Response to the alleged historical errors in the Holy Quran -

  The Quran says that Abraham's father's name is Azar (Al-An'am 6:74) but his name is Terah. Answer: The Quran called Abraham's father Azar, but his name in the Torah is Terah. Al-Qurtubi and other commentators mentioned more than ten sayings about the name Azar, the most famous of which is that Abraham's father had two names: Azar and Terah, like Israel and Jacob. It is clear that the commentators' sayings are only to reconcile the narrative of the Torah with the narrative of the Quran , assuming the correctness of what is mentioned in the Torah. The reality is that it is not correct to rely on the Torah in this regard, especially if it contradicts the Quran and Sunnah, as they explicitly mention the name Azar, and the historian Josephus mentioned that the name of Abraham's father was (Ather), which is very close to Azar and very far from Terah. - 2 - He says that the brother of the Virgin Mary is Aaron (Maryam 19:28), although Aaron preceded the Virgin by 1600 years. Answer: What is meant by Aaron in the noble verse is either Aaron, the brother of Moses, and the mentioned brotherhood is not a real brotherhood, because there were hundreds of years between Aaron and Mary, in fact, but rather it is a metaphorical brotherhood. The meaning of her being Aaron’s sister is that she is from his lineage and descendants, just as it is said to a Tamimi, “O brother of Tamim!” and to a Qurayshite, “O brother of Quraysh!” So ​​the meaning of their saying, “O sister of Aaron,” is, “O you who are from the lineage of that righteous prophet, how did you do this deed?” Even if she was not from his lineage and descendants, she is related to him through her service to the temple and her dedication to worship in it. Service to the temple was reserved for the descendants of Aaron. So the meaning of “O sister of Aaron!” “O you who are related to this righteous prophet through service, worship, and dedication to the temple.” It is more correct that what is meant by Aaron in the verse is a righteous man from her people at that time… Mary used to take him as an example… and imitate him in asceticism, obedience and worship, so she was attributed to him. They said to her: O you who imitate and follow the example of that righteous man, your father was not wicked, nor was your mother a prostitute, so where did you get this child from? Ahmad, Muslim, Al-Tirmidhi, Al-Nasa’i and others narrated on the authority of Al-Mughira bin Shu’ba (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) sent me to the people of Najran - and they were Christians - and they said: What do you think of what you read: O sister of Aaron? And Moses was before Jesus by such and such? They object to Al-Mughira. He said: So I went back and mentioned that to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: (Did you not tell them that they were named after the prophets and righteous people before them?) This prophetic interpretation shows that the Aaron mentioned in the verse is not necessarily the brother of Moses as the people of Najran understood, but rather he is Aaron, a contemporary of Mary... Her people were named after the prophets and righteous people among them. And Allah knows best. - 3 - He says that Haman was Pharaoh’s minister (Al-Qasas 28: 6-8) even though Haman was in Babylon and came about a thousand years after Pharaoh (Razi in his interpretation of Ghafir 40: 36-37). The answer: Haman is mentioned in the Qur’an

In six different places as one of the close associates of Pharaoh, while the Torah tells us that Haman was not mentioned in the life of Moses, peace be upon him, at all, and that Haman was a minister and friend of Ahasuerus, the Persian king, whom the Greeks call Xerxes. Many of those who want to attack the Qur’an and claim that there are historical errors in it, including the relationship of Haman to Moses’ Pharaoh, the absurdity of these claims was only presented after the decoding of the Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet about 200 years ago. The name Haman was discovered in ancient manuscripts, and before these discoveries nothing was known about Pharaonic history. The mystery of hieroglyphics was solved in 1799 with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, which dates back to 196 BC. The importance of this stone is that it was written in three languages: hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek. With the help of the Greek, the mystery of hieroglyphics was solved by Champollion, and after that, a lot was learned about the history of the pharaohs. During the translation of an inscription from ancient Egyptian inscriptions, the name (Haman) was revealed, and this name It was mentioned in an archaeological tablet in the Hof Museum in Vienna and in a group of inscriptions that revealed to us that Haman, during the time of Moses’ presence in Egypt, had been promoted to become the director of the king’s archaeological projects. Here are the inscriptions that reveal to us the truth about Haman, contrary to what the Torah mentioned and in response to the false claim of the opponents of the Qur’an,

Haman, who is mentioned in the Egyptian antiquities mentioned in the book:

Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II KA Kitchen

and its Arabic version (Ramses II, Pharaoh of Glory and Victory, translated by Dr. Ahmed Zuhair Amin) p. 55:

