it as “the plan that was being implemented by Abu Talib and Khadija. The books of biographies and news did not skimp on us in what the priest, the uncle, and the husband were like. Each of them had a role in what God planned through their hands.”
Well, he asked us to refer to the books of biography and news.. and he has what he wants, the very honest university professor..
It is stated in the biography of Halabi 1/226: “Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, said to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, go to your uncle and tell him to hurry to us in the morning. When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came to her, she said to him, O Abu Talib, go to my uncle and ask him to marry me to your nephew Muhammad bin Abdullah. Abu Talib said, O Khadija, do not mock. She said, This is what Allah has done. So he got up and went and came with ten of his people to her uncle.. Abu Talib delivered a sermon that day and said, Praise be to Allah, who made us from the descendants of Abraham and the crops of Ishmael and the children of Maad, meaning his mine and the element of Mudar, meaning his origin, and made us the guardians of his house, meaning those who are responsible for his affairs and the overseers of his sanctuary, meaning those who serve him, and made him for us a house of pilgrimage and a safe sanctuary, and made us the rulers of the people. Then this nephew of mine, Muhammad bin Abdullah, no man is compared to him except that he outweighs him in honor, nobility, and virtue.” And the mind, even if it is little in money, money is a fleeting shadow, a perishable matter, and a loan that can be taken back. And by God, after this, he has great news and a great danger. He proposed to you, desiring your noblewoman Khadija, and he offered her a dowry, both immediate and deferred, twelve ounces and starch, meaning twenty dirhams, and an ounce is forty dirhams.... And at that, her uncle Amr ibn Asad said, “He is the stallion, neither of them can be defeated,” and he married her to him. And it was said that the one who said that was Waraqa ibn Nawfal, meaning that after Abu Talib had given the sermon as mentioned above, Waraqa gave a sermon and said, “Praise be to God who made us as you mentioned and favored us over what you counted. We are the masters and leaders of the Arabs, and you are the people of all that. The Arabs do not deny your favor, and no one among the people rejects your pride and honor, and our desire to connect with your rope and honor. So bear witness to the people of Quraysh that I have married Khadija bint Khuwaylid to Muhammad ibn Abdullah.” And he mentioned the dowry, so Abu Talib said, “I would like her uncle to share with you.” So her uncle said, “Bear witness to the people of Quraysh that I have married Muhammad ibn Abdullah to Khadija bint Khuwaylid.” And he held a feast for her, may God bless him and grant him peace, and slaughtered a camel. “
Here we are, O father, so tell us what you have to say?!”
Father Al-Hariri said, p. 38: “When the decisive hour came, Khadija sent to her uncles, and they came, and Muhammad sent to his uncles, and they came… and his guardian, Abu Talib, gave a sermon and said:… and the priest Waraqa, Khadija’s guardian, gave a sermon and said: ‘Praise be to God, who made us as you mentioned, and favored us over what you counted, for we are the masters and leaders of the Arabs. And you are worthy of all that, and the Arabs do not deny your favor, so bear witness to me, O people of Quraysh. I have married Khadija bint Khuwaylid to Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Abu Talib was extremely happy and said: ‘Praise be to God…’ and after this (marriage) he has great news and a serious matter.”
Let us compare what Al-Qazzi, the truthful and trustworthy, said with what is stated in the biography:
1. It is stated in the biography that Abu Talib said to Khadija when she told him of her intention to marry our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: ‘O Khadija, do not mock.’” That is, he was not one of the (planners) of this marriage.
2. The biography before this paragraph mentioned the mediators between Lady Khadija and our master Muhammad to convince him to marry, including Nafisa bint Muniya and her slave Maysarah and others. I did not find in any reference of the biography any mention of the mediator Waraqa.
3. His claim that Waraqa was Khadija’s guardian, which is denied by all the books of biography. How could Waraqa be her guardian while her uncle was present??!!
4. What confirms this is that Abu Talib rejected Waraqa’s speech (who spoke in his capacity as a member of the delegation, nothing more). The evidence of Abu Talib’s displeasure with Waraqa’s speech is his saying after Waraqa finished his speech: “I would have liked her uncle to include you in it.” That is why the marriage contract was not concluded until after her uncle’s explicit approval.
