The response to Christ’s claim is that God creates from clay the shape of a bird, and it becomes a bird.
Indeed, the example of Jesus before Allahas the example of Adam. He created him from dustand then said to him, Be, and it is.59 The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters. 60 (Al Imran
( Is not He who created the heavens and the earth able to create the likes of them? Yes, and He is the Knowing Creator. (81) His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, “Be, ” and it is. (82) So exalted is He in whose hand is the dominion of all things, and to Him you will be returned. (83)) Yasin
First of all, Christ is a creature and a born being, and the creature is not a creator and cannot create from nothing by himself. Even in their book that they sanctify, Christnever claimed that he is God the Creator or that he is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and whoever is in them. Rather, it was not mentioned that he created anything.
Is their book so lacking in proving their claim that Christ is God the Creator that they claim it from the Qur’an?!
The Sheikh of Islam responded to that by saying: All of the verses that the Christians use as evidence - and others - are evidence against them, not for them, and that is for several reasons:
The first reason: Allah did not mention about the Messiah an absolute creation, nor a general creation, as He mentioned about Himself, the Blessed and Most High, in many verses. As for the Messiah , peace be upon him, He said about him: {And when you created from clay, as it were, the figure of a bird , by My permission }... the verses. And the Messiah said about himself: {I create for you from clay , as it were, the figure of a bird, then I breathe into it , and it becomes a bird by Allah’s permission }... the verses. So he only mentioned the creation of a specific thing with Allah ’s permission , so how can this Creator be that one?!
The second reason: He created from clay in the form of a bird , and what is meant by that is: forming it in the form of a bird , and this creation is something that most people are capable of, for one of them can form from clay in the form of a bird , or animals other than birds , and the miracle is that The soul is breathed into it and it becomes a bird by the permission of Allah the Almighty, and it is not merely created from clay , for this is a common matter.
The third aspect: Allah informed that the Messiah only did the forbidden imagery and the blowing by the permission of Allah the Almighty, and the Messiah, peace be upon him, informed that he did it by the permission of Allah , and Allah informed that this is from the blessings that He bestowed upon the Messiah, peace be upon him, as He the Most High said: {He is only a servant upon whom We bestowed favor and made him an example for the Children of Israel} [Az-Zukhruf: 59].
And the Most High said: {O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Holy Spirit so that you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity, and when I taught you the Book and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel, and when you created from clay , as it were, the figure of a bird, by My permission, and you breathed into it and it became a bird by My permission , and you healed the blind and the leper by My permission, and when you brought forth the dead by My permission } [Al-Ma’idah: 110].
All of this is clear that he is not Allah , but rather he is a servant of Allah who did that by the permission of Allah , just as others did the same. The prophets, and he stated that the one who gives permission is not the one who is given permission, and the teacher is not the one who is taught, and the one who is blessed and his mother is not him, just as he is not his mother.
The fourth aspect: They said: He referred to the Creator as the Word of God. United in humanity, then they said in His statement {with the permission of God } that is, with the permission of the word united in humanity, and this shows their contradiction and their slander against the Qur’an; Because God told in the Qur’an that Christ was created from clay in the form of a bird by God’s permission , so he distinguished between Christ and God , and between God being the one who gave permission to Christ , and these people claimed that what he meant by that was that the divinity united with the humanity of Christ is the Creator, and he is the one who gives permission, so they made the Creator the one who gives permission, and this is an interpretation of the Qur’an that contradicts the clear Qur’an.
The fifth aspect : If the divinity is the Creator , then it does not need to give permission to itself, for they say: He is one God, and He is the Creator, so how does He need to give permission to Himself and bestow blessings upon Himself?!
The sixth aspect: The Creator is either the Self connected to speech, or speech which is an attribute of the Self, so if it is speech, then speech is an attribute that is not an Self existing in itself as a Creator , even if it is not united with humanity, and its union with humanity without the described is impossible if union was possible, so how is it possible?!
And if the Creator is the Self described by speech, then that is God, the Creator of everything. The Lord of the worlds, and according to them He is the Father, and according to them Christ is not the Father, so he is not the Creator of everything , and the Qur’an makes clear that it is God who gave permission to Christ to create from clay in the form of a bird , so it is clear that the one who created from clay in the form of a bird is not God , nor is it one of His attributes, so Christ is not God , nor is he an ancient, eternal son of God, but His servant did it with His permission. The seventh aspect: Their saying that he referred to the Creator of the Word of God united in humanity taken from Mary , because thus he said on the tongue of the Prophet David: (By the Word of God the heavens and the earth were created), so it is said to them: This text from David is an argument against you, just as the Torah and the Qur’an and all that is proven from the prophets are an argument against you, for David, peace be upon him, said: (By the Word of God the heavens and the earth were created), and he did not say: The Word of God is the Creator , as you said that he referred to the Word of God by the Creator . The difference between the Creator of the heavens and the earth and the Word by which the heavens were created The earth is a known and apparent matter, like the difference between the able and the powerful. The able is the creator, and He created things with His power, and the power is not the creator... God Almighty creates.
