Muslim kissing the Black Stone - similarity


If these Orientalists consider kissing the Black Stone as worship of it instead of God, then we must begin by explaining the reality of worship and its nature.

Whoever worships something, whatever its nature, believes that it has a supernatural power whose effect is reflected in reality, just as the Christian believes in the cross. Consequently, the worshipper draws closer to his deity in the hope of benefit or to ward off harm, just as the Christian believes that the cross provides him with strength and protects him. At the same time, he believes that neglecting this deity or abandoning his worship will result in harm and its occurrence as a type of punishment, just as the Christian believes in the superstitions of baptism, chrism, and the myths of the descent of the Holy Spirit, just as the Magi believe. Such a thing is seen even in the reality of people today among the followers of pagan religions spread throughout the world, such as Christianity and Magism. It is observed in the followers of those religions a submission to their deities in the desire to bring various benefits, or to ward off harm from drought and dryness and the like, while their hearts are attached to this deity out of fear of it and awe of its power, as happened in the request for rain by slaughtering seven innocent men, as stated in (2 Samuel 21:1). So let us give Seven of his sons, and we crucified them.. So they crucified them on the mountain before the Lord, and the seven fell together and were killed, and water poured down on them from the sky .... Aren't these actions the true paganism that permits the slaughter of humans, just as the Pharaohs slaughtered virgins as offerings to the god of the Nile?!

This unseen authority may be, in their view, an intrinsic authority, meaning that the worshipper sees the independence of his deity in benefiting and harming, and this is like the Christian who takes the sun as his qiblah, worshipping through it the sun god Nergal, as stated in (2 Kings 17:30), where they adopted this ritual from the Babylonian civilization, and some others worship the planets because they believe in their influence on the laws of the universe and their management of creation, or that the authority is not intrinsic, in that he believes that his deity constitutes an intermediary between him and a higher power that has an independent intrinsic ability to benefit and harm, as the Catholics worship the Virgin, which leads to his worship in the hope of his intercession with those who are able to benefit and harm, as is the case with the infidels of Quraysh who believed that the idols and statues that they worshipped bring them closer to God Almighty, and intercede for them with Him, God Almighty says, explaining this: { And those who take protectors besides Him - we do not worship them except that they may bring us nearer to God. Indeed, God } (Az-Zumar: 3) ), and in another place: { And they worship besides God that which neither harms them nor benefits them, and they say, “These are our intercessors with God ”} (Yunus: 18).

Based on the above, Muslims do not worship the Black Stone, because they do not believe that anyone has the power to harm or benefit other than God Almighty. They deny the existence of any intrinsic authority in creatures, whatever it may be. They also believe that the relationship between the creature and the Creator is a direct relationship in which there is no intermediary, and that the servants do not need an intercessor to whom they may seek closeness other than God Almighty. Rather, they consider this to be major polytheism that takes one out of the fold of Islam, because they believe that acts of worship cannot be directed to any creature, whether it is a close angel or a sent prophet, let alone a stone that neither harms nor benefits.

This was decided by the great companion Omar bin Al-Khattab in his famous statement: “ I know that you are a stone that can neither harm nor benefit, and had I not seen the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, kiss you, I would not have kissed you.” He wanted to show people that this act is purely an imitation of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and not because the stone benefits or harms. Accordingly, the stones of the Kaaba are not sacred in and of themselves. Rather, the Black Stone acquired this distinction because God Almighty commanded it to be kissed. Had that command not been willed, no one would have sanctified or kissed it.

Then, the millstone of worship revolves around two basic issues: complete love with the utmost humility and submission. Whoever loves something but does not submit to it is not a worshipper of it, and whoever submits to something without loving it is also not a worshipper of it. It is known that kissing the Black Stone is an act devoid of submission and humility to that stone.

In addition to the above, the Muslim believes in a special virtue in the Yemeni corner, just as he believes in the virtue of the Black Stone. It was reported in Musnad al-Imam Ahmad on the authority of Abdullah ibn Umar that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “ Touching the Yemeni corner and the Black corner removes sins completely .” However, the Muslim does not see the legitimacy of kissing the Yemeni corner.

It is appropriate to say: Whoever worships something, there is no doubt that he sees in his deity that he is higher than him and better than him. Because the worshipper does not worship someone who he sees as being like him or lower in status and rank, and we know that the sanctity of the believer is greater than the sanctity of the Kaaba, rather greater than the sanctity of the entire world, as came in the hadith narrated by the authors of the Sunan except for Abu Dawud on the authority of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: ( The disappearance of the world is easier in the sight of Allah than the killing of a Muslim man ), and it came on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may Allah be pleased with them both, that he said about the Kaaba: ( How great you are and how great is your sanctity, and the believer is more sanctified in the sight of Allah than you ), so what was mentioned above shows us the view of the Shari’ah regarding the Muslim being more sacred than the Kaaba, including the Black Stone, so how can it be said that the Muslims worship this stone?!!

Let us pause for a moment to ponder, did not the Arabs in their ignorance take many gods from different things, and despite that they did not take the Black Stone as a god besides Allah, but they gave it sanctity and status as one of the inherited remains of the Kaaba that was built by Abraham and Ishmael, peace be upon them, so if this is the case The state of the Arabs in their ignorance is so clear, so where were the minds of the Orientalists when they attributed this to the Muslims?!

The above is sufficient to show the shallowness of such ideas, so instead of the uproar, review the entire sixth chapter of the First Book of Kings, as it contains the wonder of pagan worship that is the basis of Christianity.

Attached is a picture that reveals the actions of the priests at the altar and spitting into a cup of water and sprinkling it.


