Responding to the suspicion: The Qur’an’s error in explaining the natural phenomenon of meteorites


Meteorites , singular "meteor", as is scientifically known, are produced by the explosion of a star such as the sun, and the flaming parts fly away, their size may range between the size of the earth or the size of the moon, or they may be smaller in size. These parts float in infinite space, and the small parts soon cool and their fires go out, and the large pieces of them are planets orbiting the star from which they exploded (like the earth around the sun), revolving around a star by gravity. The floating parts are called meteors, and they float in space at the speed at which they left the original. If they encounter the earth on their way, they penetrate its atmosphere at a tremendous speed, and the heat of friction causes a fiery glow, and a strong moving light appears in the sky - this terrible speed and intense heat collides with the earth, causing a tremendous roar and rushes into the interior of the earth to a great depth - and this destruction is relative, i.e. in relation to the size of the piece, its speed, and its weight, etc. The researcher in this field can find many stories about the fall of space meteors and see The destruction resulting from them - this is the scientific explanation for meteorites

The Quran, O fraudulent writer, did not speak about meteors, but rather spoke about meteors. There is a difference between meteors and meteors. The Quran is very precise in its words and meanings. When the Quran speaks about meteors, it must speak about meteors, not meteors. Even if we assume that the difference between them is not great

, I will not speak about the definition of meteors that the fraudulent writer mentioned, but rather I will speak about what the Holy Quran mentioned.


The fraudulent writer says :

As for the Qur’an, it interpreted what Muhammad said, and this is what he said on the tongue of the jinn: “And that there were men among mankind who sought refuge with men among the jinn, but it increased their burden, and that they thought, as you thought, that God would not resurrect anyone.”

The Qur’an does not explain the words of the Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace,

but the words of the Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, are what the Qur’an is explained with. So you will not explain to us as you please, in order to delude the reader with things that have no basis except in your sick imagination.


And indeed, we have sought the heaven (to listen attentively) but found it filled with stern guards and meteors (= blazing stars). And indeed, we used to sit therein in stations to listen, but whoever listens now will find a meteor lying in wait for him (= lying in wait for him to be pelted with it) (See Tafsir al-Jalalayn, Surah al-Jinn 5-10). This means that the meteor or meteors are not a vanishing star, but rather a projectile directed by Allah at a spy who eavesdrops on the jinn. The Lord has changed what was decreed, so he deserves execution by being pelted with the fire of the meteor or meteors.

What prevents God from using meteors (regardless of the origin of the meteor, whether it is the result of the disintegration of a star or a planet) for any other function that God wants

? Isn’t God capable of everything?

Is there anything preventing Him from doing so?

This impostor’s conclusion that this verse negates the scientific truth of meteors is a type of deliberate and clear deception.

The public knows that all celestial beings are spiritual beings, and meteors and shooting stars are flammable materials. So how does burning matter affect the spirit?
This fraudulent writer seems to be mocking our minds and the minds of the reader.

Does he know the composition of the jinn and what harms and benefits them?

What do spiritual beings mean? Does it mean that nothing affects them?

Are the jinn heavenly beings as he says?

Since he is an expert in spiritual beings and that they are only spirits? Tell us about the composition of the spirit and the results of your tests on it, O you who know spirits.

Let this fraud tell me what prevents the powerful God, the Creator of all things, from punishing one of His creatures with another of His creatures?

You forgot that he worships the crucified Jesus

and you forgot that he glorifies the Lamb

and you forgot that he worships a God who cannot overcome one of His creatures (Jacob) who forced him to do something he does not

really want. This alleged God cannot protect himself from being beaten or crucified, so how can he punish spiritual beings, according to the expression of the fraudulent writer.

that Islam is a religion, and it was inspired by the Lord of the Worlds, who tells us with truth and certainty, and He, the Almighty, says: (I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor to the creation of themselves, nor would I have taken the misguiders as assistants) (1). Islam is not an innovation among religions, and therefore we see that the holy books mention this; Allah, the Almighty, says:
(And indeed, We have sought the heaven but found it filled with stern guards and meteors. And indeed, we used to sit therein in stations to listen. But whoever listens now will find a meteor lying in wait for him) (2). He said this as a narration about the jinn. The meaning is not as the author understood, but rather the meaning is that Allah has appointed angel guards over the heaven, and created for them tools of punishment that are appropriate for the bodies of devils. These are meteors. So if a devil comes, one of the angels throws a meteor at him, and meteors are not planets like the moon and the sun, but rather they are tools of punishment like the sword in the hand of a warrior soldier.
In the third chapter of the Book of Genesis; When God expelled Adam from the Garden of Eden, to work the ground from which he was taken, He placed angels called cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden, and placed in their hands a flaming sword turning every turn to guard the way to the tree of life: “So the Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken; so he expelled the man, and placed to the east of the Garden of Eden the cherubim, and a flaming sword turning every turn to guard the way to the tree of life” (3).
The commentators say: “The cherubim are among the angels who are brought near. In Persian it means guard.” Their job at the time of Adam’s expulsion was “to guard Paradise, lest man return to it.”
In the Qur’an, meteors are interpreted as sparks of fire. In the Almighty’s saying: “O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not pass except by authority. * Which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? * He will send upon you flames of fire and copper, and you will not be able to defend yourself” (4).
He has given the jinn tools of punishment other than what He has given to mankind. And He did not make planets for the jinn to be thrown at like the moon and the sun, but rather He made for the jinn “Shawaaz” meaning “meteors”. The functions of the stars: First: The noble verses speak of the heat resulting from the burning of a celestial body (meteor) - which does not have to be a star - as a pelting for the devils. And it never mentioned that the pelting tool is a complete star. “What is in the verse is that there are fiery bodies that strike the devils, and it did not mention that a star falls on the devil or that the angels throw it at him, and modern science and astronauts talk about meteors that are seen in the vast space as luminous comets, and among them are fiery ones that are extinguished and disintegrate in their path, and some of them reach the earth, and they are similar to volcanic projectiles, and those who have studied astronomical geography know this, as these projectiles are pieces that separate from the planets and move in space, especially if the star or planet is close to the earth, and God Almighty strikes with them whomever He wills and protects with them whomever He wills.”[5] God Almighty said in Surat Al-Hijr: “And We have certainly placed in the heaven great stars and have beautified it for the observers (16) And have protected it from every accursed devil (17) Except for one who steals a hearing and is pursued by a clear flaming fire (18).” So the stars remained in their place, and what moved was the flaming fire.

