Reply to: Bad luck in three things: the house, the horse, and the woman
It is known that the cross worshippers, enemies of Islam, focus on women because most of those who convert to Islam in the lands of the cross worshippers are women because they see in Islam justice and fairness for them.
Imam Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may Allah be pleased with them both, who said: I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say: “Bad luck is in three things: a horse, a woman, and a house .” [Sahih Al-Bukhari - Book of Jihad and Expeditions - Chapter: What is mentioned about the bad luck of horses]...
Ahmad narrated and Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim authenticated it from the hadith of Saad, with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace: “Three things bring happiness to the son of Adam: a good wife, a good home, and a good mount. Three things bring misery to the son of Adam: a bad woman, a bad home, and a bad mount .”
And in a narration by Al-Hakim: “ Three things bring misery: a woman whom you see and she annoys you and she turns her tongue against you, a beast that is a burdensome thing, if you hit it, it tires you out, but if you leave it, it will not catch up with your companions, and a house that is narrow and has few facilities .”
These are some of the ways of the hadith as they were narrated from the Messenger of Guidance, our Master Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The malicious skeptics say in their claims that the Prophet makes women a source of bad luck, a reason for it, and a companion for it, ignoring… The multiple ways in which the hadith was mentioned, and the sum of the ways removes the ambiguity for the fair-minded and intelligent reader.
The word ( al-shum ) was mentioned in the hadith, which is a source in the Arabic language, and we understand from the hadith that if we can be pessimistic about something, it is about a woman, an animal, or a house. There is no room to understand the hadith as considering the occurrence of pessimism absolutely from a woman, an animal, or a house, because the noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, married women and it was narrated that he said: (Of your worldly life, perfume and women were made beloved to me, and the delight of my eyes was made in prayer ), and it was authentically reported from the Prophet that he took a house to live in and rode animals on his travels. Accordingly, the claim that what is meant by the hadith is to confirm the occurrence of pessimism absolutely from a woman, a house, or an animal is a claim that is rejected linguistically, legally, and rationally, and is invalidated by the multiple ways of the hadith, such as the narration of Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and al-Hakim from Saad from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, “ Among the happiness of the son of Adam are three: a righteous woman, a righteous dwelling, and a righteous mount. And among the misery of the son of Adam are three: a bad woman, a bad dwelling, and a bad mount .”
The scholars of Islam - may Allah have mercy on them - did not understand the noble hadith ( Bad omen is in three things ...) except as a specification for the occurrence of bad omen from a woman who causes enmity and discord. Otherwise, a woman is honored and protected in Islam as a mother, daughter, sister, and wife. It was mentioned in the hadith of the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that he said: “ Women and perfume have been made beloved to me from this world, and the delight of my eyes has been made in prayer .” [Narrated by Ahmad] So a woman is like prayer in faith and purity, and she is like perfume in refreshing and calming the soul! Indeed, Islam gives glad tidings to the one who supports two girls until they reach adulthood with a great reward and abundant recompense.

And God knows best .
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