Reply to: Watermelon, cauliflower and masturbation


The wonders of benefits
Chapter on masturbation:
If a man is able to marry or have a concubine, it is forbidden for him to masturbate with his hand. Ibn Aqil, our companions and our Sheikh did not mention anything other than dislike, they did not state the prohibition in general. He said: If he is not able to have a wife or a concubine, nor does he have desire that would lead him to commit adultery, masturbation is forbidden for him because it is self-enjoyment, and the verse forbids it. If he is in a state of fluctuation between weakness and desire, and he does not have a wife or a female slave, and he cannot marry her, it is disliked and not forbidden. If his desire is overcome and he fears hardship, such as a captive, a traveler or a poor person, it is permissible for him to do so. Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with him) stated this explicitly. It was narrated that the Companions used to do it during their battles and travels.
If a woman does not have a husband and her desire becomes intense, some of our companions said that it is permissible for her to use a kohlrabi, which is something made of skin in the shape of a penis, which a woman inserts into it, or something similar, such as a small cucumber or gourd. The correct view in my opinion is that it is not permissible, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) only instructed the one with desire to fast if he is unable to marry. Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others. And if there was another meaning, he would have mentioned it, and if it was absent from her, because the act is permissible and is not forbidden by imagining and imagining it, and if he was a young boy or a foreign woman, it is disliked for him to do so because it is a temptation for himself to do what is forbidden and an urge for her to do so,
and if he was a watermelon or dough or leather or a statue was thrown to him and he entered into it, then based on what we have presented of the details, I said that it is easier than masturbating with his hand, and Ahmad said about someone who often has sexual desire and cannot control himself and fears that his testicles will burst, he should feed, and this is a wording from us that he narrated from him in Al-Mughni, then he said that he permitted him to break the fast because he fears for himself, so he is like a sick person who fears for himself from dying from thirst and the like, and he made feeding obligatory instead of fasting, and this is attributed to someone who does not hope to be able to make up for it, but if he hopes to do so, then there is no ransom on him, and what is obligatory is to wait for making up for it and do it if he is able to do so, based on His saying, “And whoever among you is ill” [Al-An’am 2:10], and the ransom is only resorted to when there is despair of making up for it, but if he feeds with his despair and then is able to fast, it is possible that he is not obligated because his conscience has been absolved by paying the ransom. Which was the duty, so she did not return to the work of what she was acquitted of, and it is possible that he is required to make up for it because feeding is a substitute for menopause, and we have shown that it has gone, so it is similar to the woman observing the waiting period for the months of menopause if she menstruates during it.

God Almighty said:
And whoever does not judge by what God has revealed - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
(Al-Ma’idah 45)

It is strange that I did not read a hadith, narration, or verse of the Qur’an that the writer of this statement cited.

There is no difference between Islam and other religions, because Islam only follows what came from Allah and His Messenger, as stated in the Qur’an and Sunnah:

Allah the Almighty said : “ And if you differ over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day ” ( An -Nisa ’ 4:59 ) The Messenger said: “

have left among you that which if you hold fast to, you will never go astray after me: the Book of Allah and my Sunnah . ” No hadith with this wording or similar wording has been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , as far as I know, after examining what is available from the books of the Sunnah. Rather, two weak hadiths have been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in this regard, and Ibn al-Jawzi included them in al-‘Ilal al-Mutanahiyyah (2/633). As for the first, he narrated it on the authority of Muslimah ibn Ja’far, on the authority of Hassan ibn Humayd, on the authority of Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There are seven whom Allah will not look at on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He gather them with The worlds, the first to enter Hell will be the one who commits adultery... The hadith... Then Ibn al-Jawzi said: ( This hadith is not authentic from the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - nor is Hassan known, nor is Muslimah) End quote. Then Ibn al-Jawzi cited the other hadith through the chain of transmission of Ismail al-Basri on the authority of Abu Janab al-Kalbi on the authority of al-Khalal ibn Umair on the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri - may Allah be pleased with him - who said: The Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - said: “ Allah - the Almighty and Majestic - destroyed a nation who used to play with their males .” Then Ibn al-Jawzi said: ( This is nothing, Ismail al-Basri is unknown, and Abu Janab is weak ) End quote. And with this it becomes clear to you that nothing has been proven in this chapter by way of text ( meaning : by the indication of the spoken word). As for the way of deducing the concept, the Malikis deduced the prohibition of masturbation from the hadith of Ibn Mas`ud - may God be pleased with him - who said: (I heard the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - say: “O young people, whoever among you can afford to get married, let him get married; for it is more lowering of the gaze and more guarding of the private parts. And whoever cannot afford it, let him fast; for it will be a restraint for him. ”) Agreed upon. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath (9/112): Some Malikis deduced from it the prohibition of masturbation; Because he advised, when unable to marry, to fasting, which cuts off desire. If masturbation was permissible, he would have advised it because it is easier. This evidence is supported by the evidence of al-Shafi’i – may God have mercy on him – on the prohibition in the words of God Almighty: “ And those who guard their private parts, except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors. ” He provided evidence for the prohibition by saying that masturbation is not one of the two ways that God Almighty has permitted, as he stated in al-Umm (5/94-145). This statement – ​​which is the prohibition – is the view of the majority of scholars, as Ibn al-Arabi narrated from them in Ahkam al-Qur’an (3/315), where he said: “ The majority of scholars are of the opinion that it is prohibited, and it is the truth that God should not be worshipped except by it… If evidence were established for its permissibility – meaning the habit of masturbation – then a man of honor would turn away from it because of its baseness .” End quote.

