Age Argument
The text of the Omari document
from Abd al-Rahman ibn Ghanem: I wrote to Omar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, when he made peace with the Christians of Syria, and he stipulated to them
that they should not build in their city or in its surroundings a monastery, church, cell, or monk’s cell,
nor renovate what was destroyed,
nor prevent any Muslim from entering their churches for three nights to feed them,
nor shelter a spy,
nor conceal any deception of the Muslims,
nor teach their children the Qur’an,
nor show polytheism,
nor prevent their relatives from Islam if they… They wanted
to respect the Muslims,
to stand up for them from their gatherings when they wanted to sit,
not to imitate the Muslims in any of their clothing,
not to use their nicknames,
not to ride a saddle,
not to wear a sword,
not to sell alcohol,
to cut the front of their heads,
to stick to their dress wherever they were,
to tie belts around their waists,
not to display a cross or anything from their books in any of the Muslim streets,
not to live next to the Muslims with their dead,
not to ring the bell except lightly,
not to raise their voices in reading in their churches in any of the Muslims’ presence,
not to bring out palm fronds,
not to raise their voices with their dead,
not to display fires with them,
and not to buy slaves that the Muslims’ arrows carried.
If they violate any of what they stipulated,
then they have no covenant, and the Muslims among them are permitted what is permitted from the people of obstinacy and discord. The
humiliated Christians, whose lands were occupied by the force of the sword of the usurping Arab Muslim colonizer, responded...
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
This is a letter that we, the Christians of the Levant, sent to the Commander of the Faithful, Omar bin Al-Khattab, when you came to our country.
We asked you for protection for ourselves, our families, our money, and our brothers in religion.
We pledged not to build churches, monasteries, or synagogues.
We will not rebuild those that are on the verge of collapse
. We will not repair any of them that fall in Muslim neighborhoods. We will shelter Muslim passersby and travelers in our homes.
We will host all Muslims for three days.
We will not accept a spy or an eyewitness in our churches or in our homes.
We will not hide from the Muslims anything that would harm their interests.
We will not teach our children the Qur’an.
We will not celebrate our masses in the sight of people.
We will not advise that in our sermons.
We will not prevent anyone from our religion from embracing Islam if they want.
We treat Muslims with kindness and goodness.
We stand up when they sit.
We will not imitate them in dress.
We will not follow their language?
We will not give ourselves or our children nicknames?
We will not saddle or carry weapons? We
will not put Arabic letters on our rings?
We will not deal in alcohol?
We will shave the fronts of our heads?
We will not display our books or crosses in Muslim places.
If this is what happened during the reign of Omar, the just caliph!? What happened during the reign of the unjust caliphs, and there were many of them in the bloody history of Islam?
This is a small part of the racist Islamic colonialism, and the Durban Conference in South Africa should have addressed it, condemned it, and demanded that the Arabs apologize to the Christians for the injustice and rape they inflicted on their country and its people in the Levant, Egypt, and the rest of the countries that were subjected to their abhorrent occupation.
The racism, cruelty, and ferocity of the best nation brought forth for mankind is as clear as the sun, as dark as the crow, and as red as the pure blood that flowed on their filthy swords.
Is there any racism greater than racism: The best nation brought forth for mankind...
But as true Christians we will not resist the oppressor, but rather we say: May God forgive Muslims and have mercy on them with His great mercy before they perish in their sins and injustice in Hellfire.
The just God said,
He who does wrong... let him do wrong still... Behold, I am coming, and My reward is with Me, to give to each according to his work,
what a man sows, that he will also reap.
