Yawning is from the devil
The word's origin in Latin is bataculaere , meaning open. Yawning is considered the first cause of jaw twisting. It is shared by a group of animals such as some fish and mammals, with the exception of the giraffe, but it varies from one animal species to another. Yawning is an involuntary phenomenon because the yawner cannot hold it back after starting it, even if he can control it. A child yawns between 25 and 30 times a day in the first year, then yawning decreases with age, reaching 10 times a day on average in the elderly. People differ in yawning as they differ in sleep. Yawning often occurs when attention is reduced on different occasions such as:
* A strong desire to sleep
* During the stretching process upon waking up
* When completing tasks that are repeated and do not vary
* When fasting or overeating
* When feeling hot or when there are many people in a limited place.
Yawning takes between 5 to 10 seconds and is done in three stages after which the person feels comfortable, as follows:
The inhalation stage : It is characterized by contraction of the muscles of the neck, jaw and diaphragm, which results in opening the mouth and major respiratory tracts and the appearance of the teeth, which allows a large amount of air to enter and thus a deep inhalation occurs. Hearing decreases for a short period due to the closure of the Eustachian tube that connects the middle ear and the pharynx. The eyelids also come together and sometimes a tear falls on the cheek. This stage may be accompanied by stretching resulting from muscle stretching and the back becomes rounded or concave depending on the species.
The apex stage : It is characterized by a short period of cessation of breathing during which the chest is filled with air.
The exhalation stage : During this stage, the air is expelled, which is often accompanied by the sound that characterizes yawning. The Muslim must do his best to avoid this sound as much as possible. During this stage, things return to normal as the mouth closes, the eyes open and the muscles relax.
During paradoxical sleep, the body's muscles relax, including those involved in breathing, which leads to constriction of the upper respiratory tract. However, after waking up, the body performs a series of stretches and yawns that enable the expansion of these tracts and the reactivation of the body's muscles. When the body feels tired or bored, it sends signals to the brain, which activates the yawning mechanisms that intervene to raise attention. However, if the body is in dire need of rest and sleep, yawning does not allow it to pay attention.
In 1980, some biologists concluded that yawning is linked to the eating regimen, when they noticed that laboratory mice that were accustomed to a daily meal at a specific time began to yawn four to ten times in the hour preceding the meal after three weeks, and after they were subjected to fasting for three days, they stopped yawning at that time.
In 1998, other scientists concluded that brain hormones called hypocretin are important in yawning. The Japanese Etoko Satozuki injected these hormones into mice and found that they yawn and their alertness increases.
Scientific research has proven the hypothesis that claims that the yawning process is carried out by the body to supply the brain with oxygen is wrong, as the researchers measured the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood before and after yawning, and noticed that this percentage does not change.
Why does contagious yawning occur?
Usually, a person is in a gathering and then finds himself forced to yawn after another person sitting next to him or in the same gathering yawns. Sometimes, the wave of yawning spreads to several people in the same gathering, especially when their attention is low. In this case, we can talk about yawning contagion, and it would be better to say an answer, imitation, or mimicking of yawning. While yawning is a common phenomenon among a group of animals, the phenomenon of contagion or imitation is specific to humans. Scientists have conducted many experiments to find out the mechanism of this imitation , including:
Psychiatrist Robert Bovan conducted an experiment in which he showed a film in which yawning was repeated thirty times, and volunteers watched it, most of whom fell into the yawn trap, whether after a few seconds or after a few minutes. However, when people replaced the film with animated cartoons, these volunteers did not yawn . Stefan Platek's
experiments in 2003 demonstrated that a person is more likely to imitate yawning, the more able he is to interact with others, know their emotions, and decode their feelings. Rita Harry concluded through experiments she conducted in June 2003 that mirror neurons are activated during the process of imitating yawning, and she noticed that the nerves of the temporal groove - which belong to the mirror neurons - are activated when observing the yawning of others, while they are not activated when observing other facial expressions, and this researcher concluded that these nerves are likely responsible for the phenomenon of imitation. Yawning in the Sunnah of the Prophet : Yawning was mentioned in some of the Prophetic hadiths that condemned it and taught the believer how to respond to it and deal with it, and I mention from among these hadiths the following: It was stated in Sahih Al-Bukhari that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ If one of you says ‘Ha’, the devil laughs .” Ibn Hajar said in his explanation of this hadith: “ From here the joke appears in his laughing at him because he made it a toy for him by distorting his appearance in that case .” Therefore, it was stated in the hadith of Abu Hurairah in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ Then yawning is from the devil, so if one of you yawns, let him suppress it as much as he can .” On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said:
Allah loves sneezing and hates yawning. So if one of you sneezes and praises Allah, it is the right of every Muslim who hears him to say to him: May Allah have mercy on you. As for yawning, it is from the devil. So if one of you yawns, let him suppress it as much as he can, because when one of you yawns, the devil laughs at him .
