Refuting the doubt: Did God really order prostration to Adam? (In response to a Christian supervisor)
First: I would like to clarify that prostration in this place is a prostration of honor and not worship.... (and this was permissible before Islam, like the prostration of Joseph's parents to Joseph) Second: Let me convey to you this crushing response from our brother: the truth : the moderator of the guards: The story of the angels prostrating to Adam has been known since ancient times and is recorded in the ancient books of the Holy Bible, even though some of it is not legal, but it is old, dating back to before the birth of Christ. In one of the books of " Pseudepigraph " there is an ancient book called " THE BOOK OF ADAM " and its history goes back, as the " Jewish encyclopedia " says , to before the destruction of the Second Temple (516 BC and 70 AD): ..... (that is: hundreds of years before Islam ) jewish encyclopedia: ADAM, BOOK OF: There can be no doubt, however, that there existed at an early date , perhaps even before the destruction of the Second Temple, a collection of legends of Adam and Eve. Source: This book states in the story of the fall of Satan:
THE BOOK OF ADAM Fall of Satan 12.1 the devil began to cry with forced tears and the devil told Adam, “O Adam, all the greed and the anger and all the grief of my heart are directed against you because it was through you that I I fell from my dwellings, (it was) by you that I was alienated from my own throne. My wings were more numerous than those of the Cherubim, and I concealed myself under them. Because of you, now my feet walk on the earth. which I would never have believed.” 12.2 Adam replied to the devil and told him, 12.3 “What is my fault, by which I have done all that to you?” 13.1 The devil replied to him and told him, “You did nothing to me, but it is because of you that I have fallen upon the earth.” 13.2 The very day when you were created, on that day, I fell from before the face of God, because when God breathed a spirit onto your face , you had the image and likeness of the divinity. And then Michael came; He presented you and made you bend down before God. And God told Michael, “I have created Adam according to (my) image and my divinity.” 14.1 Then Michael came; he summoned all the troops of angels and told them, “ Bow down before the likeness and the image of the divinity.” 14.2 And then, when Michael summoned them and all had bowed down to you, he summoned me also. 14.3 And I told him, “Go away from me, for I shall not bow down to him who is younger than me; indeed, I am master prior to him and it is proper for him to bow down to me. 15.1 The six classes of other angels heard that and my speech pleased them and they did not bow down to you. 16.1 Then God became angry with us and commanded us, them and me, to be cast down from our dwellings to the earth as for you, he commanded you to dwell in paradise. 16.2 When I had realized that I had fallen before you, [B, "by your power] that I was in distress and you were in rest, 16.3 then I aimed at hunting you so that I might alienate. you from the paradise of Delights, just as I had been alienated because of you. 17.1 When Adam heard that, he cried in a loud voice and said, “Lord, my life is in your hands. Make this enemy distant from me, who desires to lead me astray and seeks to destroy my race. It is by him that "Eve has been lost." 17.2 At that moment, Beliar became invisible. 17.3 As for Adam, he remained in the water and did repentance. But Eve had fallen upon the earth like one dead. Then she stood up from the earth (ground |
The Fall of Satan
12.1 Satan began to weep with hot tears and said to Satan Adam, "O Adam, all the greed and anger and all the sorrow of my heart are directed against you because because of you I fell from my dwelling place, (and it was) by you that I was deposed from my own throne. My wings were more numerous than "Shorbaim", and I hid myself under them. Because of you, now I walk with my feet on the earth, and I never imagined that."
12.2 Adam answered Satan and said to him,
12.3 "What is my fault, that has caused you all that you are in?"
13.1 Satan answered him and said to him, "You have done nothing to me, but it is because of you that I have fallen to the earth."
13.2 The very day when you were created, on that day, you fell from the face of God, because when God breathed life into your face, you were in the image and likeness of God. And then Michael came; and he presented you and made you bow down before God. And God told Michael , “I created Adam according to my image and likeness.”
14.1 Then Michael came; and he called all the angelic powers and told them, “To bow down to the likeness and image of God.”
