Female Circumcision
First, the legitimacy of circumcision. Imam Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Al-Tirmidhi
narrated, and the wording is Ahmad’s. He said: Yazid told us, Hammad ibn Salamah told us, on the authority of Thabit Al-Bunani, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Rabah, on the authority of Abdul Aziz ibn Al-Nu’man, on the authority of Aisha, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said: When the two circumcised parts meet, a full ablution is obligatory. And in Sahih Muslim , Muhammad ibn Al-Muthanna told us, Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari told us. Hisham bin Hassan told us, Hamid bin Hilal told us, on the authority of Abu Burda, on the authority of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, and Muhammad bin al-Muthanna told us, Abd al-A’la told us, and this is his hadith. Hisham told us, on the authority of Hamid bin Hilal, and he said, “I do not know it except on the authority of Abu Burda, on the authority of Abu Musa, who said, ‘A group of the Muhajireen and the Ansar differed on that. The Ansar said, ‘A full ablution is not required except for a discharge or water.’ The Muhajireen said, ‘Rather, if it is mixed, then a full ablution is required.’ Abu Musa said, ‘Then I will cure you of that.’ So I stood up and asked permission to see Aisha, and he gave me permission. I said to her, ‘O mother, or O mother of the believers, I want to ask you about something, and I…’” I am shy of you. She said: Do not be shy to ask me about what you would ask your mother who gave birth to you. I am your mother. I said : What necessitates ritual ablution? She said: The expert has fallen. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: If he sits between her four limbs and the circumcised part touches the circumcised part, then ritual ablution is required. Al-Asqalani said: Circumcision means the place that is circumcised. I said: This indicates that women during the time of the Prophet were circumcised, as he referred to the female vulva with the word circumcision. Abu Dawud included in his Sunan: Sulayman ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Dimashqi and Abd al-Wahhab ibn Abd al-Rahim al-Ashja’i narrated to us. They said: Marwan narrated to us. Muhammad narrated to us. Ibn Hassan said: Abdul Wahhab Al-Kufi said on the authority of Abdul Malik bin Umair on the authority of Umm Atiyah Al-Ansariyyah that a woman was circumcising in Madinah, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to her: Do not go too far, for that is more beneficial for the woman and more beloved to the husband. Al-Albani said: “A sound hadith.” [IMG]http://arabic.islamicweb.com/Books/albani.asp?id=16216[/url] I said: Perhaps the Prophet’s saying “do not forbid” means “do not exaggerate in removing the foreskin. ” What the respected scholars say is to remove the skin that is like a rooster’s comb (the foreskin) or some of it . Finally, in the entry for “shamam.” In the hadith of Umm Atiyah: “Smell it, but do not go to extremes.” He likened a small cut to smelling a odor, and going to extremes is exaggeration in it. / Awn al-Ma’bud Sharh Sunan Abi Dawud. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said: Yes, she should circumcise (i.e. the woman), and her circumcision is to cut off the top of the skin that is like a rooster’s comb.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: Al-Mawardi said: The Sunnah is to cover the foreskin that covers the glans by cutting it from its root. The least that is sufficient is that nothing of the glans is covered by it. As for circumcising a woman, it is cutting a foreskin in the vagina above the entrance to the penis and the exit of urine at a root like the clitoris. The clitoris is the organ itself that the foreskin covers. The foreskin that extends above it is taken from it without its root.
Imam Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah said
when he was asked: Should a woman be circumcised?
Yes, she should be circumcised. Circumcision means cutting off the top of the foreskin, which is like a rooster’s comb. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
him peace, said to the circumciser: “Smell it, but do not overdo it, for it is more beautiful for the face and more desirable for her with the husband.” He means: Do not… You exaggerate in cutting, because the purpose of circumcising a man is to purify him from the impurity stored in the foreskin, and the purpose of circumcising a woman is to adjust her desire, because if she is uncircumcised, she will be aroused and have intense desire. That is why it is said in insulting: O son of uncircumcised!!! For uncircumcised women look at men more, and for this reason there are indecencies among Tatar and Frankish women that are not found among Muslim women. If exaggeration occurs in circumcision, desire is weakened and the man’s purpose is not fulfilled. But if it is cut without exaggeration, the purpose is achieved in moderation. And Allah knows best
. I said: The permissible circumcision is the removal or splitting of the clitoral hood.
