In response to a Christian who claimed that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews


The Christian says:

Christian response claimed the Holy Land for the JewsquoteChristian response claimed the Holy Land for the Jews
Christian response claimed the Holy Land for the Jews
(({O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back [from the religion] and [thus] become losers.}
(Al-Ma’idah 21)

Who wrote it?

Allah wrote it..!!!

For whom?!

For the Children of Israel!

We read the interpretation:

“{And remember when Moses said to his people, “O my people, remember the favor of Allah upon you when He made among you prophets.”} Because He did not send to a nation what He sent to the Children of Israel of prophets. {And made you kings.} Because He made them kings after Pharaoh, his king, and after the tyrants, their kingship, and because the kings multiplied among them as the prophets multiplied. It was said: The king is the one who has a spacious home with running water, and their homes were spacious with running water. It was said: The one who has a house and servants, or because they were slaves in The hands of the Copts, so God saved them, so their rescue was called a kingdom. {And He gave you that which He had not given to anyone in the worlds} of splitting the sea, drowning the enemy, sending down manna and quails, shading the clouds, and similar great matters, or he meant the scholars of their time. {O my people, enter the Holy Land} meaning the purified or blessed land, which is the land of Jerusalem or Syria {which God has assigned to you} He divided it for you or named it or wrote in the Preserved Tablet that it is your dwellings {and do not turn back} and do not turn back in defeat out of fear of the tyrants out of cowardice, or do not turn back in your religion {or you will become losers. } Then you will return as losers of the reward of this world and the Hereafter.”

(Tafsir Madarik At-Tanzil wa Haqaiq At-Ta’wil - Al-Nasafi - Al-Ma’idah: 21)

Tafsir At-Tabari:

What he means by his statement: {which Allah has prescribed for you} is that which He has established in the Preserved Tablet that they are for you dwellings and stations, apart from the tyrants who are in them. So if someone says: How did he say: {which Allah has prescribed for you}, and you know that they did not enter it by His statement: {for it is forbidden to them}? How can it be established in the Preserved Tablet that they are dwellings for them, and that it is forbidden for them to live in them? It was said: It was written for the Children of Israel as a home and dwellings, and they lived in it and settled in it, and it became theirs as God Almighty said. And Moses said to them: {Enter the Holy Land which God has written for you} meaning: God wrote it for the Children of Israel - and those whom Moses commanded to enter it were from the Children of Israel - and he, may God bless him and grant him peace, did not mean that God Almighty wrote it for those whom He commanded to enter it specifically.

(Tafsir Jami` al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an - al-Tabari)

and also:

Tafsir al-Qurtubi

: He said: Al-Zajjaj: Damascus, Palestine, and some: Jordan. Qatada’s statement includes all of this

(Al-Jami’ li Ahkam Al-Quran - Al-Qurtubi)

. Also,

Al-Baghawi’s interpretation:

“Mujahid said: It is At-Tur and what is around it. Ad-Dahhak said: Ilya and Jerusalem. Ikrimah and As-Suddi said: It is Jericho. Al-Ash’ari said: It is Damascus, Palestine, and some of Jordan. Qatada said: It is all of Ash-Sham. Ka’b said:I found in the revealed Book of God that the Levant is God’s treasure on His land and that most of His servants are in it.
(Tafsir Ma’alim At-Tanzil - Al-Baghawi)

And also:

“{The Holy Land} means the land of Jerusalem. It was said: At-Tur and what is around it. It was said: Ash-Sham. It was said: Palestine, Damascus and some of Jordan. It was said: God named it for Abraham as an inheritance for his son when he was raised on the mountain, so he was told: Look, you have what your sight can see, and Jerusalem was the residence of the prophets and the dwelling place of the believers. {Allah has written for you} He divided it for you and named it, or wrote on the Preserved Tablet that it is yours.”
(Tafsir Al-Kashaf - Al-Zamakhshari)

“{O my people} is a narration of Moses’ (peace be upon him) address to his people. {Enter the Holy Land } which is Jerusalem according to Ibn Abbas, As-Suddi and Ibn Zayd. It was said: It is Damascus, Palestine and some of Jordan according to Az-Zajjaj and Al-Farra’. It was said: It is Ash-Sham according to Qatada. It was said: It is the land of At-Tur and what is around it according to Mujahid. The Holy and Purified Land was purified from polytheism and made a place and a residence. For the prophets and the believers {which Allah has decreed for you} meaning He has decreed in the Preserved Tablet that it is for you.”