5. The requirement of the approval of Khadija’s guardian (her uncle) and the dowry is evidence that the marriage was not according to Christian law.
6. Notice the text that he mentioned (Khadija sent to her uncles and they attended) and Waraqa is not one of her uncles, but he was not mentioned (despite his attendance with the delegation) because his presence is less important than theirs.
7. Waraqa does not have all that holiness, aura, and respect among the Quraysh, and even among his relatives, and this is important as we will see soon.
8. Al-Hariri, with extreme malice and unparalleled scientific integrity, concealed Waraqa’s saying: “And no one among the people can deny your pride and honor and our desire to connect with your rope and honor”... Rather, he distorted the words so that the honor and status of Waraqa and his family would be higher than that of Banu Hashim, as is frequently reported in history.
9. He also deleted Abu Talib’s objection to Waraqa’s hadith... So how did they manage the marriage then?? And why did he delete it??
10. The most malicious phrase Al-Hariri said was at the end of the paragraph: “After this (marriage), there is great news and a serious matter.” Where did he get the word (marriage) from????!!!!
The poor man who is ignorant of Arabic expressions thought that (after) means (the next thing), but the correct meaning is (above) because Abu Talib used to mention that while he was boasting about his lineage and Muhammad’s morals… meaning Muhammad is above all that, he has such and such qualities…
And notice that unparalleled malice: He made the phrase “After this (marriage) has great news and serious matter” at the end of Abu Talib’s sermon, although it was in the middle of it. And
the poor man continues with his fantasies and delusions: “Note again that the priest was not only present at the wedding party and ahead of those present, but he was also celebrating the contract and crowning it. He is the one who concluded the contract, witnessed it, and announced to those present what happened. He is the first celebrant of the contract, or rather he is the priest who tied in the name of God what is not permissible for a human being according to the teachings of the Ebionites. A Christian priest blesses the marriage. So what religion are the spouses according to then?”
1. Was the crowning in Khadija’s house or in the church?
2. Why did Abu Talib insist on issuing approval for the marriage to Khadija’s uncle?
3. There is not a single word in Waraqa’s words that indicates Christianity. Where did the well-known crowning phrases disappear
to?? 4. Do Christians have the advanced and deferred dowry and bride-price?
5. Did the crowned priest ask those present: Whoever has an objection to the marriage, let him speak, or remain silent forever??
6. Al-Hariri’s hint that the marriage was Christian. The evidence for this is that Muhammad did not marry Khadija, which contradicts what he and his brother Al-Haddad mentioned in the introduction to their books - that Islam was taken from heretics - that Christianity is a heresy that does not prohibit polygamy????Al-Hariri thought, gathered his strength, then spoke, spreading the poison of his hatred, concluding what he tried to establish from false principles with flimsy evidence, thinking that the flesh of all birds is permissible to eat. Considering that what is true of the sources of his religion must be true of the sources of the true religion...
Al-Hariri Al-Sadiq said on page 41: "No matter how bold he was, it would not have occurred to him, as a servant, to marry his mistress who pitied him and used him in her trade. Her people had asked her for marriage before that and she refused and mentioned money to her but she did not accept. Muhammad would not have done that without a motive that he arranged for him. And who would be this motive other than the priest? If it were not for that priest, what would not have happened would not have happened, and whenever the priest wanted something, it happened."
This reminded me of what he said on page 54: "The priest is capable of everything in every situation."
The response:
1. He contradicted himself (as is their habit), for he himself mentioned Nafisa's mediation to convince our master Muhammad to marry Khadija, and who sent Nafisa other than Khadija, may God be pleased with her.
2. She refused to marry her rich people naturally because she is rich and does not want money. Rather, she wants honesty, purity, chastity and good morals that she found in our master Muhammad, peace be upon him.
3. His phrase: He is the servant, his mistress... Who said that he is the servant and she is the mistress?
Rather, he was her business agent... a responsible employee in her company (according to our expressions). Are all employees servants?!
Notice, for God's sake, the expressions of hatred and anger from our master Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Is it wealth that controls a person??
If Al-Hariri was a true Christian, he would have believed that money is nothing but the devil and that wealth is not a measure by which the noble and the lowly are measured except by.....!!!!
What is this talk, Al-Hariri, p. 61: "The priest planned, the wife carried out, the uncle supported, and the Prophet surrendered to the will of God. The new call was based on these people."
