Where is the sphericity of the Earth in the Qur’an.


The sphericity of the Earth

During the time of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - no one among mankind knew anything about the sphericity of the Earth, or it had not reached anyone’s knowledge. Here comes the Qur’an and says:

And the earth We have spread out

The precision of the expression of the Quran in its words is noticeable. It chose the only word that was appropriate for the era in which it was revealed and the eras to come. The word (( مَدَدناها )) gives the meaning of both together.

When it says { وَأَرْضَ مَدَدناهاَ } ( Qaf 7 ), it means We spread it out because spreading is expansion. And he understood that this is a Quranic truth, so that after a human being went outside the atmosphere of the Earth and saw it as spherical, this man refuses to believe in science and says: No. The Earth is spread out, this is what the Quran says. Everything other than that is blasphemy. We say to him:

You have made a mistake in understanding the Quranic truth. The evidence you have brought does not serve what you claim. Rather, it is against what you claim.

If the Earth is spread out, it does not differ from things. Either it is square, triangular, rectangular, parallel, trapezoidal, or a shape with different sides. In short, I leave it to you to imagine any position for the Earth other than the position of a ball, or the shape of a ball.

He wraps the night around the day

Why did Allah - Glory be to Him - use the word (( Yakwar )) and the words of the Quran issued by Allah are extremely precise in their expression.. Why did Allah use the word (Yakwar) .. and not say (He spreads out the night and the day) .. as long as the earth is spread out .. or changes the night and the day .. or any other word .. If you bring something and wrap it around a ball, then you say that you have rolled this cloth for example .. that is, you made it take the shape of the ball wrapped around it .. so you say to it take this and roll it .. that is, make it in the shape of a ball .. and the meaning of Allah’s saying - Glory be to Him - { He wraps the night over the day } .. that is, He makes them surround the Earth .. and one of the miracles of the Quran is that the night and the day are wrapped around the Earth at all times .. that is, Allah did not say .. He wraps the night then wraps the day .. but He said He wraps the night over the day .. and He used the word (( on )) here, which deserves a pause .. to imagine the extent to which it applies to the sphericity of the Earth .. { He wraps the night over { The day } and its meaning is that they exist at the same time around the Earth, and this is what the Quran predicted 1400 centuries ago and did not reach human knowledge until recently.

Then we contemplate after that His saying - Glory be to Him - {Nor does the night outstrip the day } ( Yasin 40 ). What is the meaning of the noble verse, {Nor does the night outstrip the day}?

It means that He is responding to them in the issue of their time to correct it for them.. They say that the day precedes the night.. The day begins with sunrise and ends with sunset, then night comes after that, meaning that the day precedes the night.. So Allah - Glory be to Him - comes and says: { Nor does the night outstrip the day }.. From here He responds to their saying that the day precedes the night by saying No.. The day does not precede the night and the night does not precede the day. This is a declaration that the Earth is spherical. And that night and day exist at the same time on its surface. If the earth was flat, then the matter would only be in two cases:

The first case : that God created the sun facing the flat earth. In this case, day would exist first.. then God sets the sun and night comes .

The second case : that He created the sun not facing the surface of the earth.. in this case, night would exist first.. then the sun rises on the surface and day comes.. the matter would only be in these two cases.. so when God comes and says { nor does the night outstrip the day }, that is, He completely denies that the day precedes the night.. or that the night precedes the day.. since they do not precede each other.. since when? Since the beginning of the creation of the Earth... or since God created the Earth... and this does not happen in the world of sizes at all unless the Earth is spherical... When God created the sun and the Earth, He created night and day together... so the half of the Earth facing the sun became day... and the other half became night... then the Earth rotated... so the night became day... and the day became night and so on... so the noble verse { nor does the night outstrip the day } tells me that the Earth was created in this spherical form

The sphericity of the earth in the Bible

Isaiah 40:22 He who
sits on the firmament of the earth , and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; He who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in

. But the common translation exposed the previous text with:

Isaiah 40:22 He who sits on the firmament of the earth , and its inhabitants are like locusts beneath Him. The Arabic translation differed in the name, as one translation says (He who sits on the firmament of the earth)... and the other translation says (He who sits on the firmament of the earth)... Oh my! Is the dome a sphere? Or is the sphere like the dome? It is known that the dome is a semicircle. But to make the matter clear to us, we have to come to the English translation, which says:

It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth

So: Does circle mean ball? .. And in which language do we find that Circle means ball?? According to the English dictionaries we learned that the word Circle means circle.. So there must be some mistake in the church, either the Arabic translation is not faithful, or the English translation is "naive".. Do you have another solution?