So come, O Muslims,
come to repentance before destruction comes to you in the lake of fire
Answer @kufrcleaner
1) It was mentioned in Subh al-Ashi, Part Four, Chapter One, Part Three
, Imam al-Hafiz Jamal al-Din Abu Sadiq Muhammad ibn al-Hafiz Rashid al-Din Abu al-Husayn Yahya ibn Ali ibn Abdullah al-Qurashi said in his famous book “Bil-Zubd al-Majmu’ah fi al-Hikayat wa al-Ash’ar wa al-Akhbar al-Masmu’ah”: The learned Sheikh Abu Muhammad Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd al-Wahhab ibn Ismail al-Zuhri al-Maliki and more than one of our sheikhs informed us with permission. They said: Abu al-Tahir Ismail ibn Makki ibn Ismail al-Zuhri informed us. He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn al-Walid al-Fahri al-Tartushi informed us, reading to him. He said: The Chief Justice al-Damghani informed us. Muhammad informed us. Abu Muhammad Abd al-Rahman ibn Umar ibn Muhammad al-Tujibi informed us, in what I read to him. Abu Saeed Ahmad ibn Umar ibn Ziyad al-A’rabi informed us in Mecca in the year three hundred and forty. Muhammad ibn Ishaq Abu al-Abbas al-Saffar informed us. Al-Rabi’ ibn Taghlib Abu al-Fadl informed us. Yahya ibn Uqbah ibn Abi al-Ayzar informed us, on the authority of Sufyan al-Thawri, al-Walid ibn Ruh, and al-Sari ibn Masraf. They mention on the authority of Talha bin Masraf on the authority of Masruq on the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin Ghanem who said: I wrote to Umar bin al-Khattab when he made peace with the Christians of Ash-Sham: “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” “This is a letter from Abdullah Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, from the Christians of such-and-such city. When you came to us, we asked you for safety for ourselves, our children, our money, and the people of our religion, and we stipulated for you upon ourselves that we would not incite…”
Abd al-Rahman said: When I brought the letter to Umar, he added to it: “And we will not strike any of the Muslims.
We stipulated that upon ourselves and the people of our religion, and we accepted safety upon him.
If we disobey anything that we stipulated for you and guaranteed upon ourselves, then we have no covenant, and what is permissible for you from us is permissible for the people of opposition and discord.”
And in another narration of his from another chain of transmission: “That we will not incite in our city or in its environs a monastery, church, cell, or monk’s cell.”
And in it: - “And that we will not display a cross or Impure in any of the roads and markets of the Muslims.
And in it: - “And that we guide the Muslims and do not look at them in their homes.
- Note the mention of the condition from them and not from Omar bin Al-Khattab -
28923 - I wrote to Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, when he made peace with the Christians of Ash-Sham and stipulated that they should not build in their city or its surroundings a monastery, church, cell, or monk’s cell, nor renovate what was destroyed in it, nor prevent any Muslim from staying in their churches for three nights to feed them, nor shelter a spy, nor conceal any deception from the Muslims, nor teach their children the Qur’an, nor show polytheism, nor prevent their relatives from Islam if they wanted it, and that they should respect the Muslims, and stand up for them from their gatherings if they wanted to sit, and not resemble the Muslims in any of their clothing in a skullcap, nor a turban, nor sandals, nor parting their hair, and not speak the language of the Muslims, nor use their nicknames, nor ride a saddle, nor wear a sword, nor take any weapon, nor engrave their rings in Arabic, nor sell alcohol, and that they should cut the front of their heads, and adhere to their dress wherever they are. They were not, and that they should tie belts around their waists and not display a cross or anything from their books in any of the roads of the Muslims, and not live next to the Muslims with their dead, and not strike a bell except lightly, and not raise their voices in reading in their churches in any of the presence of the Muslims, and not go out in the morning, and not raise their voices with their dead, and not display fires with them, and not buy from the slaves what the Muslims’ arrows ran on, and if they violated anything of what they stipulated, then they have no covenant, and what is permissible for the Muslims from them is what is permissible from the people of obstinacy and discord.
Narrator: Abd al-Rahman ibn Ghanim - Summary of the degree: He used it as evidence, and he said in the introduction: (We did not use evidence except with a sound report narrated by trustworthy people with a chain of transmission) - The hadith scholar: Ibn Hazm - Source: Al-Muhalla - Page or number: 7/346
- The conditions here are for Umar ibn al-Khattab -
As some historians mention who denied the attribution of this covenant to Umar, the first of them is Muir and the last of them is A. S. TRITTON, who in a book published in 1930 refuted the attribution of the covenant to Omar, saying that the covenant is sometimes attributed to Omar and sometimes to his leader Abd al-Rahman ibn Anam, and he did not mention the name of the city in which the Christians imposed these unjust conditions on themselves. He is surprised that the vanquished would impose conditions on the victors, and the covenant is not like other covenants that the Muslims signed in the Levant. He notes that there is no application of this covenant during Omar’s lifetime, and finally concludes that this covenant was usurped in the schools of jurisprudence many years after Omar’s death.
