Strength of 30

Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to visit his wives at one hour during the night and day, and they were eleven. He said - the narrator on the authority of Anas - I said to Anas: Was he able to do that? He said: “We used to say that he was given the strength of thirty.” And in the narration of Al-Ismaili: The strength of forty.

And it says in Jami` Al-Usul (2/255): “The prophets (blessings and peace of Allah be upon them) were given more in marriage because of their prophethood, for when the chest is filled with light and it overflows into the veins, the soul and veins enjoy it, and it arouses desire and strengthens it, and when the scent of desire is strong, it is strengthened by the heart and soul, and with it is strength.”
Al-Manawi addressed this in Fayd al-Qadir, saying: “If you say: Is there a religious or rational benefit to praising the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for having frequent sexual intercourse that no other prophet among the creation shares with him? I say: Yes. Rather, it is one of his miracles, as it has been transmitted in a moral manner that he ate little, and if he had dinner he would not have lunch, and vice versa, and he may have eaten for days. Reason dictates that frequent sexual intercourse results from frequent eating, as the womb attracts the man’s strength, and that deficiency can only be compensated for by frequent food. Frequent sexual intercourse does not combine with little food, rationally, medically, or customarily, unless it occurs in a manner that violates the norm, so it was a combination of opposites, and that is one of the greatest miracles, so ponder.” And Allah knows best.

But the book called the Holy did not explain to us where Solomon and David got the strength to have intercourse with more than 800 women? Knowing that they are among those upon whom Allah was angry because they followed their desires by worshipping idols, treachery, adultery, and murder.


There is no doubt that the desire for marriage is part of human nature, so its perfection in him is part of the perfection of his nature, and its strength in him indicates the soundness of the structure and the rectitude of nature. For this reason, it was proven in Sahih Al-Bukhari from the hadith of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, that he said: ( We used to say that he, meaning the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was given the strength of thirty )

meaning over women, and God knows best, so that he could attain what God has permitted of them without limitation, dowry, or guardian, so that he could fulfill their rights, and with their large numbers he could achieve the great benefits that are specific to them and general for the entire nation. Had it not been for this strength that God provided him with, he would not have been able to marry all this number, or fulfill their right of chastity and companionship.

Even if we assume that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, married a woman merely to satisfy his desire for lust and to go along with what the innate disposition, or rather nature, requires, there would be no deficiency in the status of prophethood, nor any deficiency in his right, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: ( A woman is married for four reasons: for her wealth, And her sufficiency, beauty, and religion, so marry one who is religious . Indeed, Allah said to him: { It is not lawful for you to marry other women after this, nor to exchange them for other wives, even if their beauty pleases you .} But we do not know until now that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, married a woman merely to satisfy his desire, and if that were the case, he would have chosen the most beautiful virgins, young in age, as he said to Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, when he told him that he married a woman who had been previously married. He said: ( Why not a virgin so that you can play with her and she can play with you ?) And in another narration: ( And laugh with her and she can laugh with you ). And in another narration: ( You have nothing to do with virgins and their saliva ), narrated by Al-Bukhari. Rather, his marriage, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was Either as a form of composition, or as an honor, or as a compulsion or reward, or other great purposes. He summarized it in Fath al-Bari, p. 115, vol. 9, al-Salafiyyah Press, where he said: “What is obtained from the speech of the scholars regarding the wisdom in his having many women is ten aspects:

First : To increase the number of those who witness his inner states, so that what the polytheists think of him as a magician or something else is removed.

Second : So that the tribes of the Arabs may be honored by his marriage to them.

Third : To increase their familiarity with him.

Fourth : To increase the obligation, as he was ordered not to be distracted by what he loved from them from exaggerating in conveying the message.

Fifth : To increase his clan from the side of his women, so that his supporters against those who fight him increase.

Sixth : To convey the legal rulings that men do not know, because most of what happens with a wife is something that is likely to be hidden.”

Seventh : To learn about the good qualities of his inner character. He married Umm Habibah, while her father was hostile to him, and Safiyyah after killing her father, uncle, and husband. If he had not been the most perfect of creation, they would have been repelled by him. Rather, what happened was that he was dearer to them than all of their families.

Eighth : What was previously explained in detail about his breaking the habit of having frequent sexual intercourse while reducing food and drink, and fasting and staying up all night. He ordered those who were unable to afford the expenses of marriage to fast, and he indicated that fasting frequently would suppress their desire, so this habit was broken in his case, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Ninth and tenth : What was previously mentioned by the author of Al-Shifa about protecting them and fulfilling their rights. End quote.

I said: The eighth is achieved because God gave him the strength of thirty men as mentioned above.

And then there is an eleventh aspect : which is to show the perfection of his justice in his treatment of them so that the nation may follow his example in that.

And the twelfth : the widespread spread of the Shari’ah, for its spread from a number is greater than its spread from one.

And the thirteenth : mending the heart of one whose honor has been lost as in the case of Safiyyah bint Huyayy and Juwayriyah bint al-Harith, the master of Banu al-Mustaliq.

And the fourteenth : establishing the legal ruling and uprooting the corrupt belief that has become entrenched in the hearts of the people of forbidding marriage to the wife of an adopted son, as in the story of Zainab, for people’s conviction in action is more eloquent than their conviction in words. And look at the people’s conviction in the Prophet’s shaving of his head in al-Hudaybiyah and their hastening to do so when he shaved after they had been slow to shave despite his ordering them to do so.

And the fifteenth : bringing together and strengthening the bond as in the case of Aisha and Hafsa, for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, strengthened his bond with his caliphs. The four were related by marriage, with some of them having special kinship. He married the daughters of Abu Bakr and Umar, and married his three daughters to Uthman and Ali, may God be pleased with them all. Glory be to He who gave His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, this wisdom, and provided him with what would achieve it in terms of power and law. He gave him the strength of thirty men, and made lawful for him whatever women he wanted, so that he could have intercourse with whomever he wanted of them, and take refuge with whomever he wanted. He, glory be to Him, is the All-Wise, the All-Knowing.



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