14.2 And after Michael had called them, they all bowed down to you, and he called me also. 14.3 And I said to him, “Get away from me, for I will not bow to him (Adam), for he is younger than me; in fact, I am more accomplished than him, and he is supposed to bow to me.” 15.1 Six other classes of angels heard my speech and were amazed and did not bow to you either. 16.1 Then God became very angry with us and ordered us, they and I, to go out from our dwellings to the earth. As for you, He ordered you to dwell in Paradise. 16.2 When I realized that I had fallen because of you, [by your power] and I was in danger and you were in comfort, 16.3 I decided and aimed to isolate you also from the Paradise of Delights, as I was isolated because of you. 17.1 And when Adam heard all this, he cried out with a loud voice and said, “My Lord, my life is in your hands. 17.2 And at that moment, he disappeared. 17.3 As for Adam, he remained in the water and repented. But Eve fell to the ground like a dead person. Then she rose from the ground (the earth).
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And if an ignorant person says:
These are myths and fables, then your book is also fables because it is from it that the story of Adam’s hiding was taken.
THE BOOK OF ADAM Entry of God into Paradise [44]22.1 After which we heard that, through an angel, (God) blew the trumpet. He (had) summoned the angels and told them, [44]22.2 “Thus says the Lord, come to paradise and hear the sentence to which we are going to judge (them).” Adam (told me), “We have sinned, for God is going to come to judge us.” We were afraid and we hid. [44]22.3 And God came to paradise sitting upon the Cherubs and the angels were singing hymns before him. When he had arrived at paradise, at once all (the) tree(s) cast off their (its) foliage, [44]22.4 and thrones were set up near the tree of life. [44]23.1 And God summoned Adam and told him, “Adam, Adam, where are you? Are you hiding from me? Or how will a house hide from its builder? Or why have you hidden near the tree of paradise?” [44]23.2 Then your father replied and told the Lord, “I have hidden because I am afraid: I am naked and I am ashamed.” [44]23.3 God replied to him and told him, “Who told you that you are naked? Have you scorned the commandment which I gave you?” [44]23.4 Then Adam remembered my word(s) which I had said, “Do not be concerned for (the blame) for it will lie upon me.” And Adam said, “Lord, it is this woman whom you gave to me who received me.” Then He turned towards me and told me, “What have you done?” [44]23.5 And I remembered the serpent’s word and I said, “It is the serpent who received me |
] 22.1 After we had heard that, through an angel, (God) had blown the trumpet. And he called the angels and told them, [ 44] 22.2 “Thus says the Lord, Come into Paradise
and hear the words by which we will judge them.” Adam (told me), “We have sinned, for this reason God will come to judge us.” And we were afraid and hid ourselves.
[44] 22.3 And God came into Paradise riding on “Cherops” and the angels were singing hymns before him. When he arrived in Paradise, every tree was taken down.
[44] 22.4 And thrones were erected near the tree of life.
[44]23.1 And God called to Adam, “Adam, Adam, where are you? Are you hiding from me? How can a house be hidden from the one who built it? And why are you hidden near the tree of the garden?”
[44]23.2 Then your father answered and told the Lord, “I have hidden myself because I am afraid: I am naked and I am ashamed.”
[44]23.3 God answered and told him, “Who told you that you are naked? Have you despised the commandment that I gave you?”
[44]23.4 Then Adam remembered my words that I had said, “Do not take the blame for it will lean on me.” And Adam said, “O Lord, this woman whom you gave me has deceived me.” Then he turned to me and said, “What have you done?”
[44] 23.5 I remembered the serpent’s words and said, “The serpent deceived me!” ....
is literally the same as what is stated in the Bible that Jews andChristianstoday, as stated in the Bookof Genesis:Genesis 38 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. And the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 And the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” 10 And he said, “I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so myself.” 11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” 12 And the man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.” 13 Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?”The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Foreign link: THE BOOK OF ADAM - كتاب آدم The question now: Why the theft, Paul???? Why did you steal the story of Adam’s prostration and falsely attribute it to Christ????
The strange thing is that they still have the custom of prostrating to priests and pastors,
but their eyes have become blind.
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