As the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in another hadith: “ Then if one of you yawns, let him cover his mouth with his hand, because the devil enters . ”
And in another narration:
“ Then if one of you yawns during prayer, let him suppress it as much as he can, because the devil enters
.” Our religion is a complete religion in which a person finds a beacon that illuminates his path in all matters of worship and dealings. These hadiths that we have before us prove this, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) teaches us through them the etiquette of yawning and how to deal with it.
This is in Islamic law. As for yawning in the field of science, I have mentioned in this brief topic some of its characteristics, and scientific research is still delving into it and promises us more results, especially in the phenomenon of imitation.
Allah the Almighty praised His believing servants, and He mentioned that one of their greatest attributes is that they are ( humble in their prayers ). The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, mentioned that Satan seeks to distract the one praying in his prayer, and Allah has tested the believers with this. One of the ways Satan distracts the one praying is by occupying his mind and whispering to him in his prayer, including: his intrusion upon him by making him yawn until he distracts him from his prayer. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, informed us that yawning is from Satan, and he commanded us to suppress yawning as much as we can. If yawning overcomes us, he commanded us to put our hands over our mouths. These are the texts of the hadiths with an explanation of them:
1. On the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: ( When If one of you yawns - [and in another narration: during prayer], let him suppress it as much as he can, for the devil enters . Narrated by Muslim (2995).
2. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “ Yawning is from the devil, so if one of you yawns, let him suppress it as much as he can, for if one of you says, ‘Ha,’ the devil laughs .” Narrated by al-Bukhari (3115) and Muslim (2994).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said :
“ Ibn Battaal said : Attributing yawning to the devil means attributing pleasure and will, i.e., the devil likes to see a person yawning, because it is a state in which his appearance changes and he laughs at him, not that what is meant is that the devil did the yawning.
Ibn al-Arabi said : We have explained that every detestable action is attributed by the Shari’ah to the devil because he is his intermediary, and that every good action is attributed by the Shari’ah to the angel because he is his intermediary. He said: Yawning is from being full, and it results in laziness, and that is through the devil, and sneezing is from reducing food, and it results in activity, and that is through the angel.
An-Nawawi said : Yawning is attributed to the devil because it calls for desires, as it is due to the heaviness of the body, its relaxation and its fullness, and what is meant is to warn against the reason from which that is generated, which is overeating.
His statement: “ So if one of you yawns, let him suppress it as much as he can ” means: take the means to suppress it, and what is meant by it is not that he has the power to suppress it, because what happens cannot be suppressed in reality. It was said: The meaning of ( if he yawns ) is: if he wants to yawn...
Our Sheikh - i.e. Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi - said in “Sharh Al-Tirmidhi”: Most of the narrations of the two Sahihs contain the general meaning of yawning, and in another narration it is restricted to the state of prayer, so it is possible that the general meaning is interpreted as restricted, and the devil has a strong purpose in disturbing the one praying in his prayer, and it is possible that his dislike of it in prayer is more intense, and it does not necessarily mean that it is not disliked outside the state of prayer.
Its dislike in general is supported by the fact that it is from the devil, and Al-Nawawi stated this explicitly. Ibn Al-Arabi said: Yawning should be suppressed in every situation, and he only specified prayer because it is the most deserving of being repelled, because it leads to a deviation from the straightness of the form and the crookedness of creation...
