Reply to: Sexual words said by the Messenger of Islam
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and upon his family and companions and those who
follow him. As for us, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was sent as a mercy to the worlds.
Among the requirements of this mercy is justice and the severity of justice. The hadith was mentioned in Sunan Abi Dawud: Al-Hasan bin Ali told us, Abd al-Razzaq told us, on the authority of Ibn Jurayj, who said: Abu al-Zubayr told me that Abd al-Rahman bin al-Samit, the cousin of Abu Hurayrah, told him that he heard Abu Hurayrah say: Al-Aslami came to the Prophet of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and testified against himself that he had had intercourse with a woman unlawfully four times. Each time the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, ignored him. Then he came forward on the fifth time and said: Have you had intercourse with her? He said: Yes. He said: Until that disappears from you in that from her? He said: Yes. He said: Just as the kohl stick disappears in the kohl container and the bribe disappears in the well. He said: Yes. He said: Do you know what adultery is? He said: Yes. I committed an act unlawful with her that a man commits from… His wife is lawful. He said, “What do you want with this statement?” He said, “I want you to purify me.” So he ordered him to be stoned. Then the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, heard two of his companions saying, “Look at this man whom God has concealed,” but his soul would not let him until he was stoned like a dog. So he remained silent about them. Then he walked for a while until he passed by the carcass of a donkey, dragging its feet. He said, “Where are so-and-so and so-and-so?” They said, “We are them, O Messenger of God.” He said, “Go down and eat from the carcass of this donkey.” They said, “O Prophet of God, who will eat from this?” He said, “What you have done to your brother’s honor just now is worse than eating from it. By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, he is now in the rivers of Paradise, soaking in them.” It is a weak hadith , as Al-Albani declared it weak. However, since we are Muslims, we must adhere to the academic integrity that was mentioned by the worshippers of the cross. The hadith was narrated in Sahih Al-Bukhari with the wording: Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Ju’fi told me, Wahb bin Jarir told us, my father told us, I heard Ya’la bin Hakim, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, who said: “When Ma’iz bin Malik came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said to him: ‘Perhaps you kissed, winked, or looked?’ He said: ‘No, O Messenger of God.’ He said: ‘ Did you have intercourse with her?’” “He does not use euphemisms,” he said, “and then he ordered that he be stoned.” So we say here that the crime of adultery is not proven except in two ways: 1- That the adulterer or adulteress testify against themselves four times. 2- That he brings four witnesses who saw the act of adultery. Note, my brothers in God, that the Lawgiver has been strict in the process of proving adultery. I do not say that it is impossible , but it is almost impossible to find four witnesses who did not only see a naked man and woman, but rather witnessed the act of adultery. In the overwhelming majority, the first reason is the one by which the act of adultery is proven, which is that the person testifies against himself four times. If someone testifies against himself three times and then someone accuses him of adultery, he will be flogged eighty lashes as punishment for this accusation for which he has no evidence.
From here we prove that Islam is strict in proving adultery. The punishment cannot be based on suspicion. Adultery must be proven 100%. Ma’iz bin Malik
camehimself . The vice police did not bring him. He was not caught red-handed. No one threatened him. Ma’iz, may God be pleased with him, came remorseful and repentant to God. He came confessing his sin, may God be pleased with him. So what was the position of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace??? Did he say to his companions , “Catch him, don’t let him escape. Prepare the hole and the stones.” No , Islam did not come thirsty for blood, as some claim. Rather, it has been reported in the narrations. Sahih Ibn Majah 2: 2544 narrated to us: Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaybah narrated to us: Ibad ibn al-Awwam narrated to us, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Amr, on the authority of Abu Salamah, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, who said: Ma’iz ibn Malik came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: “I have committed adultery.” So he turned away from him. Then he said: “I have committed adultery.” So he turned away from him until he confessed four times. Then he ordered that he be stoned. When the stones hit him, he turned away violently, and a man met him with a camel’s jawbone in his hand, so he struck him and felled him. He mentioned his flight when the stones hit him, so he said: “Why didn’t you leave him?” (Hasan Sahih) - Al-Irwa’ 353/7, Al-Mishkat 3565. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was not eager for that. Now we come to the main point in the subject : How can a Messenger from God say this word??? How does your Messenger, O Muslims, say it and you are ashamed of it??? Is this reasonable and acceptable??? Now I ask and I have the right to ask a simple question: Did any of the Companions laugh when they heard this word? Did the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, smile when he said this word? Was Ma’iz bin Malik ashamed of this word? The answer is definitely no . Why? Because the Companions know that they are not in a chat session. They know that this situation is one of those situations in which hearts have reached throats. They know that the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, was speaking very seriously and was investigating. He wanted to prove that adultery had occurred 100%. That the word yes or no can determine a man’s life or death. It can determine his worldly life and his afterlife . A major crime can be proven against him. It determines lineage and children. One word can cause him to be stoned or killed . What proves this is what the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, That is, perhaps you just did this. One of the worshippers of the cross, Mr. Tariq, will say : Why didn’t Muhammad say another word like: Did you commit adultery ? Did you commit fornication ?
, and intercourse, are there other words???
And now I tell you that all of these words have many meanings . For example,
adultery may mean adultery of the eye or adultery of the hand.
It was reported from him, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Sahih Muslim (2) that he said: “ The eyes commit adultery
by looking ,” and he said: “And the hand commits adultery by touching.”
And immorality is everything that is obscene in word or deed, and it includes adultery and many other things. As for intercourse , what do you understand from this sentence???
Sitting on a grave and intercourse on it.
Does intercourse mean adultery???
You will agree with me on the answer, no.
So the subject does not need general words that may have many interpretations and may be vague.
Out of the mercy of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said the word (I have intercourse with her) to remove doubt with certainty. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant
him peace , framed the mention of this word
God Almighty has spoken the truth : {And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.}
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