To be more accurate we have to go back to the Hebrew original and rely on Strong's famous dictionary which says:

from 'chuwg' (2328); a circle:--circle, circuit, compass

So the origins of the Old Testament language did not prove that there is a word called (ball) in the text that came in the fortieth chapter of the twenty-second verse of the Book of Isaiah.. So where did the Arabic translation get the word (ball)? Therefore, the joint translation came to correct this mistake and used the word (dome), knowing that the intended word is the word (circle) and not the word (ball or dome).

When we complete the paragraph, we find another discovery, which is that the one sitting on the circle or dome made the sky like a tent by saying:

Isaiah 40:22
He stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

This means that the sky is flat. If we go to the North Pole, we see the sky, and if we go to the South Pole, we will not see the sky because the sky has become like a tent, and the tent is flat from below and below the sky is the earth.. And the flat is only built for a flat person like him.. So is the earth flat?

If one of the cowards of the cross worshippers comes out and claims a miracle in this paragraph, then we have to laugh as if we are watching an acrobatic act by a clown in the national circus.

Now let us see the conservative Christian view and its texts that believe that the earth is flat and not spherical. In our contemporary world, there are some conservative Christians who insist on their biblical belief that the earth is flat, such as Samuel Birley Rowbotham, the founder of the modern flat earth movement, and the venerable Wilbur Glenn Voliva, one of the most famous American flat earthers.

We have previously mentioned that Judaism was influenced by pagan civilizations, so whenever we read the Bible, it becomes clear to us that this cosmological information is the same as the common beliefs of ancient peoples.

It becomes clear to us that those who believe in the Bible imagine the earth as a flat body carried on pillars, and these pillars are not supported by anything, and that the dome of the sky surrounds the earth as shown in the figure.

Of course, it is certain that the Christian faith says that the Lord leaves the formulation of revelation to the personality of the writer, according to his culture and different circumstances, whether pagan or otherwise, to appear in the diversity of the forms of the books, between simple and literary, poetic and philosophical..... This caused confusion between paganism and other religions, Judaism..... For a book in which dozens of people participated in writing, such as the Bible, most of whom are anonymous, it is natural to find one of them adopting an opinion that others do not adopt, whether because he differs with them in point of view or because he suffers from a cognitive deficiency.

The earth has four ends :

And he will raise an ensign for the nations, and will gather the outcasts of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four ends of the earth ." (Isaiah 11-12)

If it had come in the text (the edges of the earth) only, we would not have commented on it, but it specified the edges as being only four edges.. and there is no geometric shape in this universe that has four edges except for the flat shape (rectangle or square)... Therefore, in the Qur’an it is mentioned: { Have they not seen that We come to the earth and reduce it from its edges .. Al-Ra’d 41} The word “edges” indicates to us that everything has a length and width that determine its area; and it also has a height to determine its volume. We know that any length has two ends, and if something is in the form of a surface, its ends are equal to the number of sides, so the Bible explained that the Earth is flat in the form of (a rectangle or a square) by specifying its ends by the number of its sides, but in the Quran the ends were not specified because it is known geometrically that every point on the circumference is considered an end, so God Almighty said: { We reduce it from its edges .. Al-Ra'd 41} and he stopped and did not mention the number of these ends because every point on the circumference is an end, but the Bible limited the ends of the Earth to four, and this is the greatest evidence that the Earth is flat as stated in the Bible.

As for everyone who claims that what is meant is (north; south; east; west), we tell him that there is a big difference between the ends and directions, so why did the Bible fail to come up with the correct expression, knowing that there are texts in the Bible that talked about directions such as: (Genesis 13:14); (Exodus 26:20); (Chronicles 9:24) [ The gatekeepers were in the four directions, on the east, on the west, on the north, and on the south .]

Dan 4:10 Now
these were the visions of my head upon my bed: I looked, and behold, a tree in the midst of the earth , and its height was great; and the tree grew and became strong, and its height reached unto heaven, and the sight of it to the end of the whole earth .

English translation:

11 The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth:

Any point on the spherical body represents the midpoint, and thus the description of “the middle of the earth” as it appears in verse ten of chapter four of the Book of Daniel has no meaning unless the writer is imagining a flat body. Also, the expression “the ends of the earth” as it appears in verse eleven of chapter four of the Book of Daniel refers to the ends or edges of the earth. The English translation of “the ends of the earth” is “ Ends if the earth . ”

Likewise, what is stated in the Book of Job: “ Let him take hold of the edges of the earth, and shake off the wicked from it .” (Job 38:13).

And its translation is:

13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it

Ends of the Earth:

Where is the last point on Earth?

It is very possible to interpret these verses metaphorically, and I agree that many of these phrases can be taken metaphorically, but that does not prevent the perceptions of the writers of these cosmological phrases from being wrong, especially in light of the claims of "the infallibility of the Bible".