As for his statement in the narration of Muslim: ( for the devil enters ), it is possible that what is meant by it is entering in reality, and even though it flows through a person like blood, it cannot be able to penetrate him as long as he is remembering Allah Almighty, and the one who yawns in that state is not remembering, so the devil can enter him in reality.
It is possible that he said “enter” and meant “to be able to do it,” because it is the nature of someone who enters something to be able to do it.
As for the command to place the hand on the mouth, it includes if it opens due to yawning, so it is covered with the palm or something similar, and if it is closed to protect it from opening due to that.
In the meaning of placing the hand on the mouth is placing a garment or something similar that achieves that purpose, and the hand is only required if the yawn does not return without it, and there is no difference in this command between the one praying and others, rather it is emphasized in the state of prayer as mentioned above, and this is an exception to the prohibition of the one praying placing his hand on his mouth.
One of the things that a person who yawns during prayer is commanded to do is to stop reciting until it stops, lest the rhythm of his recitation be changed. End quote.
Fath al-Baari (10/612).
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said :
“Whether the yawning occurs during prayer or outside of it, it is recommended to place the hand over the mouth. It is only disliked for the worshipper to place his hand over his mouth during prayer if there is no need, such as yawning and the like.” End quote.
Al-Adhkar (p. 346).
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said :
Yawning is from the Shaytaan. This was authentically reported from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him and his family). If a person yawns, whether during prayer or outside of prayer, he should suppress his yawn as much as he can. If he is unable to do so, then he should place his hand over his mouth, whether during prayer or outside of prayer.
Whoever wants to get rid of yawning during prayer should enter it with seriousness, energy and strong resolve. He should know that the Shaytaan has an enemy, so he should take him as an enemy and try to stop him as much as he can. If he overcomes him, then he should place his hand over his mouth. On his face.
Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen, may God have mercy on him, was asked :
I am a religious young man, 22 years old. I suffer from a problem. I ask God and then you to help me get rid of it. It is that when I start praying, I start yawning unintentionally. This condition always accompanies me, even when I recite Ayat Al-Kursi in particular. I do not know the reason for this, as I yawn ten times in one prayer. Please advise?
He replied :
“Yawning is from the devil, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) informed us. Just as the devil has power over the one who is praying by casting whispers and thoughts into his heart that are uncontrollable and of no benefit,
he may also have power over him by making him yawn a lot, to the point that it distracts him from his prayer. If he finds that, then let him do what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded. He should suppress it as much as he can. If he cannot, then let him cover his mouth so that he does not give the devil a way to him.
He should be keen to approach the prayer with energy, enthusiasm and sincere determination, and let him ask Allaah, the Most High, for well-being from what happens to him in his prayer. If he asks Allaah, the Most High, sincerely and does what he can to try to remove these manifestations, then Allaah, the Most High, says (interpretation of the meaning): “ And when My servants ask you concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. ” So let them respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be guided . (Al-Baqarah: 186) End quote.
1. On the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: ( When If one of you yawns - [and in another narration: during prayer], let him suppress it as much as he can, for the devil enters . Narrated by Muslim (2995).
2. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “ Yawning is from the devil, so if one of you yawns, let him suppress it as much as he can, for if one of you says, ‘Ha,’ the devil laughs .” Narrated by al-Bukhari (3115) and Muslim (2994).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said :
“ Ibn Battaal said : Attributing yawning to the devil means attributing pleasure and will, i.e., the devil likes to see a person yawning, because it is a state in which his appearance changes and he laughs at him, not that what is meant is that the devil did the yawning.
Ibn al-Arabi said : We have explained that every detestable action is attributed by the Shari’ah to the devil because he is his intermediary, and that every good action is attributed by the Shari’ah to the angel because he is his intermediary. He said: Yawning is from being full, and it results in laziness, and that is through the devil, and sneezing is from reducing food, and it results in activity, and that is through the angel.
