The path to heaven is adultery and theft
Sin and man are two names that are as closely related as the sun and shadow. Sin is almost part of man’s nature and disposition. Islam deals with sinners with a logic that combines wisdom and mercy. It did not expel sinners from Allah’s mercy, but rather ordered them to repent and return to Him, warned them against sins, and threatened them with punishment.
A sinner would come to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he would rebuke him, and another would come to him and he would order the punishment to be carried out on him, and another would come to him and he would order him to repent and return to Allah, each according to his sin and its ruling. However, it is proven by multiple reports that he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not treat sinners as he treated apostates who had left Islam. There is no better evidence of this than the implementation of the legal punishments. Although everything that results in a punishment is a major sin, the Shariah punishes each crime according to it. The hand of a thief is cut off, the drinker of alcohol is flogged, and so is the unmarried adulterer. If these major sins were disbelief, all of these people would have to be killed unless they repent.
This contradicts the nonsense of other religions such as the Roman and Christian religions.... In the Roman religion, the ruler ordered the killing of Jesus because he coveted the tribute and the kingdom of Caesar, as Jesus claimed that he was a king... so they killed him.
In Christianity, everything is permissible because the Savior saved everything and left them under the law of adulteresses who preceded them to the kingdom. If the adulteress who commits adultery precedes them to the kingdom, then what about homosexuals, criminals and bloodsuckers?
We return again:
On the authority of Al-Miqdad bin Al-Aswad - may Allah be pleased with him - he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - say: ((When the Day of Resurrection comes, the sun will be brought close to the servants until it is a mile or two away, and the sun will melt them, and they will be in sweat according to the extent of their deeds. Some of them will be covered in sweat up to their heels, some up to their knees, some up to their waists, and some will be bridled with sweat)).
Until when the matter becomes serious and the distress intensifies, they are inspired to seek intercession from the prophets, so some people will say to others: Do you not see what you are in? Do you not see what has happened to you? Do you not see who will intercede for you with your Lord?
Some people will say to one another: Go to Adam. They will go to Adam and say: O Adam, you are the father of mankind. Allah created you with His hand, breathed into you of His spirit, and commanded the angels and they prostrated to you.
Intercede for us with your Lord. Do you not see the state we are in? Do you not see what has happened to us? Adam will say: My Lord became angry today with an anger the like of which He has never been angry before and will never be angry again. He forbade me from the tree but I disobeyed Him. Myself, myself!! Go to someone else. Go to Noah. They will go to Noah and say: O Noah! You were the first of the messengers to earth, and Allah called you a grateful servant. Intercede for us with your Lord. Do you not see the state we are in? Do you not see what has happened to us? He will say to them: My Lord became angry today with an anger the like of which He has never been angry before and will never be angry again. I had a supplication that I made against my people. Myself, myself!! Go to Abraham.
They will come to Abraham and say: You are the Prophet of God and His friend from the people of the earth. Intercede for us with your Lord. Don’t you see what we are in? Don’t you see what has happened to us? Abraham will say to them: My Lord has become angry today with an anger the likes of which He has never been angry before and will never be angry again, and he mentioned his lies. Myself, myself!! Go to someone else, go to Moses. They will come to Moses and say: O Moses, you are the Messenger of God. God has favored you with His messages and His speaking to people. Intercede for us with your Lord. Don’t you see what we are in? Don’t you see what has happened to us? Moses will say to them: My Lord has become angry today with an anger the likes of which He has never been angry before and will never be angry again, and I have killed a soul I was not commanded to kill. Myself, myself!! Go to Jesus. They will come to Jesus and say: O Jesus, you are the Messenger of God and His word which He bestowed upon Mary and a spirit from Him. You spoke to the people in the cradle. Intercede for us with your Lord. Don’t you see what we are in? Don’t you see what has happened to us? Jesus will say to them: My Lord has become angry today with an anger that He has never been angry before, and will never be angry with after, and He has not mentioned a sin. Myself, myself!! Go to someone else. Go to Muhammad.