This opinion is adopted by Dr. Kaheela, who believes that Omar’s covenant was not issued by Omar nor during Omar’s reign, proving this by criticizing the four chains of transmission of this covenant, saying: “If we review the names of the men in the chain of transmission, we find that some of them are not trustworthy or that they are unknown.” Dr. Kaheela: “It is clear to us that the four Musnads are tainted with impurities, and we know that the chain of transmission has a special status among jurists, and its reliability is derived from the reliability of the text.”
And also the book Akhl Al-Dhimmah by Ibn Al-Qayyim (the sermon is in it, see page 275 and after under the chapter “Mention of the conditions of Umar, their rulings and their requirements”)
and it says in it:
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Mention of the conditions of Umar, their rulings and their requirements
# Abdullah bin Al-Imam Ahmad said: Abu Sharhabil Al-Himsi Issa bin Khalid told me: My uncle Abu Al-Yaman and Abu Al-Mughira told me: Ismail bin Ayyash told us: More than one of the people of knowledge told us: The people of the peninsula wrote to Abdul-Rahman bin Ghanem: When you came to our country, we asked you for safety for ourselves and the people of our religion, on the condition that we stipulated for ourselves that we would not build a church in our city or in its surroundings a monastery, cell, or monk’s cell, nor would we renovate what was destroyed from our churches or what was in the plans of the Muslims, nor would we prevent the Muslims from entering our churches at night or during the day, and that we would widen their doors for passersby and Ibn The way, and we do not shelter in it or in our homes a spy, and we do not conceal a deception of the Muslims, and we do not strike our bells except secretly in the interior of our churches, and we do not display a cross on them, and we do not raise our voices in prayer or reading in our churches in what the Muslims attend, and we do not take out a cross or a book in the market of the Muslims, and we do not take out a messenger, and he said, and the messengers gather as the Muslims go out on the day of sacrifice and breaking the fast, nor palm fronds, and we do not raise our voices with our dead, and we do not show fires with them in the markets
of the Muslims, and we do not live next to them with pigs or in selling alcohol, and we do not show polytheism, and we do not desire our religion or call anyone to it, and we do not take anything from the slaves that the arrows of the Muslims have drawn, and we do not prevent any of our relatives who wanted to enter Islam, and we adhere to our dress wherever we are, and we do not imitate the Muslims in wearing a cap or a turban or sandals or parting the hair, nor in their mounts, and we do not speak their language nor use their nicknames, and we cut the front of our heads and we do not part Our forelocks and belts are tied around our waists, and we do not engrave our rings in Arabic, nor do we ride saddles, nor do we take any weapons or carry them, nor do we wear swords, and we respect the Muslims in their gatherings, and guide them on the way, and stand up for them from the gatherings if they want to sit, and we do not look at them in their homes, nor do we teach our children the Qur’an, and none of us participates with a Muslim in trade unless the Muslim is in charge of the trade, and we host every Muslim who passes by for three days and feeds him from the average of what we find, guaranteeing that for you, for ourselves, our children, our wives, and our poor, and if we change or go against what we stipulated for ourselves and accepted security for it, then we have no covenant, and what is permissible for you from us is permissible for the people of obstinacy and discord.
# So Abd al-Rahman ibn Ghanim wrote about this to Umar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, so Umar wrote to him to carry out what they asked for and to add to them two letters that he stipulated for them with what they stipulated for themselves, that they not buy anything from our captives, and whoever strikes a Muslim intentionally has broken his covenant. # So Abd al-Rahman ibn Ghanem implemented that and approved this condition for those of the Romans who resided in the cities of the Levant. # Al-Khalal said in the book of the rulings of the people of religions: Abdullah ibn Ahmad told us and he mentioned it. # Sufyan al-Thawri mentioned on the authority of Masruq on the authority of Abd al-Rahman ibn Ghanem who said: I wrote to Umar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, when he made peace with the Christians of the Levant and stipulated
They are not to build in their city or its environs a monastery, church, cell, or monk’s cell, nor to renew what has been destroyed, nor to prevent any Muslim from staying in their churches for three nights while they feed them, nor to shelter a spy, nor to conceal any deception from the Muslims, nor to teach their children the Qur’an, nor to openly associate partners with Allah, nor to prevent their relatives from Islam if they want it, and to respect the Muslims, and to stand up for them from their gatherings when they want to sit, nor to imitate the Muslims in any of their clothing, nor to use their nicknames, nor to ride a saddle, nor to wear a sword, nor to sell alcohol, and to cut the front of their heads, and to adhere to their dress wherever they are, and to tie their belts around their waists, nor to display a cross or anything from their books in any of the roads of the Muslims, nor to live next to the Muslims with their dead, nor to ring the bell except in secret, nor to raise their voices in reading in their churches in any of the presence of the Muslims, nor to go out to mourn their dead, nor to raise their voices with their dead. And they do not show fires with them, nor do they buy slaves for which the Muslims’ shares have been drawn. If they violated anything that they stipulated, then they have no covenant. And what is permissible for the Muslims from them is what is permissible from the people of obstinacy and discord.