And on p. 39, the contradictory Al-Hariri mentions that Abu Khadija refused, so she said to him: "Aren't you ashamed? Do you want to make yourself look foolish in front of the Quraysh? So she kept at him until he agreed."
Why didn't you go to the leader priest who says to a thing, "Be," and it is??!!
And why didn't you tell her father that this was the will of Waraqa, your master and father and the obeyed priest of your church?
Notice with me, my colleague, the extreme confusion among those whom Allah described in Surat Al-Fatihah in a description that is most fitting for them..
He says on page 40 after mentioning the well-known story of the attempt of Ruqayyah, the sister of the priest Waraqa, to marry Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib or at least to conceive a child from him, even if through fornication, where she pulled his robe wanting to sleep with him, but he refused.. despite her tempting offer of generous camel sacrifices.
"And we notice.. how the father of Muhammad, called Abdullah (?) [question mark from him], married.. and Ruqayyah, the sister of the priest Waraqa, offered herself to him.. but she did not succeed in marrying Abdullah."
This is Waraqa who, if he wanted something, it happened?? What is this contradiction.
In fact, the same Waraqa had proposed to Khadija, but she did not accept him, as is well-known and famous in the books of biography. See Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra by Ibn Sa'd 8/14.
So how does this reconcile with the dreams of the respected university professor?
Al-Haddad confirms Waraqa’s power and fortune, describing this marriage as “a calculated marriage of convenience” carried out by “Waraqa, the most powerful figure in Mecca and the greatest protector of the Christians there and the entire Hijaz.” P. 288.
By God, my colleagues, I fear for your nerves, but this is what the honest and trustworthy father said, literally.
And read on the same page: "And would the Christian priest of Mecca and the lady of Quraysh who obeyed his orders have accepted this marriage if he was not a Christian like them?"
Khadija who refused to marry Waraqa obeyed his orders... Khadija the Christian did not know Gabriel who came down to our master Muhammad.
You did not mention to us, my dear, any order that Khadija was ordered to do by Waraqa and carried out... Mention one thing for us.
And to prove the Christianity of our master Muhammad, Al-Haddad claimed that the Ethiopian nursemaid Baraka (Umm Ayman) was a Christian "So Muhammad was a child in a Christian nursery" p. 277.
I do not know where Al-Haddad's mind went while he was writing these words... Is it reasonable for Christians to hand over their children to Christians who killed them and forced them to leave for the Arabian desert on the pretext that they were heretics??!!
And that he was baptized deliberately.. He says on page 322 in the interpretation of the Almighty’s saying in Surat Ad-Duha “And He found you lost and guided you” “Guidance in childhood in a Christian environment can only be through Christian baptism and nothing else is right.” He mentioned that Halima took our master Muhammad to Waraqa who baptized him in the cave of Hira when he was six years old.
And what did Al-Hariri say? He said on page 40 that he traveled to the Levant and baptized him in Buhayra.
Is there any of the club’s Christians who were baptized twice?
These are the foundations they relied on to prove our master Muhammad’s Christianity.
Don’t you feel sorry, my brothers, for those who searched and strove to search into the origin of Islam and did not find stronger evidence than that.
Isn’t that a testimony that Islam is complete!
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
Durrat al-Haddad continues his Durrat p. 335, "Only the Christians of the Children of Israel and the Arabs who converted to Islam with them, led by Waraqa bin Nawfal and Abdul Muttalib I, the great-grandfather of Muhammad, say that the Qur’an is Islam because it is their Islam."
Isn't Abdul Muttalib's casting of arrows several times evidence of his polytheism? Or does al-Haddad agree that Christianity is polytheism?
Who is Abdul Muttalib I and II, and is there a third person for Abdul Muttalib??!!!
Did the Banu Hashim give up the watering, provision, and guardianship of the Sacred House to Waraqa? Who said that?
How many times did the blood of the Arabs flow to attain that great honor? And how did Waraqa and his family attain it so easily?!
I conclude the story of our master Muhammad's marriage with a joke said by al-Hariri p. 57: "However, we must ask not about the prophethood of Muhammad, but about the prophethood of Khadija..."
The god, the source of revelation, is Waraqa, and the prophet is Khadija, while Muhammad is...
al-Hariri 277: "Here, that powerful personality that played the first role in guiding Waraqa stands out in particular."
