I drank from his ablution water
The first : the truth of the prophecy through seeing the seal of prophecy between the shoulders of the Messenger of God.

The second : the miracles that God bestowed upon His beloved, the Chosen One,

Among the miracles that God honored His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the healing at his hands of many of his companions through his blessing and supplication, which had a great effect in strengthening their souls and increasing their faith.
Among those situations is what happened with the noble companion Ali ibn Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, on the day of Khaybar, when the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “I will give this banner to a man through whose hands God will grant victory, who loves God and His Messenger, and God and His Messenger love him.” So the people spent that night wondering about the owner of the banner, and in the morning they went to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to find out who would win this favor. Then the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, asked about Ali ibn Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, and they told him that he was suffering from conjunctivitis, so he, may God bless him and grant him peace, sent for him, and when he came to him, he spat in his eyes and prayed for him, and God healed him with the blessing of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he received the banner, then he fought until God granted victory through his hands, and the hadith in its entirety is in the two Sahihs.
And what is more amazing than that is what Imam Al-Tabarani narrated on the authority of Qatada bin Al-Nu’man (may Allah be pleased with him) that he fought on the day of Uhud, and an arrow struck him that took out one of his eyes from its place, so he ran to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) while he was holding it in his hand, so he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took it and put it back in its place and prayed for him, and it returned to its natural state, and it was his most beautiful eye and the strongest in sight .
And among his miracles (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the healing of the afflicted by the blessing of his breathing on him, as happened with the companion Salamah bin Al-Akwa’ (may Allah be pleased with him), on the authority of Yazid bin Abi Ubaid, who said: “I saw the mark of a blow on Salamah’s leg, so I said: O Abu Muslim, what is this blow? He said: This is a blow that struck me on the day of Khaybar, so the people said: Salamah was injured, so I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he breathed on it three times, and I have not complained of it until now.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari.
His miracles - may God bless him and grant him peace - did not stop there, but he would wipe over a broken bone and it would be fixed, as happened with the companion Abdullah bin Atik, may God be pleased with him, when the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - sent him to kill Abu Rafi the Jew, and his leg was broken during that mission, so the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - asked him to spread his foot, so he wiped over it, and the broken bone that had afflicted him was fixed and he was able to walk on it from that moment, and the story was narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari.
Among his blessings - may God bless him and grant him peace - is what Al-Bukhari narrated that Al-Sa’ib bin Yazid, may God be pleased with him, was complaining of pain, so the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - wiped over his head and prayed for blessings for him, then he performed ablution and Al-Sa’ib drank from his ablution water, and the pain went away. Historians mention that Al-Sa’ib bin Yazid lived a long life until he was over ninety years old, and he maintained his health and no signs of old age appeared on him, and that was due to the blessing of the Prophet’s supplication - may God bless him and grant him peace.
On the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, that he fell seriously ill and was confined to bed until he could no longer distinguish those around him. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, visited him in the company of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and he, may God bless him and grant him peace, called for water, performed ablution with it, then sprinkled it on himself, and he recovered from his illness. Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
In addition to treating physical diseases, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had an impact on treating spiritual diseases. One example of this is the story of the young man who came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asking his permission to commit adultery. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) placed his hand on his chest and said: “O Allah, forgive his sin, purify his heart, and guard his chastity.” Narrated by Ahmad. So Allah removed the tyranny of desire from his heart, and he no longer turned to women.
These situations and others indicate the great honors and many gifts that Allah Almighty bestowed upon His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), in support of his call and confirmation of his prophethood.
Now let's see what the so-called Jesus did.
John 9:6
He said this and spat on the ground and made clay with the spittle and anointed the blind man's eyes with the clay
. What is this filth? Did the so-called Jesus fail to use water and put a blessing in it instead of using spitting? ...
Moldy x moldy.
Let's see Jesus' disgusting, corrupt miracles .
8:23 Then he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. And he spat on his eyes and laid his hands on him and asked him if he saw anything . Jesus did not know whether what he did would bear fruit or not, so he asked him. What is more amazing than that is that the
so - called Jesus failed and his spittle came out of the Taiwanese type, and the blind man saw people like trees walking. Mark 8:24 Then he looked up and said, "I see people like trees walking ." But the so-called Jesus took care of the matter and removed his damaged spittle that almost caused the man to lose his sight completely. So the man's sight returned to normal and there was no need for all this damaged spittle. Mark 8:25 Then he laid his hands on his eyes again and made him look up. He was restored and saw every man clearly. Seeing the scandal, Jesus begged the man and asked him not to shame him among the people and to mention what had happened to him. Jesus spat in his eye and he saw the people as trees ... new ones... walking trees. Mark 8:26 Then he sent him away to his house, saying, Do not go into the village and do not tell anyone in the village.
The difference is very big.. because when the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) spat.. he spat in his eye and this does not mean that he expelled a large amount of his saliva, but what is meant here is blowing or as the letter tha is pronounced.
As for what was reported about Jesus, he began to expel from his mouth a large amount of his saliva as if he was vomiting by mixing it on a handful of dirt, and we do not know the content of this dirt, whether an animal had urinated or defecated on it before or not, and he began to mix the dirt with his spit until it became mud, then after that he took this dirty dough and put it on the sick person’s eye (imagine with me how much saliva Jesus expelled from his mouth to have mud to cover the sick person’s eyes)... therefore I only commented on (John 9:6) only.
As for what was reported about Jesus, he began to expel from his mouth a large amount of his saliva as if he was vomiting by mixing it on a handful of dirt, and we do not know the content of this dirt, whether an animal had urinated or defecated on it before or not, and he began to mix the dirt with his spit until it became mud, then after that he took this dirty dough and put it on the sick person’s eye (imagine with me how much saliva Jesus expelled from his mouth to have mud to cover the sick person’s eyes)... therefore I only commented on (John 9:6) only.
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