# Al-Rabi’ bin Tha’lab said: # Yahya bin Uqbah bin Abi Al-Aizar told us, on the authority of Sufyan Al-Thawri, Al-Walid bin Nuh, and Al-Sari bin Masraf, who mentioned on the authority of Talhah bin Masraf, on the authority of Masruq, on the authority of Abd Al-Rahman bin Ghanem, who said: I wrote to Umar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, when he made peace with the Christians of the people of Ash-Sham, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This is a letter from Abdullah Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, from the Christians of such-and-such city. When you came to us, we asked you for safety for ourselves, our children, our money, and the people of our religion. And we stipulated for you upon ourselves that we would not build in our cities or in their surroundings a monastery, cell, church, or monk’s cell. And he mentioned something similar.
# The fame of these conditions makes it unnecessary to attribute them, as the Imams accepted them and mentioned them in their books and used them as evidence, and the mention of Umar’s conditions continued on their tongues and in their books, and the Caliphs implemented them after him and acted upon them. # Abu al-Qasim al-Tabari mentioned from the hadith of Ahmad bin Yahya al-Halwani, Ubayd bin Junad told us, Ata bin Muslim al-Halabi told us, on the authority of Salih al-Muradi, on the authority of Abd al-Khair, who said: I saw Ali praying the afternoon prayer, and the people of Najran lined up for him in two rows, and a man from them handed him a book, and when he saw it, his eyes filled with tears, then he raised his head to them and said: O people of Najran, by God, this is written by my own hand and dictated by the Messenger of God. They said: O Commander of the Faithful, give us what is in it. He said: I approached him and said: If he was going to reject Umar one day, then today he will reject him. He said: I will not reject anything Umar did, for Umar was wise in his affairs, and Umar took from you better than what he gave you, and Umar did not take from you for himself, rather he took it for the sake of the Muslim community.
# Ibn Al-Mubarak reported on the authority of Ismail bin Abi Khalid on the authority of Al-Sha'bi that Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said to the people of Najran that Omar was wise in his affairs and I will not change anything that Omar did. # Al-Sha'bi said that Ali said when he arrived in Kufa that he did not come to untie a knot that Omar had tightened.
# This book of Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, included a number of scientific topics that revolve around six chapters. # Chapter One: On the rulings on selling, churches, and monasteries and what is related to that. # Chapter Two: On the rulings on their hospitality to passersby and what is related to that. # Chapter Three: On the harm to Muslims and Islam. # Chapter Four: On changing their clothing and distinguishing them from Muslims in vehicles, clothing, and other things. # Chapter Five: On the display of evil in their actions and words that they were forbidden from. # Chapter Six: On the matter of their dealings with Muslims in partnership and the like.
I wanted to transfer the six chapters here, but the problem is that the six chapters are from page 275 to the end of the book (354), which is approximately 80 pages, so it is not possible to transfer them here. You can read them from the books directly
Taxation is rejected by those on the cross, and Jesus and Paul acknowledged it
Mark Chapter 12
14 And when they came, they said to Him, “Teacher, we know that You are true and care for no one, because You do not respect the person of men, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to give taxes to Caesar , or not? Shall we give or shall we not give?” 15 But He knew their hypocrisy and said to them, “Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius, that I may see it.” 16 So they brought it. And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?” And they said to Him, “Caesar’s.” 17 Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s .” And they marveled at Him
Paul .
Romans 7:13 Therefore give to all what is due them. Tax to whom tax is due. Customs to whom custom is due. Fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.
Why then is there obstinacy?
