She died, so I slept with her


The dogs of Christianity raise many doubts, the aim of which is to confuse Muslims about matters of their religion, by attacking our true religion which proves their disbelief in clear terms, and attacking our Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and attacking his companions, the people of Paradise who established the religion and supported God and His Messenger. The aim of this modern group is not to preach their Christianity or call for their belief, the corruption of which has been proven throughout the ages by hundreds, even thousands of scholars and some of their scholars as well. Rather, their only aim is to take Muslims out of their religion.

Many orientalists before them followed the same approach in recent times, and many heretics in previous times, but in our time modern technology has provided them with a kind of security where they hide behind devices to stab safely from being punished or retaliated against, and this is their way as described in the book of our Lord Almighty (They will not fight you all except from behind walls) and modern walls are the technology behind which they hide, they are too cowardly to confront and their argument is weaker in speech.

Our goal here is to clarify the truth and honesty to the Muslim so that he may be certain that Allah Almighty chose the best of mankind for His message and the best companions and the best generation to be the companions of His Messenger, then He left His message to the best of nations as long as they adhered to what His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, was upon.

The Christian rabble raises a story from the biography with a fabricated and false understanding that does not agree with language, understanding, custom, or reason, but only suits the disbelief in their hearts and the heresy and immorality that they derived from their book.

The Christians say (that the Messenger of Allah - may my father and mother be sacrificed for him - had sex with Fatima bint Asad while she was dead), and as is their habit, they present true events with distortions that suit what their Book has created them to believe. Let us begin with what is intended, with Allah’s help.

The narration on which the Christians base their statement:

On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: (When Fatima, the mother of Ali ibn Abi Talib, died, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, dressed her in his shirt and lay down with her in her grave. They said: We have never seen you do what you did to her. He said: There was no one after Abu Talib who was more dutiful to me than her. I only dressed her in my shirt so that she would be clothed in the garments of Paradise, and I lay down with her to make it easier for her.) (Al-Isti’ab fi Ma’rifat al-Ashab by Ibn Abd al-Barr)

On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: (When the mother of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Fatima bint Asad ibn Hashim, died, and she was one of those who took care of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and raised him after the death of Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, shrouded her in his shirt, prayed over her, asked forgiveness for her, and rewarded her with good for what he had entrusted to her, and lay down with her in her grave when she gave birth. It was said to him: O Messenger of God, you did something to her that you did not do to anyone else! He said: I only shrouded her in my shirt so that God would let her enter mercy and forgive her, and I lay down in her grave so that God would make it easier for her thereby) (Kanz al-Ummal)

The linguistic meaning of the word adtaja`:

daja`: the root of the verb is idtija`, daja`a yadji`u dajjan and duju`, so he is daji`, and it is rarely used, and the causative from it is idtija` yadji`u idtija`an, so he Lying down. To lie down: to sleep. It was said: to lie down and put his side on the ground.

I laid someone down if I put his side on the ground, and he lay down while he was lying himself down; and a man who is lying down is an example of Humza: he lies down a lot, lazy.
Lying down: the form of lying down.

Beds: the plural of bed; Allah the Almighty said: {Their sides forsake their beds} [As-Sajdah: 16]; meaning: they forsake their beds in which they lie down.

Lying down in prostration means to lie down and stick one’s chest to the ground. If they say: He prayed lying down, it means: He lies on his right side facing the tribe.

In the hadith: (( The bed of the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - was made of leather stuffed with palm fibers )).

The word “daj’ah” (with a kasrah) is derived from “idtija’” (reclining), which means sleeping, like “jilasah” (sitting), and with a fathah it is pronounced once.

What is meant is what he used to lie on, so there is an omitted complement in the speech, the meaning of which is: the bed of his lying down or the bed of his lying down was a leather mattress stuffed with palm fibers.
And everything that you lower, you have lowered.

And “tadji’” in a matter: is negligence in it.

And he lay down in his matter and lay down and laid down: he became weak.

(Lisan Al-Arab by Ibn Manzur)

It is understood from the above that the general meaning of lying down is sleeping or lying on one’s side.

