Reply to: An effeminate man living among the wives of the Messenger of Islam


Islam aims to establish a clean society, where desires are not aroused at every moment, and where the impulses of flesh and blood are not aroused at all times. Continuous arousal processes end in a lustful frenzy that is not extinguished or satiated. The treacherous look, the provocative movement, the unveiled fornication, and the naked body... all of these do nothing but arouse that crazy animal frenzy! Otherwise, the reins of the nerves and will slip. Either chaotic disclosure that is not restricted by any restrictions, or nervous diseases and psychological complexes arising from restraint after arousal! And it is almost a torture process!!!

One of the means of Islam to establish a clean society is to prevent this arousal, and to keep the deep innate drive between the sexes intact, and with its natural strength, without artificial arousal, and to direct it in its safe and clean place.

Allah the Almighty said: { The followers of men who have no desire }... They are those who do not desire women for any reason such as cowardice, impotence, stupidity, or madness. And everything else that prevents a man from desiring a woman. Because there is no temptation or enticement here... and the exception is { children who have not yet developed the appearance of women's private parts }... and they are children in whom a woman's body does not arouse sexual feelings. So if they can distinguish, and this feeling is aroused in them - even if they are under puberty - then they are not included in this exception.

It is permissible for a woman to show to a man who has no desire what she shows to her mahrams , because he has no interest in women and is not aware of their affairs, and he is allowed to see all of that from her. Ibn Qudamah said: “And whoever among men has lost his desire due to old age, impotence, or an incurable illness, and the eunuch... and the effeminate man who has no desire, then his ruling is the ruling of a mahram with regard to looking, because Allah the Almighty said: ( or those who follow them who have no desire ) meaning those who have no need for women. Ibn Abbas said: He is the one from whom women are not ashamed. And from him: He is the effeminate man who has no erection (i.e. the ability to have an erection).

And from Mujahid and Qatadah: He who has no desire for women, if the effeminate man has desire and knows about women, then his ruling is the ruling of others, because Aisha said: An effeminate man entered upon the wives of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and they considered him among the men who have no desire. Then the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, entered upon us while he was describing a woman that if she came… She came with four, and when she turned away she turned away with eight. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do I not see that this one knows what is here? Do not let this one enter upon you?” So they blocked him out. Narrated by Abu Dawood and others .

Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said : “The effeminate man is not the one in whom immorality is known specifically, but rather effeminateness is the extreme femininity in creation until he resembles a woman in softness, speech, looks, tone and mind. If this is the case, then he has no desire for women, and he does not notice women’s affairs. He is not one of those who have no desire and who are permitted to enter upon women. Do you not see that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not prevent that effeminate man from entering upon his wives? But when he heard him describe the daughter of Ghailan and understood the matter of women, he ordered that he be blocked out.” (Al-Mughni 7/463, Al-Sharh Al-Kabeer ‘ala Matn Al-Muqni’ 7/347-348).

Now: Where are the prohibitions in loving a Christian woman?

A prostitute massaged Jesus' feet and sexually aroused him with loud kisses.
Luke 7:38
And she stood at his feet from behind him, weeping, and began to wet his feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with ointment.

Are there no taboos between men?

Jesus strips naked in front of his disciples in a perverted way
. John 13:5
Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and wipe them with the towel with which he was girded

Not possessed of sexual desire among men }: meaning: such as someone who is old and weak, and has no ability to do these things, or someone who has been castrated, whose sexual pleasure has been cut off, and such men pose no danger to women.

Jabb means cutting off.
Al-Mahboob: the eunuch whose penis and testicles have been removed. So his penis has been cut off. [Lisan Al-Arab - root: jabbab].
Impotence: I believe that he has no ability to have an erection,

and God knows best.


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