This is equivalent to male circumcision, which is the removal of the foreskin at the tip of the boy’s penis,
but not the removal of the clitoris or even part of it. This is something that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade when he said to the woman who was relieving
herself: “Smell it, but do not exhaust yourself. ”
He explained the reason for that when he said:
“For that is more pleasing to the woman and more beloved to the husband.”
Opinions of the schools of thought
The ruling on circumcision: The jurists differed on the ruling on circumcision into opinions: The first opinion: 2 - The Hanafis and Malikis went, and it is an anomalous view according to the Shafi’is, and a narration from Ahmad: to the fact that circumcision is a Sunnah for men and is not obligatory. It is part of the nature and one of the rituals of Islam. If the people of a town agreed to abandon it, the imam would fight them, just as if they abandoned the call to prayer. It is recommended for women according to the Malikis, and according to the Hanafis and Hanbalis, in one narration, her circumcision is considered an honor and not a Sunnah. According to one Hanafi opinion, it is also a Sunnah for them, and according to a third, it is recommended. They cited as evidence for the Sunnah the hadith of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: “Circumcision is a Sunnah for men and an honor for women.” And the hadith of Abu Hurayrah with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: “Five things are part of the fitrah: circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, plucking the armpit hair, clipping the nails, and trimming the moustache.” Circumcision is mentioned in the hadith in conjunction with trimming the moustache and other hair, but this is not obligatory. What indicates that it is not obligatory is that circumcision is the cutting off of a part of the body initially, so it is not obligatory according to Islamic law, by analogy to trimming the nails. The second opinion: 3 - The Shafi’is and Hanbalis went, and it is required by the statement of Sahnoon from the Malikis: to the fact that circumcision is obligatory for men and women. They provided evidence for the obligation with the words of the Most High: {Then We inspired you, [O Muhammad], to follow the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth.} It was mentioned in the hadith of Abu Hurayrah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: {The Prophet Abraham, may God bless him and grant him peace, was circumcised when he was eighty years old with an axe.} And we were commanded to follow Abraham, may God bless him and grant him peace. An order for us to do the things that he used to do, so they were part of our law. It was also mentioned in the hadith: {Remove the hair of disbelief and get circumcised.} They said: Because if circumcision were not obligatory, it would not be permissible to uncover the private parts for its sake, and it would not be permissible for the circumciser to look at them, and both of them are forbidden. And from the evidence of obligation is also that circumcision is one of the symbols of the Muslims, so it is obligatory like the rest of their symbols. In his statement, may God bless him and grant him peace: “If the two circumcised parts meet, then ritual ablution is obligatory,” is evidence that women used to circumcise themselves, and because there is excess, it is obligatory to remove it, just like men. Among the evidence for the obligation is that leaving the foreskin retains impurity and prevents the prayer from being valid, so it is obligatory to remove it. The third statement: 4 - This statement was stated explicitly by Ibn Qudamah in Al-Mughni, which is that circumcision is obligatory for men, and an honor for women, but it is not obligatory for them.
I said and the bottom line
is that circumcision is obligatory for men, and a blessing for women, but it is not obligatory for them.
Medical reasons for the Islamic circumcision surgery:
Organic reasons:
- The size of the foreskin and its increased length.
- The presence of inflammation between it and the clitoris, which leads to severe sensitivity of the clitoris and pain when touched.
- The accumulation of smegma, which increases the proliferation of bacteria and infections of the ascending urinary tract.
- Adhesions that occur as a result of these infections, which lead to the blockage of the urinary and reproductive tracts, especially in children before puberty and in the stage of old age at menopause (due to the lack of estrogen hormone).
Sexual reasons:
- Lack of sexual satisfaction due to the narrowness of the foreskin due to adhesions or its large size, and the distance of the clitoris to the inside of the body.
- Intense sexual arousal due to adhesions, itching, and frequent preoccupation with the area and touching it.
Psychological causes:
frigidity, hysteria, involuntary urination, some cases of psychological depression, nymphomania "sexual obsession"
and this is supported by what is stated in the free encyclopedia
"Clitoridotomy" (also called "hoodectomy" as a slang term) involves the removal or splitting of the clitoral hood. The United Nations Population Fund states that this is comparable to male circumcision.[1] In the United States and other Western countries, clitoridotomy is usually performed on adult women rather than on children. (Sunna circumcision, named after the Arabic word for anything approved by Islamic law and centered in Islamic tradition: in fact, there is no genuine approval for this, and some Muslim clergy oppose all forms of FGC . Through the 1950s, some doctors continued
advocate clitoridotomy for hygienic reasons or to reduce masturbation. For example, CF McDonald wrote in a 1958 paper titled Circumcision of the Female [4], [5], “If the male needs circumcision for cleanliness and hygiene, why not the female? I have operated on perhaps 40 patients who needed this attention." lives, sex ambition became normally satisfied." In the US, the last documented clitoridotomy to reduce sexual activity occurred in 1958. The procedure was performed on a 5-year-old girl, reportedly to stop her from masturbating.