The distorted understanding of lying down:

And to make it clear to us where the Christians got their distorted understanding from (this is after the disease in their hearts) To make it clear to us, we present here the meaning of lying down in their book that is full of filth:

Genesis 19-30:36
32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him; that we may preserve offspring from our father. 33 So they made their father drink wine that night. And the firstborn went in and lay with her father; and he did not know when she lay down, or when she rose up. 34 And it came to pass on the next day, that the firstborn said to the younger, Behold, I lay last night with my father: let us make him drink wine tonight also; and go in and lie with him; that we may preserve offspring from our father. 35 So they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose and lay with him; and he did not know when she lay down, or when she rose up. 36 And Lot's two daughters conceived by their father.

Genesis 10-26
And Abimelech said, What is this that you have done to us? For a little while, one of the people would have lain with your wife, and you would have brought guilt upon us.

Genesis 30:16
And it came to pass, when Jacob was come from the field in the evening, that Leah went out to meet him, and said, Come in unto me; for I have hired you with my son's mandrakes. And he lay with her that night.

Genesis 34:2
And Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of the country, saw her, and took her, and lay with her, and afflicted her .

Genesis 35:22
And it came to pass, while Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine. And Israel heard it, and the sons of Jacob were twelve.

Genesis 39:7
And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph, and said, Lie with me.

Exodus 22:16
And if a man seduce a virgin who is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall give her as a dowry to himself as a wife.

So lying with them is adultery, and this is a distorted understanding appropriate to the generality of their book, and although the Arab Christians speak Arabic, yet ( in their hearts is a disease, and God has increased their disease), so they diverted the word from its common meaning to the distant meaning appropriate to their goal.

The Christians’ dogs have picked up what I will now mention to present it as an understanding of their book, which is full of adultery and prostitution, as a suspicion to the common Muslims. They did nothing but come from their ignorance of the Arabic language ( I have previously given you the meaning of “lie down ”) and the reason for their book - adultery, prostitution and debauchery - which took their book out of the dignity of the respected books, let alone the holiness, that reason that keeps them up night and day, so they threw at others, including themselves, as the poet said: She threw her disease at me and slipped away.

Interpretation of the narrations by each other:

Every Muslim and every rational person understands that the meaning is taken from collecting the narrations together, and I will present to you here what was mentioned in the story of the death of Fatima bint Asad, may God be pleased with her, so that you may see the extent of the lies and hatred of these people. I will not bore you with the chain of transmission, but only the text:

1- That the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, shrouded Fatima bint Asad in his shirt, lay down in her grave, and rewarded her with good. It was narrated from Ibn Abbas something similar to this, and he added, so they said: We have not seen you do to anyone what you did to her! He said: “After Abu Talib, there was no one more pious than her. Ibn Habib said: I only dressed her in my shirt so that she would be dressed in the garments of Paradise, and I lay down in her grave so that the torment of the grave would be made easy for her.  (Usd al-Ghabah by Ibn al-Athir)

The Christian dogs picked up the word “lay down” and interpreted it in their book as adultery, relying on the narration that came with the wording “lay down with her.” The meaning of the text in this narration is “lay down in her grave,” as is clear in the first narration. As is their habit, they distort words from their places, and they did not complete reading the rest of the narrations, which explain each other.

So the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) shrouded her in his shirt = so that she would be dressed in the garments of Paradise. He lay

down in her grave = so that the torment of the grave would be made easy for her.

2- On the authority of Al-Zubayr bin Saeed Al-Qurashi, he said: “We were sitting with Saeed bin Al-Musayyab, and Ali bin Al-Hussein passed by us, and I have never seen a Hashemite who was more devoted to God than him. Saeed bin Al-Musayyab stood up to him, and we stood up with him, and we greeted him, and he responded to us, and Saeed said to him: O Abu Muhammad, tell us about Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim, the mother of Ali bin Abi Talib - may God Almighty be pleased with them both - he said: Yes, my father told me that he heard the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib say:

When Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim died, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, shrouded her in his shirt, prayed over her, and said seventy takbirs over her. He went down into her grave, and my hands were in the corners of the grave as if he was expanding it and leveling it. He came out of her grave with tears in his eyes, and he threw some water into her grave. When he left, Umar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, said to him: O Messenger of God, I saw you do something to this woman that you did not do to anyone else. He said: O Umar, this woman was my mother who gave birth to me. Abu Talib used to do good deeds, and there would be banquets for him, and he used to gather us to eat with him. This woman used to have a share of it all, so I would return to it.