The eighth aspect: The saying of David, peace be upon him: (By the word of God the heavens and the earth were created) agrees with what came in the Qur’an and the Torah, and other books of the prophets, that God says to a thing, “Be,” and it is. This is in the Qur’an in more than one place, and in the Torah God said : (Let it be thus, let it be thus).
The ninth aspect: Their saying: ( Because there is no creator except God and His word and His spirit). If they mean by His word His speech, and by His spirit His life, then these are among the attributes of God , like His knowledge and power, so none of the prophets expressed the life of God as the spirit of God , so whoever interprets the speech of one of the prophets by the word spirit to mean the life of God , then he has lied about him, then it is said: These are His words and His life are among the attributes of God , like His knowledge and power, and then the Creator is God alone and His attributes are included in the name His name does not need to be connected to his name with the waw of association that indicates that God has a partner in his creation, for God has no partner, and for this reason when the Most High said {God is the Creator of all things} everything other than Him was included in his creations, and his attributes such as his knowledge, power, will, and speech were not included, because these are included in the meaning of his name and are not things separate from him. And if they meant by the word of his spirit the Messiah , or something united with the humanity of the Messiah , then the Messiah, peace be upon him, is all created like all the messengers and God alone is the Creator.
The tenth aspect: It is not permissible for David, peace be upon him, to mean the Messiah by the word of God ; Because Christ is , for all people, a name for humanity, and for Christians it is a name for divinity and humanity when they united, and union is an event for them, so before the union there was no humanity or what is called Christ, so it is known that David did not mean by the word of God Christ , but the Christians’ aim is to say: He meant the word in which - that is, Mary - united with the body of Christ , but the one who was created by God’s permission is Christ, as the Qur’an stated in His saying: {Indeed, God gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near to God} [Al Imran 3:45].
So the word that he mentioned, and that it is the one by which the heavens and the earth were created, is not the Christ who was created from clay in the form of a bird by God’s permission .
So their argument is this - that Christ , as the Word of God, The creation of things - on the creative word with His permission, this is a false argument, rather that word by which the heavens and the earth were created did not have humanity with it when it was created by agreement of the nations, and humanity must enter into Christ , so it is known that the word did not mean Christ . See: The Correct Answer (2/287-293).
The first reason: Allah did not mention about the Messiah an absolute creation, nor a general creation, as He mentioned about Himself, the Blessed and Most High, in many verses. As for the Messiah , peace be upon him, He said about him: {And when you created from clay, as it were, the figure of a bird , by My permission }... the verses. And the Messiah said about himself: {I create for you from clay , as it were, the figure of a bird, then I breathe into it , and it becomes a bird by Allah’s permission }... the verses. So he only mentioned the creation of a specific thing with Allah ’s permission , so how can this Creator be that one?!
The second reason: He created from clay in the form of a bird , and what is meant by that is: forming it in the form of a bird , and this creation is something that most people are capable of, for one of them can form from clay in the form of a bird , or animals other than birds , and the miracle is that The soul is breathed into it and it becomes a bird by the permission of Allah the Almighty, and it is not merely created from clay , for this is a common matter.
The third aspect: Allah informed that the Messiah only did the forbidden imagery and the blowing by the permission of Allah the Almighty, and the Messiah, peace be upon him, informed that he did it by the permission of Allah , and Allah informed that this is from the blessings that He bestowed upon the Messiah, peace be upon him, as He the Most High said: {He is only a servant upon whom We bestowed favor and made him an example for the Children of Israel} [Az-Zukhruf: 59].
And the Most High said: {O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Holy Spirit so that you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity, and when I taught you the Book and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel, and when you created from clay , as it were, the figure of a bird, by My permission, and you breathed into it and it became a bird by My permission , and you healed the blind and the leper by My permission, and when you brought forth the dead by My permission } [Al-Ma’idah: 110].
All of this is clear that he is not Allah , but rather he is a servant of Allah who did that by the permission of Allah , just as others did the same. The prophets, and he stated that the one who gives permission is not the one who is given permission, and the teacher is not the one who is taught, and the one who is blessed and his mother is not him, just as he is not his mother.