It is clear that the ancient Babylonians and Hebrews imagined a flat Earth with an end or edges, and most likely they thought it was in the shape of a circle or a disc, and there are those who think they imagined it in the shape of a square due to the verses that refer to the four corners as in (Isaiah 11:12) and (Revelation 7:1). Whether or not there were different perceptions among the writers of the Bible about the shape of the Earth, it is clear that they agreed that it was flat.

So anyone who seeks to claim that the Bible declared the sphericity of the Earth is only representing his desire, which we cannot respond to in the absence of any credible scientific evidence from linguistic dictionaries.

Concerning the earth standing on pillars and hanging on nothing, the Bible paints this picture for us in the following verses: “

He shakes the earth from its place, and its pillars tremble” (Job 9:6)

(pillars in the English translation, ammuwd in the original Hebrew, according to Strong’s Dictionary.)

The founder of the earth on its foundations , so that it will not be moved forever and ever (Psalms 104:5). How can a spherical earth be founded on foundations? And where are these foundations?! Since the earth has foundations, it has become fixed and immobile.

As for these pillars, they are suspended on nothing according to the conception of the writers of the Holy Bible, as expressed in the Book of Job verse 26:7: “ He stretches out the north over the void, And hangs the earth on nothing .”

What is more astonishing is that the Book of Job revealed to us that the sky has pillars just as the earth does.

Job 6:11
The pillars of the heavens tremble,

for the heaven has pillars and the earth has foundations and pillars, but it is suspended on nothing, and it is all nonsense within nonsense. This concept is considered a new concept added to the concepts of ancient peoples who saw that the earth was carried on the shoulders of Atlas or on the back of a turtle or an elephant or on the horns of a bull, etc. The writer of the Book of Job saw that the earth was carried on nothing, but he believed that it was standing on pillars, as we have seen. So

the Lord addressed Job, revealing to him that the earth is flat and has length and width, saying:

Job 38:18
Have you perceived the breadth of the earth? Tell me if you know it all

. The wording of the question reveals to us that the Lord revealed to Job that the earth has a width, and Job did not perceive it all, but rather a part of it.

He came to the Book of Joshua, which confirms that the rising and setting are caused by the movement of the sun and the moon, and not by the movement of the earth.

10:12 Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day that the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the eyes of Israel, “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and moon, over the Valley of Aijalon!” 13 So the sun stood still and the moon stood still , until the people had avenged themselves on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jasher : “ The sun stood still in the midst of heaven and did not hasten to set about a whole day

.” Would it not be more correct to say: The earth stopped moving instead of the moon standing still at one time and the sun standing still at another? 

Come and see the Passion Week in the Church,

the Church says
Rosary (Coptic word):

To you be the power, the glory, and the blessing...etc. We say it 12 times every hour. We have 5 daytime hours, 5 nighttime hours, so the number 10 remains, the number 12 remains, so the number 12 (3 x 4) refers to the Kingdom of God, the Trinity reigns over the four corners of the earth.

With this confession we kill two birds with one stone: the church believes that the Trinity is (three) and not one by saying (that 3 means the Trinity), and the church believes that the earth has four corners by saying (4 means the four corners of the earth). What is meant by the corners is a flat square earth.. and the corner is the angle that results from the intersection of two sides... and the four corners are not the four directions as evidenced by the fact that the Old Testament proved this by saying:

1 Chronicles 9:24
In the four directions were the gatekeepers, at the east, the west, the north, and the south

. If what was meant by the directions were the corners, it would have said the four corners.

So is there after that a single piece of evidence that confirms that the book of the church acknowledged the sphericity of the earth?

God is far above what they say

Allah the Almighty says: "And the earth We have spread out..." Many enemies of Islam danced when it seemed to them that this noble verse contradicts what science has discovered regarding the sphericity of the earth. But we say to them, read the verse carefully and rationally: the context of the verse indicates that Allah is addressing man, in fact the entire Quran is addressing man. When the All-Knowing, All-Wise says, "And the earth We have spread out," we ask, to whom? The answer is: We have spread it out for you, O man, meaning that wherever you travel or journey, wherever you reside, and wherever you go, you will find the earth spread out and you will not find an end or edge to stop at to say that this is the end of the earth. This issue can only be valid and correct in one case: when the earth is spherical in shape. Only here can a person walk on the earth without stopping because its sphericity makes walking on it unlimited, and makes it extended in all directions. Therefore, I say to all the People of the Book, “He who sent our masters Moses and Jesus with the truth, that what Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, brought is the truth from the truth. And the truth from the truth, absolute truth. How could he bring the truth of the sphericity of the earth at a time when no one dared to say that it was spherical, even as a joke or a laugh? And in the words of God Almighty, “ You merge the night into the day and merge the day into the night ...” And there is more to the hadith, God willing.


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