medical discussion of the topic of female sunna circumcision
this message deals with the topic of female circumcision it's mostly written in English so it will be difficult for those who dont have medical background to cope with
I apologize for any scientific mistakes that may be encountered. in fact the data on the web are some what controversial ,contradicting and some times misleading
medical indications of female circumcision" hoodectomy"
Two Common Abnormalities
The two common problems that make the highly sensitive area of the clitoris unable to be stimulated are phimosis and redundancy. Sebaceous glands about the clitoris attempt to prevent adhesions of the prepuce to it. This sometimes fails and the clitoris is tightly adherent to the prepuce. This defect is recorded as 1 plus or 25 per cent of the normal surface adherent, to 4 plus or complete coverage. A prepuce for the protection of the clitoris is normal and useful, but if it is excessive and extends past the eminence of clitoris it can prevent contact and is harmful : said doctor W.G. Rathmann, M.D and He added :
Additional Indications
The following situations would indicate the need for circumcision although less phimosis or redundancy is present.
1. If the patient is quite adipose, a circumcision could be indicated although she has less anatomic defect. Obstruction by the adjacent tissues adds to her problem. This operation may help cure her adiposity by relieving psychosomatic factors.
2. If the husband is unusually awkward or difficult to educate, one should at times make the clitoris easier to find.
3. If the clitoris is quite small and is difficult to contact, a circumcision might help by making it more accessible
dr. Rathmann made a Questionnaire on a groupe of women on which he perfomed the surgical procedure " hoodectomy" and received 112 Questionnaires
the results:
73"women" had never experienced an orgasm:
9 Not Successful (12.4%)
64 Successful (87.6%)
39"women" had experienced an orgasm with difficulty:
5 Not Improved (12.5%)
34 improved (87.5%)
in an article published on scientific American .com :
Why do so many women have difficulty reaching orgasm? A new study suggests that, for some, an anatomical disorder may be to blame. Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine report that roughly one quarter of the women they have treated for sexual dysfunction have clitoral phimosis, which means the hood of skin surrounding their clitoris is too tight or there is no opening in the skin for the glans of the clitoris to protrude for stimulation. The scientists, who were led by Irwin Goldstein, presented their findings at the Female Sexual Function Forum, a four-day meeting in Boston of physicians and therapists that ended Sunday.
The analysis was based on photographs taken of the vulvas of roughly 200 women who have been evaluated at Boston University's Woman's Sexual Health Clinic since its opening in 1998.
It adds:
Goldstein and his co-workers found that women with the highest degrees of phimosis were the most likely to report problems experiencing orgasm. Clitoral phimosis is roughly equivalent to an uncircumcised man with an extremely tight foreskin.
on wikipedia .org :
Through the 1950s, some doctors continued to advocate clitoridotomy for hygienic reasons or to reduce masturbation. For example, C.F. McDonald wrote in a 1958 paper titled Circumcision of the Female [4],[5], "If the male needs circumcision for cleanliness and hygiene, why not the female? I have operated on perhaps 40 patients who needed this attention." The author describes symptoms as "irritation, scratching, irritability, masturbation, frequency and urgency," and in adults, smegmaliths causing "dyspareunia and frigidity." The author then reported that a two-year old was no longer masturbating so frequently after the procedure. Of adult women, the author stated that "for the first time in their lives, sex ambition became normally satisfied." In the U.S., the last documented clitoridotomy to reduce sexual activity occurred in 1958. The procedure was performed on a 5-year-old girl, reportedly to stop her from masturbating. Justification of the procedure on hygienic grounds, or to reduce masturbation, has since declined. The view that masturbation is a cause of mental and physical illness has dissipated since the mid-20th century
i say:
so justification of the procedure on hygienic grounds or to reduce masturbation has declined as the view that masturbation causes mental or physical illness has dissipated!!!! Ofcourse they" infidels"don’t care if the girl is a chronic maturbator
, sexually hyperactive or not.
The part to be taken during hoodectomy:
I say just what makes the clitoris easier to find.!!