The Covenant of Omar
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
. This is what Abdullah Omar, the Commander of the Faithful, has given to the people of Aelia of security. He has given them security for their lives, their money, their churches, their crosses, their sick and their healthy, and all their religion. Their churches shall not be inhabited, nor demolished, nor shall anything be diminished from them or their area, nor their crosses, nor any of their money, nor shall they be forced to change their religion, nor shall any of them be harmed, nor shall any of the Jews be in Aelia with them . The people of Aelia must pay the jizya as the people of the cities are paid, and they must expel the Romans and thieves from it. Whoever of them leaves, then he is safe for himself and his money until they reach their place of safety. Whoever of them stays is safe and is liable for the same tax as the people of Aelia. Whoever of the people of Aelia wants to travel with himself and his money with the Romans and clear their trade and crosses, then they are safe for themselves until they reach what they have. Whoever of the people of the land is there, whoever of them wants to stay, and he is liable for the same tax as the people of Aelia. Whoever wants to travel with the Romans, and whoever wants to return to his family, nothing will be taken from them until their harvest is harvested. And upon what is in this book is the covenant of God and the pledge of His Messenger and the pledge of the Caliphs and the pledge of the believers if they give what is due from them of the jizya. This
was witnessed by Omar bin Al-Khattab,
Khalid bin Al-Walid, Abd Al-Rahman bin Awf, and Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan.
It is known that the Orthodox Church has kept the Covenant of Omar until this time in the archives of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. So
I believe that the best solution is for the Orthodox Church to issue the Covenant of Omar .
As for what came about this covenant through the people of the cross, it is invalid.
The Messenger warned us against the hypocrite, so what about the infidel?
Compare the Covenant of Omar and the commitment of Muslims to the text of its articles with the treaty between the King of Spain, Ferdinand, and the Minister Abu al-Qasim, the representative of Muslims in Spain... Did the King of Spain adhere to the articles of the agreement he signed, as he had promised the People of the Book in all the Islamic conquests?!
Mark Chapter 12
14 And when they came, they said to Him, “Teacher, we know that You are true and care for no one, because You do not respect the person of men, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to give taxes to Caesar , or not? Shall we give or shall we not give?” 15 But He knew their hypocrisy and said to them, “Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius, that I may see it.” 16 So they brought it. And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?” And they said to Him, “Caesar’s.” 17 Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s .” And they marveled at Him
Paul .
Romans 7:13 Therefore give to all what is due them. Tax to whom tax is due. Customs to whom custom is due. Fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.
Why then is there obstinacy?
The Covenant of Omar
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
. This is what Abdullah Omar, the Commander of the Faithful, has given to the people of Aelia of security. He has given them security for their lives, their money, their churches, their crosses, their sick and their healthy, and all their religion. Their churches shall not be inhabited, nor demolished, nor shall anything be diminished from them or their area, nor their crosses, nor any of their money, nor shall they be forced to change their religion, nor shall any of them be harmed, nor shall any of the Jews be in Aelia with them . The people of Aelia must pay the jizya as the people of the cities are paid, and they must expel the Romans and thieves from it. Whoever of them leaves, then he is safe for himself and his money until they reach their place of safety. Whoever of them stays is safe and is liable for the same tax as the people of Aelia. Whoever of the people of Aelia wants to travel with himself and his money with the Romans and clear their trade and crosses, then they are safe for themselves until they reach what they have. Whoever of the people of the land is there, whoever of them wants to stay, and he is liable for the same tax as the people of Aelia. Whoever wants to travel with the Romans, and whoever wants to return to his family, nothing will be taken from them until their harvest is harvested. And upon what is in this book is the covenant of God and the pledge of His Messenger and the pledge of the Caliphs and the pledge of the believers if they give what is due from them of the jizya. This
was witnessed by Omar bin Al-Khattab,
Khalid bin Al-Walid, Abd Al-Rahman bin Awf, and Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan.
It is known that the Orthodox Church has kept the Covenant of Omar until this time in the archives of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. So
I believe that the best solution is for the Orthodox Church to issue the Covenant of Omar .
As for what came about this covenant through the people of the cross, it is invalid.
The Messenger warned us against the hypocrite, so what about the infidel?
Compare the Covenant of Omar and the commitment of Muslims to the text of its articles with the treaty between the King of Spain, Ferdinand, and the Minister Abu al-Qasim, the representative of Muslims in Spain... Did the King of Spain adhere to the articles of the agreement he signed, as he had promised the People of the Book in all the Islamic conquests?!
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