He said: (( They will come and say: O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets, and Allah has forgiven you your past and future sins. Intercede for us with your Lord. Do you not see what we are in? Do you not see what has befallen us? So I will go and come beneath the Throne and fall prostrating to my Lord. Then Allah will open for me and inspire me with His praise and good commendation of Him, something that He has not opened for anyone before me. Then it will be said: O Muhammad! Raise your head, ask and it will be given to you, and intercede and your intercession will be accepted. So I will raise my head and say: O Lord, my nation, my nation. He will say: O Muhammad! Let those of your nation who will not be held accountable enter through the right gate of the gates of Paradise, and they will be partners with the people in what is other than that of the gates. By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the space between the two leaflets of Paradise is like the space between Mecca and Hajar, or like the space between Mecca and Busra .))
This general intercession that our Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - was singled out for among all the other prophets is what is meant by his saying: ((And I have saved my supplication as intercession for my nation on the Day of Resurrection)).
We now move on to some evidence from the Sunnah that reveals that those who commit major sins are not disbelievers, but each sin has its own ruling. The hadiths are very numerous, reaching the level of mutawatir. Among them is the hadith of Ubadah ibn al-Samit - may God be pleased with him - that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said to a group of his companions: (Pledge allegiance to me that you will not associate anything with God, nor steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill your children, nor come up with a slander that you have fabricated between your hands and feet, nor disobey in what is right. Whoever among you fulfills his promise, his reward is with God. Whoever commits any of these things and is punished in this world, it is an expiation for him. Whoever commits any of these things and then God conceals it, it is up to God. If He wills, He will pardon him, and if He wills, He will punish him). So we pledged allegiance to him on that. Agreed upon. This is a clear and authentic hadith in which the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, explained that if the punishment is carried out on those who commit major sins, such as thieves, adulterers, and murderers, in this world, it will be an expiation for their sins. If they come before God with those sins, they are subject to His will. If He wills, He will forgive them, and if He wills, He will punish them. Their being subject to His will is evidence that they are not disbelievers, because the fate of the disbelievers is certain, and it is Hell, and what an evil fate that is.
Another piece of evidence that those who commit major sins are not considered unbelievers is the hadith of Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no servant who says: ‘There is no god but Allah’ and then dies upon that except that he will enter Paradise. I said: Even if he commits adultery and steals? He said: Even if he commits adultery and steals. I said: Even if he commits adultery and steals? He said: Even if he commits adultery and steals. I said: Even if he commits adultery and steals? He said: Even if he commits adultery and steals, in spite of Abu Dharr’s nose.” Agreed upon. This is a clear hadith that these major sins do not nullify monotheism, nor do they prevent the monotheist from entering Paradise, even if he is punished for them.
Another evidence that those who commit major sins are not disbelievers is the hadiths about intercession. These are hadiths that state that groups of sinners from the nation will emerge from Hell after they entered it because of their sins, such as the hadith of
Abu Sa`id al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “As for the people of Hell who are its people, they will neither die nor live in it, but people were afflicted by Hell because of their sins - or he said - their transgressions, so it caused them to die a death, until when they were charcoal, intercession was permitted, and they were brought in groups - that is, groups - and spread out on the rivers of Paradise. Then it was said: O people of Paradise, pour water over them, so they will grow like a seed in the silt of a torrent.” Narrated by Muslim. The hadith of Anas bin Malik - may God be pleased with him - that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (He who says there is no god but God and in his heart is a grain of barley of goodness will be taken out of the Fire, and he who says there is no god but God and in his heart is a grain of barley of goodness will be taken out of the Fire, and he who says there is no god but God and in his heart is an atom’s weight of goodness will be taken out of the Fire) narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. These are authentic hadiths that scholars have confirmed to be mutawatir, including Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, Al-Sakhawi, Al-Qadi Iyad and others. Imam Al-Bayhaqi says in “Shu’ab Al-Iman”: “There are authentic hadiths from our Master the Chosen One - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - confirming intercession and taking out a group of people of monotheism from the Fire and entering Paradise, which have become so widespread and famous that they are close to mutawatir hadiths. Likewise, there is the forgiveness of God Almighty for a group of people who committed major sins, except for polytheism, without punishment, out of His grace and mercy, and God is Vast and Generous.”
Thus we find that Islamic legislation is a harsh legislation compared to Christianity, because the adulteress was forgiven because she anointed Jesus’ body with perfume, thus satisfying his sexual desires. He forgave her on the condition that she return and practice the red nights. He came to save, not to condemn!
Thus we find that Islam is a religion that is not accepted by the wicked.
And God knows best
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