The fourth aspect: They said: He referred to the Creator as the Word of God. United in humanity, then they said in His statement {with the permission of God } that is, with the permission of the word united in humanity, and this shows their contradiction and their slander against the Qur’an; Because God told in the Qur’an that Christ was created from clay in the form of a bird by God’s permission , so he distinguished between Christ and God , and between God being the one who gave permission to Christ , and these people claimed that what he meant by that was that the divinity united with the humanity of Christ is the Creator, and he is the one who gives permission, so they made the Creator the one who gives permission, and this is an interpretation of the Qur’an that contradicts the clear Qur’an.
The fifth aspect : If the divinity is the Creator , then it does not need to give permission to itself, for they say: He is one God, and He is the Creator, so how does He need to give permission to Himself and bestow blessings upon Himself?!
The sixth aspect: The Creator is either the Self connected to speech, or speech which is an attribute of the Self, so if it is speech, then speech is an attribute that is not an Self existing in itself as a Creator , even if it is not united with humanity, and its union with humanity without the described is impossible if union was possible, so how is it possible?!
And if the Creator is the Self described by speech, then that is God, the Creator of everything. The Lord of the worlds, and according to them He is the Father, and according to them Christ is not the Father, so he is not the Creator of everything , and the Qur’an makes clear that it is God who gave permission to Christ to create from clay in the form of a bird , so it is clear that the one who created from clay in the form of a bird is not God , nor is it one of His attributes, so Christ is not God , nor is he an ancient, eternal son of God, but His servant did it with His permission. The seventh aspect: Their saying that he referred to the Creator of the Word of God united in humanity taken from Mary , because thus he said on the tongue of the Prophet David: (By the Word of God the heavens and the earth were created), so it is said to them: This text from David is an argument against you, just as the Torah and the Qur’an and all that is proven from the prophets are an argument against you, for David, peace be upon him, said: (By the Word of God the heavens and the earth were created), and he did not say: The Word of God is the Creator , as you said that he referred to the Word of God by the Creator . The difference between the Creator of the heavens and the earth and the Word by which the heavens were created The earth is a known and apparent matter, like the difference between the able and the powerful. The able is the creator, and He created things with His power, and the power is not the creator... God Almighty creates.
The eighth aspect: The saying of David, peace be upon him: (By the word of God the heavens and the earth were created) agrees with what came in the Qur’an and the Torah, and other books of the prophets, that God says to a thing, “Be,” and it is. This is in the Qur’an in more than one place, and in the Torah God said : (Let it be thus, let it be thus).
The ninth aspect: Their saying: ( Because there is no creator except God and His word and His spirit). If they mean by His word His speech, and by His spirit His life, then these are among the attributes of God , like His knowledge and power, so none of the prophets expressed the life of God as the spirit of God , so whoever interprets the speech of one of the prophets by the word spirit to mean the life of God , then he has lied about him, then it is said: These are His words and His life are among the attributes of God , like His knowledge and power, and then the Creator is God alone and His attributes are included in the name His name does not need to be connected to his name with the waw of association that indicates that God has a partner in his creation, for God has no partner, and for this reason when the Most High said {God is the Creator of all things} everything other than Him was included in his creations, and his attributes such as his knowledge, power, will, and speech were not included, because these are included in the meaning of his name and are not things separate from him. And if they meant by the word of his spirit the Messiah , or something united with the humanity of the Messiah , then the Messiah, peace be upon him, is all created like all the messengers and God alone is the Creator.
The tenth aspect: It is not permissible for David, peace be upon him, to mean the Messiah by the word of God ; Because Christ is , for all people, a name for humanity, and for Christians it is a name for divinity and humanity when they united, and union is an event for them, so before the union there was no humanity or what is called Christ, so it is known that David did not mean by the word of God Christ , but the Christians’ aim is to say: He meant the word in which - that is, Mary - united with the body of Christ , but the one who was created by God’s permission is Christ, as the Qur’an stated in His saying: {Indeed, God gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near to God} [Al Imran 3:45].
So the word that he mentioned, and that it is the one by which the heavens and the earth were created, is not the Christ who was created from clay in the form of a bird by God’s permission .
So their argument is this - that Christ , as the Word of God, The creation of things - on the creative word with His permission, this is a false argument, rather that word by which the heavens and the earth were created did not have humanity with it when it was created by agreement of the nations, and humanity must enter into Christ , so it is known that the word did not mean Christ . See: The Correct Answer (2/287-293).