Waraqa’s relationship with revelation:
Al-Hariri, p. 65: “The priest wanted Muhammad to be his successor in his spiritual work among the Arabs and to preserve the continuity of Christianity…”
and p. 194: “Our main concern was to provide evidence for the thousandth time that the Arabic Qur’an is an easy reading of the foreign book and that Muhammad did not know any foreign language…”
This was Waraqa’s mission, which he succeeded in, as Al-Hariri said, p. 205: “It was achieved by the priest and the prophet, and it was due to the gathering of the Christian sects, parties, and factions spread in Mecca and the Hijaz at that time and making them one religion and one nation, and Islam in its reality and essence is nothing but the religion of monotheism.”
Here we notice the clear and outrageous contradiction:
Muhammad was a Christian, son of a Christian, son of a Christian (Al-Haddad 291). So how could he need someone who was deeply rooted in paganism and did not convert to Christianity until the last years of his life? Who is more deserving of teaching others and being worthy of that???!!
Why did Muhammad need Waraqa if Muhammad was a Christian, son of a Christian, son of a Christian?
Waraqa, who favored the pagans so that he would not meet the same fate as his brave colleague Zaid bin Amr, who was killed by idol worshippers and left Waraqa alone? Why did they leave Waraqa and kill only Zaid?
What is the connection between Waraqa, the old, helpless, deaf, and blind man (Al-Hariri, p. 62), and the Cave of Hira, that cave located on the summit of Jabal al-Nour, that towering, high mountain that the strongest and most powerful men cannot climb except with great difficulty??
And if Christianity was deeply rooted in Mecca, why did Waraqa and his friends leave it in search of the true religion?
Al-Haddad says, p. 316: “We owe the prophecy of Muhammad, the Arab prophet, to the leaders of Christianity in Mecca.”
Did the blacksmith acknowledge the prophethood of our master Muhammad... Is that why the church he followed expelled him and banned the reading of his book?
Oh God, make our minds and religion steadfast
, and suddenly, while we were with this large number of Christian leaders in Mecca, Al-Hariri drops the bombshell on page 34: "We do not find in Mecca during the days of the Prophet Muhammad, other than the priest Waraqa, who accompanied Muhammad for forty-four years."
There were no Christians in Mecca more knowledgeable than Waraqa, who worshipped idols for 60 years?!
As for Muhammad's companionship with Waraqa, who wore the invisibility cap, this was hidden from Abu Jahl, Abu Sufyan, and the opponents of Muhammad who were confused about the origin of the Qur'an.
Do you remember how many words our colleague Al-Ra'i wrote about Waraqa and his influence on the origin of the Qur'an?
Let us meet Addas Al-Ninawi:
Al-Hariri says on page 59: "Khadija did not hesitate to search and consult to calm her husband down. She would take him to the priest Waraqa sometimes and to Addas Al-Ninawi at other times. Then Khadija wrote to Buhaira asking him about Gabriel."
He claimed: Khadija the Christian did not know Gabriel.
Waraqa the priest of Mecca did not know Gabriel.
Addas did not know Gabriel.
Khadija did not trust Waraqa and therefore sent a letter to Buhaira.
Khadija ignored the entire Christian community in Mecca and sent a letter to Buhaira.
And I conclude with this strange mixture of several matters that have no relation to each other:
Al-Hariri says on page 54: “They tried to avoid the danger of what they realized and what they knew. And the dangers they avoided were a more dangerous proof of what we are looking for. They tried to prove the prophethood of Muhammad, while in reality they were proving the prophethood of the priest. And the priest is capable of everything in every situation. As for those who cooperated with the priest and heard his call and were amazed by his measures, the first and most important of them was the Prophet’s wife and Abu Talib, his uncle and guardian. And Abu Bakr, his close friend, and Khadija’s father after his approval, and her brother Amr, and many others. All of them obeyed God’s measures at the hands of the priest and his agent in Mecca and were taken into account in what he planned. And the monk Bahira, the monk Addas al-Ninawi, and Salman al-Farsi blessed this measure.”
God is great and praise be to God .
I ask God Almighty to facilitate the upcoming research on the Christianity of Mecca during the era of the prophethood and their contradictions in that.
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