Just to expose part of the clitoris like the glans or more to make the clitoris accessible
This procedure is to be performed only if the clitoris is redundant or tight
The amount taken in circumcision The Prophet, may
God bless him and grant him peace, said in the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud:
Sulayman ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Dimashqi and Abd al-Wahhab ibn Abd al-Rahim al-Ashja’i told us: Marwan told us: Muhammad ibn Hassan told us: Abd al-Wahhab al-Kufi said: Abd al-Malik ibn Umair On the authority of Umm Atiyah al-Ansariyyah
, that a woman was circumcising in Madinah, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to her: “Do not go too far, for that is more beneficial for the woman and more beloved to the husband.
” Al-Albani said: “A sound hadith.”
I said: Perhaps the Prophet’s saying: “Do not go too far” means: “Do not go too far in removing the foreskin.
” What the respected scholars are upon is removing the skin that is like a rooster’s comb (the foreskin) or some of it. Finally,
in The word "smell" means smell. In the hadith of Umm Atiyah: “Smell it, but do not exhaust it.” He likened a small cut to smelling a smell, and exhaustion is exaggeration in it/ Awn al-Ma’bud Sharh Sunan Abi Dawud.
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said: Yes, she should circumcise (i.e. the woman). Her circumcision is to cut off the top of the skin that is like the comb of a rooster.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: Al-Mawardi said: The Sunnah is to cover the entire foreskin that covers the glans by cutting from its root, and the least that is sufficient is that nothing of the glans is covered by it. As for circumcision in women, it is to cut off a piece of skin in the vagina above the entrance to the penis and the exit of urine at a root like the seed. The seed is the organ itself. clitoris which is covered by the foreskin “from which the upper skin is taken without the root
But some argue that the prepuce covers the clitoris and prevents any painful tactile stimulation of it
i say: this occurs in some not all women whose clitorises are too sensitive after orgasm, making additional stimulation painful; they are probably not able to experience multiple orgasms. " as said by the article published on psychcentral.com"
But during the preceding phases of orgasm " namely excitation, plateau and orgasmic phases" stimulation of clitoris is beneficial for optimum sexual pleasure and the woman " whose clitoris is too sensitive and had hoodectomy" can already have a successful orgasm but those who argue called talk about the miracle Namely multiple orgasms!! orgasms
They want to say, seemingly, ahusband should leave the clitoris untouched during intercourse definitely after the woman first orgasm so lets the woman to have multiple orgasms and that comes when the prepuce covers the clitoris so if she loses her prepuce the clitoris will be exposed" i say: this can be avoided by chosing a sexual position with which its impossible to the clitoris to be touched by the husband "
So the uncircumcised woman can experience what is called multiple orgasms and she knows when to stimulate manually her clitoris and when not to ;of course if her clitoris is too sensitive she avoid s touching it after orgasm in order to attain additional ones! Adding the view that women can attain orgasms even without direct stimulation of their clitorises what is called vaginal orgasm " but this is controversial"
Vaginal Orgasms
A vaginal orgasm is achieved via stimulation of the interior of the vagina, which includes the G-Spot, the interior walls and the cervix. Vaginal orgasms are usually described as "deep" and "relaxing", and can be followed by a profound sense of calm. There is a difference in physiological response between the two types of orgasms as well. Masters & Johnson, who began their human sexuality studies in the 1950's and who are considered to be pioneers in the filed of human physiology, reported that "during a vaginal orgasm the internal organs are pushed downward, contracting the upper half of the vagina".
Clitoral Orgasms
The clitoral orgasm is achieved by direct stimulation of the clitoris. This can be achieved either manually, orally, during intercourse or with the aid of sex toys. The clitoral orgasm is probably the most common form of orgasm among women. In fact, the clitoris is actually very similar in structure to the penis. It is made up of the same type of tissue, and is lined with the same sensitive nerve endings. Clitoral orgasms are typically described as "higher" and "intense" and can be accompanied by a sense of over stimulation. Many women report that their clitoris is too sensitive to be touched directly following an orgasm. Masters & Johnson also discovered that there are physiological changes during clitoral orgasms that do not exist during a vaginal orgasm. They described the response to clitoral stimulation as "tenting", which means that the internal organs, for example the bladder and the uterus, are "pulled up towards the breast, expanding the top of the vagina".
So if the woman is to or should!! have multiple orgasms and her clitoris is too sensitive and even painful to touch after orgasm she must depend on or shift to what is called vaginal orgasm!! so just she lets her husband's copulatory organ in and out without touching the clitoris
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