It is not hidden what results from this ugly act of psychological, physical, and social harm, which some specialists have warned against, including Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Kanaan in his valuable book: (The Encyclopedia)

IBN TAMIYA, may God have mercy on him, said:

“ Masturbation is not permissible according to most scholars, past and present, whether one fears hardship or not. The words of Ibn Abbas and what was narrated from Ahmad regarding it are only for one who fears hardship, which is adultery and sodomy, with a strong fear that he will fall into that, so it is permissible for him to do so in order to break the intensity of his hardship and desire . ”

As for the one who does that out of enjoyment, or remembering, or habitually, such that he remembers while masturbating an image as if he is having intercourse with it, all of this is forbidden, and neither Ahmad nor anyone else says this. Some of them have made it obligatory to be punished for it. Patience in avoiding this is one of the obligatory acts, not recommended acts. As for patience in avoiding forbidden acts, it is obligatory, even if the soul desires and longs for them. Allah the Almighty says: { And let those who do not find the wherewithal for marriage abstain until Allah enriches them from His bounty .} [Surah al-Bukhari] “Abstinence” means abandoning what is forbidden, as in the authentic hadith on the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri on the authority of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), who said: “ Whoever abstains from it, Allah will make him chaste. Whoever seeks self-sufficiency, Allah will enrich him. Whoever is patient, Allah will make him patient. No one has been given a gift better and more comprehensive than patience. ”
So “the self-sufficiency” does not look forward with his heart, and “the seeker of self-sufficiency” is the one who does not ask people with his tongue, and “the patient” is the one who does not force himself to be patient. So He informed that whoever is patient, Allah will make him patient. This is as if it is in the context of patience in poverty, by being patient in the bitterness of it. The need does not make him despair of what he is afflicted with of poverty, which is patience in hardship and distress. Allah the Almighty said: { And the patient in poverty and hardship and during battle .}

And “hardship” is illness, which is patience with what he is afflicted with of need, sickness and fear. And patience with what he is afflicted with by his choice, such as jihad, because patience with it is better than patience with the illness that he is afflicted with without his choice. Therefore, if he is afflicted with hardship in jihad, then patience with that is better than patience with it in his country, because this patience is part of jihad. Likewise, if he is afflicted in jihad with poverty or an illness that occurred because of it, then patience with it is better, as this has been explained in detail in other places.
“Majmoo’ al-Fatawa” (11/574-575)

He ( may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about masturbation

. He replied: As for masturbation , the basic principle is that it is forbidden according to the majority of scholars, and the one who does it is subject to a discretionary punishment, and it is not like adultery. And Allah knows best. He (may
Allah have mercy on him) was asked about masturbation, is it forbidden or not?
He replied : As for masturbation by hand, it is forbidden according to the majority of scholars, and it is the more correct of the two opinions in the school of Ahmad. Likewise, the one who does it is subject to a discretionary punishment, and according to the other opinion, it is disliked but not forbidden, and most of them do not permit it for fear of hardship or anything else. It was narrated from a group of the Companions and Followers that they permitted it in cases of necessity, such as if there is fear of adultery and nothing will protect him from it except by it, or if there is fear that if he does not do it he will become sick. This is the opinion of Ahmad and others. As for without necessity, I do not know of anyone who permitted it. And Allah knows best.

So where is the permissibility?

Ahmad’s opinion is that it is not imposed on the ummah because, firstly: taking the Qur’an and Sunnah and the majority of scholars / and secondly: it is exceptional.


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