Genesis 28:16

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep, and said, Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.
17 And he was afraid, and said, How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.
18 And Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil on the top of it.
19 And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of the city at the first was Luz.
20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear,
21 and I return in peace to my father's house, then the LORD shall be my God.
22 And this stone, which I have set up as a pillar, shall be the house of God ; and of all that you give me, I will give you a tenth.

We note here that the word House of God translated from Hebrew ..... means in Hebrew ..... Beth-el .... which means in Hebrew: House of God ..... but it was also used to refer to God Himself in the Book of Jeremiah 48:13 Then

Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Beth-el their trust.

He equates Chemosh (the god of Moab) with Beth-el ..... and he means here that Beth-el is the god of the children of Israel! So

we find that Jacob took the stone that he used as a pillow ..... as a sign and a holy stone for the house of God that he decided to build ..... and the same is the case with the Black Stone in the Kaaba! ..... the first stone placed in the Kaaba and is considered the foundational and distinguishing stone of the Kaaba!

Thus it appears that Jacob was not a pagan ..... while Muslims are pagans!!!! ..... And I can find no response to these words except: If you have no shame, then do whatever you want and say whatever you want ..... And I repeat the words of Sheikh Al-Maraghi (may Allah have mercy on him!) in his criticism of King Farouk: You are stingy here and extravagant there! ..... That is, although the situation is the same ..... It is said ..... This is a nibble .... and that is another nibble ..... May Allah nibble you in your empty brains, you furry donkeys and you pimping pagans!

And in our current era ..... A celebration is held for what is called laying the foundation stone in important buildings ..... And a sign of the location of this foundation stone is placed in a prominent place in the building as a celebratory sign indicating the age of the building and who honored the building by laying the foundation stone in it!

The Black Stone is the first stone in the Kaaba... and it was brought by Gabriel from heaven... and all the studies that examined the Black Stone... or delved into studying it (even though the possibility of scientific research into its composition and nature is not available) confirm that the stone is heavenly and is not among the stones of the earth at all... and they say that it is a meteorite or came down from a comet and so on... exactly as they say that the seed of life came from another planet and was carried on one of the meteorite that collided with the earth and came down from another planet or that the first cell was formed by the interaction of lightning with a group of scattered amino acids... so the first protein chain was formed... and from it life and the living cell emerged... the important thing is, any theory that contradicts and conflicts with the theory of creation and peace!... The stone has a heavenly source, but its source could be anything other than Gabriel bringing it down to earth!

We find that Clement of Alexandria...the great fraud and author of the famous speech on the Secret Gospel of Mark...describes the Arabs as sanctifying the heavenly stones or what is called Bethel...which is a reference to the word Bethel that Jacob gave to the place of the stone with which he laid the foundations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque!

This is a picture from an article in Horizon magazine of the Astronomy Club at the Wilderness Center, specifically about the nature of the Black Stone and Clement's words about it...and this is evidence that the Kaaba and the Black Stone have been sanctified since ancient times!

We find that the Arabs of old..... when they swore, they always swore by the gods..... or by the Lord of the Kaaba..... they never said the gods of the Kaaba!..... they were aware..... of the news that reached them and what settled in their souls..... that the Kaaba has only one Lord in the heavens..... as for those gods, they have no function other than intercession for the Lord of the Kaaba..... like the intercession of the cross..... and the intercession of the saints and the intercession of the Logos or the Mother of Light!

{Unquestionably, to Allah belongs pure religion. And those who take protectors besides Him - [say], "We worship them only that they may bring us nearer to Allah." Indeed, Allah will judge between them concerning that over which they differ. Indeed, Allah does not guide one who is a liar and a disbeliever.} Az-Zumar 3

Disbelief is one religion!

And the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, when he destroyed the idols around and inside the Kaaba, he did not destroy the Black Stone or any other stone of the Kaaba. This is evidence that it is not a symbol of polytheism and idolatry!

And a Muslim does not place a picture of the Kaaba or the Black Stone in front of him to pray in front of it, as the furry donkeys and the puppies of the Gentiles do in front of crosses, statues, or the bodies of the impure dead. And kissing the Black Stone is not essential to completing the Hajj. Rather, it is sufficient to point to it as evidence of completing the Tawaf cycle and beginning a new cycle.

And Tawaf is one of the wonders of the Hajj! ..... The entire universe is in a state of continuous, never-ending orbiting ..... We find electrons orbiting around the center of the atom (nucleus) .... And cell particles (mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, etc.) orbiting around the center of the cell in the nucleus .... The Earth and other planets orbit around the sun ..... While the moon orbits its mother Earth ..... And the rest of the moons orbit the closest planets to it ..... And the entire solar system orbits around the center of the galaxy ..... And the galaxies orbit around the center of the universe ..... And so on ..... We do not know more than that ..... This is the end of what we have reached in knowledge ..... And we do not know what the entire universe orbits around .... And are there other universes in this orbiting process ..... But in the center of all of this .... There is God .... The Great Creator who created all of this ..... Glory be to Him and He is Most High ..... One, Unique .... Individual, Eternal ..... He has no partner in the kingdom

And there is no better evidence of the absence of idolatry than those words said by the Prophet without prophecy (or so I like to call Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, following the saying of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him: “If there were a prophet after me, it would be Omar Ibn Al-Khattab.” Here he says to the stone: “I know your condition best.... But as a Muslim, that is, a servant of Allah, I obey Allah in everything He commands me to do.... And I follow the Sunnah of the One who does not speak out of desire... Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him!!! Is there any greater servitude or submission to Allah than that!!!! Can a furry donkey or an illiterate pup say that to the cross, or to the statues of Jesus or the Mother of Light... Or even to the bodies or statues of the buried impure ones!


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