Gabriel, peace be upon him, informed me on the authority of my Lord, the Almighty, that she is one of the people of Paradise. Gabriel, peace be upon him, informed me that God Almighty ordered seventy thousand angels to pray for her (Mustadrak Al-Hakim)

3- Issa bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Omar bin Ali bin Abi Talib, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather: (The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, buried Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim, the mother of Ali bin Abi Talib, in Al-Rawha’, opposite the bathhouse of Abu Qatifa) (Muqatil Al-Talibin Al-Isfahani)

4- On the day she died, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, prayed over her, rolled in her grave, cried, and said: “May God reward you with goodness for being a mother, for you were the best mother.” (Mukhtasar Tarikh Dimashq by Ibn Asakir)

Can we understand from the previous narrations what the Christians’ dogs went to??

An introductory note about Fatima bint Asad, may Allah be pleased with her:

We present to Muslims a simple definition of who is Fatima bint Asad. Who is Fatima bint Asad??

She is Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf, the mother of Ali bin Abi Talib and his brothers. It was said that she died before the migration, but that is not true. The truth is that she migrated to Medina and died there.

Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul-Mumin told us: Abu Muhammad Ismail bin Ali Al-Hutaimi told us: Muhammad bin Abdus told us: Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Numayr told us: Muhammad bin Bishr told us on the authority of Zakariya on the authority of Al-Sha’bi: The mother of Ali bin Abi Talib, Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim, converted to Islam and migrated to Medina and died there. Al-Zubayr said: She is the first Hashemite woman to give birth to a Hashemite. He said: She converted to Islam and migrated to Allah and His Messenger and died in Medina during the lifetime of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the Messenger of Allah witnessed her (Al-Isti’ab fi Ma’rifat Al-Ashab by Ibn Abd Al-Barr).

Fatima bint Asad was the wife of Abu Talib bin Abd Al-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusayy, and she bore him Talib, Aqeel, Ja’far, Ali, Umm Hani, Jumana, and Raytah Bani Abu Talib. Fatima bint Asad converted to Islam and she was a righteous woman, and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to visit her and take a nap in her house (Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra by Ibn Sa’d)

. Muhammad bin Omar said: This is confirmed with us. The mother of Ali, peace be upon him, is Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf, and she converted to Islam long ago. She was the first Hashemite woman to give birth to a Hashemite, and she raised the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and she bore Abu Talib Aqeel, Ja’far, Ali, Umm Hani, whose name was Fakhita, and Hamama. Aqeel was ten years older than Jafar, and Jafar was ten years older than Ali. Jafar is the one with two migrations and the one with two wings (Mukhtasar Tarikh Dimashq by Ibn Asakir).

Al-A’mash narrated on the authority of Amr ibn Murrah on the authority of Abu Al-Buhturi on the authority of Ali who said: I said to my mother Fatima bint Asad: Take care of Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), with providing water and going on errands, and she will take care of the grinding and kneading of the dough. This indicates her migration because Ali married Fatima in Medina. (Usd Al-Ghabah by Ibn Al-Athir)

on the authority of Abu Hurairah. Jafar ibn Abi Talib was the third of his father’s children, and Talib was the oldest of them, followed by Aqeel, followed by Jafar, followed by Ali. Each one of them was ten years older than the other, and Ali was the youngest of them... and the mother of them all was Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf (Muqatil al-Talibin al-Isfahani)

on the authority of Jarir, I heard the Prophet (PBUH) calling the women to pledge allegiance when this verse was revealed: “O Prophet, when the believing women come to you to pledge allegiance to you.” Fatima bint Asad was the first woman to pledge allegiance to the Messenger of God (Muqatil al-Talibin al-Isfahani)


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