The young man Amen (= Hamen / Haman) Amen em inet was the same age as the prince (Ramses II) and his childhood companion. When Ramses became the viceroy and heir to the throne, the young man became his companion and follower, thus opening the way for him to a bright future, which is what actually happened. Amen em inet (Haman) had influential relatives, including his uncle [perhaps Minmose], High Priest of Min and Isis at Qift (north of Thebes) and Commandant of the Nubian Legions - the right hand of the Viceroy in Nubia. Another was the young Bakenkhonsu [father of Baser, Vizier of the South, and cousin of Amen em inet (Haman), p. 242], trainer of the royal horses, who later entered the permanent priestly service of Amun at Thebes [became High Priest of Amun, p. 242].

p. 73: The king promoted his childhood companion Amen em inet (Haman) to the post of Royal Charioteer and Super Intendent of Horse. 
And We showed Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers from them that which they had been fearing. {6} Al-Qasas, p. 97: Amen em inet (Haman), the old companion of Pharaoh, had been promoted to the position of the king’s messenger to all foreign lands. And the man said on this occasion, explaining the nature of his new job: I will send him (Pharaoh) reports on the conditions of all foreign lands. p. 199: The highest position in the state was that of ambassador (the king’s messenger to all foreign lands), and promotion to it was limited to senior officers of the chariot corps.

Page 179: The king chose for the vacant position of (High Priest of Amun) Wennofer (died 27), the father of Ramesses II’s childhood friend Amenem-Eint (Haman). Haman himself had been transferred from his military post to the Ramesseum to become the Chief of Works of All Royal Monuments there - and the distance between him and his father, the High Priest at Karnak, was no more than a crossing of the river to the other side of the Nile. 
So kindle for me, O Haman, upon the clay, and make for me a tower that I may look up to the God of Moses {38} Stories The book An Introduction to Ancient Egypt states that the oldest use of fired clay in Egypt was known since the Middle Kingdom. Page 192: The credit for the rise of Paser, viceroy of the south at Thebes, Paser's uncle who was the commander of the divisions in Nubia, and after him his son Nakhtmin (Paser's cousin) and his selection as viceroy (in Nubia) is due to the nobility of his family, as his cousin Amenemint (Haman) was the childhood friend of Ramses II. Page 199: Some of the elite used military service as a pretext to jump to high civil positions, and we know of them as..., and Amenemint (Haman) the commander of the chariot corps and then the Medjay-Militia, after which he was appointed director of factories (Minister of Industry). Page 240: Amenhotep... but he belonged to an influential family, the family of Amenemint (Haman), the famous commander of the Medjay-Militia. Page 242: Where Min Mes occupies the last position of High Priest of Min and Isis, who is also related to Amen Em Int.

- 4 - He says to Moses: “We have certainly tempted your people after you, and the Samaritan has led them astray ” (Taha 20:85). He means that the Samaritan made the golden calf for the Children of Israel, but the Samaritans did not come until after the Babylonian captivity (1 Kings 16:24). The answer: The Holy Qur’an states that the one who made the calf for the Children of Israel was the Samaritan, and this is in their opinion a clear historical error! Because the city of Samaria, to which the Samaritan is attributed, did not exist at that time, but rather hundreds of years after Moses. This illusion is based on the fact that the name Samaritan was not known until after the building of the city of Samaria, and that it is attributed to it. In fact, the name Samarra was known before the city of Samaria was built. Omri, one of the kings of the Children of Israel, bought the site of this city for two talents of silver from a person named Samar, and its name was not known. In order to glorify the building of this city, the king named it Samaria, after the one from whom he bought it. Then he made it the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. This is why the letter “ya” in the word “Samaritan” is part of the root of the word and is attached to it. Because transferring names from one language to another is not free from such behavior. Samaria is attributed to Samarra and not the other way around. It is not right for the missionaries to say that this name was not known until after the city of Samaria was built, nor to say that it is attributed to it. Perhaps what prompted them to this shameful interpretation was their insistence on the truth of what is in the Torah, that the one who apostatized and made the calf for the Children of Israel and worshipped it with them was Aaron, peace be upon him. This is why it appears to us that the missionaries scattered their quivers and brought out everything in their quiver, and nothing of it stood up to sound scientific criticism. - 5 - He says in Al-Baqarah 2: 249:

When Saul departed with the troops, he said, “God is going to test you with a river. Whoever drinks from it is not of me, and whoever does not taste it is of me, except for the one who scoops up a handful with his hand.” He attributed what Gideon did to Saul ( Judges 7:5-7). The answer: The Book of Judges is a historical book, and the First Book of Samuel, which tells the story of Saul and David, is a historical book. So what prevents a historian from making a mistake in transferring part of one story to another similar story? Especially since he is not infallible like the true prophets and messengers? There are many examples of this, including that this text is mentioned twice: once in the Book of Exodus, and once in the Book of Deuteronomy of the Samaritan Torah. It is mentioned once in the Book of Deuteronomy of the Hebrew and Greek Torah. It is: “I have raised up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren, and I have made my speech his desire; and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And the man who will not listen to my speech, who speaks in my name, I will require of him. And the prophet who presumes to speak in my name what I have not commanded him to speak, or whoever speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall be put to death. And when you say in your heart, ‘How can the thing be known that God has not spoken?’ What the prophet says in the name of gods, that thing will not be, nor will it come to pass; it is the thing that God has not spoken. The prophet spoke presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.” - 6 - He says about Alexander the Great, the Two-Horned, that he reached a people who did not understand, and that he built a dam of iron blocks (Al-Kahf 18:83-97). They interpreted the meaning of Dhul-Qarnayn as meaning that he traveled the two horns of the world, east and west. It was said that two horns of people became extinct during his time, and it was said that he had two horns because of his bravery. The Qur’an said that Dhul-Qarnayn reached the setting of the sun and found it setting in a murky spring, meaning a black mud wet with water (Al-Kahf 18:86). Dhul-Qarnayn was not a prophet, but rather he was an idol worshipper who claimed that he was the son of Amun, the god of Egypt. The sun does not set in a murky spring , nor did Dhul-Qarnayn live two centuries, but rather he died at the age of 33. The answer: In the Holy Qur’an - in Surat Al-Kahf: 83-98, the story of Dhul-Qarnayn: (And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnayn. Say, “I will recite to you a report about him. Indeed, We established him upon the earth, and We gave him a means for everything.”) (1) to the end of the verses. And during these verses, the justice of “Dhul-Qarnayn” is revealed, as he says: (He said: As for him who wronged, We will punish him; then he will be returned to his Lord, and He will punish him with a terrible punishment. But as for him who believed and did righteousness, he will have the best reward, and We will speak to him from Our command with ease) (2). This is how the Holy Qur’an names this king “Dhul-Qarnayn.” As for the fact that this Dhul-Qarnayn is Alexander the Great of Macedonia [356-324 BC], this is a story that has not been subjected to historical investigation. Rather, the commentators who mentioned this story doubted its truthfulness and authenticity. Ibn Ishaq [151 AH 768 AD], for example, narrates from “those who narrate hadiths from the Persians regarding what they inherited of Dhul-Qarnayn’s knowledge” that he was from the people of Egypt, and that his name was “Marzban bin Mardiya the Greek.” As for the one who called him “Alexander,” it is Ibn Hisham [213 AH 828 AD] - who summarized and preserved [the biography] - by Ibn Ishaq -.. and he specifies that it is Alexander who built the city of Alexandria, so it was named after him.

Likewise, the narrations that “Dhul-Qarnayn” is Alexander the Great came from “Wahb ibn Munabbih” [34-114 AH 654-732 AD] (3) and he is a source for narrating many Israelite stories and mythical tales. Ibn Ishaq - who was distinguished by his remarkable awareness in recording and criticizing historical stories - doubted what was narrated of these stories - which revolved around naming Dhul-Qarnayn as Alexander, or other names.. and he also doubted the truth of what was attributed to the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, on this subject.. when Ibn Ishaq said: “God knows which of them it was?.. Did the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say that or not?”
Al-Qurtubi praises Ibn Ishaq’s doubt and skepticism when he mentions it, then says: “And the truth is what he said.” That is, the truth is Ibn Ishaq’s doubt and skepticism about this story, which was not subject to investigation and scrutiny, even though this position of Ibn Ishaq, as well as Al-Qurtubi’s, is a type of investigation and scrutiny. There is nothing, then, that testifies that Alexander the Great of Macedonia - the pagan king - is Dhul-Qarnayn, the just, and the monotheist of God.