Two aspects of refuting the doubt:
Jesus - peace be upon him - was not created from nothing, and his role was limited to blowing, so the clay turned into a bird by God’s permission . Therefore, our master Jesus - peace be upon him - has no merit in this creation that raises him to the status of divinity.
The Gospel indicates that Jesus did not claim divinity, nor did he claim knowledge of the unseen, which is one of the characteristics of divinity. So how can they attribute divinity to him, and their book - despite being distorted - did not attribute it to him?
First. Jesus - peace be upon him - did not create the clay from nothing, but rather breathed into it; He turned into a bird by the permission of Allah :
Jesus - peace be upon him - was not created from nothing, and this type of creation that no one is described with except Allah the Most High was not attributed to him in the Qur’an. This creation, which is the creation from nothing independently, is not for anyone except Allah, and the Noble Qur’an has proven it for Allah - the Almighty - and denied it for anyone else, and challenged that any of the deities that are worshipped besides Allah would create anything like the creation of Allah, so Allah the Almighty said: “This is the creation of Allah, so show me what those other than Him have created” (Luqman: 11), and Allah the Almighty said: “And those they invoke besides Allah do not create anything, and they are themselves created” (20) (An-Nahl), and Allah the Almighty said: “And a messenger to the Children of Israel, [saying], ‘I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I create for you from clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, then I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s permission’” (Al Imran: 49). It is clear from the verses that the transformation of clay into a bird was not by the hand of Jesus - peace be upon him - but rather by the permission of Allah. God, as for the role of Jesus - peace be upon him - it is merely to blow into it so that it becomes a bird with God’s permission, and this is a miracle for him - peace be upon him - that God performed through his hands as He performed the same through some of the prophets of the Children of Israel [1].
Creation for God is making, estimating, and inventing from nothing and without a previous example , while for Jesus it is depicting with an example , as explained by the author of the book “The School of the Prophets” who says: The Prophet of God Jesus, son of Mary - peace be upon him - made a statue from clay in the form of a bird, it was said: in the form of a bat or a bat, then he breathed into it and it became a bird with God’s permission, and in this regard the Holy Qur’an says: “And when you created from clay, as it were, the form of a bird ” (Al-Ma’idah: 110). In this context, the following should be clarified:
It is not understood from attributing creation to Jesus - peace be upon him - that he participated with God in creation, because the meaning of creation is estimating and depicting, and the meaning of “I create for you from clay like the form of a bird” is: I am able, make, and depict like the form of a bird, and creation when attributed to a human being is making and estimating with a previous example, and when attributed to God it is making, estimating, and creating without a previous example.
Accordingly, Jesus made a statue from clay, and clay did not come into existence from nothing , and God is the Creator of clay, which is the material of the bird. Jesus, peace be upon him, made the statue in the form of a bird, so he did not invent its form on his own, and God is the Creator of the form and image. Jesus, peace be upon him, only did that with the permission of God, who taught him the craft, and without the divine permission he would not have been able to do that. The breath that he, peace be upon him, breathed into the clay, transforming it into a bird, was with the permission of God, and this means that the whole matter depends on the permission of God, the Creator and Giver of the soul [2].
The word: (by the permission of Allah) came from the words of Jesus - peace be upon him - and on his tongue, so this is an admission from him that this is not his doing, but by the permission of Allah, and that he is a human being and a servant of Allah who does what Allah permits him to do, and it is as if he - peace be upon him - wanted to say to his people: If you are tempted by this, then you should have been tempted by Abraham - peace be upon him - all the more, when he cut the birds and placed a part of them on every mountain and then called him.
With this statement it becomes clear to us that the miracles of the Lord Christ - peace be upon him - and the Qur’an mentioned some of them, are like all the miracles of the prophets, they do not indicate his divinity, but rather indicate the truth of his prophethood and humanity - peace be upon him.
