: Angels protest to God, then drink alcohol, get drunk, kill, and commit adultery


203041 - When Adam was sent down to the earth, the angels said, "O my Lord, will You place therein one who will cause corruption therein and shed blood, while we glorify You with praise and sanctify You?" He said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know." They said, "Our Lord, we are more obedient to You than the children of Adam." God said to His angels, "Bring two angels from among the angels so that we may see how they act." They said, "Our Lord, Harut and Marut." He said, "Then descend to the earth." Then Venus appeared to them, a woman from the best of mankind. They came to her and asked her about herself. She said, "No, by God, until you utter this word of polytheism." They said, "By God, we will never associate partners with God." So she went away from them and returned to them carrying a child. She said, "No, by God, until you kill this child." They said, "By God, we will never kill him." She went away and returned carrying a cup of wine. They asked her about herself. She said, "No, by God, until you drink this wine." So they drank and became drunk and fell upon her and killed the child. When they regained consciousness, the woman said, "By God, you did not leave anything that you refused to do to me except that you did it when you were drunk. So, it is better with God." That is between the torment of this world and the Hereafter, so they chose the torment of this world.

Narrator: Abdullah bin Omar
- Summary of the degree: [In it] Zuhair bin Muhammad. It has been said that the correct one is to stop it with Ka’b
- Narrator: Al-Mundhiri
- Source: Al-Targhīb wa Al-Tarḥīb
- Page or number: 3/252

71764 - When God sent Adam, peace be upon him, down to earth, the angels said, “O Lord, will You place therein one who will cause corruption therein and shed blood, while we glorify You with praise and sanctify You?” He said, “Indeed, I know that which you do not know.” They said, “Our Lord, we are more obedient to You than the children of Adam.” God Almighty said to the angels, “Bring two angels from the angels so that We may send them down to earth and see how they act.” They said, “By our Lord, Harut and Marut.” So they descended to earth, and Al-Zahra, a woman from the most beautiful of mankind, appeared to them. She came to them and they asked her about herself, and she said, “No, by God, until you utter this word of polytheism.” They said, “By God, we will never associate anything with God.” So she went away from them and then returned carrying a child. They asked her about herself, and she said, “No, by God, until you kill this child.” They said, “No, by God.” We will never kill him. Then she went and came back carrying a cup of wine. They asked her about herself and she said, “No, by God, until you drink this wine.” So they drank and became drunk. They fell on her and killed the boy. When they regained consciousness, the woman said, “By God, you did not leave anything that you refused to do to me except that you did it when you were drunk. So they were given the choice between the punishment of this world and the punishment of the Hereafter, and he chose the punishment of this world.”

Narrator: Abdullah bin Omar
- Summary of the degree: Strange from this aspect
- Narrator: Ibn Kathir
- Source: Interpretation of the Qur’an
- Page or number: 1/198


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