- 7 - The Qur’an tells of Muhammad’s Night Journey to the Al-Aqsa Mosque , i.e. the Temple of Solomon, and how he prayed in it with the prophets, and described its doors and windows. Although the Temple of Solomon had been destroyed 550 years before the Night Journey (Al-Isra’ 17:1) and was built about a hundred years after Muhammad’s death! The answer: God Almighty said in His Noble Book : “Glory be to Him who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” This Quranic fact strongly refutes the arguments and claims of the Jews regarding their right to Jerusalem and their keenness to rebuild the Temple of Solomon on the ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque under the pretext that Muslims are the aggressors against the Temple by building Al-Aqsa in its place. Al-Aqsa existed before the mission of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and thousands of years before the current construction of Al-Aqsa, and even before Allah created the Children of Israel. Imam Muslim narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: (I said: O Messenger of Allah, which mosque was built on earth first? He said: “Al-Masjid Al-Haram.” I said: Then which? He said: “Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa.” I said: How long is the time between them? He said: “Forty years, and wherever you are when the prayer comes, pray, for it is a mosque.”) It was mentioned in the introduction of Ibn Khaldun that the Sabians built the “Temple of Venus” thousands of years ago in place of Al-Aqsa because they knew the sanctity of the place and they used to bring oil to it when they brought it and pour it on the rock there. There is a difference of opinion as to who built the first building. It was said that it could have been one of the sons of Adam (peace be upon him), and it was said that the angels built it after the construction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram. Most of the prophets pledged it, as Abraham and Ishmael, peace be upon them, raised the Kaaba in Mecca based on the commands of God. Then Abraham, peace be upon him, returned to his homeland in Jerusalem and rebuilt the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He migrated from Iraq to Jerusalem in 1850 BC and met the Canaanite monotheist king of Jerusalem, “Melchizedek.” It is historically known that there were hundreds of years between Abraham and Solomon, peace be upon them, as history books estimate Solomon’s rule of Jerusalem to be in the period 970-931 BC.Jacob, peace be upon him, also renovated its construction, and David, peace be upon him, wanted to renovate it, but he died, so his son Solomon, peace be upon him, renovated it with what is called the Temple of Solomon. The temple was destroyed and the Jews were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian in 587 BC. The current Al-Aqsa Mosque is nothing but a renovation of the old Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The mosque was built and demolished several times and Jesus, peace be upon him, told the Jews that the temple would be demolished in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24:2, in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 13:2, and in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 21:6. It was rebuilt by Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, and the Crusaders turned it into a synagogue, a stable, and a storehouse for their ammunition in 1099 AD until God permitted its liberation by the Muslim leader Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi in 1187 AD. He purified it from the filth of the Christians and rebuilt it. Al-Aqsa Mosque still retains the Ayyubid architectural touches. The message of every prophet is Islam, and Palestine was ruled by David and after him his son Solomon, peace be upon them, with an Islamic rule, and their wars were Islamic jihad to spread Islam, not hateful racist Jewish wars for the supremacy of the Jewish race. Solomon, peace be upon him, built his temple as a mosque to worship Allah alone. The Jews of this time have no right to Solomon, nor to his reign, nor to his temple. Rather, Muslims are the only inheritors of Solomon and all the other prophets of Allah. The construction of Al-Aqsa was not complete at the time of the Isra of our noble Messenger , may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, but its foundations were present, and some of its columns and ruins remain, including the ring to which the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, tied Al-Buraq. It is the same ring to which the prophets of Allah tied their animals when they went to pray in Al-Aqsa, where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Zechariah, John, Jesus and others, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon them, came. Allah called these ruins, columns and foundations a mosque in the noble verse, considering what was and what will be. The nation of Muhammad, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, is the inheritor of the tolerant Hanafiyyah, the religion of Abraham, peace be upon him, and the people closest to him, his religion, his land and his two mosques, the Sacred Mosque and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the secret of the connection between the two mosques, and Allah knows best!! Allah also gathered the prophets and messengers who preceded Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, on the Night of the Isra’ in Al-Aqsa Mosque, including the prophets and messengers of the Children of Israel. He led them in prayer as an imam, and they prayed behind him as followers, and they handed him the keys to the Holy Land. This is further evidence of this inheritance and the authenticity of this mosque and its dedication to prayer and the worship of Allah, the Most High. Among the virtues of Al-Aqsa, in addition to it being the first of the two Qiblahs and the place of the Prophet’s Night Journey, is his saying, peace and blessings be upon him: “Do not undertake a journey except to three mosques: this mosque of mine, the Sacred Mosque, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari. And he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Prayer in the Sacred Mosque is worth one hundred thousand prayers, and prayer in my mosque is worth one thousand prayers, and prayer in the Holy House is worth five hundred prayers.” Narrated by al-Tabarani and al-Bazzar. And he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “When Solomon, son of David, finished building the mosque of the Holy House, he asked Allah for a rule and a kingdom that no one after him would have. No one who comes to this mosque with the sole intention of praying in it will be freed from his sins as on the day his mother bore him. So the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: As for two, he has been given them, and I hope that he has been given a third.” Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud. - 8 - In Maryam 19:23 it says that Christ was born under a palm tree, although he was born in a manger. And it says that he spoke in the cradle (Al Imran 46, Al-Ma’idah 110, Maryam 29 ). And that he created a bird from clay when he was a baby (Al Imran 49, Al-Ma’idah 110). But the first miracle that Christ performed was at the wedding in Cana of Galilee when he was thirty years old. Answer:

This miracle is mentioned in the Gospel of Thomas. He made twelve sparrows out of clay and ordered them to fly. They flew away while people looked at them.



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