(Tafsir Majma’ al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Quran - al-Tabarsi)

And also:

“{O my people, enter the Holy Land} He repeated the call with the honorific addition out of concern for the matter and exaggeration in urging them to comply with it, and the land is the land of the Holy House, it was called that because it was the resting place of the prophets and the dwelling place of the believers.”

(Tafsir Irshad al-Aql al-Salim ila Mazayat al-Kitab al-Karim - Abu al-Su’ud)))
Christian response claimed the Holy Land for the JewsChristian response claimed the Holy Land for the Jews

The interpretations differed in the interpretation of “ He wrote for you .” For example, Al-Suddi said: The meaning of “ He wrote ” in this place means “ He commanded .”
Qatada used to say in that regard:
Bishr told us, he said: Yazid told us, he said: Saeed told us, on the authority of Qatada, his statement: {O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you} they were commanded to do it just as they were commanded to pray, give zakat, perform Hajj and Umrah .
Let's see the evidence point by point, and let's start with:
Tafsir Al-Jalalain:
{O my people, enter the Holy Land} the purified { which Allah has assigned to you } He ordered you to enter, which is Ash-Sham {and do not turn back} fleeing in fear of the enemy {and [thus] become losers} in your efforts.
{Allah has assigned to you} He divided it up for you and named it , or wrote on the Preserved Tablet that it is yours
. * This supports the concept of victory , as it is theirs after the victory over the giants and is not a permanent possession.
Don't believe it!!!!
With your permission, let us complete the interpretation to the end, and we find the following:
{Allah has written for you}. It was said: From the perspective of the preponderance of thought and what we have seen of Allah’s habit in supporting His messengers , and what we have known of Allah’s actions for Moses in defeating his enemies , and what we have known of the state of the tyrants.
We also see...
the fourth issue: In His statement { Allah has written for you } , there are aspects : One of them: He wrote in the Preserved Tablet that it is for you, and the second: Allah gave it to you, and the third: He commanded you to enter it .
So why did you monopolize, O Christian, by mentioning one of the sayings without the other? If it was unintentional, it does not matter, because every person makes mistakes, but he must admit his mistake if he knows it. However, if it was intentional, then I say that this is a deception of the interpretations and the common readers.
Let us complete the interpretation: Ibn Abbas
said : It was a gift, then He forbade it to them due to the evil of their rebellion and disobedience. It was said: Although the wording is general, what is meant is specificity, so it became as if it was written for some of them and forbidden for others. It was said: The promise in His saying {Allah has prescribed for you} is conditional on the restriction of obedience, so when the condition was not met , then the condition was not met . It was said: It was forbidden to them for forty years, so when the forty years passed, what was written happened.
Tafsir al -Kabir - al-Razi )
We will complete the rest of the interpretations..

( al -Jami` li-Ahkam al-Qur’an - al-Qurtubi )
{which Allah has prescribed for you} meaning He imposed its entry upon you and promised you its entry and residence for you.

The witness in the matter.. Where did we understand from those interpretations that Allah gave the Holy Land to the Children of Israel as legitimate ownership ??
The Christian came with what demolishes his words, thinking that it supports them, for he came with evidence that Allah had promised the Children of IsraelBy inhabiting the Holy Land , this indicates that they do not have original ownership ; because if that were the case, it would have appeared through the meaning.

Return of ownership " but this was not mentioned, rather " inhabiting the land " was mentioned.
And we see the conclusive evidence:

which Allah has ordained for you } meaning: He divided it and determined it for them in His foreknowledge, and made it a dwelling place for you .
He did not mean “returning ownership” but only “ dwelling ” .
Let us continue with the Christian’s statement:

The Christian clings to the verb “ inherited  to confirm the ownership of the Children of Israel to that land . So, Allah inherited it to them.
But the surprise that the Christian does not expect is that this evidence is evidence that refutes what he says. The evidence for that is:
“He inherited ” - [W R Th]. (F: Thla. Transitive, M. with a letter). I inherited, I inherit, inheritance, inheritance. 1. “He inherited his father’s property”: meaning he obtained it after his death. "He inherited from him all his possessions and money ." l "He inherited from him his money." 2. "A people who inherit the greatness and glory of their ancestors": meaning their greatness and glory go to them . 3. "He inherited knowledge from him": he benefited.
He will think that I support what he says, but the strange thing that he should have realized is that as long as a person inherits something, he is not the origin or source of the thing . Just as we, the Egyptians, inherited the Pharaonic civilization - far from the concept of loyalty and disavowal - and we were not the source of that great civilization that was witnessed by everyone, this happened with the Children of Israel, they are not its legitimate owners , they inherited it for a period of time, and this confirms the lack of authenticity of the Holy Land for them.
So all the following interpretations support what I said, they owned it, but they are not the original inhabitants of the Holy City !!
{ )) And when it was said to them, " Dwell in this city and eat from it wherever you wish and say, 'Forgive us,' and enter the gate bowing down. We will forgive you your sins. We will increase the doers of good." {
Al-A'raf: 161 ))
We come to the second surprise, which is dwelling ", which the Christian clings to. Let us subject it to the test, like its form:
سَكان - [س ك ن]. (ف: ثلا. لازمتع. م. بحرف). سَكانتُ, اسكنُ, وسكُن, م. سَكانٌ, سَكنا. 1. "He lived in the house": he resided in it, he settled in it . 2. "He lived in the country": he settled in it .
Does residence mean ownership, for God's sake??! I am Egyptian and I lived in the State of Kuwait. Does my residence in that country mean that I own it???
I lived with a friend of mine?? Does it mean ownership of his apartment??!!!!
Let's come to the last part of the response to the Christian, which is this verse:
{He said: Then it is forbidden{For them forty years, wandering throughout the land. So do not grieve over the wicked people.}
Let us see the interpretations:
Forbidden to them } meaning to these disobedient ones because of their refusal to fight the tyrants {for forty years} is a circumstance of prohibition : meaning: it is forbidden for them to enter it for this period and no more than that. So this prohibition does not contradict what was mentioned previously in His statement: {which Allah has prescribed for you} for it is written for whoever remains of them after this period. It was said: none of those who said {Indeed, we will never enter it} entered it, so the timing of the prohibition with this period is in consideration of their offspring. It was said: {Forty years} is a circumstance of His saying {They wander in the land} meaning: They wander this amount, so the prohibition is absolute .
Fath Al-Qadir - Al-Shawkani )
We come to the burning thunderbolt , which is:
Jami’ Al-Bayan fi Tafsir Al-Quran - Al-Qurtubi ) The Amalekites and the Canaanites
were sitting in the mountains, then they went out and traveled in the deserts on a path to guard, and God Almighty spoke to Moses and Aaron, and said to them: How long will this group, the evil group, whisper concerning me?
And who???
The Canaanites ..???!
And who are the Canaanites ???
Let us now see who they are:
In both theories, the name Canaanites was given to them by other peoples, and there are other theories that indicate that the name may have been a name that the Canaanites gave to themselves. The Canaanites were Semites who came from the Arabian Peninsula to the land of Palestine , which was called the land of Canaan, meaning that they were pure Arabs. They spoke the Canaanite language and were pagans. One of their gods was Baal, a term that is still used today in the Arabic language and means husband. They built several cities in Palestine, including Jebus, which was built by the Jebusites, who were Canaanites. Shechem, Nablus, Beit El, Beitin, Gaza, and Megiddo. They had 118 cities in Palestine, and Palestine flourished during their time, as it became a land of fat, honey, and good things, thanks to their kings, Melchior the Truthful.
Source: Let's complete the explanation: The ark containing the covenants of God Almighty and Moses did not leave the camp, meaning from wisdom, until the Amalekites and the Canaanites descended on that wall , burned them, expelled them and killed them. The origin of the holy city that the Babylonian colleague kept asserting is Jerusalem is " Arab ", for the children of Israel came and the Canaanites lived in it . So the origin of Jerusalem is not Jewish as it claims, but Arab . If this is from success, it is from God, and if it is from error, it is from me and from Satan. This is a simple response.

The answer is much simpler than this... Jerusalem is neither Arab nor Hebrew... and the Qur’an is interpreted by the Qur’an,

if God Almighty said on the tongue of our master Moses in Surat Al-Ma’idah:

O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has assigned to you and do not turn back [from the religion] and [thus] become losers. (21)

Who are these people? God also told us about them in the Holy Quran in Surah Yunus:

And Moses said, “O my people, if you have believed in God, then rely upon Him, if you should be Muslims .” (84)

The people of the Torah were Muslims, and God Almighty says about that in Surat Al-Ma’idah:

Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in which was guidance and light. The prophets who submitted [to God] judged by it . (44)

The magicians who believed in the message of our master Moses knew that his message was Islam and they said in Surat Al-A’raf:

And you do not blame us for anything except that we believed in the signs of our Lord when they came to us. “Our Lord, pour out upon us patience and let us die as Muslims.” (126)

Pharaoh himself knew that the message of our master Moses was Islam, but he admitted that after it was too late. From Surah Yunus:

And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them in oppression and enmity until, when drowning overtook him, he said, “I believe that there is no god except that in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the Muslims. ” (90)

In short, the people whom our master Moses was addressing and for whom God wrote this land are the Muslims and no one else,

and there is no religion with God except Islam, and the Muslims are the righteous servants of God and they are the owners of the entire land. From Surat Al-Anbiya:

And We had already written in the Psalms, after the remembrance, that the earth will be inherited by My righteous servants. (105)

That is, the land - all of the land - and not just Jerusalem, is for the Muslims, the righteous servants of God who establish the religion of God,

and these were the Children of Israel to whom our master Moses was addressing, saying that God had written the Holy Land for them at that time

until they were careless and disbelieved and became Jews... So the land remains for the Muslims, written for them by God, and it is not the land of the Jews, nor the Children of Israel, nor the land of the Arabs,

but rather the land of God, which He wrote for the Muslims.

The truth is that Allah, the Almighty, did not give ownership of lands to human beings, but rather He gave them inheritance and gifted them so that they might inhabit them to see how they would work. Allah, the Almighty, said:

{ Moses said to his people, “Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah. He causes to inherit it whomever He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous.” (128) They said, “We were harmed before you came to us and after you have come to us.” He said, “Perhaps your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you successors in the land.” { Then He will see how you act (129) } Al-A’raf .

If they are righteous, as God Almighty said:
Those who, if We establish them in the land, establish prayer and give zakah and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to God belongs the outcome of all matters (41) } Al-Hajj
And We caused the people who were oppressed to inherit the eastern and western regions of the earth which We had blessed, and the good word of your Lord has been fulfilled for the Children of Israel. } {Israel, because of their patience, and We destroyed what Pharaoh and his people were making and what they were building. (137) } Al-A’raf.

There is no doubt that God Almighty gave the land to the Children of Israel and empowered them in the land because of their patience and their fear of God, but they misbehaved and disobeyed God’s commandments and disobeyed Him and His prophets and committed wickedness. So God Almighty said: {
He said
“Then it is forbidden to them for forty years, while they wander throughout the land. So do not grieve over the wicked people.” (26) } Al-Ma’idah. So

God replaced them with a people He loves and who love Him. Humble towards the believers, mighty towards the disbelievers, they strive in His cause and do not fear the blame of any blamer. God Almighty said to our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and to the believers with him:
And He has caused you to inherit their lands, their homes, and their properties, and a land which you have not trodden. And God is over all things competent (27) } Al-Ahzab.

So regardless of Arabism and whether the land is originally Arab or not, the truth is that God gave this land to the Children of Israel one day when they believed and feared God, and He forbade it to them when they disobeyed, and He gave it to the Muslims when they believed and feared God, and it was taken from them when they were negligent and fell short, and it was not forbidden to them because there is still a group of Muslims among them who are on the truth and are apparent, as the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, and goodness continues to exist in this nation and will not cease, and we will prevail over our enemy and reclaim our land that God gave us.

 the earth belongs to Allah, and He gives it as an inheritance to whomever He wills of His servants. This is the established law of Allah in inheriting the earth. The matter goes back to steadfastness in the religion of Allah, uprightness in monotheism, and entering the ranks of the righteous believers. Therefore, when the Children of Israel were on monotheism, Allah the Almighty gave them the Holy Land as an inheritance, and at that time they were more deserving than the pagan Arabs. When they neglected monotheism and disbelieved, and the Arabs entered the religion of Islam and established monotheism, Allah gave them the Holy Land as an inheritance.

In addition to the noble verses mentioned by the brothers, I will review some of the evidence mentioned in the Holy Book that proves that inheriting the earth is based on steadfastness in the religion of Allah, not on race or gender.

1 Kings (9:6-7)
(( 9:6 If you or your children turn away from following me, and do not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods and bow down to them,
9:7 then I will cut off Israel from the face of the land which I have given them, and the house which I have sanctified for my name I will cast out from before me; and Israel will become a proverb and a byword among all peoples. ))

Deuteronomy (11:16-17)

(( 11:16 Beware lest your hearts be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and bow down to them.
11:17 For the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you, and he will shut up the heavens, so that there will be no rain, and the land will not yield its produce, and you will quickly perish from off the good land which the LORD is giving you. ))


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