Secondly, the Gospel indicates that Jesus did not claim divinity, and did not claim knowledge of the unseen, which is one of the characteristics of divinity:
The Gospel indicates that Jesus - peace be upon him - did not claim divinity, and did not claim knowledge of the unseen, so he did not know the time of the Hour: “But of that Day and that Hour no one knows, not even the angels who are in heaven, nor the Son, except that he knows the truth of his prophethood and his humanity.” Father .” (Mark 13:32), and also when he asked him to revive Martha’s brother, his sister Mary went with him to the cemetery, and there he asked her: “Where have you laid him?” (John 11:34), and also he did not know the duration of the madman’s illness, so he asked his father: “ How long has this been happening to him ?” And he said, “From his youth.” (Mark 9:21), and likewise he and his companions came to the fig tree to obtain from it what would satisfy their hunger, but they found nothing on it: “And he saw a fig tree by the wayside, and came to it, and found nothing on it but leaves only .” (Matthew 21:19), and he also showed that he was the Messenger of God, when he said: “I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who sent me.” (John 5:30), and Martha also testified to him that he was the Prophet of God and his beloved: “But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give it to you.” (John 11:22), and he called on God during his ordeal, saying: “ Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me ; nevertheless not as I will, but as you are willing .” (Matthew 26:39), and he was known among his people as a prophet: “And he said to them, ‘What is this communication that you have to one another as you walk, and are sad?’” Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered and said to him, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem, and have you not known the things that have happened there in these days?” And he said to them, “What are they?” And they said, “Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people.” (Luke 24:17-19), and Mary Magdalene also called him, saying, “Rabboni” (which means, Teacher) (John 20:16), and the rabbis are the teachers in the temple from the lineage of Levi, and these are not attributes of God, but rather attributes of the creature who communes with his Lord.
Jesus - peace be upon him - did not create the clay from which he created the bird, and he did not create the bird, and all his role was to breathe into this bird so that it became a bird by the permission of God Almighty.
The meaning of creation attributed to Jesus - peace be upon him - is estimation and depiction, according to a previous example , while creation for God is making, estimation and innovation without a previous example, so it is creation from nothing; because God is the Creator of the clay which is the material of the birdThe role of Jesus - peace be upon him - is to form this clay into the shape of a bird, then blow into it and it turns into a bird with the permission of God Almighty. This means that the matter is subject to the permission of God Almighty. With this statement, it becomes clear to every rational person that this is a miracle of Jesus - peace be upon him - that God performed through his hands, just as God Almighty performed through the hands of Abraham - peace be upon him - in support of him and confirmation of his prophethood, as he is the servant and messenger of God.
They claimed: The Lord of the Worlds creates, and there are those who create like Him, such as Christ and others... but He is better than them in creation... so is creation one of the attributes of God alone or of someone else..?
They related this to what came in the following:
1- His saying: So blessed be Allah, the best of creators (14) (Al-Mu’minun)
2- His saying: Do you call upon Baal and forsake the best of creators (125 (Al-Saffat)
The response to the doubt
First: The reality of creation is of two types:
The first: absolute creation, and the second: restricted creation.
The latter: It is as Moses created a snake from a stick, and Christ created a bird from clay...
And this creation is with His permission: And when you created from clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My permission.
And He said: And a messenger to the Children of Israel, “Indeed, I have come to you with a sign from Your Lord, indeed I create for you from clay [that which is] like the figure of a bird, then I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah
. (48) (Al Imran Nun) So the meaning of restricted creation is: that the creature does not create anything except by permission of Allah, and this is clear to us from the previous verses... Therefore Allah says about Himself: So blessed be Allah, the best of creators.
Then there is true creation, and false creation; Allah the Most High says about the latter: And you invent a lie (17) (Al Ankabut).
So the reality of true creation is creation from nothingness. So Christ did not create water or clay from nothingness; rather, he transformed a bird from clay... just as Moses transformed a snake from wood - by permission of Allah -...
It is said in the Arabic language: This carpenter created from Wood is a door, meaning he made a door out of wood...
The question remains: Can a carpenter create a stick from arak (siwak)?
Answer: No, and the meaning of creation here remains the making, which is the transformation of matter from one form to another... Therefore, the Almighty says about Himself: So blessed be Allah, the best of creators
. Secondly: The miracle of creation for Christ is one of the blessings of Allah upon him... The Almighty says: When Allah said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Holy Spirit, so you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity, and when I taught you the Book and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel, and when you created from clay, as it were, the form of a man.” The bird, by My permission, then you breathe into it, and it becomes a bird, by My permission. And you heal the blind and the leper, by My permission. And when you bring forth the dead, by My permission. And when I held back the Children of Israel from you, when you came to them with clear proofs. But those who disbelieved among them said, “This is not but obvious magic.” (110) (Al-Ma’idah).
This is what the Gospels mention, that Christ performed a miracle, before which he called upon God, and after which he praised Him, the Most High, for it, so he always mentioned God’s grace upon him... The evidence for what came before is as follows:
1- The Gospel of John, Chapter 11, Verse 41 Then they took away the stone where the dead man had been laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 And I knew that you always hear me, but I said it for the sake of the crowd standing by, that they may believe that you sent me.”
2- Matthew 11:27 All things have been delivered to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. 3-
John 5:30 I can of myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will, but the will of the Father who sent me.
Therefore, through the above, the reader will understand the reality of creation, and that God Almighty is unique in true creation, which is creation from nothingness...
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