Reply to the series (Science 1 - Quran 0) (And the sun runs to its resting place)
The complex motion of the sun
For centuries, it was believed that the Earth was stationary and that the sun revolved around it. This belief changed with the modern scientific renaissance since the seventeenth century, when scientists at that time viewed the sun as stationary and that the planets revolved around it.
But after the discovery of galaxies and after the precise studies conducted on the sun, it became clear that the matter is not that simple. The sun moves and is not stationary. At first, it was thought that the sun had only one movement, which is a rotational movement around the center of the galaxy, but it was later found that the sun moves towards the center of the galaxy as well.
It is also shown that the sun moves in a circular motion and oscillates right and left, like a running person who leans right and left, and therefore it draws a zigzag path in space. The sun swims around a specific orbit in the galaxy and its orbit takes 226 million years, and this period is called the galactic year, and it runs at a speed of 217 kilometers per second. The sun and the stars surrounding it move at almost the same speed, but there is a relative difference of about 20 kilometers per second between the sun and the stars surrounding it.
There is a movement of the sun that scientists have recently noticed, which is its movement with the galaxy in which it is located. Scientists believe that the Milky Way galaxy, or our galaxy, moves at a speed of 600 kilometers per second, and sweeps away all the stars with it, including our sun.
People have always thought of the sun as a mere source of heat, rising in the east and setting in the west, but it has recently been shown that the sun takes very complex paths , running and moving at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per second.
Source\ Here
But the site is Islamic, so here the brother doubted and said a reliable foreign scientific source
I come to foreign sources
Sun's Movement Through the Milky Way Regularly Sends Comets Hurtling, Coinciding With Mass Life Extinctions
ScienceDaily (May 2, 2008) — The sun's movement through the Milky Way regularly sends comets hurtling into the inner solar system --
ScienceDaily (May 2, 2008) — The sun's movement through the Milky Way regularly sends comets hurtling into the inner solar system --
Source\ here
But of course the main source is the NASA website.
( Link from the narrator )
But the question remains, posed by the brother in the forum, he says:
Where is this stable place to which the sun runs ?
The answer is
The truth is that the movement of the sun according to modern science has many complications, as in addition to the movements of the sun that we mentioned, which are its movement around its axis - around itself - and its movement around the center of the galaxy and its vibrational - undulating movement - astronomers expect the existence of other movements of the sun that are not yet known. These other movements of the sun were predicted through the strange movements of comets and asteroids in the sky inside and outside the solar system , so astronomers expect the existence of another movement of the sun that leads to some of the abnormal movements of the celestial bodies within the solar system, and on this basis astronomers expect that the sun, the planets and everything in the solar system are on their way to a specific place in the galaxy where they will stop and the end will be there, and astronomers called this point in the galaxy "Solar Apex",,,,
so modern astronomical studies have revealed the existence of a place for the sun, the truth of which we do not know its place and time until now, but it is going to its place inevitably, and this is completely consistent with modern science and is a secret that no human being has revealed throughout all of human history
so modern astronomical studies have revealed the existence of a place for the sun, the truth of which we do not know its place and time until now, but it is going to its place inevitably, and this is completely consistent with modern science and is a secret that no human being has revealed throughout all of human history
Of course, after the answer, it was deleted and the responses to it were removed by the Islamic Dialogue Moderator.
So, you who have doubts, here we say (knowledge 0 Quran 1 )
Glory be to God, there is no god but Him
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