Consider what is mentioned in Surat As-Saffat: “Indeed, We have beautified the nearest heaven with an adornment of stars (6) And as protection from every rebellious devil (7) They do not listen to the highest assembly, and they are pelted from every side (8) Driven away, and for them is a lasting punishment (9) Except for him who snatches a snatch, and a piercing flame pursues him (10).” The one who (pursued) the rebellious devil is not the planet [mentioned in verse number (6)], but rather the flame [mentioned in verse number (10)].
Second: The world of demons is unseen, and it is not permissible to measure the unseen with scientific research tools used for the tangible.
Third: The stars in the Holy Qur’an have other benefits such as adornment and signs by which people find directions (see: Al-An’am: 97, Al-Hijr: 16, Al-Nahl: 16, As-Saffat: 6).
Fourth: It is not necessary for the stars mentioned in the Holy Qur’an to be the same as what people have agreed upon in modern terminology, which is that huge, gaseous, self-luminous cosmic body like the sun.[6] Unlike other dark bodies such as planets and moons,
it is possible that what is meant by a star - linguistically, not technically - is: every solid body floating in space. It is stated in Al-Ayn: “A star is a name that falls on the Pleiades, and every house of the moon’s houses is called a star. Every planet of the planetary signs is called a star, and the stars include all the planets.”[7]
This doubt is not new, but was raised by the heretics in the Abbasid era, and Al-Jahiz responded to them by saying: ([8])
“They said: You claimed that God Almighty said: “And We have certainly adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and made them missiles for the devils” [Al-Mulk: 5], and God Almighty said: “And We have protected it from every devil, rejected” [Al-Hijr: 17], and we have never found a planet that was empty in its place, so it is not appropriate for one of all this creation, from the inhabitants of the deserts and seas, and those who observe the stars for guidance, or think about the creation of the heavens, to see a single vanishing planet, with His saying: “And We have made them missiles for the devils”?
It was said to them: It has been said: A person moves his hand, eyebrow, or finger, and that movement is added to the whole, so they do not doubt that the whole is the agent of that movement. And when a meteor separates from a planet, and burns and illuminates all lands, then every person has ruled that that burning is added to the planet, and this is a close and easy answer, praise be to God.
And no one has said: It is necessary in his saying: “And We made them missiles for the devils” that he means all of them, so if it is correct that he only meant the stars of the galaxy, and the stars that appear on the nights of the nights[9]; Because it is impossible for an eye to fall on that particular planet at the time of its disappearance, so that if God Almighty were to annihilate that planet from among all the planets that are orbiting, this contemplator would know its location and would feel the touch of its loss. And whoever thinks in his ignorance that he can comprehend the number of stars, then when he contemplates them in the darkness, and contemplates the galaxy and what is around it, he will not strike an example of the great number except with them, without the sand and dust and the drops of clouds.
And some of them said: The meteor approaches close, and we see it coming in a wide way, not swooping down. And if it were the planet that swoops down, it would not be seen like a fine thread, and it would illuminate the entire world and burn everything on the face of the earth. So you cannot decide that the one directly hitting the body of Satan is the planet until it is nothing else, and you hear God Almighty say:“Then a piercing meteor pursued him.” [As-Saffat: 10]
What is meant by this is that what affects the body of Satan is the effect of the heat of the fire resulting from the friction of the celestial body with the Earth’s atmosphere, and we see it in the form of light, not the essence of the body located in its center (the effect is of the accident, not the substance).
He added another benefit in the same place: “And some of them challenged from another side and said: You claimed that God Almighty said: “And as a protection from every rebellious devil. They do not listen to the highest assembly, and they are pelted from every side, driven away, and for them is a lasting punishment.” And he said according to the rules of speech: “Except for he who snatches a snatch, and a piercing flame pursues him.” [As-Saffat: 10] He said: So how can the snatch be from a forbidden place?
It was said to him: He is not forbidden from snatching, since he was inevitably pelted with a flame, and killed, although if he had been saved by the snatch, he would not have benefited at all.”

Source: Encyclopedia of Response to Doubts


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