An-Nawawi said : Yawning is attributed to the devil because it calls for desires, as it is due to the heaviness of the body, its relaxation and its fullness, and what is meant is to warn against the reason from which that is generated, which is overeating.
His statement: “ So if one of you yawns, let him suppress it as much as he can ” means: take the means to suppress it, and what is meant by it is not that he has the power to suppress it, because what happens cannot be suppressed in reality. It was said: The meaning of ( if he yawns ) is: if he wants to yawn...
Our Sheikh - i.e. Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi - said in “Sharh Al-Tirmidhi”: Most of the narrations of the two Sahihs contain the general meaning of yawning, and in another narration it is restricted to the state of prayer, so it is possible that the general meaning is interpreted as restricted, and the devil has a strong purpose in disturbing the one praying in his prayer, and it is possible that his dislike of it in prayer is more intense, and it does not necessarily mean that it is not disliked outside the state of prayer.
Its dislike in general is supported by the fact that it is from the devil, and Al-Nawawi stated this explicitly. Ibn Al-Arabi said: Yawning should be suppressed in every situation, and he only specified prayer because it is the most deserving of being repelled, because it leads to a deviation from the straightness of the form and the crookedness of creation...
As for his statement in the narration of Muslim: ( for the devil enters ), it is possible that what is meant by it is entering in reality, and even though it flows through a person like blood, it cannot be able to penetrate him as long as he is remembering Allah Almighty, and the one who yawns in that state is not remembering, so the devil can enter him in reality.
It is possible that he said “enter” and meant “to be able to do it,” because it is the nature of someone who enters something to be able to do it.
As for the command to place the hand on the mouth, it includes if it opens due to yawning, so it is covered with the palm or something similar, and if it is closed to protect it from opening due to that.
In the meaning of placing the hand on the mouth is placing a garment or something similar that achieves that purpose, and the hand is only required if the yawn does not return without it, and there is no difference in this command between the one praying and others, rather it is emphasized in the state of prayer as mentioned above, and this is an exception to the prohibition of the one praying placing his hand on his mouth.
One of the things that a person who yawns during prayer is commanded to do is to stop reciting until it stops, lest the rhythm of his recitation be changed. End quote.
Fath al-Baari (10/612).
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said :
“Whether the yawning occurs during prayer or outside of it, it is recommended to place the hand over the mouth. It is only disliked for the worshipper to place his hand over his mouth during prayer if there is no need, such as yawning and the like.” End quote.
Al-Adhkar (p. 346).
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said :
Yawning is from the Shaytaan. This was authentically reported from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him and his family). If a person yawns, whether during prayer or outside of prayer, he should suppress his yawn as much as he can. If he is unable to do so, then he should place his hand over his mouth, whether during prayer or outside of prayer.
Whoever wants to get rid of yawning during prayer should enter it with seriousness, energy and strong resolve. He should know that the Shaytaan has an enemy, so he should take him as an enemy and try to stop him as much as he can. If he overcomes him, then he should place his hand over his mouth. On his face.
Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen, may God have mercy on him, was asked :
I am a religious young man, 22 years old. I suffer from a problem. I ask God and then you to help me get rid of it. It is that when I start praying, I start yawning unintentionally. This condition always accompanies me, even when I recite Ayat Al-Kursi in particular. I do not know the reason for this, as I yawn ten times in one prayer. Please advise?
He replied :
“Yawning is from the devil, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) informed us. Just as the devil has power over the one who is praying by casting whispers and thoughts into his heart that are uncontrollable and of no benefit,
he may also have power over him by making him yawn a lot, to the point that it distracts him from his prayer. If he finds that, then let him do what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded. He should suppress it as much as he can. If he cannot, then let him cover his mouth so that he does not give the devil a way to him.
He should be keen to approach the prayer with energy, enthusiasm and sincere determination, and let him ask Allaah, the Most High, for well-being from what happens to him in his prayer. If he asks Allaah, the Most High, sincerely and does what he can to try to remove these manifestations, then Allaah, the Most High, says (interpretation of the meaning): “ And when My servants ask you concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. ” So let them respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be guided . (Al-Baqarah: 186) End quote.
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